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The expression of neuropeptides is often extremely restricted in the nervous system, making them powerful markers for addressing cell specification . In the developing Drosophila ventral nerve cord, only six cells, the Ap4 neurons, of some 10,000 neurons, express the neuropeptide FMRFamide (FMRFa). Each Ap4/FMRFa neuron is the last-born cell generated by an identifiable and well-studied progenitor cell, neuroblast 5-6 (NB5-6T). The restricted expression of FMRFa and the wealth of information regarding its gene regulation and Ap4 neuron specification makes FMRFa a valuable readout for addressing many aspects of neural development, i.e., spatial and temporal patterning cues, cell cycle control, cell specification, axon transport, and retrograde signaling. To this end, we have conducted a forward genetic screen utilizing an Ap4-specific FMRFa-eGFP transgenic reporter as our readout. A total of 9781 EMS-mutated chromosomes were screened for perturbations in FMRFa-eGFP expression, and 611 mutants were identified. Seventy-nine of the strongest mutants were mapped down to the affected gene by deficiency mapping or whole-genome sequencing. We isolated novel alleles for previously known FMRFa regulators, confirming the validity of the screen. In addition, we identified novel essential genes, including several with previously undefined functions in neural development. Our identification of genes affecting most major steps required for successful terminal differentiation of Ap4 neurons provides a comprehensive view of the genetic flow controlling the generation of highly unique neuronal cell types in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed leucokinin (LK) expression in the brain and ventral ganglion of Drosophila CNS. One pair of protocerebrum neurons located in the lateral horn area (LHLK) surrounds the peduncles of the mushroom bodies while two pairs of subesophageal neurons (SELKs) project extended processes to the tritocerebrum and through a cervical connection to the ventral ganglion. There, axons of eight or nine pairs of abdominal (ABLK) neurons leave the CNS through the abdominal nerves and processes connecting each other ipsilaterally and contralaterally. The neural functions of LK remain largely unknown, especially those related to Drosophila behavior. Here, we have studied the role of LK in olfactory and gustatory perception by keeping the LK neurons electrically silent through targeted expression of inward rectifier K+ channels. In order to examine the effects of LK failure, we first analyzed the dehydration response, comparing the leucokinin-silent individuals with their parents as a control. Our results showed significant differences that demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. We then tested the olfactory behavioral response to a set of odorants over a range of concentrations in a T-maze paradigm in which flies were allowed to choose between the odorant and solvent compartments. The feeding preference assays were carried out on microplates in which flies were allowed to choose between two colored tastes. Our results show that the blockade of LK release alters both olfactory and gustatory responses, and are therefore evidence that this neuropeptide also modulates chemosensory responses through LHLK and SELK neurons.  相似文献   

Here we describe a novel set of peptidergic neurons conserved throughout all developmental stages in the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS). We show that a small complement of 28 apterous-expressing cells (Ap-let neurons) in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of Drosophila larvae co-express numerous gene products. The products include the neuroendocrine-specific bHLH regulator called Dimmed (Dimm), four neuropeptide biosynthetic enzymes (PC2, Fur1, PAL2, and PHM), and a specific dopamine receptor subtype (dDA1). For the PC2, Fur1, and PAL2 enzymes, and for the dDA1 receptor, this neuronal pattern represents the vast majority of their total expression in the VNC. In addition, while Dimm and PHM are present in the peritracheal Inka cells in larvae, pupae, and adults, Ap, PC2, Fur1, PAL2, and dDA1 are not. PC2, PAL2, and DA1 receptor expression were all controlled by both dimm and ap. Previous genetic analysis of animals deficient in PC2 revealed an abnormal larval ecdysis phenotype. Together, these data support the hypothesis that the small cohort of Ap-let interneurons regulates larval ecdysis behavior by secretion of an unidentified amidated peptide(s). This hypothesis further predicts that the production of the Ap-let neuropeptide(s) is dependent on each of four specific enzymes, and that a certain aspect(s) of its production and/or release is regulated by dopamine input.  相似文献   

One of the key aspects of functional nervous systems is the restriction of particular neural subtypes to specific regions, which permits the establishment of differential segment-specific neuromuscular networks. Although Hox genes play a major role in shaping the anterior-posterior body axis during animal development, our understanding of how they act in individual cells to determine particular traits at precise developmental stages is rudimentary. We have used the abdominal leucokinergic neurons (ABLKs) to address this issue. These neurons are generated during both embryonic and postembryonic neurogenesis by the same progenitor neuroblast, and are designated embryonic and postembryonic ABLKs, respectively. We report that the genes of the Bithorax-Complex, Ultrabithorax (Ubx) and abdominal-A (abd-A) are redundantly required to specify the embryonic ABLKs. Moreover, the segment-specific pattern of the postembryonic ABLKs, which are restricted to the most anterior abdominal segments, is controlled by the absence of Abdominal-B (Abd-B), which we found was able to repress the expression of the neuropeptide leucokinin. We discuss this and other examples of how Hox genes generate diversity within the central nervous system of Drosophila.Keyword: development, Hox genes, central nervous system, Drosophila, cell fate specification  相似文献   

1. Transmitter plasticity, the ability to alter transmitter expression, has been demonstrated in a wide range of neurons in the vertebrates and invertebrates.2. One preparation where this issue has been investigated in detail is a set of four neurosecretory neurons in the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta.3. These neurons undergo a transmitter switch during the transition from caterpillar to moth.4. In larvae these neurons, known as the lateral neurosecretory cells (LNCs), express CAP2, a myomodulatory neuropeptide involved in the neuroregulation of the activity of visceral muscles.5. By the adult moth stage, however, the LNCs are no longer producing CAP2 and instead are expressing a different peptide, bursicon, which is involved in tanning of the cuticle at adult emergence.6. Here I review the evidence for this transmitter switch and discuss its regulation by steroids.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, neurosecretory cells that release peptide hormones play a prominent role in the regulation of development, growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Several types of peptidergic neurosecretory cells have been identified in the brain of Drosophila with release sites in the corpora cardiaca and anterior aorta. We show here that in adult flies the products of three neuropeptide precursors are colocalized in five pairs of large protocerebral neurosecretory cells in two clusters (designated ipc-1 and ipc-2a): Drosophila tachykinin (DTK), short neuropeptide F (sNPF) and ion transport peptide (ITP). These peptides were detected by immunocytochemistry in combination with GFP expression driven by the enhancer trap Gal4 lines c929 and Kurs-6, both of which are expressed in ipc-1 and 2a cells. This mix of colocalized peptides with seemingly unrelated functions is intriguing and prompted us to initiate analysis of the function of the ten neurosecretory cells. We investigated the role of peptide signaling from large ipc-1 and 2a cells in stress responses by monitoring the effect of starvation and desiccation in flies with levels of DTK or sNPF diminished by RNA interference. Using the Gal4-UAS system we targeted the peptide knockdown specifically to ipc-1 and 2a cells with the c929 and Kurs-6 drivers. Flies with reduced DTK or sNPF levels in these cells displayed decreased survival time at desiccation and starvation, as well as increased water loss at desiccation. Our data suggest that homeostasis during metabolic stress requires intact peptide signaling by ipc-1 and 2a neurosecretory cells.  相似文献   

Primary cell cultures were prepared from a major neurosecretory center of the adult locust brain, the pars intercerebralis, in order to characterize neurosecretory cells growingin vitro. Individual pars intercerebralis could be removed free of surrounding tissue and dissociated by mechanical treatment. Mature neurosecretory neurons of different sizes regenerate new neurites during the initial three daysin vitro in serum-free medium. They show a tendency to sprout one primary neurite from which fine processes develop. By means of electron microscopy, we observed the integrity of the cellular organelles, indicating that cultured neurons are healthy, and we were able to distinguish three types of neurosecretory neurons on the basis of the ultrastructural aspects of the neurosecretory material. These three types have the same ultrastructural characteristics asin situ neuroparsin, ovary maturing parsin and locust insulin related peptide neurons. Immunogold labelling at the electron microscopic level, using the two available specific antibodies, anti-neuroparsin and anti-ovary maturing parsin, confirms the morphological characterization of neuroparsin and ovary maturing parsin cells. These results show for the first time that cultured locust neurosecretory neurons behave like thosein vivo, in terms of their ultrastructure and immunocytochemistry. Moreover, the presence of recently-formed neurosecretory material both in the Golgi zone of the perikaryon and in the neuronal processes indicates that cultured neurons have functional capacity since they are able to synthesizede novo and to transport the neurosecretory material along the neurite. Thus our well-characterized culture system provides a suitable invitro model to investigate the secretory mechanism of locust neurosecretory neurons.  相似文献   

The synaptic growth of neurons during the development and adult life of an animal is a very dynamic and highly regulated process. During larval development in Drosophila new boutons and branches are added at the glutamatergic neuromuscular junction (NMJ) until a balance between neuronal activity and morphological structures is reached. Analysis of several Drosophila mutants suggest that bouton number and size might be regulated by separate signaling processes [Budnik, V., 1996. Synapse maturation and structural plasticity at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 6, 858-867.]. Here we show a new role for Hangover as a negative regulator of bouton number at the NMJ. The hangover gene (hang) encodes a nuclear zinc finger protein. It has a function in neuronal plasticity mediating ethanol tolerance, a behavior that develops upon previous experience with ethanol. hangAE10 mutants have more boutons and an extended synaptic span. Moreover, Hang expression in the motoneuron is required for the regulation of bouton number and the overall length of muscle innervation. However, the increase in bouton number does not correlate with a change in synaptic transmission, suggesting a mechanism independent from neuronal activity leads to the surplus of synaptic boutons. In contrast, we find that expression levels of the cell adhesion molecule Fasciclin II (FASII) are reduced in the hang mutant. This finding suggests that the increase in bouton number in hang mutants is caused by a reduction in FASII expression, thus, linking the regulation of nuclear gene expression with the addition of boutons at the NMJ regulated by cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

In in vivo and in vitro experiments there have been shown different mechanisms of regulation of hypothalamic vasopressinergic neurons, including regulation due to changes of activity level of brain catecholaminergic and NPY-ergic neurons innervating hypothalamic vasopressinergic cells. We demonstrated in in vitro experiments that dopamine and noradrenaline had no effects on vasopressin expression, but inhibited its release from cell perikarya in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus. Besides, activity of vasopressinergic neurons might probably be regulated via activation of synthesis of these neurotransmitters in vasopressinergic cells themselves in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. To activate synthesis of various neurotransmitters, in our case, catecholamines and NPY, in vasopressinergic neurons, different stimuli adequate to trigger or activate synthesis of these substances are required. Synthesis of catecholamines in vasopressinergic cells of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei was revealed after immobilization stress and adrenalectomy. NPY is synthesized in neurons of hypothalamic neurosecretory centers in norm, and its synthesis increases at disturbances of NPY-ergic innervation of vasopressinergic cells.  相似文献   

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