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EL5, a rice gene responsive to N-acetylchitooligosaccharide elicitor, encodes a RING-H2 finger protein with structural features common to the plant-specific ATL family. We show that the fusion protein of EL5 with maltose binding protein (MBP) was polyubiquitinated by incubation with ubiquitin, ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1), and the Ubc4/5 subfamily of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2). EL5 possesses the activity to catalyse the transfer of ubiquitin to the MBP moiety, and the RING-H2 finger motif of EL5 is necessary for this activity. Thus, we concluded that EL5 represents a ubiquitin ligase (E3). We also show that two rice E2s (OsUBC5a, OsUBC5b) of the Ubc4/5 subfamily function as E2 which catalyses EL5-mediated ubiquitination, and OsUBC5b was induced by elicitor, as well as EL5. These results strongly suggest that EL5 and OsUBC5b have roles in plant defense response through the turnover of protein(s) via the ubiquitin/proteasome system.  相似文献   

Bax, a pro‐apoptotic protein from the Bcl‐2 family, is central to apoptosis regulation. To suppress spontaneous apoptosis, Bax must be under stringent control that may include regulation of Bax conformation and expression levels. We report that IBRDC2, an IBR‐type RING‐finger E3 ubiquitin ligase, regulates the levels of Bax and protects cells from unprompted Bax activation and cell death. Downregulation of IBRDC2 induces increased cellular levels and accumulation of the active form of Bax. The ubiquitination‐dependent regulation of Bax stability is suppressed by IBRDC2 downregulation and stimulated by IBRDC2 overexpression in both healthy and apoptotic cells. Although mostly cytosolic in healthy cells, upon induction of apoptosis, IBRDC2 accumulates in mitochondrial domains enriched with Bax. Mitochondrial accumulation of IBRDC2 occurs in parallel with Bax activation and also depends on the expression levels of Bcl‐xL. Furthermore, IBRDC2 physically interacts with activated Bax. By applying Bax mutants in HCT116 Bax?/? cells, combined with the use of active Bax‐specific antibodies, we have established that both mitochondrial localization and apoptotic activation of Bax are required for IBRDC2 translocation to the mitochondria.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis PINHEAD/ZWILLE (PNH/ZLL) gene is thought to play an important role in the formation of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and in leaf adaxial cell specification. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of rice development, we have isolated a rice homologue of PNH/ZLL, called OsPNH1. Around the SAM, OsPNH1 was strongly expressed in developing leaf primordia, specifically in the presumptive vascular domains, developing vascular tissues, a few cell-layers of the adaxial region, and future bundle sheath extension cells. In the SAM, only weak expression was observed in the central region, whereas strong expression was detected in the mid-vein region of leaf founder cells in the peripheral SAM domain. We produced transgenic rice plants containing the antisense OsPNH1 strand. The antisense OsPNH1 plants developed malformed leaves with an altered vascular arrangement and abnormal internal structure. These plants also formed an aberrant SAM with reduced KNOX gene expression. We examined the subcellular localization of the OsPNH1-GFP fusion protein and found that it was localized in the cytoplasm. On the basis of these observations, we propose that OsPNH1 functions not only in SAM maintenance as previously thought, but also in leaf formation through vascular development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The root apical meristems (RAM) of flowering plant roots are organized into recognizable pattern types. At present, there are no known ecological or physiological benefits to having one RAM organization type over another. Although there are phylogenetic distribution patterns in plant groups, the possible evolutionary advantages of different RAM organization patterns are not understood. Root caps of many flowering plant roots are known to release living border cells into the rhizosphere, where the cells are believed to have the capacity to alter conditions in the soil and to interact with soil micro-organisms. Consequently, high rates of border cell production may have the potential to benefit plant growth and development greatly, and to provide a selective advantage in certain soil environments. This study reports the use of several approaches to elucidate the anatomical and developmental relationships between RAM organization and border cell production. METHODS: RAM types from many species were compared with numbers of border cells released in those species. In addition, other species were grown, fixed and sectioned to verify their organization type and capacity to produce border cells. Root tips were examined microscopically to characterize their pattern and some were stained to determine the viability of root cap cells. KEY RESULTS: The first report of a correlation between RAM organization type and the production and release of border cells is provided: species exhibiting open RAM organization produce significantly more border cells than species exhibiting closed apical organization. Roots with closed apical organization release peripheral root cap cells in sheets or large groups of dead cells, whereas root caps with open organization release individual living border cells. CONCLUSIONS: This study, the first to document a relationship between RAM organization, root cap behaviour and a possible ecological benefit to the plant, may yield a framework to examine the evolutionary causes for the diversification of RAM organization types across taxa.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis WUSCHEL (WUS) protein, which plays an important role in the specification of the stem cells in the shoot apical meristem (SAM), contains an 'atypical' homeodomain (HD) with extra residues in its loop and turn regions. We speculated that a WUS-type atypical HD protein might also be involved in the specification and maintenance of the root apical meristem (RAM) stem cells of rice. To investigate this possibility, we isolated and characterized a rice WUS-type homeobox gene designated quiescent-center-specific homeobox (QHB) gene. Using transformants carrying the QHB promoter-GUS and in situ hybridization, we found that QHB was specifically expressed in the central cells of a quiescent center (QC) of the root. During embryogenesis and crown root formation, QHB expression was observed prior to the morphological differentiation of the root. However, we detected different QHB expression patterns in the process of the RAM development, specifically between radicle and crown root formation, suggesting that the cell-fate determination of the QC may be controlled by different mechanisms. We also produced transformants that overexpress QHB or Arabidopsis WUS. These transformants did not form crown roots, but developed multiple shoots from ectopic SAMs with malformed leaves. On the basis of these observations, we propose that the WUS-type homeobox gene is involved in the specification and maintenance of the stem cells (QC cells) in the RAM, by a mechanism similar to that for WUS in the SAM.  相似文献   

A spontaneous rice mutant, erect leaf1 (elf1–1), produced a dwarf phenotype with erect leaves and short grains. Physiological analyses suggested that elf1–1 is brassinosteroid-insensitive, so we hypothesized that ELF1 encodes a positive regulator of brassinosteroid signaling. ELF1, identified by means of positional cloning, encodes a protein with both a U-box domain and ARMADILLO (ARM) repeats. U-box proteins have been shown to function as E3 ubiquitin ligases; in fact, ELF1 possessed E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in vitro. However, ELF1 itself does not appear to be polyubiquitinated. Mutant phenotypes of 2 more elf1 alleles indicate that the entire ARM repeats is indispensable for ELF1 activity. These results suggest that ELF1 ubiquitinates target proteins through an interaction mediated by ARM repeats. Similarities in the phenotypes of elf1 and d61 mutants (mutants of brassinosteroid receptor gene OsBRI1), and in the regulation of ELF1 and OsBRI1 expression, imply that ELF1 functions as a positive regulator of brassinosteroid signaling in rice.  相似文献   

Trim32 belongs to the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family, which is characterized by a common domain structure composed of a RING-finger, a B-box, and a coiled-coil motif. In addition to these motifs, Trim32 possesses six C-terminal NHL-domains. A point mutation in one NHL domain (D487N) has been linked to two forms of muscular dystrophy called limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H and sarcotubular myopathy. In the present study we demonstrate that Trim32 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that acts in conjunction with ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UbcH5a, UbcH5c, and UbcH6. Western blot analysis showed that Trim32 is expressed primarily in skeletal muscle, and revealed its differential expression from one muscle to another. The level of Trim32 expression was elevated significantly in muscle undergoing remodeling due to changes in weight bearing. Furthermore, expression of Trim32 was induced in myogenic differentiation. Thus, variability in Trim32 expression in different skeletal muscles could be due to induction of Trim32 expression upon changes in physiological conditions. We show that Trim32 associates with skeletal muscle thick filaments, interacting directly with the head and neck region of myosin. Our data indicate that myosin is not a substrate of Trim32; however, Trim32 was found to ubiquitinate actin in vitro and to cause a decrease in the level of endogenous actin when transfected into HEK293 cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that Trim32 is a ubiquitin ligase that is expressed in skeletal muscle, can be induced upon muscle unloading and reloading, associates with myofibrils and is able to ubiquitinate actin, suggesting its likely participation in myofibrillar protein turnover, especially during muscle adaptation.  相似文献   

F-box proteins represent the substrate-specificity determinants of the SCF ubiquitin ligase complex. We previously reported that the F-box protein Grr1p is one of the proteins involved in the transmission of glucose-generated signal for proteolysis of the galactose transporter Gal2p and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. In this study, we show that the other components of SCF(Grr1), including Skp1, Rbx1p, and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34, are also necessary for glucose-induced Gal2p degradation. This suggests that transmission of the glucose signal involves an SCF(Grr1)-mediated ubiquitination step. However, almost superimposable ubiquitination patterns of Gal2p observed in wild-type and grr1Delta mutant cells imply that Gal2p is not the primary target of SCF(Grr1) ubiquitin ligase. In addition, we demonstrate here that glucose-induced Gal2p proteolysis is a cell-cycle-independent event.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is a pathogen of cattle responsible for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. The BoHV-1 UL49.5 is a transmembrane protein that binds to the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and downregulates cell surface expression of the antigenic peptide complexes with the major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I). KLHDC3 is a kelch domain-containing protein 3 and a substrate receptor of a cullin2-RING (CRL2) E3 ubiquitin ligase. Recently, it has been identified that CRL2KLHDC3 is responsible for UL49.5-triggered TAP degradation via a C-degron pathway and the presence of the degron sequence does not lead to the degradation of UL49.5 itself. The molecular modeling of KLHDC3 in complexes with four UL49.5 C-terminal decapeptides (one native protein and three mutants) revealed their activity to be closely correlated with the conformation which they adopt in KLHDC3 binding cleft. To analyze the interaction between UL49.5 and KLHDC3 in detail, in this work a total of 3.6 μs long molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. The complete UL49.5-KLHDC3 complexes were embedded into the fully hydrated all-atom lipid membrane model with explicit water molecules. The network of polar interactions has been proposed to be responsible for the recognition and binding of the degron in KLHDC3. The interaction network within the binding pocket appeared to be very similar between two CRL2 substrate receptors: KLHDC3 and KLHDC2.  相似文献   

Cbl proteins are E3 ubiquitin ligases specialized for the regulation of tyrosine kinases by ubiquitylation. Human Cbl proteins are activated by tyrosine phosphorylation, thus setting up a feedback loop whereby the activation of tyrosine kinases triggers their own degradation. Cbl proteins are targeted to their substrates by a phosphotyrosine‐binding SH2 domain. Choanoflagellates, unicellular eukaryotes that are closely related to metazoans, also contain Cbl. The tyrosine kinase complement of choanoflagellates is distinct from that of metazoans, and it is unclear if choanoflagellate Cbl is regulated similarly to metazoan Cbl. Here, we performed structure‐function studies on Cbl from the choanoflagellate species Salpingoeca rosetta and found that it undergoes phosphorylation‐dependent activation. We show that S. rosetta Cbl can be phosphorylated by S. rosetta Src kinase, and that it can ubiquitylate S. rosetta Src. We also compared the substrate selectivity of human and S. rosetta Cbl by measuring ubiquitylation of Src constructs in which Cbl‐recruitment sites are placed in different contexts with respect to the kinase domain. Our results indicate that for both human and S. rosetta Cbl, ubiquitylation depends on proximity and accessibility, rather than being targeted toward specific lysine residues. Our results point to an ancient interplay between phosphotyrosine and ubiquitin signaling in the metazoan lineage.  相似文献   

The spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a class of incurable diseases characterized by degeneration of the cerebellum that results in movement disorder. Recently, a new heritable form of SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia type 48 (SCA48), was attributed to dominant mutations in STIP1 homology and U box-containing 1 (STUB1); however, little is known about how these mutations cause SCA48. STUB1 encodes for the protein C terminus of Hsc70 interacting protein (CHIP), an E3 ubiquitin ligase. CHIP is known to regulate proteostasis by recruiting chaperones via a N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain and recruiting E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes via a C-terminal U-box domain. These interactions allow CHIP to mediate the ubiquitination of chaperone-bound, misfolded proteins to promote their degradation via the proteasome. Here we have identified a novel, de novo mutation in STUB1 in a patient with SCA48 encoding for an A52G point mutation in the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of CHIP. Utilizing an array of biophysical, biochemical, and cellular assays, we demonstrate that the CHIPA52G point mutant retains E3-ligase activity but has decreased affinity for chaperones. We further show that this mutant decreases cellular fitness in response to certain cellular stressors and induces neurodegeneration in a transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans model of SCA48. Together, our data identify the A52G mutant as a cause of SCA48 and provide molecular insight into how mutations in STUB1 cause SCA48.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play an important role in maintaining metabolic and energy homeostasis in the plant cell. Thus, perturbation of mitochondrial structure and function will affect plant growth and development. Arabidopsis slow growth3 (slo3) is defective in At3g61360 that encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein. Analysis of slo3 mitochondrial RNA metabolism revealed that the splicing of nad7 intron 2 is impaired, which leads to a dramatic reduction in complex I activity. So the SLO3 PPR protein is a splicing factor that is required for the removal of nad7 intron 2 in Arabidopsis. The slo3 mutant plants have obvious phenotypes with severe growth retardation and delayed development. The size of root apical meristem (RAM) is reduced and the production of meristem cells is decreased in slo3. Furthermore, the rosette leaves of slo3 are curled or crinkled, which may be derived from uneven growth of the leaf surface. The underlying mechanisms by which dysfunctional mitochondria affect these growth and developmental phenotypes have yet to be established. Nonetheless, plant hormone auxin is known to play an important role in orchestrating the development of RAM and leaf shape. It is possible that dysfunctional mitochondria may interact with auxin signaling pathways to regulate the boundary of RAM and the cell division arrest front during leaf growth in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Jiang  Wei  Zhou  Shaoli  Huang  Honglin  Song  Huazhi  Zhang  Qinglu  Zhao  Yu 《Plant molecular biology》2020,104(4-5):499-511
Plant Molecular Biology - Rice MERISTEM ACTIVITYLESS (MAL), a RING-H2 finger domain (RFD)-containing gene, regulates meristem cell viability after the initiation of root primordia mediated by...  相似文献   

Frederik Eisele 《FEBS letters》2008,582(30):4143-4146
Protein quality control and subsequent elimination of terminally misfolded proteins occurs via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Tagging of misfolded proteins with ubiquitin for degradation depends on a cascade of reactions involving an ubiquitin activating enzyme (E1), ubiquitin conjugating enzymes (E2) and ubiquitin ligases (E3). While ubiquitin ligases responsible for targeting misfolded secretory proteins to proteasomal degradation (ERAD) have been uncovered, no such E3 enzymes have been found for elimination of misfolded cytoplasmic proteins in yeast. Here we report on the discovery of Ubr1, the E3 ligase of the N-end rule pathway, to be responsible for targeting misfolded cytosoplasmic protein to proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

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