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  • 1.1. DNA damage induced by carboplatin [cis-diammine-(1,1-cyclobutanedi-carboxylato)platinum(II)] was studied in vitro in comparison with cisplatin [cis-diammine-dichloroplatinum(II)]. The drug-induced DNA damage monitored by conformational change of pUC18 plasmid DNA showed that carboplatin required 10 times higher drug concentration and 7.5 times longer incubation time than those of cisplatin to induce the same degree of conformational change on plasmid DNA.
  • 2.2. The carboplatin-induced DNA damage was promoted by the increase of pH of the reaction mixture for platinum-DNA adduct formation.
  • 3.3. Sequence gel analysis of carboplatin-damaged DNA indicated that carboplatin attacked preferentially the sequence of GG > AG > GA > GNG in the order, similarly to the case of cisplatin.
  • 4.4. DNA adducts formed by carboplatin were analyzed by HPLC after a sequential digestion of carboplatin-treated DNA with deoxyribonuclease I and S1 nuclease. A single peak having the same retention time as that of bifunctional adduct of (dGMP)2Pt(NH3)2 appeared by treating DNA with carboplatin. The adduct was assigned to be d(pGpG) > Pt(NH3)2.
  • 5.5. These results suggested that carboplatin induces the same platinum-DNA adducts as those induced by cisplatin, and that the difference in efficiency or kinetics of DNA damage between carboplatin and cisplatin is due to difference of aquation rate between them.

Chemical reactivity of monofunctional platinum-DNA adducts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J L Butour  N P Johnson 《Biochemistry》1986,25(16):4534-4539
Complexes formed in vitro between cis- or trans-PtCl2(NH3)2 (DDP) and DNA were found to contain monofunctional adducts that reacted with exogenous guanosine. [14C]Guo bound irreversibly to cis- and trans-DDP-DNA complexes to form bis-Gua adducts. The reaction was first order with respect to the concentration of both [14C]Guo and platinum-DNA complex, but the rate of the reaction varied nonlinearly as a function of the level of platinum binding on DNA. The reaction between [14C]Guo and these platinum-DNA complexes was used to probe the concentration and stability of the monofunctional adducts and to investigate their chemistry in situ. The concentration of monofunctional adducts was highest immediately after reaction of DDP with DNA for 2 h at 37 degrees C, at which time they represented greater than 15% of the cis-DDP-DNA lesions and on the order of 80% of the trans-DDP-DNA lesions. The cis-DDP-DNA complex reacted with [14C]Guo by two kinetically distinct processes, indicating two types of reactive adducts. The most reactive adduct represented 5% of the platinum lesions. These monofunctional adducts disappeared during the incubation of the platinum-DNA complexes in the absence of drug, probably as a result of chelation to DNA. The half-lives of this chelation at 37 degrees C, 10 mM NaClO4, were 15 and 30 h for the cis and trans complexes, respectively. Monofunctional adducts were formed on Gua bases in DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNA damaged by oxygen radicals has been implicated as a causative event in a number of degenerative diseases, including cancer and aging. So it is very impotant to look for ways in which either oxygen radicals are scavenged prior to DNA damage or damaged DNA is repaired to supplement the cells' inadequate repair capacity. The repair activity and its mechanism of verbaseoside, isolated from Pedicularis species, towards dAMP-OH·was studied with pulse radiolytic technique. On pulse irradiation of nitrous oxide saturated 2 mmol/L dAMP aqueous solution containing verbascoside, the transient absorption spectrum of the hydroxyl adduct of dAMP decayed with the formation of that of the phenoxyl radical of verbascoside well under 100 microseconds after electron pulse irradiation. The result indicated that dAMP hydroxyl adducts can be repaired by verbascoside. The rate constants of the repair reaction was deduced to be 5.9×10~8 dm~3·mol~(-1)·s~(-1). A deeper understanding of this new repair mechanism will undo  相似文献   

The antitumor agent cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin) introduces cytotoxic DNA damage predominantly in the form of intrastrand crosslinks between adjacent purines. Binding assays using a series of duplex oligonucleotides containing a single 1,2 diguanyl intrastrand crosslink indicate that human cell extracts contain factors that preferentially recognise this type of damage when the complementary strand contains T opposite the 3', and C opposite the 5'guanine in the crosslink. Under the conditions of the band-shift assay used, little binding is observed if the positions of the T and C are reversed in the complementary strand. Similarly, duplexes containing CC or TT opposite the crosslink are recognised relatively poorly. The binding activity is absent from extracts of the colorectal carcinoma cell lines LoVo and DLD-1 in which the hMutSalpha mismatch recognition complex is inactivated by mutation. Extensively purified human hMutSalpha exhibits the same substrate preference and binds to the mismatched platinated DNA at least as well as to an identical unplatinated duplex containing a single G.T mismatch. It is likely, therefore, that human mismatch repair may be triggered by 1,2 diguanyl intrastrand crosslinks that have undergone replicative bypass.  相似文献   

We developed a sensitive 32P-postlabeling method for the detection of bifunctional intrastrand crosslinks d(Pt-GpG) and d(Pt-ApG) in DNA in vitro and in vivo. After enzymatic digestion of DNA the positively charged platinum adducts were purified from unplatinated products, using strong cation exchange chromatography. Subsequently the samples were deplatinated with cyanide, because platinated dinucleotides are very poor substrates for polynucleotide kinase. The excess of cyanide was removed using Sep-pak C18 cartridges, and the resulting dinucleoside monophosphates d(GpG) and d(ApG) were subsequently postlabelled. Analysis of the postlabelling mixture was performed by a combined TLC and HPLC-procedure. Good correlations with existing methods (AAS, immunocytochemistry and ELISA) were found in DNA samples treated in vitro and in vivo with cis- or carboplatin. The detection limit of the assay was 1 adduct/10(7) nucleotides in a 10 micrograms DNA sample.  相似文献   

Adozelesin is a synthetic analog of the antitumor antibiotic CC-1065, which alkylates the N3 of adenine in the minor groove in a sequence-selective manner. Since the cytotoxic potency of a DNA alkylating agent can be modulated by DNA excision repair system, we investigated whether nucleotide excision repair (NER) and base excision repair (BER) enzymes are able to excise the bulky DNA adduct induced by adozelesin. The UvrABC nuclease and 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase, that exhibit a broad spectrum of substrate specificity, were selected as typical NER and BER enzymes, respectively. The adozelesin-DNA adduct was first formed in the radiolabeled restriction DNA fragment and its excision by purified repair enzymes was monitored on a DNA sequencing gel. The treatment of the DNA adduct with a purified UvrABC nuclease and sequencing gel analysis of cleaved DNA showed that UvrABC nuclease was able to incise the adozelesin adduct. The incision site corresponded to the general nuclease incision site. Excision of this adduct by 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylases was determined following the treatment of the DNA adduct with a homogeneous recombinant bacterial, rat and human 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylases. Abasic sites generated by DNA glycosyalses were cleaved by the associated lyase activity of the E. coli formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg). Resolution of cleaved DNA on a sequencing gel showed that the DNA glycosylase from different sources could not release the N3-adenine adducts. A cytotoxicity assay using E. coli repair mutant strains showed that E. coli mutant strains defective in the uvrA gene were more sensitive to cell killing by adozelesin than E. coli mutant strain defective in the alkA gene or the wild type. These results suggest that the NER pathway seems to be the major excision repair system in protecting cells from the cytotoxicity of adozelesin.  相似文献   

J D Page  I Husain  A Sancar  S G Chaney 《Biochemistry》1990,29(4):1016-1024
Platinum compounds with the diaminocyclohexane (dach) carrier ligand are of particular interest because cell lines that have developed resistance to platinum compounds in general often retain sensitivity to dach-platinum compounds, suggesting that the dach carrier ligand affects the formation, repair, or lethality of platinum-DNA adducts. The effect of the dach ligand on platinum adduct formation was assessed by using the (HaeIII-HindIII)146 fragment of pBR322 treated to give equal amounts of dach- or ethylene-diamine-platinum adducts. The sites of adduct formation were mapped by digestion with Escherichia coli ABC excinuclease. There were no significant effects of the dach carrier ligand on the types or sites of platinum adduct formation. The effect of the dach ligand on platinum adduct repair was determined by using synthetic oligomers designed to have single, specific platinum adducts (G monoadduct; GG, AG, or GNG diadduct) with either the dach or ethylenediamine (en) carrier ligand. These adducts differed significantly in their ability to serve as substrates for ABC excinuclease with GNG greater than or equal to G greater than AG greater than GG. The dach carrier ligand had little effect on the recognition of AG and GG adducts by ABC excinuclease, but significantly improved the ability of ABC excinuclease to excise G monoadducts and GNG diadducts. These data suggest that if the carrier ligand has any effect on the repair of platinum adducts, it is more likely to exert that effect on the repair of platinum monoadducts or GNG diadducts rather than on the more abundant AG or GG diadducts. [14C]Thiourea incorporation was used to quantitate the rate of monoadduct to diadduct conversion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Because of the efficacy of cisplatin and carboplatin in a wide variety of chemotherapeutic regimens, hundreds of platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes have been synthesized and evaluated as anticancer agents over the past 30 years. Of the many third generation platinum compounds evaluated to date, only oxaliplatin has been approved for clinical usage in the United States. Thus, it is important to understand the mechanistic basis for the differences in efficacy, mutagenicity and tumor range between cisplatin and oxaliplatin. Cisplatin and oxaliplain form the same types of adducts at the same sites on DNA. The most abundant adduct for both compounds is the Pt-GG intrastrand diadduct. Cisplatin-GG adducts are preferentially recognized by mismatch repair proteins and some damage-recognition proteins, and this differential recognition of cisplatin- and oxaliplatin-GG adducts is thought to contribute to the differences in cytotoxicity and tumor range of cisplatin and oxaliplatin. A detailed kinetic analysis of the insertion and extension steps of dNTP incorporation in the vicinity of the adduct shows that both pol beta and pol eta catalyze translesion synthesis past oxaliplatin-GG adducts with greater efficiency than past cisplatin-GG adducts. In the case of pol eta, the efficiency and fidelity of translesion synthesis in vitro is very similar to that previously observed with cyclobutane TT dimers, suggesting that pol eta is likely to be involved in error-free bypass of Pt adducts in vivo. This has been confirmed for cisplatin by comparing the cisplatin-induced mutation frequency in human fibroblast cell lines with and without pol eta. Thus, the greater efficiency of bypass of oxaliplatin-GG adducts by pol eta is likely to explain the lower mutagenicity of oxaliplatin compared to cisplatin. The ability of these cellular proteins to discriminate between cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts suggest that there exist significant conformational differences between the adducts, yet the crystal structures of the cisplatin- and oxaliplatin-GG adducts were very similar. We have recently solved the solution structure of the oxaliplatin-GG adduct and have shown that it is significantly different from the previously published solution structures of the cisplatin-GG adducts. Furthermore, the observed differences in conformation provide a logical explanation for the differential recognition of cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts by mismatch repair and damage-recognition proteins. Molecular modeling studies are currently underway to analyze the mechanistic basis for the differential bypass of cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts by DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of the hydrolysis of platinum-DNA complexes by nuclease S1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antitumor agent cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cis-DDP) reacts covalently with DNA and disrupts its secondary structure. Damaged DNA, but not native DNA, is readily digested by S1 nuclease, an endonuclease specific for single stranded polynucleotides. We have measured S1 nuclease digestion of platinated DNA by the release of platinum-DNA adducts and compared it with digestion of unplatinated DNA. The rate of hydrolysis of damaged substrate from platinum-DNA complexes was less than the overall rate of digestion of nucleotides. Similar results were observed for platinum-DNA complexes in native, denatured or renatured conformations. The hydrolysis of denatured platinum-DNA complexes, rb = 0.075 platinum per nucleotide, obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Taking into account the level of DNA damage, Vm, for the release of platinated adducts was 0.6 times smaller than for digestion of unplatinated DNA. Km values and competition experiments indicated that the enzyme bound equally well to platinated and unplatinated substrates. Similar results were obtained for denatured DNA complexes with trans-DDP while [PtCl(diethylenetriamine)]Cl had no influence on nuclease digestion. These results suggest that bifunctional platinum-DNA lesions have contradictory effects on the hydrolysis of double stranded DNA by S1 nuclease. On one hand they create nuclease sensitive substrate by disrupting DNA secondary structure. On the other, they inhibit digestion of the damaged strand by increasing the activation energy for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Platinum coordination compounds are among the most utilized anticancer agents, even though platinum has not been determined to be an essential trace element in any living organism. The success of platinum-based drugs has catalyzed research on other metal-containing agents that can be used to achieve therapeutic goals that cannot be achieved with organic compounds. The antitumor activities of recently reported platinum(ii) complexes indicate that further modification of platinum coordination compounds will lead to the development of anticancer agents with higher efficacies against chemotherapy-insensitive tumors.  相似文献   

Protein interactions critical to DNA repair and cell cycle control systems are often coordinated by modules that belong to a superfamily of structurally conserved BRCT domains. Because the mechanisms of BRCT interactions and their significance are not well understood, we sought to define the affinity and specificity of those BRCT modules that orchestrate base excision repair and single-strand break repair. Common to these pathways is the essential XRCC1 DNA repair protein, which interacts with at least nine other proteins and DNA. Here, we characterized the interactions of four purified BRCT domains, two from XRCC1 and their two partners from DNA ligase IIIalpha and poly(ADP-ribosyl) polymerase 1. A monoclonal antibody was selected that recognizes the ligase IIIalpha BRCT domain, but not the other BRCT domains, and was used to capture the relevant ligase IIIalpha BRCT complex. To examine the assembly states of isolated BRCT domains and pairwise domain complexes, we used size-exclusion chromatography coupled with on-line light scattering. This analysis indicated that isolated BRCT domains form homo-oligomers and that the BRCT complex between the C-terminal XRCC1 domain and the ligase IIIalpha domain is a heterotetramer with 2:2 stoichiometry. Using affinity capture and surface plasmon resonance methods, we determined that specific heteromeric interactions with high nanomolar dissociation constants occur between pairs of cognate BRCT domains. A structural model for a XRCC1 x DNA ligase IIIalpha heterotetramer is proposed as a core base excision repair complex, which constitutes a scaffold for higher order complexes to which other repair proteins and DNA are brought into proximity.  相似文献   

To allow more sensitive, selective, and routine analyses of platinum(Pt)-GG and -AG intrastrand cross-links we have significantly improved our quantitative (32)P-postlabeling assay (M. J. P. Welters et al. Carcinogenesis 18, 1767-1774, 1997). Instead of off-line scintillation counting we introduced an on-line flow radioisotope detector into the HPLC system. Furthermore, the isolation protocol for the adducts was significantly modified and optimized to reduce interfering background peaks that prevented quantification of low levels of the cisplatin-DNA adducts in white blood cells obtained from patients. Reduction of background signals was obtained by boiling the samples, followed by phenol/chloroform/isoamylethanol extraction after the DNA digestion step. The labeling efficiency for the adducts was increased by 40% by using Na-formate instead of NH(4)-formate for elution of the adducts from the strong cation-exchange columns. Finally, a calibration curve and quality controls were implemented. The labeling efficiencies were not different between the dinucleotides. The between- and within-run precision for the Pt-GG and Pt-AG adducts measured at the lower limit of quantification of 87 and 53 amol/microg DNA, respectively, was less than 20% CV. The adducts were stable in DNA stored for a 2-month time period at -80 degrees C. The assay is now routinely used for high-precision analyses of patient and cell line samples containing very low adduct levels.  相似文献   

Using the UVRABC nuclease as a reagent coupled with DNA restriction and hybridization analysis we have developed a method to quantify N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (NAAAF)-induced DNA damage in the coding and noncoding sequences of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. High performance liquid chromatography analysis shows that the only DNA adduct formed in NAAAF-treated CHO cells is N-(deoxyguanosine-C8-yl)-2-aminofluorene (dG-C8-AF). DNA sequencing analysis demonstrates that the UVRABC nuclease incises at all potential sites in which dG-C8-AF adduct may form in linear DNA fragments. We have found that the formation and removal of dG-C8-AF adducts in the coding and 3' downstream noncoding sequences of the DHFR domain are similar in cells treated with 10 microM NAAAF (3.1 adducts/14 kilobases); DNA adduct removal attains 70% for both sequences within 24 h. This result contrasts with that obtained for the repair of cyclobutane dipyrimidines in the DHFR gene, in which the repair efficiency is much higher in the coding region than in the 3' downstream noncoding region. Our results suggest that in CHO cells the repair pathway for aminofluorene DNA adducts is not the same as that for cyclobutane dipyrimidines. This new technique has the potential to detect a variety of chemical carcinogen induced DNA adducts at the gene level in cultured cells and in DNA isolated from animal tissues.  相似文献   

Kong SE  Svejstrup JQ 《DNA Repair》2002,1(9):731-741
The protein machinery responsible for nucleotide excision repair (NER) is highly conserved from yeast to man. NER can be reconstituted with purified proteins, and the incision sites around a defined DNA lesion have been defined to the nucleotide level in a mammalian NER system. Here, we reconstitute NER in yeast whole cell extracts, as well as with partially purified yeast NER components. We show that NER activity can be isolated partly as a large protein complex, and map the sites of nucleotide incision around a cisplatin-induced DNA lesion. Our data indicate that yeast NER proteins excise an oligonucleotide of 23-26 bases containing the DNA lesion (rather than 26-30 bases as in humans), and that the 3' incision occurs around position 17 (rather than at position 9 as in humans).  相似文献   

Zou Y  Shell SM  Utzat CD  Luo C  Yang Z  Geacintov NE  Basu AK 《Biochemistry》2003,42(43):12654-12661
DNA damage recognition of nucleotide excision repair (NER) in Escherichia coli is achieved by at least two steps. In the first step, a helical distortion is recognized, which leads to a strand opening at the lesion site. The second step involves the recognition of the type of chemical modification in the single-stranded region of DNA during the processing of the lesions by UvrABC. In the current work, by comparing the efficiencies of UvrABC incision of several types of different DNA adducts, we show that the size and position of the strand opening are dependent on the type of DNA adducts. Optimal incision efficiency for the C8-guanine adducts of 2-aminofluorene (AF) and N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (AAF) was observed in a bubble of three mismatched nucleotides, whereas the same for C8-guanine adduct of 1-nitropyrene and N(2)-guanine adducts of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) was noted in a bubble of six mismatched nucleotides. This suggests that the size of the aromatic ring system of the adduct might influence the extent and number of bases associated with the opened strand region catalyzed by UvrABC. We also showed that the incision efficiency of the AF or AAF adduct was affected by the neighboring DNA sequence context, which, in turn, was the result of differential binding of UvrA to the substrates. The sequence context effect on both incision and binding disappeared when a bubble structure of three bases was introduced at the adduct site. We therefore propose that these effects relate to the initial step of damage recognition of DNA structural distortion. The structure-function relationships in the recognition of the DNA lesions, based on our results, have been discussed.  相似文献   

The recognition and repair of the helix-stabilizing and relatively nondistortive CC-1065-(N3-adenine)-DNA adduct by UVRABC nuclease has been investigated both in vivo with phi X174 RFI DNA by a transfection assay and in vitro by a site-directed adduct in a 117 base pair fragment from M13mp1. CC-1065 is a potent antitumor antibiotic produced by Streptomyces zelensis which binds within the minor groove of DNA through N3 of adenine. In contrast to the helix-destabilizing and distortive modifications of DNA caused by ultraviolet light or N-acetoxy-2-(acetylamino)fluorene, CC-1065 increases the melting point of DNA and decreases the S1 nuclease activity. Using a viral DNA-Escherichia coli transfection system, we have found that the uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC genes, which code for the major excision repair proteins for UV- and NAAAF-induced DNA damage, are also involved in the repair of CC-1065-DNA adducts. In contrast, the uvrD gene product, which has been found to be involved in the repair of UV damage, has no effect in repairing CC-1065-DNA adducts. Purified UVRA, UVRB, and UVRC proteins must work in concert to incise the drug-modified phi X174 RFI DNA. Using a site-directed and multiple CC-1065 modified (MspI-BstNI) 117 base pair fragment from M13mp1, we have found that UVRABC nuclease incises at the eighth phosphodiester bond on the 5' side of the CC-1065-DNA adduct on the drug-modified strand.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNA alkylating agent exposure results in the formation of a number of DNA adducts, with O6-methyl-deoxyguanosine (O6-medG) being the major mutagenic and cytotoxic DNA lesion. Critical to the prevention of colon cancer is the removal of O6-medG DNA adducts, either through repair, for example, by O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (ATase) or targeted apoptosis. We report how rat colonocytes respond to administration of azoxymethane (a well-characterized experimental colon carcinogen and DNA-methylating agent) in terms of O6-medG DNA adduct formation and adduct removal by ATase and apoptosis. Our results are: (a) DNA damage is greater in actively proliferating cells than in the differentiated cell compartment; (b) expression of the DNA repair enzyme ATase was not targeted to the proliferating cells or stem cells but rather is confined primarily to the upper portion of the crypt; (c) apoptosis is primarily targeted to the stem cell and proliferative compartments; and (d) the increase in DNA repair enzyme expression over time in the bottom one-third of the crypt corresponds with the decrease in apoptosis in this same crypt region.  相似文献   

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