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Dynamics of race in South Africa are deeply entangled within a world system that continues to enable hegemonic white privilege. Prevalent views and behaviours towards “interracial” relationships reveal a rebellion against the non-racial philosophies and policies of the new government and are an indicator of the ongoing salience of race in shaping lived experience. Drawing on interviews with couples in so-called “interracial” relationships, this article argues that unequal power dynamics continue to hyperracialize and regulate these relationships through “privatized” racial boundary policing, even though such relationships are no longer stigmatized and criminalized by the state as in apartheid South Africa. Their experiences of racism show up in two distinct ways: aggressive policing and covert policing; these in turn can lead to self-policing, and perpetuate racial social organization.  相似文献   

《Ethnic and racial studies》2012,35(8):1447-1465

Data on race have been collected in South African censuses for a century. We examine the role played by the census in solidifying race as a social statistic and show that, in contrast to the majority of situations, operational and legislative factors rendered the census largely unimportant as a vehicle for doing this. Since 1994, race has been entirely self-reported and not subject to state reinterpretation. We examine the implications of this for future data collection exercises and caution against reifying race as a predictor of social outcomes in post-apartheid South Africa, and argue for its gradual phasing out.  相似文献   

Investment in children is examined using a nationally representative sample of 11,211 black (African) households in South Africa. I randomly selected one child from each household in the sample and calculated the average genetic relatedness of the other household members to the focal child. Using multivariate statistical analysis to control for background variables such as age and sex of child, household size, and socioeconomic status, I examine whether the coefficient of relatedness predicts greater household expenditures on food, on health care, and on children’s clothing. I also test whether relatedness is associated with health and schooling outcomes. The results are consistent with an inclusive fitness model: Households invest more in children who are more closely related. Two exceptions were found: in rural areas, genetic relatedness was negatively associated with money spent on food and on health care. Explanations for these results are discussed. Preliminary versions of this paper were presented at the 2003 Human Behavior and Evolution Society annual meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska, and at the 2003 Human Behavioral Ecology Workshop in Bangor, Maine. Kermyt G. Anderson is Assistant Professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in 1999 and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan for three years. His research focuses on biosocial models of fertility, parental investment, paternity confidence, marriage/divorce, and children’s outcomes. He is currently involved in a long-term longitudinal survey of young adults in Cape Town, South Africa, and in several projects examining the effects of HIV/AIDS in the U.S.  相似文献   

At least 42 insects have been reported as used in folk medicine in the state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. These resources are distributed in nine orders, with Hymenopterans the most prevalent with 22 specimens. Medicinal insects, which are used live, cooked, ground, in infusions, in plasters, or as ointments, provide honey, nests, eggs, cocoons, sting, wax, and parts of their bodies for the elaboration of folk remedies to treat a great variety of locally diagnosed ailments. Most of the folk remedies are administered in the form of teas made using the powder produced by grinding the toasted or scraped part of the body of the insects or the whole toasted animal. Traditional knowledge concerning entomotherapy in the state of Bahia is very important since folk medicine is still one of the most important resources for discovery of unknown natural drug resources.  相似文献   

A content analysis was undertaken of stories written by adolescents in urban townships in South Africa and in an urban setting in Swaziland. The findings concerning the nature of the actors and the relationships between actors in the stories suggest that though South Africans in their early years encounter more elements of modernity than do the Swazis, in their present situation they view the world as having less rational elements, fewer psychological satisfactions, and more threats to their physical welfare than do the Swazis.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Income Dynamics Study, we document differentials in both underweight and obesity across race and gender in post-Apartheid South Africa. Using a nonlinear decomposition method, we decompose these differences across gender within race and then across race within gender. Less than one third of the differences in obesity and underweight across gender are explained by differences in covariates. In contrast, at least 70% of the obesity differences across race are explained by differences in covariates. Behavioral variables such as smoking and exercise explain the largest part of the bodyweight differentials across gender. For bodyweight differentials across race within gender, however, socioeconomic status and background variables have the largest explanatory power for obesity differentials, while background variables play the key role in explaining the underweight differentials. These results indicate that eradicating obesity and underweight differentials will require targeting policies to specific groups.  相似文献   

I study the relation between orphanhood and fertility patterns in young adults using a longitudinal survey from the city of Cape Town, South Africa. The data set combines two survey waves with a year-by-year life history calendar that records key outcomes (e.g., schooling, work, fertility). It also provides information on so-called ‘parental investments’ (time and material support), family background, and literacy and numeracy test scores. I find that orphans exhibit significantly higher rates of teenage pregnancy. In particular, teenage motherhood is 19% points more likely among (female) orphans. These results suggest that orphanhood may leave a long-lasting ‘imprint’ in terms of premature fertility, especially in teenage females.  相似文献   

IntroductionCancer mortality rates are expected to increase in developing countries. Cancer mortality rates by province remain largely unreported in South Africa. This study described the 2014 age standardised cancer mortality rates by province in South Africa, to provide insight for strategic interventions and advocacy.Methods2014 deaths data were retrieved from Statistics South Africa. Deaths from cancer were extracted using 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for cancer (C00-C97). Adjusted 2013 mid-year population estimates were used as a standard population. All rates were calculated per 100 000 individuals.ResultsNearly 38 000 (8%) of the total deaths in South Africa in 2014 were attributed to cancer. Western Cape Province had the highest age standardised cancer mortality rate in South Africa (118, 95% CI: 115–121 deaths per 100 000 individuals), followed by the Northern Cape (113, 95% CI: 107–119 per 100 000 individuals), with the lowest rate in Limpopo Province (47, 95% CI: 45–49 per 100 000). The age standardised cancer mortality rate for men (71, 95% CI: 70–72 per 100 000 individuals) was similar to women (69, 95% CI: 68–70 per 100 000). Lung cancer was a major driver of cancer death in men (13, 95% CI: 12.6–13.4 per 100 000). In women, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer death (13, 95% CI: 12.6–13.4 per 100 000 individuals).ConclusionThere is a need to further investigate the factors related to the differences in cancer mortality by province in South Africa. Raising awareness of risk factors and screening for cancer in the population along with improved access and quality of health care are also important.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of Caicara farmers from Ubatuba in the Brazilian coastland between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro States regarding the folk-taxonomy for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) landraces they cultivate and cassava evolutionary dynamics in swidden cultivation. The accuracy of their folk taxonomy was assessed. Cluster analysis was used to make comparisons between names given by the farmers to sampled individuals and their isozyme phenotypes obtained with four isozyme systems. Interviews with farmers were done and ethnobiological data collected. These farmers possess a loose taxonomic system and tend to underestimate cassava genetic diversity in their gardens. However, classification skills vary considerably among them. The accuracy of their taxonomy along with the results of interviews with farmers and ethnobiological data are discussed in light of a proposed evolutionary dynamics model for cultivated cassava and its ecology in tropical swidden cultivation.  相似文献   

Craig T Symes 《Ostrich》2014,85(3):235-244
Parrots (families Psittacidae and Cacatuidae) are one of the most threatened taxa of birds, with a combination of threats to wild populations, including capture for the cage bird market, habitat modification and destruction, persecution, disease, and threats from introduced species. As a result of the group's popularity as a cage bird, and the transport of vast numbers of individuals across the globe (both legally and illegally), the establishment of populations beyond their natural ranges has likely been enhanced. This review reports on c. 30 parrot species that have been observed outside of their natural ranges in South Africa, most likely derived, and supplemented, from both intentional and unintentional releases. Of these, the Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri and at least one Agapornis species have become established as breeding wild populations. Like other invasive species they may pose threats to local biodiversity; however, all are strongly associated with major urban centres where significant changes to natural biota have already occurred.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the desertification debate in South Africa and emphasizes the methods that have been used to understand the environmental history of the semi–arid rangelands in the eastern Karoo during the last 500 years. These mixed grass/dwarf shrub rangelands, with mean annual rainfall totals typically between 300–400 mm, are described and the main driving variables discussed. A brief historical account of the European settlement of the region is also presented. The desertification debate has focussed on three main issues. Firstly, because arid and semi–arid lands appear to be heavily influenced by climate, the changing climatic regime during the Holocene and particularly during the last two hundred years has been the subject of intensive investigation. While all studies conclude that there is no evidence in the historical record to support the popular perception that rainfall totals have decreased this century, the question of changing rainfall seasonality has not been adequately explored. Although mean annual temperatures over the last 50 years have not changed there have been significant increases in mean monthly maximum temperatures and significant decreases in mean monthly minimum temperatures for some of the stations investigated. The second issue of great interest in the South African desertification literature is that of the nature of pre–colonial environments. A wide variety of archaeological, historical and ecological techniques have been used, including analyses of fossil mammal bones in owl pellets, fossil pollen in hyrax middens, notes from traveller's accounts of the region and stable carbon isotopes in soil as well as fossil mammal bones. While all authors agree that the eastern Karoo was more grassy at some stage in the past there is disagreement as to both the timing and cause of the changes to a more shrubby vegetation. The final issue of great concern to the desertification debate in South Africa concerns the rate of change during the last 100 years. Satellite imagery, matched ground and aerial photography, survey data and an analysis of historical stock records cannot agree as to whether the Karoo is degrading or not. Certainly, the classic view of an annually expanding desert margin has been replaced in recent years by a more realistic understanding of the seasonal dynamics of the vegetation. The recent trend to detailed modelling of the demographic process in key species holds much promise for our understanding of the degradation process. The vibrant community of researchers, employing a range of archaeological, historical and ecological techniques, will make important contributions to South Africa's National Action Plan to Combat Desertification.  相似文献   

The establishment of a Tissue Bank and the science of Tissue Banking in South Africa started in the 1960s and is still developing. This article describes the development and growth of Tissue Banking in South Africa. The current emphasis is to supply viable bone products that have been produced under the best possible quality controlled circumstances; with the collaboration between different Organ Donation Organisations. Through collaboration, a dramatic increase in the number of donors was noted over the years. Concurrently, there was a dramatic increase in the usage of different allograft products and now necessitates the development of new graft materials for expanding patient options. As an ongoing concern, the Tissue Bank in South Africa experienced an ever increase in costs to enhance quality/safety controls: increase in historical patient information, documentation and serological testing in a population struggling to control HIV. To date, the South African Tissue Bank has not experienced any untoward patient incidence since the 1960s and currently is getting over 500 donors per year.  相似文献   

David L. Roberts 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):190-207
Two Late Pleistocene hominid footprint sites are known in South Africa, one on the west coast (Langebaan) and the other on the southeast coast (Nahoon). Both trackways occur in calcareous eolianites and are dated to the Last Interglacial (~120 ka). The chief objective is to infer anatomical features of these early anatomically modern hominid footprint makers, about which little is known. At Nahoon, trackways of at least five species of vertebrates, including three hominid footprints, are preserved as casts. One footprint preserves excellent detail, appearing in all respects to be modern, but possibly with a deformity of the small toe. The impressions are shallow and suggest slight build. The stature of the footprint maker, as estimated from foot length (19.2 cm), is ~127 cm, considerably less than modern adult Khoi-San and was probably made by a juvenile. The step length is short relative to foot length, a consequence of walking uphill on a yielding substrate. The Langebaan trackway (preserved as natural impressions) comprises two intact prints and remnants of a third. Pronounced push up mounds flank the prints and preservation of toe impressions is poor. The foot length is 22.8 cm, indicating a stature of ~1.57 m. This falls within the range of modern adult Khoi-San, lending some support to the notion that Middle Stone Age people were of small stature. The depth of the prints and clumsy progression are suggestive of heavy build.  相似文献   

The skull of a small anomodont therapsid, from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone (Abrahamskraal Formation, Beaufort Group, Upper Permian) in Northern Cape Province, South Africa, represents a new basal dicynodont and is described in detail. Colobodectes cluveri gen. et sp. nov. is distinguished from other dicynodonts by an anteroposteriorly extensive caniniform process, parietals that were broadly overlapped posterolaterally by posterodorsal processes of the postorbitals, diverging anterior palatal ridges, and a dorsoventrally low foramen magnum. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that Colobodectes is the basalmost member of a dicynodont clade that excludes Eodicynodon . This position is not particularly strong, as two additional steps are needed to make Colobodectes and Eodicynodon oosthuizeni exchange places on the most parsimonious tree. Another discovery of the phylogenetic analysis is that there is little basis for recognizing Eodicynodon oelofseni as the closest relative of E. oosthuizeni . The former species is identified as the sister taxon of a clade that includes the latter and all other dicynodonts.  相似文献   

The South African ecologist and political activist Edward Roux (1903–1966) used evolutionary biology to argue against racism. During the cold-war, he transformed his communist beliefs into advocacy for scientific rationalism, management, and protection of nature against advancing capitalism. These pleas for saving the environment served as a vehicle for questioning the more risky issue of evolution and racial order in society. The link between ecological and political order had long been an important theme among the country's ecologists and politicians alike. The statesman Jan Christian Smuts' holistic theory of evolution and racial order inspired the nation's ecologists to sanctify an ecologically informed racial policy. This idealist informed methodology stood in direct opposition to the materialist approach to ecology of Roux. These methodological debates reflected differing political support from within the Union Party and people on the radical left, respectively. Ecology was of concern to politicians because understandings of the order of nature had direct implications for the racial order of the South African society. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A genealogical concordance approach was used to delineate strains isolated from Acacia dealbata and Acacia mearnsii root nodules in South Africa. These isolates form part of Bradyrhizobium based on 16S rRNA sequence similarity. Phylogenetic analysis of six housekeeping genes (atpD, dnaK, glnII, gyrB, recA and rpoB) confirmed that these isolates represent a novel species, while pairwise average nucleotide identity (ANIb) calculations with the closest type strains (B. cosmicum 58S1T, B. betae PL7HG1T, B. ganzhouense CCBAU 51670 T, B. cytisi CTAW11T and B. rifense CTAW71T) resulted in values well below 95–96%. We further performed phenotypic tests which revealed that there are high levels of intraspecies variation, while an additional analysis of the nodA and nifD loci indicated that the symbiotic loci of the strains are closely related to those of Bradyrhizobium isolates with an Australian origin. Strain 14ABT (=LMG 31415 T = SARCC-753 T) is designated as the type strain of the novel species for which we propose the name Bradyrhizobium xenonodulans sp. nov.  相似文献   

Local notions of conservation deserve closer scrutiny. We cannot assume that they naturally coincide with those of the tourist core; nor that they are automatically given higher priority when local populations are induced to participate in practices which conserve flora and fauna. A case study of the establishment of the Richtersveld National Park in Namaqualand, a remote arid region of South Africa, is used to argue that local attitudes to conservation and development (associated with tourism) can become increasingly cynical and ambivalent in the context of ecotourism. Furthermore, such attitudes are shaped less by economic inducements than by the often contradictory messages about conservation that are being communicated daily.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pattern of daylight occurrence of humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Algoa Bay, the Eastern Cape, South Africa, between May 1991 and May 1994. Two indices, the Sighting Index (SI) and the Total Recorded Dolphin Presence (TRDP), were used to quantify the dolphins' daylight occurrence. Humpback dolphins display a clear pattern of daylight occurrence in Algoa Bay and can be seen mostly in the morning, and, to a lesser extent, in the evening. This pattern varies little between seasons (with possible exception for the evening hours), follows the time of the solar day, is not related to the tidal cycle and is probably governed by the diurnal cycles of dolphins' prey.  相似文献   

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