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The evolutionary relationships within prokaryotes and between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is examined based on protein sequence data. Phylogenies and common signature sequences in some of the most conserved proteins point to a close evolutionary relationship between Archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria. The monophyletic nature and distinctness of the Archaebacterial domain is not supported by many of the phylogenies. Within Gram-negative bacteria, cyanobacteria are indicated as the deepest branching lineage, and a clade consisting of Archaebacteria, Gram-positive bacteria and cyanobacteria is supported by signature sequences in many proteins. However, the division within the prokaryotic species viz. Archaebacteria Gram-positive bacteria Cyanobacteria other groups of Gram-negative bacteria, is indicated to be not very rigid but, instead is an evolutionary continuum. It is expected that certain species will be found which represent intermediates in the above transitions. By contrast to the evolutionary relationships within prokaryotes, the eukaryotic species, which are structurally very different, appear to have originated by a very different mechanism. Protein phylogenies and signature sequences provide evidence that the eukaryotic nuclear genome is a chimera which has received major contributions from both an Archaebacterium and a Gram-negative bacterium. To explain these observations, it is suggested that the ancestral eukaryotic cell arose by a symbiotic fusion event between the above parents and that this fusion event led to the origin of both nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. The monophyletic nature of all extant eukaryotic species further suggests that a 'successful primary fusion' between the prokaryotic species that gave rise to the ancestral eukaryotic cell took place only once in the history of this planet.  相似文献   

The Selfish Operon Model postulates that the organization of bacterial genes into operons is beneficial to the constituent genes in that proximity allows horizontal cotransfer of all genes required for a selectable phenotype; eukaryotic operons formed for very different reasons. Horizontal transfer of selfish operons most probably promotes bacterial diversification.  相似文献   

The review presents the results of investigations of single-stranded DNAs of viruses, bacteria and cells of higher organisms. Methods of revealing, isolating and analysis of these DNAs are presented. A large variety of single-stranded DNA containing genomes of plant and animal viruses was revealed. Attention is drawn to the integration and replication of viral genomes. Results of SV40 integration during the first two days after infection of Chinese hamster cells are shown. Results of studying multi-copy single-stranded DNA in bacterial cells were analysed. In separate sections, the replication of plasmid single-stranded DNA was studied as well as the problem of plasmid stability in cells. Advances in bacteria transformation studies are stated. Data of single-stranded DNA investigation in cells of higher organisms are mainly presented on the example of early embryos. Data on the analysis of gene hypersensitivity to nuclease S1 are given. A table of proteins destabilizing and unweaving single-stranded DNA and a classification table of proteins bound with single-stranded DNA according to their functional significance are presented. It is stated that the problem of single-stranded DNA significance in cells remains open, although some results have been achieved.  相似文献   



Reversible phosphorylation of proteins is involved in a wide range of processes, ranging from signaling cascades to regulation of protein complex assembly. Little is known about the structure and evolution of phosphorylation networks. Recent high-throughput phosphoproteomics studies have resulted in the rapid accumulation of phosphopeptide datasets for many model organisms. Here, we exploit these novel data for the comparative analysis of phosphorylation events between different species of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Enzymes that utilize nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) or its 2'-phosphate derivative (NADP) are found throughout the kingdoms of life. These enzymes are fundamental to many biochemical pathways, including central intermediary metabolism and mechanisms for cell survival and defense. The complete genomes of 25 organisms representing bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals, and 811 viruses, were mined to identify and classify NAD(P)-dependent enzymes. An average of 3.4% of the proteins in these genomes was categorized as NAD(P)-utilizing proteins, with highest prevalence in the medium-chain oxidoreductase and short-chain oxidoreductase families. In general, the distribution of these enzymes by oxidoreductase family was correlated to the number of different catalytic mechanisms in each family. Organisms with smaller genomes encoded a larger proportion of NAD(P)-dependent enzymes in their proteome (approximately 6%) as compared to the larger genomes of eukaryotes (approximately 3%). Among viruses, those with large, double-strand DNA genomes were shown to encode oxidoreductases. Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria showed some differences in the distribution of NAD(P)-dependent proteins. Several organisms such as M. tuberculosis, P. falciparum, and A. thaliana showed unique distributions of oxidoreductases corresponding to some phenotypic features.  相似文献   

Mutational robustness facilitates evolutionary innovations. Gene duplications are unique kinds of mutations, in that they generally increase such robustness. The frequent association of gene duplications in regulatory networks with evolutionary innovation is thus a special case of a general mechanism linking innovation to robustness. The potential power of this mechanism to promote evolutionary innovations on large time scales is illustrated here with several examples. These include the role of gene duplications in the vertebrate radiation, flowering plant evolution and heart development, which encompass some of the most striking innovations in the evolution of life.  相似文献   



Genomic sequence analyses have shown that horizontal gene transfer occurred during the origin of eukaryotes as a consequence of symbiosis. However, details of the timing and number of symbiotic events are unclear. A timescale for the early evolution of eukaryotes would help to better understand the relationship between these biological events and changes in Earth's environment, such as the rise in oxygen. We used refined methods of sequence alignment, site selection, and time estimation to address these questions with protein sequences from complete genomes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Frieden BR  Gatenby RA 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22085


Living systems use information and energy to maintain stable entropy while far from thermodynamic equilibrium. The underlying first principles have not been established.


We propose that stable entropy in living systems, in the absence of thermodynamic equilibrium, requires an information extremum (maximum or minimum), which is invariant to first order perturbations. Proliferation and death represent key feedback mechanisms that promote stability even in a non-equilibrium state. A system moves to low or high information depending on its energy status, as the benefit of information in maintaining and increasing order is balanced against its energy cost. Prokaryotes, which lack specialized energy-producing organelles (mitochondria), are energy-limited and constrained to an information minimum. Acquisition of mitochondria is viewed as a critical evolutionary step that, by allowing eukaryotes to achieve a sufficiently high energy state, permitted a phase transition to an information maximum. This state, in contrast to the prokaryote minima, allowed evolution of complex, multicellular organisms. A special case is a malignant cell, which is modeled as a phase transition from a maximum to minimum information state. The minimum leads to a predicted power-law governing the in situ growth that is confirmed by studies measuring growth of small breast cancers.


We find living systems achieve a stable entropic state by maintaining an extreme level of information. The evolutionary divergence of prokaryotes and eukaryotes resulted from acquisition of specialized energy organelles that allowed transition from information minima to maxima, respectively. Carcinogenesis represents a reverse transition: of an information maximum to minimum. The progressive information loss is evident in accumulating mutations, disordered morphology, and functional decline characteristics of human cancers. The findings suggest energy restriction is a critical first step that triggers the genetic mutations that drive somatic evolution of the malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

Genomic rearrangements are associated with many human genomic disorders, including cancers. It was previously thought that most genomic rearrangements formed randomly but emerging data suggest that many are nonrandom, cell type-, cell stage- and locus-specific events. Recent studies have revealed novel cellular mechanisms and environmental cues that influence genomic rearrangements. In this Review, we consider the multitude of influences on genomic rearrangements by grouping these influences into four categories: proximity of chromosomal regions in the nucleus, cellular stress, inappropriate DNA repair or recombination, and DNA sequence and chromatin features. The synergy of these triggers can poise a cell for rearrangements and here we aim to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the genesis of genomic rearrangements.  相似文献   

Genome architecture, rearrangements and genomic disorders   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
An increasing number of human diseases are recognized to result from recurrent DNA rearrangements involving unstable genomic regions. These are termed genomic disorders, in which the clinical phenotype is a consequence of abnormal dosage of gene(s) located within the rearranged genomic fragments. Both inter- and intrachromosomal rearrangements are facilitated by the presence of region-specific low-copy repeats (LCRs) and result from nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) between paralogous genomic segments. LCRs usually span approximately 10-400 kb of genomic DNA, share >or= 97% sequence identity, and provide the substrates for homologous recombination, thus predisposing the region to rearrangements. Moreover, it has been suggested that higher order genomic architecture involving LCRs plays a significant role in karyotypic evolution accompanying primate speciation.  相似文献   

We present an ontology for describing genomes, genome comparisons, their evolution and biological function. This ontology will support the development of novel genome comparison algorithms and aid the community in discussing genomic evolution. It provides a framework for communication about comparative genomics, and a basis upon which further automated analysis can be built. The nomenclature defined by the ontology will foster clearer communication between biologists, and also standardize terms used by data publishers in the results of analysis programs. The overriding aim of this ontology is the facilitation of consistent annotation of genomes through computational methods, rather than human annotators. To this end, the ontology includes definitions that support computer analysis and automated transfer of annotations between genomes, rather than relying upon human mediation.  相似文献   

Scott BR 《Mutation research》2004,568(1):129-143
This paper links genomic instability, bystander effects, and adaptive response in mammalian cell communities via a novel biological-based, dose-response model called NEOTRANS3. The model is an extension of the NEOTRANS2 model that addressed stochastic effects (genomic instability, mutations, and neoplastic transformation) associated with brief exposure to low radiation doses. With both models, ionizing radiation produces DNA damage in cells that can be associated with varying degrees of genomic instability. Cells with persistent problematic instability (PPI) are mutants that arise via misrepair of DNA damage. Progeny of PPI cells also have PPI and can undergo spontaneous neoplastic transformation. Unlike NEOTRANS2, with NEOTRANS3 newly induced mutant PPI cells and their neoplastically transformed progeny can be suppressed via our previously introduced protective apoptosis-mediated (PAM) process, which can be activated by low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. However, with NEOTRANS3 (which like NEOTRANS2 involves cross-talk between nongenomically compromised [e.g., nontransformed, nonmutants] and genomically compromised [e.g., mutants, transformants, etc.] cells), it is assumed that PAM is only activated over a relatively narrow, dose-rate-dependent interval (D(PAM),D(off)); where D(PAM) is a small stochastic activation threshold, and D(off) is the stochastic dose above which PAM does not occur. PAM cooperates with activated normal DNA repair and with activated normal apoptosis in guarding against genomic instability. Normal repair involves both error-free repair and misrepair components. Normal apoptosis and the error-free component of normal repair protect mammals by preventing the occurrence of mutant cells. PAM selectively removes mutant cells arising via the misrepair component of normal repair, selectively removes existing neoplastically transformed cells, and probably selectively removes other genomically compromised cells when it is activated. PAM likely involves multiple pathways to apoptosis, with the selected pathway depending on the type of cell to be removed, its cellular environment, and on the nature of the genomic damage.  相似文献   

ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters play an important role in the communication of various substrates across cell membranes. They are ubiquitous in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and eukaryotic types (EK-types) are distinguished from prokaryotic types (PK-types) in terms of their genes and domain organizations. The EK-types and PK-types mainly consist of exporters and importers, respectively. Prokaryotes have both the EK-types and the PK-types. The EK-types in prokaryotes are usually called "bacterial multidrug ABC transporters," but they are not well characterized in comparison with the multidrug ABC transporters in eukaryotes. Thus, an exhaustive search of the EK-types among diverse organisms and detailed sequence classification and analysis would elucidate the evolutionary history of EK-types. It would also help shed some light on the fundamental repertoires of the wide variety of substrates through which multidrug ABC transporters in eukaryotes communicate. In this work, we have identified the EK-type ABC transporters in 126 prokaryotes using the profiles of the ATP-binding domain (NBD) of the EK-type ABC transporters from 12 eukaryotes. As a result, 11 clusters were identified from 1,046 EK-types ABC transporters. In particular, two large novel clusters emerged, corresponding to the bacterial multidrug ABC transporters related to the ABCB and ABCC families in eukaryotes, respectively. In the genomic context, most of these genes are located alone or adjacent to genes from the same clusters. Additionally, to detect functional divergences in the NBDs, the Kullback-Leibler divergence was measured among these bacterial multidrug transporters. As a result, several putative functional regions were identified, some corresponding to the predicted secondary structures. We also analyzed a phylogeny of the EK-type ABC transporters in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, which revealed that the EK-type ABC transporters in prokaryotes have certain repertoires corresponding to the conventional ABC protein groups in eukaryotes. On the basis of these findings, we propose an updated evolutionary hypothesis in which the EK-type ABC transporters in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes consisted of several kinds of ABC transporters in putative ancestor cells before the divergence of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Although the eukaryotic (eRF1) and prokaryotic (RF2) polypeptide release (translation termination) factors are functionally similar, they turn out to be very different in overall shape and architecture and in the location of key functional elements.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the importance of human genome copy number variation (CNV) in disease has become widely recognized. However, much is not understood about underlying mechanisms. We show how, although model organism research guides molecular understanding, important insights are gained from study of the wealth of information available in the clinic. We describe progress in explaining nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR), a major cause of copy number change occurring when control of allelic recombination fails, highlight the growing importance of replicative mechanisms to explain complex events, and describe progress in understanding extreme chromosome reorganization (chromothripsis). Both nonhomologous end-joining and aberrant replication have significant roles in chromothripsis. As we study CNV, the processes underlying human genome evolution are revealed.  相似文献   

The genomes of three bacteria (Haemophilus influenzae, Mycoplasma genitalium, and Escherichia coli) and two eukaryotes (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans) were compared. The distribution of their putative open reading frames (ORFs) was studied, and several conclusions were drawn: (1) All of these genomes, even the smallest, exhibit a significant proportion (7%-30%) of duplicated ORFs. This proportion is a function of genome size and appears unrelated to the bacteria/eukaryote division. (2) Some of these ORFs constitute families of up 20 or more members. (3) The levels of sequence similarity within these families are highly variable and their distribution is different among bacteria and eukaryotes. (4) In yeast, there are topological relationships between members of the same family. The paired ORFs are frequently in the same orientation with regard to their respective telomeres and located at comparable distances from them.   相似文献   

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