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Metridia longa is a marine copepod from which a blue bioluminescence originates as a secretion from epidermal glands in response to various stimuli. We demonstrate that Metridia luciferase is specific for coelenterazine to produce blue light (lambda(max) = 480 nm). Using an expression cDNA library and functional screening, we cloned and sequenced the cDNA encoding the Metridia luciferase. The cDNA is an 897-bp fragment with a 656-bp open reading frame, which encodes a 219-amino acid polypeptide with a molecular weight of 23,885. The polypeptide contains an N-terminal signal peptide of 17 amino acid residues for secretion. On expression of the Metridia luciferase gene in mammalian Chinese hamster ovary cells the luciferase is detected in the culture medium confirming the existence of a naturally occurring signal peptide for secretion in the cloned luciferase. The novel secreted luciferase was tested in a practical assay application in which the activity of A2a and NPY2 G-protein-coupled receptors was detected. These results clearly suggest that the secreted Metridia luciferase is well suited as a reporter for monitoring gene expression and, in particular, for the development of novel ultrahigh throughput screening technologies.  相似文献   

OATP2B1 is an important member of the organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATP) family and is implicated in the intestinal and hepatic disposition of endo- and xenobiotics. The purpose of this work was to produce a highly purified protein for use as a reference standard for quantification of OATP2B1 in human tissue and in vitro assay systems. Here, we report the successful expression, purification and characterization of OATP2B1 in a heterologous expression system. Protein expressed by the Sf9-baculovirus expression system is functionally active as demonstrated by saturable uptake kinetics with a K(m) of 5.9+/-0.76 microM for estrone-3-sulfate. OATP2B1 was extracted from Sf9-membranes with ABS-14-4 detergent and purified using a one-step FLAG-tag purification method. Yield of OATP2B1 from Sf9 cells was 1.1mg per liter of culture, for a final recovery of 1.8%. SDS-PAGE resolution and Western blot of purified protein displayed multiple banding of OATP2B1-specific protein, which was thoroughly investigated to confirm homogeneity of the sample. C-terminal FLAG-tag purification and immunoblot detection, together with N-terminal sequencing, confirmed the presence of only full-length protein. Treatment with endoglycosidases had little effect on the migration pattern in SDS-PAGE, suggesting that multiple banding was not due to different glycosylation states of the protein. Amino acid analysis further confirmed the homogeneity of the protein with a calculated extinction coefficient of 80,387 cm(-1) M(-1). Physical, biochemical and functional characterization show that purified human OATP2B1 is pure, homogeneous and appropriate for use as a standard to quantitate expression of OATP2B1 in in vitro systems and tissue samples.  相似文献   

The human dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26 (DPPIV/CD26) is a multifunctional type-II membrane bound glycoprotein. As a receptor of collagen I and fibronectin it mediates cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, and by interacting with extracellular adenosine deaminase and CD45 it is involved in regulatory and costimulatory events in the immune system. DPPIV/CD26 has a very distinct substrate specificity, and is potentially capable of truncating many cytokines, chemokines, and peptide hormones. In this study, we describe the overexpression, purification, and characterization of human DPPIV/CD26 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells, using the baculovirus system. Overexpression of DPPIV/CD26 was confirmed by measurement of its peptidase specificity, SDS-PAGE, and Western blot analyses. Expression rates were between 6.4 and 17.6 mg protein per liter suspension culture (1.5 x 10(9)cells). The N-linked oligosaccharide composition was examined and compared with that of mammalian cell-expressed DPPIV/CD26. Two-step purification by immunoaffinity chromatography and size-exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography (SE-FPLC) led to highly stable protein with significant peptidase activity. A subsequent gel filtration step on a Superdex 200 column yielded 2mg homogeneous dimeric DPPIV/CD26 (per liter insect cell culture) for crystallographic studies. Protein homogeneity was confirmed by silver staining of non-denaturating PAGE gels and by MALDI-TOF analysis of tryptic peptides.  相似文献   

An aspartic protease that is significantly produced by baculovirus-infected Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 insect cells was purified to homogeneity from a growth medium. To monitor aspartic protease activity, an internally quenched fluoresce (IQF) substrate specific to cathepsin D was used. The purified aspartic protease showed a single protein band on SDS-PAGE with an apparent molecular mass of 40 kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme had a high homology to a Bombyx mori aspartic protease. The enzyme showed greatest affinity for the IQF substrate at pH 3.0 with a K(m) of 0.85 μM. The k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) values were 13 s(-1) and 15 s(-1) μM(-1) respectively. Pepstatin A proved to be a potent competitive inhibitor with inhibitor constant, K(i), of 25 pM.  相似文献   

We cloned two forms of the secreted and thermostable luciferase genes, MpLuc1 and MpLuc2, from the marine copepod, Metridia pacifica. The 840-bp MpLuc1 cDNA comprised a 630-bp open reading frame encoding a 210-amino acid polypeptide (22.7 kDa). MpLuc1 had the closest homology with Metridia longa luciferase. The 753-bp MpLuc2 cDNA consisted of a 567-bp open reading frame (20.3 kDa), and it had the closest homology with Gaussia princeps luciferase. Single-specimen genomic PCR confirmed the presence of two luciferase genes in M. pacifica, and single-specimen RT-PCR revealed that both luciferase mRNAs were expressed. Both MpLuc1 and MpLuc2 (MpLucs) specifically reacted with the substrate coelenterazine producing identical bioluminescent spectra (lambdamax, 485 nm), but with different kinetics. Adding salt such as MgCl2 and CaCl2 to the reaction mixture significantly enhanced MpLuc1 and MpLuc2 activities. Wild-type MpLucs were remarkably thermostable; MpLuc1 retained about 60% of the original activity even after incubation at 90 degrees C for 30 min. MpLucs expressed in NIH-3T3 and HeLa cells were largely secreted into the culture medium. Continuous monitoring of secreted MpLuc1 driven by the c-fos promoter demonstrated the potential usefulness of MpLuc1 in nondisruptive reporter assays.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase B (Ap-B) is a ubiquitous enzyme and its physiological function still remains an open question. This Zn2+ -exopeptidase catalyzes the amino-terminal cleavage of basic residues of peptide or protein substrates, indicating a role in precursor processing. In addition, the enzyme exhibits a residual capacity to hydrolyze leukotriene A4 (LTA4) into the pro-inflammatory lipid mediator leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in vitro. This potential bi-functional nature of Ap-B is supported by a close structural relationship with LTA4 hydrolase, which hydrolyzes LTA4 into LTB4, in vivo, and exhibits an aminopeptidase activity, in vitro. Structural studies are necessary for the detailed understanding of the bi-functional enzymatic mechanism of Ap-B. In this study, we report cDNA cloning, baculovirus expression, and purification of the rat Ap-B (rAp-B). The Ap-B cDNA was constructed from extracted rat testes total RNA and introduced into the pBAC1 baculovirus transfer vector to generate recombinant baculoviruses. rAp-B expression, with or without COOH-hexahistidine tag, was tested in two different insect cell hosts (Sf9 and H5). The enzyme is secreted into the insect cell culture medium, which allowed a rapid purification of the protein. The His-tagged rAp-B was purified using metal affinity resin while the native recombinant rAp-B was partially purified using a single step DEAE Trisacryl ion exchange column. Although the recombinant rAp-B exhibits biochemical properties equivalent to those of the rat testes purified protein, the presence of the histidine-tag seems to partially inhibit the exopeptidase activity. However, this report shows that baculovirus-infected cells are a useful system to produce rat Ap-B for use in studying enzymatic mechanisms in vitro and 3D structure.  相似文献   

Endonucleases that cleave ssDNA under conditions that minimize the formation of secondary structures were detected in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells. One endonuclease was purified from Sf9 cells and another from Sf9 cells infected by baculoviruses. Polynucleotides containing an A- or T-tract, or a CAP binding region were digested in the presence of ATP at low Mg ions with these two nucleases. ATP could be replaced by citrate but not by EDTA. The cleavage patterns were different from those obtained with endonuclease I and exonuclease VII of Escherichia coli. The cleavages were dependent on the sequence of the polynucleotides but not associated with specific bases. EndoSfV cleaved mainly AT-rich regions.  相似文献   

This paper considers features of the external morphology and internal structure of the genital system of adult males and females of Metridia longa Lubbock from the White Sea, as well as related with them features of reproduction biology of this mass Arctic copepod. Males of M. longa are dimorphically asymmetric. In the population, there are two morphotypes, which are mirror images of each other. Asymmetry manifests in them as the presence of a right (males ??righties??) or left (males ??lefties??) geniculate antenna, structure of the fifth pair of swimming legs, and location of an unpaired gonad and genital opening. The relative position of these structures is linked together. In females, there are two widely spaced copulator pores that lead to the two spermathecae not connected to each other. The latter, in turn, are connected to two gonopores, through which shedding of eggs occurs. The vast majority of the females in the studied population M. longa in all seasons of the year had only one filled spermatheca, either the right or the left. The females with bilateral insemination also occurred, but did not exceed 2.7% of all specimens. The ratio of females with the right and left filled spermathecae and ??right-handed?? and ??left-handed?? males suggests that the male morphotype determines in which spermathecae male gonads are most likely to get into. The presence of females with two filled spermathecae implicates insemination by two males of different morphotypes. Since each spermatheca is connected to only one of the two oviducts, it is assumed that a half of the eggs produced by unilateral inseminated females remains not fertilized. The morphology of genital structures and literature data on the egg production of M. longa indicate that almost a half of eggs produced by females is not viable and thus wasted.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on the bioluminescence potential andegg release rate of adult female Metridia longa were examinedduring a cruise in the marginal ice zone of the Greenland Seain April–May, 1989. Periods of starvation of up to 3 weekshad no significant effect on bioluminescence potential, whilerelease of eggs by adult females decreased from a maximum of3 eggs per female per day to no egg release after 10 days ofstarvation. It is suggested that egg release is dependent onrecently ingested food and seasonally timed by the ovanan maturationperiod, while stored food reserves are used for metabolic maintenanceincluding emission of bioluminescence, during periods of lowfood abundance.  相似文献   

Sf21 cells, derived from the Spodoptera frugiperda pupa, are commonly used for the heterologous expression of proteins. While purifying recombinant proteins from this system we encountered a protease, secreted at high levels by Sf21 cells, that readily degraded recombinant proteins and also tended to co-purify with histidine-tagged proteins from Ni(2+) affinity columns. Purification and characterization of the protease revealed that it has many properties consistent with cysteine proteases of the papain family, including autoactivation under reducing conditions and acidic pH, and inhibition by E-64. Amino acid sequence analysis showed that the Sf21 enzyme may be identical to a putative insect procathepsin L cloned from the cotton bollworm. The subsite specificity of the Sf21 cathepsin and its inhibition profile by cystatins are consistent with the protease being an insect homologue of cathepsin L. Monoclonal antibodies useful for the detection and purification of the insect cathepsin L were developed.  相似文献   

Physiological cell death (PCD) in Sf9 insect cell batch cultures was comprehensively characterized using simultaneous determinations of qualitative and quantitative assays, including agarose gel electrophoresis, confocal, epifluorescence, and transmission electron microscopy, and DNA content by flow cytometry. Results were compared to hybridoma cultures where abundant information of apoptosis exists. Both cultures shared some typical apoptosis features, including cell shrinkage, loss of sphericity, swollen endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, chromatin condensation, and specific DNA degradation. However, distinctive morphological and kinetic differences between both cultures revealed that Sf9 cells died by an atypical PCD process characterized by absence of nuclear fragmentation, scarce association of condensed chromatin to the nuclear envelope, swollen mitochondria, and high nonspecific DNA degradation. These features, distinctive of necrosis, were not observed in the normal apoptotic process of hybridomas. Glucose depletion marked the appearance of apoptotic Sf9 cells, which there up on increased gradually, whereas apoptotic hybridomas rapidly increased upon glutamine depletion. Furthermore, active phagocytosis was found in Sf9 viable cells, a characteristic phenomenon during in vivo apoptosis but uncommon for in vitro cultures. Sf9 cells contained unusually high numbers of phagosomes, particularly after glucose depletion. Additionally, few apoptotic bodies accumulated in culture, suggesting their elimination by phagocytosis. Other distinctive characteristics of Sf9 cells were the presence of a polynucleated hypertrophic population fraction, polyploidy, cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase, and more necrosis compared to hybridomas. Such phenomena prevented a reliable quantification of apoptosis from determination of the sub-G1 peak. Nonetheless, emergence of a bimodal Sf9 cell size distribution coincided with the increase in the sub-G1 population and onset of death. The fraction of particles in the smaller peak (6-11 microm diameter) closely correlated with the fractions of apoptotic bodies, late apoptotic, and secondary necrotic cells. Accordingly, Sf9 cell size was shown to be an effective, rapid, and simple parameter for quantifying death. Altogether, the results of this study provide new insights into PCD and other phenomena in insect cell culture important for biotechnological applications of Sf9 cells.  相似文献   

Monoglyceride lipase (MGL) has been produced with the baculovirus-insect cell system. The mouse MGL cDNA was subcloned into a baculovirus transfer vector in frame with a sequence encoding an N-terminal stretch of six histidine residues. Purification to apparent homogeneity was obtained by nickel-chelating chromatography. The final yield was 3 mg of pure enzymatically active MGL per liter of Sf9 cell suspension culture. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry showed that the recombinant histidine-tagged enzyme had the expected molecular mass. With monoolein as substrate, the specific activity and the apparent K(m) were close to those of rat MGL of adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) play important roles in the function and regulation of the central nervous system. Structural studies are necessary for the detailed understanding of their mechanisms of action. However, overexpression and purification of functional receptors in quantities required for these studies proves to be a major challenge. In this study we report the overexpression of a Drosophila melanogaster mGluR (DmGluRA) by using a baculovirus-insect cell expression system. Expression was tested in two different insect cell hosts (Sf9 and Hi5) and analyzed by performing expression kinetics. Pharmacological characterization of the recombinant receptor by radioactive glutamate binding assays showed a profile similar to group II mGluRs, as previously reported, when the receptor was expressed in mammalian systems. The B(max) value reached 11 pM receptor/mg Sf9-membrane protein. A monoclonal antibody against DmGluRA was generated by genetic immunization and used to purify the receptor.  相似文献   

We constructed a mouse PC6B truncated mutant and introduced a tag of 6 consecutive histidines at its carboxyl terminus for simple purification. Using the baculovirus expression system and standard enzymatic assay, we obtained recombinant mouse PC6B protein and with enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Guanylyl cyclase (GC)-C, a single-transmembrane receptor protein for heat-stable enterotoxin, guanylin, and uroguanylin, and its N-terminal extracellular domain were prepared at a high level of expression from a system constructed of Sf21 insect cells and recombinant baculovirus. The recombinant GC-C, containing the complete sequence, retained its binding affinity to heat-stable enterotoxin with a KD value (6.2 x 10(-10) M) and cyclase catalytic activity at a level similar to those of GC-C expressed in mammalian cell lines, such as COS-7. The N-terminal extracellular domain was prepared in a form which contained the hexahistidine tail at its C-terminus and was purified as a homogenous protein by Con A and Ni-chelating affinity chromatography from the culture medium of the insect cells. The purified N-terminal extracellular domain of GC-C exhibited the high (KD = 4 x 10(-10) M) and low (KD = 7 x 10(-8) M) affinity sites in binding to heat-stable enterotoxin. These results clearly indicate that the N-terminal extracellular domain of GC-C possesses the same biochemical characteristics as the complete GC-C protein even in the membrane-free form. Moreover, the extracellular domain is able to form an oligomer in a ligand-dependent manner, suggesting that the N-terminal extracellular domains interact with one another in binding to ligands.  相似文献   

To generate hemoglobin-free full-length haptoglobin the cDNA encoding rat haptoglobin alphabeta subunits was cloned into shuttle vector pVT-Bac-His and used to produce a recombinant baculovirus Autographa californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (AcNPV) as an expression vector, named HpAcNPV. Recombinant virus was used to infect Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells. The 50 kDa protein expressed was mostly secreted into the culture medium at relatively high titer (15 microg/mL) and was found to be rat prohaptoglobin having a vector-derived N-terminal extension of 37 amino acids, containing both a hexahistidine tag and an enterokinase recognition sequence. The protein was successfully purified by a three step procedure including nickel-linked agarose and DEAE-Sepharose chromatography steps. Hemoglobin was not detected in the purified preparations. Purified recombinant rat prohaptoglobin protein was also found to be glycosylated, and to be capable of forming a complex with rat hemoglobin in vitro.  相似文献   

Neurturin (NTN), a potent neurotrophic factor acting specifically on dopaminergic neurons, is comprised of 102 amino acids as a mature protein. We artificially synthesized a gene for mature human NTN (hNTN) using codons preferred by the yeast Pichia pastoris. This synthesized gene, fused in frame with sequences encoding the alpha-factor signal peptide gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cloned into P. pastoris expression vector pPIC9K. The recombinant plasmid pPIC9K-alpha-hNTN was then transformed into the yeast and stable multicopy recombinant P. pastoris strains were selected by G418 resistance. SDS-PAGE and Western blot assays of culture broth from a methanol-induced expression strain demonstrated that recombinant hNTN, a 16kDa glycosylated protein, was secreted into the culture medium. The recombinant protein was purified to greater than 95% using CM-Sepharose ion exchange and Superdex 75 size-exclusion chromatography steps. Bioactivity of the recombinant hNTN was confirmed by the ability of the protein to stimulate growth of nerve fibers from the dorsal root ganglia of chick embryos in vitro.  相似文献   

Testican-2 is a member of the testican group of brain extracellular proteoglycans where a 45 kDa modular protein core is composed of a follistatin-like domain, a calcium-binding domain, a thyroglobulin type-1 (Tg1) domain and an acid C-terminal region with glycosaminoglycan attachment sites. The modular structure suggests that it could participate in various interactions. The aim of the present study was to express and characterize a recombinant human testican-2 in quantities sufficient for structural and functional studies. Human cDNA coding for a 422 amino acid testican-2 protein was cloned into the pFastBac1 vector and expressed in the Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cell expression system. The protein was purified to homogeneity by three chromatographic steps using the His(6) tag in the first two steps and ion exchange chromatography as last one. The final yield of purified recombinant testican-2 was up to 3.5 mg/L culture medium and its molecular mass determined by SDS-PAGE was approximately 55 kDa. Analysis by enzymatic deglycosylation revealed presence of N-linked sugars with a total mass of 4 kDa. In contrast to the Tg1 domain of testican-1, which acts as an inhibitor of the lysosomal cysteine peptidase cathepsin L, the Tg1 domain of testican-2 did not inhibit cathepsins L, B, K and S. We identified the C1q subcomponent of complement component C1 as a potential interacting partner of testican-2. The C1q subcomponent is a recognition molecule which acts in concert with other C1 subcomponents to activate the classical pathway of complement activation. The reported new interaction could be of importance in various complement-mediated inflammatory and other immune processes.  相似文献   

Insect cytokine, growth-blocking peptide (GBP), enhances cell proliferation of human keratinocyte cells with a potency almost equivalent to that of human epidermal growth factor (EGF). GBP consists of 25 amino acid residues containing a core region that shows a striking similarity to the C-terminal beta-loop domain of EGF and disordered N and C termini. The present study demonstrates that, although GBP lacks the N-terminal half-portion of EGF molecule, at least five amino acids of the disordered N-terminal six-amino acid region are indispensable for affecting the cell growth activity of GBP. Upon stimulating mitogenesis in keratinocyte cells, GBP directly binds and activates their EGF receptors. GBP also effects proliferative activity on insect Sf9 cells through the binding and activation of the specific receptor, which consists of a heterodimeric complex: a binding subunit (60 kDa) and a tyrosine phosphorylation subunit (58 kDa). These results indicate that GBP enhances cell proliferation of human keratinocyte and insect Sf9 cells through the activation of EGF and GBP receptors, respectively.  相似文献   

Structural studies of asparagine-linked glycoproteins are complicated by the oligosaccharide heterogeneity inherent to individual glycosylation sites. Herein, we report the cloning of a novel isoform of avian Thy-1 and the subsequent expression, purification, and characterization of a soluble form of Thy-1 from Lec1 mammalian and Tn5 insect cells. The novel isoform of Thy-1 differs from the previously reported chicken isoform by eight amino acid residues, but these changes do not alter the secondary structure content, the disulfide bond pattern, or the sites of glycosylation. The disulfide linkage pattern and glycoform distribution on each N-glycosylation site of recombinant chicken Thy-1 from both cell lines were determined by a combination of amino-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry. The mass spectral data showed that the amino-terminal glutamine was modified to pyroglutamate. Recombinant Thy-1 from Lec1 cells contained (GlcNAc)(2)(Man)(5) on asparagine 60, whereas the oligosaccharides on asparagine 23 and 100 contained approximately 80% (GlcNAc)(2)(Man)(4) and approximately 20% (GlcNAc)(2)(Man)(5). The glycoforms on Thy-1 expressed in Tn5 cells were more heterogeneous, with the oligosaccharides ranging over (GlcNAc)(2)(Fuc)(0-2)(Man)(2-3) on each site. The ability to generate recombinant glycoproteins with restricted carbohydrate heterogeneity is the first step toward the systematic study of structure-function relationships in intact glycoproteins.  相似文献   

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