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The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the incidence of delayed menarche and menstrual dysfunction among elite ice hockey players and figure skaters. Forty-three ice hockey players (23.5 ± 4.8 years, 68.2 ± 1.2 kg, 1.68 ± 0.01 m) and 39 figure skaters (17.5 ± 3.4 years, 53.7 ± 5.8 kg, 1.64 ± 0.05 m) completed a self-administered questionnaire on their menstrual status and history, training regimens and lifestyle. Age at menarche did not differ significantly between ice hockey players (13.3 ± 1.3 years) and figure skaters (13.7 ± 1.4 years). Menarche was unrelated to nationality, vigorous training premenarche or age at which the athlete began her sport, but was correlated with the age at menarche of the athletes’ mothers (r = 0.39, p < 0.05). Hormonal contraceptives were used by 35% of ice hockey players and 15% of the figure skaters. Amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea were experienced by 7.1% and 38.7% of postmenarcheal, ice hockey players and figure skaters respectively not using hormonal contraceptives. Menstrual dysfunction was associated with both age and age at menarche in the ice hockey players only. Training factors, and psychological pressure were perceived by the athletes to contribute to menstrual dysfunction. A greater training volume, younger age at commencing sport, lower body mass, greater subjective body image pressure and younger biological and gynaecological age were reported among the figure skaters, and were proposed to explain the higher incidence of menstrual dysfunction among the figure skaters compared with the ice hockey players. Figure skaters appear at increased risk of amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea compared with ice hockey players, which may be linked to training and physical characteristics of the sports.  相似文献   

陈铁梅 《人类学学报》1996,15(2):171-172
关于巢县人铀系测年争议的两点说明陈铁梅(北京大学考古系,北京100871)读本期沈冠军、房迎三先生关于巢县人年代文章,我认为争议对我国古人类年代学研究、对争议者本人均是有益的。鉴于我的基本观点在《人类学学报》14卷2期中已阐明,而不少分歧点由争议者面...  相似文献   

A new scheme of altitudinal and latitudinal vegetation zonation is proposed for eastern Asia. The latitudinal patterns of mountain vegetation zonation show a clear boundary at ca. 20°–30° N. For the tropical mountains south of 20° N, the altitudinal series includes tropical lowland, tropical lower montane, and tropical upper montane zones. For the temperate mountains north of 30° N, the series includes temperate lowland, temperate lower montane, and temperate upper montane zones. The mountains located between 20° and 30° N show a transitional zonation pattern; the lower two zones are comparable to the lower two of the tropical zonation (tropical lowland and tropical lower montane), and the upper two zones are comparable to those of the temperate zonation (temperate lower montane and temperate upper montane). The tropical upper montane zone is not found north of 20°–30° N, while the tropical lower montane zone reaches down to sea level and constitutes the temperate lowland zone. Thus the zonation between 20° and 30° N includes tropical lowland, tropical lower montane/temperate lowland, temperate lower montane, and temperate upper montane zones. The latitudinal series of lowland rain forests follows the scheme of climatic division into tropical, subtropical/warm-temperate, cool-temperate and cold-temperate, with a shift of the respective life forms, evergreen, evergreen notophyllous, deciduous, and evergreen needle-leaved. The tropical lower montane forest can be correlated to the horizontal subtropical/ warm-temperate zone. The temperate altitudinal and latitudinal zonations above 30° N are correlated and show an inclined parallel pattern from high altitudes in the south to low altitudes down to sea level in the north.  相似文献   

When constructing predictors on the basis of the linear model of time series of various indicators often the question arises on the dependence of forecasting accuracy and the changing prediction horizon. The dependency of the quadratic risk of the classical predictor and the time horizon is considered.  相似文献   

从巢县人年代争议谈钟乳石、骨化石铀系定年─—与陈铁梅先生商榷沈冠军,房迎三(贵州大学化学系,贵阳550025)(安徽省文物考古研究所,合肥230061)《人类学学报》第14卷第2期发表了陈铁梅(1995)先生的文章(下称陈文),对不久前也在该刊发表的...  相似文献   

时间序列的相似性测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时间序列(time series)是指按时间顺序排列的观测值集合,在生物信息学研究领域中,DNA序列和基因表达数据都可以视为时间序列数据。时间序列分析中很重要的环节就是刻划两个时间序列或者时间子序列的相似性,用于序列比对等。时间序列的相似性测度是时间序列研究中的基础和重点,直接影响查询、聚类等后续计算的效率和精度,在高通量基因芯片数据分析、基因网络构建等研究中,具有重要的应用,目前已引起了众多研究人员的关注,在欧氏距离的基础上进行了大量的研究,本文综述了基于欧式距离和时间弯曲的时间序列相似性测度及其相关领域的研究进展,可作为进一步研究的参考。  相似文献   

多维球面模型应用于草原监测数据分析的探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 提出分析归纳草原监测多元数据的新数学方法,多维球面模型。M个物种所组成的草原的状态可以用M元向量来表示,向量的长度用来表示草原的量值,向量的方向表示草原组成。从草原监测的角度,草原的相对组成是更重要的,成份变化的比率更能说明问题。在处理草原监测数据中使用向量等比系列和向量等差系列是可行的。等比系列比较能反映生物几何增长的本质。为了纠正中间过程被忽略的弱点,要坚持逐年监测,逐步分析,或使用滑动平均。二阶趋势值可尝试用于解决时间滞后问题,卡门滤波用于降低预报误差。因为草原监测需要使用分种数据,必须以人工监测记录为主,再辅以其它高科技手段,如遥感。  相似文献   

Fractal dimension of birds population sizes time series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information about fractal dimension is collected so that it can be applied to time series interpreting Hurst coefficient. The population size of a species is modelled as a dynamic system. The Hurst coefficient is calculated for these times series. A computer programme has been elaborated to compute the Hurst exponent of time series using the algorithms of range increment, second order moment increment and local second order moment increment. It has been applied to time series of birds' populations.  相似文献   

In the present paper we investigate the concept of equidirection, i.e. similarity in the direction of variation, or parallelism in the broader sense, among m (m ≧ 2) times series, especially under the assumption that the time series are realizations of processes with independent increments. However, the processes need not be stationary. Furthermore, the probabilities for the direction of variation may be unstable, in which case only upper and lower bounds are known. A measure based on the concept of equidirection was developed that enables identification of clusters of similar time series and analysis of relationships among variables.  相似文献   

Empirical regression is defined as conditional expected value based on an estimation of a twodimensional density. It is a modelfree mathematical means for a first evaluation of measured data of an unknown stochastical relation between two quantities. The numerical procedures may be applied for calculation of the mean course of an unknown relation hidden in the measured data. Disregarding the statistical background an other aspect of application is the analyzing of time series, especially smoothing of time series and modelfree recording of the trend component in non-stationary time series. The calculated regression curve provides an objective basis for comparing of different measured courses as well as for a further evaluation, e. g. in respect of a suitable choice of an analytical expression. The possibility of interpolation and the smoothing properties of empirical regression give essential advantages for internal regression as one step in the process of model construction.  相似文献   

In principle, electron cryo-tomography (cryo-ET) of thin portions of cells provides high-resolution images of the three-dimensional spatial arrangement of all members of the proteome. In practice, however, radiation damage creates a tension between recording images at many different tilt angles, but at correspondingly reduced exposure levels, versus limiting the number of tilt angles in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Either way, it is challenging to read the available information out at the level of atomic structure. Here, we first review work that explores the optimal strategy for data collection, which currently seems to favor the use of a limited angular range for tilting the sample or even the use of a single image to record the high-resolution information. Looking then to the future, we point to the alternative of so-called “deconvolution microscopy”, which may be applied to tilt-series or optically-sectioned, focal series data. Recording data as a focal series has the advantage that little or no translational alignment of frames might be needed, and a three-dimensional reconstruction might require only 2/3 the number of images as does standard tomography. We also point to the unexploited potential of phase plates to increase the contrast, and thus to reduce the electron exposure levels while retaining the ability align and merge the data. In turn, using much lower exposures per image could have the advantage that high-resolution information is retained throughout the full data-set, whether recorded as a tilt series or a focal series of images.  相似文献   

Hou Y P  Peng S L  Li F R  Lin Z G  Chen B M  Peng H 《农业工程》2008,28(7):3384-3389
The characteristics and scientific values of ecological succession in Danxia Landform of China were discussed. It was known that research on vegetation succession was quite difficult for its long-term and intricate process. Space-time substitution is an important method to study the succession, while it needs intact spatial succession series. In Danxia Landform, there are such primary and secondary succession series. On the hilltops, there are typical low shrubberies and arboreal forests of primary succession. The surrounding slopes are subjected to seasonal rainfall erosion, weathering action, gravitational collapse and so on. The primary succession constantly starts from bare rocks, and then moss and herbal communities of early primary succession are formed. With further weathering of rocks and effects of moss and lichen, soil layers are getting thicker and thicker, which pushes primary succession ahead. New collapses are ceaselessly induced by the special geological geomorphological process, and then a new primary succession starts from bare rocks. Thus, different stages of primary succession are formed in Danxia Landform. In addition, the secondary succession series exist in Danxia Landform, including the pioneer forests, transitional forests and steady forests. Danxia Landform provides ideal sites for vegetation succession study. The relative studies would be helpful for the vegetation management and protection in this area. As ecological restoration reference, it is also meaningful for the vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

论述了丹霞地貌区生态演替的特征及其科学价值.认为植被演替由于时间漫长、过程复杂而对其研究具极大的难度,时空互代成为演替研究的重要手段,而这需要有完整的空间序列.丹霞地貌区存在着完整的原生演替与次生演替系列.典型丹霞地貌的山顶为原生演替的矮灌木林和乔木林,周围斜坡仍然受季节性降水侵蚀、风化、重力崩塌等作用,原生演替不断从裸露的岩石开始,故形成原生演替早期的苔藓、草本群落,随着岩石的进一步风化和苔藓、地衣等植物的作用,土壤层增厚,将原生演替继续往前推进.特殊的地质地貌过程使之不断有新的崩塌,从裸露的岩石开始的新的原生演替,如此形成不同时间系列的原生演替阶段.丹霞地貌区也存在着完整的次生演替系列,同时存在演替先锋林、演替过渡林和演替基本稳定林.这两个演替系列提供了一个非常难得的理想场所,使得生态学工作者在一个地点就可以观察到一个完整的植被演替系列.其研究可为该区域植被的经营管理和保护措施提供必要的依据.作为生态恢复参照系,对区域的植被生态恢复具有重要的指导意义.#  相似文献   

An exponential model for the spectrum of a scalar time series   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
BLOOMFIELD  P. 《Biometrika》1973,60(2):217-226

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