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Prss16 is not required for T-cell development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PRSS16 is a serine protease expressed exclusively in cortical thymic epithelial cells (cTEC) of the thymus, suggesting that it plays a role in the processing of peptide antigens during the positive selection of T cells. Moreover, the human PRSS16 gene is encoded in a region near the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) that has been linked to type 1 diabetes mellitus susceptibility. The mouse orthologue Prss16 is conserved in genetic structure, sequence, and pattern of expression. To study the role of Prss16 in thymic development, we generated a deletion mutant of Prss16 and characterized T-lymphocyte populations and MHC class II expression on cortical thymic epithelial cells. Prss16-deficient mice develop normally, are fertile, and show normal thymic morphology, cellularity, and anatomy. The total numbers and frequencies of thymocytes and splenic T-cell populations did not differ from those of wild-type controls. Surface expression of MHC class II on cTEC was also similar in homozygous mutant and wild-type animals, and invariant chain degradation was not impaired by deletion of Prss16. These findings suggest that Prss16 is not required for quantitatively normal T-cell development.  相似文献   

The histidine triad (HIT) protein Hint has been found to associate with mammalian Cdk7, as well as to interact both physically and genetically with the budding yeast Cdk7 homologue Kin28. To study the function of Hint and to explore its possible role in modulating Cdk7 activity in vivo, we have characterized the expression pattern of murine Hint and generated Hint-deficient (Hint(-/-)) mice. Hint was widely expressed during mouse development, with pronounced expression in several neuronal ganglia, epithelia, hearts, and testes from embryonic day 15 onward. Despite this widespread expression, disruption of Hint did not impair murine development. Moreover, Hint-deficient mice had a normal life span and were apparently healthy. Histological examination of tissues with high Hint expression in wild-type animals did not show signs of abnormal pathology in Hint(-/-) mice. Functional redundancy within the HIT family was addressed by crossing Hint(-/-) mice with mice lacking the related HIT protein, Fhit, and by assaying the expression levels of the HIT protein gene family members Hint2 and Hint3 in Hint(+/+) and Hint(-/-) tissues. Finally, Cdk7 kinase activity and cell cycle kinetics were found to be comparable in wild-type and Hint(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts, suggesting that Hint may not be a key regulator of Cdk7 activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Centrosomes, the major organizers of the microtubule network in most animal cells, are composed of centrioles embedded in a web of pericentriolar material (PCM). Recruitment and stabilization of PCM on the centrosome is a centriole-dependent function. Compared to the considerable number of PCM proteins known, the molecular characterization of centrioles is still very limited. Only a few centriolar proteins have been identified so far in Drosophila, most related to centriole duplication. RESULTS: We have cloned asterless (asl) and found that it encodes a 120 kD highly coiled-coil protein that is a constitutive pancentriolar and basal body component. Loss of asl function impedes the stabilization/maintenance of PCM at the centrosome. In embryos deficient for Asl, development is arrested right after fertilization. Asl shares significant homology with Cep 152, a protein described as a component of the human centrosome for which no functional data is yet available. CONCLUSIONS: The cloning of asl offers new insight into the molecular composition of Drosophila centrioles and a possible model for the role of its human homolog. In addition, the phenotype of asl-deficient flies reveals that a functional centrosome is required for Drosophila embryo development.  相似文献   

Xu J  Sun X  Jing Y  Wang M  Liu K  Jian Y  Yang M  Cheng Z  Yang C 《Cell research》2012,22(5):886-902
During meiotic cell division, proper chromosome synapsis and accurate repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are required to maintain genomic integrity, loss of which leads to apoptosis or meiotic defects. The mechanisms underlying meiotic chromosome synapsis, DSB repair and apoptosis are not fully understood. Here, we report that the chromodomain-containing protein MRG-1 is an important factor for genomic integrity in meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Loss of mrg-1 function resulted in a significant increase in germ cell apoptosis that was partially inhibited by mutations affecting DNA damage checkpoint genes. Consistently, mrg-1 mutant germ lines exhibited SPO-11-generated DSBs and elevated exogenous DNA damage-induced chromosome fragmentation at diakinesis. In addition, the excessive apoptosis in mrg-1 mutants was partially suppressed by loss of the synapsis checkpoint gene pch-2, and a significant number of meiotic nuclei accumulated at the leptotene/zygotene stages with an elevated level of H3K9me2 on the chromatin, which was similarly observed in mutants deficient in the synaptonemal complex, suggesting that the proper progression of chromosome synapsis is likely impaired in the absence of mrg-1. Altogether, these findings suggest that MRG-1 is critical for genomic integrity by promoting meiotic DSB repair and synapsis progression in meiosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway has been implicated in cell proliferation and apoptosis, but its function seems to depend on the cell type and inducing signal. In T cells, JNK has been implicated in both antigen-induced activation and apoptosis. RESULTS: We generated mice lacking the JNK2 isozymes. The mutant mice were healthy and fertile but defective in peripheral T-cell activation induced by antibody to the CD3 component of the T-cell receptor (TCR) complex - proliferation and production of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) were reduced. The proliferation defect was restored by exogenous IL-2. B-cell activation was normal in the absence of JNK2. Activation-induced peripheral T-cell apoptosis was comparable between mutant and wild-type mice, but immature (CD4(+) CD8(+)) thymocytes lacking JNK2 were resistant to apoptosis induced by administration of anti-CD3 antibody in vivo. The lack of JNK2 also resulted in partial resistance of thymocytes to anti-CD3 antibody in vitro, but had little or no effect on apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody, dexamethasone or ultraviolet-C (UVC) radiation. CONCLUSIONS: JNK2 is essential for efficient activation of peripheral T cells but not B cells. Peripheral T-cell activation is probably required indirectly for induction of thymocyte apoptosis resulting from administration of anti-CD3 antibody in vivo. JNK2 functions in a cell-type-specific and stimulus-dependent manner, being required for apoptosis of immature thymocytes induced by anti-CD3 antibody but not for apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody, UVC or dexamethasone. JNK2 is not required for activation-induced cell death of mature T cells.  相似文献   

We isolated lap3-1 and lap3-2 mutants in a screen for pollen that displays abnormal stigma binding. Unlike wild-type pollen, lap3-1 and lap3-2 pollen exine is thinner, weaker, and is missing some connections between their roof-like tectum structures. We describe the mapping and identification of LAP3 as a novel gene that contains a repetitive motif found in β-propeller enzymes. Insertion mutations in LAP3 lead to male sterility. To investigate possible roles for LAP3 in pollen development, we assayed the metabolite profile of anther tissues containing developing pollen grains and found that the lap3-2 defect leads to a broad range of metabolic changes. The largest changes were seen in levels of a straight-chain hydrocarbon nonacosane and in naringenin chalcone, an obligate compound in the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We identified MRG-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans chromodomain-containing protein that is similar to the human mortality factor-related gene 15 product (MRG15). RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) of mrg-1 resulted in complete absence of the germline in both hermaphrodite and male adults. Examination of the expression of PGL-1, a component of P granules, revealed that two primordial germ cells (PGCs) are produced during embryogenesis in mrg-1(RNAi) animals, but these PGCs cannot undergo mitotic proliferation, and they ultimately degenerate during post-embryonic development. Zygotic RNAi experiments using RNAi-deficient hermaphrodites and wild-type males demonstrated that MRG-1 functions maternally. Moreover, immunoblot analysis using mutant animals with germline deficiencies indicated that MRG-1 is synthesized predominantly in oocytes. These results suggest that MRG-1 is required maternally to form normal PGCs with the potential to start mitotic proliferation during post-embryonic development.  相似文献   

Thymocyte development is shaped by signals from the T-cell antigen receptor. The strength of receptor signaling determines developmental progression as well as deletion of self-reactive T cells. Receptor stimulation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway plays an important regulatory role during thymocyte development. However, it is unclear how differences in receptor signaling are translated into distinctive activation of the ERK pathway. We have investigated the potential role of the Lck tyrosine kinase in regulating intracellular signaling during thymocyte development. While Lck is known to be critical for initial T-cell receptor signaling events, it may have an independent role in regulating intracellular signaling through the function of its SH3 domain. To determine whether such a regulatory mechanism functions during thymocyte development, we generated mice in which the normal lck allele is replaced with an lck SH3 domain mutant. Analysis of these mice revealed that both early thymocyte development and maturation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) lineages is impaired. Investigation of thymocyte responses to antigen receptor stimulation showed a significant reduction in proliferation and ERK pathway activation, although initial signaling events were intact. These findings indicate that Lck SH3 domain function may provide a means to independently couple receptor signaling to regulation of the ERK pathway during thymocyte development.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the processes controlling leaf development, we characterized an Arabidopsis mutant, varicose (vcs), with leaf and shoot apical meristem defects. The vcs phenotype is temperature dependent; low temperature growth largely suppressed defects, whereas high growth temperatures resulted in severe leaf and meristem defects. VCS encodes a putative WD-domain containing protein, suggesting a function involving protein-protein interactions. Temperature shift experiments indicated that VCS is required throughout leaf development, but normal secondary vein patterning required low temperature early in leaf development. The low-temperature vcs phenotype is enhanced in axr1-3 vcs double mutants and in vcs mutants grown in the presence of polar auxin transport inhibitors, however, vcs has apparently normal auxin responses. Taken together, these observations suggest a role for VCS in leaf blade formation.  相似文献   

Several functions have been attributed to the serine/threonine protein kinase encoded by open reading frame 66 (ORF66) of varicella-zoster virus (VZV), including modulation of the apoptosis and interferon pathways, down-regulation of major histocompatibility complex class I cell surface expression, and regulation of IE62 localization. The amino acid sequence of the ORF66 protein contains a recognizable conserved kinase domain. Point mutations were introduced into conserved protein kinase motifs to evaluate their importance to ORF66 protein functions. Two substitution mutants were generated, including a G102A substitution, which blocked autophosphorylation and altered IE62 localization, and an S250P substitution, which had no effect on either autophosphorylation or IE62 localization. Both kinase domain mutants grew to titers equivalent to recombinant parent Oka (pOka) in vitro. pOka66G102A had slightly reduced growth in skin, which was comparable to the reduction observed when ORF66 translation was prevented by stop codon insertions in pOka66S. In contrast, infection of T-cell xenografts with pOka66G102A was associated with a significant decrease in infectious virus production equivalent to the impaired T-cell tropism found with pOka66S infection of T-cell xenografts in vivo. Disrupting kinase activity with the G102A mutation did not alter IE62 cytoplasmic localization in VZV-infected T cells, suggesting that decreased T-cell tropism is due to other ORF66 protein functions. The G102A mutation reduced the antiapoptotic effects of VZV infection of T cells. These experiments indicate that the T-cell tropism of VZV depends upon intact ORF66 protein kinase function.  相似文献   

The acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) is a 10 kDa intracellular protein expressed in all eukaryotic species. Mice with targeted disruption of Acbp (ACBP(-/-) mice) are viable and fertile but present a visible skin and fur phenotype characterized by greasy fur and development of alopecia and scaling with age. Morphology and development of skin and appendages are normal in ACBP(-/-) mice; however, the stratum corneum display altered biophysical properties with reduced proton activity and decreased water content. Mass spectrometry analyses of lipids from epidermis and stratum corneum of ACBP(+/+) and ACBP(-/-) mice showed very similar composition, except for a significant and specific decrease in the very long chain free fatty acids (VLC-FFA) in stratum corneum of ACBP(-/-) mice. This finding indicates that ACBP is critically involved in the processes that lead to production of stratum corneum VLC-FFAs via complex phospholipids in the lamellar bodies. Importantly, we show that ACBP(-/-) mice display a ~50% increased transepidermal water loss compared with ACBP(+/+) mice. Furthermore, skin and fur sebum monoalkyl diacylglycerol (MADAG) levels are significantly increased, suggesting that ACBP limits MADAG synthesis in sebaceous glands. In summary, our study shows that ACBP is required for production of VLC-FFA for stratum corneum and for maintaining normal epidermal barrier function.  相似文献   

Both mitogen-activated protein kinases and cyclin-dependent kinases play a role in hyphal development in Candida albicans. Using an oligonucleotide probe-based screen, we have isolated a new member of the Cdc2 kinase subfamily, designated Crk1 (Cdc2-related kinase). The protein sequence of Crk1 is most similar to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sgv1 and human Pkl1/Cdk9. In S. cerevisiae, CRK1 suppresses some, but not all, of the defects associated with an sgv1 mutant. Deleting both copies of CRK1 in C. albicans slows growth slightly but leads to a profound defect in hyphal development under all conditions examined. crk1/crk1 mutants are impaired in the induction of hypha-specific genes and are avirulent in mice. Consistent with this, ectopic expression of the Crk1 kinase domain (CRK1N) promotes filamentous or invasive growth in S. cerevisiae and hyphal development in C. albicans. The activity of Crk1 in S. cerevisiae requires Flo8 but is independent of Ste12 and Phd1. Similarly, Crk1 promotes filamentation through a route independent of Cph1 and Efg1 in C. albicans. RAS1(V13) can also activate filamentation in a cph1/cph1 efg1/efg1 double mutant. Interestingly, CRK1N produces florid hyphae in ras1/ras1 strains, while RAS1(V13) generates feeble hyphae in crk1/crk1 strains.  相似文献   

While the Ras C-terminal CAAX sequence signals modification by a 15-carbon farnesyl isoprenoid, the majority of isoprenylated proteins in mammalian cells are modified instead by a 20-carbon geranylgeranyl moiety. To determine the structural and functional basis for modification of proteins by a specific isoprenoid group, we have generated chimeric Ras proteins containing C-terminal CAAX sequences (CVLL and CAIL) from geranylgeranyl-modified proteins and a chimeric Krev-1 protein containing the H-Ras C-terminal CAAX sequence (CVLS). Our results demonstrate that both oncogenic Ras transforming activity and Krev-1 antagonism of Ras transforming activity can be promoted by either farnesyl or geranylgeranyl modification. Similarly, geranylgeranyl-modified normal Ras [Ras(WT)CVLL], when overexpressed, exhibited the same level of transforming activity as the authentic farnesyl-modified normal Ras protein. Therefore, farnesyl and geranylgeranyl moieties are functionally interchangeable for these biological activities. In contrast, expression of moderate levels of geranylgeranyl-modified normal Ras inhibited the growth of untransformed NIH 3T3 cells. This growth inhibition was overcome by coexpression of the mutant protein with oncogenic Ras or Raf, but not with oncogenic Src or normal Ras. The similar growth-inhibiting activities of Ras(WT)CVLL and the previously described Ras(17N) dominant inhibitory mutant suggest that geranylgeranyl-modified normal Ras may exert its growth-inhibiting action by perturbing endogenous Ras function. These results suggest that normal Ras function may specifically require protein modification by a farnesyl, but not a geranylgeranyl, isoprenoid.  相似文献   



Rybp (Ring1 and YY1 binding protein) is a zinc finger protein which interacts with the members of the mammalian polycomb complexes. Previously we have shown that Rybp is critical for early embryogenesis and that haploinsufficiency of Rybp in a subset of embryos causes failure of neural tube closure. Here we investigated the requirement for Rybp in ocular development using four in vivo mouse models which resulted in either the ablation or overexpression of Rybp.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the pro-adhesive matricellular protein connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) display an embryonic lethal phenotype due to defects in bone and cartilage. However, the specific role of CCN2 in skin development is unknown. Here, we generated mice deleted for CCN2 in the entire body (using a cre/lox system in which CCN2 is deleted in the entire body due to the presence of a constitutively expressed cre recombinase). We found that CCN2 was not required for the development of skin as defined by skin thickness measurements, trichrome staining and immunostaining with anti-CD31 (to detect endothelial cells) and anti-α−SMA (to detect smooth muscle cells and pericytes) antibodies. Thus, although recently we have shown that CCN2 is required for fibrogenesis in postnatal mice, CCN2 is not required for skin development during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

To elucidate the physiological role(s) of DUSP9 (dual-specificity phosphatase 9), also known as MKP-4 (mitogen-activated protein kinase [MAPK] phosphatase 4), the gene was deleted in mice. Crossing male chimeras with wild-type females resulted in heterozygous (DUSP9(+/-)) females. However, when these animals were crossed with wild-type (DUSP9(+/y)) males none of the progeny carried the targeted DUSP9 allele, indicating that both female heterozygous and male null (DUSP9(-/y)) animals die in utero. The DUSP9 gene is on the X chromosome, and this pattern of embryonic lethality is consistent with the selective inactivation of the paternal X chromosome in the extraembryonic tissues of the mouse, suggesting that DUSP9/MKP4 performs an essential function during placental development. Examination of embryos between 8 and 10.5 days postcoitum confirmed that lethality was due to a failure of labyrinth development, and this correlates exactly with the normal expression pattern of DUSP9/MKP-4 in the trophoblast giant cells and labyrinth of the placenta. Finally, when the placental defect was rescued, male null (DUSP9(-/y)) embryos developed to term, appeared normal, and were fertile. Our results indicate that DUSP9/MKP-4 is essential for placental organogenesis but is otherwise dispensable for mammalian embryonic development and highlights the critical role of dual-specificity MAPK phosphatases in the regulation of developmental outcomes in vertebrates.  相似文献   



Inhibin is a tumor-suppressor and activin antagonist. Inhibin-deficient mice develop gonadal tumors and a cachexia wasting syndrome due to enhanced activin signaling. Because activins signal through SMAD2 and SMAD3 in vitro and loss of SMAD3 attenuates ovarian tumor development in inhibin-deficient females, we sought to determine the role of SMAD2 in the development of ovarian tumors originating from the granulosa cell lineage.  相似文献   

The highly secretory Clara cells play a pivotal role in protecting the lung against inflammation and oxidative stress. This study reports the positional cloning of a novel protein required for Clara cell physiology in mouse lung development. The perinatal lethal N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced l7Rn6(4234SB) allele contained a nonsense mutation in the previously hypothetical gene NM_026304 on chromosome 7. Whereas l7Rn6 mRNA levels were indistinguishable from wild type, l7Rn6(4234SB) homozygotes exhibited decreased expression of the truncated protein, suggesting protein instability. During late gestation, l7Rn6 was widely expressed in the cytoplasm of lung epithelial cells, whereas perinatal expression was restricted to the bronchiolar epithelium. Homozygosity for the l7Rn6(4234SB) allele did not affect early steps in lung patterning, growth, or cellular differentiation. Rather, mutant lungs demonstrated severe emphysematous enlargement of the distal respiratory sacs at birth. Clara cell pathophysiology was evident from decreased cytoplasmic CCSP and SP-B protein levels, enlargement and disorganization of the Golgi complex, and formation of aberrant vesicular structures. Additional support for a role in the secretory pathway derived from l7Rn6 localization to the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, l7Rn6 represents a novel protein required for organization and/or function of the secretory apparatus in Clara cells in mouse lung.  相似文献   



μ-calpain and m-calpain are ubiquitously expressed proteases implicated in cellular migration, cell cycle progression, degenerative processes and cell death. These heterodimeric enzymes are composed of distinct catalytic subunits, encoded by Capn1 (μ-calpain) or Capn2 (m-calpain), and a common regulatory subunit encoded by Capn4. Disruption of the mouse Capn4 gene abolished both μ-calpain and m-calpain activity, and resulted in embryonic lethality, thereby suggesting essential roles for one or both of these enzymes during mammalian embryogenesis. Disruption of the Capn1 gene produced viable, fertile mice implying that either m-calpain could compensate for the loss of μ-calpain, or that the loss of m-calpain was responsible for death of Capn4 -/- mice.  相似文献   

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