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Summary Five species of small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana showed a die periodicity in catches, and were strongly attracted to light. As these forms occur typically in rivers, their school formation and migratory movements were investigated, and their purposes are discussed. It appears that a diel vertical movement occurs so that the fish can exploit a feeding ground at its richest moments, and at times when they are least conspicuous to predators. The school is the normal method of migrating, as it confers protection against predators. Once the fish cease to move, however, the school loses its coherence and its individuals disperse.Indirect evidence is also presented that in three species a longitudinal upstream migration may occur, probably to breed after the rains, and in two others, there may be a lateral movement into prevailing winds.Resume Dans le nouveau Lac Volta au Ghana, cinq espèces de petits poissons pélagiques montraient un periodicité quotidien dans les échantillons, et un phototropisme positive fort. Comme ces espèces se trouvent typiquement aux fleuves, les buts de comportement en banc et des movemments migratrices étaient étudiés. Il paraît que les poissons font un migration vertical diel pour exploiter leurs terrains de nourriture aux moments les plus riches, et quand ils sont les moins remarquables aux prédateurs. En banc, c'est le façon normale de migration, car il protège contre les carnassiers. Quand les poissons cessent leur migration, le banc perd son cohésion, et les poissons individuels dispersent.En trois espèces étudiées ici, l'évidence indirecte indique qu'ils font un migration en remontant le courant, probablement pour réproduire après les pluies, et dans les deux autres, un mouvement lateral au vent regnant.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns of five species, from three families, of small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana showed several similar features. These included sex size defferences, males maturing and reaching final sizes smaller than females; heterogenous sex ratios in four species, being most markedly unequal usually at peak breeding times; demersal eggs; and extended fractional spawning patterns. The clupeids Pellonula and Cynothrissa and the cyprinid Barilius all breed in the dry season, whereas the schilbeids Physailia and Siluranodon are wet-season spawners. Only Pellonula and Physailia have extended their breeding season in the new lake to cover most of the year; the other species have not, although Siluranodon spawns into the early dry season. In the lake environment Pellonula's pelagic larva is no longer endangered by seasonal floods, whereas Physailia can use the lake's continuous “high waters” for extended breeding. Relaxation of breeding patterns and protracted fractional spawning has allowed best exploitation of the new regime.  相似文献   

Hydrobiology of Lake Volta,Ghana   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
A. B. Viner 《Hydrobiologia》1970,35(2):230-248
Summary An account is given of some biological features associated with the hydrological and morphological characteristics of Lake Volta which have already been described (Viner, 1970).Evidence is given that the thermocline in the main body of the Lake provides a barrier to both phytoplankton and zooplankton.The blue-green algae tended to dominate the phytoplankton population increasingly towards the extremities of the Lake arms where the water column was both shallower and more sheltered from turbulence by wind.Primary productivity assessments, made by measurements of oxygen evolution in light/dark bottles, showed variation with locality, being greater in the shallower and sheltered parts of the limbs than in the deeper, more turbulence effected main body of the Lake. When converted to carbon equivalents these values ranged from 0.8 to 5.2 grams of carbon/m2/day.
Résumé Ce mémoire est un exposé de quelques particularités biologiques associés avec les caractéristiques hydrologiques et morphologiques du Lac Volta déjà décrites (Viner, 1970).Il paraît que le thermocline au centre du lac sert de barrière contre le phytoplankton et le zooplankton.Les algues bleues avaient tendence à dominer la population de phytoplankton vers les extrémités de bras du lac, où la colonne d'eau était et moins profonde et plus arbritée contre la turbulence par le vent.La productivité primaire, tirée de mesures de l'évolution d'oxygène en boteilles illuminées ou en obscurité, parut varier selon la localité. Elle était plus grande dans les parties moins profondes et plus abritées des bras du lac que dans le centre du lac plus profond et plus atteint par la turbulence. Converties en équivalents de carbone, ces valeurs varierent de 0.8 à 5.2 g.C/m2/jour.

Thermal stability and phytoplankton in Volta Lake,Ghana   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
S. Biswas 《Hydrobiologia》1977,56(3):195-198
The correlation between the thermal stability and phytoplankton was positive during the flood season when the transparency of water was the determining factor. On the other hand the correlation was negative during the dry season when the nutrient condition was the determining factor. The correlation was of no significance when these two contrasting seasonal phases were disregarded.  相似文献   

T. Petr 《Hydrobiologia》1970,35(3-4):449-468
Summary A list of chironomid species is provided for the Volta Lake in Ghana, a man-made lake in tropical West Africa which started to fill in 1964. Insects were attracted to lights on the research vessel Tilapia at six different stations from 1966 to 1968. From the 25,128 specimens collected, 45 species were identified. 21 species are recorded for the first time in Ghana. The most abundant species are: Nilodorum fractilobus, Chironomus formosipennis and Nilodorum brevibucca. The larger number of species occurring in the transitional river-lake zone, compared with the Lake itself, is discussed in relation to the changes in the environment during each year as a result of the alternating dry and rainy seasons.  相似文献   

The effects of cage fish farming on physico-chemical and bacteriological water quality in Lake Volta, Ghana, were investigated in 2013–2014. Farmed and unfarmed (control) areas of the lake were selected for monitoring. Nutrients, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, pH, total coliforms, Pseudomonas and Vibrio spp. in the water were monitored monthly. Analyses of the water samples were carried out according to standard procedures. Physico-chemical quality of the water in both farm and control sites were within ranges typical of minimally impacted water and did not vary significantly between the two contrasting sites. The bacteriological analysis, however, revealed contamination of the lake water by fish farming. The bacterial counts at the farmed sites were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of the control sites, with figures at the farmed sites ranging from 132 to 1 708 cfu 100 ml?1 for total coliforms, 514 to 5 170 cfu 100 ml?1 Pseudomonas spp. and 14 to 516 cfu 100 ml?1 for Vibrio spp. The results suggested that cage fish farming has increased bacterial loads in the lake water, but has had minimal impact on its physico-chemical quality.  相似文献   

Fish species assemblage and selected environmental variables were monitored in Lake Volta from September 2014 to August 2016 to determine seasonal variability in species composition, catch and environmental variables that determine the structure of the fish community. A total of 1,557 individual fish belonging to 41 species, 25 genera and 13 families were recorded. The important fish species with respect to frequency of occurrence, abundance and weight, respectively, were as follows: Chrysichthys (100%; 43.03%; 17.93%), tilapias (100%; 28.97%; 17.86%), Alestes (100%; 14.13%; 32.10%) and Bagrus (91.67%; 5.65%; 12.80%) in that order. The composition of fish species and their temporal variation in experimental catches were similar to that of commercial catches. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in species abundance, weight and diversity indices between the dry and wet seasons. The modal class of length frequency distribution of the dominant species in the catch, Chrysichthys, reduced from 125 mm in 2006 to 95 mm in the current study indicating overfishing. Environmental variables considered showed little variation and within optimal ranges for fish survival and did not differ significantly between seasons. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that environmental variables explained 43.30% of the variation in species abundance with Lake water level, nitrite‐nitrogen and total dissolved solids being the main environmental factors influencing the structure of the fish community.  相似文献   

S. Biswas 《Hydrobiologia》1972,39(2):277-288
Summary Regular limnological observations at the lower reaches of the Volta Lake revealed significant changes in the transparency, colour, total iron and dissolved oxygen from 1965 to 1966 but not from 1966 to 1967. These factors also showed correlations of such a significance that many of them could be estimated from a simple measurement of the transparency alone. The density of phytoplankton did not change significantly either from 1965 to 1966 or from 1966 to 1967. The chief constituents, however, passed through a series of changes from a green alga (Actinastrum) in early 1965, through the flagellates (Crytomonas and Peridinium) during 1965–1966, to the diatoms (Nitzschia and Synedra) during 1966–1967. The density of phytoplankton correlated significantly only with the dissolved oxygen from which it could be roughly estimated.
Résumé Les observations limnologiques régulières dans la partie Sud du Lac Volta révélaient des changements significatifs dans la transparence, la couleur, la quantité totale de fer et l'oxygène dissout pour la période de 1965 à 1966 mais rien de semblable pour celle de 1966 à 1967. Ces facteurs montraient aussi des corrélations si significatives que beaucoup d'entre eux pouvait être estimé à partie de la simple mensuration de la seule transparence. La densité de phytoplancton ne changeait pas de manière significative que ce soit de 1965 à 1966 ou de 1966 à 1967. Toutefois, les principaux constituants passaient par une série de changements allant des algues vertes (Actinatrum) au début de 1965, aux flagellates (Cryptomonas et Peridinium) de 1965 à 1966 puis aux diatomées (Nitzschia et Synedra) de 1966 à 1967. La densité de phytoplancton presentait une corrélation significative uniquement avec l'oxygène dissout duquel il pouvait être grossièrement estimé.

Ventricle weights of the warm-bodied great white shark, Atlantic shortfin mako, and the common thresher shark (the latter presumed to be warm-bodied) are similar to those of ectothermic blue sharks, sandbar sharks, dusky sharks, tiger sharks and scalloped hammerhead sharks. Ventricle muscularity, as estimated by the ratio of cortical to spongy layer thickness, is almost twice as great in the former three species than in the latter elasmobranchs. Measurements of ventricular volumes suggest that the ventricles of the great white, Atlantic shortfin mako and common thresher sharks are better adapted to respond to demands for increases in cardiac output via increased heartbeat frequency in comparison with ectothermic species of shark.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to the littoral and pelagic zones in two cichlid haplochromine fish species from Lake Kivu was investigated using morphometrics. Cranial variation and inferred jaw mechanics in both sexes of the two species across the two habitat types were quantified and compared. Comparisons of littoral versus pelagic populations revealed habitat‐specific differences in the shape of the feeding apparatus. Also, kinematic transmission of the anterior jaw four‐bar linkage that promotes greater jaw protrusion was higher in the pelagic zone than in the littoral zone for both species. Inferred bite force was likewise higher in pelagic zone fish. There were also sex‐specific differences in craniofacial morphology as males exhibited longer heads than females in both habitats. As has been described for other cichlids in the East African Great Lakes, local adaptation to trophic resources in the littoral and pelagic habitats characterizes these two Lake Kivu cichlids. Similar studies involving other types of the Lake Kivu fishes are recommended to test the evidence of the observed trophic patterns and their genetic basis of divergences.  相似文献   

The bottom fauna of the rapids of the Black Volta River in Ghana   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
T. Petr 《Hydrobiologia》1970,36(3-4):399-418
Summary The increase in abundance and biomass of the bottom fauna in the Black Volta River rapids seems to be closely related to increasing rate of water flow. These differences are due mainly to the increasing numbers of Cheumatopsyche larvae, a web spinning caddisfly. At higher current speeds more food is provided for this omnivorous species, and this seems to determine its density on the substratum. In a very slow current which prevents the use of webs for food catching, this genus is absent.The abundance and standing crop of bottom fauna at the end of dry season can be considered as the highest for the whole year. The presence of several instars of the commonest species guarantees almost continuous emergence and recolonization of the substratum during the dry season. With the onset of heavy rains and floods the communities found in the rapids are disturbed, and eventually completely destroyed. This is because the substrate is carried away by the swift flow of the river. Recolonization can be expected after the rains when the water level is low and the substratum again stabilized.The fauna of rapids is a community which can be expected to be almost completely destroyed when it becomes permanently flooded in any man-made lake. Some organisms, however, such as the larvae of Ecnomus and Cricotopus may establish themselves again in a habitat physically and chemically akin to that of rapids; such a habitat is for example the bark of flooded trees exposed to wave action and surrounded by water well saturated with oxygen.  相似文献   

T. Petr 《Hydrobiologia》1970,36(3-4):373-398
Summary The species composition of periphytic macroinvertebrates on and in flooded trees differs at different localities on the Volta Lake. The main differences concern chironomid and trichopteran larvae. The reasons for this lie in the different exposure of trees to wave action, in the availability of soft wood and bark as a substrate, and in the distance of trees off-shore. All these factors determine the intensity of growth of the periphytic algae. The growth of the periphytic fauna will also be influenced by the density of phytoplankton on which it feeds. Other factors, such as oxygen concentration and the turbidity of the water, are also likely to affect the productivity of the whole community.The abundance of Povilla nymphs, the most common organism in trees, seems to depend on the type of the substrate. The bark of trees is exploited more than the wood, and trees with harder wood are less attacked than those with soft wood. Macroscopically, the male nymphs can be distinguished from female nymphs from a length of 6.0 mm, and they start to emerge when 9.0 mm long. Females emerge from 14.0 mm length. Nymphs tend to be heavier in dense populations. The difference in the weight of nymphs may be due to differences in availability of food.Nymphs of Povilla were found to feed both on solitary and attached periphytic algae, together with detritus and planktonic algae. Because of the great abundance of Povilla the nymphs of this species are of great importance in the conversion of algae into animal protein, being themselves heavily exploited by fish.No lunar periodicity, such as occurs on Lake Victoria, was found, and Povilla in the Volta Lake seems to emerge continuously.  相似文献   

The interactions among diet, ecology, physiology, and biochemistry affect N and C stable isotope signatures in animal tissues. Here, we examined if ecological segregation among animals in relation to sex and age existed by analyzing the signatures of δ(15)N and δ(13)C in the muscle of Western Mediterranean striped dolphins. Moreover, we used a Bayesian mixing model to study diet composition and investigated potential dietary changes over the last two decades in this population. For this, we compared isotope signatures in samples of stranded dolphins obtained during two epizootic events occurring in 1990 and 2007-2008. Mean δ(13)C values for females and males were not significantly different, but age-related variation indicated δ(13)C enrichment in both sexes, suggesting that females and males most likely fed in the same general areas, increasing their consumption of benthic prey with age. Enrichment of δ(15)N was only observed in females, suggesting a preference for larger or higher trophic level prey than males, which could reflect different nutritional requirements. δ(13)C values showed no temporal variation, although the mean δ(15)N signature decreased from 1990 to 2007-2008, which could indicate a dietary shift in the striped dolphin over the last two decades. The results of SIAR indicated that in 1990, hake and sardine together contributed to 60% on the diet of immature striped dolphins, and close to 90% for mature striped dolphins. Conversely, the diet of both groups in 2007-2008 was more diverse, as hake and sardine contributed to less than 40% of the entire diet. These results suggest a dietary change that was possibly related to changes in food availability, which is consistent with the depletion of sardine stocks by fishing.  相似文献   

S. Xie  Y. Cui    T. Zhang  Z. Li 《Journal of fish biology》2000,57(4):867-880
Feeding ecology of three small fish species, Hypseleotris swinhonis, Ctenogobius giurinus and Pseudorasbora parva was studied seasonally in the Biandantang Lake, a small, shallow lake in central China. Gut length, adjusted for total body length, was significantly higher in spring than in other seasons for all the three species. Seasonal changes in gut length were not associated with changes in food quality. Weight of fore-gut contents, adjusted for body weight, was significantly higher in winter and spring than in summer and autumn in H. swinhonis and C. giurinus , and significantly higher in autumn than in spring and summer for P. parva. Percentage of empty fore-guts was highest in summer and lowest in spring for H. swinhonis and C. giurinus , and highest in winter and lowest in autumn for P. parva. Diet of the three small fishes showed apparent seasonal changes, and these changes reflected partly the seasonal fluctuations of food resources in environment. Diet breadth was high in winter and low in autumn for H. swinhonis , high in winter and low in spring and summer for C. giurinus , and high in autumn and low in spring for P. parva. Diet overlaps between pairs of species were biologically significant in most cases, except between H. swinhonis and P. parva in summer and autumn and between C. giurinus and P. parva in autumn.  相似文献   

T. Petr 《Hydrobiologia》1967,30(2):193-220
Summary A study has been made on changes which have occurred in the fish fauna as a result of the formation of the Volta Lake in Ghana. The data on the relative abundance of fish in the Lake were compared with those obtained from fish landings on the Black Volta and from the Niger river survey, as no observations of fish abundance were made on the Volta River before the Akosombo dam was closed. General changes in the relative abundance of the most important families of fish are described and the changes in the relative abundance of six feeding types in the Volta Lake and Black Volta, based on more than 700 stomach and gut analyses of 50 species of fish, are compared with those of the fish found in the Zambezi River and Lake Kariba in Central Africa.The most characteristic features of the changes in fish fauna are an increase in plankton feeders, so that these are becoming dominant in some areas; a great decrease in mormyrids in the Lake as compared with the river, and a similar drop in the characid Alestes, while Tilapia has increased. These changes are not uniform throughout the lake, and differences are most marked along the North-South axis.Department of Zoology and Volta Basin Research Project, University of Ghana  相似文献   

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