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Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous intracellular parasite which chronically infects 30–50% of the human population. While acquired infection is primarily asymptomatic several studies have suggested that such infections may contribute to neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Previous studies in rodents have demonstrated that T. gondii infection does not just kill its host, but alters the behavioral repertoire of an infected animal, making it more likely that predation with occur completing the parasite life cycle. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the behavioral changes in C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the avirulent T. gondii (ME49, a Type II strain), in a comprehensive test battery. Infected mice demonstrated profound and widespread brain pathology, motor coordination and sensory deficits. In contrast, cognitive function, anxiety levels, social behavior and the motivation to explore novel objects were normal. The observed changes in behavior did not represent “gross” brain damage or dysfunction and were not due to targeted destruction of specific areas of the brain. Such changes point out the subtle interaction of this parasite with its intermediate hosts and are consistent with ideas about increased predation being an outcome of infection.  相似文献   

Ras GTPases are signaling switches that control critical cellular processes including gene expression, differentiation, and apoptosis. The major Ras isoforms (K, H, and N) contain a conserved core GTPase domain, but have distinct biological functions. Among the three Ras isoforms there are clear differences in post-translational regulation, which contribute to differences in localization and signaling output. Modification by ubiquitination was recently reported to activate Ras signaling in cells, but the mechanisms of activation are not well understood. Here, we show that H-Ras is activated by monoubiquitination and that ubiquitination at Lys-117 accelerates intrinsic nucleotide exchange, thereby promoting GTP loading. This mechanism of Ras activation is distinct from K-Ras monoubiquitination at Lys-147, which leads to impaired regulator-mediated GTP hydrolysis. These findings reveal that different Ras isoforms are monoubiquitinated at distinct sites, with distinct mechanisms of action, but with a common ability to chronically activate the protein in the absence of a receptor signal or oncogenic mutation.  相似文献   

Mice heterozygous for the elastin gene (ELN(+/-)) show unique cardiovascular properties, including increased blood pressure and smaller, thinner arteries with an increased number of lamellar units. Some of these properties are also observed in humans with supravalvular aortic stenosis, a disease caused by functional heterozygosity of the elastin gene. The arterial geometry in ELN(+/-) mice is contrary to the increased thickness that would be expected in an animal demonstrating hypertensive remodeling. To determine whether this is due to a decreased capability for cardiovascular remodeling or to a novel adaptation of the ELN(+/-) cardiovascular system, we increased blood pressure in adult ELN(+/+) and ELN(+/-) mice using the two-kidney, one-clip Goldblatt model of hypertension. Successfully clipped mice have a systolic pressure increase of at least 15 mmHg over sham-operated animals. ELN(+/+) and ELN(+/-)-clipped mice show significant increases over sham-operated mice in cardiac weight, arterial thickness, and arterial cross-sectional area with no changes in lamellar number. There are no significant differences in most mechanical properties with clipping in either genotype. These results indicate that ELN(+/+) and ELN(+/-) hearts and arteries remodel similarly in response to adult induced hypertension. Therefore, the cardiovascular properties of ELN(+/-) mice are likely due to developmental remodeling in response to altered hemodynamics and reduced elastin levels.  相似文献   

Ras-membrane interactions play important roles in signaling and oncogenesis. H-Ras and K-Ras have nonidentical membrane anchoring moieties that can direct them to different membrane compartments. Ras-lipid raft interactions were reported, but recent studies suggest that activated K-Ras and H-Ras are not raft resident. However, specific interactions of activated Ras proteins with nonraft sites, which may underlie functional differences and phenotypic variation between different Ras isoforms, are unexplored. Here we used lateral mobility studies by FRAP to investigate the membrane interactions of green fluorescent protein-tagged H- and K-Ras in live cells. All Ras isoforms displayed stable membrane association, moving by lateral diffusion and not by exchange with a cytoplasmic pool. The lateral diffusion rates of constitutively active K- and H-Ras increased with their expression levels in a saturable manner, suggesting dynamic association with saturable sites or domains. These sites are distinct from lipid rafts, as the activated Ras mutants are not raft resident. Moreover, they appear to be different for H- and K-Ras. However, wild-type H-Ras, the only isoform preferentially localized in rafts, displayed cholesterol-sensitive interactions with rafts that were independent of its expression level. Our findings provide a mechanism for selective signaling by different Ras isoforms.  相似文献   

Annexins are calcium-binding proteins of unknown function but which are implicated in important cellular processes, including anticoagulation, ion flux regulation, calcium homeostasis, and endocytosis. To gain insight into the function of annexin VI, we performed targeted disruption of its gene in mice. Matings between heterozygous mice produced offspring with a normal Mendelian pattern of inheritance, indicating that the loss of annexin VI did not interfere with viability in utero. Mice lacking annexin VI reached sexual maturity at the same age as their normal littermates, and both males and females were fertile. Because of interest in the role of annexin VI in cardiovascular function, we examined heart rate and blood pressure in knockout and wild-type mice and found these to be identical in the two groups. Similarly, the cardiovascular responses of both sets of mice to septic shock were indistinguishable. We also examined components of the immune system and found no differences in thymic, splenic, or bone marrow lymphocyte levels between knockout and wild-type mice. This is the first study of annexin knockout mice, and the lack of a clear phenotype has broad implications for current views of annexin function.  相似文献   

Ulitsky I  Shkumatava A  Jan CH  Sive H  Bartel DP 《Cell》2011,147(7):1537-1550
Thousands of long intervening noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs) have been identified in mammals. To better understand the evolution and functions of these enigmatic RNAs, we used chromatin marks, poly(A)-site mapping and RNA-Seq data to identify more than 550 distinct lincRNAs in zebrafish. Although these shared many characteristics with mammalian lincRNAs, only 29 had detectable sequence similarity with putative mammalian orthologs, typically restricted to a single short region of high conservation. Other lincRNAs had conserved genomic locations without detectable sequence conservation. Antisense reagents targeting conserved regions of two zebrafish lincRNAs caused developmental defects. Reagents targeting splice sites caused the same defects and were rescued by adding either the mature lincRNA or its human or mouse ortholog. Our study provides a roadmap for identification and analysis of lincRNAs in model organisms and shows that lincRNAs play crucial biological roles during embryonic development with functionality conserved despite limited sequence conservation.  相似文献   

To assess the potential role of a molecule in development we need to know three things: 1) what are the biological activities of the molecule, 2) what is its expression pattern, and 3) what are the consequences of removing it from the embryo? In the case of the FGF family in Xenopus embryos we have quite a lot of information about all three questions. Most members of the family can induce mesoderm from isolated animal caps, thus mimicking the natural “ventral vegetal” inducing signal operative in the blastula. This activity can be exerted on isolated, disaggregated cells and does not involve a change in division rate. When overexpressed from injected mRNA, the activity of FGFs depends largely on whether or not they possess a signal sequence, showing the importance of secretion in the inductive process. In addition to the mesoderm-inducing activity, there are effects of overexpression on whole embryos which lead to a suppression of anterior structures. Three types of FGF have so far been cloned from Xenopus: direct homologs of each of the mammalian types FGF-2 and FGF-3, and eFGF (“embryonic FGF”), which is equidistant in sequence from mammalian FGF-4 and FGF-6. Attempts to find homologs of mammalian FGF-5 and FGF-7 in Xenopus have proved unsuccessful. All three types of Xenopus FGF are expressed in early development. FGF-2 and eFGF are present in the oocyte and fertilized egg, and are thus both available at the time of mesoderm induction. FGF-3 and eFGF are both expressed from the embryonic genome during gastrulation and concentrated in the forming mesoderm. FGF-2 is expressed from the embryonic genome during neurulation in the brain, and a little later in the branchial arch mesenchyme and in the forming myotomes. These expression patterns suggest that there are several functions for the FGFs. The most successful strategy for inhibition of the FGF system has been the use of a dominant negative receptor construct introduced by Kirschner and colleagues. Overexpression of this construct can abolish the FGF responsiveness of animal caps. In whole embryos, the absence of FGF signaling causes a reduction, although not a total ablation, of mesoderm formation. There is also a severe effect on axis formation in which formation of the posterior parts is reduced consequent on an inhibition of invagination and elongation of the dorsal mesoderm. Thus, the present evidence suggests that the FGF system contributes to, although is not solely responsible for, mesoderm induction in vivo. It is also necessary for normal gastrulation movements, particularly in the dorsal mesoderm, and is likely to have several later functions, particularly in development of the central nervous system and the myotomes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the use of BMSC (bone marrow stromal cell) as a feeder cell for improving culture efficiency of ESC (embryonic stem cell). B6CBAF1 blastocysts or ESC stored after their establishment were seeded on to a feeder layer of either SCA-1+/CD45-/CD11b- BMSC or MEF (mouse embryonic fibroblast). Feeder cell activity in promoting ESC establishment from the blastocysts and in supporting ESC maintenance did not differ significantly between BMSC and MEF feeders. However, the highest efficiency of colony formation after culturing of inner cell mass cells of blastocysts was observed with the BMSC line that secreted the largest amount of LIF (leukaemia inhibitory factor). Exogenous LIF was essential for the ESC establishment on BMSC feeder, but not for ESC maintenance. Neither change in stem cell-specific gene expression nor increase in stem cell aneuploidy was detected after the use of BMSC feeder. We conclude that BMSC can be utilized as the feeder of ESC, which improves culture efficiency.  相似文献   

Changes of a number of functions of beta-receptor complex mechanism have been analyzed by means of the microwave-dielectrometry method on native erythrocytes at various stages of cardiovascular pathology. The control scheme of beta-receptor complex has been analyzed in the adenylate cyclase system and the regions have been extracted which are subjected to an attack of pathological factors of the effect.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence was used to localize embryonic myosin heavy chains in soleus, adductor longus, tibialis anterior, plantaris, and extensor digitorum longus muscles of 6-month-old rats. A monoclonal antibody (2B6), specifically recognizing rat embryonic myosin, was applied to unfixed, transverse, frozen sections. The number of embryonic myosin-positive (EMP) extrafusal fibers was expressed as a percentage of the total number of fibers. EMP extrafusal fibers were only seen in the soleus and adductor longus muscles, both postural muscles. Approximately 1% of the soleus muscle fibers appeared positively stained for embryonic myosin. The majority of such fibers had a small diameter (<500 ), appeared intensely fluorescent, and typically contained central nuclei. Re-expression of embryonic myosin due to spontaneous fiber denervation is not a likely factor in this study, since alpha-bungarotoxin and N-CAM localization were restricted to the motor end-plate region of EMP fibers. Since embryonic myosin was shown to disappear in all normal-sized myofibers by 2 to 3 months of age, the results suggest that the EMP extrafusal fibers seen in postural muscles of 6 to 12-month-old animals are regenerating myofibers. We speculate that a small number of muscle fibers may be regenerating in normal, adult postural muscles, in response to fiber damage possibly caused by excessive recruitment or overloading.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signaling mechanism and mutations in its components disrupt cell fate specification and embryonic development in many organisms. To analyze the in vivo role of the Notch3 gene in mice, we created a deletion allele by gene targeting. Embryos homozygous for this mutation developed normally and homozygous mutant adults were viable and fertile. We also examined whether we could detect genetic interactions during early embryogenesis between the Notch3 mutation and a targeted mutation of the Notch1 gene. Double homozygous mutant embryos exhibited defects normally observed in Notch1-deficient embryos, but we detected no obvious synergistic effects in the double mutants. These data demonstrate that the Notch3 gene is not essential for embryonic development or fertility in mice, and does not have a redundant function with the Notch1 gene during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Total clone banks of cDNAs synthesized from poly(A)-RNA obtained from three stages of the developing mouse were constructed. The stages chosen were 13-day-old embryo, neonatal, and fully grown adult. To have as complete a bank as possible, large numbers of individual clones were generated ~400,000 for the 13th day embryo and neonatal mouse and ~610,000 for the adult bank. In each case the clone bank was constructed by inserting double stranded cDNA into the PstI site of pBR322 by the “G-C tailing” method. Sequences cloned in this way could be separated from the plasmid host DNA by treatment of the resultant total chimeric plasmid population with PstI. Aliquots of the cloned cDNA material were labeled with 32P by “nick translation” using Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I for the preparation of hybridization probes. Back-hybridization of these probes to the total clone banks allowed the determination of the sequence diversity among the above three very different developmental stages. The use of such clone banks should allow the identification of developmental stage specific mRNAs.  相似文献   



μ-calpain and m-calpain are ubiquitously expressed proteases implicated in cellular migration, cell cycle progression, degenerative processes and cell death. These heterodimeric enzymes are composed of distinct catalytic subunits, encoded by Capn1 (μ-calpain) or Capn2 (m-calpain), and a common regulatory subunit encoded by Capn4. Disruption of the mouse Capn4 gene abolished both μ-calpain and m-calpain activity, and resulted in embryonic lethality, thereby suggesting essential roles for one or both of these enzymes during mammalian embryogenesis. Disruption of the Capn1 gene produced viable, fertile mice implying that either m-calpain could compensate for the loss of μ-calpain, or that the loss of m-calpain was responsible for death of Capn4 -/- mice.  相似文献   

BackgroundTescalcin is an EF-hand calcium-binding protein that interacts with the Na+/H + exchanger 1 (NHE1). Levay and Slepak recently proposed a role for tescalcin in megakaryopoiesis that was independent of NHE1 activity. Their studies using K562 and HEL cell lines, and human CD34 + hematopoietic stem cells suggested an essential role for tescalcin in megakaryocyte differentiation.ObjectiveTo study the role of tescalcin in megakaryocyte development using a murine model of megakaryopoiesis.MethodsWe generated a mouse with targeted disruption of tescalcin and investigated megakaryocyte development.ResultsTescalcin-deficient mice had a normal number of megakaryocytes and platelets. The morphology, polyploidization profile, and expression of Fli-1 in bone marrow-derived megakaryocytes were also normal.ConclusionTescalcin does not appear to be necessary for normal megakaryocyte development.  相似文献   

Transcription of H-2 and Qa genes in embryonic and adult mice   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
K Fahrner  B L Hogan    R A Flavell 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(5):1265-1271

Studies on the development of aggregated, isolated and rearranged blastomeres have engendered the view that in mammals, unlike most other animals, egg organization has no role in the genesis of asymmetries that are essential for cellular diversification and the specification of embryonic axes. Such asymmetries are assumed to arise post-zygotically through interactions between initially naive cells. However, various findings are difficult to reconcile with this view. Here, a consistent relationship between the structure of the blastocyst and the two-cell stage in the mouse has been found using a strictly non-invasive marking technique: injection of small oil drops into the substance of the zona pellicuda. This has revealed that both the embryonic-abembryonic axis of the blastocyst and its plane of bilateral symmetry are normally orthogonal to the plane of first cleavage. This relationship was also seen when denuded two-cell conceptuses were prevented from rotating during subsequent cleavage by immobilizing them in a gel. Therefore, during normal mouse development the axes of the blastocyst, which have been implicated in establishing those of the fetus, are already specified by the onset of cleavage.  相似文献   

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