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Abstract: We assessed the detection and accuracy rates of detection dogs trained to locate scats from free-ranging black bears (Ursus americanus), fishers (Martes pennanti), and bobcats (Lynx rufus). During the summers of 2003-2004, 5 detection teams located 1,565 scats (747 putative black bear, 665 putative fisher, and 153 putative bobcat) at 168 survey sites throughout Vermont, USA. Of 347 scats genetically analyzed for species identification, 179 (51.6%) yielded a positive identification, 131 (37.8%) failed to yield DNA information, and 37 (10.7%) yielded DNA but provided no species confirmation. For 70 survey sites where confirmation of a putative target species' scat was not possible, we assessed the probability that ≤1 of the scats collected at the site was deposited by the target species (probability of correct identification; PID). Based on species confirmations or PID values, we detected bears at 57.1% (96) of sites, fishers at 61.3% (103) of sites, and bobcats at 12.5% (21) of sites. We estimated that the mean probability of detecting the target species (when present) during a single visit to a site was 0.86 for black bears, 0.95 for fishers, and 0.40 for bobcats. The probability of detecting black bears was largely unaffected by site- or visit-specific covariates, but the probability of detecting fishers varied by detection team. We found little or no effect of topographic ruggedness, vegetation density, or local weather (e.g., temp, humidity) on detection probability for fishers or black bears (data were insufficient for bobcat analyses). Detection dogs were highly effective at locating scats from forest carnivores and provided an efficient and accurate method for collecting detection-nondetection data on multiple species.  相似文献   

Standard hematology parameters were determined for 122 sloth bears (Melursus ursinus ursinus) at the Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India (27 degrees 0'N; 77 degrees 45'E), and the Bannerghatta Biological Park, Karnataka, India (12 degrees 48'N; 77 degrees 34'E) from March 2003 to July 2006. These two native sloth bear habitats have different climatic conditions and provided an opportunity to examine the effect of climate on the physiologic hematology values of these bears. We primarily analyzed the influence of age, sex, season, and body weight on the different hematology parameters. Several values were significantly different in sloth bear cubs (1 yr). The cubs had a lower erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), and mean cell hemoglobin (MCV) values when compared to adult and subadult bears. The cubs also had higher leukocyte counts, due to higher circulating neutrophils, as compared to adult and subadult bears. Within subadult and adult bears, we also identified a sexual dimorphic difference in leukocyte count in adult and subadult bears, wherein female bears had higher counts than males. This difference was the result of a significantly higher number of circulating neutrophils in female bears. Platelet counts were also higher in females as compared to males. On comparing different seasons, leukocyte counts were higher in winter as compared to the summer and monsoon seasons. When compared based on location, erythrocyte counts were higher in subadult and adult bears at Bannerghatta, which was at a higher altitude than Sur Sarovar. Within subadult and adult bears, we did not find any significant influence of age or body weight on the different hematologic parameters. In this study we have obtained mean hematologic values for sloth bears in their native habitat to serve as a reference for this species. This report will be useful to develop and evaluate health profiles of sloth bears under various ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Mammals have experienced a massive decline in their populations and geographic ranges worldwide. The sloth bear, Melursus ursinus (Shaw, 1791), is one of many species facing conservation threats. Despite being endangered in Nepal, decades of inattention to the situation have hindered their conservation and management. We assessed the distribution and patterns of habitat use by sloth bears in Chitwan National Park (CNP), Nepal. We conducted sign surveys from March to June, 2020, in 4 × 4 km grids (n = 45). We collected detection/non‐detection data along a 4‐km trail that was divided into 20 continuous segments of 200 m each. We obtained environmental, ecological, and anthropogenic covariates to understand determinants of sloth bear habitat occupancy. The data were analyzed using the single‐species single‐season occupancy method, with a spatially correlated detection. Using repeated observations, these models accounted for the imperfect detectability of the species to provide robust estimates of habitat occupancy. The model‐averaged occupancy estimate for the sloth bear was 69% and the detection probability was 0.25. The probability of habitat occupancy by sloth bears increased with the presence of termites and fruits and in rugged, dry, open, undisturbed habitats. Our results indicate that the sloth bear is elusive, functionally unique, and widespread in CNP. Future conservation interventions and action plans aimed at sloth bear management must adequately consider their habitat requirements.  相似文献   

The bear family (Ursidae) presents a number of phylogenetic ambiguities as the evolutionary relationships of the six youngest members (ursine bears) are largely unresolved. Recent mitochondrial DNA analyses have produced conflicting results with respect to the phylogeny of ursine bears. In an attempt to resolve these issues, we obtained 1916 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA sequence data from six gene segments for all eight bear species and conducted maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses on all fragments separately and combined. All six single-region gene trees gave different phylogenetic estimates; however, only for control region data was this significantly incongruent with the results from the combined data. The optimal phylogeny for the combined data set suggests that the giant panda is most basal followed by the spectacled bear. The sloth bear is the basal ursine bear, and there is weak support for a sister taxon relationship of the American and Asiatic black bears. The sun bear is sister taxon to the youngest clade containing brown bears and polar bears. Statistical analyses of alternate hypotheses revealed a lack of strong support for many of the relationships. We suggest that the difficulties surrounding the resolution of the evolutionary relationships of the Ursidae are linked to the existence of sequential rapid radiation events in bear evolution. Thus, unresolved branching orders during these time periods may represent an accurate representation of the evolutionary history of bear species.  相似文献   

Fruit use by the Japanese black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) and seed clumping in bear scat were studied in central Japan using fecal analyses. Between May and November 2003 and 2004, the life form and fruit size of plants consumed by bears and the species composition and intactness of seeds contained in scat were examined in five transects (approximately 10 km × 10 m) in broad-leaved deciduous forests. In 2003, scats with seeds were found only in the autumn, when fruiting trees and shrubs were abundant. In 2004, scats with seeds occurred intermittently from the summer, when fruiting plants were rare, up to the autumn. Yearly and seasonal variation in fruit use reflects the opportunistic foraging behavior of Japanese black bears. Seven of the nine plant species detected in scats had medium-sized fruits (6–15 mm width), whereas the other two species had relatively large fruits (20–100 mm width). In total, 14,492 seeds were detected, of which 97.6% were intact; the remainder were damaged. Intact seeds of one or two species were found in each scat. The number of intact seeds per scat ranged from 1 to 5476. Japanese black bears seldom digest ingested seeds, thereby contributing to the seed dispersal of their food plants, including species with fruits that are too large to be swallowed by frugivorous birds.  相似文献   

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are heavily dependent on marine prey, in particular ice-associated seals, which they hunt on landfast sea ice or free-floating pack ice. Dramatic current (and predicted) losses of sea ice habitat make it increasingly important to gain more knowledge of the relative use by bears of all types of prey from the marine food web as well as from terrestrial sources. This study uses frequency of occurrence of food items in 119 polar bear scats sampled on the sea ice as well as on shore in coastal areas in the Svalbard Archipelago, mainly in spring, between 2003 and 2010 to explore the diet of bears in the region. Ringed seals (Pusa hispida) occurred in 62.2 % (CI 52.8–70.9 %) of the scat samples examined. Various terrestrial plants (32.8 %, CI 24.4–42.0 %) and marine algae (21.8 %, CI 14.8–30.4 %) also occurred frequently in the scats; the significance of this high occurrence of plants and algae is not clear. Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) and various bird species constituted only minor components of the diet, while Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) occurred in 9.2 % (CI 4.7–15.9 %) of the scats, indicating that this species may play a more important role than previously reported. The novel combination of genetic analyses of material in the fecal samples along with detailed exploration of the physical–structural properties of prey hairs and plant parts provided a much fuller picture of the diet of polar bears than would have been possible from observational studies of polar bear predation behavior alone. This approach may provide an important tool for monitoring the responses of polar bears to ongoing ecosystem changes that will result from continued warming in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Introduced deer occur in many forests and woodlands in Australia and potentially play an important role in influencing the floristics and structure of these landscapes through eating plants and disseminating seeds. In a glasshouse trial, we tested whether field‐collected scats of Fallow Deer (Dama dama) contained viable plant seeds. Scats of deer obtained from a woodland study area in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, produced seedlings from a range of native and introduced plant species. Forbs and herbs were dominant in these samples, confirming the grazing behaviour of deer at the time scats were collected. Samples of scats from Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus giganteus), collected contemporaneously from the same sites as deer scats, also produced plant germinants. By volume, deer scats produced a greater diversity of plant germinants, including native and weed species, than did kangaroo scats. Although no weed species emanating from deer or kangaroo scats were of national significance, several species were of regional environmental significance, including Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsis), which was only found germinating out of deer scat, Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) and Purpletop (Verbena bonariensis). In addition to dispersing viable seeds, Fallow Deer may also influence vegetation structure through their browsing. Further research is necessary to elucidate their respective role in dispersing native and introduced plants as well as any impacts that foraging behaviour might be having on woodland landscapes, to better inform management of the resident deer population.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effect animal activity had on information visitors attended to at three bear exhibits. Attention was used as an indirect measure of what information visitors are consciously processing, or learning. It was hypothesized that visitors would be more likely to attend to specific information about animal behavior when bears were active rather than when inactive or out of sight. Visitor conversations were recorded during observations of polar, sloth and spectacled bears. Conversation was coded according to its content (animal-directed, human-focused, behavior, other) and to the corresponding behavior of the bear (active, inactive, pacing, not visible). The energy level of the activity was also considered. The hypothesis was supported for the polar bears, but less so for the other two bears. Behavior conversation was highest and human-directed conversation was lowest in the presence of highly animated polar bears. Behavior content was limited in the presence of the less animated sloth and spectacled bears. However, it was still significantly less frequent, and human content more frequent, when the sloth and spectacled bears were pacing and/or not visible. Therefore, what visitors attended to was influenced by what the bears were doing. The findings suggest that animated activity (rather than the more broadly defined ‘activity’) elicits the most visitor attention to behavior, and this in turn potentially facilitates visitor learning.  相似文献   

Bears in captivity often show abnormal behaviors such as stereotypies and periods of excessive inactivity. Most of the research aimed at reducing abnormal behaviors in bears has focused on feeding enrichment. However, the effects of feeding enrichment only seem to last as long as it takes a bear to consume the food. This study investigated the effects of inedible, manipulable objects on bears. Two polar bears (Ursus maritimus) received plastic floats. A sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) and a spectacled bear (Treniarctos ornatus) received plastic balls. During a 7-week period, polar bears nearly doubled their activity in the presence of toy floats, and the spectacled bear halved its pacing in the presence of toys. The sloth bear did not respond to the objects. These findings indicate that access to manipulable nonfood objects such as plastic toys can result in prolonged engagement in appetitive behaviors by polar bears.  相似文献   

By the 1970s, brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Hokkaido, northern Japan, were opportunistic omnivores that mainly depended on plant materials. Because the sika deer (Cervus nippon) population irrupted in eastern Hokkaido in the 1990s, we expected that brown bears might prey on sika deer fawns. First, we developed a simple and cost-effective method of monitoring possible bear predation on deer fawns by analyzing the widths of deer hairs remained in bear scats. Based on hair thickness standards, we distinguished the brown bear consumption of deer fawns from adults by analyzing bear scats (n?=?108) collected during the deer birthing season (late May?Clate July) in 1999?C2008. To evaluate the importance of fawns to bears, we compared the occurrence of fawn and adult deer hairs in bear scats among three periods (I, 1999?C2000; II, 2003?C2005; III, 2006?C2008) in eastern Hokkaido. The occurrence of fawn hairs in bear scats increased from 12.5 to 27.3?% in volume and from 6.3 to 33.6?% in frequency from period I to period III, whereas adult hairs in scats decreased from 42.8 to 26.1?% in volume and from 34.4 to 22.7?% in frequency during the same time. These data suggest that bears increasingly preyed on deer fawns after the deer population irruption and decreasingly used adult carcasses because of the enforcement of deer carcass treatment by the Hokkaido government.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the bears (Ursidae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The taxomic classification and phylogenetic relationships within the bear family remain argumentative subjects in recent years. Prior investigation has been concentrated on the application of different mitochondrial (mt) sequence data, herein we employ two nuclear single-copy gene segments, the partial exon 1 from gene encoding interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) and the complete intron 1 from transthyretin (TTR) gene, in conjunction with previously published mt data, to clarify these enigmatic problems. The combined analyses of nuclear IRBP and TTR datasets not only corroborated prior hypotheses, positioning the spectacled bear most basally and grouping the brown and polar bear together but also provided new insights into the bear phylogeny, suggesting the sister-taxa association of sloth bear and sun bear with strong support. Analyses based on combination of nuclear and mt genes differed from nuclear analysis in recognizing the sloth bears as the earliest diverging species among the subfamily ursine representatives while the exact placement of the sun bear did not resolved. Asiatic and American black bears clustered as sister group in all analyses with moderate levels of bootstrap support and high posterior probabilities. Comparisons between the nuclear and mtDNA findings suggested that our combined nuclear dataset have the resolving power comparable to mtDNA dataset for the phylogenetic interpretation of the bear family. As can be seen from present study, the unanimous phylogeny for this recently derived family was still not produced and additional independent genetic markers were in need.  相似文献   

American black bears are considered dependent on high‐elevation forests or other montane habitats in the drylands of western North America. Black bear sign, including that of cubs, was observed throughout the summers of 2015, 2016, and 2018 along a perennial desert river in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. We analyzed the contents of 21 black bear scats, collected from May to October of 2016 and 2018. Apache cicada nymphs (Diceroprocta apache) were the dominant food item, occurring in 90% of scats and comprising an average of 59% of scat contents. In the process of excavating these nymphs, bears created large areas of turned‐over soil, a form of ecosystem engineering with potential implications for soils, vegetation, and fluvial geomorphology. Given that species distributions are shaped by physiological and ecological contexts, as well as anthropogenic legacies, it is possible that black bears once occurred more commonly in desert riparian systems prior to widespread agricultural development, hunting, and dewatering. Although more research is necessary, we suggest that desert riparian systems may be an alternative habitat for black bears. Better understanding the diet and habitat breadth of American black bears is important in the context of increasing landscape fragmentation and militarization in the U.S.‐Mexican borderlands.  相似文献   

Combined analysis of fourteen nuclear genes refines the Ursidae phylogeny   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite numerous studies, questions remain about the evolutionary history of Ursidae and additional independent genetic markers were needed to elucidate these ambiguities. For this purpose, we sequenced ten nuclear genes for all the eight extant bear species. By combining these new sequences with those of four other recently published nuclear markers, we provide new insights into the phylogenetic relationships of the Ursidae family members. The hypothesis that the giant panda was the first species to diverge among ursids is definitively confirmed and the precise branching order within the Ursus genus is clarified for the first time. Moreover, our analyses indicate that the American and the Asiatic black bears do not cluster as sister taxa, as had been previously hypothesised. Sun and sloth bears clearly appear as the most basal ursine species but uncertainties about their exact relationships remain. Since our larger dataset did not enable us to clarify this last question, identifying rare genomic changes in bear genomes could be a promising solution for further studies.  相似文献   

小兴安岭地区黑熊的食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004 年5 月至2005 年11 月,在黑熊主要分布区小兴安岭利用无线电遥测技术跟踪黑熊并判定黑熊取食生境,收集黑熊粪便51 堆,利用粪便组织学分析方法对黑熊食物组成成分以及食物的选择性进行分析。结果表明:春初、秋末黑熊觅食生境为海拔400 ~ 560 m 的针叶林、针阔混交林;春末、夏初觅食生境为阔叶林、针阔混交林;夏季、秋初觅食生境为阔叶林、针阔混交林、河岸杂木林等。黑熊的大宗食物为植物,即使是夏季食物种类丰富季节,食物中植物成分仍近70% 。黑熊食物表现出季节性变化,季节不同采食种类不同,采食植物性食物的部位也不同。春季黑熊的食物种类最少,食物多样性指数为2.317,食物均匀性指数为0.5923,夏季的食物种类最丰富,食物多样性指数2.628,食物均匀性指数0.6367,秋季食物种类比春季丰富,但没有夏季丰富,食物多样性指数为2.361,食物均匀性最小,仅为0 5173。黑熊对植物类食物具有选择性,对红松、蒙古栎、核桃楸等坚果和猕猴桃、山桃等浆果类食物表现为正选择性;而对木贼、禾本科、榆、宽叶苔草、色木、桦、杨、柳表现为负选择性。   相似文献   

Once widespread throughout the tropical forests of the Indian Subcontinent, the sloth bears have suffered a rapid range collapse and local extirpations in the recent decades. A significant portion of their current distribution range is situated outside of the protected areas (PAs). These unprotected sloth bear populations are under tremendous human pressures, but little is known about the patterns and determinants of their occurrence in most of these regions. The situation is more prevalent in Nepal where virtually no systematic information is available for sloth bears living outside of the PAs. We undertook a spatially replicated sign survey‐based single‐season occupancy study intending to overcome this information gap for the sloth bear populations residing in the Trijuga forest of southeast Nepal. Sloth bear sign detection histories and field‐based covariates data were collected between 2 October and 3 December 2020 at the 74 randomly chosen 4‐km2 grid cells. From our results, the model‐averaged site use probability (ψ ± SE) was estimated to be 0.432 ± 0.039, which is a 13% increase from the naïve estimate (0.297) not accounting for imperfect detections of sloth bear signs. The presence of termite mound and the distance to the nearest water source were the most important variables affecting the habitat use probability of sloth bears. The average site‐level detectability (p ± SE) of sloth bear signs was estimated to be 0.195 ± 0.003 and was significantly determined by the index of human disturbances. We recommend considering the importance of fine‐scale ecological and anthropogenic factors in predicting the sloth bear‐habitat relationships across their range in the Churia habitat of Nepal, and more specifically in the unprotected areas.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships among eight species of Ursidae (including the giant panda) relative to two Procyonidae species (raccoon and red panda) were estimated based on the extent of electrophoretic variation of 289 radiolabelled fibroblast proteins resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and among 44 isozyme loci resolved by one-dimensional electrophoresis. Allelic differences among these species were converted to genetic distances, and phenetic trees were constructed. In addition, the electrophoretic data were coded as unit characters, and minimum-length trees were derived based on the Wagner method using maximum parsimony. Regardless of the tree-building method employed, the data sets agreed on the following branching sequence: between 22.4 and 32.3 million years (MY) ago, the ancestors of the procyonids and the ursids split into two lineages. Within 10 MY, the red panda split from the line that led to the raccoon. An ancestor of the giant panda split from the ursid line 18–22 MY ago, and the South American spectacled bear split from the line leading to ursine bears 10.5–15.0 MY B.P. A group of six closely related ursine bears (brown bear, polar bear, Asiatic black bear, Malayan sun bear, American black bear, and sloth bear) diverged from a common ancestor during the past 4–8 MY. Much of this ursine radiation was not resolved by our results, with the exception of a recent (2–3 MY B.P.) divergence of brown bear and polar bear. The topological concordance of the data sets from one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis supports the usefulness of these procedures for evolutionary inference and provides additional precision to the reconstruction of divergence nodes of this carnivore group.  相似文献   

Sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) are endemic to the Indian subcontinent. As a result of continued habitat loss and degradation over the past century, sloth bear populations have been in steady decline and now exist only in isolated or fragmented habitat across the entire range. We investigated the genetic connectivity of the sloth bear meta-population in five tiger reserves in the Satpura-Maikal landscape of central India. We used noninvasively collected fecal and hair samples to obtain genotypic information using a panel of seven polymorphic loci. Out of 194 field collected samples, we identified 55 individuals in this meta-population. We found that this meta-population has moderate genetic variation, and is subdivided into two genetic clusters. Further, we identified five first-generation migrants and signatures of contemporary gene flow. We found evidence of sloth bears in the corridor between the Kanha and Pench Tiger Reserves, and our results suggest that habitat connectivity and corridors play an important role in maintaining gene flow in this meta-population. These corridors face several anthropogenic and infrastructure development threats that have the potential to sever ongoing gene flow, if policies to protect them are not put into action immediately.  相似文献   

Challenges of Large Carnivore Conservation: Sloth Bear Attacks in Sri Lanka   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) attacks in Sri Lanka present a major challenge to their conservation as human populations grow and compete with bears for space and resources. Bear attacks on humans predominantly affect the rural poor and seem to be increasing in frequency. In 2004, we conducted the first island-wide survey of bear attacks in Sri Lanka. Our main goals were to 1) describe where and when attacks occurred, 2) describe the characteristics and outcome of bear attacks, and 3) evaluate the influence of human group size on the severity of bear attacks. We interviewed 271 individuals attacked by sloth bears between 1938 and 2004. Sloth bears rarely entered village compounds, damaged property, or raided crops; conflicts predominantly involved attacks on people in forests. Most sloth bear attacks took place during daylight hours (0900-1600 h) in the dry season, when humans were likely to engage in forest activities such as honey gathering. Most attacks (80 %) occurred when humans and bears surprised each other at close proximity (<10 m). Most (84 %) victims carried a weapon but 55 % said the attack was too sudden to effectively use the weapon in self-defense. Human injuries included lacerations and puncture wounds, broken limbs, skull fractures, and the loss of scalps, eyes, or other parts of the face. Almost all major injuries resulted from bites. In 61 attacks bears were wounded and in 39 attacks bears were killed. The severity of human injuries depended on human group size; solitary humans experienced more severe injuries than expected, suggesting that the presence of other humans may moderate the bear’s aggression and motivate it to flee. Widespread fear of sloth bears poses a significant challenge to modifying ineffective human responses to bear encounters (e.g., fleeing). Conservation outreach could emphasize that greater human safety may be achieved from remaining in groups and using extreme caution around thickets and rock outcrops likely to be used by bears.  相似文献   

Olfactory discrimination in scat-piling lizards   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several lizard species in the Australian scincid genus Egernia havebeen reported to deposit scats in piles. We show that E. striolata,which does produce scat piles, and E. inornata, which does not,can both discriminate their own secretions, on paper substrates, fromthose of unfamiliar conspecifics. This was indicated by elevatedtongue flick rates and more time in contact with the unfamiliarstimulus. This was not just a response to a novel stimulus becausethe secretions from another species (E. stokesii) elicited lowerresponses. When scats were presented, only striolata demonstrateddiscrimination between their own scats and those of unfamiliarconspecifics. This suggests that scats could be used to produceindividual signals, perhaps indicating residence status, in scat-pilingspecies. For striolata the signal from scats became less effectiveas the scats became older, suggesting the need to pile scatsto renew the signal.  相似文献   

The high incidence of stereotypic behaviors in zoo bears (van Keulen-Kromhout: International Zoo Yearbook 18:177–186, 1978) suggests that the environment of these animals lacks essential stimuli for guiding normal behavior. Three experiments investigated ways in which bear husbandry procedures can be altered to promote normal behavior. In experiments 1 and 2, honey-filled logs were given to a sloth (Melursus ursinus), American black (Ursus americanus), and brown bear (Ursus arctos) to determine 1) the role of food in stimulating investigatory behavior, 2) the rate of habituation to manipulable objects introduced into the exhibit, and 3) effects on locomotory behaviors. Results show specific and general habituation to the introduced objects that can be counteracted by refilling the logs with honey and by providing multiple logs in the exhibit. Investigatory activity directed toward honey-logs replaces pacing and walking in the sloth bear and is most effective in doing so when the log is novel. Experiment 3 examined the behavioral effects of feeding an American black bear in three different ways: 1) once daily in the den, 2) once daily with supplemental food from a mechanical feeder, and 3) once daily with food hidden in the exhibit in manipulatable objects. The latter method reduced stereotypic pacing from a median of 150 min/day to 20 min/day; the mechanical feeder method had no such effect. The results of a survey of 67 zoos concerning the diet and manner of feeding these three species of bears, as well as Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus) are presented. Results are discussed with respect to the ways in which husbandry procedures can be improved to stimulate functional foraging and feeding behavior in confined bears.  相似文献   

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