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We previously reported that the absorption spectrum at low temperatures of iodinated bacteriorhodopsin can be separated into four components with maxima at shorter wavelengths than in native bacteriorhodopsin. In this study, the time course of the formation of each spectral component after iodination was analyzed, revealing that these four components correspond to four different iodinated states of tyrosine residues interacting with the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin. Therefore at least two tyrosine residues interact with the chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Solid-state 13C MAS NMR spectra were obtained for dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (bR) labeled with [4'-13C]Tyr. Difference spectra (labeled minus natural abundance) taken at pH values between 2 and 12, and temperatures between 20 and -90 degrees C, exhibit a single signal centered at 156 ppm, indicating that the 11 tyrosines are protonated over a wide pH range. However, at pH 13, a second line appears in the spectrum with an isotropic shift of 165 ppm. Comparisons with solution and solid-state spectra of model compounds suggest that this second line is due to the formation of tyrosinate. Integrated intensities indicate that about half of the tyrosines are deprotonated at pH 13. This result demonstrates that deprotonated tyrosines in a membrane protein are detectable with solid-state NMR and that neither the bR568 nor the bR555 form of bR present in the dark-adapted state contains a tyrosinate at pH values between 2 and 12. Deprotonation of a single tyrosine in bR568 would account for 3.6% of the total tyrosine signal, which would be detectable with the current signal-to-noise ratio. We observe a slight heterogeneity and subtle line-width changes in the tyrosine signal between pH 7 and pH 12, which we interpret to be due to protein environmental effects (such as changes in hydrogen bonding) rather than complete deprotonation of tyrosine residue(s).  相似文献   

In a light-driven proton-pump protein, bacteriorhodopsin (BR), protonated Schiff base of the retinal chromophore and Asp85 form ion-pair state, which is stabilized by a bridged water molecule. After light absorption, all-trans to 13-cis photoisomerization takes place, followed by the primary proton transfer from the Schiff base to Asp85 that triggers sequential proton transfer reactions for the pump. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy first observed O-H stretching vibrations of water during the photocycle of BR, and accurate spectral acquisition has extended the water stretching frequencies into the entire stretching frequency region in D(2)O. This enabled to capture the water molecules hydrating with negative charges, and we have identified the water O-D stretch at 2171 cm(-1) as the bridged water interacting with Asp85. We found that retinal isomerization weakens the hydrogen bond in the K intermediate, but not in the later intermediates such as L, M, and N. On the basis of the observation particularly on the M intermediate, we proposed a model for the mechanism of proton transfer from the Schiff base to Asp85. In the "hydration switch model", hydration of a water molecule is switched in the M intermediate from Asp85 to Asp212. This will have raised the pK(a) of the proton acceptor, and the proton transfer is from the Schiff base to Asp85.  相似文献   

T Baasov  N Friedman  M Sheves 《Biochemistry》1987,26(11):3210-3217
Factors affecting the C = N stretching frequency of protonated retinal Schiff base (RSBH+) were studied with a series of synthetic chromophores and measured under different conditions. Interaction of RSBH+ with nonconjugated positive charges in the vicinity of the ring moiety or a planar polyene conformation (in contrast to the twisted retinal conformation in solution) shifted the absorption maxima but did not affect the C = N stretching frequency. The latter, however, was affected by environmental perturbations in the vicinity of the Schiff base linkage. Diminished ion pairing (i.e., of the positively charged nitrogen to its anion) achieved either by substituting a more bulky counteranion or by designing models with a homoconjugation effect lowered the C = N stretch energy. Decreasing solvation of the positively charged nitrogen leads to a similar trend. These effects in the vicinity of the Schiff base linkage also perturb the deuterium isotope effect observed upon deuteriation of the Schiff base. The results are interpreted by considering the mixing of the C = N stretching and C = N-H bending vibration. The C = N mode is shifted due to electrostatic interaction with nonconjugated positive charges in the vicinity of the Schiff base linkage, an interaction that does not influence the isotope effect. Weak hydrogen bonding between the Schiff base linkage in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and its counteranion or, alternatively, poor solvation of the positively charged Schiff base nitrogen can account for the C = N stretching frequency of 1640 cm-1 and the deuterium isotope effect of 17 cm-1 observed in this pigment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a light-driven proton-pump protein, bacteriorhodopsin (BR), three water molecules participate in a pentagonal cluster that stabilizes an electric quadrupole buried inside the protein. In low-temperature Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) K minus BR spectra, the frequencies of water bands suggest extremely strong hydrogen bonding conditions in BR. The three observed water O-D stretches, at 2323, 2292, and 2171 cm(-1), are probably associated with water that interacts with the negative charges in the Schiff base region. Retinal isomerization weakens these hydrogen bonds in the K intermediate, but not in the later intermediates such as L, M, and N. In these states, spectral changes of water bands appeared only in the >2500 cm(-1) region, which correspond to weak hydrogen bonds. This observation suggests that after the K state the water molecules in the Schiff base region find a hydrogen bonding acceptor. We propose here a model for the mechanism of proton transfer from the Schiff base to Asp85. In the "hydration switch model", hydration of a water molecule is switched in the M intermediate from Asp85 to Asp212. This will have increased the pK(a) of the proton acceptor, and the proton transfer is from the Schiff base to Asp85. The present results also suggest that the deprotonated Asp96 in the N intermediate is stabilized in a manner different from that of Asp85 in BR.  相似文献   

The retinal chromophores of both rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin are bound to their apoproteins via a protonated Schiff base. We have employed continuous-flow resonance Raman experiments on both pigments to determine that the exchange of a deuteron on the Schiff base with a proton is very fast, with half-times of 6.9 +/- 0.9 and 1.3 +/- 0.3 ms for rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin, respectively. When these results are analyzed using standard hydrogen-deuteron exchange mechanisms, i.e., acid-, base-, or water-catalyzed schemes, it is found that none of these can explain the experimental results. Because the exchange rates are found to be independent of pH, the deuterium-hydrogen exchange can not be hydroxyl (or acid-)-catalyzed. Moreover, the deuterium-hydrogen exchange of the retinal Schiff base cannot be catalyzed by water acting as a base because in that case the estimated exchange rate is predicted to be orders of magnitude slower than that observed. The relatively slow calculated exchange rates are essentially due to the high pKa values of the Schiff base in both rhodopsin (pKa > 17) and bacteriorhodopsin (pKa approximately 13.5). We have also measured the deuterium-hydrogen exchange of a protonated Schiff base model compound in aqueous solution. Its exchange characteristics, in contrast to the Schiff bases of the pigments, is pH-dependent and consistent with the standard base-catalyzed schemes. Remarkably, the water-catalyzed exchange, which has a half-time of 16 +/- 2 ms and which dominates at pH 3.0 and below, is slower than the exchange rate of the Schiff base in rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kinetic resonance Raman spectroscopy as a function of pH has been utilized to determine the pK of Schiff base deprotonation during the bacteriorhodopsin photochemical cycle. It is shown that the pK of Schiff base deprotonation is between 9.9 and 10.3, microseconds after light absorption and is >12 before photon initiation of photochemical cycling associated with proton pumping.  相似文献   

High-resolution, solid-state 15N NMR has been used to study the chemical shift anisotropies of the Schiff bases in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and in an extensive series of model compounds. Using slow-spinning techniques, we are able to obtain sufficient rotational sideband intensity to determine the full 15N chemical shift anisotropy for the Schiff base nitrogen in bR548 and bR568. Comparisons are made between all-trans-bR568 and N-all-trans-retinylidene butylimine salts with halide, phenolate, and carboxylate counterions. It is argued that for the model compounds the variation in 15N chemical shift reflects the variation in (hydrogen) bond strength with the various counterions. The results suggest that carboxylates and tyrosinates may form hydrogen bonds of comparable strength in a hydrophobic environment. Thus, the hydrogen bonding strength of a counterion depends on factors that are not completely reflected in the solution pKa of its conjugate acid. For the model compounds, the two most downfield principal values of the 15N chemical shift tensor, sigma 22 and sigma 33, vary dramatically with different counterions, whereas sigma 11 remains essentially unaffected. In addition, there exists a linear correlation between sigma 22 and sigma 33, which suggests that a single mechanism is responsible for the variation in chemical shifts present in all three classes of model compounds. The data for bR568 follow this trend, but the isotropic shift is 11 ppm further upfield than any of the model compounds. This extreme value suggests an unusually weak hydrogen bond in the protein.  相似文献   

Rotational resonance, a new solid-state NMR technique for determining internuclear distances, is used to measure a distance in the active site of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) that changes in different states of the protein. The experiments are targeted to the active site of bR through 13C labeling of both the retinal chromophore and the Lys side chains of the protein. The time course of the rotor-driven magnetization exchange between a pair of 13C nuclei is then observed to determine the dipolar coupling and therefore the internuclear distance. Using this approach, we have measured the distance from [14-13C]retinal to [epsilon-13C]Lys216 in dark-adapted bR in order to examine the structure of the retinal-protein linkage and its role in coupling the isomerizations of retinal to unidirectional proton transfer. This distance depends on the configuration of the intervening C=N bond. The 3.0 +/- 0.2 A distance observed in bR555 demonstrates that the C=N bond is syn, and the 4.1 +/- 0.3 A distance observed in bR568 demonstrates that the C=N bond is anti. These direct distance determinations independently confirm the configurations previously deduced from solid-state NMR chemical shift and resonance Raman vibrational spectra. The spectral selectivity of rotational resonance allows these two distances to be measured independently in a sample containing both bR555 and bR568; the presence of both states and of 25% lipid in the sample demonstrates the use of rotational resonance to measure an active site distance in a membrane protein with an effective molecular mass of about 85 kDa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the recently published x-ray crystal structure of the "bicelle" bacteriorhodopsin (bbR) crystal, the protein has quite a different structure from the native and the in cubo bacteriorhodopsin (cbR) crystal. Instead of packing in parallel trimers as do the native membrane and the cbR crystals, in the bbR crystal the protein packs as antiparallel monomers. To date, no functional studies have been performed, to our knowledge, to investigate if the photocycle is observed in this novel protein packing structure. In this study, both Raman and time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy are used to both confirm the presence of the photocycle and investigate the deprotonation-reprotonation kinetics of the Schiff base proton in the bbR crystal. The observed rates of deprotonation and reprotonation processes of its Schiff base have been compared to those observed for native bR under the same conditions. Unlike the previously observed similarity of the rates of these processes for cbR crystals and those for native bacteriorhodopsin (bR), in bbR crystals the rate of deprotonation has increased by 300%, and the rate of reprotonation has decreased by nearly 700%. These results are discussed in light of the changes observed when native bR is delipidated or monomerized by detergents. Both the change of the hydrophobicity of the environment around the protonated Schiff base and Asp85 and Asp96 (which could change the pKa values of proton donor-acceptor pairs) and the water structure in the bbR crystal are offered as possible explanations for the different observations.  相似文献   

Sugihara M  Buss V  Entel P  Elstner M  Frauenheim T 《Biochemistry》2002,41(51):15259-15266
Density functional theory (DFT) calculations based on the self-consistent-charge tight-binding approximation have been performed to study the influence of the protein pocket on the 3-dimensional structure of the 11-cis-retinal Schiff base (SB) chromophore. Starting with an effectively planar chromophore embedded in a protein pocket consisting of the 27 next-nearest amino acids, the relaxed chromophore geometry resulting from energy optimization and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations has yielded novel insights with respect to the following questions: (i) The conformation of the beta-ionone ring. The protein pocket tolerates both conformations, 6-s-cis and 6-s-trans, with a total energy difference of 0.7 kcal/mol in favor of the former. Of the two possible 6-s-cis conformations, the one with a negative twist angle (optimized value: -35 degrees ) is strongly favored, by 3.6 kcal/mol, relative to the one in which the dihedral is positive. (ii) Out-of-plane twist of the chromophore. The environment induces a nonplanar helical deformation of the chromophore, with the distortions concentrated in the central region of the chromophore, from C10 to C13. The dihedral angle between the planes formed by the bonds from C7 to C10 and from C13 to C15 is 42 degrees. (iii) The absolute configuration of the chromophore. The dihedral angle about the C12-C13 bond is +170 degrees from planar s-cis, which imparts a positive helicity on the chromophore, in agreement with earlier considerations based on theoretical and spectroscopic evidence.  相似文献   

In the recently proposed local-access model for proton transfers in the bacteriorhodopsin transport cycle (Brown et al. 1998. Biochemistry. 37:3982-3993), connection between the retinal Schiff base and Asp85 (in the extracellular direction) and Asp96 (in the cytoplasmic direction)is maintained as long as the retinal is in its photoisomerized state. The directionality of the proton translocation is determined by influences in the protein that make Asp85 a proton acceptor and, subsequently, Asp96 a proton donor. The idea of concurrent local access of the Schiff base in the two directions is now put to a test in the photocycle of the D115N/D96N mutant. The kinetics had suggested that there is a single sequence of intermediates, L<-->M1<-->M2<-->N, and the M2-->M1 reaction depends on whether a proton is released to the extracellular surface. This is now confirmed. We find that at pH 5, where proton release does not occur, but not at higher pH, the photostationary state created by illumination with yellow light contains not only the M1 and M2 states, but also the L and the N intermediates. Because the L and M1 states decay rapidly, they can be present only if they are in equilibrium with later intermediates of the photocycle. Perturbation of this mixture with a blue flash caused depletion of the M intermediate, followed by its partial recovery at the expense of the L state. The change in the amplitude of the C=O stretch band at 1759 cm-1 demonstrated protonation of Asp85 in this process. Thus, during the reequilibration the Schiff base lost its proton to Asp85. Because the N state, also present in the mixture, arises by protonation of the Schiff base from the cytoplasmic surface, these results fulfill the expectation that under the conditions tested the extracellular access of the Schiff base would not be lost at the time when there is access in the cytoplasmic direction. Instead, the connectivity of the Schiff base flickers rapidly (with the time constant of the M1<-->M2 equilibration) between the two directions during the entire L-to-N segment of the photocycle.  相似文献   

The photochemical and subsequent thermal reactions of the mouse short-wavelength visual pigment (MUV) were studied by using cryogenic UV-visible and FTIR difference spectroscopy. Upon illumination at 75 K, MUV forms a batho intermediate (lambda(max) approximately 380 nm). The batho intermediate thermally decays to the lumi intermediate (lambda(max) approximately 440 nm) via a slightly blue-shifted intermediate not observed in other photobleaching pathways, BL (lambda(max) approximately 375 nm), at temperatures greater than 180 K. The lumi intermediate has a significantly red-shifted absorption maximum at 440 nm, suggesting that the retinylidene Schiff base in this intermediate is protonated. The lumi intermediate decays to an even more red-shifted meta I intermediate (lambda(max) approximately 480 nm) which in turn decays to meta II (lambda(max) approximately 380 nm) at 248 K and above. Differential FTIR analysis of the 1100-1500 cm(-1) region reveals an integral absorptivity that is more than 3 times smaller than observed in rhodopsin and VCOP. These results are consistent with an unprotonated Schiff base chromophore. We conclude that the MUV-visual pigment possesses an unprotonated retinylidene Schiff base in the dark state, and undergoes a protonation event during the photobleaching cascade.  相似文献   

C Longstaff  R R Rando 《Biochemistry》1987,26(19):6107-6113
Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in purple membranes was permethylated with formaldehyde and pyridine-borane with the incorporation of approximately 12 methyl groups. This new pigment, PMbR, absorbed light in the dark-adapted state with a lambda max at 558 nm, virtually the same as that of bR. Light adaptation of PMbR produced a lambda max of 564 nm with a slightly elevated epsilon. Similar changes occurred with bR. When incorporated into asolectin vesicles, PMbR was able to pump protons in the light with an efficiency similar to that of bR itself. Bleaching of PMbR exposed its active site lysine residue, which was monomethylated to form active site methylated bR (AMbR) after regeneration with all-trans-retinal. This blue pigment, which is a cyanopsin rather than a rhodopsin, showed an extraordinary red shift, absorbing light with a lambda max of 620 nm in the dark-adapted state. Light adaptation of AMbR resulted in a spectral shift to 616 nm with a decrease in epsilon. This change was completely reversible in the dark. This shift was interpreted to mean that an L-like intermediate was accumulating, as would be expected if deprotonation of the protonated Schiff base could not occur to produce the M intermediate. Furthermore, when incorporated into asolectin vesicles, AMbR proved incapable of pumping protons in the light. It was concluded from these experiments that deprotonation of the Schiff base of bR is obligate for light-induced proton pumping.  相似文献   

Zadok U  Asato AE  Sheves M 《Biochemistry》2005,44(23):8479-8485
The retinal protein protonated Schiff base linkage plays a key role in the function of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a light-driven proton pump. In the unphotolyzed pigment, the Schiff base (SB) is titrated with a pK(a) of approximately 13, but following light absorption, it experiences a decrease in the pK(a) and undergoes several alterations, including a deprotonation process. We have studied the SB titration using retinal analogues which have intrinsically lower pK(a)'s which allow for SB titrations over a much lower pH range. We found that above pH 9 the channel for the SB titration is perturbed, and the titration rate is considerably reduced. On the basis of studies with several mutants, it is suggested that the protonation state of residue Glu204 is responsible for the channel perturbation. We suggest that above pH 12 a channel for the SB titration is restored probably due to titration of an additional protein residue. The observations may imply that during the bR photocycle and M photointermediate formation the rate of Schiff base protonation from the bulk is decreased. This rate decrease may be due to the deprotonation process of the "proton-releasing complex" which includes Glu204. In contrast, during the lifetime of the O intermediate, the protonated SB is exposed to the bulk. Possible implications for the switch mechanism, and the directionality of the proton movement, are discussed.  相似文献   

Shibata M  Kandori H 《Biochemistry》2005,44(20):7406-7413
In a light-driven proton pump protein, bacteriorhodopsin (BR), three water molecules participate in a pentagonal cluster that stabilizes an electric quadrupole buried inside the protein. Previously, low-temperature Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectra between BR and the K photointermediate in D(2)O revealed six O-D stretches of water in BR at 2690, 2636, 2599, 2323, 2292, and 2171 cm(-)(1), while five water bands were observed at 2684, 2675, 2662, 2359, and 2265 cm(-)(1) for the K intermediate. The frequencies are widely distributed over the possible range of stretching vibrations of water, and water molecules at <2400 cm(-)(1) were suggested to hydrate negative charges because of their extremely strong hydrogen bonds. In this paper, we aimed to reveal the origin of these water bands in the K minus BR spectra by use of various mutant proteins. The water bands were not affected by the mutations at the cytoplasmic side, such as T46V, D96N, and D115N, implying that the water molecules in the cytoplasmic domain do not change their hydrogen bonds in the BR to K transition. In contrast, significant modifications of the water bands were observed for the mutations in the Schiff base region and at the extracellular side, such as R82Q, D85N, T89A, Y185F, D212N, R82Q/D212N, and E204Q. From these results, we concluded that the six O-D stretches of BR originate from three water molecules, water401, -402, and -406, involved in the pentagonal cluster. Two stretching modes of each water molecule are highly separate (300-470 cm(-)(1) for O-D stretches and 500-770 cm(-)(1) for O-H stretches), which is consistent with the previous QM/MM calculation. The small amplitudes of vibrational coupling are presumably due to strong association of the waters to negative charges of Asp85 and Asp212. Among various mutant proteins, only D85N and D212N lack strongly hydrogen-bonded water molecules (<2400 cm(-)(1)) and proton pumpimg activity. We thus infer that the presence of a strong hydrogen bond of water is a prerequisite for proton pumping in BR. Internal water molecules in such a specific environment are discussed in terms of functional importance for rhodopsins.  相似文献   

The consequences of replacing Asp-85 with glutamate in bacteriorhodopsin, as expressed in Halobacterium sp. GRB, were investigated. Similarly to the in vitro mutated and in Escherichia coli expressed protein, the chromophore was found to exist as a mixture of blue (absorption maximum 615 nm) and red (532 nm) forms, depending on the pH. However, we found two widely separated pKa values (about 5.4 and 10.4 without added salt), arguing for two blue and two red forms in separate equilibria. Both blue and red forms of the protein are in the two-dimensional crystalline state. A single pKa, such as in the E. coli expressed protein, was observed only after solubilization with detergent. The photocycle of the blue forms was determined at pH 4.0 with 610 nm photoexcitation, and that of the red forms at pH 10.5 and with 520 nm photoexcitation, in the time-range of 100 ns to 1 s. The blue forms produced no M, but a K- and an L-like intermediate, whose spectra and kinetics resembled those of blue wild-type bacteriorhodopsin below pH 3. The red forms produced a K-like intermediate, as well as M and N. Only the red forms transported protons. Specific perturbation of the neighborhood of the Schiff base by the replacement of Asp-85 with glutamate was suggested by (1) the shift and splitting of the pKa for what is presumably the protonation of residue 85, (2) a 36 nm blue-shift in the absorption of the all-trans red chromophore and a 25 nm red-shift of the 13-cis N chromophore, as compared to wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and its N intermediate, and (3) significant acceleration of the deprotonation of the Schiff base at pH 7, but not of its reprotonation and the following steps in the photocycle.  相似文献   

The first step of the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) photocycle involves the formation of a red-shifted product, K. Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of the bR570 to K630 transition at 81 K has been measured for bR containing different isotopic substitutions at the retinal Schiff base. In the case of bacteriorhodopsin containing a deuterium substitution at the Schiff base nitrogen, carbon 15, or both, we find spectral changes in the 1600-1610- and 1570-1580-cm-1 region consistent with the hypothesis that the K630 C=N stretching mode of a protonated Schiff base is located near 1609 cm-1. A similar set of Schiff base deuterium substitutions for retinal containing a 13C at the carbon 10 position strongly supports this conclusion. This assignment of the K630 C=N stretching vibration provides evidence that the bR Schiff base proton undergoes a substantial environmental change most likely due to separation from a counterion. In addition, a correlation is found between the C=N stretching frequency and the maximum wavelength of visible absorption, suggesting that movement of a counterion relative to the Schiff base proton is the main source of absorption changes in the early stages of the photocycle. Such a movement is a key prediction of several models of proton transport and energy transduction. Evidence is also presented that one or more COOH groups are involved in the formation of the K intermediate.  相似文献   

Y Cao  G Váró  M Chang  B F Ni  R Needleman  J K Lanyi 《Biochemistry》1991,30(45):10972-10979
During the M in equilibrium with N----BR reaction sequence in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle, proton is exchanged between D96 and the Schiff base, and D96 is reprotonated from the cytoplasmic surface. We probed these and the other photocycle reactions with osmotically active solutes and perturbants and found that the M in equilibrium with N reaction is specifically inhibited by withdrawing water from the protein. The N----BR reaction in the wild-type protein and the direct reprotonation of the Schiff base from the cytoplasmic surface in the site-specific mutant D96N are much less affected. Thus, it appears that water is required inside the protein for reactions where a proton is separated from a buried electronegative group, but not for those where the rate-limiting step is the capture of a proton at the protein surface. In the wild type, the largest part of the barrier to Schiff base reprotonation is the enthalpy of separating the proton from D96, which amounts to about 40 kJ/mol. We suggest that in spite of this D96 confers an overall kinetic advantage because when this residue becomes anionic in the N state its electric field near the cytoplasmic surface lowers the free energy barrier of the capture of a proton in the next step. In the D96N protein, the barrier to the M----BR reaction is 20 kJ/mol higher than what would be expected from the rates of the M----N and N----BR partial reactions in the wild type, presumably because this mechanism is not available.  相似文献   

According to previous X-ray diffraction studies, the D85N mutant of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) with unprotonated Schiff base assumes a protein conformation similar to that in the M photointermediate. We recorded (13)C NMR spectra of [3-(13)C]Ala- and [1-(13)C]Val-labeled D85N and D85N/D96N mutants at ambient temperature to examine how conformation and dynamics of the protein backbone are altered when the Schiff base is protonated (at pH 7) and unprotonated (at pH 10). Most notably, we found that the peak intensities of three to four [3-(13)C]Ala-labeled residues from the transmembrane alpha-helices, including Ala 39, 51, and 53 (helix B) and 215 (helix G), were suppressed in D85N and D85N/D96N both from CP-MAS (cross polarization-magic angle spinning) and DD-MAS (dipolar decoupled-magic angle spinning) spectra, irrespective of the pH. This is due to conformational change and subsequent acquisition of intermediate time-range motions, with correlation times in the order of 10(-)(5) or 10(-)(4) s, which interferes with proton decoupling frequency or frequency of magic angle spinning, respectively, essential for an attempted peak-narrowing to achieve high-resolution NMR signals. Greater changes were achieved, however, at pH 10, which indicate large-amplitude motions of transmembrane helices upon deprotonation of Schiff base and the formation of the M-like state in the absence of illumination. The spectra detected more rapid motions in the extracellular and/or cytoplasmic loops, with correlation times increasing from 10(-)(4) to 10(-)(5) s. Conformational changes in the transmembrane helices were located at helices B, G, and D as viewed from the above-mentioned spectral changes, as well as at 1-(13)C-labeled Val 49 (helix B), 69 (B-C loop), and [3-(13)C]Ala-labeled Ala 126 (D-helix) signals, in addition to the cytoplasmic and extracellular loops. Further, we found that in the M-like state the charged state of Asp 96 at the cytoplasmic side substantially modulated the conformation and dynamics of the extracellular region through long-distance interaction.  相似文献   

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