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Intraspecific cooperation and interspecific mutualism often feature a marked asymmetry in the scope for exploitation. Cooperation may nevertheless persist despite one-sided opportunities for cheating, provided that the partner vulnerable to exploitation has sufficient control over the duration of interaction. The effectiveness of the threat of terminating an encounter, however, depends upon the ease with which both the potential victim and the potential exploiter can find replacement partners. Here, we extend a simple, game-theoretical model of this form of partner control to incorporate variation in the relative abundance of potential victims and exploiters, which leads to variation in the time required for individuals of each type to find a new partner. We show that such market effects have a dramatic influence on the stable level of exploitation (and consequent duration of interaction). As the relative abundance of victims decreases, they become less tolerant to exploitation, terminating encounters earlier (for a given level of exploitation), whereas exploiters behave in a more cooperative manner. As a result, the stable duration of interaction actually increases, despite the decreasing tolerance of the victims. Below a critical level of relative victim abundance, the model suggests that the cost of finding a replacement partner becomes so great that it does not pay to exploit at all.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation can arise as a result of disruptive selection with assortative mating as a pleiotropic by-product. Studies on host choice, employing artificial neural networks as models for the host recognition system in exploiters, illustrate how disruptive selection on host choice coupled with assortative mating can arise as a consequence of selection for specialization. Our studies demonstrate that a generalist exploiter population can evolve into a guild of specialists with an 'ideal free' frequency distribution across hosts. The ideal free distribution arises from variability in host suitability and density-dependent exploiter fitness on different host species. Specialists are less subject to inter-phenotypic competition than generalists and to harmful mutations that are common in generalists exploiting multiple hosts.When host signals used as cues by exploiters coevolve with exploiter recognition systems, our studies show that evolutionary changes may be continuous and cyclic. Selection changes back and forth between specialization and generalization in the exploiters, and weak and strong mimicry in the hosts, where non-defended hosts use the host investing in defence as a model. Thus, host signals and exploiter responses are engaged in a red-queen mimicry process that is ultimately cyclic rather then directional. In one phase, evolving signals of exploitable hosts mimic those of hosts less suitable for exploitation (i.e. the model). Signals in the model hosts also evolve through selection to escape the mimic and its exploiters. Response saturation constraints in the model hosts lead to the mimic hosts finally perfecting its mimicry, after which specialization in the exploiter guild is lost. This loss of exploiter specialization provides an opportunity for the model hosts to escape their mimics. Therefore, this cycle then repeats.We suggest that a species can readily evolve sympatrically when disruptive selection for specialization on hosts is the first step. In a sexual reproduction setting, partial reproductive isolation may first evolve by mate choice being confined to individuals on the same host. Secondly, this disruptive selection will favour assortative mate choice on genotype, thereby leading to increased reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Both spatial heterogeneity and exploiters (parasites and predators) have been implicated as key ecological factors driving population diversification. However, it is unclear how these factors interact. We addressed this question using the common plant-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, which has been shown to diversify rapidly into spatial niche-specialist genotypes when propagated in laboratory microcosms. Replicate populations were evolved in spatially homogeneous and heterogeneous environments (shaken and static microcosms, respectively) with and without viral parasites (bacteriophage) for approximately 60 bacterial generations. Consistent with previous findings, exploiters reduced diversity in heterogeneous environments by relaxing the intensity of resource competition. By contrast, exploiters increased diversity in homogeneous environments where there was little diversification through resource competition. Competition experiments revealed this increase in diversity to be the result of fitness trade-offs between exploiter resistance and competitive ability. In both environments, exploiters increased allopatric diversity, presumably as a result of divergent selection for resistance between populations. Phage increased total diversity in homogeneous environments, but had no net effect in heterogeneous environments. Such interactions between key ecological variables need to be considered when addressing diversification and coexistence in future studies.  相似文献   

Many mutualisms host "exploiter" species that consume the benefits provided by one or both mutualists without reciprocating. Exploiters have been widely assumed to destabilize mutualisms, yet they are common. We develop models to explore conditions for local coexistence of obligate plant/pollinating seed parasite mutualisms and nonpollinating exploiters. As the larvae of both pollinators and (at a later time) exploiters consume seeds, we examine the importance of intraspecific and (asymmetric) interspecific competition among and between pollinators and exploiters for achieving three-way coexistence. With weak intra- and interspecific competition, exploiters can invade the stable mutualism and coexist with the mutualists (either stably or with oscillations), provided the exploiters' intrinsic birthrate (b(E)) slightly exceeds that of the pollinators. At higher b(E), all three species go locally extinct. When facing strong interspecific competition, exploiters cannot invade and coexist with the mutualists if intraspecific competition in pollinators and exploiters is weak. However, strong intraspecific competition in pollinators and exploiters facilitates exploiter invasion and coexistence and greatly expands the range of b(E) over which stable coexistence occurs. Our results suggest that mutualist/exploiter coexistence may be more easily achieved than previously thought, thus highlighting the need for a better understanding of competition among and between mutualists and exploiters.  相似文献   

Multilocus genetics and the coevolution of quantitative traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop and analyze an explicit multilocus genetic model of coevolution. We assume that interactions between two species (mutualists, competitors, or victim and exploiter) are mediated by a pair of additive quantitative traits that are also subject to direct stabilizing selection toward intermediate optima. Using a weak-selection approximation, we derive analytical results for a symmetric case with equal locus effects and no mutation, and we complement these results by numerical simulations of more general cases. We show that mutualistic and competitive interactions always result in coevolution toward a stable equilibrium with no more than one polymorphic locus per species. Victim-exploiter interactions can lead to different dynamic regimes including evolution toward stable equilibria, cycles, and chaos. At equilibrium, the victim is often characterized by a very large genetic variance, whereas the exploiter is polymorphic in no more than one locus. Compared to related one-locus or quantitative genetic models, the multilocus model exhibits two major new properties. First, the equilibrium structure is considerably more complex. We derive detailed conditions for the existence and stability of various classes of equilibria and demonstrate the possibility of multiple simultaneously stable states. Second, the genetic variances change dynamically, which in turn significantly affects the dynamics of the mean trait values. In particular, the dynamics tend to be destabilized by an increase in the number of loci.  相似文献   

Mutualisms are ubiquitous in nature, as is their exploitation by both conspecific and heterospecific cheaters. Yet, evolutionary theory predicts that cheating should be favoured by natural selection. Here, we show theoretically that asymmetrical competition for partners generally determines the evolutionary fate of obligate mutualisms facing exploitation by third-species invaders. When asymmetry in partner competition is relatively weak, mutualists may either exclude exploiters or coexist with them, in which case their co-evolutionary response to exploitation is usually benign. When asymmetry is strong, the mutualists evolve towards evolutionary attractors where they become extremely vulnerable to exploiter invasion. However, exploiter invasion at an early stage of the mutualism's history can deflect mutualists' co-evolutionary trajectories towards slightly different attractors that confer long-term stability against further exploitation. Thus, coexistence of mutualists and exploiters may often involve an historical effect whereby exploiters are co-opted early in mutualism history and provide lasting 'evolutionary immunization' against further invasion.  相似文献   

在协同进化研究中,传统观点认为物种之间的相互作用是对称性的,在进化过程中将形成一个稳定的均衡状态或进化稳定策略。然而,近来的观测和实验数据表明,物种间的协同进化可能存在非对称性相互作用,而且这种非对称性可能造成集合种群效应(metapopulation effect)或形成非均衡状态(例如混沌,chaos)。本文利用"榕树–榕小蜂"这一经典的协同进化模式系统来介绍协同进化过程中的非对称性相互作用,以及这种非对称性如何产生集合种群效应。在榕–蜂共生系统中,栖身于榕果中的榕小蜂除了传粉小蜂之外,还有一些"投机"的非传粉小蜂。非传粉小蜂比传粉小蜂具有更强的竞争力,而榕树则可惩罚不合作的非传粉蜂,同时奖励合作的传粉小蜂,从而形成了复杂的非对称性种间相互作用。在某个斑块生境中,非传粉小蜂通过竞争作用排斥传粉小蜂,然而随着非传粉小蜂在蜂群中的比例不断升高,榕树惩罚作用(如落果等)常常会导致整个非传粉蜂群的数量急剧下降,甚至局域性灭绝。随后,其他斑块的传粉小蜂则迁移过来填补空白。然而,随着传粉小蜂种群的数量增长,该斑块又会集聚更多的投机性非传粉小蜂,进而诱发榕树再次进行惩罚。这样的非对称性相互作用导致了非传粉小蜂、传粉小蜂以及榕树种群的集合效应,其种群大小呈现周期性的"此消彼长"式的循环。  相似文献   

Mutualisms often involve reciprocal adaptations of both partners. Acacia ant-plants defended by symbiotic Pseudomyrmex ant mutualists secrete sucrose-free extrafloral nectar, which is unattractive to generalists. We aimed to investigate whether this extrafloral nectar can also exclude exploiters, that is nondefending ant species. Mutualist workers discriminated against sucrose whereas exploiters and generalists with no affinity toward Acacia myrmecophytes preferred sucrose, because mutualist workers lacked the sucrose-cleaving enzyme invertase, which is present in workers of the other two groups. Sucrose uptake induced invertase activity in workers of parasites and generalists, but not mutualists, and in larvae of all species: the mutualists loose invertase during their ontogeny. This reduced metabolic capacity ties the mutualists to their plant hosts, but it does not completely prevent the mutualism from exploitation. We therefore investigated whether the exploiters studied here are cheaters (i.e., have evolved from former mutualists) or parasites (exploiters with no mutualistic ancestor). A molecular phylogeny demonstrates that the exploiter species did not evolve from former mutualists, and no evidence for cheaters was found. We conclude that being specialized to their partner can prevent mutualists from becoming cheaters, whereas other mechanisms are required to stabilize a mutualism against the exploitation by parasites.  相似文献   

A haploid model of frequency-dependent selection and assortative mating is introduced and analyzed for the case of a single multiallelic autosomal locus. Frequency-dependent selection is due to intraspecific competition mediated by a quantitative character under stabilizing or directional selection. Assortment is induced by the same trait. We analyze the equilibrium structure and the local stability properties of all possible equilibria. In the limit of weak selection we obtain global stability properties by finding a Lyapunov function. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the maintenance of polymorphism in terms of the strength of stabilizing selection, intraspecific competition and assortment. Our results also include criteria for the ability of extreme types to invade the population. Furthermore, we study the occurrence of disruptive selection and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for intraspecific divergence to occur.  相似文献   

Plants in multiple symbioses are exploited by symbionts that consume their resources without providing services. Discriminating hosts are thought to stabilize mutualism by preferentially allocating resources into anatomical structures (modules) where services are generated, with examples of modules including the entire inflorescences of figs and the root nodules of legumes. Modules are often colonized by multiple symbiotic partners, such that exploiters that co-occur with mutualists within mixed modules can share rewards generated by their mutualist competitors. We developed a meta-population model to answer how the population dynamics of mutualists and exploiters change when they interact with hosts with different module occupancies (number of colonists per module) and functionally different patterns of allocation into mixed modules. We find that as module occupancy increases, hosts must increase the magnitude of preferentially allocated resources in order to sustain comparable populations of mutualists. Further, we find that mixed colonization can result in the coexistence of mutualist and exploiter partners, but only when preferential allocation follows a saturating function of the number of mutualists in a module. Finally, using published data from the fig–wasp mutualism as an illustrative example, we derive model predictions that approximate the proportion of exploiter, non-pollinating wasps observed in the field.  相似文献   

We consider the population dynamics of two competing species sharing the same resource, which is modeled by the carrying capacity term of logistic equation. One species (farmer) increases the carrying capacity in exchange for a decreased survival rate, while the other species (exploiter) does not. As the carrying capacity is shared by both species, farmer is altruistic. The effect of continuous spatial structure on the performance of such strategies is studied using the reaction diffusion equations. Mathematical analysis on the traveling wave solution of the system revealed; (1) Farmers can never expel exploiters in any traveling wave solution. (2) The expanding velocity of the exploiter population invading the farmer population can be analytically determined and it depends only on a cost of altruism and the diffusion coefficients while it is independent of the benefit of altruism. (3) When the effect of altruism is small, the dynamics of the invasion of exploiters obeys the Fisher-KPP equation. Numerical calculations confirm these results.  相似文献   

Resource competition within a group of cooperators is expected to decrease selection for cooperative behavior but can also result in diversifying selection for the use of different resources, which in turn could retard the breakdown of cooperation. Diverse groups are likely to be less susceptible to invasion by noncooperating social cheats: First, competition repression resulting from character displacement may provide less of a selective advantage to cheating; second, cheats may trade off the ability to exploit cooperators that specialize in one type of resource against cooperators that specialize in another ; third, diverse communities of any kind may have higher invasion resistance because there are fewer resources available for an invader to use . Furthermore, diverse groups are likely to be more productive than clonal groups if a wider range of total resources are being used . We addressed these issues by using the cooperative trait of biofilm formation in Pseudomonas fluorescens. Character displacement through resource competition evolved within biofilms; productivity increased with increasing character displacement, and diverse biofilms were less susceptible to invasion by cheats. These results demonstrate that diversification into different ecological niches can minimize selection against cooperation in the face of local resource competition.  相似文献   

Differences in the relative diversification rates of species with variant traits are known as species selection. Species selection can produce a macroevolutionary change in the frequencies of traits by changing the relative number of species possessing each trait over time. But species selection is not the only process that can change the frequencies of traits, phyletic microevolution of traits within species and phylogenetic trait evolution among species, the tempo and mode of microevolution can also change trait frequencies. Species selection, phylogenetic, and phyletic processes can all contribute to large‐scale trends, reinforcing or canceling each other out. Even more complex interactions among macroevolutionary processes are possible when multiple covarying traits are involved. Here I present a multilevel macroevolutionary framework that is useful for understanding how macroevolutionary processes interact. It is useful for empirical studies using fossils, molecular phylogenies, or both. I illustrate the framework with the macroevolution of coloniality and photosymbiosis in scleractinian corals using a time‐calibrated molecular phylogeny. I find that standing phylogenetic variation in coloniality and photosymbiosis deflects the direction of macroevolution from the vector of species selection. Variation in these traits constrains species selection and results in a 200 million year macroevolutionary equilibrium.  相似文献   

Coevolution is one of the major drivers of complex dynamics in population ecology. Historically, antagonistic coevolution in victim-exploiter systems has been a topic of special interest, and involves traits with various genetic architectures (e.g., the number of genes involved) and effects on interactions. For example, exploiters may need to have traits that “match” those of victims for successful exploitation (i.e., a matching interaction), or traits that exceed those of victims (i.e., a difference interaction). Different models exist which are appropriate for different types of traits, including Mendelian (discrete) and quantitative (continuous) traits. For models with multiple Mendelian traits, recent studies have shown that antagonistic coevolutionary patterns that appear as matching interactions can arise due to multiple difference interactions with costs of having large trait values. Here we generalize their findings to quantitative traits and show, analogously, that the multidimensional difference interactions with costs sometimes behave qualitatively the same as matching interactions. While previous studies in quantitative genetics have used the dichotomy between matching and difference frameworks to explore coevolutionary dynamics, we suggest that exploring multidimensional trait space is important to examine the generality of results obtained from one-dimensional traits.  相似文献   

Habitat selection models are used in ecology to link the spatial distribution of animals to environmental covariates and identify preferred habitats. The most widely used models of this type, resource selection functions, aim to capture the steady-state distribution of space use of the animal, but they assume independence between the observed locations of an animal. This is unrealistic when location data display temporal autocorrelation. The alternative approach of step selection functions embed habitat selection in a model of animal movement, to account for the autocorrelation. However, inferences from step selection functions depend on the underlying movement model, and they do not readily predict steady-state space use. We suggest an analogy between parameter updates and target distributions in Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, and step selection and steady-state distributions in movement ecology, leading to a step selection model with an explicit steady-state distribution. In this framework, we explain how maximum likelihood estimation can be used for simultaneous inference about movement and habitat selection. We describe the local Gibbs sampler, a novel rejection-free MCMC scheme, use it as the basis of a flexible class of animal movement models, and derive its likelihood function for several important special cases. In a simulation study, we verify that maximum likelihood estimation can recover all model parameters. We illustrate the application of the method with data from a zebra.  相似文献   

Observed phenotypic responses to selection in the wild often differ from predictions based on measurements of selection and genetic variance. An overlooked hypothesis to explain this paradox of stasis is that a skewed phenotypic distribution affects natural selection and evolution. We show through mathematical modeling that, when a trait selected for an optimum phenotype has a skewed distribution, directional selection is detected even at evolutionary equilibrium, where it causes no change in the mean phenotype. When environmental effects are skewed, Lande and Arnold's (1983) directional gradient is in the direction opposite to the skew. In contrast, skewed breeding values can displace the mean phenotype from the optimum, causing directional selection in the direction of the skew. These effects can be partitioned out using alternative selection estimates based on average derivatives of individual relative fitness, or additive genetic covariances between relative fitness and trait (Robertson–Price identity). We assess the validity of these predictions using simulations of selection estimation under moderate sample sizes. Ecologically relevant traits may commonly have skewed distributions, as we here exemplify with avian laying date — repeatedly described as more evolutionarily stable than expected — so this skewness should be accounted for when investigating evolutionary dynamics in the wild.  相似文献   

Niche and dispersal ability are key traits for explaining the geographical structuring of species into discrete populations, and its evolutionary significance. Beyond their individual effects, the interplay between species niche and its geographic limits, together with the evolutionary lability of dispersal ability, can underpin trait diversification and speciation when exposed to gradients of selection. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, two complementary papers demonstrate how evolutionary lability for dispersal ability linked to niche shift can drive such a model in a context that includes selection. Both papers investigate the evolution of dispersal limitation in arthropods across altitudinal gradients, but using taxa with contrasting ecologies. McCulloch et al. (2019) investigate the evolution of wing loss at higher altitudes in stoneflies, a taxon inhabiting freshwater systems. Suzuki et al. (2019) report a similar phenomenon, but involving wing reduction at higher altitudes in scorpionflies, a taxon associated with moist terrestrial habitats. Here, we compare and contrast the results of both studies to explore their broader implications for understanding diversification and speciation within arthropods.  相似文献   

Longevity is a life-history trait that is shaped by natural selection. An unexplored consequence is how selection on this trait affects diversity and diversification in species assemblages. Motivated by the diverse rockfish (Sebastes) assemblage in the North Pacific, the effects of trade-offs in longevity against competitive ability are explored. A competition model is developed and used to explore the potential for species diversification and coexistence. Invasion analyses highlight that life-history trait trade-offs in longevity can mitigate the effects of competitive ability and favour the coexistence of a finite number of species. Our results have implications for niche differentiation, limiting similarity and assembly dynamics in multispecies interactions.  相似文献   

A population-genetic analysis is performed of a two-locus two-allele model, in which the primary locus has a major effect on a quantitative trait that is under frequency-dependent disruptive selection caused by intraspecific competition for a continuum of resources. The modifier locus determines the degree of dominance at the trait level. We establish the conditions when a modifier allele can invade and when it becomes fixed if sufficiently frequent. In general, these are not equivalent because an unstable internal equilibrium may exist and the condition for successful invasion of the modifier is more restrictive than that for eventual fixation from already high frequency. However, successful invasion implies global fixation, i.e., fixation from any initial condition. Modifiers of large effect can become fixed, and also invade, in a wider parameter range than modifiers of small effect. We also study modifiers with a direct, frequency-independent deleterious fitness effect. We show that they can invade if they induce a sufficiently high level of dominance and if disruptive selection on the ecological trait is strong enough. For deleterious modifiers, successful invasion no longer implies global fixation because they can become stuck at an intermediate frequency due to a stable internal equilibrium. Although the conditions for invasion and for fixation if sufficiently frequent are independent of the linkage relation between the two loci, the rate of spread depends strongly on it. The present study provides further support to the view that evolution of dominance may be an efficient mechanism to remove unfit heterozygotes that are maintained by balancing selection. It also demonstrates that an invasion analysis of mutants of very small effect is insufficient to obtain a full understanding of the evolutionary dynamics under frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   

How does natural selection shape the structure of variance and covariance among multiple traits, and how do (co)variances influence trajectories of adaptive diversification? We investigate these pivotal but open questions by comparing phenotypic (co)variances among multiple morphological traits across 18 derived lake‐dwelling populations of threespine stickleback, and their marine ancestor. Divergence in (co)variance structure among populations is striking and primarily attributable to shifts in the variance of a single key foraging trait (gill raker length). We then relate this divergence to an ecological selection proxy, to population divergence in trait means, and to the magnitude of sexual dimorphism within populations. This allows us to infer that evolution in (co)variances is linked to variation among habitats in the strength of resource‐mediated disruptive selection. We further find that adaptive diversification in trait means among populations has primarily involved shifts in gill raker length. The direction of evolutionary trajectories is unrelated to the major axes of ancestral trait (co)variance. Our study demonstrates that natural selection drives both means and (co)variances deterministically in stickleback, and strongly challenges the view that the (co)variance structure biases the direction of adaptive diversification predictably even over moderate time spans.  相似文献   

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