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蓝浆果叶片高效再生体系的建立   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以高丛蓝浆果(V accin ium corym bosum)叶片为外植体,研究了影响离体再生的多个因素,建立了高效的再生体系。结果表明:改良1/2 M S ZR 5 m g.L-1培养基最适合不定芽分化,再生率达100%。不同节位叶片对蓝浆果叶片不定芽的分化具显著效应,以幼嫩的1~2节位的叶片比较容易分化不定芽;叶片远轴面接触培养基、叶片创造伤口和不经暗处理或短时间处理有利于不定芽分化。低浓度IBA有利于叶片再生茎段的生根,在改良1/2 M S IBA 0.1 m g.L-1培养基上蓝丰(B luecrop)生根率为66.7%,而伯克利(B erk ly)仅为33.3%。  相似文献   

以南烛( Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb.)组培苗离体叶片为实验材料,研究了不同培养条件对其不定芽再生状况的影响并筛选出最适培养条件。结果表明:基本培养基类型、生长调节剂种类及质量浓度、琼脂和蔗糖质量浓度、外植体类型、外植体接种方式和暗培养时间均对南烛离体叶片不定芽的出芽时间和再生率、外植体干枯率以及不定芽的生长状况有明显影响。南烛离体叶片不定芽再生的最佳培养条件为:以中脉横切2次的叶片为外植体,以近轴面面向培养基的方式接种;以1/2MS-1/2WPM为基本培养基,添加7.5 g·L-1琼脂、25.0 g·L-1蔗糖、0.5 mg·L-1 TDZ、5.0 mg·L-12ip或4.0 mg·L-1 ZT,暗培养21 d后转至光照度2000 lx、光照时间16 h·d-1的条件下培养。  相似文献   

TDZ对苹果叶片离体再生不定芽的效应   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
以苹果叶片再生不定芽效率为评价指标,TDZ的细胞分裂素活性比BA高一个数量级。在0.4-6.0mg.L^-1范围内TDZ浓度对新乔纳金苹果叶片再生芽效率没有显著影响。TDZ和BA交替使用可提高苹果吉片再生不定芽效率。  相似文献   

TDZ对苹果叶片离体再生不定芽的效应(简报)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以苹果叶片再生不定芽效率为评价指标,TDZ的细胞分裂素活性比BA高一个数量级。在0.4~6.0mg·L-1范围内,TDD浓度对新乔纳金苹果叶片再生芽效率没有显著影响。TDZ和BA交替使用,可提高苹果叶片再生不定芽效率。  相似文献   

以黑莓(Rubus spp.)品种‘Arapaho’无菌苗叶片为外植体,通过正交和单因素实验分别研究了基本培养基类型、6-BA和1BA质量浓度以及暗培养时间、外植体的叶位和接种方式对不定芽诱导的影响,并研究了IBA质量浓度对不定芽生根的影响;在此基础上,初步建立了黑莓品种‘Arapaho’离体叶片的再生体系.正交实验结果表明:基本培养基类型对叶片不定芽诱导率及平均不定芽数的影响最大,而IBA质量浓度对叶片不定芽诱导率及6-BA质量浓度对平均不定芽数的影响较小;适宜‘Arapaho’叶片不定芽诱导的最佳培养基为含有2.0mg·L-16-BA和1.0 mg·L-1IBA的MS培养基.单因素实验结果表明:暗培养时间、外植体的叶位及接种方式对不定芽诱导率有显著影响;最适宜的暗培养时间为21 d;植株中、上部叶片的再生能力较强,其中第3和第4位叶的不定芽诱导效果最佳;叶面朝上接种更有利于不定芽的诱导.在含0.2 mg·L-1 IBA的MS培养基中,不定芽生根率达100.0%,且根数多、长势良好.黑莓品种‘Arapaho’离体叶片的再生体系为:以无菌苗的第3和第4位叶为外植体,经过适当修剪后叶面朝上接种于含有2.0 mg·L-16-BA和1.0 mg·L-1IBA的MS培养基上,暗培养21 d后置于光照条件下培养30 d;将不定芽转接到含有0.5 mg·L-16-BA和0.3mg·L-1 NAA的MS培养基上进行继代培养;当不定芽高约2 cm时转接到含有0.2 mg·L-1IBA的MS培养基上进行生根培养,最终获得完整植株.  相似文献   

利用丰香草莓叶片作外植体,通过体外实验培养的方法,进行组织培养与再生,研究不同培养基配比对草莓叶片不定芽诱导的影响。结果表明,诱导叶盘再生不定芽的最佳外植体培养基为MS 6-BA(1.5mg/l) IAA(1.5mg/l)。表明只有细胞分裂素和生长素的浓度相当时,才能有效的诱导不定芽再生。  相似文献   

离体叶片再生是兔眼蓝莓离体快繁和遗传转化的重要途径。为了探明兔眼蓝莓离体叶片再生途径,以兔眼蓝莓杰兔品种的试管苗叶片为外植体,对离体叶片再生途径进行细胞学观察。结果表明,离体叶片不定芽在30 d内基本完成其发生、发育和形成的全过程。离体叶片以直接再生途径发生不定芽,且属于多起源,其分生组织起源于离体叶片切口附近与维管束相邻的上表皮细胞、维管组织薄壁细胞及周围薄壁细胞,通过细胞分裂和分化形成分生细胞团,直接形成芽,再发育成苗。此外,兔眼蓝莓离体叶片不定芽的形成具有特定的时空特性,多个不定芽先后在离体叶片上形成单芽或丛生芽。  相似文献   

草莓高频离体再生体系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以6个草莓品种为试材,研究了影响草莓不定芽再生的各种因素,建立离体叶片高效再生系统。结果表明,外植体基因型、激素种类及配比、叶龄等是影响草莓再生的主要因子,其中‘鬼露甘’叶片最佳芽诱导培养基为MS 2.0 mg/L 6-BA 0.1 mg/L IBA,‘嫜姬’叶片愈伤组织的诱导以MS 3 mg/L 6-BA 0.2 mg/L 2,4-D较好,而且1周左右的暗培养可以防止外植体的褐化。芽伸长的最适培养基为MS 0.5 mg/L 6-BA 0.5 mg/L IBA,生根的最适培养基为MS 0.2 mg/L IBA,试管苗移栽后成活率为87%。  相似文献   

香石竹叶片离体再生体系的建立   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以香石竹(Dianthus caryophyllus Linn.)无菌苗叶片为外植体,从不同细胞分裂素及其他激素配合使用等方面进行筛选,建立香石竹叶片离体再生体系.结果表明,不同的细胞分裂素影响叶片不定芽分化频率,其中较低浓度的6-BA(0.5 mg·L-1)和TDZ(0.001 mg·L-1)配合使用能有效诱导香石竹叶片不定芽分化;添加一定浓度的PP333(4 mg·L-1)可提高叶片不定芽分化频率和平均芽数.香石竹叶片不定芽分化的适宜培养基为:MS 0.002mg·L-1TDZ 0.5 mg·L-16-BA 0.2 mg·L-1IAA 4 mg·L-1PP333;壮苗培养基为:MS 0.2 mg·L-1 6-BA 0.2 mg·L-1IAA;生根培养基为:1/2 MS.不定芽诱导频率达到42.61%,平均芽数为4.53个.  相似文献   

枣树离体叶片不定芽再生体系建立的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
建立了木枣无菌试管苗快繁体系,以无菌苗叶片为外植体,对影响离体叶片不定芽直接再生的因素进行了研究.试验结果表明,TDZ比BA能更有效地诱导叶片不定芽的再生;褐化是抑制不定芽再生频率提高的关键因子,培养基中添加PVP、V c及改变生长素的种类和浓度均不能促进不定芽再生;添加A gNO3能够减轻褐化并可以大幅度提高再生频率,同时培养初期经过3周避光培养更有利于提高再生效率.因此,以附加2.0 m g/L TDZ和0.2 m g/L IBA的M S培养基,并添加5.0 m g/L A gNO3,可以高效诱导木枣离体叶片不定芽再生,再生频率最高达98.3%.不定芽在附加0.2 m g/L IBA和0.5 m g/L GA3的M S培养基上进行继代伸长培养,当不定芽长至3 cm时,转接至附加0.4 m g/L IBA的1/2 M S培养基上可以良好地诱导生根.  相似文献   

Adventitious shoots developed from in vitro-grown leaves of Vitis vinifera cultivars Cabernet Sauvignon, French Colombard, Grenache, Thompson Seedless (syn. Sultana) and White Riesling, V. rupestris cv. St. George (syn. du Lot) and V. vinifera × rupestris cv. Ganzin 1. Leaf explants less than 15 mm long were excised from nodal cultures and cultured on Murashige and Skoog or Nitsch and Nitsch-based regeneration media with 0, 1, 2 or 4 mgl-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Adventitious shoots developed within 4 weeks at the petiolar stub and occasionally from wounded lamina tissues. Shoot organogenesis occurred only on media containing BAP and at a higher frequency with 2 mgl-1 than with 1 or 4 mgl-1. On media containing 2 mgl-1 BAP, 47, 67, 60, and 42%, respectively, of leaf explants of Cabernet Sauvignon, French Colombard, Thompson Seedless, and White Riesling produced adventitious shoots compared to 14, 14, and 29%, respectively, for Grenache, St. George, and Ganzin 1. Solid culture medium was superior to liquid medium and transfer frequency on solid medium did not affect the regeneration frequency. Further shoot growth was promoted by the transfer of regenerating tissues to fresh regeneration medium. More than 80% of explants initially producing adventitious buds exhibited further shoot growth, developing an average of more than 6 shoots each. Shoots rooted easily and the resulting plants appeared morphologically identical to parent vines.  相似文献   

Blueberry (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus) is an important small fruit crop native to North America. Relationships among the primary species known as ‘blueberry’ has been a source of speculation due to the out-breeding nature of the crop, the use of intra-specific hybridization and open-pollinated selection in breeding programs, and the lack of genomic resources to adequately address the issue. The objectives of this study were to characterize simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from an emerging genomic draft sequence, develop useful molecular markers and provide an in-depth analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in blueberry using a broad range of cultivated blueberry accessions representing multiple species, ploidy levels and sources of origin. Genomic scaffolding was assembled from the whole-genome sequencing of a diploid V. corymbosum accession ‘W8520.’ From the assembled 358 Mb sequence, a total number of 43,594 SSRs were identified (122 per Mb). Among genomic regions, SSRs were longest and occurred most frequently in predicted 5′ untranslated regions (5′ UTR), while SSRs were shortest and least common in the predicted coding sequences. AG/CT and AAG/CTT were the most frequent motifs while CG/CG and CCG/CGG motifs were the rarest di- and trinucleotide motifs, respectively. For analysis of genetic diversity and population structure, 42 genomic SSR and EST–SSR markers with an average of 14.2 alleles and 56.0 allele phenotypes per locus were used to genotype a diverse blueberry population of 150 accessions. Cluster analysis grouped the 150 accessions in a manner consistent with known information regarding species, ploidy levels and pedigree. The analysis of population structure among blueberry accessions revealed inter- and intra-specific levels of stratification. Rabbiteye blueberry (V. virgatum) represents a genetically distinct subgroup within Cyanococcus. Three additional subpopulations were detected among highbush varieties that are largely attributable to distinctions between northern and southern highbush and founder effects of a single cultivar (‘Weymouth’). The identification of substructure that correlates with known pedigree information, and the availability of new genomic molecular markers will facilitate future evolutionary and genetic studies in blueberry.  相似文献   

Tests have been made to regenerate plants from different lupin species using leaf, leaf petiole and hypocotyl tissue of L. polyphyllus, L. hartwegii, L. angustifolius and L. luteus. Callus induction rates have been high with all plant parts from all tested lupin species. Regeneration success has been rather limited. One plant could be regenerated from hypocotyl material of L. polyphyllus. Only shoots appeared when using leaf explants from L. luteus or L. hartwegii as well as from leaf petiole tissue of L. hartwegii. With L. angustifolius one regeneration of unknown character occurred.  相似文献   

A method for shoot regeneration from leaf explants in two cultivars of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is described. Modified Anderson's medium supplemented with combinations of thidiazuron (TDZ) with or without 1 M NAA (-naphthaleneacetic acid) was used to optimize shoot regeneration. The effect of light or dark incubation was also determined. Maximum regeneration was obtained in the light in the presence of 10 M TDZ and 1 M NAA. While this medium was suitable for leaf explants obtained from shoot cultures, regeneration did not occur from leaves collected from greenhouse-grown plants. Elongation of the regenerated shoot tips did not occur until explants were transferred to growth regulator-free medium at which time only a minority of shoots elongated. Elongated shoots could be dissected away from leaf tissue, rooted easily, and acclimitized to ambient conditions.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ 1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl) urea  相似文献   

A high level of adventitious shoot regeneration was obtained from proliferating shoots in vitro for a range of Prunus spp. There was a significant variability in clone response to a range of adventitious shoot regeneration treatments. Treatment of apricot clone H.152 with Quoirin macroelements (C.R. Rech., Stu. Cult. Fruit. Maraîchères Gemblaux (1977) 93–117), and both apricot clone H.146 and hybrid plum clone P.1869 with half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium, consistently induced regeneration. Thidiazuron (TDZ) alone, or in combination with naptthaleneacetic acid (NAA), was most effective in stimulating adventitious shoot production, the optimum concentration being clone-dependent. Addition of silver nitrate (AgNO3) to regeneration media enhanced regeneration by 10–40% and reduced the variability between experiments. Regeneration with AgNO3 was obtained also for three other plum clones belonging to the P. marianna, P. domestica and P. insititia species.  相似文献   

An efficient adventitious shoot regeneration system was developed for pear (Pyrus communis L.), using leaves from in vitro proliferating shoots. Under optimal conditions, bud regeneration frequencies of Comice, Passe-Crassane, Williams and Conference ranged from 60% to 97%, with the mean number of shoots per regenerating leaf ranging from 3.2 to 6.6. Despite the great variability in responses of the different cultivars, in general an initial dark exposure of at least 20 days was required. Ammonium and total nitrogen proved to play an essential role: intermediate NH4 + concentrations were suitable for regeneration. The balance between NH4 + and NO3 - also influenced regeneration; optimal regeneration occured on media with a 1:3 NH4 +/NO3 - ratio. TDZ at 1 M was less efficient than higher concentrations, whatever the NAA level. Finally, length and growth regulator composition of the two phases (induction and expression) influenced the regeneration rate of Conference.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - EDFS ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid ferric-sodium salt - IBA 4-indole-3yl-butyric acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ thidiazuron (N-phenyl-N-1,2,3-thidiazol-5-ylurea)  相似文献   

High frequency, direct regeneration of shoots was induced in leaf cultures ofPaulownia tomentosa, P. fortunei x P. tomentosa andP. kawakamii. The optimum culture medium for the leaf explants derived from shoot cultures was Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 10 M indole-3-acetic acid and 50 M benzyladenine. Up to 40 shoots were obtained over a 4 month culture period from each leaf explant. Rooting occurred spontaneously in the shoots that were about 1 cm tall when subcultured on phytohormone-free MS medium. The plantlets could be transplanted successfully. Some of the transplantedP. tomentosa plantlets flowered in the greenhouse one year after transplanting. The protocol is suitable not only for rapid multiplication of the various species ofPaulownia, but also for analytical studies associated with adventitious shoot regeneration.  相似文献   

Tissue cultures were established from hypocotyl and cotyledonary leaf segments ofGuizotia abyssinica Cass. on MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of auxins (IAA, NAA, IBA or 2,4-D) and cytokinins (KN or BA). Expiants cultured on media with cytokinins or in combination with auxins produced shoot buds. Maximum number of shoot buds (20–25 per culture) were differentiated from cotyledonary leaf segments on medium with 2 mg 1-1 each of KN and IBA. Rooting of regenerated shoot buds was acheived on medium with NAA. The obtained plantlets were successfully transferred to soil.  相似文献   

Several factors were investigated for their influence on the transfer of an intron-containing β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene into blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) leaf explants during the early stages of Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, including days of cocultivation, strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, explant age and genotype. The number of GUS-expressing leaf zones and calli were counted immediately and 2 weeks after cocultivation, respectively, to evaluate the gene transfer process. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 (pEHA105/p35SGUS-int) was significantly more effective for transformation than strain LBA4404 (pAL4404/p35SGUSint). Four days of cocultivation with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 yielded about 50-fold more GUS-expressing zones than 2 days of cocultivation. Significant differences among cultivars were observed for both GUS-expressing leaf zones and calli. For some cultivars, explant age influenced the number of GUS-expressing leaf zones and calli. In most cases, the number of GUS-expressing calli was highest in those cultivars where GUS expression in the leaves was high. Received: 25 May 1998 / Revision received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 14 August 1998  相似文献   

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