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J Braam  R W Davis 《Cell》1990,60(3):357-364
In response to water spray, subirrigation, wind, touch, wounding, or darkness, Arabidopsis regulates the expression of at least four touch-induced (TCH) genes. Ten to thirty minutes after stimulation, mRNA levels increase up to 100-fold. Arabidopsis plants stimulated by touch develop shorter petioles and bolts. This developmental response is known as thigmomorphogenesis. TCH 1 cDNA encodes the putative Arabidopsis calmodulin differing in one amino acid from wheat calmodulin. Sequenced regions of TCH 2 and TCH 3 contain 44% and 70% amino acid identities to calmodulin, respectively. The regulation of this calmodulin-related gene family in Arabidopsis suggests that calcium ions and calmodulin are involved in transduction of signals from the environment, enabling plants to sense and respond to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Two different calmodulin (CaM) cDNAs (MBCaM-1 and MBCaM-2) were isolated from a vigna radiata gt 11 library by screening with a heterologous Arabidopsis cDNA probe (TCH-1). Both cDNAs are 85% homologous inside the coding region but are highly divergent outside this region. The polypeptides encoded by MBCaM-1 and MBCaM-2 are identical except for two conservative substitutions at positions 7 and 10. Southern analysis revealed that both cDNAs are encoded by different genes. Expression studies revealed different patterns of expression of both genes. MBCaM-1 mRNA exhibited a dramatic transient increase in response to touch, while MBCaM-2 expression showed a steady but small increase as compared to MBCaM-1. When plants were grown in complete darkness MBCaM-1 was undetectable and MBCaM-2 exhibited very low levels of expression. One hour after exposure of etiolated seedlings to light MBCaM-1 showed no change, while MBCaM-2 expression was increased. After a 6 h exposure to light there was an induction of both MBCaM-1 and MBCaM-2; however, the magnitude of this increase was much greater for MBCaM-2. When plants were grown under a 16 h light/8 h dark cycle the mRNA levels for MBCaM-1 were lower during the light period and increased during the beginning of the night cycle, while MBCaM-2 showed no change. Plants treated with indole-3-acetic acid had a peak in MBCaM-1 expression 6 h after treatment initiation with a slight decline 3 h after the peak, while MBCaM-2 showed a steady but small increase over time as compared to MBCaM-1. When plants were subjected to salt stress they showed an increase in MBCaM-1 expression 2 h after treatment initiation reaching a maximum after 4 h with no further increase after 6 h, while MBCaM-2 remained unchanged over the time course.  相似文献   

钙调素及钙调素相关蛋白在植物细胞中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏快飞  梁承邺  叶秀粦 《广西植物》2005,25(3):269-273,244
植物对一系列生物和非生物刺激所产生的反应都与细胞内Ca2+信号转导有关,而钙调素、钙调素相关蛋白则是Ca2+信号转导的下游靶蛋白。该文介绍了钙调素的结构及其在植物细胞中的分布,钙调素及钙调素相关蛋白在植物细胞中的表达等方面的最近研究进展。  相似文献   

Types IIA and V secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) are structurally related to each other and their genes are tightly linked to the same chromosome locus. An emerging body of evidence suggests that sPLA2-IIA plays an augmentative role in long-term prostaglandin (PG) generation in cells activated by proinflammatory stimuli; however, the mechanism underlying the functional regulation of sPLA2-V remains largely unknown. Here we show that sPLA2-V is more widely expressed than sPLA2-IIA in the mouse, in which its expression is elevated by proinflammatory stimuli such as lipopolysaccharide. In contrast, proinflammatory stimuli induced sPLA2-IIA in marked preference to sPLA2-V in the rat. Cotransfection of sPLA2-V with cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, but not with COX-1, into human embryonic kidney 293 cells dramatically increased the interleukin-1-dependent PGE2 generation occurring over a 24 h of culture period. Rat mastocytoma RBL-2H3 cells overexpressing sPLA2-V exhibited increased IgE-dependent PGD2 generation and accelerated beta-hexosaminidase exocytosis. These results suggest that sPLA2-V acts as a regulator of inflammation-associated cellular responses. This possible compensation of sPLA2-V for sPLA2-IIA in many, if not all, tissues may also explain why some mouse strains with natural disruption of the sPLA2-IIA gene exhibit few abnormalities during their life-spans.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway is important in the gene regulation of both induction and basal expressions of the catecholamine synthesizing enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH). The neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) has been shown to activate the intracellular cAMP/PKA pathway. In the present study, using primary cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells, we determined whether the basal activity of the PACAP receptor might play a role in the maintenance of the basal expression of these enzyme genes via the cAMP/PKA pathway. The potent PACAP receptor antagonist PACAP (6-38) caused a reduction of TH and DBH mRNA levels in a dose dependent manner as well as their enzyme activities and TH protein level. The effects of PACAP (6-38) and the PKA inhibitor H-89 exhibited generally similar trends, and were not additive in the reduction of TH and DBH gene expression and activities, suggesting that they take a common intracellular signaling pathway. The antagonist also caused decreases in the intracellular norepinephrine and epinephrine levels similar to the effect of H-89. Taken together, the data suggests that PACAP is involved in the regulation of maintenance of the catecholamine synthesizing enzymes TH and DBH by utilizing the cAMP/PKA pathway.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS) by Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinases (CaM kinases) including CaM kinase Ialpha (CaM-K Ialpha), CaM kinase IIalpha (CaM-K IIalpha), and CaM kinase IV (CaM-K IV), was studied. It was found that purified recombinant nNOS was phosphorylated by CaM-K Ialpha, CaM-K IIalpha, and CaM-K IV at Ser847 in vitro. Replacement of Ser847 with Ala (S847A) prevented phosphorylation by CaM kinases. Phosphorylated recombinant wild-type nNOS at Ser847 (approximately 0.5 mol of phosphate incorporation into nNOS) exhibited a 30% decrease of Vmax with little change of both the Km for L-arginine and Kact for CaM relative to unphosphorylated enzyme. The activity of mutant S847D was decreased to a level 50-60% as much as the wild-type enzyme. The decreased NOS enzyme activity of phosphorylated nNOS at Ser847 and mutant S847D was partially due to suppression of CaM binding, but not to impairment of dimer formation which is thought to be essential for enzyme activation. Inactive nNOS lacking CaM-binding ability was generated by mutation of Lys732-Lys-Leu to Asp732-Asp-Glu (Watanabe, Y., Hu, Y., and Hidaka, H. (1997) FEBS Lett. 403, 75-78). It was phosphorylated by CaM kinases, as was the wild-type enzyme, indicating that CaM-nNOS binding was not required for the phosphorylation reaction. We developed antibody NP847, which specifically recognize nNOS in its phosphorylated state at Ser847. Using the antibody NP847, we obtained evidence that nNOS is phosphorylated at Ser847 in rat brain. Thus, our results suggest that CaM kinase-induced phosphorylation of nNOS at Ser847 alters the activity control of this enzyme.  相似文献   

In response to water deficit, endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) accumulates in plants. This ABA serves as a signal for a multitude of processes, including regulation of gene expression. ABA accumulated in response to water deficit signals cellular as well as whole plant responses playing a role in the pattern of gene expression throughout the plant. Although the function of genes regulated by ABA during stress are currently poorly understood, a number of these genes may permit the plant to adapt to environmental stress.  相似文献   

The photoregulatory activity of the phytochrome photoreceptor requires the synthesis and covalent attachment of the linear tetrapyrrole prosthetic group phytochromobilin. Because the mammalian enzyme biliverdin IX alpha reductase (BVR) is able to functionally inactivate phytochromobilin in vitro, this investigation was undertaken to determine whether BVR expression in transgenic plants would prevent the synthesis of functionally active phytochrome in vivo. Here, we show that plastid-targeted, constitutive expression of BVR in Arabidopsis yields plants that display aberrant photomorphogenesis throughout their life cycle. Photobiological and biochemical analyses of three transgenic BVR lines exhibiting a 25-fold range of BVR expression established that the BVR-dependent phenotypes are light dependent, pleiotropic, and consonant with the loss of multiple phytochrome activities. Chlorophyll accumulation in BVR-expressing transgenic plants was particularly sensitive to increased light fluence rates, which is consistent with an important role for phytochrome in light tolerance. Under blue light, transgenic BVR plants displayed elongated hypocotyls but retained phototropic behavior and the ability to fully deetiolate. Directed BVR expression may prove to be useful for probing the cellular and developmental basis of phytochrome-mediated responses and for selective control of individual aspects of light-mediated plant growth and development.  相似文献   

细菌几丁质酶基因的表达调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xie CC  Jia HY  Chen YH 《遗传》2011,33(10):1029-1038
几丁质酶可以降解几丁质,广泛存在于各类微生物中。几丁质的降解产物几丁寡糖在医药、食品及农业生防领域有很重要的应用价值及广泛的应用前景。细菌在利用几丁质时,需要先分泌几丁质酶,将几丁质降解成几丁寡糖或单体,再通过特异的转运系统送进细胞而被利用。胞内的几丁质降解产物作为特定的信号分子,可以激活或阻遏相应chi基因的转录,从而影响细菌几丁质酶的合成。在各种调节蛋白及应答元件的参与下,细菌几丁质酶的合成受到精密的控制。文章以链霉菌和大肠杆菌为代表综述了细菌在转运系统和基因表达两个层面上控制几丁质酶合成的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Bacterial beta-glucuronidase (gus) and neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) genes were introduced into coat protein replacement vectors based on DNA A of tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV). Recombinant gus and neo vectors up to 1.1 kbp larger than DNA A were shown to replicate stably in transgenic plants containing partial dimers (master copies) of the vectors integrated into their chromosomal DNA in the absence of DNA B. Beta-glucuronidase and neomycin phosphotransferase activities in independently transformed plants were proportional to the copy number of the double-stranded forms of the vector. Deletion analysis has shown that an essential part of the TGMV coat protein promoter, including a TATA box, lies within 76 nt upstream of the initiation codon of the gene. An increase in expression of a neo gene was obtained by replacing this 76 nt sequence by an 800 nt sequence containing a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter with no effect on the ability of the vector to replicate or on its stability in transgenic plants. Systemic infection of plants by agroinoculation with TGMV vectors larger than DNA A in the presence of DNA B resulted in deletions in the vector DNA in some, but not all, plants. Possible reasons for vector instability in systemically infected plants, and vector stability in transgenic plants containing master copies of the vector, are discussed.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of ubiquitin genes in higher plants   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
cDNA clones encoding ubiquitin were isolated from a barley leaf cDNA library using a mammalian ubiquitin cDNA clone as probe. The nucleotide sequence of one of the clones codes for 2.2 perfect repeats of the 76-amino-acid-long ubiquitin protein with an extra lysine residue at the C-terminus. The barley ubiquitin amino acid sequence differs from the animal sequence at three positions and from the yeast sequence at two positions. The ubiquitin poly(precursor) are coded by a multigene family with 8-10 genes that produce four or five different size messengers between 700 and 2000 nucleotides in length. The large poly(A)-rich RNAs are constitutively expressed in vegetative tissues whereas the 700-nucleotide messenger(s) were only detected in tissues containing dividing cells.  相似文献   

Using low-stringency hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA amplification, we have isolated threeDrosophila melanogaster genes that encode troponin-C isoforms and one specifying a protein that is closely related to calmodulin. Two of the troponin-C genes, located within the 47D and 73F subdivisions of chromosomes 2 and 3, respectively, encode very closely related isoforms. That specified by the 47D gene accumulates almost exclusively in larval muscles, while that encoded by the 73F gene is present in both larvae and adults. The third gene, located within the 41C subdivision of chromosome 2, encodes a more distantly related troponin-C isoform that accumulates only within adults. The gene that encodes the calmodulin-related protein is located within the 97A subdivision of chromosome three. The protein encoded by this gene has a different primary sequence from that of conventional calmodulin, which is specified by a gene located within the 49A subdivision of chromosome 2. Our report is the first to describe insect troponin-C isoforms and further avails genetic methods for investigating thein vivo functions of the troponin-C/myosin light-chain/calmodulin protein superfamily.This work was supported by grants from the NIH and Muscular Dystrophy Association to E. F.Sequences described herein have been filed in the EMBL and GenBank databases under Accession Numbers X76042, X76043, X76044, and X76045.  相似文献   

The ability of meristems to continuously produce new organs depends on the activity of their stem cell populations, which are located at the meristem tip. In Arabidopsis, the size of the stem cell domain is regulated by two antagonistic activities. The WUS (WUSCHEL) gene, encoding a homeodomain protein, promotes the formation and maintenance of stem cells. These stem cells express CLV3 (CLAVATA3), and signaling of CLV3 through the CLV1/CLV2 receptor complex restricts WUS activity. Homeostasis of the stem cell population may be achieved through feedback regulation, whereby changes in stem cell number result in corresponding changes in CLV3 expression levels, and adjustment of WUS expression via the CLV signal transduction pathway. We have analyzed whether expression of CLV3 is controlled by the activity of WUS or another homeobox gene, STM (SHOOT MERISTEMLESS), which is required for stem cell maintenance. We found that expression of CLV3 depends on WUS function only in the embryonic shoot meristem. At later developmental stages, WUS promotes the level of CLV3 expression, together with STM. Within a meristem, competence to respond to WUS activity by expressing CLV3 is restricted to the meristem apex.  相似文献   

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