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Summary Immunogold labelling of prolactin in three different embedding media was compared. The polymeric prolactin in secretory granules was labelled in the three media, however, acrylic monomers (Lowicryl K4M and LR White) provided a more intense labelling with higher dilutions of the primary antibody, compared to the labelling in the epoxy resin (araldite). An intense labelling of monomeric prolactin in Golgi complex was detected only in acrylic embedments, and the labelling on the rough endoplasmic reticulum was significant only in LR White embedded tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of ferritin antigenicity in control and iron-loaded rat hepatocytes was investigated with an immunogold-ferritin antibody technique. Antibody to horse spleen ferritin showed immunoreactivity as determined by dot blotting with immunogold/silver staining with purified rat liver ferritin but not with rat haemosiderin. The initial site of ferritin degradation was studied by analysing the density of gold labelling in the cytosol and lysosomes in combination with pre-embedding acid phosphatase cytochemistry.Immunoreactive ferritin was present in the cytosol, cytosolic clusters and lysosomes of normal hepatocytes. After iron-loading, the labelling density increased over tenfold in parenchymal cell cytosol with a smaller increase in Kupffer cells. Ferritin clusters contained substantially more immunoreactive ferritin than equivalent areas of lysosomes or cytosol. Analysis of the labelling density in hepatocyte lysosomes showed that, despite a striking increase in iron content, one-quarter of the lysosomes showed less immunolabelled ferritin than the cytosol. The existence of a wide range of ferritin labelling densities in the lysosomes with a large proportion unlabelled suggests that the ferritin protein shell is not degraded at a significant rate either in the cytosol or in clusters but only after incorporation into lysosomes.  相似文献   

Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been a crucial model system for the study of a multitude of cellular processes because of its amenability to genetics, molecular biology and biochemical procedures. By contrast, the morphological analysis of this organism by immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) has remained in a primordial phase preventing researchers to routinely incorporate this technique into their investigations. Here, in addition to simple but detailed protocols to perform conventional electron microscopy (EM) on plastic embedded sections, we present a new IEM procedure adapted from the Tokuyasu method to prepare cryosections from mildly fixed cells. This novel approach allows an excellent cell preservation and the negatively stained membranes create superb contrast that leads to a unique resolution of the yeast morphology. This, plus the optimal preservation of the epitopes, permits combined localization studies with a fine resolution of protein complexes, vesicular carriers and organelles at an ultrastructural level. Importantly, we also show that this cryo-immunogold protocol can be combined with high-pressure freezing and therefore cryofixation can be employed if difficulties are encountered to immobilize a particular structure with chemical fixation. This new IEM technique will be a valuable tool for the large community of scientists using yeast as a model system, in particular for those studying membrane transport and dynamics.  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用水稻胚乳生物反应器表达新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus, NDV) HN蛋白,建立一种NDV抗体半定量、快速免疫层析检测方法。通过MlyⅠ和XhoⅠ双酶切重组质粒pUC57-HN,NaeⅠ和XhoⅠ双酶切包含有启动子、信号肽和终止子的pMP3中间载体,分别回收HN和pMP3片段并进行连接,构成重组质粒pMP3-HN1。然后利用Eco RⅠ和HindⅢ双酶切pMP3-HN1和植物载体pCAMBIA1300,将HN1基因成功连接到pCAMBIA1300上,采用电转化方法将重组质粒pCAMBIA1300-HN1导入根癌农杆菌EHA105。通过农杆菌介导法将pCAMBIA1300-HN1转入水稻愈伤组织。经过暗培养、愈伤筛选、分化、生根和移栽,4个月后获得转基因水稻种子。经PCR鉴定,HN基因已插入到水稻基因组中。SDS-PAGE和Western blotting鉴定结果表明,水稻胚乳成功表达了HN蛋白,且该蛋白通过SP阳离子层析和凝胶过滤层析,其纯度达到90%以上。根据国家制定的新城疫血凝抑制(hemagglutination inhibition, HI)试验诊断技术标准(HI≥4log2,检测的抗体为阳性),利用胶体金标记HN蛋白,通过双抗夹心法制备NDV抗体半定量快速检测试纸。结果显示:试纸与其他病毒的阳性血清无交叉反应,且试纸对新城疫标准阳性血清的敏感性可达到1︰102 400。根据308份临床血清的检测结果,NDV抗体试纸与和HI试验的符合率为97.08%,Kappa值为0.942。综上所述,获得了高纯度水稻胚乳表达的重组HN蛋白,并研制了一种简单、快速、灵敏度高、特异性强的半定量免疫层析试纸。该试纸能够初步应用于新城疫疫苗的免疫评价。  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical study was performed to localize the site of hemoglobin synthesis in larvae and embryos of the insect Chironomus thummi. Heterologous antisera specific for C. thummi hemoglobins were prepared using a highly purified hemoglobin extract. Tissue samples were prepared by glutaraldehyde fixation of whole dissected larvae or whole embryos without osmium tetroxide postfixation. Epoxy resin-embedded thin sections were labeled with a direct immunogold conjugate. Immune label was localized in rough endoplasmic reticulum of fat body cells of larvae. Immune label was also present in embryos. The technique, which did not require chemical etching of the sections, proved very useful for demonstration of this intracellular protein antigen.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization of the two major allergens, Lol p I and Lol p IX, in rye-grass anthers was examined using monoclonal antibodies FMCA1 (specific for Lol p I) and FMCA7 (specific for Lol p IX) with immunocytochemical techniques and quantitative analysis. A newly developed anhydrous fixation technique in a mixture of glutaraldehyde, paraformaldehyde and 2, 2-dimethoxypropane followed by embedding in LR Gold resin resulted in both improved infiltration of pollen grains compared with existing techniques and the localization of these water-soluble antigens in their original sites compared with diffusion artefacts following aqueous methods. After anhydrous fixation, Lol p I was predominantly located in the electron-opaque regions of the cytosol of the vegetative cell of the tricellular pollen grains (24 counts m-2), whereas Lol p IX was detected mainly within starch granules (16 counts m-2). For both Lol p I and Lol p IX, similar labelling was detected in the cells of the endothecium and middle layer (18 counts m-2), but none was found in the tapetal cells or orbicules.  相似文献   

Two immunocytochemical methods, immunoperoxidase and immunogold (IG), were used in an attempt to study the dynamic process of prolactin release from stimulated rat pituitary mammotrophs. The immunogold method was also used to localize other pituitary hormones including growth hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and the neuropeptides substance P, neuropeptide tyrosine, leu-enkephalin, and atrial natriuretic factor in peripheral nerves. Light-microscopic immunoperoxidase staining of prolactin revealed a unique distribution of immunoreactive mammotrophs. Two groups of cells were seen, one centrally located and one forming a narrow peripheral rim on the gland. The two groups were separated by a zone of nonimmunoreactive cells. In addition, the distribution of immunoperoxidase-stained material was not uniform in all mammotrophs. In some, prolactin immunoreactive material was clumped near the nucleus (in the Golgi cisternae); in others it was more diffused within the cytoplasm (but immediately surrounding the cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum). After stimulation of mammotrophs, via suckling, prolactin-immunoreactive material was visualized in extracellular spaces. With immunogold methods, prolactin labelling was seen mainly in secretory granules; but some labelling of Golgi cisternae and rough endoplasmic reticulum also occurred. Immunogold labelling revealed that material immunoreactive for leu-enkephalin and atrial natriuretic factor was present in nerve terminals in the rat paracervical ganglion. Material immunoreactive for substance P and neuropeptide tyrosine was present in nerve terminals in the guinea pig heart. Thus, in some situations the immunoperoxidase technique was useful and helped to visualize "grossly" the presence of specific antigens, but it was inadequate for fine ultrastructural localization of these antigens. The immunogold technique was excellent for precise localization of antigens and especially for the detection of colocalization of different antigens. This method can be used in very different structures, such as the adenohypophysis and peripheral nervous tissue, without any modification except for the nature of the antibodies.  相似文献   

Cell cycle analysis in flow cytometry is based on the incorporation of labelled precursors in DNA. The use of BrdU versus SSC, in which side scatter substitutes PI fluorescence, has proved to be useful also for the distinction between G2 and Mitotic cells. Mitoses often produce an SSC decrease due to the morphological changes that happen in the nucleus during this phase of cell cycle. Moreover, DNA accessibility to PI varies during mitosis, as well. However, most of these variations, detectable by flow cytometry appear to be basically dependent on the cell line used.  相似文献   

We have studied the surface proteins of normal and transformed chick cells using four-labelling techniques with different specificities, (a) lactoperoxidase catalysed iodination (b) galactose oxidase/B3H4 (c) pyridoxal phosphate/B3H4 and (d) periodate/B3H4. All methods labelled a large external transformation-sensitive (LETS) protein, in agreement with previous studies. In addition, using galactose oxidase and periodate labelling techniques, we present evidence which suggests that the transformed cell surface glycoproteins are more sialylated.The LETS protein was also labelled with [14C]glucosamine and after trypsinization a small band of identical molecular weight to LETS remained, possibly representing an internal pool of the protein. In contrast LETS protein labelled with [3H]fucose was completely removed by trypsin, suggesting that the internal pool of the protein is incompletely glycosylated. Evidence is also presented to show that although the level of the protein is drastically reduced at the transformed cell surface, it is still synthesised and shed into the medium.  相似文献   

Summary Choroid plexus epithelium from third ventricle choroid plexus of 2–3-week-old rats was examined for transferrin-like immunoreactivity. In 5 µm paraffin sections most epithelial cells exhibited a pronounced immunoperoxidase staining for transferrin. The ultrastructure of the epithelium in question was examined by conventional electron microscopy. Immunolabelling of ultracryosections with IgG-gold, protein-A gold or protein-A gold—antiprotein-A protein-A gold showed an intense labelling of the basal extracellular space. The lateral intercellular space and the luminal surface showed a more variable labelling; no labelling of the tight junction zone was seen. Intracellularly a distinct labelling of the uptake and disposal pathway (the endosomal—lysosomal system) was observed, but also the synthetic machinery (rough endoplasmic reticulum, stacked Golgi membranes) showed a characteristic labelling. Thus it seems likely that both uptake and synthesis of transferrin occur in choroid plexus epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy often involves determining the distributions of gold label in different intracellular compartments and then drawing comparisons between compartments in the same sample of cells or between experimental groups of cells. In the case of within-group comparisons, recent developments in the estimation of relative labelling index and labelling density make it possible to test whether or not particular compartments are preferentially labelled. These methods are ideally suited to analysing gold label restricted to volume (organelle) or surface (membrane) compartments but may be modified to analyse label localised in mixtures of both. Here, a simple and efficient approach to drawing between-group comparisons for label associated with organelles and/or membranes is presented. The method relies on multistage random sampling of specimens (via blocks and microscopic fields) followed by simply counting gold particles associated with different compartments. The distributions of raw gold counts in different groups are then compared by contingency table analysis with statistical degrees of freedom for chi-squared values being determined by the number of compartments and the number of experimental groups of cells. Compartmental chi-squared values making substantial contributions to the total chi-squared values then identify where the main between-group differences reside. The method requires no information about compartment size (for example, organelle profile area or membrane trace length) and does not even depend critically on standardising between-group magnification. Its application is illustrated using datasets from immunolabelling studies designed to localise the KDEL receptor, phosphatidyl-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate, GLUT4 and rab4 at the electron microscopic level.  相似文献   

Direct or indirect interactions between membrane proteins at the cell surface play a central role in numerous cell processes, including possible synergistic effects between different types of receptors. Here we describe a method and tools to analyze membrane protein-protein interaction at the surface of living cells. This technology is based on the use of specific antibodies directed against each partner and labeled either with europium cryptate or with Alexa Fluor 647. This allows the measurement of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signal in a time-resolved manner if both antibodies are in close proximity. This approach is here validated using the heterodimeric gamma-aminobutyrate B receptor as a model. We show that after washing out the unbound antibodies, the time-resolved FRET signal can be measured together with the expression level of both partners via the quantification of the donor and the acceptor fluorophores bound to the cells. Thanks to the high sensitivity of this method and to the low concentration of antibodies required, we show that the signal can also be measured directly after the incubation period without washing out the unbound antibody (homogeneous time-resolved FRET). As such, this method is highly sensitive, reproducible, and compatible with the development of high-throughput screening protocols.  相似文献   

We have studied the surface proteins of normal and transformed chick cells using four-labelling techniques with different specificities, (a) lactoperoxidase catalysed iodination (b) galactose oxidase/B3H4 (c) pyridoxal phosphate/B3H4 and (d) periodate/B3H4. All methods labelled a large external transformation-sensitive (LETS) protein, in agreement with previous studies. In addition, using galactose oxidase and periodate labelling techniques, we present evidence which suggests that the transformed cell surface glycoproteins are more sialylated. The LETS protein was also labelled with (14C) glucosamine and after trypsinization a small band of identical molecular weight to LETS remained, possibly representing an internal pool of the protein. In contrast LETS protein labelled with (3H) fucose was completely removed by trypsin, suggesting that the internal pool of the protein is incompletely glycosylated. Evidence is also presented to show that although the level of the protein is drastically reduced at the transformed cell surface, it is still synthesised and shed into the medium.  相似文献   

Abstract Electron microscopy and immunogold labelling with monoclonal antibody (McAb) Bfl identified an antigen expressed on some in vitro and in vivo grown Bacteroides fragilis NCTC9343 cells.
Immunoprecipitation with this McAb was used to enrich for B. fragilis NCTC9343 cells expressing the Bfl antigen. The McAb Bfl bound to an epitope close to the surface of the outer membrane, but the fibrous capsular network radiating from the bacterial surface was not labelled. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting identified 3 high- M r bands which resisted heating and protease digestion but were partially sensitive to sodium periodate treatment.  相似文献   

Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy of gold label in intracellular compartments often involves calculating labelling densities (LDs). These are related to antigen concentrations and usually refer gold particle counts to the sizes of compartments on sections (for example, golds per microm(2) of organelle profile area or per microm of membrane trace length). Here, we show how LD values can be estimated more simply (without estimating areas or lengths) and also how observed and expected LD values can be used to calculate a relative labelling index (RLI) for each compartment and then test statistically for preferential (non-random) labelling. For random labelling, RLI=1. Compartment size is estimated stereologically by superimposing random test points (which hit organelle profiles in proportion to their area) or test lines (which intersect membrane traces in proportion to their length). By this means, the observed LD of a compartment (LD(obs)) can be expressed simply as golds per test point (organelles) or per intersection (membranes). Furthermore, the LD obtained by dividing total golds (on all compartments) by total points or intersections (on all compartments) is the value to be expected (LD(exp)) when compartments label randomly. For each compartment, RLI=LD(obs)/LD(exp). Statistical analysis is undertaken by comparing observed distributions of golds with predicted random distributions (calculated from point or intersection counts). A compartment is preferentially labelled if two criteria are met: (1) its RLI>1 (i.e. LD(obs) is greater than LD(exp)) and (2) its partial chi-squared value makes a substantial contribution to total chi-squared value. This approach provides a simple and efficient way of comparing LDs in different compartments. Its utility is illustrated using data from VPARP and LAMP-1 labelling experiments.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which proteins form amyloid fibrils is of high interest to the scientific community as its understanding could resolve questions relevant to conformational diseases. The structural and energetic basis of the process is still largely unknown. The main controversial issue is the co-existence of several protein conformations. Three models for the mechanism of protein fibrillogenesis have been proposed which need to be tested by experiments. In this report, amyloid fibrils grown from human stefin B (type I cystatin) are described. This physiologically relevant protein readily forms fibrils in vitro, in contrast to the homologue--human stefin A--which forms fibrils under extreme conditions only. In order to specifically label stefin B fibrils in vitro, rabbit polyclonal antibody and mouse monoclonal antibody A6/2 against human stefin B were used for immunogold labelling. Samples were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Fibrils of stefin B were strongly labelled using polyclonal antibody and Protein A gold, whereas no positive reaction was observed with monoclonal antibody A6/2.  相似文献   

Microdamage accumulation leads to reduced bone strength and fracture. Intact, damaged and Rose Bengal stained cortical bone specimens were studied using SEM and EDXA imaging. SEM coupled with EDXA studies showed selective labelling of surface damage due to binding of dye at free lattice sites. A series of novel iodinated X-ray contrast agent were synthesised. These agents demonstrated excellent stability, water solubility and lack of atropisomerism. Preliminary imaging studies, using cone-beam mu-CT, demonstrated their ability to provide visible contrast in the solid state on bone surfaces.  相似文献   

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