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Polarized epithelial cells represent the primary barrier to virus infection of the host, which must also be traversed prior to virus dissemination from the infected organism. Although there is considerable information available concerning the release of enveloped viruses from such cells, relatively little is known about the processes involved in the dissemination of nonenveloped viruses. We have used two polarized epithelial cell lines, Vero C1008 (African green monkey kidney epithelial cells) and Caco-2 (human intestinal epithelial cells), infected with poliovirus and investigated the process of virus release. Release of poliovirus was observed to occur almost exclusively from the apical cell surface in Caco-2 cells, whereas infected Vero C1008 cells exhibited nondirectional release. Structures consistent with the vectorial transport of virus contained within vesicles or viral aggregates were observed by electron microscopy. Treatment with monensin or ammonium chloride partially inhibited virus release from Caco-2 cells. No significant cell lysis was observed at the times postinfection when extracellular virus was initially detected, and transepithelial resistance and vital dye uptake measurements showed only a moderate decrease. Brefeldin A was found to significantly and specifically inhibit poliovirus biosynthetic processes by an as yet uncharacterized mechanism. The vectorial release of poliovirus from the apical (or luminal) surface of human intestinal epithelial cells has significant implications for viral pathogenesis in the human gut.  相似文献   

Detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) represent specialized membrane domains resistant to detergent extraction, which may serve to segregate proteins in a specific environment in order to improve their function. Segregation of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) in DRMs has been shown to be involved in their sorting to the apical membrane in polarized epithelial cells. Nonetheless, we have shown that both apical and basolateral GPI-APs associate with DRMs. In this report we investigated the lipid composition of DRMs associated with an apical and a basolateral GPI-AP. We found that apical and basolateral DRMs contain the same lipid species although in different ratios. This specific lipid ratio is maintained after mixing the cells before lysis indicating that DRMs maintain their identity after Triton extraction.  相似文献   

Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is released from the apical membrane of polarized epithelial cells. However, little is known about the processes of assembly and release of HRSV and which viral gene products are involved in the directional maturation of the virus. Based on previous studies showing that the fusion (F) glycoprotein contained an intrinsic apical sorting signal and that N- and O-linked glycans can act as apical targeting signals, we investigated whether the glycoproteins of HRSV were involved in its directional targeting and release. We generated recombinant viruses with each of the three glycoprotein genes deleted individually or in groups. Each deleted gene was replaced with a reporter gene to maintain wild-type levels of gene expression. The effects of deleting the glycoprotein genes on apical maturation and on targeting of individual proteins in polarized epithelial cells were examined by using biological, biochemical, and microscopic assays. The results of these studies showed that the HRSV glycoproteins are not required for apical maturation or release of the virus. Further, deletion of one or more of the glycoprotein genes did not affect the intracellular targeting of the remaining viral glycoproteins or the nucleocapsid protein to the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is an enterically transmitted virus that replicates predominantly in hepatocytes within the liver before excretion via bile through feces. Hepatocytes are polarized epithelial cells, and it has been assumed that the virus load in bile results from direct export of HAV via the apical domain of polarized hepatocytes. We have developed a subclone of hepatocyte-derived HepG2 cells (clone N6) that maintains functional characteristics of polarized hepatocytes but displays morphology typical of columnar epithelial cells, rather than the complex morphology that is typical of hepatocytes. N6 cells form microcolonies of polarized cells when grown on glass and confluent monolayers of polarized cells on semipermeable membranes. When N6 microcolonies were exposed to HAV, infection was restricted to peripheral cells of polarized colonies, whereas all cells could be infected in colonies of nonpolarized HepG2 cells (clone C11) or following disruption of tight junctions in N6 colonies with EGTA. This suggests that viral entry occurs predominantly via the basolateral plasma membrane, consistent with uptake of virus from the bloodstream after enteric exposure, as expected. Viral export was also found to be markedly vectorial in N6 but not C11 cells. However, rather than being exported from the apical domain as expected, more than 95% of HAV was exported via the basolateral domain of N6 cells, suggesting that virus is first excreted from infected hepatocytes into the bloodstream rather than to the biliary tree. Enteric excretion of HAV may therefore rely on reuptake and transcytosis of progeny HAV across hepatocytes into the bile. These studies provide the first example of the interactions between viruses and polarized hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial (RS) virus infects the epithelium of the respiratory tract. We examined the replication and maturation of RS virus in two polarized epithelial cell lines, Vero C1008 and MDCK. Electron microscopy of RS virus-infected Vero C1008 cells revealed the presence of pleomorphic viral particles budding exclusively from the apical surface, often in clusters. The predominant type of particle was filamentous, 80 to 100 nm in diameter, and 4 to 8 microns in length, and evidence from filtration studies indicated that the filamentous particles were infectious. Cytopathology produced by RS virus infection of polarized Vero C1008 cells was minimal, and syncytia were not observed, consistent with the maintenance of tight junctions and the exclusively apical maturation of the virus. Infectivity assays with MDCK cells confirmed that in this cell line, RS virus was released into the apical medium but not into the basolateral medium. In addition, the majority of the RS virus transmembrane fusion glycoprotein on the cell surface was localized to the apical surface of the Vero C1008 cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that RS virus matures at the apical surface of polarized epithelial cell lines.  相似文献   

Viral entry may preferentially occur at the apical or the basolateral surfaces of polarized cells, and differences may impact pathogenesis, preventative strategies, and successful implementation of viral vectors for gene therapy. The objective of these studies was to examine the polarity of herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry using several different human epithelial cell lines. Human uterine (ECC-1), colonic (CaCo-2), and retinal pigment (ARPE-19) epithelial cells were grown on collagen-coated inserts, and the polarity was monitored by measuring the transepithelial cell resistance. Controls were CaSki cells, a human cervical cell line that does not polarize in vitro. The polarized cells, but not CaSki cells, were 16- to 50-fold more susceptible to HSV infection at the apical surface than at the basolateral surface. Disruption of the tight junctions by treatment with EGTA overcame the restriction on basolateral infection but had no impact on apical infection. No differences in binding at the two surfaces were observed. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that nectin-1, the major coreceptor for HSV entry, sorted preferentially to the apical surface, overlapping with adherens and tight junction proteins. Transfection with small interfering RNA specific for nectin-1 resulted in a significant reduction in susceptibility to HSV at the apical surface but had little impact on basolateral infection. Infection from the apical but not the basolateral surface triggered focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation and led to nuclear transport of viral capsids and viral gene expression. These studies indicate that access to nectin-1 contributes to preferential apical infection of these human epithelial cells by HSV.  相似文献   

The lack of an adequate in vitro model has hampered study of the cellular basis by which influenza A virus causes disease in the human airway. We report in vitro infection of human airway epithelial cells by influenza A virus. Fetal and adult human tracheal and bronchial epithelial cells cultured from explants and SV40 transformed adult human tracheal epithelial cells were exposed to a recently isolated strain of influenza A virus (H1N1) and a laboratory passaged strain (WSN) of influenza A virus at similar multiplicity of infection. All cultures derived from explants showed hemadsorption (approximately 30% of the cells) with the H1N1 virus. No hemadsorption was detected with the WSN virus. One of two transformed cell lines showed a 5-10% hemadsorption to cells after H1N1 exposure and none following exposure to WSN. Immunofluorescent staining for influenza A-specific antigens in virus-exposed, explant-derived cells indicated viral infection and replication in these cells. Hemagglutinating material in the growth medium of infected, explant-derived cell lines, increased as a function of time, indicating the production of virus proteins. Exposure of rhesus monkey kidney cells and new human tracheal epithelial cultures to supernatant from these cells resulted in hemadsorption, indicating the presence of infectious virus in the supernatant. Light microscopic examination of virally infected bronchial epithelial cells demonstrated that the common types of cytopathic changes were rarely seen while cell proliferation continued over time. The data indicate that influenza A virus can infect, replicate, and produce infectious virus in cultured human tracheal and bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The uptake of simian virus 40 (SV40) by polarized epithelial cells was investigated by growth of cells on permeable supports and inoculation on either the apical or the basolateral surface. Binding of radiolabeled SV40 occurred on the apical but not the basolateral surfaces of permissive polarized Vero C1008 cells and nonpermissive polarized MDCK cells. When similar experiments were performed on nonpolarized Vero or CV-1 cells, virus binding occurred regardless of the direction of virus input. Electron micrographs of Vero C1008 cells infected at high multiplicities revealed virions lining the surfaces of apically infected cells, while the surfaces of basolaterally infected cells were devoid of virus particles. Analysis of the binding data revealed a single class of virus receptors (9 x 10(4) per cell) with a high affinity for SV40 (Kd = 3.76 pM) on the apical surfaces of Vero C 1008 cells. Indirect immunofluorescence studies revealed that synthesis of viral capsid proteins in Vero C1008 cells occurred only when input virions had access to the apical surface. Virus yields from apically infected Vero C1008 cells were 10(5) PFU per cell, while yields obtained from basolaterally infected cells were less than one PFU per cell. These results indicate that a specific receptor for SV40 is expressed exclusively on the apical surfaces of polarized Vero C1008 cells.  相似文献   

ARNO is a guanine-nucleotide exchange protein for the ARF family of GTPases. Here we show that in polarized epithelial cells, ARNO is localized exclusively to the apical plasma membrane, where it regulates endocytosis. Expression of ARNO stimulates apical endocytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, and coexpression of ARF6 with ARNO leads to a synergistic stimulation of apical endocytosis. Expression of a dominant negative ARF6 mutant, ARF6-T27N, antagonizes this stimulatory effect. Deletion of the N-terminal coiled-coil (CC) domain of ARNO causes the mutant ARNO to localize to both the apical and basolateral plasma membranes. Expression of the CC domain alone abolishes ARNO-induced apical endocytosis as well as co-localization of IgA-receptor complexes with ARNO and clathrin. These results suggest that the CC domain contributes to the specificity of apical localization of ARNO through association with components of the apical plasma membrane. We conclude that ARNO acts together with ARF6 to regulate apical endocytosis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the process of release of simian virus 40 (SV40) virions from several monkey kidney cell lines. High levels of virus release were observed prior to any significantly cytopathic effects in all cell lines examined, indicating that SV40 utilizes a mechanism for escape from the host cell which does not involve cell lysis. We demonstrate that SV40 release was polarized in two epithelial cell types (Vero C1008 and primary African green monkey kidney cells) grown on permeable supports; release of virus occurs almost exclusively at apical surfaces. In contrast, equivalent amounts of SV40 virions were recovered from apical and basal culture fluids of nonpolarized CV-1 cells. SV40 virions were observed in large numbers on apical surfaces of epithelial cells and in cytoplasmic smooth membrane vesicles. The sodium ionophore monensin, an inhibitor of vesicular transport, was found to inhibit SV40 release without altering viral protein synthesis or infectious virus production.  相似文献   

The transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) infects the epithelial cells of the intestinal tract of pigs, resulting in a high mortality rate in piglets. This study shows the interaction of TGEV with a porcine epithelial cell line. To determine the site of viral entry, LLC-PK1 cells were grown on permeable filter supports and infected with TGEV from the apical or basolateral side. Initially after plating, the virus was found to enter the cells from both sides. During further development of cell polarity, however, the entry became restricted to the apical membrane. Viral entry could be blocked by a monoclonal antibody to the viral receptor aminopeptidase N. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that this receptor protein was present at both the apical and basolateral plasma membrane domains just after plating of the cells but that it became restricted to the apical plasma membrane during culture. To establish the site of viral release, the viral content of the apical and basolateral media of apically infected LLC-PK1 cells was measured by determining the amount of radioactively labelled viral proteins and infectious viral particles. We found that TGEV was preferentially released from the apical plasma membrane. This conclusion was confirmed by electron microscopy, which demonstrated that newly synthesized viral particles attached to the apical membrane. The results support the idea that the rapid lateral spread of TGEV infection over the intestinal epithelia occurs by the preferential release of virus from infected epithelial cells into the gut lumen followed by efficient infection of nearby cells through the apical domain.  相似文献   

The M2 protein of influenza A virus is a small, nonglycosylated transmembrane protein that is expressed on surfaces of virus-infected cells. A monoclonal antibody specific for the M2 protein was used to investigate its expression in polarized epithelial cells infected with influenza virus or a recombinant vaccinia virus that expresses M2. The expression of M2 on the surfaces of influenza virus-infected cells was found to be restricted to the apical surface, closely paralleling that of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA). Membrane domain-specific immunoprecipitation indicated that the M2 protein was inserted directly into the apical membrane with transport kinetics similar to those of HA. In polarized cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus that expresses M2, we found that 86 to 93% of surface M2 was restricted to the apical domain compared with 88 to 90% of HA in a similar assay. These results indicate that the M2 protein undergoes directional transport in the absence of other influenza virus proteins and that M2 contains the structural features required for apical transport in polarized epithelial cells. The ultrastructural localization of the M2 protein in influenza virus-infected MDCK cells was investigated by immunoelectron microscopy using M2 antibody and a gold conjugate. In cells in which extensive virus budding was occurring, the apical cell membrane was labeled with gold particles evenly distributed between microvilli and the surrounding membrane. In addition, a significant fraction of the M2 label was apparently associated with virions. A monoclonal antibody specific for HA demonstrated a similar labeling pattern. These results indicate that M2 is localized in close proximity to budding and assembled virions.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of dengue virus to invade human primary Kupffer cells and to complete its life cycle. The virus effectively penetrated Kupffer cells, but the infection did not result in any viral progeny. Dengue virus-replicating Kupffer cells underwent apoptosis and were cleared by phagocytosis. Infected Kupffer cells produced soluble mediators that could intervene in dengue virus pathogenesis.  相似文献   

In polarized epithelial cells, the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein is segregated to the basolateral plasma membrane, where budding of the virus takes place. We have generated recombinant viruses expressing mutant glycoproteins without the basolateral-membrane-targeting signal in the cytoplasmic domain. Though about 50% of the mutant glycoproteins were found at the apical plasma membranes of infected MDCK cells, the virus was still predominantly released at the basolateral membranes, indicating that factors other than the glycoprotein determine the site of virus budding.  相似文献   

Human Intestine 407 cells respond to osmotic cell swelling by the activation of Cl(-)- and K(+)-selective ionic channels, as well as by stimulating an organic osmolyte release pathway readily permeable to taurine and phosphocholine. Unlike the activation of volume-regulated anion channels (VRAC), activation of the organic osmolyte release pathway shows a lag time of approximately 30-60 s, and its activity persists for at least 8-12 min. In contrast to VRAC activation, stimulation of organic osmolyte release did not require protein tyrosine phosphorylation, active p21(rho), or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and was insensitive to Cl(-) channel blockers. Treatment of the cells with putative organic anion transporter inhibitors reduced the release of taurine only partially or was found to be ineffective. The efflux was blocked by a subclass of organic cation transporter (OCT) inhibitors (cyanine-863 and decynium-22) but not by other OCT inhibitors (cimetidine, quinine, and verapamil). Brief treatment of the cells with phorbol esters potentiated the cell swelling-induced taurine efflux, whereas addition of the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor GF109203X largely inhibited the response, suggesting that PKC is involved. Increasing the level of intracellular Ca(2+) by using A-23187- or Ca(2+)-mobilizing hormones, however, did not affect the magnitude of the response. Taken together, the results indicate that the hypotonicity-induced efflux of organic osmolytes is independent of VRAC and involves a PKC-dependent step.  相似文献   

Coxsackievirus B (CVB), a member of the enterovirus family, targets the polarized epithelial cells lining the intestinal tract early in infection. Although the polarized epithelium functions as a protective barrier, this barrier is likely exploited by CVB to promote viral entry and subsequent egress. Here we show that, in contrast to nonpolarized cells, CVB-infected polarized intestinal Caco-2 cells undergo nonapoptotic necrotic cell death triggered by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-dependent calcium release. We further show that CVB-induced cellular necrosis depends on the Ca(2+)-activated protease calpain-2 and that this protease is involved in CVB-induced disruption of the junctional complex and rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton. Our study illustrates the cell signaling pathways hijacked by CVB, and perhaps other viral pathogens, to promote their replication and spread in polarized cell types.  相似文献   

When rotavirus infects the mature villus tip cells of the small intestine, it encounters a highly polarized epithelium. In order to understand this virus-cell interaction more completely, we utilized a cell culture-adapted rhesus rotavirus (RRV) to infect human intestinal (Caco-2) and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK-1) polarized epithelial cells grown on a permeable support. Filter-grown Caco-2 cells and MDCK-1 cells, producing a transepithelial resistance of 300 to 500 and greater than 1,000 omega . cm2, respectively, were infected from either the apical or basolateral domain with RRV or Semliki Forest virus. Whereas Semliki Forest virus infection only occurred when input virions had access to the basolateral domain of MDCK-1 or Caco-2 cells, RRV infected MDCK-1 and Caco-2 monolayers in a symmetric manner. The effect of rotavirus infection on monolayer permeability was analyzed by measuring the transepithelial electrical resistance. Rotavirus infection on filter-grown Caco-2 cells caused a transmembrane leak at 18 h postinfection, before the development of the cytopathic effect (CPE) and extensive virus release. Electrical resistance was completely abolished between 24 and 36 h postinfection. Although no CPE could be detected on RRV-infected MDCK cells, the infection caused a transmembrane leak that totally abolished the electrical resistance at 18 to 24 h postinfection. Cell viability and the CPE analysis together with immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence data indicated that the abolishment of resistance across the monolayer was due not to an effect on the plasma membrane of the cells but to an effect on the paracellular pathway limited by tight junctions. Attachment and penetration of rotavirus onto Caco-2 cells caused no measurable transmembrane leak during the first hour of infection.  相似文献   

HT29-D4 clonal cells can be induced to differentiate by a simple alteration of the culture medium, that is, by the replacement of glucose by galactose [Fantini, J., et al. (1986) J. Cell Sci., 83:235-249] as reported for the nonclonal HT29 cells [Pinto, M., (1982) Biol. Cell, 44:193-196]. An essential property of the HT29-D4 cell line is the fact that no cell loss occurs after the medium change, so that the differentiated cells can be considered as the true counterpart of the undifferentiated one. This model is particularly suitable to study morphological and biochemical events associated with the progressive establishment of the differentiation state. We report here that carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a 180 kDa glycoprotein originally described as a colon tumor associated antigen, is faintly expressed at the surface of undifferentiated HT29-D4 cells. These cells release a small amount of CEA (2.5 ng/10(6) cells/24 hr) in the culture medium. Fourty-eight hours after glucose substitution by galactose, both CEA cell surface expression and release are strongly enhanced as demonstrated by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation studies. Ten days after the medium change, the amount of CEA released reaches a maximum value of 130 ng/10(6) cells/24 hr, which remains stable for differentiated HT29-D4 cells cultured in glucose-free, galactose-containing medium (Gal-medium) for several months. HT29-D4 cells grown in Gal-medium in porous-bottom culture dishes generate leakproof epithelial monolayers. We have successfully performed an independent radioiodination of the apical and basolateral domains of these cells, followed by immunoprecipitation. We demonstrate that CEA is expressed exclusively at the apical surface of differentiated HT29-D4 cells, since the 180 kDa polypeptide was immunoprecipitated only when the radioiodination was performed at the apical side of the monolayer. Leakproof HT29-D4 monolayers cultured in permeable chambers were also used to demonstrate that CEA was exclusively released in the medium bathing the apical side of the cells. In conclusion, this study of cell surface CEA expression and CEA release during the process of differentiation of HT29-D4 cells demonstrated that 1) CEA cell surface expression and CEA release are correlated with cell differentiation; 2) CEA is expressed in the apical brush border membrane of differentiated HT29-D4 cells; and 3) CEA release is exclusively oriented toward the apical side of the polarized monolayer.  相似文献   

Marburg virus, a filovirus, causes severe hemorrhagic fever with hitherto poorly understood molecular pathogenesis. We have investigated here the vectorial transport of the surface protein GP of Marburg virus in polarized epithelial cells. To this end, we established an MDCKII cell line that was able to express GP permanently (MDCK-GP). The functional integrity of GP expressed in these cells was analyzed using vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotypes. Further experiments revealed that GP is transported in MDCK-GP cells mainly to the apical membrane and is released exclusively into the culture medium facing the apical membrane. When MDCKII cells were infected with Marburg virus, the majority of GP was also transported to the apical membrane, suggesting that the protein contains an autonomous apical transport signal. Release of infectious progeny virions, however, took place exclusively at the basolateral membrane of the cells. Thus, vectorial budding of Marburg virus is presumably determined by factors other than the surface protein.  相似文献   

Human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV-3) is an airborne pathogen that infects the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. In the present study we investigated the interaction of HPIV-3 with the type II alveolar human lung polarized epithelial A549 cells. Although HPIV-3 entry and budding were bidirectional from both the apical and the basolateral domains, HPIV-3 exhibited preferential entry and release from the apical pole. While disruption of the cellular actin microfilament and microtubule by cytochalasin D and nocodazole, respectively, had no effect on virus entry, disruption of the microtubule but not the microfilament inhibited HPIV-3 release.  相似文献   

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