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The α and β isomers of spiro-3-oxiranyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol were tested as possible inhibitors of Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase of Pseudomonastestosteroni. The β-oxirane causes a first-order irreversible inactivation of the enzyme and shows saturation kinetics (KI, 17 μM). Protection against inactivation is exhibited by 19-nortestosterone, a competitive inhibitor of the isomerase. Although the α-oxirane was found to be a good reversible inhibitor (Ki, 21 μM), prolonged incubation with it failed to produce any inactivation of the isomerase. The results obtained are consistent with the presence of a nucleophilic group situated near the 3-keto group of the substrate in the enzyme-steroid complex.  相似文献   

A mathematical treatment for the general case of enzyme inactivation by an inhibitor that breaks down in solution in a first-order reaction is presented. Cathepsin D was inactivated by fluorescein isothiocyanate with a K(i) of 4.47mum. Kinetic constants were also determined for the inactivation of cathepsin D by 1,1-bis(diazoacetyl)-2-phenylethane, and the inactivation of pepsin C by diazoacetyl-dl-norleucine methyl ester.  相似文献   

[Leu2, Leu3, D-Ala6]-LHRH is an analog of pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2 (LHRH) and inhibits the release of LH and FSH induced by LHRH. This analog and inhibitor has been modified with the objective of developing an active-site-directed irreversible inhibitor. The modification consisted of replacing < Glu1 with Chl1 which is the moiety of chlorambucil (a nitrogen mustard). The Chl analog inhibited the release of LH and FSH by LHRH after addition prior to LHRH and after three changes of the incubation medium; in contrast, [Leu2, Leu3, D-Ala6]-LHRH and [des-His2]-LHRH only inhibit release when added together with LHRH. The Chl analog released LH and FSH but not TSH or GH, indicating that its agonist and antagonist activities could be specific at the receptor site for LHRH.  相似文献   

Y H Wong  F B Winer  P A Frey 《Biochemistry》1979,18(24):5332-5336
The synthesis of p-(bromoacetamido)phenyl uridyl pyrophosphate (BUP) is described. This compound is an active-site-directed irreversible inhibitor of Escherichia coli UDP-galactose 4-epimerase. The inactivation follows pseudo-first-order kinetics at pH 8.5 in nonnucleophilic buffers, and a saturation effect is seen in the pseudo-first-order rate constant as the concentration of BUP is increased. The half-saturation parameter for BUP in the inactivation is 0.21 +/- 0.02 mM, which compares favorably with the inhibition constant of 0.3 +/- 0.05 mM for BUP acting as a competitive reversible inhibitor of the enzyme. The inactivation rate is slow, however, with a minimum half-time of 12 h at pH 8.5 and 27 degrees C. Both specific alkylation and nonspecific alkylation by BUP occur, but nonspecific alkylation is faster than the inactivation and the rate of inactivation correlates well with the rate of covalent incorporation of one molecule of [14C]BUP at the active site.  相似文献   

The reaction of the active-site-directed irreversible inhibitor (17S)-spiro[estra-1,3,5(10),6,8-pentaene-17,2'-oxiran]-3-ol (5 beta) with 3-oxo-delta 5-steroid isomerase has been monitored by repetitive scanning ultraviolet spectroscopy of a solution of 5 beta plus isomerase against a blank containing only 5 beta. Upon initial mixing of 5 beta with the isomerase an absorbance maximum at ca. 250 nm appears. With time, this peak decreases and is replaced with a new peak near 280 nm. These results directly demonstrate the existence of a transient enzyme-steroid intermediate in the inactivation reaction. The ultraviolet spectrum suggests that the steroid in the transient complex resembles the ionized phenol, while the phenolic group in the irreversibly bound complex is un-ionized. These spectral studies support our previous proposal that there are two enzyme-steroid complexes that are related by a 180 degree rotation about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the steroid nucleus. This hypothesis offers an explanation for the reaction of 17 beta-oxiranes with the same residue (Asp-38) that is thought to be involved in the catalytic mechanism. Two new oxiranes, (17S)-spiro[estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-17,2'-oxiran]-3 beta-ol (6 beta) and (17S)-spiro[5 alpha-androstane-17,2'-oxiran]-3-one (8 beta), were also found to be potent active-site-directed irreversible inhibitors of the isomerase (k3/KI = 31 M-1 s-1 and 340 M-1 s-1, respectively). The relationship of these results to the nature of the active site of the isomerase is discussed.  相似文献   

The half-time method for the determination of Michaelis parameters from enzyme progress-curve data (Wharton, C.W. and Szawelski, R.J. (1982) Biochem. J. 203, 351-360) has been adapted for analysis of the kinetics of irreversible enzyme inhibition by an unstable site-specific inhibitor. The method is applicable to a model in which a product (R) of the decomposition of the site-specific reagent, retaining the chemical moiety responsible for inhibitor specificity, binds reversibly to the enzyme with dissociation constant Kr: (formula; see text). Half-time plots of simulated enzyme inactivation time-course data are shown to be unbiased, and excellent estimates of the apparent second-order rate constant for inactivation (k +2/Ki) and Kr can be obtained from a series of experiments with varying initial concentrations of inhibitor. Reliable estimates of k +2 and Ki individually are dependent upon the relative magnitudes of the kinetic parameters describing inactivation. The special case, Kr = Ki, is considered in some detail, and the integrated rate equation describing enzyme inactivation shown to be analogous to that for a simple bimolecular reaction between enzyme and an unstable irreversible inhibitor without the formation of a reversible enzyme-inhibitor complex. The half-time method can be directly extended to the kinetics of enzyme inactivation by an unstable mechanism-based (suicide) inhibitor, provided that the inhibitor is not also a substrate for the enzyme.  相似文献   

The first silanediol inhibitor of thermolysin is reported, prepared by analogy with the Grobelny/Bartlett phosphinate inhibitor. A Cbz group on nitrogen proved to be unstable to the triflic acid mediated silanediol deprotection and was replaced with a dihydrocinnamoyl group. The silanediol was prepared in high purity by hydrolysis of a difluorosilane intermediate and proved to be an effective inhibitor, differing from the phosphinate by a factor of 4 (Ki=41 nM).  相似文献   

Y H Wong  P A Frey 《Biochemistry》1979,18(24):5337-5341
When UDP-galactose 4-epimerase is inactivated by p-(bromoacetamido)phenyl uridyl pyrophosphate (BUP), the diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN) associated with this enzyme as a tightly bound coenzyme cannot be reduced by substrates or by UMP-activated reduction by glucose. Upon acid denaturation of the inactivated enzyme, the DPN released corresponded to 15-30% of that released from the native enzyme. When the enzyme is inactivated by [14C]BUP, about 80% of the radioactivity bound at the active site is released from the protein upon acid denaturation. When epimerase-[3H]DPN is inactivated with [14C]BUP, the 3H and 14C released from the protein upon denaturation of the complex cochromatograph on DEAE-Sephadex. Experiments with [nicotinamide-4-3H]DPN and [adenine-2,8-3H]DPN show that it is the adenine ring that is alkylated. The data suggest that the adenine ring of DPN in epimerase-DPN may be oriented near the glycosyl-binding subsite of this enzyme. Since the nicotinamide ring must also be near this site, it appears that the DPN may not be in an extended conformation when it is bound at the active site of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase from Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Conduritol B epoxide is an active-site-directed inhibitor of some glucosidases. The inactivation of alpha-glucosidase (alpha-D-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC from Monascus ruber by conduritol B epoxide is irreversible and first-order with respect to time and inhibitor concentration. The inactivation is prevented by the presence of the substrate maltose. The pH-dependence of Vmax for maltose indicated the participation of two dissociating groups with pK values of 4.1 and 5.8 in the enzyme-substrate complex. Modification of the alpha-glucosidase with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride led to loss of activity, which suggests that a carboxyl group(s) is located at the active site of alpha-glucosidase.  相似文献   

A differential scanning calorimetry study of the thermal denaturation of Bacillus thermoproteolyticus rokko thermolysin was carried out. The calorimetric traces were found to be irreversible and highly scan-rate dependent. The shape of the thermograms, as well as their scan-rate dependence, can be explained by assuming that the thermal denaturation takes place according to the kinetic scheme N k----D, where k is a first-order kinetic constant that changes with temperature, as given by the Arrhenius equation, N the native state, and D the unfolded state or, more probably, a final state, irreversibly arrived at from the unfolded one. On the basis of this model, the value of the rate constant as a function of temperature and the activation energy have been calculated. It is shown that the proposed model may be considered as being one particular case of that proposed by Lumry and Eyring [Lumry, R., & Eyring, H. (1954) J. Phys. Chem. 58, 110] N in equilibrium D----I, where N is the native state, D the unfolded one, and I a final state, irreversibly arrived at from D. Lastly, some comments are made on the use of the scan-rate effect on the calorimetric traces as an equilibrium criterion in differential scanning calorimetry.  相似文献   

The recovery of the acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity after the irreversible inhibition with an organophosphorus inhibitor B-156 was studied in a developing monolayer culture of chick myoblasts. The culture was obtained from muscles of posterior limbs of the 11 day old chick embryos. The AChE activity was estimated by the modified Ellman method from the moment of inoculation to the stage of spontaneous contractions of muscle fibres. After the B-156 treatment the AChE activity of muscle cells decreased, then started to increase and the maximum recovery of activity, below the initial level, was attained within roughly 2 days after the treatment. The AChE activity in the treated culture somewhat decreased thereafter. The lower the inhibitor concentration, i.e. the lower the value of the initial AChE inhibition, the higher the starting rate and degree of recovery of the AChE activity. The results obtained suggest that, unlike the multilayer culture of muscle tissue at later stages of differentiation no compensatory enhancement of AChE biosynthesis after irreversible inhibition of this enzyme by an organophosphorus inhibitor is observed in the monolayer culture of chick myoblasts at the early stages of myogenesis.  相似文献   

The reaction of a novel active-site-directed phospholipase A1 inhibitor with the outer-membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA) was investigated. The inhibitor 1-p-nitrophenyl-octylphosphonate-2-tridecylcarbamoyl-3-et hanesulfonyl -amino-3-deoxy-sn-glycerol irreversibly inactivated OMPLA. The inhibition reaction did not require the cofactor calcium or an unprotonated active-site His142. The inhibition of the enzyme solubilized in hexadecylphosphocholine micelles was characterized by a rapid (t1/2 = 20 min) and complete loss of enzymatic activity, concurrent with the covalent modification of 50% of the active-site serines, as judged from the amount of p-nitrophenolate (PNP) released. Modification of the remaining 50% occurred at a much lower rate, indicative of half-of-the-sites reactivity against the inhibitor of this dimeric enzyme. Inhibition of monomeric OMPLA solubilized in hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-1-ammonio-3-propanesulfonate resulted in an equimolar monophasic release of PNP, concurrent with the loss of enzymatic activity (t1/2 = 14 min). The half-of-the-sites reactivity is discussed in view of the dimeric nature of this enzyme.  相似文献   

1. Chloroacetone (I) was shown to be an active-site-directed inhibitor of the aliphatic amidase (EC from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAC142.2. This inhibitor reacted with the enzyme in two stages: the first involving the reversible formation of an enzymically inactive species, EI, and the second the formation of a species, EX, from which enzymic activity could not be recovered. 3. Different types of kinetic experiment were conducted to test conformity of the reaction to the scheme: E + I k+1 Equilibrium k-1 EI Leads to K+2 EX A computer-based analysis of the results was carried out and values of the individual rate constants were determined. 4. No direct evidence for a binding step before the formation of EI could be obtained, as with [E]0 Less Than [I]0 the observed first-order rate constant for the formation of EI was directly proportional to the concentration of chloroacetone up to 1.2 mM (above this concentration the reaction became too rapid to follow even by the stopped-flow method developed to investigate fast inhibition). 5. The value of k+1 exhibited a bell-shaped pH-dependency with a maximum value of about 3 X 10(3) M-1. S-1 at pH6 and apparent pKa values of 7.8 and about 4.8.6. The values of k-1 and K+2 were similar and changed with the time of reaction from values of about 3 X 10(-3) S-1 (pH8.6) at short times to about one-sixth this value for longer periods of incubation. In this respect the simple reaction scheme is insufficient to describe the inhibition process. 7. The overall inhibition reaction is rapid, whether it is considered in relation to the expected chemical reactivity of chloroacetone, the rate of reaction of other enzymes with substrate analogues containing the chloromethyl group, or the rate of the amidase-catalysed hydrolysis of N-methylacetamide, a substrate that is nearly isosteric with chloroacetone. 8. Acetamide protected the amidase from inhibition by chloroacetone, and the concentration-dependence of the protection gave a value of an apparent dissociation constant similar to the Km value for this substrate. 9. Addition of acetamide to solutions of the species EI led to a slow recovery of activity. Recovery of active enzyme was also observed after dilution of a solution of EI in the absence of substrate. 10. The species EI is considered not to be a simple adsorption complex, and the possibilities are discussed that it may be a tetrahedral carbonyl adduct, a Schiff base (azomethine) or a complex in which the enzyme has undergone a structural change. The species EX is probably a derivative in which there is a covalent bond between a group in the enzyme and the C-1 atom of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Juers DH  Kim J  Matthews BW  Sieburth SM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(50):16524-16528
Dialkylsilanediols have been found to be an effective functional group for the design of active-site-directed protease inhibitors, including aspartic (HIV protease) and metallo (ACE and thermolysin) proteases. The use of silanediols is predicated on its resemblance to the hydrated carbonyl transition-state structure of amide hydrolysis. This concept has been tested by replacing the presumed tetrahedral carbon of a thermolysin substrate with a silanediol group, resulting in an inhibitor with an inhibition constant K(i) = 40 nM. The structure of the silanediol bound to the active site of thermolysin was found to have a conformation very similar to that of a corresponding phosphonamidate inhibitor (K(i) = 10 nM). In both cases, a single oxygen is within bonding distance to the active-site zinc ion, mimicking the presumed tetrahedral transition state. There are binding differences that appear to be related to the presence or absence of protons on the oxygens attached to the silicon or phosphorus. This is the first crystal structure of an organosilane bound to the active site of a protease.  相似文献   

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