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In model experiments with the use of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), two pathways of transport of substances to the adenohypophysis were studied, as well as the distribution of the tracer in the latter organ. The first pathway allows the tracer to penetrate from the intercellular milieu of the median eminence below the meningeal sheath covering the adenohypophysis to the surface of the pituitary gland. The second pathway transports the tracer via the capillaries of the hypophysial portal circulation to the interior of the glandular parenchyma. These results show (i) that the meningeal sheath establishes a barrier between the hemal milieu of the pituitary and the hemal milieu of the general circulation, and (ii) that the tracer reaching the adenohypophysis via both routes is found in the intercellular clefts of the glandular parenchyma only to a limited extent. By means of conventional electron microscopy, intercellular contacts between hormone-producing adenohypophysial cells are observed resembling focal tight junctions. Between the membranes of entwined processes of stellate cells, only small maculae adhaerentes are found. Freeze-etch studies on unfixed adenohypophyses reveal zonulae occludentes between the durafacing layers of the meningeal sheath and focal maculae occludentes between parenchymal cells. Additional tissue-culture experiments with adenohypophysial cells directly exposed to HRP reveal a gradual cessation of the labeling process in the intercellular clefts in accord with the observations from the in-vivo experiments, as well as intercellular focal tight junctions between individual hormone-producing cells.  相似文献   

Summary With the aid of electron microscopic immunocytochemistry following the application of antisera against somatostatin and luliberin (LRF), a labeling of the intercellular clefts in different areas of the brain was observed. This labeling is especially conspicuous near the basal pole of the cuboidal ependymal cells, but is also generally present in all regions containing neurohormone-producing perikarya or their processes (for example, the preoptic area, the basal ganglia and the cortex).Furthermore, in all these regions displaying labeled intercellular clefts, glialike cells and sparsely ciliated ependymal cells are found, the secondary lysosomes of which exhibit an immunoreactivity resembling that observed in the intercellular clefts.As sources of the immunoreactive material the following possibilities are discussed: (i) perikarya producing somatostatin or LRF, situated in the wall of the third ventricle and sending fibers between the cuboidal ependymal cells, (ii) hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic projections of both peptidergic systems, and (iii) in the case of somatostatin, immunoreactive perikarya in the cortex.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and Stiftung VolkswagenwerkDedicated to Professor Walter Kirsche on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Computational studies of chondrocyte mechanics, and cell mechanics in general, have typically been performed using single cell models embedded in an extracellular matrix construct. The assumption of a single cell microstructural model may not capture intercellular interactions or accurately reflect the macroscale mechanics of cartilage when higher cell concentrations are considered, as may be the case in many instances. Hence, the goal of this study was to compare cell-level response of single and eleven cell biphasic finite element models, where the latter provided an anatomically based cellular distribution representative of the actual number of cells for a commonly used \(100 \, \upmu \hbox {m}\) edge cubic representative volume in the middle zone of cartilage. Single cell representations incorporated a centered single cell model and eleven location-corrected single cell models, the latter to delineate the role of cell placement in the representative volume element. A stress relaxation test at 10% compressive strain was adopted for all simulations. During transient response, volume- averaged chondrocyte mechanics demonstrated marked differences (up to 60% and typically greater than 10%) for the centered single versus the eleven cell models, yet steady-state loading was similar. Cell location played a marked role, due to inhomogeneity of the displacement and fluid pressure fields at the macroscopic scale. When the single cell representation was corrected for cell location, the transient response was consistent, while steady-state differences on the order of 1–4% were realized, which may be attributed to intercellular mechanical interactions. Anatomical representations of the superficial and deep zones, where cells reside in close proximity, may exhibit greater intercellular interactions, but these have yet to be explored.  相似文献   

An impulse propagating in a cell with nonuniform geometry sees an increased electrical load at regions of increasing diameter or at branch points with certain morphologies. We present here theoretical and experimental studies on the changes in membrane current and axial current associated with diameter changes. The theoretical studies were done with numerical solutions for cable equations that were generalized to include a varying diameter; the Hodgkin-Huxley equations were used to represent the membrane properties. The experimental studied were done using squid axons with the axial insertion of platinized platinum wires to create a localized region of increased electrical load. As an action potential approaches a region of increased electrical load, the action potential amplitude and rate of rise decrease, but there is a marked increase in the magnitude of the inward sodium current. The time integrals of the inward and outward currents are not constant along the fiber and indicate net inward charge movement at regions subjected to an increased electrical load. Changes in the waveform of the axial current at such a region help to explain the temperature dependence of propagation failure at regions of increasing electrical load.  相似文献   

The ability of legume nodules to regulate their permeability to gas diffusion has been attributed to physiological control over the size and distribution of gas-filed intercellular spaces within the nodule cortex. To examine the size and distribution of intercellular spaces and to determine whether they were filled with gas (high diffusion permeability) or liquid (low diffusion permeability), whole nodules were frozen in liquid nitrogen slush (-210°C), and then either cryo-fractured or cryo-planed before being examined by cold-stage scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cryo-planed tissue was found to have many advantages over cryo-fractured nodules in providing images which were easier to interpret and quantify. Intercellular spaces throughout the nodule were examined in both tangential and medial planed faces. Since no differences were observed between views in either the size or shape of the open intercellular spaces, it was concluded that the intercellular spaces of nodules were not radially oriented as assumed in many mathematical models of gas diffusion. The inner cortex region in the nodules had the smallest intercellular spaces compared to other zones, and less than 10% of the intercellular spaces were occluded with any type of material in the central zone regions. Vacuum infiltration of nodules with salt solutions and subsequent cryo-planing for SEM examination showed that open and water-filled intercellular spaces could be differentiated. The potential is discussed for using this method to study the mechanism of diffusion barrier regulation in legume nodules.  相似文献   

Cells often communicate by means of periodic signals, as exemplified by a large number of hormones and by the aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum amebas in response to periodic pulses of cyclic AMP. Periodic signaling allows bypassing the phenomenon of desensitization brought about by constant stimuli. To gain further insight into the efficiency of pulsatile signaling, we analyze the effect of periodic stimulation on the dynamic behavior of a receptor system capable of desensitization toward its ligand. We first show that the receptor system adapts to square-wave stimuli, i.e., the response eventually reaches a steady, periodic pattern after a transient phase. By analyzing the dependence of the response on the characteristics of the square-wave stimulation, we show that there exist a waveform and a period of that signal that result in maximum responsiveness of the target system. Similar results are obtained when the signal takes the more realistic form of a periodically repeated stimulation followed by exponential decay of the ligand. The results are discussed with respect to the role of pulsatile secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) by the hypothalamus and of periodic signaling by cyclic AMP pulses in Dictyostelium. The analysis accounts for the existence, in both cases, of an optimal frequency and waveform of the periodic stimulus that correspond to maximum target cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

Both N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase A and B (EC are continuously secreted by normal cultured fibroblasts and can be taken up by deficient Sandhoff cells without cellular contact. The absence of intercellular transfer of β-galactosidase (EC and acid α-glucosidase (EC in cocultivations of normal and deficient fibroblasts is accompanied by very low extracellular activities of these enzymes in cultures of normal fibroblasts. For each of the hydrolases tested an appreciable amount of activity was found in the “pericellular” fraction. N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase which has been taken up by deficient Sandhoff cells has an intracellular half-life of 6 days. The ingested intracellular enzyme, which is presumably localized in the lysosomes, is partly transferred to the pericellular fraction, and to the extracellular fraction. The results are discussed in relation to the secretion-recapture model proposed by Hickman and Neufeld.  相似文献   

Contraction ofsmooth muscle in visceral organs is modified by structures external tothe muscle. Within muscle tissue itself, connective tissue plays animportant role in force transference among the contractile cells.Connections arranged radially can affect contractile mechanics bylimiting tissue expansion at short lengths. Previous work suggests thatincreased stiffness at extreme shortening is due to such radialconstraints. Two approaches to further study of these effects arereported. To increase radial constraints, very thin Silastic bands wereplaced loosely about strips of canine trachealis muscle at rest length.The strips were allowed to shorten under light afterloads, expandinguntil restrained by the bands. Subsequent removal of the bands allowed increased shortening, with less increase in stiffness at short lengths.Related isometric effects were observed. To reduce constraints, musclestrips were partially digested with collagenase. Compared with controlconditions, this treatment permitted further shortening, with lessincrease in stiffness at short lengths. These results emphasize therole of extracellular structures in determining mechanical function ofsmooth muscle.


白花油麻藤的地理分布及适生区预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白花油麻藤是豆科黧豆属大型木质藤本植物。运用Diva-Gis软件,结合海拔高度图层和植被图层绘制了白花油麻藤的地理分布图,分析了白花油麻藤的分布规律和生境特性;以Maxent模型作为物种适生性预测模型,温度和降水作为预测的环境因子,预测了白花油麻藤在中国的适生区。结果表明:白花油麻藤在中国27.5°N以南中低海拔10~1200m有分布,如山坡、路旁、沟谷、溪边及林下灌丛;喜温暖湿润气候,广东为白花油麻藤分布最为密集的地区。白花油麻藤的分布与植被类型和海拔有着密切的关系,分布区的植被类型为亚热带常绿阔叶林和热带季雨林,随着植被分布密度的降低和海拔的升高白花油麻藤的分布范围和分布密度呈逐渐缩小的趋势。白花油麻藤在中国的潜在分布区为粤、桂、闽、港、澳、滇、琼、赣、川、黔、藏、湘、浙等省区及交界处,其种质资源的保存及其利用应考虑其潜在分布区。  相似文献   

Protein clefts in molecular recognition and function.   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
One of the primary factors determining how proteins interact with other molecules is the size of clefts in the protein's surface. In enzymes, for example, the active site is often characterized by a particularly large and deep cleft, while interactions between the molecules of a protein dimer tend to involve approximately planar surfaces. Here we present an analysis of how cleft volumes in proteins relate to their molecular interactions and functions. Three separate datasets are used, representing enzyme-ligand binding, protein-protein dimerization and antibody-antigen complexes. We find that, in single-chain enzymes, the ligand is bound in the largest cleft in over 83% of the proteins. Usually the largest cleft is considerably larger than the others, suggesting that size is a functional requirement. Thus, in many cases, the likely active sites of an enzyme can be identified using purely geometrical criteria alone. In other cases, where there is no predominantly large cleft, chemical interactions are required for pinpointing the correct location. In antibody-antigen interactions the antibody usually presents a large cleft for antigen binding. In contrast, protein-protein interactions in homodimers are characterized by approximately planar interfaces with several clefts involved. However, the largest cleft in each subunit still tends to be involved.  相似文献   

AimInvasive alien species (IAS) threaten ecosystems and humans worldwide, and future climate change may accelerate the expansion of IAS. Predicting the suitable areas of IAS can prevent their further expansion. Ageratina adenophora is an invasive weed over 30 countries in tropical and subtropical regions. However, the potential suitable areas of A. adenophora remain unclear along with its response to climate change. This study explored and mapped the current and future potential suitable areas of Ageratina adenophora.LocationGlobal.TaxaAsteraceae A. adenophora (Spreng.) R.M.King & H.Rob. Commonly known as Crofton weed.MethodsBased on A. adenophora occurrence data and climate data, we predicted its suitable areas of this weed under current and future (four RCPs in 2050 and 2070) by MaxEnt model. We used ArcGIS 10.4 to explore the potential suitable area distribution characteristics of this weed and the “ecospat” package in R to analyze its altitudinal distribution changes.ResultsThe area under the curve (AUC) value (>0.9) and true skill statistics (TSS) value (>0.8) indicated excelled model performance. Among environment factors, mean temperature of coldest quarter contributed most to the model. Globally, the suitable areas for A. adenophora invasion decreased under climate change scenarios, although regional increases were observed, including in six biodiversity hotspot regions. The potential suitable areas of A. adenophora under climate change would expand in regions with higher elevation (3,000–3,500 m).Main conclusionsMean temperature of coldest quarter was the most important variable influencing the potential suitable area of A. Adenophora. Under the background of a warming climate, the potential suitable area of A. adenophora will shrink globally but increase in six biodiversity hotspot regions. The potential suitable area of Aadenophora would expand at higher elevation (3,000–3,500 m) under climate change. Mountain ecosystems are of special concern as they are rich in biodiversity and sensitive to climate change, and increasing human activities provide more opportunities for IAS invasion.  相似文献   

Y Palti  G Ganot    R Stmpfli 《Biophysical journal》1976,16(3):261-273
The kinetics of potassium conductance changes were determined in the voltage clamped frog node (Rana esculenta), as a function of conditioning prepotential. The conditioning potential duration varied from 1 to 50 ms and the amplitude between -60 and +130 mV (relative to rest). The conductance kinetics were determined at a single test potential of +20 mV (depolarization) by means of the slope of log [ninfinity - nt] vs. time relationship which defines the time constant of the process (tau). The values of tau, after conditioning hyperpolarizations, were around 5 ms, up to 10 times greater than values obtained following a strong depolarization. The tau vs. pre-potential curve was sigmoid in shape. These differences were only slightly dependent on [K+]0 or conditioning pulse duration. The steady-state current values were also found to be a function of conditioning potential. After conditioning hyperpolarizations, the log [ninfinity - nt] vs. time curve could not be fitted by a single exponent regardless of the power of n chosen. The prepotential dependency of potassium current kinetics is inconsistent with the Hodgkin-Huxley axon model where the conductance parameters are assumed to be in either one of two possible states, and where the rate of transfer from one state to the other follows first order kinetics. In contrast the described kinetics may be consistent with complex multistate potassium "channel" models or membranes consisting of a number of types of channels.  相似文献   

Predicting the potential invaded range of a non-native species is an important tool for conservation biology. The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is a known invasive species outside its native range and has recently been confirmed as a feral species in Ireland. To determine the current distribution of feral populations, an all-island survey was conducted during 2006–2008. Using the results of this survey, a landscape modelling approach, using presence-only data was applied to predict the potential future range of this species in Ireland, given the availability of suitable habitat. The results suggest that Ireland appears to be potentially highly suitable for ferrets and, therefore, the possible ecological impacts of this species in Ireland are discussed.  相似文献   

Sanguinarine, a benzophenanthridine alkaloid, causes a initial stimulation of frog skin short circuit current Isc when present in the mucosal bathing medium at 10(-4) M. The stimulation is accompanied by an increase in spontaneous potential difference (PD) and increase in D.C. resistance. No effects are seen with sanguinarine in the serosal bathing medium. The initial stimulation is followed by a decrease in Isc and PD, but a continued increase in resistance. In skins whose initial spontaneous PD is high, no initial stimulation in Isc and PD is seen; however, clamping these skins to a lower potential does not alter their initial inhibitory response to sanguinarine. Likewise, clamping the lower potential skins to higher potential does not alter their initial stimulatory response. Sanguinarine seems to be acting on the permeability barriers at the outer surface of the frog skin.  相似文献   

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