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Karlsson M  Stenlid J  Olson A 《Mycologia》2007,99(2):227-231
Two hydrophobin genes (HAH1 and HAH2) have been identified in a Heterobasidion annosum infection-stage cDNA-library. Comparisons of their nucleotide and amino acid sequences show similarity to the coh1 hydrophobin from Coprinopsis cinerea and the sc3 hydrophobin from Schizophyllum commune. Both HAH1 and HAH2 display the amino acid consensus pattern of class I hydrophobins, including the spacing of eight conserved cysteine residues. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR showed high expression of both genes in aerial hyphae but low expression in submerged hyphae and during in vitro infection of pine seedlings. Segregation analysis of HAH1 and HAH2 in a defined cross of Heterobasidion annosum localised HAH1 to linkage group 3 but did not positioned HAH2 in the genetic linkage map. Sequence characteristics and expression patterns of HAH1 and HAH2 suggest a role in aerial growth of mycelia, but not during pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The Heterobasidion annosum species complex is a widely distributed group of fungal conifer pathogens causing root and butt rots. We studied the key processes of Heterobasidion epidemiology by compiling models that rely on biological processes. Models were included in the mechanistic model with stochastic elements, Hmodel, simulating the fungal dynamics in even-aged Norway spruce stands. The results from the modelling and stand-level simulations indicated that primary infections are affected by the stump size and spore deposition. In addition, we found that Heterobasidion dynamics at the scale of the stand are driven by several infections in large stumps, rather than by numerous infections in small stumps. We assessed the need for quantitative results in Heterobasidion biology, especially in the spread mechanisms, to support the development of complex mechanistic models.  相似文献   



Translation initiation factors of the 4E and 4G protein families mediate resistance to several RNA plant viruses in the natural diversity of crops. Particularly, a single point mutation in melon eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) controls resistance to Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) in melon. Identification of allelic variants within natural populations by EcoTILLING has become a rapid genotype discovery method.


A collection of Cucumis spp. was characterised for susceptibility to MNSV and Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) and used for the implementation of EcoTILLING to identify new allelic variants of eIF4E. A high conservation of eIF4E exonic regions was found, with six polymorphic sites identified out of EcoTILLING 113 accessions. Sequencing of regions surrounding polymorphisms revealed that all of them corresponded to silent nucleotide changes and just one to a non-silent change correlating with MNSV resistance. Except for the MNSV case, no correlation was found between variation of eIF4E and virus resistance, suggesting the implication of different and/or additional genes in previously identified resistance phenotypes. We have also characterized a new allele of eIF4E from Cucumis zeyheri, a wild relative of melon. Functional analyses suggested that this new eIF4E allele might be responsible for resistance to MNSV.


This study shows the applicability of EcoTILLING in Cucumis spp., but given the conservation of eIF4E, new candidate genes should probably be considered to identify new sources of resistance to plant viruses. Part of the methodology described here could alternatively be used in TILLING experiments that serve to generate new eIF4E alleles.  相似文献   

Dalman K  Olson A  Stenlid J 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(22):4979-4993
We investigated two hypotheses for the origin of the root rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum species complex: (i) that geology has been an important factor for the speciation (ii) that co-evolutionary processes with the hosts drove the divergence of the pathogen species. The H. annosum species complex consists of five species: three occur in Europe, H. annosum s.s., Heterobasidion parviporum and Heterobasidion abietinum, and two in North America, Heterobasidion irregulare and Heterobasidion occidentale; all with different but partially overlapping host preferences. The evolution of the H. annosum species complex was studied using six partially sequenced genes, between 10 and 30 individuals of each species were analysed. Neighbour-joining trees were constructed for each gene, and a Bayesian tree was built for the combined data set. In addition, haplotype networks were constructed to illustrate the species relationships. For three of the genes, H. parviporum and H. abietinum share haplotypes supporting recent divergence and/or possible gene flow. We propose that the H. annosum species complex originated in Laurasia and that the H. annosum s.s./H. irregulare and H. parviporum/H. abietinum/H. occidentale ancestral species emerged between 45 and 60 Ma in the Palaearctic, well after the radiation of the host genera. Our data imply that H. irregulare and H. occidentale were colonizing North America via different routes. In conclusion, plate tectonics are likely to have been the main factor influencing Heterobasidion speciation and biogeography.  相似文献   

Selection of the most stable reference gene is critical for a reliable interpretation of gene expression data using RT-PCR. In order so, 17 commonly used genes were analyzed in Wistar rat duodenum, jejunum, ileum and liver following a fat gavage and at two time periods. These reference genes were also tested in liver from Zucker (fa/fa) on a long-term dietary trial. Four strategies were used to select the most suitable reference gene for each tissue: ranking according to biological coefficient of variation and further validation by statistical comparison among groups, geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper programs. No agreement was observed among these approaches for a particular gene, nor a common gene for all tissues. Furthermore we demonstrated that normalising using an inadequate reference conveyed into false negative and positive results. The selection of genes provided by BestKeeper resulted in more reliable results than the other statistical packages. According to this program, Tbp, Ubc, Hprt and Rn18s were the best reference genes for duodenum, jejunum, ileum and liver, respectively following a fat gavage in Wistar rats and Rn18s for liver in another rat strain on a long-term dietary intervention. Therefore, BestKeeper is highly recommendable to select the most stable gene to be used as internal standard and the selection of a specific reference expression gene requires a validation for each tissue and experimental design.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to test a panel of six housekeeping genes (GAPDH, HPRT1, POLR2A, RPLP0, ACTB, and H3F) so as to identify and validate the most suitable reference genes for expression studies in astrocytomas. GAPDH was the most stable and HPRT1 was the least stable reference gene. The effect of reference gene selection on quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction data interpretation was demonstrated, normalizing the expression data of a selected gene of interest. Thus, GAPDH may be recommended for data normalization in gene expression studies in astrocytomas. Nevertheless, a preliminary validation of reference gene stability is required prior to every study.  相似文献   

The selection of an appropriate reference gene(s) is a prerequisite for the proper interpretation of quantitative Real-Time polymerase chain reaction data. We report the evaluation of eight candidate reference genes across various tissues and treatments in the water lily by the two software packages geNorm and NormFinder. Across all samples, clathrin adaptor complexes medium subunit (AP47) and actin 11 (ACT11) emerged as the most suitable reference genes. Across different tissues, ACT11 and elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1α) exhibited a stable expression pattern. ACT11 and AP47 also stably expressed in roots subjected to various treatments, but in the leaves of the same plants the most stably expressed genes were ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 16 (UBC16) and ACT11.  相似文献   

The infection-related expression of a Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. sensu lato (s.l.) putative cytochrome P450 gene (CPM2) was analysed with realtime quantitative PCR. CPM2 was highly expressed after 20 days of growth in bark of living spruce trees, and up-regulated by nitrogen starvation on artificial media. Infection of pine seedlings in the presence of high-carbon medium results in low expression levels of CPM2, thus indicating that starvation is the primary regulatory factor for induction of this gene. The predicted cpm2 protein contains 507 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 56.1 kDa, and display all conserved amino acids of the cytochrome P450 protein family. The protein has a high similarity to the ord1/ordA O-methylsterigmatocystin oxidoreductases from Aspergillus flavus/A. parasiticus, responsible for catalysing the final step in aflatoxin biosynthesis. Results indicate that cpm2 is potentially important for pathogenicity in H. annosum s.l.  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) has been extensively used in several plant species as an accurate technique for gene expression analysis. However, the expression level of a target gene may be misconstrued due to unstable expression of the reference genes under different experimental conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically evaluate these reference genes before experiments are conducted. Recently, more and more studies have focused on gene expression in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). In this study, ten putative reference genes were chosen to identify expression stability by using geNorm and NormFinder statistical algorithms in ten different pepper sample pools, including those from different plant tissues (root, stem, leaf and flower) and from plants treated with hormones (salicylic acid and gibberellic acid) and abiotic stresses (cold, heat, salt and drought). EF1?? and UEP exhibited the most stable expression across all of the tested pepper samples. For abiotic stress or different hormone treatment, the ranking of candidate reference genes was not completely consistent, except for EF1?? which showed a relatively stable expression level. For different tissues, the expression of Actin1 was stable and it was considered an appropriate reference gene. It is concluded that EF1??, UEP and Actin1 are suitable reference genes for reliable qRT-PCR data normalization for the tissues and experimental conditions used in this experiment.  相似文献   

Heterobasidion annosum causes root and butt-rot in trees and is the most serious forest pathogen in the northern hemisphere. We developed a rapid and simple Agrobacterium-mediated method of gene delivery into H. annosum to be used in functional studies of candidate genes and for visualization of mycelial interactions. Heterobasidion annosum TC 32-1 was cocultivated at pH 5.6 and 20 degrees C in Hagems medium with Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 carrying plasmids with hygromycin B resistance as the selectable marker and green fluorescent protein as a visual marker. We obtained 18 mitotically stable transformed isolates showing green fluorescence protein activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to correlate the occurrence of particular root and woody stump surface components with the ability of spores of the root rot fungus (Heterobasidion annosum) to adhere, germinate and establish on conifer tissues. With the aid of high performance liquid chromatography, several sugars (pinitol, xylitol, dulcitol, mannitol, D-glucose, mannose, fructose) were detected on both stump and fine root surfaces of Scots pine and Norway spruce. Of all the sugars observed, xylose and arabinose were poorly utilized for initiation of germ tube growth whereas spore germination was enhanced in the presence of D-glucose, mannose or fructose. Oxidation of these sugars by pretreatment of wood discs or roots with periodic acid abolished the ability of the spores to germinate. Non-sugar components such as long chain fatty acids on spores and root surfaces as detected with nuclear magnetic resonance were found to have a significant influence on adhesion and initiation of germ tube development. Removal of these aliphatic compounds from the root surface increased spore germination by 2-fold, whereas similar treatment on spores led to a 5-fold decrease in adhesiveness to root material. In vitro studies revealed that the di-ethyl ether extract from the roots had no long term adverse effect on spore germination which suggests that the fungus may possess the capability to detoxify this substance. Similarly, adhesion of spores was affected by low and freezing temperatures. The role of significant levels of mannitol and trehalose accumulated in spores and hyphae of the fungi on viability, survival and tolerance to adverse conditions such as oxidative stress, freezing and desiccation are discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a sensitive, efficient and reproducible technique for studying gene expression. Identification of stably expressed reference genes is required to avoid bias in these studies yet mostly unvalidated reference genes are used in studying gene expression in Clostridium difficile. Here, we sought to identify a set of stable reference genes used to normalize C. difficile expression data comparing exponential versus stationary phases of growth. Eight candidate reference genes (rpoA, rrs, gyrA, gluD, adk, rpsJ, tpi, and rho) were assessed in 3 C. difficile genotypes (ribotypes 027, 078, and 001). The primers were analyzed for efficiency and the 8 genes were ranked according to their stability. Overall, the genes rrs, adk, and rpsJ ranked among the most stable. Identification of the most stable genes was, however, strain dependent and suggests that selection of reference genes in a heterogeneous species, such as C. difficile, requires multiple genes to be assessed to confirm their stability within the strains being studied.  相似文献   

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