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Glycogen synthase in the glucose-6-phosphate (glucose-6-P)-dependent form was purified over 10,000-fold from an extract of term human placenta. The purified enzyme shows a single protein band on polyacry1amide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The enzyme activity in the presence of glucose-6-P is increased by the single addition of Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+ and is reduced by the addition of either sulfate or phosphate. Addition of either Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+ relieves the inhibition by sulfate or phosphate. The enzyme activity in the absence of glucose 6-P is greatly increased by the addition of MnSO4, CoSO4, and NiSO4 and is increased to a lesser extent by MgSO4, CaSO4, and FeSO4. The activation of the glucose-6-P-dependent form of the enzyme by these metal sulfates in the absence of glucose-6-P has never been reported. MnSO4, which shows homotropic cooperativity, is the best activator among the various metal sulfates tested. The human placental glucose-6-P-dependent form of glycogen synthase (D form) can be converted to the glucose-6-P-independent form (I form) of the enzyme by incubating the partially purified glycogen synthase, which is copurified with synthase phosphatase, with Mn2+. This conversion can be reversed by the addition of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The synthase D to synthase I converting system from human placenta is unique in its stringent requirement for Mn2+.  相似文献   

Rat adipose tissue glycogen synthase has been kinetically characterized. The classical D form has an apparent Km for UDP-glucose of 0.7 mM and 0.4 mM in the absence and presence of glucose 6-phosphate, respectively. The apparent Ka for glucose 6-phosphate is 0.6 mM. The effect of glucose 6-phosphate on the D form is to enhance the Vmax 7-fold. The I form is also affected by glucose 6-phosphate (Ka, 0.025 mM) but the Vmax is increased only by 20%; apparent Km values for UDP-glucose are 0.4 mM and 0.045 mM in the absence and presence of glucose 6-phosphate, respectively. In addition, two new kinetically distinguishable forms have been observed. The first, designated glycogen synthase Q, arises from an Mg2+ATP-dependent deactivation of the I form. The apparent Km values of glycogen synthase Q for UDP-glucose are identical with those of the I form; however, the apparent Ka for glucose 6-phosphate (0.2 mM) is 8-fold higher than that for the I form and one-third that for the D form. Preparations from fasted or diabetic rats contain a form of glycogen synthase, designated glycogen synthase X, that has a much lower affinity for glucose 6-phosphate than the D form (apparent Ka, 3 mM); the apparent Km values for UDP-glucose are similar to those of the D form (0.7 mM and 0.3 mM in the absence and presence of glucose 6-phosphate, respectively). In preparations from fasted rats a stepwise Mg2+-dependent conversion was demonstrated of synthase X to D to Q to I; this sequential conversion was reversed on incubation with Mg2+ATP. In preparations from fed rats, synthase Q could be generated either by limited activation (from the D form) or, after conversion to the I form, by deactivation with Mg2+ATP. However, even prolonged incubation with Mg2+ATP failed to generate the D (or X) form.  相似文献   

The human placental glucose-6-P-dependent form of glycogen synthase, in the absence of glucose-6-P, can be activated by MnSO4. Separately, Mn2+ and SO4(2-) have no significant effect. In the presence of glucose-6-P, Mn2+ activates the enzyme, but SO4(2-) inhibits; MnSO4 synergetically increases the enzyme activity. Mn2+ reduces the Ka for glucose-6-P to one-tenth of the control value; SO4(2-) increases the Ka 5-fold; however, MnSO4 has no effect on Ka. MnSO4, like glucose-6-P, increases the Vmax of the enzyme in the presence of its substrate, UDP-glucose; it slightly increases the Km for UDP-glucose. In the presence of glucose-6-P, Mn2+ increases and SO4(2-) decreases the Vmax of the enzyme, but neither has an effect on the Km for UDP-glucose. At physiological concentrations of UDP-glucose and glucose-6-P, either Mn2+ or MnSO4 at concentrations less than 1 mM increases the enzyme activity as much as 8 mM glucose-6-P does. At physiological concentrations of UDP-glucose and glucose-6-P, Mn2+ or MnSO4 reverses the inhibition of the enzyme by ATP.  相似文献   

The addition of glucose to a suspension of yeast initiated glycogen synthesis and ethanol formation. Other effects of the glucose addition were a transient rise in the concentration of cyclic AMP and a more prolonged increase in the concentration of hexose 6-monophosphate and of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. The activity of glycogen synthase increased about 4-fold and that of glycogen phosphorylase decreased 3-5-fold. These changes could be reversed by the removal of glucose from the medium and induced again by a new addition of the sugar. These effects of glucose were also obtained with glucose derivatives known to form the corresponding 6-phosphoester. Similar changes in glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase activity were induced by glucose in a thermosensitive mutant deficient in adenylate cyclase (cdc35) when incubated at the permissive temperature of 26 degrees C, but were much more pronounced at the nonpermissive temperature of 35 degrees C. Under the latter condition, glycogen synthase was nearly fully activated and glycogen phosphorylase fully inactivated. Such large effects of glucose were, however, not seen in another adenylate-cyclase-deficient mutant (cyr1), able to incorporate exogenous cyclic AMP. When a nitrogen source or uncouplers were added to the incubation medium after glucose, they had effects on glycogen metabolism and on the activity of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase which were directly opposite to those of glucose. By contrast, like glucose, these agents also caused, under most experimental conditions, a detectable rise in cyclic AMP concentration and a series of cyclic-AMP-dependent effects such as an activation of phosphofructokinase 2 and of trehalase and an increase in the concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and in the rate of glycolysis. Under all experimental conditions, the rate of glycolysis was proportional to the concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. Uncouplers, but not a nitrogen source, also induced an activation of glycogen phosphorylase and an inactivation of glycogen synthase when added to the cdc35 mutant incubated at the restrictive temperature of 35 degrees C without affecting cyclic AMP concentration.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase, an enzyme of historical importance in the field of reversible protein modification, is inactivated by phosphorylation and allosterically activated by glucose 6-phosphate (glucose-6-P). Previous analysis of yeast glycogen synthase had identified a conserved and highly basic 13-amino-acid segment in which mutation of Arg residues resulted in loss of activation by glucose-6-P. The equivalent mutations R578R579R581A (all three of the indicated Arg residues mutated to Ala) and R585R587R590A were introduced into rabbit muscle glycogen synthase. Whether expressed transiently in COS-1 cells or produced in and purified from Escherichia coli, both mutant enzymes were insensitive to activation by glucose-6-P. The effect of phosphorylation was studied in two ways. Purified, recombinant glycogen synthase was directly phosphorylated by casein kinase 2 and glycogen synthase kinase 3, under conditions that inactivate the wild-type enzyme. In addition, phosphorylation sites were converted to Ala by mutagenesis in wild-type and in the glucose-6-P desensitized mutants expressed in COS-1 cells. Phosphorylation inactivated the R578R579R581A mutant but had little effect on the R585R587R590A. This result was surprising since phosphorylation had the opposite effects on the corresponding yeast enzyme mutants. The results confirm that the region of glycogen synthase, Arg-578-Arg-590, is required for activation by glucose-6-P and suggest that it is part of a sensitive and critical switch involved in transitions between different conformational states. However, the role must differ subtly between the mammalian and the yeast enzymes.  相似文献   

The effects of transgenic overexpression of glycogen synthase in different types of fast-twitch muscle fibers were investigated in individual fibers from the anterior tibialis muscle. Glycogen synthase was severalfold higher in all transgenic fibers, although the extent of overexpression was twofold greater in type IIB fibers. Effects of the transgene on increasing glycogen and phosphorylase and on decreasing UDP-glucose were also more pronounced in type IIB fibers. However, in any grouping of fibers having equivalent malate dehydrogenase activity (an index of oxidative potential), glycogen was higher in the transgenic fibers. Thus increasing synthase is sufficient to enhance glycogen accumulation in all types of fast-twitch fibers. Effects on glucose transport and glycogen synthesis were investigated in experiments in which diaphragm, extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and soleus muscles were incubated in vitro. Transport was not increased by the transgene in any of the muscles. The transgene increased basal [(14)C]glucose into glycogen by 2.5-fold in the EDL, which is composed primarily of IIB fibers. The transgene also enhanced insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis in the diaphragm and soleus muscles, which are composed of oxidative fiber types. We conclude that increasing glycogen synthase activity increases the rate of glycogen synthesis in both oxidative and glycolytic fibers, implying that the control of glycogen accumulation by insulin in skeletal muscle is distributed between the glucose transport and glycogen synthase steps.  相似文献   

The activation of glycogen synthase by insulin is in many instances stimulated by the presence of extracellular glucose. Previous observations in cell extracts, glycogen pellets and other crude systems suggest that this stimulation may be due to an increase in glucose 6-phosphate, which activates the dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase by protein phosphatases. Using purified rabbit muscle glycogen synthase D and protein phosphatases 1 and 2A, the types responsible for the activation of muscle synthase, it was found that glucose 6-phosphate, at low, physiological concentrations, stimulated the dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase. Both types of phosphatase were stimulated to the same extent when acting on glycogen synthase. The dephosphorylation of other protein substrates of the phosphatases was either not affected or inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate. It appears that the stimulatory effect of glucose 6-phosphate at physiological concentrations is apparently specific for glycogen synthase, and most likely due to an allosteric configuration change of this enzyme which facilitates its dephosphorylation. In addition, the effects of other reported modulators of glycogen synthase dephosphorylation, AMP, ATP and Mg2+, were studied in this 'in vitro' system.  相似文献   

Comparison has been made of the effect of alloxan-diabetes on the multiple forms of hexokinase (EC in adipose tissue and lung. Types I and II hexokinase were distinguished in adipose tissue by their different stabilities to heat treatment, which made it possible to determine the activity of each form spectrophotometrically; additional confirmatory evidence was obtained from starch-gel electrophoresis. Type II hexokinase was markedly depressed in adipose tissue from alloxan-diabetic rats. Lung contained types I, II and III hexokinase, type I predominating. There was no significant change in the pattern of these multiple forms of hexokinase in lung from alloxan-diabetic rats. These results are discussed in relation to current ideas that the insulin-sensitivity of a tissue may be correlated with the content of type II hexokinase.  相似文献   

1. Frog liver has enzymatic systems able to interconvert glycogen synthase. 2. D to I conversion is achieved in vitro by incubation at 30 degrees C. ATP, ADP, inorganic phosphate and glycogen are inhibitors of this conversion, whereas glucose-6-P and Mg2+ stimulate it. 3. I to D conversion in vitro depends on ATP-Mg2+. Cyclic-AMP activates this conversion, while glucose-6-P inhibits it. 4. Injection of glucose, ribose, mannose, fructose, galactose, and cortisone into frogs increase liver percentage of I activity. 5. Glucagon and adrenaline decrease percentage of I activity.  相似文献   

Using adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into FTO-2B cells, a rat hepatoma cell line, we have overexpressed hexokinase I (HK I), glucokinase (GK), liver glycogen synthase (LGS), muscle glycogen synthase (MGS), and combinations of each of the two glucose-phosphorylating enzymes with each one of the GS isoforms. FTO-2B cells do not synthesize glycogen even when incubated with high doses of glucose. Adenovirus-induced overexpression of HK I and/or LGS, two enzymes endogenously expressed by these cells, did not produce a significant increase in the levels of active GS and the total glycogen content. In contrast, GK overexpression led to the glucose-dependent activation of endogenous or overexpressed LGS and to the accumulation of glycogen. Similarly overexpressed MGS was efficiently activated by the glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) produced by either endogenous or overexpressed HK I and by overexpressed GK. These results indicate the existence of at least two pools of Glc-6-P in the cell, one of them is accessible to both isoforms of GS and is replenished by the action of GK, whereas LGS is excluded from the cellular compartment where the Glc-6-P produced by HK I is directed. These findings are interpreted in terms of the metabolic role that the two pairs of enzymes, HK I-MGS in the muscle and GK-LGS in the hepatocyte, perform in their respective tissues.  相似文献   

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