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淹涝胁迫对水稻生育后期的生理特性和产量性状的影响   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
比较研究了水稻(湘中灿3号)在生育后期(孕穗期和乳熟期)进行没顶淹水胁拓处理后几个相关的生理指标和生长发育、产量的形态指标。研究结果显示水稻受淹后完全伸展叶片净光合速率降低,叶绿素含量在孕穗期明显降低,但在乳熟期只有少量下降。电导率明显增加,细胞膜透性增大,脯氨酸含量增加。奶系伤流量和,根系活力降低经与中群伤流液中的主要基酸如Ala,OPro,Phe的含量增加,根系伤流量减少,根系活力降低,伤流液  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa L)耐淹品种FR13A在分蘖期进行没顶淹涝处理。分别取淹涝0h,2h,4h,8h,16h,32h的叶片进行mRNA差异显示分析,获得8个差异表达的cDNA片段。利用反式Northern斑点杂交法去除4个假阳性片段,对4个阳性片段(DF8、DF9、DF10、DF11)测序后进行同源性分析,其中一个片段(DF8)的蛋白产物与WD-40重复蛋白高度同源,另一个片段(DF11)的蛋白产物与植物生长素应答蛋白有较高同源性,其余2个没有找到同源蛋白质序列。  相似文献   

淹涝胁迫对水稻叶鞘和叶片中淀粉粒分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
淹涝是世界上当前所面临的最严重自然灾害之一,尤其是近几年来,淹涝给我国的农业生产带来了巨大损失,全国平均每年受涝面积814万hm2,其中成灾面积448万hm2,损失粮食约28亿kg〔1〕。水稻是我国的主要粮食作物,并且分布于淹涝易发生的南方多雨潮湿地区和北方低洼地带,淹涝对水稻产量影响极大,因此,研究淹涝胁迫对水稻的伤害及水稻的耐淹机制越来越受到人们的重视〔2〕。淹涝对植物的伤害并非是因为水分过多而造成的直接伤害,而是由于淹涝造成的次生胁迫,其中最严重的是缺氧。在缺氧条件下,细胞中的碳水化合物代谢途径改变,对植物的生长和发育…  相似文献   

水稻直播的面积虽然呈逐年增加的趋势,但产量不稳定,其主要原因是水稻种子不耐淹导致直播种子成苗率低.本研究以445份水稻种子为材料,通过大田淹水和量筒淹深水两种模式开展水稻种子发芽和苗期的耐淹特性比较,筛选耐淹水稻品种.结果 表明,在大田淹水处理条件下,不同水稻种子耐淹特性差异明显,根据相对成苗率可分为耐淹、较耐淹、较敏...  相似文献   

水稻耐亚铁毒QTLs的定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
万建林  翟虎渠  万建民 《遗传学报》2005,32(11):1156-1166
亚铁毒是潜育性水稻土中限制水稻产量的主要因子。利用龙杂8503/IR64的F2和等价的F3群体,在营养液中培养来定位耐亚铁毒的QTLs。通过构建101SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱来确定耐亚铁毒QTLs的位置和特性。借助叶片棕色斑点指数、株高和最大根长3个性状,利用营养液在水稻苗期来评价F2单株、F3群体和亲本龙杂8503、IR64,共检测到叶片棕色斑点指数、株高和最大根长的QTLs20个,分布在水稻的10条染色体上,表明这些性状受多基因控制。控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTLs分别定位在第1染色体的RM315-RM212、第2染色体的RM6-RM240和第4染色体的RM252-RM451之间。与前人的研究结果比较发现:1)位于第4染色体RM252-RM451之间的控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上控制叶绿素含量减少的QTL的位置一致。另一个位于第1染色体的RM315-RM212之间的控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与水稻功能图谱上位于C178-R2635之间控制叶绿素含量的QTL连锁。2)位于第2染色体RM6-RM240之间的第3个控制叶片棕色斑点指数的QTL与位于RZ58-CD0686的控制钾吸收的QTL连锁。  相似文献   

水稻SSR标记的遗传多样性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从SSR标记优点和适用于研究水稻遗传多样性入手,综述了SSR标记在水稻核心种质构建与评价、遗传结构、稻种起源演化等方面的研究进展。总结了水稻遗传多样性的地带性特征(云南是中国稻种资源的最大遗传多样性中心和优异种质的富集地;西南稻区粳稻品种遗传多样性最丰富;南方稻区粳稻品种的遗传多样性高于北方粳稻遗传多样性)、遗传多样性与生态地理位置密切相关、目前水稻品种遗传基础狭窄、多样性降低等特征,分析了遗传多样性成因及影响因素,特别指出了育种行为对遗传多样性的影响,并针对当前水稻品种遗传多样性较低的问题提出了对策。  相似文献   

拔节期淹涝胁迫对水稻形态和产量构成因素的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以常规稻湘早籼45为供试材料,在拔节期设计不同淹水深度(2/3淹和全淹)及淹水持续时间(3、5、7和9 d)的淹涝胁迫试验,分析不同淹涝胁迫处理对水稻绿叶数、卷叶长度、叶鞘长度、高位分蘖等形态因子以及产量构成因子的影响。结果表明:不同淹水深度处理,绿叶数与淹水持续时间呈负相关,且2/3淹较全淹更明显;全淹处理,茎变化明显;2/3淹处理,叶变化明显;高位分蘖率与淹水持续时间呈正相关;卷叶长度变化,在2/3淹时,与淹水持续时间呈负相关,全淹时,两者呈正相关;叶鞘的变化,不同处理之间差异不大,均表现为伸长生长。不同淹涝胁迫处理对产量构成因子的影响均表现为空壳率高、穗结实粒数低和千粒重低,2/3淹持续9 d处理的影响最大,结实粒数最低,仅有34粒。探讨了不同淹涝胁迫环境,水稻茎、叶等形态特征变化的适应机制和可能原因。研究结果可为长江中下游地区水稻洪涝灾害防灾减灾以及抗灾品种选育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为研究淹涝条件下水稻幼苗株高及碳水化合物消耗对不同外源生长调节剂的响应,本试验选用籼型常规稻IR64和导入耐淹涝基因Sub1的IR64-Sub1为试验材料,秧龄20 d时喷施1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)、多效唑(PB)、赤霉素(GA)3种外源生长调节剂,以喷施清水为对照(CK).喷施处理2 d后进行0、4、8、12、16 d没顶淹涝胁迫,淹涝胁迫结束后常温恢复7 d,取样分析不同外源生长调节剂对水稻成活率、株高、叶绿素降解及恢复、地上部非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)消耗的影响.结果表明:淹涝导致水稻幼苗株高显著增长,叶片SPAD值快速下降,叶片可溶性糖迅速消耗,但耐淹涝品种IR64-Sub1淹水前茎鞘NSC含量明显高于IR64,淹涝中NSC消耗速率低于IR64,淹水结束后地上部淀粉含量高于IR64.外源PB处理显著抑制水稻幼苗株高增长、叶绿素降解及NSC消耗,提高存活率,且对IR64-Sub1效果更为显著.外源GA处理水稻幼苗叶绿素降解、株高增长和NSC消耗最快,植株恢复能力最低,耐淹涝能力最差,但与IR64相比,GA对IR64-Sub1淹涝耐性的抑制明显减弱.外源ACC促进伸长效果明显低于外源GA处理.淹水前喷施PB可有效抑制植株水下伸长,延缓叶绿素降解,减缓NSC消耗,保留更多NSC,为淹水胁迫解除后水稻快速恢复提供有利条件,这对于易涝地区减轻涝渍危害具有重要意义.  相似文献   

水稻的耐淹性状及其Sub1基因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊怀阳  李阳生 《遗传》2010,32(9):886-893
近4年来, 水稻(Oryza sativa L.)耐淹性状及其分子机理的研究取得了长足的进展。水稻植株的耐淹性状主要由Submergence-1 (Sub1) 基因控制。Sub1通过调节乙烯和赤霉素介导的反应, 抑制淹水期间的伸长生长和减缓碳水化合物消耗来控制耐淹性状。文章介绍了水稻应对淹涝胁迫的两种策略, 影响耐淹性状的主要生理因素, Sub1基因定位以及它控制耐淹性状的机理; 阐述了Sub1基因在我国杂交水稻生产方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于SSR标记的寒地水稻品种骨干亲本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
富士光、藤系138、上育397和五优稻1是20世纪90年代至今寒地水稻品种选育的骨干亲本。利用50对SSR引物对上述骨干亲本及其衍生品种进行聚类分析和主坐标分析(principal coordinate analysis, PCO),结果表明,50对SSR引物在51份供试材料中共检测到150个等位基因,变化范围为2~6个,平均为3个;引物PIC的变化范围为0.0725~ 0.6845,平均0.3655;聚类分析将51份材料分为4类,4个骨干亲本分别被聚到4类中;PCO分析显示,四个骨干亲本相距较远,呈独立的分支,衍生品种围绕着骨干亲本分布;在检测出的39个稀有等位基因中,仅有3个存在骨干亲本中。表明近年寒地水稻品种遗传改良是围绕少数骨干亲本进行的,骨干亲本将大部分优良基因传递到了衍生品种中,SSR分析和PCO分析与系谱分析得到了一致的结果。  相似文献   

Flash flooding of young rice plants is a common problem forrice farmers in south and south-east Asia. It severely reducesgrain yield and increases the unpredictability of cropping.The inheritance and expression of traits associated with submergencestress tolerance at the seedling stage are physiologically andgenetically complex. We exploited naturally occurring differencesbetween certain rice lines in their tolerance to submergenceand used quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping to improve understandingof the genetic and physiological basis of submergence tolerance.Three rice populations, each derived from a single cross betweentwo cultivars differing in their response to submergence, wereused to identify QTL associated with plant survival and variouslinked traits. These included total shoot elongation under water,the extent of stimulation of shoot elongation caused by submergence,a visual submergence tolerance score, and leaf senescence underdifferent field conditions, locations and years. Several majorQTL determining plant survival, plant height, stimulation ofshoot elongation, visual tolerance score and leaf senescenceeach mapped to the same locus on chromosome 9. These QTL weredetected consistently in experiments across all years and inthe genetic backgrounds of all three mapping populations. SecondaryQTL influencing tolerance were also identified and located onchromosomes 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 and 11. These QTL were specific toparticular traits, environments, or genetic backgrounds. Allidentified QTL contributed to increased submergence tolerancethrough their effects on decreased underwater shoot elongationor increased maintenance of chlorophyll levels, or on both.These findings establish the foundations of a marker-assistedscheme for introducing submergence tolerance into agriculturallydesirable cultivars of rice.  相似文献   

Rice plants are severely damaged by complete submergence. Thisis a problem in rice farming and could be the result, in part,of tissue anoxia imposed by a reduced availability of oxygen.To investigate this possibility we monitored alcoholic fermentationproducts as markers for tissue anaerobiosis using sensitivelaser-based spectroscopy able to sense ethanol and acetaldehydedown to 3 nl l–1 and 0·1 nl l–1,respectively. Acetaldehyde emission began within 0·5 hof imposing an oxygen-free gas phase environment followed closelyby ethanol. As treatment progressed, ethanol output increasedand came to exceed acetaldehyde emission as this stabilizedconsiderably after approx. 3 h. On re-entry of air, a sharppost-anaerobic peak of acetaldehyde production was observed.This was found to be diagnostic of a preceding anoxic episodeof 0·5 h or more. When anaerobiosis was lengthenedby up to 14 h, the size of the post-anaerobic acetaldehydeoutburst increased. After de-submergence from oxygen-free water,a similarly strong but slower post-anaerobic acetaldehyde upsurgewas seen, which was accompanied by an increase in ethanol emission.Light almost, but not completely, eliminated fermentation inanaerobic surroundings and also the post-anaerobic or post-submergencepeaks in acetaldehyde production. All photosynthetically generatedoxygen was consumed within the plant. There was no substantialdifference in acetaldehyde and ethanol output between FR13Aand the less submergence-tolerant line CT6241 under any submergencetreatment. In some circumstances, submergence damaged CT6241more than FR13A even in the absence of vigorous fermentation.We conclude that oxygen deprivation may not always determinethe extent of damage caused to rice plants by submergence undernatural conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of submergence of air-grown rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. var. Sasanishiki) on coleoptile growth and ultrastructure, extensibility and chemical composition of the cell walls was investigated. The lag-time between start of submergence and the onset of the enhancement of growth was less than 4 h. The growth response was associated with a drastic thinning of the cell walls and an increase in wall extensibility. At the outer epidermal wall of both air-grown and submerged coleoptiles electron-dense (osmiophilic) particles were detected. During submergence, the net accumulation of cellulose and hemicellulose was reduced, but the increase in pectic substances was unaffected. Submergence caused an 80% inhibition of the net accumulation of wall-bound phenolics (ferulic- and diferulic acid) compared with air-grown controls. The osmotic concentration of the tissue saps was not affected by submergence. Our results support the hypothesis that rapid coleoptile elongation under water is caused by an inhibition of the formation of phenolic cross-links between matrix polysaccharides via diferulate, which results in a mechanical stiffening of the cell walls in the air-grown coleoptile.  相似文献   

水稻一多拷贝微卫星DNA多态性分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
用一个多拷贝微卫星 DNA标记分析了238份栽培水稻的遗传多样性及遗传多样性从农家品种到现代栽培品种的动态变化。共检测出16种长度变异类型和32种表现型,但长度变异类型数、表现型数和表现型多样性水平在农家品种和现代栽培品种间没有显著差别。该标记在遗传资源评价和DNA指纹图谱建设中有重要的应用价值,也是研究环境或人工对多拷贝基因选择作用的一个良好模型。 Abstract:The genetic diversity of 238 cultivated rice and its difference between landraces and modern cultivars have been assayed using a multiple copy microsatellite DNA marker.Although 16 length variants and 32 phenotypes were found in all accessions,no significant differences in number of length variants,number of phenotypes and phenotypic diversity were detected between landraces and modern cultivars.This marker is of great value in evaluating genetic germplasm and constructing DNA fingerprints of rice and provides an elite model for tracing effectiveness of natural and artificial selection on multiple copy genes.  相似文献   

Small GTP-binding proteins play critical roles in signal transduction in mammalian and plant systems. In this study, sequence variation of a small GTP-binding protein identified in the subgenomic region was analyzed. The major quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling submergence tolerance on the 6.5-cM region of chromosome 9 was previously mapped, sequenced, and annotated. One of the most interesting candidate genes located in this QTL was a 5.2-kb sequence, which included a coding sequence consisting of two exons and a promoter. The deduced amino acid sequence corresponded to a 24.8 kD protein consisting of 226 amino acids, with 98% identity to RGP1, a small GTP-binding protein involved in a signal pathway responding to hormones, such as cytokinin and ethylene. According to the amino acid sequence, a putative small G-protein was classified as a small Ras-related GTP-binding protein. DNA gel blot analysis showed that the putative gene encoding the Ras-related GTP-binding protein was present as a single copy in the rice genome. Comparison of genomic sequences from several rice cultivars tolerant to submergence identified single nucleotide polymorphisms located in the TATA box of the Ras promoter region. Linkage analysis showed that the putative gene for GTP-binding protein was tightly linked to the peak of the QTL previously mapped on the long arm of chromosome 9. The single strand conformation polymorphism of the putative GTP-binding protein gene can be used for allele discrimination and marker assisted selection for tolerance to flash flooding.  相似文献   

A new method is described for evaluation of submergence tolerance of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) plants. Responses of a range of cultivars corresponded with known differences in field performance. The method 1) allows fast and effective determination of submergence tolerance, 2) allows screening of many plants in a small glasshouse area, 3) provides for recovery of superior plants for seed collection, 4) allows manipulation of many environmental variables to mimic the natural submergence environment, and 5) uses simple, inexpensive, readily available equipment. Physiological studies performed with this method gave results similar to those obtained from field studies and showed that submergence tolerance increased in older plants; it decreased with increasing depth, increasing temperature and with high or low light levels. The system is ideal for the rapid evaluation of rice germplasm under controlled conditions and physiological studies on the mechanism of rice submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

为了探索水稻(Oryza sativa L.)地方品种的遗传多样性及其有效保育方法,对采自云南省17个村寨的82个水稻地方品种和3个国际常用的典型籼稻和粳稻品种进行了微卫星(SSR)分子标记的分析.利用19对SSR引物在85个水稻品种中共扩增出了83个基因型,其分子量变异在100~500 bp之间.基于各品种SSR基因型遗传相似系数聚类分析而获得的UPGMA树状图表明各水稻品种之间存在较大的遗传多样性,其相似系数变异在0.15~0.90之间.但这些地方品种的遗传多样性并非呈均等的地理分布.这85个水稻品种在相似系数为0.52之处分为二组,其中一组包括几乎所有的籼稻品种,而另一组包括全部的粳稻品种,表明SSR标记能很好揭示水稻籼-粳分化.同时,有些来自不同采集地的同名品种表现出一定的遗传差异,说明同名异物的现象存在.云南水稻地方品种具有丰富的遗传多样性,对其有效保育十分重要和迫切,但只有根据遗传多样性的水平和分布特点,采用正确的保育对策和取样方法才能确保对云南水稻地方品种的有效保育.结果进一步表明,选用适当的微卫星引物,可以为准确鉴定籼稻和粳稻品种及研究其进化规律提供有效的分子标记方法,并有利于有目标的水稻遗传资源保育和育种创新.  相似文献   

元阳3个长期连续栽培水稻地方品种内部遗传异质性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻地方品种是稻种资源的重要组成部分,遗传多样性十分丰富,具有推广改良品种所缺少或没有的优质种质,是水稻育种和稻种起源、进化研究不可缺少的过渡材料。目前,对水稻地方品种间遗传多样性研究较多,而对其内部异质性研究甚微。本研究用24对微卫星(SSR)引物对云南元阳梯田3个栽种历史悠久的水稻地方品种的内部遗传异质性进行了分析。共检测出117个等位基因,香农指数为红脚老粳居群(0.5911)>白脚老粳A居群(0.4875)>月亮谷居群(0.3070)。结果显示:3个地方品种的内部遗传异质性丰富,且遗传异质性主要得益于个体间,而非居群间。  相似文献   

The ability to withstand complete submergence was studied in R2 seedlings raised by self-pollination from 158 R1 plants regenerated from callus of mature rice seeds (cultivars FR13A and Calrose). Compared to parental controls, significant improvement in submergence tolerance as assessed by percentage survival, number of new leaves and chlorophyll content of the third leaf, was found in 5 of the 115 cv. FR13A somaclones and 3 of the 43 cv. Calrose somaclones tested using an aquarium system in a controlled-temperature glasshouse. With some exceptions these improvements were also observed in the R3 generation when tested under field conditions in Thailand. Variation in other agronomically important characters was observed in the R2 plants grown in a temperature glasshouse under 2 contrasting environments.  相似文献   

SSR标记揭示的云南地方稻品种遗传多样性及其保育意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为了探索水稻(Oryza sativa L.)地方品种的遗传多样性及其有效保育方法,对采自云南省17个村寨的82个水稻地方品种和3个国际常用的典型籼稻和粳稻品种进行了微卫星(SSR)分子标记的分析。利用19对SSR引物在85个水稻品种中共扩增出了83个基因型,其分子量变异在100~500 bp之间。基于各品种SSR基因型遗传相似系数聚类分析而获得的UPGMA树状图表明各水稻品种之间存在较大的遗传多样性,其相似系数变异在0.15~0.90之间。但这些地方品种的遗传多样性并非呈均等的地理分布。这85个水稻品种在相似系数为0.52之处分为二组,其中一组包括几乎所有的籼稻品种,而另一组包括全部的粳稻品种,表明SSR标记能很好揭示水稻籼-粳分化。同时,有些来自不同采集地的同名品种表现出一定的遗传差异,说明同名异物的现象存在。云南水稻地方品种具有丰富的遗传多样性,对其有效保育十分重要和迫切, 但只有根据遗传多样性的水平和分布特点,采用正确的保育对策和取样方法才能确保对云南水稻地方品种的有效保育。结果进一步表明,选用适当的微卫星引物,可以为准确鉴定籼稻和粳稻品种及研究其进化规律提供有效的分子标记方法,并有利于有目标的水稻遗传资源保育和育种创新。  相似文献   

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