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The present study describes the seasonal changes of the fish species composition in three areas of the main channel of the Caeté River estuary, Brazil. The fish faunas of each habitat differed in density, biomass and species composition. Mean fish density and biomass for the Caeté River estuary channel was 0·25 individuals m−2 and 0·9 g m−2 respectively. Analysis of catch data showed that the number of species, total density and total biomass differed significantly between areas and seasons. For the most important species, the mean density of Cathorops spixii, Aspredinichthys filamentosus, Aspredo sp. 2, Pimelodus blochii, Pseudauchnipterus nodosus and Macrodon ancylodon , differed significantly between seasons while the mean density of Stellifer rastrifer , Stellifer microps, Aspredo aspredo , Aspredo sp. 1 and Cynoscion acoupa did not. The mean biomass of these species, with exception of S. microps and Aspredo sp. 1, also differed significantly between seasons. In the Caeté estuary seasonal salinity fluctuations appeared to be the main factor that structured the fish assemblage in the entire estuarine system. At least 85% of the species captured by the artisanal and subsistence fisheries in the Bragantine region required estuarine conditions to complete their life cycle.  相似文献   

Milbrink  Göran  Timm  Tarmo  Lundberg  Stefan 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):53-61
Fifty-seven small- to middle-size lakes of Sweden (size-range from <0.1 to about 200 km2) representing different regions and lake-types were selected for the purpose of demonstrating the indicative value of profundal oligochaete communities also of relatively small lakes. It is well known since previously that profundal oligochaete assemblages of large lakes in Europe may be particularly indicative of the current trophic situation, but little has been known about smaller lakes in this respect. Characterizations based on oligochaete community structure in these lakes could be summarized in eight different groups: Characteristic oligochaete communities in oligotrophic lakes of relatively small size are Spirosperma ferox, Stylodrilus heringianus and Tubifex tubifex. Oligochaete species richness is low (1–3 species) and so is species abundance (<300 specimens m–2). Very eutrophic lakes of the same size-range are largely dominated by the tubificids Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and/or Potamothrix hammoniensis. Substitute or complementary species may be T. tubifex. Species richness is usually low (1–3 species), but abundance is high to very high (>5000 specimens m–2). Mesotrophic to moderately eutrophic lakes of the same size categories contain more species than the above extremes, most of them being fairly tolerant to oxygene deficiency such as Tubifex ignotus, a number of species of the genera Aulodrilus and Limnodrilus and a variety of so-called Ponto-Caspian Potamothrix species, most of them having recently invaded south-eastern Sweden. Species richness is moderate to high (4–8 species), while abundance may vary considerably (range from about 300 to about 5000 specimens m–2). In this respect, small- to middle-size lakes do not differ much from larger lakes. For the trophic characterization of lake water the mean concentrations of total-phosphorus (in g l–1) is generally regarded to be the most appropriate measure. The match between characterizations based upon oligochaete community structure and total-phosphorus concentrations is generally very good for large lakes. The present study shows that this applies fairly well also to the majority of the small- to middle-size lakes selected for this study. This has not been shown before. Obvious deviations from this rule could be caused by a scarcity of reliable chemical data, or considerable seasonal shifts in the chemical composition ot the water, which in its turn may be caused by short water residence time. Littoral elements in the fauna, which are generally less indicative, or effects of local inflows may also be more frequent here than in lakes of larger size.  相似文献   

We determined the biomass and community structure of macroinvertebrates (>500 µm) associated with macrophytes, sediments, and unvegetated open water in three oligosaline (0.8 to 8.0 mS cm–1) and three mesosaline (8.0 to 30.0 mS cm–1) lakes in the Wyoming High Plains, USA. Total biomass of epiphytic and benthic invertebrates did not change with salinity, but biomass of macroinvertebrate zooplankton in open water was significantly higher in mesosaline lakes. Community composition of invertebrates differed between the two salinity categories: large grazer/detritivores (gastropods and amphipods) were dominant in oligosaline lakes, whereas small planktivores and their insect predators were more prevalent in mesosaline lakes. Both direct physiological effects of salinity, as well as a shift in the form of primary production from macrophytes to phytoplankton, probably explain these changes in community composition. Salinity effects on invertebrate communities appear to be less important to top avian consumers than are costs of osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in reef-fish assemblages along the Brazilian coast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The species composition of reef‐fish assemblages from nine Brazilian major coastal sites and four oceanic islands are compared. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was utilized to identify groups of sites based on similarity of composition, and to correlate environmental trends with such groups. Five distinct groups of sites were recognized: (1) the South and South‐eastern coastal reefs (from Guarapari Islands to Santa Catarina, the southernmost Brazilian reefs); (2) the North‐eastern coast (extending from the Manuel Luis Reefs to Abrolhos Archipelago); (3) Trindade Island; (4) Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas; and (5) St Paul’s Rocks. Water temperature, coral richness, distance from mainland, primary production and shelf width strongly correlated with the diversity and composition of the reef sites.  相似文献   

A quantitative examination of the reef fish assemblage at Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef, contrasting clove oil and rotenone, sampled 365 individuals of 47 species with clove oil v. 536 individuals of 53 species with rotenone. Number of species and individuals were not found to differ significantly between the two techniques, largely due to variation among samples. Neopomacentrus bankieri (Pomacentridae) and Eviota queenslandica (Gobiidae) were the most dominant in the samples using either technique. Although the samples appeared to be comparable, only 31 species (45%) in eight families were common to both techniques. Fishes often recovered before collection when using clove oil and were not driven out of the reef during induction to anaesthesia. Although the samples collected with clove oil approximate the results obtained using rotenone, enclosed rotenone stations are the preferred method for providing relatively complete quantitative samples.  相似文献   

The habitat use by stream fish can provide an understanding of this important component of species niches, and the changes in the availability of certain structures of instream habitats have a strong influence on the occurrence and abundance of fish species. In this study, we identified the interaction networks between fish and microhabitats in 19 streams of three watersheds from the Brazilian savanna, known as the “Cerrado”. We also investigated whether the connectance between fish species and microhabitats depends on either the species abundance or availability of microhabitats and verified whether the use of stream microhabitats vary among watersheds. The data for the fish were obtained using standardized fish collections and underwater (snorkeling) observations to record the association of fish species with 11 stream microhabitats. We used the incidence data to calculate the connectance of species with different microhabitats, a Spearman correlation analysis to test the dependence of the connectance to the species abundance and microhabitat availability, and an Analysis of Similarity to test whether the use of stream microhabitats by fish can vary among watersheds. In all of the watersheds, the tetras of the family Characidae used the largest number of microhabitats. The most‐used microhabitats by the fish watersheds were the lateral surface, column surface, and unconsolidated substrate, which were differentially used by the fish in each watershed, indicating the variable importance of microhabitats. Despite this observation, the fish occurred more frequently in the lateral microhabitats. When the data for all of the streams were combined, the species connectance was correlated with the species abundance. We also discuss the consequences of the elimination of certain bottom structures in the context of siltation, which is the main issue in the studied region. The results of our study allowed the detection of key microhabitat structures and can be used for the aquatic ecosystems restoration. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

There are several conflicting hypothesis that deal with the influence of flooding in the natural river–floodplain systems. According to the Flood Pulse Concept, the flood pulses are not considered to be a disturbance, while some recent studies have proven that floods can be a disturbance factor of phytoplankton development. In order to test whether flooding acts as a disturbance factor in the shallow Danubian floodplain lake (Lake Sakadaš), phytoplankton dynamics was investigated during two different hydrological years—extremely dry (2003) without flooding and usually flooded (2004). A total of 18 phytoplankton functional groups were established. The sequence of phytoplankton seasonality can be summarized P/D → E (W1, W2) → C/P (only in potamophase) → S2/H1/SN/S1 → W1/W2 → P/D. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) demonstrated that the water level was a significant environmental variable in 2004. Due to the higher total biomass of Bacillariophyceae established under potamophase conditions, floodings in the early spring seem to be a stimulating factor for phytoplankton development. On the other hand, the flood pulses in May and June had dilution effects on nutrients, so that a significantly lower phytoplankton biomass was established indicating that flooding pulses can be regarded as a disturbance event. Such conditions supported diatom development (D, P, C species) and prolonged its dominance in the total phytoplankton biomass. A long-lasting Cyanoprokaryota bloom (various filamentous species—S1, S2, SN and H1 representatives) with very high biomass characterized the limnophase (dry conditions) in summer and autumn of both years. In-lake variables (lake morphology, internal loadings of nutrients from sediments, light conditions) seem to be important for the appearance of Cyanoprokaryota bloom. The equilibrium phase was found during the Cyanoprokaryota bloom only in the extremely dry year. This study showed that depending on the time scale occurrence, flood pulses can be a stimulating or a disturbance factor for phytoplankton development in Lake Sakadaš. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Information from artisanal marine fisheries inColima, Mexico is analyzed to find evidence ofchange in the composition of fish assemblagesresulting from fishing pressure. Catchcomposition from up to 20 boats per day, during2 to 6 days a month, were recorded from 1983 to1998. Stability of the species composition wasanalyzed using rank correlation methods, andmeasures of diversity (specific richness,Shannon-Wiener index, evenness) were estimatedfrom data. The resulting time-series wereanalyzed to detect trends. No significantdifferences were found in the number of speciescaught by month nor were significant trends indiversity detected. The composition of the fishassemblages is dynamic. The presence ofpersistent and resilient species that definedthe values obtained of diversity and evennesswas detected, but did not determine thestructure of the community, which is apparentlydefined by other factors. The changes incomposition of the catch probably are aconsequence of environmental fluctuations andrandom events, and not a direct consequence offishing pressures on the fish community.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic and climatic factors are important determinants of algal distribution in aquatic systems. This study aimed to identify temporary pond‐groups of phytoplankton assemblages and to establish the interactions between environmental variables and phytoplankton structure. Phytoplankton samples were collected and preserved with 5% formalin; water samples for chemical analysis were taken in August and September 2007, 2008, and 2009 in 86 ponds randomly selected in the Sahelian sector and the Sudanian sector (protected and unprotected areas) of Burkina Faso. Plankton species were examined using light microscopy and identified using standard methods. A Fuchs‐Rosenthal chamber was used for algal cell counting. NMDS ordination, indicator species analysis and canonical analysis were performed using Pc‐Ord and CANOCO. Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U‐tests using the software Statistica were performed to compare parameters between pond‐groups. Three pond‐groups were identified: the Sahelian pond‐group, dominated by Lyngbya martensiana and Pseudanabaena constricta; the protected area pond‐group, dominated by Euglena caudata and Trachelomonas raciborskii; and the unprotected area pond‐group, dominated by Closterium venus and Euglena proxima. At P < 0.05, species composition and abundance in algal groups were mostly associated with nitrate, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity. The Sahelian and the Sudanian sectors were different in pH, water transparency, and species richness. Univariate and multivariate analyses illustrate that variations in the physicochemical properties of water and algal structure followed climatic and anthropogenic gradients. The classification of ponds into algal associations demonstrated that algal assemblages may be used as reliable indicators of habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Data are presented on temperature responses, based onin vitro growth performance, of eight species of colloid-producing red algae; these include the five most important commercial species of agarophytes in South America. The temperature optima do not conform strictly to geographic distribution, and intolerance to high temperature is not the factor that controls the spreading of temperate species ofGracilaria to warmer areas. WithinPterocladia capillacea (Gmelin) Bornet et Thuret, populations from two distinct localities had different responses to temperature optima. Data suggest that the disjunct distribution of this species in the American Atlantic is due to its poor performance at temperatures above 26 °C. The fastest maximum growth rate was observed inHypnea cornuta (Lamouroux) J. Agardh (doubling time 2.8 d), and the slowest inP. capillacea from Cabo Frio (doubling time 50.0 d). All the species studied, including the valuable Chilean and Argentinean species ofGracilaria, could tolerate the temperature regimes of the Brazilian waters.  相似文献   

Aiming to understand the relationship between body mass and abundance, a community of middle-sized and larger mammals was studied in a seasonally dry forest in the far north of the Brazilian Amazonia. Diurnal and nocturnal surveys were carried out by the line-transect method along a 10-km transect. Data were collected on density, biomass, use of forest types, forest strata, diet and feeding strategies by the mammals. Biomass explained animal abundance better than did body mass across the two forest types: Terra Firme forest and mixed forest. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between the biomass of all the 33 mammals studied and group density, as well as between biomass and group size, in both forests. When terrestrial and arboreal mammals, and also different feeding guilds were considered separately, they exhibited very similar results, where biomass alone was positively associated with group density and group size. The slope of the relationships between body mass and group density, body mass and group size, biomass and group density, and biomass and group size varied considerably, with significant scatter around the regression line. Food and food competition shaped the relationship between animal mass and abundance, and this relationship can even vary widely between assemblages. As a result of competition for the available resources, group density increased with increasing biomass.  相似文献   

Brachidontes exustus (Mollusca, Mytilidae) is mainly distributed in Central America, where it has been recognized as a _lataforma species. This study aimed to determine whether B. exustus extends beyond the Amazon Barrier and southward along the Brazilian West Atlantic coast. Mitochondrial genes coding for cytochrome-c oxidase, subunit I (COI) and 16S subunit of ribosomal _lataforma__ cid (16S rRNA) were analyzed with _lata parameters on Brazilian populations (Salvador, Arraial do Cabo and Fernando de Noronha) of scorched mussels previously recorded as B. exustus. Multivariate morphometric _latafor showed partial discrimination of species. Molecular _latafor confirmed B. exustus at Salvador, a population highly similar to Cartagena (Colombia), both belonging to the Atlantic Clade of the B. exustus complex. This fact adds evidence to the idea of the Amazon outflow as a semipermeable barrier. In the southeast of Brazil, B. exustus was not found; instead, B. darwinianus is the species represented at Arraial do Cabo (state of Rio de Janeiro), associated with brackish _lataf. Scorched mussels from Fernando de Noronha are most closely related to B. puniceus from Cape Verde with 4.4% differentiation. Demonstrating an independent evolutionary history since at least the beginning of the Pleistocene, its proposed new name is B. noronhensis.  相似文献   

The spatial structure and seasonal changes of estuarine fish assemblages in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) were analysed based on four seasonal comprehensive surveys conducted in 1993-1994 and 1997. Geostatistical and multivariate techniques were used to: (a) determine seasonal changes in spatial distribution of the species richness, and (b) identify assemblages of estuarine fish and their relation to abiotic factors. Potential biotic interactions affecting the assemblage structure were also explored. A total of 11075 individuals representing 39 species were collected, with Eugerres plumieri, Diapterus rhombeus, Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil incilis, Cathorops spixii, Elops saurus and Anchovia clupeoides as dominant species between seasons. Spatial distribution of fish richness differed between rainy and dry seasons in each year, whereas species mapping showed spatial patchiness in 1993-1994 and gradients during 1997. Strong evidence of species saturation was found in all seasons, suggesting biotic interactions limiting species richness at a threshold density of ca. 50 ind./5000 m2. Marine, marine-estuarine and freshwater species were classified in each season according to their capability to cope with salinity fluctuations. Associations defined by functional feeding guilds were also identified. Empirical and statistic evidence showed that fish assemblages differed between seasons within each year, and each assemblage was always dominated by a small number of species, notably E. plumieri in both years 1993-1994 and 1997. Between-season differences in fish assemblage structure in the CGSM seem to be driven by abiotic factors; however, evidence of species saturation could suggest the existence of density-dependent factors operating together.  相似文献   

Fish larvae assemblages in the Gulf of California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributional diversity and assemblages of fish larvae in the Gulf of California indicated two main seasonal stages and two transitional periods: in winter, the tropical water mass is confined to the south‐east portion of the mouth of the Gulf and larval fish assemblages are dominated by subtropical and temperate‐subarctic species; in summer; tropical water invades the Gulf and assemblages are dominated by tropical species. Both seasonal stages are separated by transitional periods coinciding with strong latitudinal temperature gradients. During the autumn and spring transitional periods, the Gulf of California splits into three regions: a northern region where temperate and subarctic species spawn from autumn to spring, a southern region dominated by tropical and subtropical species year round and a central region where tropical and temperate assemblages merge. Seasonal changes in the location of the regions, as well as the borders between them, show expansion and contraction of the northern and southern faunas related to the general oceanic circulation patterns during the year.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollination is a critical stage in plant reproduction and thus in the maintenance and evolution of species and communities. The Caatinga is the fourth largest ecosystem in Brazil, but despite its great extent and its importance few studies providing ecological information are available, with a notable lack of work focusing on pollination biology. Here, general data are presented regarding the frequency of pollination systems within Caatinga communities, with the aim of characterizing patterns related to floral attributes in order to make possible comparisons with data for plant communities in other tropical areas, and to test ideas about the utility of syndromes. This paper also intends to provide a reference point for further studies on pollination ecology in this threatened ecosystem. METHODS: The floral traits and the pollination systems of 147 species were analysed in three areas of Caatinga vegetation in northeastern Brazil, and compared with world-wide studies focusing on the same subject. For each species, floral attributes were recorded as form, size, colour, rewards and pollination units. The species were grouped into 12 guilds according to the main pollinator vector. Analyses of the frequencies of the floral traits and pollination systems were undertaken. KEY RESULTS: Nectar and pollen were the most common floral resources and insect pollination was the most frequent, occurring in 69.9 % of the studied species. Of the entomophilous species, 61.7 % were considered to be melittophilous (43.1 % of the total). Vertebrate pollination occurred in 28.1 % of the species (ornithophily in 15.0 % and chiropterophily in 13.1 %), and anemophily was recorded in only 2.0 %. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that the pollination systems in Caatinga, despite climatic restrictions, are diversified, with a low percentage of generalist flowers, and similar to other tropical dry and wet forest communities, including those with high rainfall levels.  相似文献   

Insect–fungal interactions are an important but understudied aspect of tropical forest ecology. Here we present the first large‐scale study of insect communities feeding on the reproductive structures of macrofungi (basidiomes) in the Neotropics. This trophic interaction is not well characterized in most ecosystems; however, beetle consumption of basidiomes is thought to be affected by fungal factors, via mechanisms analogous to those observed in plant–herbivore interactions and in some interactions with fungi as hosts in the Holarctic region. We investigated how the composition of beetle assemblages varies as a function of fungal taxonomic distance, basidiome consistency, and hyphal systems. We collected 367 basidiomes belonging to the orders Polyporales and Hymenochaetales in the subtropical Araucaria angustifolia forest region of southern Brazil, along with any fauna present or without it. Basidiomes were maintained individually in the laboratory in plastic containers for up to three months to allow beetles to develop to adulthood, at which point the beetles were collected. We found that 207 basidiome specimens representing 40 species were associated with beetles. We recorded 447 occurrences of Coleoptera, representing 90 morphospecies from 20 families. We found that assemblages of fungivorous Coleoptera were more similar among more closely related fungi. Furthermore, the beetle assemblages varied as a function of basidiome toughness, which is influenced by sporocarp consistency and hyphal system type. The associations between beetles and basidiomes resemble those reported previously in temperate zones, suggesting continuity in the structure of such associations across a wide latitudinal range.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope and Background

Brazil is the world's biggest producer of coffee beans with approx. a 30% market share. Depending on climate conditions, approx. 30 million bags of coffee beans are exported annually from Brazil, while domestic consumption is around 10 million bags, which makes Brazil the world's third largest coffee-consuming country. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present the LCA of green coffee produced in Brazil for the reference crops 2001/02 and 2002/03 in order to generate detailed production inventory data as well as to identify the potential environmental impacts of its tillage in order to realize how to reduce those impacts and increase the environmental sustainability of this product. Only the inputs and outputs relative to the coffee tillage were considered. The production of fertilizers, correctives and pesticides were not included in the boundary, but only their amounts. The functional unit selected for this study was 1,000 kg of green coffee destined for exportation.


The LCI was performed according to the ISO 14040 standard series. All information considered in this study (use of water, fossil based energy, fertilizers and chemicals) were taken up in in-depth data collection and evaluation by questionnaires applied on a farm level and/or received by mail. Four Brazilian coffee producer regions were evaluated: Cerrado Mineiro, South of Minas Gerais State, the Marília and Alta Mogiana regions in São Paulo State. These regions have the following geographic coordinates: 44 to 50° W longitude and 18 to 24° S latitude. The data refer to a production of 420,000 coffee bean bags and a productive area of approx. 14,300 ha. The varieties of coffee beans considered in this study were Mundo Novo, Catuaí (yellow and red), Icatu (yellow and red), Catucaí (yellow and red) and Obatã. Farm specific data along with agricultural production data have been combined to elaborate a coffee cultivation inventory, which will be applied in an emissions estimation.

Results and Conclusion

The production of 1,000 kg of green coffee in Brazil requires approx. 11,400 kg of water, 94 kg of diesel, 270 kg of fertilizers as NPK, 900 kg of total fertilizers, 620 kg of correctives, 10 kg of pesticides and 0.05 hectare of annual land use. Outputs related to these functional units are approx. 3,000 kg of waste water from coffee washing, 8,500 kg of waste water from the wet method and 750 kg of organic residue that is reincorporated to the tillage as fertilizer. The publication of an LCI of agricultural products is a fundamental step for understanding the potential environmental impacts of each tillage and then establishes the basis for product sustainability. In this way, this work is the first Brazilian initiative for applying LCA to coffee cultivation.

Recommendation and Perspective

Different agricultural practices demonstrate different environmental profiles. The amount of agricultural pesticide is directly related to agricultural practices as tillage rotation, density of plants, etc. This study supplied important results for a better correlation of the agricultural practices and potential environmental impacts of coffee. Future updates of this study will show the evolution of the natural resource management such as land use, new agricultural practices, lower fertilizers and chemicals use.  相似文献   

石制品组合间对比是石制品研究的关键一环,定量分析凭借其在复杂变量对比研究中具有的客观优势拓宽了石制品组合间对比的视野,与考古学思想、石制品组合内涵解读的深化具有相辅相成的关系。一般而言,定量分析方法分为图表法和统计法两类,主要包括三个基本步骤:选择对比组合,确定研究目标;根据研究目标提取变量;选择合适的定量分析方法。值得注意的是,考古学解释仍为石制品研究的重点,定量分析方法更多作为一种辅助手段,应用时需检验其有效性。  相似文献   

Yeasts with counts of above 106 g−1 wet weight and high diversity were found in the fecal pellets of rodents and marsupials from a mosaic of forest fragments, grasslands, cultivated fields and pasture in Rio de Janeiro. The most frequently isolated yeasts were Debaryomyces hamsenii, Pichia membranaefaciens and Issatchenkia orientalis (and its anamorph Candida krusei ), probably reflecting a high fruit content in the diet of these animals. The opportunistic pathogens Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis were isolated at lower frequency. Some Pichia anomala and P. membranaefaciens cultures had killer activity affecting many of the other isolates. These animals can be involved in dispersal of yeasts.  相似文献   

Springs are important freshwater habitats that provide refuge for many rare species. In this study, the fauna and abiotic parameters of 20 perennial springs in north-western Switzerland were investigated. Correlation of abiotic and macrozoobenthos data showed that physicochemical parameters had little impact on macrozoobenthic composition, whereas specific substrate parameters strongly influenced the composition of the macrofauna. Surprisingly, nonmetric multidimensional scaling did not reveal a grouping of springs with similar substrate composition or macrozoobenthic assemblages. However, discharge was identified as the factor significantly determining substrate and the composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages. This justifies the hypothesis that, variation in discharge is the disturbance factor governing the macrofaunal composition temporally and spatially within and between patches. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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