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The multiunit EMG activity of the triceps brachii was recorded in precollicular decerebrate cats during roll tilt of the animal or neck rotation at the frequencies of 0.026-0.15 Hz and at the peak amplitude of 10 degrees, leading to selective stimulation of labyrinth or neck receptors. The first harmonic component of the EMG responses to labyrinth stimulation was characterized by an increased activity during side-down tilt of the animal and a decreased activity during side-up tilt; however, just the opposite changes were elicited for the same directions of neck rotation. The peak of the responses was closely related to the extreme animal or neck displacement, thus being attributed to stimulation of position-sensitive macular labyrinth and receptors. Moreover, the modulation as well as the gain of the EMG responses were small in amplitude. Intravenous injections of an anticholinesterase at a dose which in some instances slightly decreased the extensor tonus as well as the background activity of the triceps brachii (eserine sulphate, 0.05-0.075 mg/kg), greatly enhanced the response gain of this extensor muscle to animal tilt or neck rotation at the parameters reported above. This finding was also observed in the absence of any decrease in spontaneous EMG activity of the extensor muscle after injection of the anticholinesterase. In no instance did the phase angle of the response change following these injections. The increased gain of the EMG response of the forelimb extensor muscle to sinusoidal stimulation of labyrinth and neck receptors was first observed 5-10 min after the injection and reached the highest value in about one hour. This effect, was not only time-dependent, but also state-dependent. In fact, the increase in response gain described above either did not occur or was negligible during the sudden recovery of the extensor rigidity which occurred either spontaneously or after somatosensory stimulations. The effects elicited by eserine sulphate were reversed within seconds by a 0.1-0.5 mg/kg dose of atropine sulphate, an anticholinergic drug. It is postulated that for the same labyrinthine or neck signal giving rise to excitatory vestibulospinal volleys acting on extensor motoneurons, the amplitude of the EMG modulation of limb extensor muscles depends on the activity of a cholinergic system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in the mediation of the inhibitory effects of ethanol on gastric emptying were studied in adult male rats. The gastric emptying was determined by measuring the amount of phenol red recovered from the stomach after intragastric administration. Intragastric administration of a 2.5 g kg(-1) body weight dose of ethanol resulted in inhibition of the gastric emptying. Prior intraperitoneal treatment with lorglumide (CR-1409), a selective CCK-A receptor antagonist, abolished the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the gastric emptying. This observation furnishes evidence indicative of the involvement of type A CCK receptors in the mediation of the inhibitory effect of large doses of ethanol on the gastric emptying.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effects of intercostal muscle spindle endings (MSEs) and tendon organs (TOs) on medullary inspiratory activity in decerebrate and allobarbital-anesthetized cats. Impeded muscle contractions, elicited by electrical stimulation of the peripheral cut end of the T6 ventral root, were used to stimulate external and internal intercostal TOs without MSEs. Impeded contractions of either the external or internal intercostal muscles reduced phrenic and medullary inspiratory neuronal activities. Vibration was used to selectively stimulate external or internal intercostal MSEs (90 and 40 micron amplitude, respectively). Selective stimulation of either external or internal intercostal MSEs did not change phrenic or medullary inspiratory neuronal activities. It is concluded that both external and internal intercostal TOs have a generalized inhibitory effect on medullary inspiratory activity and intercostal MSEs have no effect on medullary inspiratory activity.  相似文献   

This study tested the specific and combined effects of testosterone treatment and hindlimb suspension (HS) on the properties of steroid receptors in skeletal muscle. Male rats were either administered weekly high doses of testosterone heptylate (10 mg x kg(-1)) or olive oil placebo, and were either tail-suspended or acted as controls. After 3 weeks of treatment, three muscles were excised from each animal, soleus (SOL), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and plantaris. The results showed that the testosterone treatment was unable to minimise the HS-induced atrophy of skeletal muscle. As expected, HS altered the fibre-type composition of SOL muscles (-33% of type I, +188% and +161% of type IIa and intermediate fibres respectively, P < 0.01). No overall effect of treatment was detected on the fibre-type composition of either slow or fast-twitch muscles. Binding capacity determined by a radiocompetition technique was increased by HS, especially in SOL and EDL muscles (P < 0.01), while HS or steroid treatment decreased the affinity of the steroid receptors. The combination of HS and testosterone administration resulted in a decrease in binding capacity and affinity of steroid receptors in skeletal muscles. Steroid receptors in fast-twitch muscles exhibited a higher affinity than those in slow-twitch muscles, and it is suggested that it is likely that testosterone treatment is more effective in fast-twitch than in slow-twitch muscles. It was concluded that the lack of preventive effect of testosterone treatment on HS-induced SOL muscle atrophy could be explained by both a decrease in steroid sensitivity and the removal of mechanical factors.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effects of intercostal muscle spindle endings (MSEs) and tendon organs (TOs) on medullary expiratory activity in decerebrate cats. Impeded intercostal muscle contractions, elicited by electrical stimulation of the peripheral cut end of the T6 ventral root, were used to stimulate intercostal TOs without MSEs. Impeded contractions of the intercostal muscles augmented expiratory laryngeal motoneuron activity, and either had no effect on or reduced the activity of bulbospinal expiratory neurons. Vibration was used to stimulate intercostal MSEs. Intercostal MSEs had no effect on medullary expiratory neuron activity. It is concluded that both external and internal intercostal TOs have an excitatory effect on expiratory laryngeal motoneuron activity and an inhibitory effect on a subpopulation of expiratory neurons driving intercostal and/or abdominal muscles, and intercostal MSEs have no direct influence on medullary expiratory activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary muscle spindle afferents from the triceps-plantaris (GS) and posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) muscles with respect to their fusimotor reflex control from different types of peripheral nerves and receptors. The activity of single secondary muscle spindle afferents was recorded from dissected and cut dorsal root filaments in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats. Both single spindle afferents and sets of simultaneously recorded units (2-3) were investigated. The modulation and mean rate of firing of the afferent response to sinusoidal stretching of the GS and PBSts muscle were determined. Control measurements were performed in the absence of any reflex stimulation, while test measurements were made during reflex stimulation. The reflex stimuli consisted of manually performed movements of the contralateral hind limb, muscle stretches, ligament tractions and electrical stimulations of cutaneous afferents. Altogether 21 secondary spindle afferents were investigated and 20 different reflex stimuli were employed. The general responsiveness (i.e. number of significant reflex effects/number of control-test series) was 52.4%, but a considerable variation between different stimuli was found, with the highest (89.9%) for contralateral whole limb extension and the lowest (25.0%) for stretch of the contralateral GS muscle. The size of the response to a given stimulus varied considerably between different afferents, and, in the same afferent, different reflex stimuli produced effects of varying size. Most responses were characterized by an increase in mean rate of discharge combined with a decrease in modulation, indicative of static fusimotor drive (Cussons et al., 1977). Since the secondary muscle spindle afferents are part of a positive feedback loop, projecting back to both static and dynamic fusimotor neurones (Appelberg Et al., 1892 a, 1983 b; Appelberg et al., 1986), it is suggested that the activity in the loop may work like an amplified which, during some circumstances, enhance the effect of other reflex inputs to the system (Johansson et al., 1991 b).  相似文献   

The effects of stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors on the distribution of motor activity to upper airway, rib cage, and abdominal muscles were studied in anesthetized, tracheotomized, spontaneously breathing dogs. Stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors by injection of capsaicin (3-20 micrograms/kg) into the right atrium resulted in complete cessation of electrical activity of the upper airway dilating muscles (UADM) and the inspiratory chest wall pumping muscles. The activity of abdominal muscles was also inhibited. The duration of electrical silence was longer for the diaphragm than for the UADM. Upper airway constricting muscles and expiratory intercostal muscles, including the triangularis sterni, remained tonically active during the apneic period. The responses of these muscles were qualitatively the same when the animals breathed 100% O2, 7% CO2 in O2, or 12% O2 in N2, and without or in the presence of an expiratory threshold load. Bilateral vagotomy abolished the inhibitory effects of capsaicin on UADM, chest wall, and abdominal muscle activity, suggesting that the vagus is the major afferent pathway for the reflex. The qualitative difference in the response of intercostal expiratory muscles and abdominal muscles suggests that these two groups of synergistic muscles may be independently regulated.  相似文献   

A set-up for percutaneous electrical stimulation of the forearm extensor muscles and measurement of wrist extension force is described. The frequency-force relationship and pulse duration-force relationship are described together with an experimental protocol showing that brief electrical test stimulations do not produce fatigue. In another set of experiments carried out a few weeks later, the subjects performed handgrip contractions: protocol A at 25% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) continuously until exhaustion, protocol B at 25% MVC intermittent (contraction + relaxation = 10 + 2 s) until exhaustion, and protocol C at 25% MVC intermittent until half the time to exhaustion. In all experiments, brief electrical stimulations were used to test the degree of fatigue during and up to 24 h after the experiments. There were marked changes in the force during stimulation at 20 and 100 Hz and these changes did not correlate with the increase in intramuscular temperature. Low frequency fatigue persisted for at least 24 h after protocol A and 1 h after protocols B and C. The significance of this is discussed and it is suggested that low frequency fatigue could be used as a sensitive indicator of muscle dysfunction after low and medium intensity exercise.  相似文献   

Most vertebrate muscles are composed of a mixture of fiber types. However, studies of muscle mechanics have concentrated on homogeneous bundles of fibers. Hindlimb muscles of the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, present an excellent system to explore the consequences of fiber heterogeneity. Isometric twitches and work loops were obtained in vitro from two muscles, the m. iliotibialis pars posterior (heterogeneous, containing types I, IIa and IIb fibers) and the m. iliofibularis (nearly homogeneous for type IIa fibers). Maximal isometric twitch and tetanic stresses in m. iliotibialis posterior were significantly greater than in iliofibularis. Work loops were obtained over a range of frequencies (0.5-3.0 Hz) and strains (2-6% muscle length) that encompassed the observed ranges in vivo. Work per cycle from the homogeneous iliofibularis declined from 1.5-3.0 Hz, while that from the heterogeneous m. iliotibialis posterior increased from 0.5 Hz to 2.5 Hz and declined at 3.0 Hz. Power output from the iliofibularis rose with frequency to at least 3 Hz; power from the iliotibialis posterior rose with frequency to 2.5 Hz and declined thereafter. Mass-specific work per cycle and power output were higher in iliofibularis than iliotibialis posterior over most frequencies and strains tested.  相似文献   

After asphyxia by clamping external iliac artery, the changes of electrical and mechanical activities of M. extensor digitorum longus and soleus were followed up. Although the action potential amplitude was decreased monotonously, a transient increase in twitch tension appeared, one or two minutes after start of asphyxia, which was seen more frequently and more remarkable in extensor than soleus. This was attributed to the different metabolic process of components contained in the muscle and also to their different population in two kinds of muscle fibres. It was suggested from the previous results obtained by us that the decrease of action potential amplitude, at least in the early period of asphyxia, was not due to membrane depolarization but to conformational change of Na-channel by anoxia.  相似文献   

The anatomy and functions of muscle-tendon complexes and their bony attachments in birds and their outgroups show how the major pelvic limb muscle groups evolved. Fossils reveal that most changes evolved after the divergence of archosaurs in the Triassic, particularly in the dinosaurian precursors to birds. Three-dimensional limb control became concentrated at the hip joint; more distal joints and muscles were restricted to flexion or extension early in dinosaur evolution. Hip extensors expanded even though the primary femoral retractor M. caudofemoralis longus was reduced. Hip flexors and two-joint "hamstring" muscles were simplified to a few large heads. Knee extensors increased their sizes and moment arms early in bipedal dinosaurs, but the patella and cranial cnemial crest evolved later in birds. Lower limb muscles expanded as ossifications such as the hypotarsus increased their moment arms. The ossification of lower limb tendons, particularly in extensors, is a recent novelty of birds. Muscles and tendons that develop large forces, stresses, and moments to stabilize or move the limbs became increasingly prominent on the line to birds. Locomotion evolved in a stepwise pattern that only recently produced the derived limb control mechanisms of crown-group birds, such as the strongly flexed hip and knee joints.  相似文献   

In 47 dissected right and left hands of adults of both sexes, kept in a moist condition, significant practical-clinical investigations of the transitional zone between forearm and hand were undertaken. In particular it was sought to determine the characteristic sizes of the extensor retinaculum, the osteofibrous tunnels, the insertion tendons of the hand and finger extensor muscles, and their tendon sheaths. Together with the palmar carpal ligament, the 2 to 3 cm wide extensor retinaculum annularly surrounds the whole circumference of the carpus. It extends obliquely from radial-proximal to ulnar-distal and conducts the extensor tendons over the carpal articulations. According to recent studies, it is divided into a superficial and a deep fibrous layer. From the undermost surface, vertical and oblique septa run to the plane of the forearm and carpal bones. They separate the fibrous portion of the 6 tendinous compartments of the dorsum manus. In 8.5% of cases, an accessory and completely independent tunnel of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle exists in the material investigated, and in 2.2% of cases, there is an additional tunnel for the extensor carpi radialis muscle. Hence, one occasionally finds 8 separate osteofibrous gliding compartments for the extensor muscles in the dorsal hand region. The longest tunnel belongs, as a rule, to the extensor digiti minimi muscle, whilst the widest pertains to the extensor digitorum muscle. Within the tunnel and also proximal and distal to it, the extensor tendons are surrounded by synovial sheaths. Because of its wide encroachment on the dorsum of the hand, the insertion tendon of the extensor digiti minimi muscle possesses the longest tendon sheath, measuring 68.8 mm. The next longest sheath, that of the extensor pollicis longus muscle, which measures 56.2 mm, begins further proximal to the gap of the radiocarpal articulation. In 12.8% of cases, there are divided sheaths of the abductor pollicis longus and of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle. The tendon sheath of both extensor carpi radiales muscles is frequently divided into 2 compartments which, in 2/3 of cases, communicate. The compartment of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, in 91.5% of cases, shares a window-like opening with the roof of the synovial vagina of the extensor pollicis longus muscle. The tendon sheath of the long extensor muscles of the fingers originates 5 mm proximal to the forearm border of the extensor retinaculum and has a communal recess. The IVth tendon sheath opens distally and splays out in a glove-like manner to some distal recesses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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