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Epifluorescence microscopy is now being widely used to characterize planktonic procaryote populations. The tedium and subjectivity of visual enumeration and sizing have been largely alleviated by our use of an image analysis system consisting of a modified Artek 810 image analyzer and an Olympus BHT-F epifluorescence microscope. This system digitizes the video image of autofluorescing or fluorochrome-stained cells in a microscope field. The digitized image can then be stored, edited, and analyzed for total count or individual cell size and shape parameters. Results can be printed as raw data, statistical summaries, or histograms. By using a stain concentration of 5 micrograms of 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole per ml of sample and the optimal sensitivity level and mode, counts by image analysis of natural bacterial populations from a variety of habitats were found to be statistically equal to standard visual counts. Although the time required to prepare slides, focus, and change fields is the same for visual and image analysis methods, the time and effort required for counting is eliminated since image analysis is instantaneous. The system has been satisfactorily tested at sea. Histograms of cell silhouette areas indicate that rapid and accurate estimates of bacterial biovolume and biomass will be possible with this system.  相似文献   

Viruses are the most abundant biological entities in aquatic environments, typically exceeding the abundance of bacteria by an order of magnitude. The reliable enumeration of virus-like particles in marine microbiological investigations is a key measurement parameter. Although the size of typical marine viruses (20-200 nm) is too small to permit the resolution of details by light microscopy, such viruses can be visualized by epifluorescence microscopy if stained brightly. This can be achieved using the sensitive DNA dye SYBR Green I (Molecular Probes-Invitrogen). The method relies on simple vacuum filtration to capture viruses on a 0.02-microm aluminum oxide filter, and subsequent staining and mounting to prepare slides. Virus-like particles are brightly stained and easily observed for enumeration, and prokaryotic cells can easily be counted on the same slides. The protocol provides an inexpensive, rapid (30 min) and reliable technique for obtaining counts of viruses and prokaryotes simultaneously.  相似文献   

The growth patterns of macrocolonies of 59 different pure cultures were studied on eight selective solid media. A method of growing microcolonies on the surface of polycarbonate membrane filters, placed on the selective agar media, followed by staining and examination by epifluorescent microscopy was developed. The patterns of growth of the pure cultures as microcolonies were studied on the eight selective media. Only four media proved to be reliable for this purpose and the relationship between the microcolony count and plate count was studied on these media together with nutrient agar. Microcolony counts using three of these media (enriched lauryl sulphate aniline blue, pseudomonas selective agar (C-F-C) and Baird-Parker medium) were capable of giving reliable estimates of coliforms (r = 0·89), pseudomonads (r = 0·93) and staphylococci (r = 0·92) after incubation at 30°C for 3 or 6 h (staphylococci) at contamination levels of above 103 bacteria/g in a variety of foods. The results are available within a working day and should allow the more efficient management of food supplies.  相似文献   

The growth patterns of microcolonies of 59 different pure cultures were studied on eight selective solid media. A method of growing microcolonies on the surface of polycarbonate membrane filters, placed on the selective agar media, followed by staining and examination by epifluorescent microscopy was developed. The patterns of growth of the pure cultures as microcolonies were studied on the eight selective media. Only four media proved to be reliable for this purpose and the relationship between the microcolony count and plate count was studied on these media together with nutrient agar. Microcolony counts using three of these media (enriched lauryl sulphate aniline blue, pseudomonas selective agar (C-F-C) and Baird-Parker medium) were capable of giving reliable estimates of coliforms (r = 0.89), pseudomonads (r = 0.93) and staphylococci (r = 0.92) after incubation at 30 degrees C for 3 or 6 h (staphylococci) at contamination levels of above 10(3) bacteria/g in a variety of foods. The results are available within a working day and should allow the more efficient management of food supplies.  相似文献   

A rapid (less than 6 h) method for selectively enumerating coliforms, pseudomonads, and staphylococci has been developed which involves counting microcolonies grown on the surface of polycarbonate membranes under selective conditions. The method was not directly applicable to foods containing injured bacteria due to the poor formation of or an inability to form microcolonies under selective conditions. However, the introduction of a 3- to 5-h resuscitation step in tryptone soya broth allowed the method to give reliable estimates of these organisms in a variety of frozen and heat-processed foods. Under nonselective conditions, i.e., for total counts, the microcolony method enabled a rapid count to be made of viable bacteria in heat-treated foods, but these results were also made more consistent by the introduction of a resuscitation step. This method makes results from these foods available far faster than conventional enumeration methods.  相似文献   

A rapid (less than 6 h) method for selectively enumerating coliforms, pseudomonads, and staphylococci has been developed which involves counting microcolonies grown on the surface of polycarbonate membranes under selective conditions. The method was not directly applicable to foods containing injured bacteria due to the poor formation of or an inability to form microcolonies under selective conditions. However, the introduction of a 3- to 5-h resuscitation step in tryptone soya broth allowed the method to give reliable estimates of these organisms in a variety of frozen and heat-processed foods. Under nonselective conditions, i.e., for total counts, the microcolony method enabled a rapid count to be made of viable bacteria in heat-treated foods, but these results were also made more consistent by the introduction of a resuscitation step. This method makes results from these foods available far faster than conventional enumeration methods.  相似文献   

A modified acridine orange staining method for estimating soil bacterial numbers by epifluorescence microscopy using Synpor filters (VCHZ Synthesia, Czechoslovakia) was elaborated. Comparing with the method of direct count of soil bacteria estimated in a Bürker chamber higher counts of bacteria and a lower variation of results were obtained. To verify the sensitivity of the method, microflora from various soil horizons was tested.  相似文献   

We present a new procedure for effectively detaching particle-associated bacteria by 10% (v/v) methanol and sonication which is particularly suitable for samples with a high particle load and sediments. We also optimized the sample preparation by applying the highly dsDNA-specific fluorescent stain SybrGreen I together with an optically brilliant mounting medium (polyvinylalcohol 4-88, 'moviol') in one step. The new protocol allows a much faster, easy and less toxic handling of samples as compared to other methods. Cells are stained directly on a black Nuclepore filter and show an intensive fluorescence signal with low background. The detachment procedure was optimized with respect to the temperature of the 10% methanol solution (35 degrees C), ultrasonication and centrifugation. The application of the new method in comparison with detachment procedures with pyrophosphate and Tween-80 with various types of marine samples including sediments always yielded higher numbers and/or higher fractions of particle-associated cells. Staining and mounting the samples with the moviol-SybrGreen I solution allowed an accurate and highly reproduceable enumeration of bacteria also in samples with high concentrations of SPM. Fixation of bacteria by glutardialdehyde resulted in a brighter fluorescence as compared to fixation by formalin. Because of the high specificity to dsDNA and bright fluorescence of SybrGreen I, the fast and easy handling and the possibility to store stained samples for at least several months at -20 degrees C without any loss in fluorescence intensity, the newly developed method is also an attractive alternative to DAPI staining of aquatic bacteria.  相似文献   

Bacteria and virus particles were harvested from water samples by ultracentrifugation directly onto Formvar-coated electron microscopy grids and counted in a transmission electron microscope. With this technique, we have counted and sized bacteria and viruses in marine water samples and during laboratory incubations. By X-ray microanalysis, we could determine the elemental composition and dry-matter content of individual bacteria. The dry weight/volume ratio for the bacteria was 600 fg of dry weight microns-3. The potassium content of the bacteria was normal compared with previous estimates from other bacterial assemblages; thus, this harvesting procedure did not disrupt the bacterial cells. Virus particles were, by an order of magnitude, more abundant than bacteria in marine coastal waters. During the first 5 to 7 days of incubation, the total number of viruses increased exponentially at a rate of 0.4 day-1 and thereafter declined. The high proliferation rate suggests that viral parasitism may affect mortality of bacteria in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Bacteria and virus particles were harvested from water samples by ultracentrifugation directly onto Formvar-coated electron microscopy grids and counted in a transmission electron microscope. With this technique, we have counted and sized bacteria and viruses in marine water samples and during laboratory incubations. By X-ray microanalysis, we could determine the elemental composition and dry-matter content of individual bacteria. The dry weight/volume ratio for the bacteria was 600 fg of dry weight microns-3. The potassium content of the bacteria was normal compared with previous estimates from other bacterial assemblages; thus, this harvesting procedure did not disrupt the bacterial cells. Virus particles were, by an order of magnitude, more abundant than bacteria in marine coastal waters. During the first 5 to 7 days of incubation, the total number of viruses increased exponentially at a rate of 0.4 day-1 and thereafter declined. The high proliferation rate suggests that viral parasitism may affect mortality of bacteria in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Viable but non-culturable (VBNC) bacteria are a much discussed issue in microbial ecology. Quantitative aspects are not understood, due mostly to the lack of suitable techniques. A widely accepted approach is dependent on the integrity of cell membranes. Recently developed fluorescence dyes differ in permeability with respect to the integrity of membranes: one dye permeates the intact membranes, which another permeates those which are damaged. Although the dyes were developed originally for determining the viability of cultured bacteria, here they are used to enumerate live and dead bacterial cells (designated as having intact and damaged membranes, respectively) in natural environments. Preliminary results from coastal waters of Seto Inland Sea, Japan, were: 1) the sums of the intact and damaged cells were very similar in each case to the total number of acridine orange-stained cells; and 2) about 50–60% of the total bacteriaoplankton populations are intact with respect to membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using rRNA-specific oligonucleotide probes has emerged as a popular technique for identifying individual microbial cells. In natural samples, however, the signal derived from fluor-labeled oligonucleotide probes often is undetectable above background fluorescence in many cells. To circumvent this difficulty, we applied fluorochrome-labeled polyribonucleotide probes to identify and enumerate marine planktonic archaea and bacteria. The approach greatly enhanced the sensitivity and applicability of FISH with seawater samples, allowing confident identification and enumeration of planktonic cells to ocean depths of 3,400 m. Quantitative whole-cell hybridization experiments using these probes accounted for 90 to 100% of the total 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells in most samples. As predicted in a previous study (R. Massana, A. E. Murray, C. M. Preston, and E. F. DeLong, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:50-56, 1997), group I and II marine archaea predominate in different zones in the water column, with maximal cell densities of 10(5)/ml. The high cell densities of archaea, extending from surface waters to abyssal depths, suggest that they represent a large and significant fraction of the total picoplankton biomass in coastal ocean waters. The data also show that the vast majority of planktonic prokaryotes contain significant numbers of ribosomes, rendering them easily detectable with polyribonucleotide probes. These results imply that the majority of planktonic cells visualized by DAPI do not represent lysed cells or "ghosts," as was suggested in a previous report.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of viral abundance by epifluorescence microscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Virus enumeration by epifluorescence microscopy (EFM) is routinely done on preserved, refrigerated samples. Concerns about obtaining accurate and reproducible estimates led us to examine procedures for counting viruses by EFM. Our results indicate that aldehyde fixation results in rapid decreases in viral abundance. By 1 h postfixation, the abundance dropped by 16.4% +/- 5.2% (n = 6), and by 4 h, the abundance was 20 to 35% lower. The average loss rates for glutaraldehyde- and formaldehyde-fixed samples over the first 2 h were 0.12 and 0.13 h(-1), respectively. By 16 days, viral abundance had decreased by 72% (standard deviation, 6%; n = 6). Aldehyde fixation of samples followed by storage at 4 degrees C, for even a few hours, resulted in large underestimates of viral abundance. The viral loss rates were not constant, and in glutaraldehyde- and formaldehyde-fixed samples they decreased from 0.13 and 0.17 h(-1) during the first hour to 0.01 h(-1) between 24 and 48 h. Although decay rates changed over time, the abundance was predicted by using separate models to describe decay over the first 8 h and decay beyond 8 h. Accurate estimates of abundance were easily made with unfixed samples stained with Yo-Pro-1, SYBR Green I, or SYBR Gold, and slides could be stored at -20 degrees C for at least 2 weeks or, for Yo-Pro-1, at least 1 year. If essential, samples can be fixed and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen upon collection and stored at -86 degrees C. Determinations performed with fixed samples result in large underestimates of abundance unless slides are made immediately or samples are flash frozen. If protocols outlined in this paper are followed, EFM yields accurate estimates of viral abundance.  相似文献   

P Monfort  B Baleux 《Cytometry》1992,13(2):188-192
Flow cytometry was used to count bacterial cells from diverse origins: one strain of E. coli, one sample of lake water, and 18 samples of estuary water. To verify the accuracy and the precision of this technique, total bacteria counts made by flow cytometry were compared with counts by direct observation using epifluorescence microscopy. The results of this study showed that flow cytometry was a reliable technique for counting a mixture of bacteria in samples from aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract Cell volumes of different purple phototrophic bacteria were measured using several techniques: Coulter counter, phase contrast and epifluorescence microscopy. Volumes of Chromatium warmingii, C. minutissimum, Thiocapsa roseopersicina , and Thiocystis gelatinosa were measured as the organisms were accumulating sulfur. Cell volumes of Rhodobacter capsulatus were measured under different growth conditions including both anaerobically in the light and aerobically in the dark. Size distributions were flatter and more irregular by phase contrast microscopy than by Coulter counter. This latter technique could not be used in many cases, however, because phototrophic bacteria associate to form chains and aggregates of cells. In addition, Coulter counter measurements for organisms with capsules gave volumes intermediate between the volume of the cell and the volume of the capsule, as measured by phase contrast microscopy. Epifluorescence gave similar results to phase contrast if organic solvents were not used in the preparation of samples. Finally, cell volume of two phototrophic bacteria was shown to change both with depth and with season in a natural system.  相似文献   

It is well known that there are prokaryotes small in size (e.g. ultra-microprokaryotes) that pass through a 0.2-μm filter. As bacterial and viral abundances are determined by epifluorescence microscopy and the differentiation between them is based on particle size, some bacteria can be erroneously enumerated as viruses, namely in marine waters where bacteria are small. However, there is no information on the proportion of prokaryotes that could be misidentified as viruses by epifluorescence microscopy. In this work, we assessed, in water samples collected in the estuarine system Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), the proportion of prokaryotes that could be counted as viruses by the current widespread epifluorescence microscopy and, for the first time, by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The total number of particles was determined on membranes of 0.2 and 0.02 μm after staining with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and the number of prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) was determined by FISH for both pore size membranes. The results show that, in the marine zone of the estuarine system, 28 % of particles enumerated as virus-like particles were prokaryotes, but, in the brackish water zone, only 13 % of the particles counted as viruses were actually prokaryotic cells. Epifluorescence microscopy overestimates viral abundance, and also the ratio viruses:prokaryotes, and this error must be taken into consideration because it can vary significantly within a system. In fact, in the marine zone of an estuarine system, the overestimation of viral abundance can be twice as high as in the brackish water zone.  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton assemblage in Lake Kinneret, Israel, sampled on 6 occasions representative of different seasonal conditions was studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and epifluorescence microscopy after acridine-orange staining. In near-surface (1–3 m) samples taken in October 1981 and March 1983, several unusual types of budding, appendaged, and filamentous cells were found. During lake stratification, typical large anaerobic forms (including photosynthetic green sulphur bacteria) were observed in samples from the metalimnion and deep (40 m) hypolimnion. Epifluorescence counts indicated that bacteria in the water column ranged from 0.55 to 2.67 × 106 cells ml–1.  相似文献   

【目的】建立一种快速、稳定、可靠的海洋病毒计数方法。【方法】海水水样经福尔马林固定后,滤过孔径为0.02μm的Anodisc Al2O3膜。滤膜经SYBR Green I染色后,在相应波长的激发光下进行观察。借助荧光显微镜目镜网格尺,计数视野中的病毒颗粒,换算后获得样品中病毒的浓度。【结果】对具体实验方法进行了优化,可快速、稳定地对海水中的病毒计数。【结论】建立了一种适用于国内实验条件的、可靠的海洋病毒计数方法。  相似文献   

Two fluorescent dyes, TO-PRO-1 iodide and 5-CFDA-AM, were evaluated for LIVE/DEAD assessment of unicellular marine algae Brachiomonas submarina and Tetraselmis suecica. Epifluorescence microscopy was used to estimate cell viability in predetermined mixtures of viable and non-viable algal cells and validated using microplate growth assay as reference measurements. On average, 5-CFDA-AM underestimated live cell abundance by ~25% compared with viability estimated by the growth assay, whereas TO-PRO-1 iodide provided accurate viability estimates. Furthermore, viability estimates based on staining with TO-PRO-1 iodide were not affected by a storage period of up to one month in -80°C, making the assay a good candidate for routine assessment of phytoplankton populations in field and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

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