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For research as well as diagnostic applications the non-invasive detection of the activity of single motor units is of interest. The most direct information is expected to be found in monopolarly recorded data. But when an array of surface electrodes is used for the monopolar recordings of the potential distribution on the skin, in most cases an additional invasive needle electrode is utilized to detect the exact points in time when a certain motor unit is firing. With this supplementary information, an averaging of the monopolar EMG tracings can be performed. In this paper, a completely non-invasive methodology is presented which replaces the invasive needle by a spatial filtering procedure. The EMG signals from the m. biceps brachii are recorded monopolarly with an electrode array. Afterwards, a spatial filtering procedure, called normal double differentiating filter, is applied to the data. The EMG signals obtained are investigated by means of an amplitude threshold to distinguish the activity of different motor units. The point of the maximum amplitude of the selected peaks then is used as trigger point to average the monopolar EMG data. The time courses of the motor unit action potential signals found after applying the described procedure show similar shapes, while two different components are to be identified: corresponding to the spread of the excitation, one is referring to stationary, the other to travelling events. These results justify the possibility to replace the needle electrode to obtain a trigger event in the future by the non-invasive spatial filtering procedure.  相似文献   

We describe an automatic algorithm for decomposing multichannel EMG signals into their component motor unit action potential (MUAP) trains, including signals from widely separated recording sites in which MUAPs exhibit appreciable interchannel offset and jitter. The algorithm has two phases. In the clustering phase, the distinct, recurring MUAPs in each channel are identified, the ones that correspond to the same motor units are determined by their temporal relationships, and multichannel templates are computed. In the identification stage, the MUAP discharges in the signal are identified using matched filtering and superimposition resolution techniques. The algorithm looks for the MUAPs with the largest single channel components first, using matches in one channel to guide the search in other channels, and using information from the other channels to confirm or refute each identification. For validation, the algorithm was used to decompose 10 real 6-to-8-channel EMG signals containing activity from up to 25 motor units. Comparison with expert manual decomposition showed that the algorithm identified more than 75% of the total 176 MUAP trains with an accuracy greater than 95%. The algorithm is fast, robust, and shows promise to be accurate enough to be a useful tool for decomposing multichannel signals. It is freely available at http://emglab.stanford.edu.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to demonstrate that anatomical features of individual motor units of the puborectalis muscle can be detected with non-invasive electromyography (EMG) and to evaluate differences in electrophysiological properties of the puborectalis muscles in a small group of healthy and pathologic subjects. METHODS: Multichannel EMG was recorded by means of a flexible probe applied on the gloved index finger and carrying an array of eight equally spaced (1.15 mm) electrodes. A multichannel EMG amplifier provided seven outputs corresponding to the pairs of adjacent electrodes. Tests were performed in three different positions (dorsal, left and right) over the puborectalis muscle on 20 subjects (nine healthy, seven constipated and four incontinent patients). Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) generated at the innervation zone of a MU and propagating along the muscle fibers generated repetitive characteristic patterns on the seven output channels allowing identification of anatomical features of the motor units. RESULTS: MUAPs were observed travelling in either one or both directions with the array in dorsal position, and mainly in ventral-to-dorsal direction in either lateral position. MUAP amplitude was lower in constipated and incontinent patients with respect to healthy subjects. The conduction velocity estimated on the identified MUAPs was lower for constipated patients with respect to healthy subjects suggesting different mechanical properties of the active motor units. CONCLUSIONS: This technique allows the extraction of relevant information about the anatomical features (innervation zone position and overlapping of motor unit branches) of the puborectalis muscle and its electrophysiological properties and maybe can be applied as an novel methodology for assessing the anorectal function in patients.  相似文献   

The different techniques to measure and analyze surface EMG are summarized with an emphasis on the clinician's point of view. The application of surface EMG in neurological disease is hampered by many inherent problems, especially the difficulties in extracting features of single motor units. However, the evolution of surface EMG from single bipolar recordings via a linear array of multiple electrodes to densely packed, multi-channel electrode arrays could in principle solve this problem. The added value of using multiple channels (up to 128) with an interelectrode distance of a few millimetres to obtain more spatial information is emphasized. At least for some muscles it is now possible to extract information from the surface EMG, conventionally thought to belong to the domain of needle EMG (for example the "electrical size" of motor units). The use of analysis techniques such as the estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity has already proven to be of diagnostic value in several myopathies characterized by a disturbed membrane function and in metabolic myopathies with abnormal fatigue profiles. Future research should be directed at the development of analysis techniques enabling the extraction of more relevant motor unit variables from surface EMG signals.  相似文献   

Insight into the magnitude of muscle forces is important in biomechanics research, for example because muscle forces are the main determinants of joint loading. Unfortunately muscle forces cannot be calculated directly and can only be measured using invasive procedures. Therefore, estimates of muscle force based on surface EMG measurements are frequently used. This review discusses the problems associated with surface EMG in muscle force estimation and the solutions that novel methodological developments provide to this problem. First, some basic aspects of muscle activity and EMG are reviewed and related to EMG amplitude estimation. The main methodological issues in EMG amplitude estimation are precision and representativeness. Lack of precision arises directly from the stochastic nature of the EMG signal as the summation of a series of randomly occurring polyphasic motor unit potentials and the resulting random constructive and destructive (phase cancellation) superimpositions. Representativeness is an issue due the structural and functional heterogeneity of muscles. Novel methods, i.e. multi-channel monopolar EMG and high-pass filtering or whitening of conventional bipolar EMG allow substantially less variable estimates of the EMG amplitude and yield better estimates of muscle force by (1) reducing effects of phase cancellation, and (2) adequate representation of the heterogeneous activity of motor units within a muscle. With such methods, highly accurate predictions of force, even of the minute force fluctuations that occur during an isometric and isotonic contraction have been achieved. For dynamic contractions, EMG-based force estimates are confounded by the effects of muscle length and contraction velocity on force producing capacity. These contractions require EMG amplitude estimates to be combined with modeling of muscle contraction dynamics to achieve valid force predictions.  相似文献   

Surface electromyogram (EMG) detected by electrode arrays along the muscle fibre direction can be approximated by the sum of propagating and non propagating components. A technique to separate propagating and non propagating components in surface EMG signals is developed. The first step is an adaptive filter, which allows obtaining an estimation of the delay between signals detected at different channels and a first estimate of propagating and non propagating components; the second step is used to optimise the estimation of the two components. The method is applicable to signals with one propagating and one non propagating component. It was optimised on simulated signals, and then applied to single motor unit action potentials (MUAP) and to electrically elicited EMG (M-waves).

The new method was first tested on phenomenological signals constituted by the sum of a propagating and a non propagating signal and then applied to simulated and experimental EMG signals. Simulated signals were generated by a cylindrical, layered volume conductor model. Experimental signals were monopolar surface EMG signals collected from the abductor pollicis brevis muscle and M-waves recorded during transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the biceps muscle. The technique may find different applications: in single motor unit (MU) studies (a) for decreasing the variability and bias of CV estimates due to the presence of the non propagating components, (b) for estimating automatically the length of the muscle fibres from only three detected channels and (c) for removal of the stimulation artifact M-waves.  相似文献   

The detection of surface electromyogram (EMG) by multi-electrode systems is applied in many research studies. The signal is usually recorded by means of spatial filters (linear combination of the potential under at least two electrodes) with vanishing sum of weights. Nevertheless, more information could be extracted from monopolar signals measured with respect to a reference electrode away from the muscle. Under certain conditions, surface EMG signal along a curve parallel to the fibre path has zero mean (property approximately satisfied when EMG is sampled by an array of electrodes that covers the entire support of the signal in space). This property allows estimating monopolar from single differential (SD) signals by pseudoinversion of the matrix relating monopolar to SD signals. The method applies to EMG signals from the external anal sphincter muscle, recorded using a specific cylindrical probe with an array of electrodes located along the circular path of the fibres. The performance of the algorithm for the estimation of monopolar from SD signals is tested on simulated signals. The estimation error of monopolar signals decreases by increasing the number of channels. Using at least 12 electrodes, the estimation error is negligible. The method applies to single fibre action potentials, single motor unit action potentials, and interference signals.The same method can also be applied to reduce common mode interference from SD signals from muscles with rectilinear fibres. In this case, the last SD channel defined as the difference between the potentials of the last and the first electrodes must be recorded, so that the sum of all the SD signals vanishes. The SD signals estimated from the double differential signals by pseudoinvertion are free of common mode.  相似文献   

Trunk muscle electromyography (EMG) is often contaminated by the electrocardiogram (ECG), which hampers data analysis and potentially yields misinterpretations. We propose the use of independent component analysis (ICA) for removing ECG contamination and compared it with other procedures previously developed to decontaminate EMG. To mimic realistic contamination while having uncontaminated reference signals, we employed EMG recordings from peripheral muscles with different activation patterns and superimposed distinct ECG signals that were recorded during rest at conventional locations for trunk muscle EMG. ICA decomposition was performed with and without a separately collected ECG signal as part of the data set and contaminated ICA modes representing ECG were identified automatically. Root mean squared relative errors and correlations between the linear envelopes of uncontaminated and contaminated EMG were calculated to assess filtering effects on EMG amplitude. Changes in spectral content were quantified via mean power frequencies. ICA-based filtering largely preserved the EMG's spectral content. Performance on amplitude measures was especially successful when a separate ECG recording was included. That is, the ICA-based filtering can produce excellent results when EMG and ECG are indeed statistically independent and when mode selection is flexibly adjusted to the data set under study.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of selected physiological parameters on amplitude cancellation in the simulated surface electromyogram (EMG) and the consequences for spike-triggered averages of motor unit potentials derived from the interference and rectified EMG signals. The surface EMG was simulated from prescribed recruitment and rate coding characteristics of a motor unit population. The potentials of the motor units were detected on the skin over a hand muscle with a bipolar electrode configuration. Averages derived from the EMG signal were generated using the discharge times for each of the 24 motor units with lowest recruitment thresholds from a population of 120 across three conditions: 1) excitation level; 2) motor unit conduction velocity; and 3) motor unit synchronization. The area of the surface-detected potential was compared with potentials averaged from the interference, rectified, and no-cancellation EMGs. The no-cancellation EMG comprised motor unit potentials that were rectified before they were summed, thereby preventing cancellation between the opposite phases of the potentials. The percent decrease in area of potentials extracted from the rectified EMG was linearly related to the amount of amplitude cancellation in the interference EMG signal, with the amount of cancellation influenced by variation in excitation level and motor unit conduction velocity. Motor unit synchronization increased potentials derived from both the rectified and interference EMG signals, although cancellation limited the increase in area for both potentials. These findings document the influence of amplitude cancellation on motor unit potentials averaged from the surface EMG and the consequences for using the procedure to characterize motor unit properties.  相似文献   

The study analyses the two-dimensional distribution of surface mechanomyographic (MMG) signal generated by the activation of single motor units located in three transverse positions in the tibialis anterior muscle. In 12 healthy volunteers, surface MMG signals were recorded from the tibialis anterior muscle with a 3x4 grid of accelerometers spaced by 20 and 30mm in the transverse and longitudinal direction. Three intramuscular electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded with wire electrodes inserted 20-mm apart, between the first and second most proximal accelerometers of each column of the grid. The subject was asked to activate three different motor units (target motor units) in three contractions with visual feedback from each of the three intramuscular recordings (three locations). The MMG signals from the 12 accelerometers were averaged using the intramuscular single motor unit action potentials as trigger in order to obtain surface motor unit acceleration maps (MUAMs). The peak-to-peak value of the averaged MMG depended on motor unit location (P<0.001) and on the transverse position of the accelerometer in the grid (P<0.05). Moreover, MUAM amplitude depended on the interaction between motor unit location and transverse accelerometer position (P<0.05), demonstrating an influence of motor unit location on the generated MUAM. The observed dependency of MUAMs on motor unit location provides a quantitative analysis of the effect of the volume conductor on the recorded surface MMG signal.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that motor units in human medial gastrocnemius (MG), activated during standing, occupy relatively small territories along the muscle’s longitudinal axis. Such organisation provides potential for different motor tasks to produce differing regional patterns of activity. Here, we investigate whether postural control and nerve electrical stimulation produce equal longitudinal activation patterns in MG. Myoelectric activity, at different proximal–distal locations of MG, was recorded using a linear electrode array. To ensure differences in signal amplitude between channels did not result from local, morphological factors two experimental protocols were completed: (i) quiet standing; (ii) electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve. Averaged, rectified values (ARVs) were calculated for each channel in each condition. The distribution of signals along electrode channels was described using linear regression and differences between protocols at each channel determined as the ratio between mean ARV from standing: stimulation protocols. Ratio values changed systematically across electrode channels in seven (of eight) participants, with larger values in distal channels. The distribution of ARV along MG therefore differed between experimental conditions. Compared to fibres of units activated during MG nerve stimulation, units activated during standing may have a tendency to be more highly represented in the distal muscle portion.  相似文献   

A novel surface electromyographic (EMG) technique was recently described for the detection of deep cervical flexor muscle activity. Further investigation of this technique is warranted to ensure EMG activity from neighbouring muscles is not markedly influencing the signals recorded. This study compared deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscle activity with the activity of surrounding neck and jaw muscles during various anatomical movements of the neck and jaw in 10 volunteer subjects. DCF EMG activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, masseter and suprahyoid muscles. Positioned in supine, subjects performed isometric cranio-cervical flexion, cervical flexion, right and left cervical rotation, jaw clench and resisted jaw opening. Across all movements examined, EMG amplitude of the DCF muscles was greatest during neck movements that would require activity of the DCF muscles, particularly during cranio-cervical flexion, their primary anatomical action. The actions of jaw clench and resisted jaw opening demonstrated significantly less DCF EMG activity than the cranio-cervical flexion action (p < 0.05). Across all other movements, the neighbouring neck and jaw muscles demonstrated greatest EMG amplitude during their respective primary anatomical actions, which occurred in the absence of increased EMG amplitude recorded from the DCF muscles. The finding of substantial EMG activity of the DCF muscles only during neck actions that would require their activity, particularly cranio-cervical flexion, and not during actions involving the jaw, provide further assurance that the majority of myoelectric signals detected from the nasopharyngeal electrode are from the DCF muscles.  相似文献   

The relationship between motor unit force and the recorded voltage produced by activated muscle unit fibres (electromyogram, EMG) was examined in normal and reinnervated rat tibialis anterior muscles. The number, cross-sectional area, and radial distance from the recording electrode of muscle fibres in a given unit, obtained directly from a sample of glycogen-depleted motor units, were analysed in relation to the magnitude of the EMG signal produced by that unit. EMG peak to peak amplitude and area varied as approximately the square root of twitch force in both normal and reinnervated units. Furthermore, the EMG amplitude increased approximately as the total cross-sectional area of the motor unit (number of muscle fibres x the average cross-sectional area of the fibres) and inversely with approximately the square root of the distance of fibres from the recording electrodes on the surface of the muscle.  相似文献   

Capabilities of amplitude and spectral methods for information extraction from interference EMG signals were assessed through simulation and preliminary experiment. Muscle was composed of 4 types of motor units (MUs). Different hypotheses on changes in firing frequency of individual MUs, intracellular action potential (IAP) and muscle fibre propagation velocity (MFPV) during fatigue were analyzed. It was found that changes in amplitude characteristics of interference signals (root mean square, RMS, or integrated rectified value, IEMG) detected by intramuscular and surface electrodes differed. RMS and IEMG of surface detected interference signals could increase even under MU firing rate reduction and without MU synchronisation. IAP profile lengthening can affect amplitude characteristics more significantly than MU firing frequency. Thus, an increase of interference EMG amplitude is unreliable to reflect changes in the neural drive. The ratio between EMG amplitude and contraction response can hardly characterise the so-called 'neuromuscular efficiency'. The recently proposed spectral fatigue indices can be used for quantification of interference EMG signals. The indices are practically insensitive to MU firing frequency. IAP profile lengthening and decrease in MFPV enhanced the index value, while recruitment of fast fatigable MUs reduced it. Sensitivity of the indices was higher than that of indices traditionally used.  相似文献   

Single motor unit and fiber action potentials during fatigue   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Muscle fatigue is defined as a loss of tension development during constant stimulation. Although the relationship is not well documented, muscle fatigue has been inferred from electromyogram (EMG) signals. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the amplitude and duration of single motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) and the loss of tension development (fatigue) in the medial gastrocnemius muscles of cats. Single motor units were fatigued by continuous stimulation at 10 or 80 Hz or with trains of 40-Hz stimuli. When motor units were stimulated at 10 Hz and with trains at 40 Hz (low frequency), tension declined and remained depressed during recovery. The changes in the MUAP correlated poorly with changes in tension. During and after stimulation at 80 Hz (high frequency), changes in the amplitude and duration of MUAPs correlated highly with changes in tension development. Since the EMG signal is dependent on a summation and cancellation of individual MUAPs, the EMG provides a reasonable estimate of high-frequency fatigue but an unreliable measure of low-frequency fatigue.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present study was to find out whether the dynamic characteristics of responses of limb extensor muscles to labyrinth stimulation were modified by the proprioceptive input elicited by appropriate displacements of the corresponding limb extremity. In cats decerebrated at precollicular or intercollicular level, the multiunit EMG activity of the medial head of the triceps brachii was recorded during roll tilt of the animal at the frequency of 0.15 Hz, +/- 10 degrees leading to selective stimulation of labyrinth receptors. This stimulation was then tested several times at regular intervals of 2 to 6 min for several hours while maintaining the ipsilateral forelimb in the horizontal extended position, i.e. with the plantar surface of the foot lying on the tilting table, or during passive flexion of the forepaw in plantar or dorsal direction. In all the experiments in which the forelimb was in the control position, the multiunit EMG responses of the triceps brachii were characterized by an increased activity during side-down tilt of the animal and a decreased activity during side up tilt. These responses were related to animal position and not to the velocity of animal displacement, thus being attributed to stimulation of macular, utricular receptors. Static displacement of limb extremities following plantar flexion of the forepaw greatly decreased the amplitude of the EMG modulation and thus the gain of the first harmonic component of the multiunit EMG responses of the ipsilateral triceps brachii to animal tilt. This reduced gain was due not only to a reduced number of motor units recruited during labyrinth stimulation, but also to a reduced modulation of firing rate of the active motor units, as shown by recording the activity of individual motor units. On the other hand, displacement of the same extremity in the opposite direction, i.e. following dorsiflexion of the forepaw, enhanced the amplitude of the EMG modulation and thus the gain of the multiunit EMG responses of the ipsilateral triceps brachii to animal tilt. This finding was mainly due to an increased recruitment of motor units during side-down tilt, although an increased modulation of the firing rate of individual motor units could not be excluded. In both instances, no changes in the phase angle to the responses were observed. The changes in response gain described above depended on the amount of passive displacement of the forepaw and persisted unmodified throughout the new maintained position.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in diaphragm motor unit EMG during fatigue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatigue-related changes in the waveform and root-mean-square (rms) values of evoked motor unit electromyographic (EMG) responses were studied in the right sternocostal region of the cat diaphragm. Motor units were isolated by microdissection and stimulation of C5 ventral root filaments and then classified as fast-twitch fatigable (FF), fast-twitch fatigue intermediate (FInt), fast-twitch fatigue resistant (FR), or slow-twitch (S) based on standard physiological criteria. The evoked EMG responses of S and FR units showed very little change during the fatigue test. The evoked EMG waveform and rms values of FF and FInt units displayed variable changes during the fatigue test. When changes were observed, they typically included a prolongation of the EMG waveform, a decrease in peak amplitude, and a decrease in rms value. The changes in EMG amplitude and rms values were not correlated. In more fatigable units, the decrease in force during the fatigue test generally exceeded the decrease in EMG rms values. Changes in the evoked force and EMG responses of multiple units innervated by C5 or C6 ventral roots were also examined during the fatigue test. The decrease in diaphragm force during the fatigue test closely matched the force decline predicted by the proportionate contribution of different motor unit types. However, the observed reduction in diaphragm EMG rms values during the fatigue test exceeded that predicted based on the aggregate contribution of different motor unit types. It was concluded that changes in EMG do not reflect the extent of diaphragm fatigue.  相似文献   

Influence of amplitude cancellation on the simulated surface electromyogram.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The purpose of the study was to quantify the influence of selected motor unit properties and patterns of activity on amplitude cancellation in the simulated surface electromyogram (EMG). The study involved computer simulations of a motor unit population with physiologically defined recruitment and rate coding characteristics that activated muscle fibers whose potentials were recorded on the skin over the muscle. Amplitude cancellation was quantified as the percent difference in signal amplitude when motor unit potentials were summed before and after rectification. The simulations involved varying the level of activation for the motor unit population, the recording configuration, the upper limit of motor unit recruitment, peak discharge rates, the amount of motor unit synchronization, muscle fiber length, the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, and the motor unit properties that change with advancing age. The results confirmed a previous experimental report (Day SJ and Hulliger M, J Neurophysiol 86: 2144-2158, 2001) that amplitude cancellation in the surface EMG can reach 62% at maximal activation. A decrease in the range of amplitudes of the motor unit potentials, as can occur during fatiguing contractions, increased amplitude cancellation up to approximately 85%. Differences in the amount of amplitude cancellation were observed across all simulated conditions, and resulted in substantial changes in the absolute magnitude of the EMG signal. The most profound factors influencing amplitude cancellation were the number of active motor units and the duration of the action potentials. The effects of amplitude cancellation were minimal (<5%) when the EMG amplitude was normalized to maximal values, with the exception of variations in peak discharge rate and recruitment range, which resulted in differences up to 17% in the normalized EMG signal across conditions. These results indicate the amount of amplitude cancellation that can occur in various experimental conditions and its influence on absolute and relative measures of EMG amplitude.  相似文献   

Peak torque, work, mean power and electromyographic (EMG) activity were recorded for each of 150 repeated isokinetic maximal shoulder flexions (45 degrees-90 degrees) in 23 healthy females. From the EMG signals of trapezius, deltoid, infraspinatus and biceps brachii the mean power frequency and the signal amplitude were determined in real time. The mechanical output showed a steep decrease during the first 40 contractions, followed by a plateau maintained until the end. In all muscles, except the biceps brachii, significant decreases in mean power frequency occurred during the first 40 contractions, showing a tendency to stabilize around the same absolute frequency value. Signal amplitude increased in the trapezius, the deltoid and the infraspinatus, but was constant in the biceps brachii. For some individuals rather high EMG activity was recorded in the muscles during the time the arm was supposed to be passively extended to the starting position, and this was found to be associated with lower strength and endurance levels. Longitudinal analyses showed that the mean power frequencies correlated better than the signal amplitudes with the three mechanical variables. The results suggest that the initial steep decrease in mechanical performance and mean power frequency is caused by fatiguing of type 2 motor units.  相似文献   

Although the behaviour of individual motor units is classically studied with intramuscular EMG, recently developed techniques allow its analysis also from EMG recorded in multiple locations over the skin surface (high-density surface EMG). The analysis of motor units from the surface EMG is useful when the insertion of needles is not desirable or not possible. Moreover, surface EMG allows the measure of motor unit properties which are difficult to assess with invasive technology (e.g., muscle fiber conduction velocity or location of innervation zones) and may increase the number of detectable motor units with respect to selective intramuscular recordings. Although some limitations remain, both the discharge pattern and muscle fiber properties of individual motor units can currently be analyzed non-invasively. This review presents the conditions and methodologies which allow the investigation of motor units with surface EMG.  相似文献   

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