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Embryos and offspring of a pre-determined sex have been produced in pigs using AI and IVF with unfrozen sperm, and after surgical insemination with sex-sorted frozen-thawed sperm. The aims of this study were to demonstrate that sex-sorted frozen-thawed boar sperm could be incorporated into pig IVF for the production of embryos of a pre-determined sex and that these embryos could be successfully non-surgically transferred. Oocytes were matured in vitro, fertilised with either unsorted or sex-sorted frozen-thawed sperm and cultured until the eight-cell stage. These embryos were then transferred to recipients (n = 7) non-surgically (n = 70 embryos per sow). Oocyte cleavage was similar between sex-sorted (1538/5044; 30.5%) and unsorted (216/756; 28.6%) frozen-thawed sperm, and PCR sex-determination of the embryos confirmed that they were of the predicted sex (n = 16). Delayed return to oestrus (>23 days) was observed in five recipient sows (71.4%). Fetal sacs were observed by transcutaneous ultrasound on Day 18 in one of these sows. Pre-sexed porcine IVP embryos can be successfully produced using sex-sorted frozen-thawed boar sperm, and these embryos are capable of initiating pregnancies when transferred to recipients. However, further refinement of porcine ET protocols are required to enable development to term.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the production efficiency of Japanese Black beef calves after transfer of bovine embryos derived from an in vitro procedure. In vitro-produced (IVP) embryos were obtained from in vitro maturation and fertilization and in vitro development by co-culture with cumulus cells until 7 or 8 days after insemination. In vivo-developed (IVD) embryos from superovulated Japanese Black heifers and cows 7 days after artificial insemination were used as a control group. Bovine embryos were transferred nonsurgically to recipient cows on Day 7 +/- 1 of the estrous cycle. Pregnancy was diagnosed by palpation per rectum at Day 60 to 70 after estrus. Pregnancy, abortion, perinatal accident and birth rates were examined according to the origin of embryos (IVP or IVD), the number of transferred embryos (single or twin) and the storage status (fresh or frozen-thawed). In Experiment 1, production efficiency by twin transfer of fresh IVP embryos was examined. Higher pregnancy rates (52 1% vs 42 9%, P < 0.05) and birth rates (47.0% vs. 33.0%, P < 0.05) were obtained by twin transfer than by single transfer of fresh IVP embryos. Thus, the twin transfer of fresh IVP embryos was effective for production of calves, although the birth rates for single and twin transfers of fresh IVD embryos were still higher (55.5% and 76.1%, P < 0.05). But the abortion and perinatal accident rates for twin transfer of fresh IVP embryos were also significantly greater than those for single and twin transfer of fresh IVD embryos (P < 0.05). In Experiment 2, production efficiency by twin transfer of frozen-thawed IVP embryos was examined. Either single or twin transfer of frozen-thawed IVP embryos resulted in a similar pregnancy rate (41.3% vs. 46.7%, P > 0.05) and birth rate (34.1% vs. 41.1%, P>0.05). Thus, in combination with frozen-thawed IVP embryos, the twin transfer did not enhance production efficiency. In conclusion, Japanese Black beef calves could effectively produce calves by twin transfer to Holstein recipients when using fresh IVP embryos, and by single transfer when using frozen-thawed IVP embryos.  相似文献   

Pregnancy, parturition and calf survival following the transfer of embryos produced in vitro were monitored. A total of 44 blastocysts was transferred in pairs to 1 uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum (CL) of 22 synchronized heifers. At Day 42 of development 14 recipients (64%) were pregnant; the calving rate was also 64%. The twinning rate was 9/14 at Day 42 and 7/14 at birth, for an overall fetal mortality rate of 9%. The average gestation length was 281 and 275 d for single and twin pregnancies, respectively. Blood samples from recipients were collected for determination of bovine pregnancy associated glycoprotein (bPAG) from 2 wk after transfer and throughout the pregnancy. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the bPAG concentration was significantly higher in twin than in single bearing heifers, and the perinatal increase in bPAG was correlated positively with the total weight of the fetus(es). The percentage of male calves was 43%. The birth weight of twin individuals was 25 +/- 1 kg, which was 78% of the birthweight of the singletons (32 +/- 2 kg). One singleton calf was oversized, weighing 58 kg (80% more than the median weight of the other singletons). Stillbirths occurred in 21% of the twins, butin none of the singletons. Calf mortality during the first 14 d was higher for twins (4/11) than for singletons (1/7) due to infections and cerebellar hypoplasia. Karyotyping the calves detected no cytogenetically recognizable abnormalities. All calves were negative for BVD virus and IBR antibodies. The results of this study showed that although the incidence of fetal loss was low, there was an unacceptable high perinatal mortality of the calves. Thus it is likely that the blood supply through the placenta of animals pregnant with twins was impaired or it is possible that these fetuses and calves had increased stress susceptibility caused by the in vitro conditions. Furthermore, the birth of 1 oversized calf, 2 calves with cerebellar hypoplasia and 5 calves succumbing to infections seems to indicate that a proportion of in vitro produced calves may suffer from factors inherent in the in vitro production system.  相似文献   

Although numerous trials had shown the need to define a procedure to get free access to the bovine oviduct, there was no adequate report of a technique which was accepted for the routine transfer of early tubal-stage embryos. We have now report an endoscopically mediated transvaginal method for transferring embryos into the oviduct. The in vitro produced embryos were loaded into a curved glass capillary tube which was connected to a perfusor tube plus 1-mL syringe. The capillary tube was directly inserted via the infundibulum into the ampulla. After first having checked the ovaries for the presence of a corpus luteum the embryos were deposited under visual guidance in about 20 to 50 microL medium. Twenty-four Simmental and Brown Swiss heifers received 26 embryos and 9 animals became pregnant, of which 7 recipients delivered 8 live calves. With practice, the time used for endoscopic transfer was reduced to less than 10 min. The results demonstrate that the described technique is suitable for practical application. Especially for the early transfer of IVP-derived embryos this technique might be advantageous. In conclusion, this method is also of great potential interest for the recovery of tubal-stage embryos and for the in vivo culture of embryos followed by conventional flushing at Day 7.  相似文献   

The male:female ratio of developing bovine embryos produced and allowed to develop in vitro and in vivo was determined retrospectively from the cytogenetic analysis of 804 embyos. The overall male:female ratio of the 307 (38%) embryos that could be sexed was 162 (52.8%):145 (47.2%) and did not differ (P>0.05) from the expected 1:1 ratio. Among premorula stage embryos produced in vivo (n = 66) and in vitro (n = 30), the ratios were 1.2:1 and 0.76:1, respectively. Among morulae and blastocysts produced in vivo (n = 74), produced and cultured in vitro (n = 106, and produced in vitro and cultured in vivo (n = 31), the ratios were 1.11:1, 1.3:1 and 0.94:1, respectively, none of which differed significantly from 1:1. There was no difference (P>0.05) in the number of cells or mitotic index between male and female morulae and blastocyst, respectively.  相似文献   

Due to its economic importance, the production of cattle by nuclear transfer has been a primary research focus for many researchers during the past few years. While many groups have successfully produced cattle by nuclear transfer, and progress in this area continues, nuclear transfer remains a very inefficient technology. This study evaluates the effect of the oocyte source (cow and heifer) on the developmental competence of nuclear transfer embryos. In order for nuclear transfer to be successful, a differentiated donor cell must be reprogrammed and restored to a totipotent state. This reprogramming is probably accomplished by factors within the oocyte cytoplasm. This study indicates that oocytes derived from cows have a greater capacity to reprogram donor cell DNA following nuclear transfer as compared to heifer oocytes based on in vitro development to the 2-cell stage and to the compacted morula/blastocyst stages. Nuclear transfer embryos derived from cow oocytes resulted in significantly higher rates of pregnancy establishment than embryos derived from heifer oocytes and resulted in higher pregnancy retention at 90 and 180 days and a greater number of term deliveries. Following delivery more calves derived from cow oocytes tended to be healthy and normal than those derived from heifer oocytes. The differences in developmental efficiency between nuclear transfer embryos derived from cow and heifer cytoplasts demonstrate that subtle differences in oocyte biology can have significant effects on subsequent development of nuclear transfer embryos.  相似文献   

Calves derived from IVP embryos may suffer from the large offspring syndrome that has been related to effects of in vitro culture on the intrinsic quality of the embryo. Limited information is available on the role of the placenta in such cases. In this study, bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (bPAG) was used as a marker to test whether placental function is influenced by the route of embryo production. Therefore, from day 7 until day 119 of ongoing gestations, resulting from transfer of MOET (n = 53), IVP-co-culture (n = 21) and IVP-SOF (n = 38) embryos, bPAG levels were compared in peripheral plasma of recipients. Plasma progesterone levels were compared as well. From day 25 of gestation onwards, bPAG could be detected in all recipients and the levels were significantly influenced by the day of gestation. Although IVP calves were significantly heavier than the in vivo produced calves, this difference was not reflected in the bPAG profiles of the embryo production groups. Yet, the mean bPAG level of the three last sampling moments (days 105-119) tended to be positively related to the birth weight of the calves, irrespective of the embryo production technique. Progesterone concentrations were not influenced by route of embryo production, but were significantly affected by parity of the recipient and day of gestation.  相似文献   

Presence of placental tissues from more normal noncloned embryos could reduce the pregnancy failure of somatic cloning in cattle. In this study, inner cell mass (ICM) cells of in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos was replaced with those of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos to reconstruct bovine blastocysts with ICM and trophoblast cells from NT and IVP embryos, respectively. A total of 65 of these reconstructed embryos were nonsurgically transferred to 20 recipient beef females. Of those, two females were diagnosed pregnant by ultrasonography on day 30 of gestation. One pregnancy was lost at 60-90 days of gestation, and the other recipient cow remained pregnant at day 240 of gestation; however, this female died on day 252 of gestation. Gross pathology of the internal organs of the recipient female, a large fetus, and a large placental tissue mass suggested the massive size of the fetus and placental tissue were likely involved in terminating the life of the recipient female. Biopsy samples were harvested from the skin of the dead recipient cow, the fetus and from cotyledonary tissue. Microsatellite DNA analysis of these samples revealed that the genotype of the fetus was the same as that of the NT donor cells and different from that of the recipient cow. Correspondingly, neither the fetus nor recipient cow had the same genotype with that of the fetal cotyledonary tissue. These results present the first known documented case of a bovine somatic NT pregnancy with nonclone placental tissues after transfer of a blastocyst reconstructed by a microsurgical method to exchange of ICM cells and trophoblast tissue between NT and IVP blastocysts.  相似文献   

The incidence of chromosomal anomalies in early bovine embryos derived from follicular oocytes fertilized in vitro using sperm separated by Percoll density gradient centrifugation was investigated. Overall, chromosomal anomalies were observed in 13.7% (138/1005) of embryos. There were 14 haploids (1.4%), 2 hypodiploids (0.2%), 6 hyperdiploids (0.6%), 101 triploids (10.0%), 12 tetraploids (1.2%), 2 diploid/triploid mosaics (0.2%), and 1 diploid/tetraploid mosaic (0.1%). The frequency of triploidy was caused mainly by polyspermy. There was a significant difference in the frequency of embryos with abnormal chromosomes between the two bulls used (P < 0.005), but Percoll centrifugation did not affect the observed incidence of anomalies. The frequency of chromosomal anomalies in embryos at each stage increased with delay or arrest of development. These results suggest that the incidence of chromosomal anomalies depended on the conditions of in vitro fertilization and the arrest of development.  相似文献   

This study examined the telomerase activity in preimplantation bovine embryos derived from either parthenogenetic activation or nuclear transfer. Telomeres are the DNA-protein structures located at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomerase is the ribonuclear enzyme that helps to restore telomere length by synthesizing telomeric DNA repeat (5'-TTAGGG-3') from its own RNA template. Without telomerase activity, telomeres shorten with each cell division through conventional DNA replication. In most mammalian species, telomerase activity is present in germ cells but not in somatic cells. Previously, we reported the dynamics of telomerase activity in bovine in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos. In the present study, we examined the telomerase activity in bovine embryos derived either from parthenogenetic activation or somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e., cloning). Embryos from both sources were harvested at different stages, from zygote to blastocyst. Telomerase activity in embryos derived from parthenogenetic activation and nuclear transfer showed a dynamic profile similar to that of those derived from IVF. Telomerase activity was detected in embryos at all stages examined, with the highest level in the blastocyst stage, regardless of the method of embryo production.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina is a complex meshwork of nuclear lamin filaments that lies on the interface of the nuclear envelope and chromatin and is important for cell maintenance, nucleoskeleton support, chromatin remodeling, and protein recruitment to the inner nucleolus. Protein and mRNA patterns for the major nuclear lamins were investigated in bovine in vitro fertilized (IVF) and nuclear transfer embryos. Expression of lamins A/C and B were examined in IVF bovine germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, metaphase II oocytes, zygotes, 2-cell, 8-cell, 16-32-cell embryos, morulae, and blastocysts (n = 10). Lamin A/C was detected in 9/10 immature oocytes, 10/10 zygotes, 8/10 2-cell embryos, 4/10 morulae, 10/10 blastocysts but absent during the maternal embryonic transition. Lamin B was ubiquitously expressed during IVF preimplantation development but was only detected in 4/10 GV oocytes. Messenger RNA expression confirms that the major lamins, A/C and B1 are expressed throughout preimplantation development and transcribed by the embryo proper. Lamin A/C and B expression were observed (15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 120 min) following somatic cell nuclear transfer using adult fibroblasts and at the 2-cell, 8-cell, 16-32-cell, morula and blastocyst stage (n = 5). Altered expression levels and localization of nuclear lamins A/C and B was determined in nuclear transfer embryos during the first 2 hr post fusion, coincidental with only partial nuclear envelope breakdown as well as during the initial cleavage divisions, but was restored by the morula stage. This mechanical and molecular disruption of the nuclear lamina provides key evidence for incomplete nuclear remodeling and reprogramming following somatic cell nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

Late morulae and blastocysts produced in vitro were nonsurgically transferred to heifers by unilateral (n = 184) or bilateral (n = 94) transfer. Of the recipients, 58% had serum progesterone values greater than 1.4 ng ml-1 on day 21 and rectal palpation on day 35 showed that 50% (138 of 278) were pregnant. The embryonic mortality rate between days 21 and 35 was estimated to be about 14% and between days 36 and 90 to be about 12%. Of the animals, 8% aborted between days 91 and 250 of pregnancy. No difference was observed in pregnancy rates between unilateral transfer of one (47%) or two embryos (49%) and bilateral transfer (53%), or in the twinning rate between bilateral transfer (42%) and unilateral transfer of two embryos (33%). The pregnancy rate was 54% with embryos evaluated as morphologically excellent or good, 51% with fair embryos and 26% with poor ones. A higher pregnancy rate (60%) was obtained after embryo transfer when the synchrony between recipient and embryo was -1 day.  相似文献   

牛体内,外受精胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存技术的研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用3种培养液即输卵管合成液(SOF)、TCM199和CRlaa对牛体外受精后的卵母细胞进行培养,结果卵裂率分别达85%、67%和72%,囊胚发育率分别为37%、21%和30%。对所获得的囊胚利用EFS玻璃化溶液进行冷冻保存。在10%EG中预处理5min后再移入EFS40平衡30s二步法冷冻保存的胚胎,其1解冻后继续发育率高达86%,与对照组91%相比无显性差异(P>0.05)。而EFS30二步  相似文献   

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