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Dissolved organic carbon in streams and groundwater   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Minipiezometers installed at different vertical levels within the streambed (20–140 cm) were used to study temporal and spatial variation in the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content of streamwater and groundwater in three southern Ontario streams. Groundwater, as represented by our streambed samples, contained considerable quantities of DOC but variation between replicate samples was high. Diel fluctuations in DOC content of streamwater were consistent with daytime autochthonous production and night-time uptake by heterotrophs. Water from the streambed neither consistently diluted nor enhanced streamwater levels of DOC. At some stations, DOC variation with depth, including streamwater, seemed to be largely random. At other stations, DOC concentrations from the deepest piezometers were consistently higher than concentrations at intermediate depths, suggesting a loss of DOC from deeper waters to overlying sediments. However, at these stations DOC concentrations were highest at 20 cm and at the surface. Interflow delivery of DOC to the shallow layers of the streambed may be a significant source of carbon for a stream ecosystem, especially in agricultural areas. Late summer diel fluctuations at one station may be related to changing patterns of intermixing of stream and groundwater in the upper layers of the streambed as governed by velocity heads, convective currents and evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

 Lake Hovsgol is a large tectonic lake located in northern Mongolia, which has extremely transparent lake water. In our survey, the dissolved organic carbon of the lake water was 80–100 μM-C, and the fluorescence intensity in an excitation and emission matrix was very low. The brown color and high content of humic substances in river water flowing from a watershed consisting of grassland and forests rapidly declined in the coastal area of the lake. The decrease in humic content may be due not only to dilution by the lake water but also to flocculation and photobleaching. Among tectonic lakes in Asia, Lake Hovsgol would appear to have unique biological and hydrological features that reduce humic content and help to maintain water transparency. Received: June 25, 2002 / Accepted: January 10, 2003 Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge helpful discussion with Dr. J. Urabe. We thank Dr. T. Galbaatar, Mongolian Academy of Science, Mongolia, for his arrangements on the expeditions in 1999. We are also indebted to Mr. D. Hadbaatar, B. Ganbat, and the cruise staff of the R/V Suchbaatar for their assistance in the course of the study. This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid No. 09041159 and 13575034 for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Correspondence to:K. Hayakawa  相似文献   

This study addresses how humic substance (HS) chemical composition and photoreactivity affect bacterial growth, respiration, and growth efficiency (BGE) in lake water. Aqueous solutions of HSs from diverse aquatic environments representing different dissolved organic matter sources (autochthonous and allochthonous) were exposed to artificial solar UV radiation. These solutions were added to lake water passed through a 0.7-microm-pore-size filter (containing grazer-free lake bacteria) followed by dark incubation for 5, 43, and 65 h. For the 5-h incubation, several irradiated HSs inhibited bacterial carbon production (BCP) and this inhibition was highly correlated with H2O2 photoproduction. The H2O2 decayed in the dark, and after 43 h, nearly all irradiated HSs enhanced BCP (average 39% increase relative to nonirradiated controls, standard error = 7.5%, n = 16). UV exposure of HSs also increased bacterial respiration (by approximately 18%, standard error = 5%, n = 4), but less than BCP, resulting in an average increase in BGE of 32% (standard error = 10%, n = 4). Photoenhancement of BCP did not correlate to HS bulk properties (i.e., elemental and chemical composition). However, when the photoenhancement of BCP was normalized to absorbance, several trends with HS origin and extraction method emerged. Absorbance-normalized hydrophilic acid and humic acid samples showed greater enhancement of BCP than hydrophobic acid and fulvic acid samples. Furthermore, absorbance-normalized autochthonous samples showed approximately 10-fold greater enhancement of BCP than allochthonous-dominated samples, indicating that the former are more efficient photoproducers of biological substrates.  相似文献   

The effects of three commonly available antibiotics (tetracycline hydrochloride, streptomycin and neomycin sulfate) on the micro-Winkler and D.O. probe oxygen techniques and on the pH method of CO2 determination were investigated in the laboratory to assess potential effects on community metabolism measurements.All three antibiotics significantly altered O2 and CO2 concentrations through time. The results demonstrate that the use of the three antibiotics as bacterial respiratory inhibitors in community metabolism studies could cause significant overestimations of community respiration when measured as CO2, and significant underestimation of primary productivity and overestimation of respiration when measured as O2.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳的积累主要由土壤有机质的输入与输出间的净平衡决定的,植被的恢复和凋落物质的大量输入是土壤恢复的先决条件,凋落物的输入在土壤恢复过程中起着至关重要的作用.通过对不同类型凋落物输入到三江平原弃耕农田后土壤的基础呼吸、溶解有机碳(DOC)和土壤微生物量碳(MBC)的研究表明:相同种类凋落物输入后,输入到土壤总有机碳(TOC)背景值低的凋落物被微生物降解的速率大于TOC背景值高的土壤,TOC较低的土壤能够加快微生物对输入凋落物的分解,不利于有机质的积累;不同类型凋落物的输入使土壤基础呼吸、DOC和MBC等活性组分的生成和降解产生差异,改变了凋落物的降解速率,在三江平原研究的4种主要植被类型中,人工林凋落物最容易降解,小叶章、大豆的降解能力次之,玉米是最难降解的凋落物.  相似文献   

Carbon‐use efficiency (CUE), the ratio of net primary production (NPP) to gross primary production (GPP), describes the capacity of forests to transfer carbon (C) from the atmosphere to terrestrial biomass. It is widely assumed in many landscape‐scale carbon‐cycling models that CUE for forests is a constant value of ∼0.5. To achieve a constant CUE, tree respiration must be a constant fraction of canopy photosynthesis. We conducted a literature survey to test the hypothesis that CUE is constant and universal among forest ecosystems. Of the 60 data points obtained from 26 papers published since 1975, more than half reported values of GPP that were not estimated independently from NPP; values of CUE calculated from independent estimates of GPP were greater than those calculated from estimates of GPP derived from NPP. The slope of the relationship between NPP and GPP for all forests was 0.53, but values of CUE varied from 0.23 to 0.83 for different forest types. CUE decreased with increasing age, and a substantial portion of the variation among forest types was caused by differences in stand age. When corrected for age the mean value of CUE was greatest for temperate deciduous forests and lowest for boreal forests. CUE also increased as the ratio of leaf mass‐to‐total mass increased. Contrary to the assumption of constancy, substantial variation in CUE has been reported in the literature. It may be inappropriate to assume that respiration is a constant fraction of GPP as adhering to this assumption may contribute to incorrect estimates of C cycles. A 20% error in current estimates of CUE used in landscape models (i.e. ranging from 0.4 to 0.6) could misrepresent an amount of C equal to total anthropogenic emissions of CO2 when scaled to the terrestrial biosphere.  相似文献   

Effects of small scale fluid motion on bacterial growth and respiration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of small‐scale turbulent motion on the growth and respiration of bacteria in an oscillating grid apparatus. The experiments were performed under a range of energy dissipation levels similar to those occurring in freshwater systems. 2. The results showed that small‐scale turbulent motion does have an effect on bacterial growth and respiration. A higher gradient in the dissolved oxygen time series, higher 5‐day biochemical oxygen demand values, increased bacterial abundance, increased bacterial specific respiration, higher bacterial growth rate and increased nutrient uptake were all observed when the energy dissipation rate in the water column was increased. 3. This has implications for traditional laboratory procedures that are used to characterise bacterial metabolic rates under stagnant fluid‐flow conditions, such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which would be influenced by the effects of the small‐scale fluid motion inherent in aquatic environments. According to our results, BOD values in natural systems experiencing fluid motion would be higher than traditional bottle‐derived rates.  相似文献   

以菜地和果园土壤为研究对象,通过室内培养实验,向土壤中分别添加不同材料制备的生物炭(马尼拉草、阔叶和竹叶),热解温度为350℃,研究不同材料制备生物炭添加对土壤呼吸和有机碳含量的影响.结果表明:不同生物炭施入土壤后,土壤 CO 2释放速率总的趋势是前期分解速率快,后期缓慢.在整个培养过程中(28 d),随着培养时间的延长,土壤 CO 2释放速率下降趋势逐渐降低.在不同土壤培养条件下,均是添加阔叶生物炭后土壤 CO 2-C 累计释放增多,果园和菜地土壤 CO 2-C 累计分别达到482.57和424.72 mg·kg-1.添加不同的生物炭均能提高土壤有机碳含量,但只有添加阔叶生物炭之后,差异才会达到显著(P <0.05).研究结果为正确利用生物炭和评价其在土壤碳库作用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Boreal forests are increasing in age partly due to reduced logging and efficient wildfire control. As a result, they also stock more carbon. Whether increased forest C stock causes greater production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is uncertain. DOC in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil water was studied in 10-, 30-, 60- and 120-year-old stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) DOC concentrations in throughfall and O horizon soil water followed the order 10 < 30 < 60 = 120 and 10 = 30 < 120 < 60, respectively. DOC fluxes followed the order 10 = 30 < 60 = 120 in throughfall, while no significant difference between stands was found for O horizon soil water. Above-ground tree litter varied according to 10 < 30 < 60 = 120, a pattern identical to that for DOC concentrations in throughfall and resembling but not identical to that for DOC concentrations in O horizon soil water. This indicates additional sources for DOC in soil water. Seasonality in DOC concentrations was observed at the base of the O horizon, and seasonality in DOC fluxes in both throughfall and O horizon soil water. Our results suggest differences in the polarity of DOC between the 10-year stand and the others, which we interpret as reflecting the lack of grown trees and possibly the different vegetation on the 10-year stand.  相似文献   

The response of bacterial growth to phytoplankton production and planktonic respiration (RESP) variation was examined over different stations and dates in the shallow estuarine system Ria de Aveiro. The temporal and spatial profiles of bacterial productivity (2.7-744.2mg Cm(-3)d(-1)) did not coincide with those of primary production (PP) (0.2-19.1 g Cm(-3)d(-1)) and RESP (0.1-8.2 g Cm(-3) d(-1)). The bacterioplankton production/PP ratio varied differently, depending on the season and location. The heterotrophic zones, with the lowest values of PP, exhibited the most intense bacterial secondary production. Moreover, the variation of PP in the system was rather small when compared with that of bacterial secondary production. These suggest that, in a large extension of the lagoon and throughout the year, bacterioplankton growth is largely dependent on non-phytoplanktonic carbon sources. Benthic PP and/or allochtonous organic matter from land have a fundamental role in the dynamics of the planktonic compartment of the estuarine system.  相似文献   

In Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, the water of lakes and rivers showed high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, 5-50mgC/l. There was a clear relationship between DOC concentration and pH. DOC also contributed to low water transparency in the studied lakes. Water colors measured by spectrophotometer showed a strong relationship with DOC concentration, indicating high applicability of water color measurement for estimation of DOC. The development of a simple but quick estimation of DOC will contribute to understanding the seasonal dynamics of DOC, which might regulate both abiotic and biotic conditions in aquatic ecosystems in this area.  相似文献   

We estimated whole-ecosystem rates of respiration over a 40-km stretch of the tidally influenced freshwater Hudson River every 2 to 3 weeks from May through November. We measured in situ concentrations of oxygen over depth at dusk and dawn at 10 stations spaced over this interval. The use of multiple stations allowed for the consideration of the influence of tidal advection of water masses. Respiration was estimated from the decrease in oxygen overnight with a correction for diffusive exchange of oxygen with the atmosphere. We estimated this flux of oxygen to or from the atmosphere using the measured oxygen gradient and a transfer velocity model which is a function of wind velocity.Integration of the data for the period of May through November yields an estimate of whole-ecosystem respiration of 591 g C m–2 (S.E. = 66). That the standard error of this estimate is relatively low (11% of the estimate) indicates that the use of multiple stations adequately deals with error introduced through the advection of water between stations. The logarithm of average daily respiration rate was correlated with average daily temperature (p = 0.007;r 2 = 0.62). We used this temperature-respiration relationship to derive an estimate of the annual respiration rate of 755 g C m–2 yr–1 (S.E. = 72). This estimate is moderately sensitive to the estimated flux of oxygen between the atmosphere and water; using the lower and upper 95% confidence limits of our model relating the transfer velocity of oxygen to wind speed gives a range of annual respiration estimates from 665 g C m–2 yr–1 to 984 g C m–2 yr–1.The river is strongly heterotrophic, with most respiration driven by allochthonous inputs of organic matter from terrestrial ecosystems. The majority of the allochthonous inputs to the river (over 60%) are apparently metabolized within the river. Any change in allochthonous inputs due to changes in land use or climate patterns would be expected to alter the oxygen dynamics and energy flow within this tidally influenced river.  相似文献   

The zonation of riparian vegetation on the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area of Kansas (tallgrass prairie ecosystem) provided a situation where the influences on uptake rates of the different DOC qualities could be measured in the field. Leachates from grasses disappeared rapidly from stream water in in situ chambers at upstream sites in grassland reaches and at downstream sites in forested reaches. The reverse observation, uptake of leachates from trees, revealed that DOC disappeared rapidly from chambers placed in the forested reaches but bacteria in the grassland reaches did not utilize tree leachate as rapidly. The pattern varies seasonally. The interpretation of these observations was aided by aseptic laboratory culture on the different substrate types and by measurements in poisoned chambers to evaluate abiotic uptake.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), humicsubstances (HS), polysaccharides (PS) and lowmolecular weight acids (LMWA) werecharacterized in water from the dystrophicLake Große Fuchskuhle over a period ofseven months. In addition, porewater from anadjacent fen was investigated in order toobtain information about the DOC in thecatchment area. Size-exclusion-chromatographycombined with UV- and organic carbon(IR)-detection was used to quantify DOC andits fractions. The lake had previously beendivided into four separate sections by largesheets of plastic, and the DOC compositiondiffered markedly between the fourcompartments. Spatial variations in HS and PSconcentrations were greater than seasonalvariations. The high amounts of HS (up to58%) in the western sections of the lake,indicated influence by subsurface water fromthe fen, whereas the eastern sections weredominated by PS (up to 35%) of algal origin.These differences could be explained byhydrological conditions, indicating thatcompletely different catchment areasinfluenced the water chemistry in the separatecompartments. By characterizing the HS bytheir average molecular weight and theiraromaticity, three different groups of HScould be distinguished depending on theirorigin and fate. Microbial degradation of DOCand its fractions differed between two of thecompartments during incubation studies over aperiod of six weeks.  相似文献   

Responses of grassland carbon (C) cycling to climate change and land use remain a major uncertainty in model prediction of future climate. To explore the impacts of global change on ecosystem C fluxes and the consequent changes in C storage, we have conducted a field experiment with warming (+3 °C), altered precipitation (doubled and halved), and annual clipping at the end of growing seasons in a mixed‐grass prairie in Oklahoma, USA, from 2009 to 2013. Results showed that although ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary production (GPP) negatively responded to warming, net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) did not significantly change under warming. Doubled precipitation stimulated and halved precipitation suppressed ER and GPP equivalently, with the net outcome being unchanged in NEE. These results indicate that warming and altered precipitation do not necessarily have profound impacts on ecosystem C storage. In addition, we found that clipping enhanced NEE due to a stronger positive response of GPP compared to ER, indicating that clipping could potentially be an effective land practice that could increase C storage. No significant interactions between warming, altered precipitation, and clipping were observed. Meanwhile, we found that belowground net primary production (BNPP) in general was sensitive to climate change and land use though no significant changes were found in NPP across treatments. Moreover, negative correlations of the ER/GPP ratio with soil temperature and moisture did not differ across treatments, highlighting the roles of abiotic factors in mediating ecosystem C fluxes in this grassland. Importantly, our results suggest that belowground C cycling (e.g., BNPP) could respond to climate change with no alterations in ecosystem C storage in the same period.  相似文献   

The ability of heterotrophic bacteria in a nitrite-oxidising bioreactor to respire with nitrate as an electron acceptor was examined. Approximately 70% of 1000 heterotrophic isolates were able to express a nitrate reductase. A detailed survey of 15 isolates showed that five expressed the azide-insensitive nitrate reductase encoded by the napA gene. A two-round PCR amplification of the napA gene using degenerate PCR primers and DNA sequence analysis of these products confirmed the presence of this gene in the positive isolates. Partial 16S rDNA products and napA products were amplified from the biomass in the bioreactor and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of these products identified 21 distinct ribotypes and 12 distinct napA sequences. The results show that the ability to respire with nitrate as an electron acceptor under aerobic conditions is widespread among the heterotrophic population of this bioreactor.  相似文献   

Nutrient supply commonly limits aboveground plant productivity in forests, but the effects of an altered nutrient supply on gross primary production (GPP) and patterns of carbon (C) allocation remain poorly characterized. Increased nutrient supply may lead to a higher aboveground net primary production (ANPP), but a lower total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), with little change in either aboveground plant respiration (APR) or GPP. Alternatively, increases in nutrient supply may increase GPP, with the quantity of GPP allocated aboveground increasing more steeply than the quantity of GPP allocated belowground. To examine the effects of an elevated nutrient supply on the C allocation patterns in forests, we determined whole‐ecosystem C budgets in unfertilized plots of Eucalyptus saligna and in adjacent plots receiving regular additions of 65 kg N ha?1, 31 kg P ha?1, 46 kg K ha?1, and macro‐ and micronutrients. We measured the absolute flux of C allocated to the components of GPP (ANPP, TBCA and APR), as well as the fraction of GPP allocated to these components. Fertilization dramatically increased GPP. Averaged over 3 years, GPP in the fertilized plots was 34% higher than that in the unfertilized controls (3.95 vs. 2.95 kg C m?2 yr?1). Fertilization‐related increases in GPP were allocated entirely aboveground – ANPP was 85% higher and APR was 57% higher in the fertilized than in the control plots, while TBCA did not differ significantly between treatments. Carbon use efficiency (NPP/GPP) was slightly higher in the fertilized (0.53) compared with the control plots (0.51). Overall, fertilization increased ANPP and APR, and these increases were related to a greater GPP and an increase in the fraction of GPP allocated aboveground.  相似文献   

Abstract The incorporation of [3H](methyl)thymidine into DNA by the planktonic heterotropic bacteria of Little Crooked Lake (Noble Country, IN) was determined at different incubation temperatures. The highest rates of thymidine incorporation generally occurred at temperatures exceeding the in situ temperature of the sample. The optimal temperature for thymidine incorporation ranged from 1.0–3.4 times the in situ temperature. As the summer of 1983 progressed, the optimal temperatures for thymidine incorporation by epilimnetic samples and the in situ temperatures converged. This trend was reversed as fall overturn was approached.  相似文献   

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