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Of fifteen compounds tested as synergists for chlorpyrifos against susceptible and resistant strains of Blattella germanica, the German cockroach, eleven were active against the resistant strain but only seven were synergistic against the susceptible strain. Overall, the most effective synergist was S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) followed by phenyl saligenin cyclic phosphonate (PSCP) and two substituted N,N-dimethylcarbamates: SK-102 and SK-37. The most effective synergist for overcoming chlorpyrifos resistance was SK-37 which reduced the resistance ratio by 3.2-fold. Four other synergists which reduced chlorpyrifos resistance, in order of their effectiveness, were: SK-102 > PSCP > DEF > tridiphane. The potential usefulness of these synergists for German cockroach control is discussed.  相似文献   

Synthetic foods varying in protein-carbohydrate ratio and total nutrient concentration were used in food selection experiments to investigate the ingestive and post-ingestive regulation of macronutrients by male and female nymphs of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). For both nutrient imbalance and food dilution, food ingestion varied between treatments with the effect that nutrient ingestion was regulated. However, this mechanism was insufficient to compensate for some food dilution treatments. In those cases, the regulation of protein intake was prioritised over that of carbohydrate intake, and two additional regulatory responses were seen. Firstly, cellulose digestion supplemented shortfalls in dietary soluble carbohydrates, and secondly the feeding period within the stadium was prolonged. These ingestive, post-ingestive and developmental responses were orchestrated in such a way that, in all treatments, nutrient gain approached similar levels, despite the variation in food properties.  相似文献   

The possible insecticide resistance mechanisms of four Malaysian field-collected strains of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), were characterized with biochemical assays and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Elevated esterase activity (at low to moderate frequency) and altered acetylcholinesterase (low frequency) were detected in all field strains, while elevated glutathione S-transferase levels were present in only two strains. Seven esterase bands were separated by native PAGE; a greater intensity occurred in three bands in the resistant strains compared to the susceptible strain. Inhibition studies using specific inhibitors on polyacrylamide gels suggested that the slowest of these three esterases is a cholinesterase, while the other two are carboxylesterases with a preference for beta- over alpha-naphthyl acetate.  相似文献   

Food consumption was measured in an insecticide-susceptible (Orlando) and-resistant (Village Green) strain of German cockroach, Blattella germanica (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), throughout each stadium. All instars exhibited a similar pattern of consumption over the course of the instar; consumption was low to moderate at the beginning of each instar, climbed steadily to a maximum near the middle, declined progressively from the mid-instar maximum, and ceased or was minimal several days before the next molt. Consumption ceased or was minimal during the final two to four days of each instar. Cumulative consumption for the six instars was significantly greater in the Village Green strain as compared with the Orlando strain. Village Green nymphs consumed 79.6±0.7 mg of rat chow while Orlando nymphs consumed 63.7±3.4 mg. Total consumption by instar increased significantly with each successive instar in the Village Green strain. In addition, Village Green sixth instar females consumed significantly more food than sixth instar males. A similar trend was observed for the Orlando strain; consumption tended to increase in each successive instar. Relative consumption rate (food consumed/cockroach/instar divided by the mean weight of the instar) was highest in the first two instars and decreased in subsequent instars.  相似文献   

四种植物精油对德国小蠊的驱避效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
室内测定4种蚊虫驱避效果较好的植物精油(香叶醇、芳樟醇、柠檬醛和茴香醛)对德国小蠊雄性成虫的驱避性,并与传统上常用的驱避剂DEET作对比研究,以期从中筛选出对德国小蠊驱避效果较好的驱避剂。每种植物精油设置4个剂量,即1,10,100和1000μg/cm2。结果表明,每种植物精油的驱避性均随剂量的增加而升高,4种精油的驱避性均高于DEET,驱避性最好的是芳樟醇;当剂量为100和1000μg/cm2时,每种植物精油的驱避性与对照组相比均有显著差异(P<0·05);除芳樟醇外,其余植物精油在剂量为1000μg/cm2时的驱避性与100μg/cm2的驱避性相比差异显著(P<0·05)。提示芳樟醇可能是一种很有发展前景的德国小蠊驱避剂。  相似文献   

Two field strains of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (L.) were collected in England from survivors of treatments with bendiocarb wettable powder, and bred in the laboratory. These and a laboratory susceptible strain were compared by a tarsal contact method to test for resistance to bendiocarb, fenitrothion and dieldrin. The field strains after exposure to the insecticide for 24 h were resistant to bendiocarb in terms of mortality by factors of 5.6 and 6.2 at the LC50 level, but at the LC95 level the resistance factors were only 1.7 and 2.0; however knockdown resistance was detected, with resistance factors at the KD50 level of 10.6 and 8.1. At shorter exposure times of 5 min and 60 min, 2–20% of cockroaches from the field strains survived 55 or 110 mg bendiocarb/m2; there were no survivors from the susceptible strain. Some cockroaches from the field strains were able to recover from knockdown after and during exposure to 110 mg bendiocarb/m2. Both field strains showed some resistance to dieldrin; however, there was no resistance to fenitrothion. When all three strains were exposed to 55 mg fenitrothion/m2 for 5 min, all the insects were knocked down within 3 h, and all had died within 96 h. There was no recovery from knockdown to fenitrothion or dieldrin.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 monooxygenases are an important metabolic system whose level of activity can be influenced by several dietary constituents. We examined the effects of six known P450 inducers on the levels of total cytochromes P450, cytochrome b(5), and six monooxygenase activities in adult German cockroaches. In addition, the levels of CYP6L1 and CYP9E2 mRNA were also investigated. Phenobarbital treatment resulted in increases in total cytochromes P450 and metabolism of three resorufin analogues, but not CYP6L1 nor CYP9E2 mRNA. There was no significant effect of the other five inducers on any of the monooxygenase parameters we measured. In comparison with other insects, the German cockroach seems unusually refractory to most inducing agents.  相似文献   

Abstract. Feeding cycles and daily locomotory patterns of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica L. (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), were correlated with the ovarian development cycle. To meet the nutrient requirement for ovarian development, females increased feeding before forming oothecae. Locomotory activity also increased when females became sexually receptive. All these activities reached a peak just before the formation of oothecae. Ovarian development ceased and locomotion and food consumption decreased during pregnancy. Both mated and virgin females showed similar reproductive cycles, but those of mated females were more precisely timed (intervals between successive oothecae, and pregnancy duration, were 5 ± 0.6 and 17 ± 0.6 days, respectively). However, the intervals between successive oothecae of virgin females were longer and less synchronized. During this longer interval, feeding took place immediately following the discharge of the ootheca, but locomotory activity increased 5 days later when females became sexually receptive. Mated females increased locomotory activities 1 or 2 days before the end of pregnancy, presumably searching for deposition sites for oothecae. Female adults were found to exhibit a daily nocturnal locomotory pattern. However, under the physiological demands of reproduction, the pattern could be changed, for example by increasing activity during photophase when females were sexually receptive. The physiological effects of reproduction override the control of the daily locomotory pattern by its diel clock.  相似文献   

The use of western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts of BgDNV densovirusinfected German cockroach, Blattella germanica, the intracellular localization of the regulatory proteins of the corresponding densovirus was investigated in cell culture. It was demonstrated that two proteins, namely NS1 and NS3, were predominantly localized in the nucleus, whereas NS2 protein was equally distributed in the nuclei and the cytoplasm. The data obtained are important for understanding the potential functions of densovirus regulatory proteins. The intracellular localization of NS3 protein was determined for the first time for any densovirus.  相似文献   

The interactions occuring between graft and host leg epidermis at a congruent junction (non-rotated, homopleural combination of components cut perpendicular to the proximal-distal axis) were studied at the tibia level in the cockroach,Blattella germanica. Grafts were made between dark (Bl) and light (br) cuticle colour mutants.
1)  Precise boundaries could not usually be drawn between Bl and br tissue over areas of bare cuticle but spines, hairs and claws could be identified, providing a good indication of the graft or host origin of regenerated structures.
2)  When the graft tarsus remained intact, segmented structures were not regenerated from the junction. Host distal tibia and graft proximal tibia interacted to produce a reversed orientation intercalary regenerate, usually composed mainly of host cells which had become more proximal than their level of origin.
3)  When the graft tarsus was amputated (or broken off), nearly 50% of congruent junctions regenerated segmented distal structures, which were classified as autonomous or lateral. Amputation of the graft tarsus acted, not through removal of any inhibition, but by hindering healing of the junction because of the apolysis of graft tibial epidermis.
4)  Distal structures regenerated autonomously by host and graft components of the junction were either complete or partial (fused at a common level in the tarsus).
5)  Lateral regenerates were of joint origin and usually distally incomplete. They were stable and, when amputated, were regenerated to approximately the same level, in the presence or absence of the graft tarsus.
6)  It is concluded that autonomous regeneration occurred from junctions which had totally failed to heal, and that lateral regeneration occurred from an unhealed sector of a junction. Laterals were therefore regenerated from a bilaterally symmetrical, partial circumference. They are compared to other incomplete regenerates found in analogous situations. The relationship between transverse organization and distal incompleteness is obscure.
7)  Segmented structures are thus regenerated only in situations where host and graft do not heal and interact (at least initially) over all or part of the circumference of the junction: interaction results in the formation of an unsegmented intercalary regenerate comprising the levels normally lying between host and graft on the proximal-distal axis.

1. A possible adaptive benefit of coprophagy was investigated in nymphs of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (L.). 2. Newly ecdysed first instars, given no source of food other than conspecific faeces, survived significantly longer than first instars deprived of faeces. The faeces of adult males and females may be of different quality, however, because nymphs given female faeces were more likely to moult into the second stadium than nymphs given male faeces. 3. In contrast to first instars, second instars provided adult faeces survived only slightly longer than starved counterparts. Faecal feeding is therefore stage‐specific, as is the benefit derived from it. 4. The relationship between the nutrient composition of faeces and the survival of nymphs was also examined. First instars fed the faeces of adults that had been maintained on a high (50%) protein diet, died more slowly than first instars fed the faeces of adults that had been maintained on medium (22.5%) and low (5%) protein diets. Chemical analysis of faeces showed that the concentration of protein in adult faeces increased with the level of protein in the diet. Moreover, food choice assays showed that first instars, unlike adults, ingested more of the high‐protein diets. 5. These data support the idea that coprophagy is a stage‐specific adaptive behaviour that permits first instars to moult into the second stadium with minimal foraging.  相似文献   

The patterns of faeces deposition in glass arenas with three groups of Blattella germanica L. during colonization of new refuges were recorded. The individual positions of more than 17,500 faeces were recorded. The average daily rate of faeces excretion per adult was 9.6 in males, 9.1 in non-gravid females and 2.7 in gravid females. Significant differences of faeces accumulation at various sites of the arena were found. In all three groups, mean density of faeces decreased in the following order: shelter, edges of arena, area around shelter, remainder of open area. The faeces were not accumulated more significantly at food and water sources than within the remainder of the open area. Low concentrations of faeces around edges were recorded with gravid females. The ratio of numbers of faeces in the shelter and those on the remainder of the arena was nearly identical in all tested groups. The rate of faeces deposition fluctuated during colonization of a new refuge. The role of faeces containing aggregation pheromone and ammonia in the ecology and behaviour of B. germanica is discussed.  相似文献   

German cockroaches Blattella germanica (L.) are gregarious insects. An aggregation pheromone contributes to the maintenance of aggregates. Choice experiments checked the efficiency of different solvents, i.e. dichloromethane, methanol and pentane, in extracting attractive substances and compared the attractiveness of extracts of different parts of the body. Dichloromethane and pentane were the most efficient solvents tested for extracting the attractive substances. Methanol whole body extracts appeared inefficient to induce aggregation. The proportion of larvae attracted to conditioned papers decreased in relation to the size of cuticular surface washed, from whole body to half-body and again to a section of the body cut in three. Attractive substances appear to be present on all parts of the body. Chemical analysis by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed that the active extracts contained only cuticular hydrocarbons. In addition to behavioural tests, differences between the composition of methanol extracts and that of the extracts for the other two solvents were revealed by GC. These results indicated that the cuticular hydrocarbons operate as an aggregation pheromone in Blattella germanica.  相似文献   

Inoculation of a spore suspension of Aspergillus flavus in the haemocoel of the German cockroach (Blatella germanica) resulted in large-scale invasion of various internal organs as seen in tissue sections stained with a fungal stain. The organs affected were the alimentary canal, fat bodies, muscle fibres, malpighian tubules and the cerebral neurosecretory cells. No invasion of the trachea and tracheoles was noted. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The development of patterns of current around vitellogenic oocytes of the cockroach, Blattella germanica, was examined by means of a two-dimensional vibrating probe. Previtellogenic oocytes exhibited small unstable currents. Shortly after vitellogenic uptake began (oocytes 0.6-0.8 mm anterior to posterior) currents were either all inward or all outward at the plane of measurement. A dorsoventral pattern of currents was first observed around oocytes a little larger than 0.8 mm. Current exited dorsally (source) and entered ventrally (sink). In these oocytes source and sink were small, less than half the anterior-posterior length. As oocytes grew, relative sizes of source and sink increased until they extended across the major part of dorsal and ventral surfaces. Many late vitellogenic oocytes had a pattern of dorsal outward current with a bimodal distribution. At the onset of chorionation measured currents were again small, unstable, and exhibited no well-defined pattern. Current density was greatest during midvitellogenesis.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 31 populations of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), located in two French cities 900 km apart, was estimated by enzyme gel electrophoresis. A set of 41 loci was analysed. Eight loci (4 Est, 3 Lap and 1 Got) were polymorphic. Diversity was estimated at different geographical levels: the overall population, between cities and within a city. Hierarchical F-statistics indicated significant genetic differentiation between all populations and among populations within each city, but no differentiation between cities. FST values for populations within each city and for the overall sample were substantially dissimilar. In addition, a cluster analysis did not separate populations according to their geographical origin but according to the predominance of either of the two alternative Est-4 alleles. The results of this analysis point to the absence of genetic differentiation on a large geographical scale: no large-scale geographical distance effect was detected. However, we evidenced strong genetic substructuring on a local scale, within cities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The amount of the major component of the cuticular sex pheromone, 3, 11-dimethyl-2-nonacosanone, on individual female German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), as a function of age was determined by gas-liquid-chromatographic analysis. Accumulation of phermone increased with age in both virgin and mated females. During the first gono-trophic cycle, the pheromone accumulated most rapidly when oocyte growth rates were maximal (days 5–10), and least rapidly while the female carried an ootheca (days 11–32). Pheromone accumulation was similar in virgin and mated females when the same physiological stages (determined by oocyte maturation) were considered. Inhibition of Juvenile Hormone release, through allatectomy, chemicals (precocene or fluoromevalonate), or through mechanical egg case implants, suppressed or delayed pheromone production and oocyte growth. The Juvenile Hormone analogue ZR512 induced allatectomized or head-ligated females and females with chemically or mechanically inhibited corpora allata to produce pheromone and enlarge their basal oocytes. Finally, ZR512 applied to intact females stimulated pheromone production in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Primer sequences and initial characterization are presented for 10 microsatellite loci isolated from the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. In a sample of 30 individuals from a single population sample, all loci were polymorphic with two to 12 alleles segregating per locus and levels of observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.27 to 0.92. One locus showed a deficit of heterozygotes. Experimental conditions are described for polymerase chain reaction multiplexing, which enables the genotyping of eight loci in three electrophoretic runs consisting of one set of three and two sets of two markers. Seven primer sets cross‐amplify in the related Blattella asahinai.  相似文献   

Male adult German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), expressed robust locomotor circadian rhythmicity under 28 degrees C and constant darkness (DD) conditions. By surgically severing the connections between the optic lobes and midbrain and their subsequent regeneration, we demonstrated that the locomotor circadian pacemaker was located in the optic lobes and that it controlled the locomotor circadian rhythm through neural pathways. From the results that unilaterally optic tract severed males still showed locomotor circadian rhythmicity (93.1%, n=29) without significantly changing the circadian period (tau) or level of motor activity, we concluded that the right and left optic lobes each contain a circadian pacemaker competent to drive the locomotor circadian rhythm. These two pacemakers were strongly coupled since only one rhythm was expressed when the pacemakers were independently exposed to opposite lighting conditions (DD or LL) at the same time. However, an unequal contribution of each pacemaker in determining the overt circadian period was found under constant dim light (10 lux) conditions, revealing a major-minor coupling relationship between these two pacemakers, so that the unilaterally blinded male expressed either a LL-rhythm with a circadian period of 24.27+/-0.21 h (41.7%, n=24) or a DD-rhythm with a circadian period of 23.43+/-0.19 h (58.3%, n=24). However, higher intensity of photic information (200-300 lux) could overpower this relationship and cause the minor pacemaker to lead the rhythm.  相似文献   

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