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Cloning and structure of the human interleukin 2 chromosomal gene.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Southern hybridization using 32P-labelled human interleukin 2 (IL2) cDNA probes revealed the existence of a single human IL2 gene. Five clones containing the human IL2 chromosomal gene were isolated from two different human DNA libraries cloned in either lambda Charon 4A or L47 phages. Analysis of the clones showed that they contained different, overlapping portions of human DNA which were derived from the same chromosomal segment. Restriction fragments which hybridized with labelled IL2 cDNA probes were subcloned into plasmid pUR250 and the sequence and organization of the IL2 gene was determined. It contains three introns, 90 bp, +/- 2400 bp and +/- 1900 bp in length, respectively. The organization of the genomic clone resembles that of another lymphokine, interferon-gamma, but no clear homology was found by comparing either the coding sequence or the 5'- and 3'-flanking sequences of the two genes.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2) belongs to the ATP binding cassette family of transporters. Its substrates include organic anions and anticancer drugs. We have used transport assays with vesicles derived from Sf9 insect cells overproducing MRP2 to study the interactions of drugs, organic anions, and bile acids with three MRP2 substrates: estradiol-17-beta-d-glucuronide (E217betaG), methotrexate, and glutathione-S-dinitrophenol. Complex inhibition and stimulation patterns were obtained, different from those observed with the related transporters MRP1 and MRP3. In contrast to a previous report, we found that the rate of E217betaG transport by MRP2 increases sigmoidally with substrate concentration indicative of homotropic cooperativity. Half-maximal transport was obtained at 120 microm E217betaG, in contrast to values < 20 microm for MRP1 and 3. MRP2 stimulators, such as indomethacin and sulfanitran, strongly increased the affinity of MRP2 for E217betaG (half-maximal transport rates at 65 and 16 microm E217betaG, respectively) and shifted the sigmoidal dependence of transport rate on substrate concentration to a more hyperbolic one, without substantially affecting the maximal transport rate. Sulfanitran also stimulated MRP2 activity in cells, i.e. the transport of saquinavir through monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney II cells. Some compounds that stimulate E217betaG transport, such as penicillin G or pantoprazole, are not detectably transported by MRP2, suggesting that they allosterically stimulate transport without being cotransported with E217betaG. We propose that MRP2 contains two similar but nonidentical ligand binding sites: one site from which substrate is transported and a second site that regulates the affinity of the transport site for the substrate.  相似文献   

The human BARX2 gene encodes a homeodomain-containing protein of 254 amino acids, which binds optimally to the DNA consensus sequence YYTAATGRTTTTY. BARX2 is highly expressed in adult salivary gland and is expressed at lower levels in other tissues, including mammary gland, kidney, and placenta. The BARX2 gene consists of four exons, and is located on human chromosome 11q25. This chromosomal location is within the minimal deletion region for Jacobsen syndrome, a syndrome including craniosynostosis and other developmental abnormalities. This chromosomal location, along with the reported expression of murine barx2 in craniofacial development, suggests that BARX2 may be causally involved in the craniofacial abnormalities in Jacobsen syndrome.  相似文献   

The gene for aminopeptidase N (EC has been located on the human chromosome 15q13-qter using HindIII-cleaved DNA from a panel of hybrids between rodent and human cells. The Southern blots were probed by the 5'-EcoRI fragment of the recently cloned human aminopeptidase N cDNA.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination, the covalent attachment of the protein ubiquitin (Ub) to other cellular proteins, has been implicated in a number of important physiological processes. ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (E2) plays an important role in the ubiquitin system. Here we report the research about a human putative ubiquitin conjugating enzyme gene, UBE2Z. The length of UBE2Z cDNA is 3054 base pairs and contains an open reading frame encoding 246 amino acids. The UBE2Z gene was mapped to human chromosome 17q21.32 and consisted of 6 exons. RT-PCR showed that UBE2Z was widely expressed in human tissues, especially high in placenta, pancreas, spleen and testis. The UBE2Z-GFP fusion protein was located in both nucleus and cytoplasm of AD293 cells.  相似文献   

We have previously provided compelling evidence that human recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2) binds to the sulfated polysaccharides heparin, highly sulfated heparan sulfate and fucoidan. Here we show that IL-2 binding is dependent on heparin chain length, but with fragments as small as 15-mers retaining binding activity. The addition of exogenous heparin has no effect on the in vitro biological activity of IL-2. In addition soluble IL-2 receptor alpha and beta polypeptides do not compete with heparin for the binding of IL-2. IL-2 bound by heparin is still recognized by two IL-2 specific monoclonal antibodies, 3H9 and H2- 8, whose epitopes lie in the amino terminal region. Murine IL-2 unlike its human counterpart fails to bind to heparin. Human IL-2 analogs with single amino acid substitutions at positions Lys43, Thr51, and Gln126 analogs no longer bind to heparin. By contrast the Arg38Ala analog retains heparin full heparin binding activity. These experimental findings together with molecular modeling studies suggest two putative heparin binding sites on human IL-2, one involving four basic residues, Lys48, Lys49, Lys54, and His55, and the other being a discontinuous site comprising Lys43, Lys64, Arg81, and Arg83. Neither of these two clusters is completely conserved in murine IL-2. Overall our data suggest that the binding of human IL-2 to heparin and heparan sulfate does not interfere with IL-2/IL-2 receptor interactions. Therefore, binding to glycosaminoglycan may be a mechanism for retaining the cytokine in an active form close to its site of secretion in the tissue, thus favoring a paracrine role for IL-2.   相似文献   

Assignment of the human Fas antigen gene (Fas) to 10q24.1.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J Inazawa  N Itoh  T Abe  S Nagata 《Genomics》1992,14(3):821-822

The human BARX2 gene encodes a homeodomain-containing protein of 254 amino acids, which binds optimally to the DNA consensus sequence YYTAATGRTTTTY. BARX2 is highly expressed in adult salivary gland and is expressed at lower levels in other tissues, including mammary gland, kidney, and placenta. The BARX2 gene consists of four exons, and is located on human chromosome 11q25. This chromosomal location is within the minimal deletion region for Jacobsen syndrome, a syndrome including craniosynostosis and other developmental abnormalities. This chromosomal location, along with the reported expression of murine barx2 in craniofacial development, suggests that BARX2 may be causally involved in the craniofacial abnormalities in Jacobsen syndrome.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated and characterized murine MYB binding protein (p160) 1a, a protein that specifically interacts with the leucine zipper motif within the negative regulatory domain of the c-Myb proto-oncoprotein. We now describe the molecular cloning of the human MYBBP1A cDNA and chromosomal localization to 17p13.3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. Given the likely presence of a tumor suppressor gene (or genes) within this region of chromosome 17, the position of MYBBP1A was further mapped by radiation hybrid analysis and was found to lie between markers D17S1828 and D17S938. A P1 artificial chromosome clone containing the 5' region of MYBBP1A was isolated and indicates a physical linkage between MYBBP1A and the 15-lipoxygenase gene (ALOX15). A novel, polymorphic (CA)(25) dinucleotide repeat was also isolated from this PAC and may serve as a useful marker for MYBBP1A and this region of chromosome 17.  相似文献   

Assignment of the human CREB2 (CRE-BP1) gene to 2q32   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Type XIII collagen is a recently described collagen that resembles in structure the short-chain collagens of types IX, X, and XII. Unlike any other collagen, the type XIII is found in several different forms generated through alternative splicing. A 2.0-kb genomic fragment from the human alpha 1 (XIII) collagen gene was isolated and shown by DNA sequencing to contain exon 12 as counted from the 3' end. This fragment was used as a probe to localize the gene. The gene (COL13A1) was assigned to chromosome 10 by hybridization of the probe to DNA isolated from a panel of human-mouse somatic cell hybrids containing different human chromosomes. Furthermore, the gene was mapped to the q22 region by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Rom-1 is a retinal integral membrane protein that, together with the product of the human retinal degeneration slow gene (RDS), defines a photoreceptor-specific protein family. The gene for rom-1 (HGM symbol: ROM1) has been assigned to human chromosome 11 and mouse chromosome 19 by Southern blot analysis of somatic cell hybrid DNAs. ROM1 was regionally sublocalized to human 11p13-11q13 by using three mouse-human somatic cell hybrids; in situ hybridization refined the sublocalization to human 11q13. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids suggested that the most likely localization of ROM1 is in the approximately 2-cM interval between human PGA (human pepsinogen A) and PYGM (muscle glycogen phosphorylase). ROM1 appears to be a new member of a conserved syntenic group whose members include such genes as CD5, CD20, and OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein), on human chromosome 11 and mouse chromosome 19. Localization of the ROM1 gene will permit the examination of its linkage to hereditary retinopathies in man and mouse.  相似文献   

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