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Axillary seabream Pagellus acarne (Risso 1826) caught off the Canary Islands from January 1991 to December 1994 were studied. The length range of the catches was between 11 and 31 cm, with a modal distribution between 17 and 21 cm. The overall ratio of males to females was 1:1.74. Males were observed up to a length of 24 cm. Hermaphrodites were recorded at lengths between 15 and 23 cm. The species was characterized by protandric hermaphroditism. The reproductive season extended from October to March, with a peak in spawning activity in December–January. The size at sexual maturity was 15.8 cm total length (2 years old) for males and 19.4 cm total length (3 years old) for females. The total length–total weight relationship for the entire population is described by the parameters a = 0.0068, and b = 3.2401. Otolith age readings showed that the population exploited consisted of 10 age groups (1–10 years), including a very high proportion of individuals between 1 and 4 years old. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for all individuals were L = 32.98 cm, k = 0.22 years−1, and t0 = −0.87 years. Males grew comparatively slower than females. The instantaneous rates of mortality for all fish were Z = 0.96 years−1, M = 0.30 years−1, and F = 0.66 years−1. The exploitation ratio and the length at first capture were, respectively, E = 0.69 and LC50 = 16.1 cm. The stock is overexploited, therefore measures such as closed seasons or changes in fishing patterns would be desirable to safeguard the spawning stock and recruits.  相似文献   

The growth of two commercially important flatfish, turbot ( Psetta maxima ) (L.) and brill ( Scophthalmus rhombus ) (L.), was investigated in the Adriatic using whole otoliths (sagittae) and stained otolith sections. At variance with the pattern usually observed in temperate seas, the opaque zone was found to be laid down in autumn and winter, and the translucent zone in spring and summer. Growth rates differed according to sex, with the females attaining greater body lengths. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were: L=66.2 cm, K=0.31 years–1, and t0=–0.14 years for turbot males, L=81.5 cm, K=0.21 years–1, and t0=–0.48 years for turbot females; L=40.2 cm, K=0.49 years–1, and t0=–1.03 years for brill males; L=50.1 cm, K=0.27 years–1, and t0=–1.75 years for brill females. Growth rates and maximum age recorded for turbot were comparable to those reported in the North Sea.  相似文献   

The growth rate, food, reproduction and mortality rates of the red bass, Lutjanus bohar , are described for fish associated with coral reefs in the Tigak Islands of Papua New Guinea. Spawning intensity by month was investigated by examination of gonad maturation stages. The length–at–maturity of female L. bohar was estimated from the relationship between changes in gonad index with increasing size. Female fish matured at about 45–0 cm fork length. The Petersen method was used to obtain age–at–length data from length frequency data of L. bohar captured by hook–and–line fishing. The growth of L. bohar was described by a von Bertalanffy growth curve with the parameters AT=0.27 and L = 81.7 cm. There was a positive correlation between water depth (D) and the length of L. bohar (L) that was described by L = 318–8+ 3.050 D . The mortality rates ( Z ) of L. bohar from shallow (≤30m) and deep (≤80m) water were estimated from length converted catch curves and were 1–181 and 0–64 respectively. The high Z value for the shallow water population of L. bohar was ascribed to the migration of larger specimens into deeper water. The deep water population of L. bohar remains unfished and the estimate of Z was believed to be equivalent to the natural mortality rate ( M ). An empirical method of calculating M gave an estimate of 0.59. Lutjanus bohar is a carnivorous piscivore that feeds throughout the water column.  相似文献   

Growth, size composition, condition factor and gonad index of the oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps Val., oscillated over an annual cycle in relation to upwelling. Growth in length was modelled using the formula of Pauly & Gaschütz (1979): where L t= length cm at age t years, L= 23.8cm, K=0.97, to=0.70, C=1.08 and ts=−0.08. The relationship of growth rate, spawning, and condition factor, to upwelling and plankton blooms is discussed.  相似文献   

Maximum length reached by fishes is an important parameter that is highly correlated with metabolism and most other life-history traits. However, obtaining maximum length estimates for commercial fishes has become difficult due to the extirpation of large specimens by intensive fishing. Empirical equations are presented that can be used to derive maximum length of fish from length at first maturity, and vice versa.  相似文献   

The biology of the Canary Islands annular seabream Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus 1758) was studied from samples collected between January and December 1998. Fish ranged from 82 to 209 mm total length in size and from 8.7 to 137.1 g in weight. The mean length showed an increase with increasing water depth. Males showed a negative allometric growth and females isometric growth. The species was characterized by protandric hermaphroditism. The overall sex ratio was unbalanced in favour of males (1 : 0.79). The reproductive season extended from January to May, with a peak in spawning activity in March–April. Males reached maturity at a smaller length (103 mm, 1-year-old) than females (128 mm, 2-year-old). Fish aged 0–6 years were found. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for all individuals were: L=247.9 mm, k=0.268 years–1, and t0=–0.879 years.  相似文献   

In fisheries, the two morphological parameters of opercular and maximum girth are related to the effectivity of capture methods in gilled and wedged fish, respectively. The present work investigates the relationship between opercular ( G ope) and maximum girths ( G max) to total length ( L t) for 10 fish species captured from Shatt al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq. Data were collected October 2005 to December 2006. Cyprinids were the best represented family with six species; engraulids, silurids, heteropneustids and mugilids were each represented by one species. G ope and G max were found to increase linearly with total length of all species, all r 2 values being greater than 0.73 and statistically significant (P < 0.01). When G ope and G max for all species were plotted against total length, two groups were identified ( G 1, G 2), corresponding to general girth-length relationships: (a) G 1 = −0.252 + 0.424 L t and G 2 = −0.262  +  0.600 L t for opercular girth and, (b) G 1 = 1.538 + 0.419 L t and G 2  =  1.538  +  0.696 L t for maximum girth. These groups correspond to different body shapes of fishes: G 1-round and G 2-compressed. These relationships have implications when using length data and mesh size to determine size selectivity of gill nets.  相似文献   

The influence of salinity on life-history traits was tested using two adjoining West African estuaries: the Gambia with a 'normal' salinity gradient (salinity always <40 and decreasing from the mouth upstream) and the Sine Saloum (Senegal) with an inverse gradient (from 35 at the estuary mouth up to >130 in the upper reaches). The breeding seasons and subsequent fork length ( L F) at first maturity ( L F50) were estimated for different fish species reproducing both in the Sine Saloum and in the Gambia River estuaries using a database built from experimental fish samplings between 1990 and 2003 with a purse seine (30 locations in the Sine Saloum and 44 in the Gambia). The database contained 30 553 individuals belonging to 60 different species among which only 20 species reproduced in both estuaries. The breeding seasons peaked just before, or at the beginning of the rainy season (June to July), and there were almost no sexually mature fishes at the beginning of the dry season (November to December). Patterns of differences between L F50 of the two estuaries did not follow a general trend (positive or negative), but varied in the same way for females and males of a given species. The L F50 was only systematically reduced with increasing salinity in species living in high-salinity waters (>70). For species living below 70, differences in sizes at first maturity between the two estuaries did not show any clear relationship with salinity. The smallest mature individual found in an environment was a good indicator of the size at first maturity reached in a particular ecosystem because the trend of the species differences between the two ecosystems generally followed that of the differences in size at maturity.  相似文献   

Northern rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra females from the Kodiak Island area, Alaska, reached 50% maturity at 328 mm L T and an average age of 7 years. In contrast, southern rock sole Lepidopsetta bilineata females reached 50% maturity at 347 mm L T and an average age of 9 years. Spawning started in midwinter for northern rock sole and peaked during the spring, while spawning for southern rock sole occurred during the summer. The bottom depth for spawning northern rock sole ranged from 43 to 61 m and averaged 45 m; spawning depth for southern rock sole ranged from 35 to 120m and averaged 78m. Both species appeared to develop a single stock of oocytes and to ovulate them in a single spawning. Northern rock sole females grew faster overall ( K =0.24) than southern rock sole females ( K =0.12) but reached a smaller maximum length ( L =430 mm) than southern rock sole ( L =520mm). Males of both species grew more slowly than females after 5 years of age and reached a smaller maximum length.  相似文献   

The age, growth and mortality of the Mediterranean amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso 1810) were determined in 298 specimens collected in the south-eastern Adriatic Sea (Donji Molunat Bay) from 17 May to 26 June 1997. The total length ranged from 32.0 to 160.0 cm and weight from 0.5 to 46.5 kg. Ten age classes, ranging from 1° to 10° years were defined by scale readings. Mean total length and weight-at-age data were used to estimate the growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy equation: L =174.6 cm, K =0.190, t 0=–0.314; W =79.01 kg, K =0.139 and t 0=–0.746. The length–weight relationship was estimated at: W =0.000123 ×  L 2.847. The overall sex ratio was 1 : 1.06 in favour of males. Total ( Z ) and natural ( M ) mortality were found to be 0.41 years−1 and 0.30 years–1, respectively. The exploitation ratio ( E =0.27) indicates that the fishing pressure on the Mediterranean amberjack was low in the investigated region.  相似文献   

Otoliths ( n = 847) and gonads ( n = 817) were collected from barrelfish Hyperoglyphe perciformis that were captured by commercial fishermen in the waters off South Carolina and Georgia in 1995, 1997 and 2001–2006. Of the otoliths collected, 97% were aged successfully, and specimens sampled ranged from 5 to 85 years, with a median age of 12 years. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters yielded the equation: Lt = 857·8{1 − e−0·0985[ t −(−8·95)]}, where Lt is fork length ( L F) at time t . Through histological examination, 94% of the gonads assessed were assigned to a sex and reproductive class. Females spawned from September to May with a peak from November to January. Males spawned year round, but had a peak from September to April. The sex ratio (M:F) for this population was 1:1·34. The smallest mature female was 605 mm L F and the youngest immature female was 697 mm L F. Estimates of L F and age at 50% maturity ( L 50 and A 50) for females were 660 mm L F (95% CI = 633–667 mm L F) and 6·08 years (95% CI = 3·50–7·27 years), respectively. The youngest mature male was 575 mm L F and the oldest immature male was 762 mm L F, and no estimates of L 50 or A 50 were made for males. It was determined that barrelfish exhibit the typical characteristics of long life span, slow growth and high age at maturity seen in other deepwater fishes, and that care should be taken to manage this species accordingly.  相似文献   

The populations of tench from two gravel pit lakes of contrasting habitat type were studied. The population density of tench from St Peter's Lake, which has abundant aquatic vegetation was 176 individuals ha−1 (102.2 kg ha−1) compared to 0.3 individuals ha−1 (0.5 kg ha−1) in the Main Lake which has very little aquatic vegetation. The results of ageing tench by scales, opercular bones and otoliths were compared; all three structures gave similar results up to 9 years of age, but thereafter there were difficulties in ageing using scales and care was needed in counting annuli. The oldest tench caught was 15 years old. Growth of male and female tench was similar and fitted the von Bertalanffy model; for female tench L = 573 mm, K =0.122 and for male tench L = 586 mm, K =0.114. Recruitment was variable and strong year classes occurred in years with warm summers.  相似文献   

Length–weight and length–length relationships are presented for three species of butterflyfish endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll. From specimens collected within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM), the weight–length relationships were determined for Chaetodon fremblii as W  = 0.029SL3.17, Chaetodon miliaris as W  = 0.042 SL3.00, and Chaetodon multicinctus as W  = 0.029SL3.19 where weight, W , is reported in grams and standard length, SL, in centimeters. Length-frequency data and equations to calculate total length from standard length are also presented.  相似文献   

This study describes the length–weight (LWR) and length–length (LLR) relationships for ten small indigenous fish species from the lower part of the Ganges, Bangladesh, namely Ailia coila , Amblypharyngodon mola , Aspidoparia morar , Clupisoma atherinoides , Eutropiichthyes vacha , Glossogobius giuris , Gudusia chapra , Lepidocephalus guntea , Mystus vittatus , and Puntius ticto . A total of 2142 specimens, representing 10 species of 5 families used for this study were caught by traditional fishing gear from March 2006 to February 2007. Standard length (SL), total length (TL) and fork length (FL) for each specimen were measured by digital slide calipers and each body weight (BW) was taken by a digital balance. The allometric coefficient b of the LWR was close to the isometric value ( b  =   3.001) in G. giuris , although it suggested negative allometric growth in A. coila, A. morar, C. atherinoides, E. vacha, and P. ticto, whilst positive allometric growth in rest of the species. The results further indicated that the LLRs were highly correlated ( r >   0.890; P < 0.01). To the best our knowledge, this study presented the first reference on LWR and LLR for most of the species in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Monthly changes in the gonosomatic index indicate that yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis , in Moreton Bay have a short spawning season with a peak during the period July to August each year. The growth rate of A. australis was estimated from tag-recapture data and by length-frequency analysis. Modes representing age classes 0, I and II often appeared in length-frequency distributions, however modes for older age classes were difficult to identify. The von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters calculated from release–recapture data are: L = 29.5 cm; K = 0.51; t 0=– 0.32 years.  相似文献   

Growth and feeding of stingray ( Dasyatis pastinaca ) were studied using 346 specimens from the Cilician Basin coastal area (northeastern Mediterranean). Age classes between 0 to XII were found. The total length of all specimens ranged from 14.6 to 100.9 cm, and total weight was between 22.5 and 6800 g. Total length (TL)-weight (W) and disc width (DW)-weight (W) relationships were W = 0.0033*L3.1429 and W = 0.0039*DW3.4914, respectively. The age data, derived from central readings, were used to estimate the von Bertalanffy length and weight growth parameters. The results were L = 294.9 cm, W = 198690.1 g, K = 0.029 year−1; t0 = −2.2 year. The D. pastinaca diet was composed mainly of crustaceans.  相似文献   

Age, growth, mortality and exploitation pattern of sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in Trichonis Lake (western Greece) were studied from samples taken from catches of local fishermen. Individuals ranged between 44 and 109.53 mm in total length (TL). Age determinations based on scale readings show that the population has a 4-year life cycle. Sand smelt grows allometrically (b=3.18) and relatively rapidly, achieving 52.3% of the growth during the first year; thereafter the annual growth rate drops quickly. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for all individuals are: L=112.40 mm, k= 0.42 years−1και to=−0.40 years. The total mortality rate was Z=1.65 years−1 and the natural mortality rate M=1.07 years−1. The exploitation rate indicates that the population is rather underexploited (E=0.35).  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus were studied in specimens from the coast of the Sinop Peninsula (Black Sea) between March 2002 and April 2003 in order to characterize these population parameters in comparison to specimens from populations of nearby regions. A total of 1086 specimens was captured by beam trawl at the depths between 0 and 30 m. The total number of females (510) was significantly higher than that of males (373). Total length of males and females ranged between 5.7 and 23.6 cm, and 4.9 and 31.7 cm, respectively. The length–weight relationship showed a positive allometric growth. Females grew faster and reached a larger size at age than males ( L  = 111.9 cm, K  = 0.035 year−1, φ' = 2.64 for females, and L  = 74.6 cm, K  = 0.054 year−1, φ' = 2.49 for males). The age range estimated was up to 8 years for females and 5 years for males. Reproduction likely occurs between June and September. Sex ratio varied greatly with season, perhaps indicating different seasonal migratory patterns in adults of different sex. An inverse correlation between gonadosomatic index (GSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) was evident during the reproduction seasons. The mean size at first sexual maturity was 17.5 cm TL for females, and 16.7 cm TL for males.  相似文献   

The age and growth of the round stingray Urobatis halleri was determined using vertebral sections from animals collected at Seal Beach, California from 2002 to 2005. Annual periodicity was validated from U. halleri injected with oxytetracycline and maintained in captivity over a 2 year period ( n = 7). The coefficients estimated by the von Bertalanffy growth model were the disc width asymptote ( W D∞) (286 mm for males and 224 mm for females) and K (0·09 year−1 for males and 0·15 year−1 for females). The age structure of the population consisted of mostly older, mature males and females. Age at maturity was estimated at 3·80 years for females and 3·75 years for males, and the maximum assessed age was 14 years old. Males were more numerous than females throughout the year; however, from May to September, females outnumbered males. The U. halleri age and growth coefficients were comparable to other species in the family Urolophidae. Based on the seasonality and age structure of this population, Seal Beach offers warm-water refuge for U. halleri of reproductive maturity, and the U. halleri at Seal Beach may garner some behavioural thermoregulation benefit.  相似文献   

Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax Lacépède 1802, is becoming an important commercial fish in the north-west Atlantic fisheries and reliable age information is needed for its assessment. Macrourus berglax has been aged by counting otolith growth zones assumed to represent anulli. Three validation methods were applied: back-calculation of length-at-age, length–frequency analysis, and analyses of the progression of the length mode of an exceptionally large year class. Results on size-at-age estimated by otolith growth zone counts, length–frequency analysis of pre-anal fin length and modal progression were internally consistent, but estimates by back-calculation were different. This latter method produces unrealistic growth curves for each sex due to the weak relationship between otolith size as measured and pre-anal fin length. Up to age 8–9 the size-at-age were the same for males and females; thereafter males were smaller than females. Male growth rate declined when pre-anal fin length reached 18 cm at around age 9, whereas the growth of females started to decline at about 30 cm at around age 16. The Von Bertalanffy growth model derived from otolith analysis was similar to that obtained by the Multifan length frequency analysis model, and gave realistic values of L inf, close to the maximum anal fin lengths found in catches. The results showed that Macrourus berglax has a prolonged life cycle and differences in growth between males and females.  相似文献   

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