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Photoperiod control of poplar bark storage protein accumulation   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Bark storage proteins (BSPs) accumulate in the inner bark parenchyma of many woody plants during autumn and winter. We investigated the effect of a short-day (SD) photoperiod on the accumulation of the 32-kilodalton bark storage protein of poplar (Populus deltoides Bart. ex Marsh.) under controlled environmental and natural growing conditions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and protein gel blot analysis revealed that 10 days of SD exposure (8 hours of light) resulted in a 20% increase in the relative abundance of the 32-kilodalton bark storage protein of poplar. After 17 days of SD exposure, the 32-kilodalton bark storage protein accounted for nearly one-half of the soluble bark proteins. In natural field conditions, accumulation of the 32-kilodalton bark storage protein was observed to start by August 18 (daylength 14.1 hours). Immunoprecipitation of in vitro translation products with anti-BSP serum revealed that the SD protein accumulation was correlated with changes in the pool of translatable mRNA. A survey of poplar clones from different geographic origins revealed the presence of the 32-kilodalton BSP in the dormant bark of all the clones tested. These results demonstrate that a SD photoperiod induces, whether directly or indirectly, rapid changes in woody plant gene expression, leading to the accumulation of BSP.  相似文献   

Sequence of a poplar bark storage protein gene.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
G D Coleman  T H Chen 《Plant physiology》1993,102(4):1347-1348

Poplar branches were ringed in late spring to determine whether the interruption of the phloem flow could induce the accumulation of vegetative storage proteins (VSPs) in the bark of adult trees. Eight days after ringing, an increased deposition of starch as well as a premature rise in the soluble-protein level occurred in the bark tissues located 1 cm above the ring. Changes in the SDS-PAGE pattern of bark proteins were characterized by the accumulation of three polypeptides (32, 36 and 38 kDa), which exhibited the same molecular weight as VSPs described in poplar bark during winter, cross-reacted to antibodies raised against a poplar VSP, and bound to several lectins in the same way as poplar bark VSPs. These results indicate that during the vegetative period, ringing induces the accumulation of VSPs in the bark of poplar.  相似文献   

Antileukoproteinase (ALP) is a low mol wt mucosal secretory protein which, in human tissues, inhibits the activities of the neutral serine lysosomal proteinases elastase and cathepsin-G. In this study a number of recombinant cDNA clones corresponding to porcine ALP (pALP) were isolated from a cDNA library prepared from porcine endometrial poly(A)+ RNAs. The combined nucleotide sequences of the cDNA clones, representing the entire pALP mRNA sequence, are approximately 600 nucleotides long and encode a protein of 114 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of pALP is 68% similar in primary structure to that of human ALP, is cysteine and proline rich, and exhibits a two-domain structure which, in the human protein, is involved in binding trypsin/cathepsin-G and elastase, respectively. However, pALP appears to lack the internal signal sequence of the corresponding human protein. Northern blot analysis of uterine RNAs using pALP cDNAs as probe demonstrated a single mRNA species approximately 0.8 kilobase in length. Uterine expression of pALP mRNA was highest in mid- and late pregnancy and very low or undetectable in early pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone increased the levels of uterine pALP mRNA in prepubertal gilts, but not to the levels obtained at mid- and late gestation. pALP mRNA was also abundant in adult pig lung, where its expression was constitutive. Lower levels of pALP were found in fetal and neonatal lung and small intestine and in maternal cervix, spleen, and small intestine. Our study on the molecular cloning and analysis of pALP mRNA represents the first report on the porcine proteinase inhibitor and extends the identification of pregnancy-associated uterine proteins, which may play important functions in embryo or fetal development. The control of expression of pALP mRNA, which is distinct from those of other porcine uterine proteins studied to date, should provide additional insights into the mechanisms of regulation of uterine secretory activity.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of mature C8 beta has been derived from the DNA sequence of a cDNA clone identified by expression screening of a human liver cDNA library. Comparison with the amino acid sequence of C9 shows an overall homology with few deletions and insertions. In particular, the cysteine-rich domains and membrane-inserting regions of C9 are well conserved. These findings are discussed in relation to a possible mechanism of membrane attack complex formation.  相似文献   

Seasonality of reproduction in sheep and its control by photoperiod   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seasonality of the reproductive cycle in sheep is a general phenomenon for mid-latitude breeds. The proximal part (breeding season) and also partially distal part (end of gestation and beginning of lactation) of this cycle is controlled by photoperiod, whatever the form of light regimens. Data are presented which indicate that male and female do not necessarily have the same photoperiodic sensitivity. Gonadal stimulation in the ram starts 1.5-2 months earlier than in the ewe under annual variations. Photoperiod controls the reproductive cycle by the intermediary of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. There are both a steroid-independent and a steroid-dependent effect of light, depending on both decreasing and increasing daylength in mid-latitudes. Data are also presented which support Bunning's hypothesis on photoperiodic time measurement in mammals. Sheep measure photoperiodic time by using a circadian rhythm of photosensitivity. Daylength is not measured by the total duration of exposure to light but by the illumination of two special set points during the day, one of them entraining the circadian rhythm of photosensitivity and the other inducing or not inducing a physiological response if it is coincident, or not coincident, with photoinducible phase of that rhythm. A photoinducible phase has been found for prolactin secretion, and perhaps also for LH secretion. Melatonin secretion is used by sheep for measuring daylength. However, that secretion disappears during two set points during the day, thus raising the possibility of using alternatively melatonin and light pulse for controlling the reproductive cycle in sheep.  相似文献   

Human adipocyte lipid-binding protein (H-ALBP) was purified from normal subcutaneous adipose tissue to greater than 98% homogeneity, utilizing a combination of acid fractionation, gel filtration, covalent chromatography on activated thiol-Sepharose 4B, and anion-exchange chromatography. Human ALBP comprised about 1% of total cytosolic protein in human adipose tissue, had a relative molecular mass of about 15 kDa, and existed as a monomer in solution. The amino terminus of H-ALBP was blocked to sequencing. When a liposome ligand delivery assay was used, H-ALBP saturably bound oleic acid with about 1 mol of ligand bound per mole of protein. Additionally, H-ALBP saturably bound retinoic acid as determined by the quenching of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. A full-length H-ALBP cDNA has been cloned; the sequence predicts a 649-base mRNA comprised of a 62-base 5'-noncoding region containing an 18S ribosome-binding site, a single 396-base open-reading frame, and a 191-base 3'-noncoding region. Comparative sequence analysis indicated that the 132 amino acid H-ALBP is a member of a multigene family of intracellular lipid-binding proteins and contains the consensus substrate phosphorylation sequence for tyrosyl kinases.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones coding for an Artemia ATPase have been isolated using an oligonucleotide probe for a region highly conserved between P-type ATPases. The nucleotide sequence of three overlapping clones, 3309 base-pairs, has been established. This sequence includes 78 nucleotides of 5' untranslated sequence, an open reading frame of 3009 nucleotides and 222 nucleotides of 3' untranslated sequences. The amino acid sequence predicted for the coding region is 71% similar to that of slow and fast twitch rabbit muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPases. The homology is specially high in some regions of the protein that include the previously described regions that are similar between all known P-type ATPases, as well as transmembrane domains and intra- and extracellular domains adjacent to the membrane that are not conserved in P-type ATPases but have been proposed to be involved in calcium binding and transport in rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPases. Probes of this likely sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase hybridize to two mRNAs of 5200 and 4500 bases. Although both mRNAs are already present in cryptobiotic embryos, the levels of the 5200 base mRNA decrease after development is reassumed, being undetectable after hatching of the nauplii. The levels of the 4500 base mRNA increase during development; maximal levels are reached by ten hours and are maintained at later stages of development.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones encoding rat basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) were isolated from 10(6) independent clones prepared from a pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-stimulated rat ovarian cDNA library. One of the cDNA clones contained the entire coding sequence for basic FGF. The other two possessed the sequence coding the carboxy terminal 61 amino acids of rat basic FGF, the putative upstream intron sequence, and a 3'-noncoding region. The cDNAs encoding rat basic FGF predict a molecule consisting of 154 amino acid residues, which is one amino acid shorter than the human and bovine basic FGF. Otherwise, there are only 5 conservative amino acid substitutions between the rat and the human/bovine sequences. Poly A+ RNA from brain cortex and hypothalamus show a single 6.0 kb band that hybridizes to the cloned cDNA probe by Northern analyses. The observation that basic FGF mRNA is below the limits of detection in adrenal, spleen, heart, lung, kidney, liver, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, testis, and ovary support the notion that the that the high levels of the protein found in these tissues is due to storage of the mitogen in the extracellular matrix and not continuous gene expression. The significance of the abundance of mRNA in tissues which are not undergoing either active angiogenesis or cell proliferation (hypothalamus and brain cortex) is unclear but emphasizes the potential neuronotrophic function of basic FGF.  相似文献   

Oshida Y  Ikeda Y  Chaki S  Okuyama S 《Life sciences》2004,74(15):1911-1924
The full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) of monkey corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 (CRF1) receptor was isolated from a rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) amygdala cDNA library. The cloned monkey CRF1 receptor cDNA has 2,374 bp with an open reading frame encoding a 415-amino acid protein. The sequence of the monkey CRF1 receptor cDNA showed a high degree of sequence identity with other species of CRF1 receptors, and being 99.5% identical to human CRF1 receptors. When monkey CRF1 was expressed into COS-7 cells, high specific binding of [125I]-ovine CRF was observed. CRF and CRF-related peptides inhibited [125I]-ovine CRF binding in a concentration-dependent manner. IC50 values of ovine CRF, human/rat CRF, sauvagine and urotensin I were 23.5 +/- 7.4, 22.7 +/- 10.8, 27.5 +/- 12.3 and 14.2 +/- 7.0 nM, respectively. CRF1 receptor specific antagonists, such as CP-154,526, SC241 and CRA1000, also inhibited the [125I]-ovine CRF binding, with IC50 values of 3.9 +/- 0.4, 43.5 +/- 8.0 and 19.8 +/- 2.0 nM, respectively. GTP and its nonhydrolyzed analogue, GTPgammaS, reduced [125I]-ovine CRF binding, while ATP had a negligible effect, thereby indicating that the monkey CRF1 receptor belongs to a family of G-protein coupled receptors. CRF and its related peptides increased cyclic AMP formation concentration-dependently in COS-7 cells transiently expressing the monkey CRF1 receptor. Monkey CRF1 was expressed abundantly in the pituitary, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and cerebellum. Thus the monkey CRF1 receptor and the human CRF1 receptor have similar molecular and pharmacological characteristics.  相似文献   

Quantitative changes in protein expression of cadmium-exposed poplar plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cadmium (Cd) pollution is a worldwide major concern having, among others, deleterious effects on plants. In the present work, the effects of a 20 microM Cd exposure in hydroponics culture during 14 days were evaluated in young poplar leaves. Proteins were analysed by 2-D DIGE, followed by MALDI-TOF-TOF identification. Additionally, growth and other physiological parameters were monitored during the experiment. Treated plants exhibited an inhibition of growth and visual symptoms appeared after 7 days. A significant accumulation of Cd in all organs was recorded by ICP-MS analysis. A number of changes in the expression of proteins with various functions were identified; in particular a decreased abundance of oxidative stress regulating proteins, whereas pathogenesis-related proteins showed a drastic increase in abundance. Furthermore, a large number of proteins involved in carbon metabolism showed a decrease in abundance, while proteins involved in remobilizing carbon from other energy sources were upregulated. In conclusion, the negative effect of Cd could be explained by a deleterious effect on protein expression from the primary carbon metabolism and from the oxidative stress response mechanism. Accumulation of Cd in stems of poplar, coupled with a low impact of Cd on physiological parameters, promotes the use of poplar trees for phytoremediation purposes.  相似文献   

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