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黑腹果蝇的分离变相因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝莉  吴仲义  戴灼华 《遗传》1999,21(4):57-62
众所周知,一对基因在杂合状态中保持相对的独立性,而在配子形成时,又按原样以相同比例分离到不同的配子中去,这是生物中最基本的遗传规律———孟德尔分离定律。但实际上并不是所有基因的分离都严格遵循孟德尔分离定律,存在于黑腹果蝇中的分离变相因子(SegregationDistorter,以下简称SD)就是一种具有减数分裂驱动(meioticdrive)性质的、违反孟德尔分离定律的特殊遗传因子,从六十年代发现至今引起了人们的广泛关注,本文从其遗传背景,结构特征及进化规律等方面分别介绍一些近期的研究结果。1…  相似文献   

樱桃新害虫黑腹果蝇的生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭建明 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):743-745
果蝇是近几年发现危害樱桃果实的一类重要害虫,在国内外樱桃产区均有发生。天水地区危害甜樱桃的果蝇有3个种,分别是黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen、铃木氏果蝇Drosophila suzukii(Matsumura)和海德氏果蝇Drosophila hydei(Sturtevant),黑腹果蝇为优势种。作者记述黑腹果蝇对甜樱桃果实的危害情况、寄主范围及其生活史、生活习性、发育历期与温度的关系等,调查发现蚂蚁是樱桃果蝇的天敌之一。  相似文献   

Zhang SP  Xue L 《遗传》2012,34(7):819-828
对动物体内单个细胞的谱系进行分析有助于追踪其在发育过程中的作用,但是体内各种组织都是由很多形态、结构、功能各不相同的细胞构成的复杂系统,这种复杂性严重阻碍了对单个细胞的研究。嵌合克隆技术(Mosaic technique)和标记技术(Labeling technique)的出现为这一研究提供了强有力的手段。文章介绍了近几年来黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)研究中常用的7种嵌合克隆标记方法,包括FRT介导的有丝分裂重组(FRT-mediated mitotic recombination)、MARCM(Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker)、TSG(Twin spotgenerator)、Twin-spot MARCM、Q-MARCM(Q system-based MARCM)、Coupled MARCM和G-TRACE(Gal4technique for real-time and clonal expression)技术,详述了这些技术的原理及应用,并对不同技术进行了对比。运用这些技术研究者可以从单细胞水平进行遗传学标记和操作,特别是在神经系统等复杂系统中追踪单个细胞的发育过程。果蝇中的这些技术也将为其他模式生物追踪细胞谱系提供参考。  相似文献   

先天免疫是昆虫适应复杂环境的关键,也是新型害虫防治的重要研究方向。昆虫通过模式识别受体识别环境中不同的病原物,激活先天免疫系统以清除病原物。昆虫的先天免疫系统主要包括体液免疫与细胞免疫,体液免疫包括免疫信号通路诱导产生抗菌肽、活性氧以及黑化作用等,细胞免疫包括血细胞的吞噬、包囊和凝结。本文将重点总结黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster在模式识别受体、免疫信号通路和细胞免疫相关方面的研究进展,为进一步研究其他经济昆虫与农业害虫的免疫机制,提高生产经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   

我国大陆部分地区黑腹果蝇群体线粒体DNA多态性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用10种限制性内切酶对我国大陆5个地方(武汉,长沙,桂林,南宁和北海)6个黑腹果蝇(Drosophilamelanogaster)群体的线粒体DNA进行了限制片段长度多态性分析,在56个单雌系中,发同了25种不同的限制类型,应用Nei等(1979)的数学模型和UPG法,构建了限制类型间和群体间的系统进化树,结果发现:所研究的群体分为3个类群,对应于南,中和北3个亚热带地区,除长沙玉合醋厂外,所有采  相似文献   

艾炎军  曾庆韬 《昆虫学报》2010,53(12):1345-1351
黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster黑条体果蝇(ebsr)与黑檀体果蝇(e)为同一个基因(ebony)的不同突变体, 两者具有相似的形态表型, 但行为特征表现出明显的差异。本研究以黑条体、 黑檀体和野生型果蝇为研究对象, 首先检测果蝇的视力和活跃度, 再采用不同交配组合进行求偶成功率、交配时间和求偶模式的分析。结果表明: 黑条体果蝇视力与活跃度与野生型果蝇比较无显著差异; 黑条体果蝇的交配成功率和交配潜伏期与野生型果蝇不存在显著的差异; 黑檀体果蝇的交配成功率和交配潜伏期与野生型果蝇存在极显著的差异(P<0.000)。黑条体果蝇表现出异于黑檀体果蝇的活跃度和交配活力, 可能是由于黑条体果蝇ebony基因的新突变导致了果蝇体内多巴胺水平异常, 从而形成了黑条体果蝇独特的求偶模式。  相似文献   

中国黑腹果蝇种组40种果蝇的核型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过传统的敲片、Giemsa染色的方法制片对中国黑腹果蝇种组(Drosophilamelanogasterspeciesgroup)8个种亚组40种果蝇的染色体进行了分析,共发现18种核型,即A、A′′、C、C′、C′′、C′′′、C′′′′、D、D′、D′′、E、E′、E′′、F、F′、G、H和I,其中A、A′′、C′′′、C′′′′、D′′和F′为新发现的核型。8个种亚组的基本核型分别是:嗜凤梨果蝇种亚组(D.ananassaesubgroup)的核型为F、F′、G和H型;牵牛花果蝇种亚组(D.eleganssubgroup)的核型为A和A′′型;细针果蝇种亚组(D.eugracilissubgroup)的核型为C型;嗜榕果蝇种亚组(D.ficusphilasubgroup)的核型为C′型;黑腹果蝇种亚组(D.melanogastersubgroup)的核型为C和C′型;山果蝇种亚组(D.montiumsubgroup)的核型为C、C′、C′′、D、D′、D′′、E、E′、E′′和I型;铃木氏果蝇种亚组(D.suzukiisubgroup)的核型为C′′′和C′′′′型;高桥氏果蝇种亚组(D.takahashiisubgroup)的核型为C、C′′′和C′′′′型。透明翅果蝇(D.lucipennis)雌性核型2n=8,雄性核型2n=7,雄性Ⅳ号染色体为染色体单体。此外还发现,吉川氏果蝇(D.kikkawai)、林氏果蝇(D.lini)、奥尼氏果蝇(D.ogumai)、拟嗜凤梨果蝇(D.pseudoananassae)和叔白颜果蝇(D.triauraria)5种果蝇有B染色体。本文确定了D.sp.likeelegans、D.sp.likenyinyii、D.sp.liketrapezifrons1、D.sp.liketakahashii、D.sp.liketrapezifrons2和D.sp.likeauraria等6个未描述种的核型和1个新记录种吉里果蝇(D.giriensis)的核型。本研究证明了在黑腹果蝇种组内、亚组内、种内和单雌系内的核型多样性,为果蝇遗传和进化提供了进一步的细胞学证据。  相似文献   

徐皓哲  王璐  王杰  胡文  李榕  刘威 《微生物学通报》2018,45(12):2662-2672
【背景】共生菌对宿主的很多生理功能有着重要影响,但微生物菌群的多样性和复杂性使得探索其潜在的机制存在困难。黑腹果蝇的无菌和悉菌模型可以被用来研究细菌和宿主的相互作用。【目的】分离和鉴定果蝇肠道大肠杆菌,并研究其对宿主生长发育的影响。【方法】利用大肠杆菌选择性培养基分离果蝇肠道大肠杆菌,通过16S rRNA基因序列比对鉴定菌株。利用体外和体内定殖实验验证共生关系。通过果蝇的发育历期和生长速率实验检测该细菌对宿主生长发育的影响。利用RT-qPCR技术对促胸腺激素及胰岛素信号通路相关基因的表达水平进行检测。【结果】从实验室饲养和野生果蝇肠道体内分离并鉴定得到大肠杆菌。体内和体外定殖试验中大肠杆菌可以和果蝇肠道共生菌共存,说明大肠杆菌是果蝇肠道共生菌。另外,大肠杆菌通过提高果蝇生长速率促进其发育。在分子水平上,大肠杆菌可以激活果蝇体内脑促胸腺激素和胰岛素信号通路相关基因的表达。【结论】大肠杆菌是果蝇肠道共生菌并能促进果蝇生长发育。  相似文献   

黑腹果蝇黑条体突变型的基因定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张菁  曾庆韬  薛小桥  金珊  杨勇 《遗传学报》2001,28(6):527-534
黑腹果的体色突变类型常见的有黄体(yellow,y)、黑体(black,b)和黑檀体(ebony,e),分别位于X染色体,第二染色体和第三染色体上,.黑条体突变型是本实验室1991年9月从野外采集的黑腹果蝇野生型单雌系后代中发现的自发突变品系,为了探明黑条体突变型是原有黑体突变类型的再现还是新的突变,采用常规杂交方法和互补7实验技术对黑腹果蝇黑条体突变型的定位进行了探讨,互补测验的结果表明,黑条体与黑檀体杂交的子一代为反式排列的杂合体无互补,表现为突变型,子二代中,由于交换而产生重组类型的顺式排列的杂合体表现为野生型。因此确定黑条体突变基因(bsr)与黑檀体突变基因(e)是等位的,位于第三染色体的93D2区,但分别位于不同的位点上,属于同一顺反子的新的点突变,同时对于各体色间的相互作用及遗传传递方式的进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用试验室单管观察记录的方法,对3,4,5日龄野生型黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigenw1118成虫每日活动节律进行研究。试验将果蝇活动划分为强活动(飞行和爬行)、弱活动(梳理、觅食等原地发生的运动)和静息(身体不发生移动的休息)3种类型。强活动和弱活动之和为总运动。研究结果显示,野生型黑腹果蝇w1118的昼夜活动表现为明显的双峰模态,晨峰和晚峰分别处于开、关灯前后;雌、雄果蝇总体活动无差异,关灯(18:30)前后雌蝇活动稍强于雄蝇,开灯(6:30)前后则相反;果蝇强活动的节律与总运动基本一致,而弱活动节律不明显;静息节律为单峰模式,其高峰期位于夜间1:00~5:00;雌蝇的静息活动显著多于雄蝇(P<0·05)。  相似文献   

The use of Drosophila as an organism in which to study aging has been limited by the fact that few biomarkers of aging exist in the adult. In this paper we examine behavior loss relative to longevity in wild-type populations maintained at 22°C and 29°C to determine whether behavior loss—that is, loss of ability to perform certain innate behavioral responses within a defined test interval—can be used as biomarkers of aging. We find that under controlled conditions behavior loss can be used as a landmark of aging in populations maintained at either 22°C or 29°C. The ability to perform normal geotactic and phototactic responses is lost during the reproductive phase of the adult populations, whereas motor activity is not lost until well into the death phase. We feel that the use of behavior loss, together with other parameters of longevity in Drosophila, will allow comparisons to be made between different strains or between different environmental conditions to test their effect on aging. In the companion paper we demonstrate the use of behavior loss to identify a mutation which may accelerate the aging process.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larvae are used to examine habitat choice behavior and its effect on a component of preadult fitness (pupal survivorship). We established strains of flies by collecting pupae from two microhabitats from an orchard. Strain differences in pupation site choice (on versus off fruit) persisted in a field-like laboratory assay without artificial selection. To produce heterogeneous environments, air temperature and soil water content were varied in these assays. A habitat suitability difference measure was used to determine for each environment, which microhabitat (on or off fruit) resulted in greater pupal survivorship. We found 1) that habitat choice behavior had both plastic and heritable components, 2) that strain-by-environment interactions influenced habitat choice behavior and pupal survivorship and, 3) a significant positive correlation between habitat suitability and larval habitat choice behavior.  相似文献   

Advanced paternal age has been repeatedly shown to modulate offspring quality via male- and/or female-driven processes, and there are theoretical reasons to expect that some of these effects can be sex-specific. For example, sex allocation theory predicts that, when mated with low-condition males, mothers should invest more in their daughters compared to their sons. This is because male fitness is generally more condition-dependent and more variable than female fitness, which makes it less risky to invest in female offspring. Here, we explore whether paternal age can affect the quality and quantity of offspring in a sex-specific way using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. In order to understand the contribution of male-driven processes on paternal age effects, we also measured the seminal vesicle size of young and older males and explored its relationship with reproductive success and offspring quality. Older males had lower competitive reproductive success, as expected, but there was no difference between the offspring sex ratio of young and older males. However, we found that paternal age caused an increase in offspring quality (i.e., offspring weight), and that this increase was more marked in daughters than sons. We discuss different male- and female-driven processes that may explain such sex-specific paternal age effects.  相似文献   

Gene pyramiding has been successfully practiced in plant breeding for developing new breeds or lines in which favorable genes from several different lines were integrated.But it has not been used in animal breeding,and some theoretical investigation and simulation analysis with respect to its strategies,feasibility and efficiency are needed before it can be implemented in animals.In this study,we used four different pure fines of Drosophila melanogaster,each of which is homozygous at a specific mutant gene with a visible effect on phenotype,to simulate the gene pyramiding process and analyze the duration and population size required in different pyramiding strategies.We finally got the ideal individuals,which are homozygous at the four target genes simultaneously.This study demonstrates that gene pyramiding is feasible in animal breeding and the interaction between genes may affect the final results.  相似文献   

紫外线对黑尾果蝇的生物学效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张建民 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):242-244
野生型黑尾果蝇经紫外线连续处理3代,随着照射时间延长,每代均表现显著的生物学效应。这些生物学效应主要是子代数量减少,羽化延续时间缩短,体重减轻,而且有致略效应和间接的诱变效应。但处理后的子代性别比例变化不大。  相似文献   

Gene pyramiding has been successfully practiced in plant breeding for developing new breeds or lines in which favorable genes from several different lines were integrated.But it has not been used in animal breeding,and some theoretical investigation and simulation analysis with respect to its strategies,feasibility and efficiency are needed before it can be implemented in animals.In this study,we used four different pure lines of Drosophila melanogaster,each of which is homozygous at a specific mutant gene ...  相似文献   

黑腹果蝇杂交实验的教学改革   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
周玉萍  田长恩  周伯春  王正询 《遗传》2002,24(3):345-348
本文介绍关于黑腹果蝇杂交实验的一次教学改革尝试。讨论遗传学实验教学中,如何由常规的“验证性”教学改变为启发式的“发现式”教学,在本实验教学中,学生处于主导地位,自己选择实验组合,提出实验设计方案,独立完成实验内容;教师只是协助学生完成其实验内容。这种教学方法,充分发挥学生学习的主动性,培养学生独立思考和实际操作能力,激发学生的学习兴趣。 Abstract:The paper is concerned about a teaching and learning reform of hybridization experiment of Drosophila melanogaster.In the teaching of genetic experiment,we have adopted a new teaching and learning method which was a discovering way instead of tranditional method .In this way,students themselves selected the combination subject,put forward and carried out the whole experiment scheme.By the reform,we couldd find out that it was helpful not only to improve students' thinking and operating abilities but also to encourage their interests in genetics.  相似文献   

A handful of studies have investigated sexually antagonistic constraints on achieving sex-specific fitness optima, although exclusively through male-genome-limited evolution experiments. In this article, we established a female-limited X chromosome evolution experiment, where we used an X chromosome balancer to enforce the inheritance of the X through the matriline, thus removing exposure to male selective constraints. This approach eliminates the effects of sexually antagonistic selection on the X chromosome, permitting evolution toward a single sex-specific optimum. After multiple generations of selection, we found strong evidence that body size and development time had moved toward a female-specific optimum, whereas reproductive fitness and locomotion activity remained unchanged. The changes in body size and development time are consistent with previous results, and suggest that the X chromosome is enriched for sexually antagonistic genetic variation controlling these particular traits. The lack of change in reproductive fitness and locomotion activity could be due to a number of mutually nonexclusive explanations, including a lack of sexually antagonistic variance on the X chromosome for those traits or confounding effects of the use of the balancer chromosome. This study is the first to employ female-genome-limited selection and adds to the understanding of the complexity of sexually antagonistic genetic variation.  相似文献   

Introduction The concept of networking and its omnipresent na- ture has been an issue of considerable curiosity, cap- tivating scientists worldwide over the past few years. Simple networking can be witnessed in the physical connectivity of computer terminals or routers. On broader perspective, many networks, such as social ties—familial and professional, World Wide Web, net- work of scientific papers connected by citations, elec- trical power grids, transportation systems, and biolog- ical n…  相似文献   

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