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Shallow‐water coral reef ecosystems, particularly those already impaired by anthropogenic pressures, may be highly sensitive to disturbances from natural catastrophic events, such as volcanic eruptions. Explosive volcanic eruptions expel large quantities of silicate ash particles into the atmosphere, which can disperse across millions of square kilometres and deposit into coral reef ecosystems. Following heavy ash deposition, mass mortality of reef biota is expected, but little is known about the recovery of post‐burial reef ecosystems. Reef regeneration depends partly upon the capacity of the ash deposit to be colonised by waterborne bacterial communities and may be influenced to an unknown extent by the physiochemical properties of the ash substrate itself. To determine the potential for volcanic ash to support pioneer bacterial colonisation, we exposed five well‐characterised volcanic and coral reef substrates to a marine aquarium under low light conditions for 3 months: volcanic ash, synthetic volcanic glass, carbonate reef sand, calcite sand and quartz sand. Multivariate statistical analysis of Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) fingerprinting data demonstrates clear segregation of volcanic substrates from the quartz and coral reef substrates over 3 months of bacterial colonisation. Overall bacterial diversity showed shared and substrate‐specific bacterial communities; however, the volcanic ash substrate supported the most diverse bacterial community. These data suggest a significant influence of substrate properties (composition, granulometry and colour) on bacterial settlement. Our findings provide first insights into physicochemical controls on pioneer bacterial colonisation of volcanic ash and highlight the potential for volcanic ash deposits to support bacterial diversity in the aftermath of reef burial, on timescales that could permit cascading effects on larval settlement.  相似文献   

Aim Stratospheric ozone depletion and simultaneous increases in UVB radiation due to human activities have the potential to affect freshwater biota. The goal of our study is to summarize the impacts of UVB on freshwater biota by comparing the differences in the general patterns, including the directions and the magnitudes of the impacts of UVB on four major freshwater taxa (phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish and amphibians). The potential driving forces for these differences are also explored. Location Global. Methods We performed a meta‐analysis on a database consisting of 146 studies including 127 species from four taxonomic groups. We tested for the effects of taxonomic group, experimental venue, developmental stage, UVB dosage and the latitude of organism provenance. Results UVB had significant negative effects on freshwater biota from the molecular–cellular to individual–population levels. However, these effects were highly variable among the taxonomic groups. In general, zooplankton was the most negatively affected group, whereas fish and amphibians were less affected. As direct fitness components, survival and reproduction were the two responses most affected by UVB. The sensitivities of individuals to UVB at different developmental stages were different for the same taxon, while the stage‐dependent sensitivity patterns also differed among different taxa. Additionally, effects of different experimental venues, UVB dosages and latitudes of organism provenance on the effects of UVB were detected. Main conclusions Our results suggest that UVB has significant negative effects on freshwater biota. We found that the effects of UVB varied among taxonomic groups, developmental stages, experimental venues, UVB dosages and latitudes of organism provenance. The variation in sensitivity among the different taxa has important implications for ecosystem responses. Given that stratospheric ozone is unlikely to recover to the levels of the 1980s in the upcoming decades, more conservation efforts should be taken to protect freshwater habitats from further damage by UVB.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions impact the global and the hemispheric climate, but it is still unknown how and to what degree they force the climate system and in particular the global carbon cycle. In this paper, the relationships between individual eruptions (reconstructed for the past using written records), tree primary productivity (estimated using ring widths), photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance (assessed by carbon and oxygen isotope data) are investigated, to understand the impact of volcanic eruptions on net primary production. Data from a mixed stand of Fagus sylvatica L. and Acer pseudoplatanus L. located in the area of the Vesuvio volcanic complex (Southern Italy) showed a significant decrease in ring width following each eruption. Isotope analyses indicate a change in climatic conditions after such events. Specifically, the lower oxygen isotope ratio in the tree‐ring cellulose strongly suggests an increase in relative humidity and a decrease in temperature, with the latter resulting in a strong limitation to tree‐ring growth. The carbon isotope ratio was only moderately but not significantly reduced in the years of volcanic eruption, suggesting no major changes in C fixation rates. This work is a case study on the effects of volcanic eruptions resulting in strong climatic changes on the local scale. This is an opportunity to explore the process and causal relationships between climatic changes and the response of the vegetation. Thus, we propose here a realistic model scenario, from which we can extrapolate to global scales and improve our interpretations of results of global studies.  相似文献   

Recent culture‐based studies demonstrate the distinctiveness of the microbial eukaryote biota of very hypersaline environments. In contrast, microscopy‐based faunistic studies suggest that the biota of habitats of more moderate hypersalinity (60–150‰) overlaps substantially with that of marine environments, but this has barely been studied with modern techniques. To investigate the diversity and salinity tolerance range of these organisms, eight cultures of heterotrophic stramenopiles were established from (or from nearby) moderately hypersaline locations. These isolates represent five independent groups; Groups A, B and C are bicosoecids; Groups D and E belong to Placididea. One isolate (Group A) is a strain of the widespread marine species Cafeteria roenbergensis, and cannot grow above 100‰ salinity. The other isolates – Groups B–E – can all grow at 150–175‰ salinities and are probably moderate halophiles. Groups B–E all represent previously unsequenced species or even genera, although Group B is the sister group of the borderline extreme halophile Halocafeteria. The high level of novelty en countered suggests that moderately hypersaline environments may harbour a heterotrophic stramenopile biota distinct from that of marine environments. Interestingly, our new isolates are all most closely related to marine or halophilic forms, and our phylogenies show large clades defined by saline/non‐saline habitats within bicosoecids, placidomonads and related lineages. In particular, most freshwater/soil bicosoecids form one well‐supported clade. The sole major exception is Bicosoeca, which is intermixed with marine environmental sequences originally referred to as ‘MAST‐13’, which are from brackish water, not typical seawater. It seems that the freshwater/marine barrier has been crossed very few times in the evolutionary history of these heterotrophic stramenopile flagellates.  相似文献   

聂文政  李明启 《应用生态学报》2021,32(10):3771-3780
强火山喷发是影响全球气候变化的重要因素。过去几十年,不同学者基于青藏高原地区树木年轮重建了多条气候变化序列,并依据这些序列研究了全球强火山喷发对青藏高原地区气候的影响。结果表明: 探讨强火山喷发对青藏高原气候影响的树轮序列主要分布在青藏高原东部。利用序列对比法和时序叠加法分析发现,中低纬度的强火山喷发对青藏高原地区温度和干湿变化影响显著,并在强火山喷发后的1~2年内出现降温或者发生干旱,而高纬度的强火山喷发影响较小。此外,连续的多次强火山喷发能导致该区出现年代际的冷期。影响强火山喷发气候效应的因素主要包括火山喷发位置、喷发强度、大气环流等。最后结合国内外研究现状,对未来需要开展的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

近期引入到新环境中的种群给我们提供了一个推论种群过去微进化变化的难得的机会,而这些变化曾导致了种群在历史上对新栖息地拓殖的适应。自从1967年三刺鱼(GasterosteusaculeatusL.)被有意引入到不列颠哥伦比亚的Heisholt湖后,就隔离的淡水对其完全骨板化(CP)变体的相对适合度的影响已经做过多种多样的测定。CP变体的个体在早期的样本中比较常见(占20.3%-31.7%),而在现代的样本中比较稀少(占0%-5.0%)。后者样本中骨板弱化的变体占优势,这是绝大多数淡水种群的典型情形。我估测Heisholt湖的一个流域中三刺鱼体侧骨板数目从1974年到1997年的进化速率是-0.029海尔登,这比大多数对近期引入的或隔离的三刺鱼种群的现时进化的估测要低。最后,来自于Heisholt湖的CP个体比那些作为引入源溪流中的个体明显要小。总之,对应于已建群的自然淡水种群的文献资料,在引入种群中所观察到的个体大小和体侧骨板数目的变化,意味着三刺鱼对与淡水环境中生活相关的多种挑战的适应可以快速发生。  相似文献   

Here, we investigate Mid- to Late-Holocene vegetation changes in low-lying coastal areas in Tonga and how changing sea levels and recurrent volcanic eruptions have influenced vegetation dynamics on four islands of the Tongan archipelago (South Pacific). To investigate past vegetation and environmental change at Ngofe Marsh (‘Uta Vava’u), we examined palynomorphs (pollen and spores), charcoal (fire), and sediment characteristics (volcanic activity) from a 6.7-m-long sediment core. Radiocarbon dating indicated the sediments were deposited over the last 7700 years. We integrated the Ngofe Marsh data with similar previously published data from Avai’o’vuna Swamp on Pangaimotu Island, Lotofoa Swamp on Foa Island, and Finemui Swamp on Ha’afeva Island. Plant taxa were categorized as littoral, mangrove, rainforest, successional/ disturbance, and wetland groups, and linear models were used to examine relationships between vegetation, relative sea level change, and volcanic eruptions (tephra). We found that relative sea level change has impacted vegetation on three of the four islands investigated. Volcanic eruptions were not identified as a driver of vegetation change. Rainforest decline does not appear to be driven by sea level changes or volcanic eruptions. From all sites analyzed, vegetation at Finemui Swamp was most sensitive to changes in relative sea level. While vegetation on low-lying Pacific islands is sensitive to changing sea levels, island characteristics, such as area and elevation, are also likely to be important factors that mediate specific island responses to drivers of change.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the distribution of fungal communities in aquatic habitats in tropical regions and highlights differences in the taxa observed in freshwater and marine habitats. Ascomycetes are dominant on substrata in marine environments, with few basidiomycetes and discomycetes. Equally, few freshwater basidiomycetes and discomycetes have been reported from the tropics. In marine habitats, Dothideomycetes dominate on mangrove substrata, and halosphaeriaceous species are most numerous on submerged woody substrata in coastal waters, while yeasts are common in seawater and estuarine habitats. In freshwater, Ingoldian anamorphic fungi are most numerous on decaying leaves, while ascomycetes (Dothideomycetes, Sordariomycetes) are prevalent on submerged/exposed woody substrata. Unique fungi are found in tropical waters and differ from those in temperate locations.  相似文献   

The accelerating rate of global change has focused attention on the cumulative impacts of novel and extreme environmental changes (i.e. stressors), especially in marine ecosystems. As integrators of local catchment and regional processes, freshwater ecosystems are also ranked highly sensitive to the net effects of multiple stressors, yet there has not been a large‐scale quantitative synthesis. We analysed data from 88 papers including 286 responses of freshwater ecosystems to paired stressors and discovered that overall, their cumulative mean effect size was less than the sum of their single effects (i.e. an antagonistic interaction). Net effects of dual stressors on diversity and functional performance response metrics were additive and antagonistic, respectively. Across individual studies, a simple vote‐counting method revealed that the net effects of stressor pairs were frequently more antagonistic (41%) than synergistic (28%), additive (16%) or reversed (15%). Here, we define a reversal as occurring when the net impact of two stressors is in the opposite direction (negative or positive) from that of the sum of their single effects. While warming paired with nutrification resulted in additive net effects, the overall mean net effect of warming combined with a second stressor was antagonistic. Most importantly, the mean net effects across all stressor pairs and response metrics were consistently antagonistic or additive, contrasting the greater prevalence of reported synergies in marine systems. Here, a possible explanation for more antagonistic responses by freshwater biota to stressors is that the inherent greater environmental variability of smaller aquatic ecosystems fosters greater potential for acclimation and co‐adaptation to multiple stressors.  相似文献   

Recent advances in Deccan volcanic studies indicate three volcanic phases with the phase-1 at 67.5 Ma followed by a 2 m.y. period of quiescence. Phase-2 marks the main Deccan volcanic eruptions in Chron 29r near the end of the Maastrichtian and accounts for ∼80% of the entire 3500 m thick Deccan lava pile. At least four of the world’s longest lava flows spanning 1000 km across India and out into the Gulf of Bengal mark phase-2. The final phase-3 was smaller, coincided with the early Danian Chron 29n and also witnessed several of the longest lava flows. The KT boundary and mass extinction was first discovered based on planktic foraminifera from shallow marine intertrappean sediments exposed in Rajahmundry quarries between the longest lava flows of the main volcanic phase-2 and smaller phase-3. At this locality early Danian (zone P1a) planktic foraminiferal assemblages directly overlie the top of phase-2 eruptions and indicate that the masse extinction coincided with the end of this volcanic phase. Planktic foraminiferal assemblages also mark the KT boundary in intertrappean sediments at Jhilmili, Chhindwara, where freshwater to estuarine conditions prevailed during the early Danian and indicate the presence of a marine seaway across India at KT time.  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic diversity represents a fundamental component of ecological risk assessments in contaminated environments. Many studies have assessed the genetic implications of chronic radiation exposure at Chernobyl, generally recording an elevated genetic diversity and mutation rate in rodents, plants, and birds inhabiting contaminated areas. Only limited studies have considered genetic diversity in aquatic biota at Chernobyl, despite the large number of freshwater systems where elevated dose rates will persist for many years. Consequently, the present study aimed to assess the effects of chronic radiation exposure on genetic diversity in the freshwater crustacean, Asellus aquaticus, using a genome‐wide SNP approach (Genotyping‐by‐sequencing). It was hypothesized that genetic diversity in A. aquaticus would be positively correlated with dose rate. A. aquaticus was collected from six lakes in Belarus and the Ukraine ranging in dose rate from 0.064 to 27.1 µGy/hr. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing analysis was performed on 74 individuals. A significant relationship between geographical distance and genetic differentiation confirmed the Isolation‐by‐Distance model. Conversely, no significant relationship between dose rate and genetic differentiation suggested no effect of the contamination gradient on genetic differentiation between populations. No significant relationship between five measures of genetic diversity and dose rate was recorded, suggesting that radiation exposure has not significantly influenced genetic diversity in A. aquaticus at Chernobyl. This is the first study to adopt a genome‐wide SNP approach to assess the impacts of environmental radiation exposure on biota. These findings are fundamental to understanding the long‐term success of aquatic populations in contaminated environments at Chernobyl and Fukushima.  相似文献   

Freshwater species worldwide are experiencing dramatic declines partly attributable to ongoing climate change. It is expected that the future effects of climate change could be particularly severe in mediterranean climate (med-) regions, which host many endemic species already under great stress from the high level of human development. In this article, we review the climate and climate-induced changes in streams of med-regions and the responses of stream biota, focusing on both observed and anticipated ecological responses. We also discuss current knowledge gaps and conservation challenges. Expected climate alterations have already been observed in the last decades, and include: increased annual average air temperatures; decreased annual average precipitation; hydrologic alterations; and an increase in frequency, intensity and duration of extreme events, such as floods, droughts and fires. Recent observations, which are concordant with forecasts built, show stream biota of med-regions when facing climate changes tend to be displaced towards higher elevations and upper latitudes, communities tend to change their composition and homogenize, while some life-history traits seem to provide biota with resilience and resistance to adapt to the new conditions (as being short-lived, small, and resistant to low streamflow and desiccation). Nevertheless, such responses may be insufficient to cope with current and future environmental changes. Accurate forecasts of biotic changes and possible adaptations are difficult to obtain in med-regions mainly because of the difficulty of distinguishing disturbances due to natural variability from the effects of climate change, particularly regarding hydrology. Long-term studies are needed to disentangle such variability and improve knowledge regarding the ecological responses and the detection of early warning signals to climate change. Investments should focus on taxa beyond fish and macroinvertebrates, and in covering the less studied regions of Chile and South Africa. Scientists, policy makers and water managers must be involved in the climate change dialogue because the freshwater conservation concerns are huge.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions have important effects on terrestrial ecosystems. The biotic effects of volcanic ash on insect populations vary from widespread and catastrophic to subtle and localized. Volcanic eruptions may increase insect mortality through the effects of the ash plume, and these vary by taxon or specific biological features. The PuyehueCordon Caulle Volcanic Complex is the most recent eruption in Patagonia. Here we explore and describe the effects of the eruption of this volcanic complex on invasive Vespula spp. populations. These wasps are very abundant social hymenoptera that have recently invaded Patagonia. We placed baited traps following the gradient of deposited ash, and revisited them once a week during February to April. No wasps were caught where ash deposition levels exceeded 3.0 cm. The number of wasps caught in sites with minimal ash deposits was similar to that of previous years. In locations where ash layers are intermediate, a few wasps were observed, but only during the peak of wasp abundance. We show that Vespula spp. populations were severely affected by the ash deposition and plume, caused by this eruption. These results show catastrophic effects of ash deposition over a large area, even at great distances from the eruption epicenter. We conclude that wasp mortality explained by the volcanic eruption may reach distant areas, and cause local extinction. In areas where active volcanoes are common, invasive insects may encounter an additional obstacle in their invasion success.  相似文献   

Palaeoclimate proxies have demonstrated links between climate changes and volcanic activity. However, not much is known about the impact of volcanic eruptions on forest productivity. Here we used tree-ring width and annually resolved carbon and oxygen isotopic records from tree rings of Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch, providing a centennial-scale reconstruction of tree ecophysiological processes in forest stands nearby the Lonquimay Volcano (Chile). We observed a mean decrease in tree-ring width following the major eruption of 19881990 (with aerosol emission), most probably caused by the modified ecological conditions due to acid rain and ash deposition, while a generally negative relationship between δ13C and δ18O would point to a decline in humidity and precipitation. More negative δ13C and lower δ18O values (positive correlation) following the major eruption of 1887–1890 (without aerosol emission) would suggest high stomatal conductance and moisture availability, though tree-ring width (and probably photosynthetic rate) was unaltered. At least for this sample of trees, in the case of eruption with large tephra emission, the beneficial effect of aerosol light scattering on tree productivity appears to be outweighed by the detrimental effect of eruption-induced toxic deposition. Signals of the two major eruptions of the past 200?years at Lonquimay were present in tree rings of nearby A. araucana. No unique response of tree functions to volcanic eruptions can be expected, but rather (1) the variable volcanic properties and (2) the complex interplay of diffuse light increase (aerosol scattering), air temperature decrease (cloud shading), and toxic deposition impact (volcanic ash), makes any prediction of tree growth and ecophysiological response very challenging.  相似文献   

Volcanic disturbances and ecosystem recovery at sites of neritic carbonate production are rarely documented, neither in the recent nor past geological record. Herein, we present a Middle Miocene (ca 14.5 Ma) shallow-marine carbonate record from the Styrian Basin (Austria) that shows recurrent breakdowns of the carbonate producers (i.e., coralline red algae and zooxanthellate corals) in response to ashfalls from nearby volcanic island sources. These volcanic events are preserved as distinct marl layers with idiomorphic biotite crystals and volcaniclasts that mantle the former seafloor topography. The pyroclastic sediments suffocated the carbonate producers in coral reef and seagrass environments. A subsequent turbid, eutrophic phase caused by the redistribution, suspension, and dissolution of volcaniclastics is characterized by the spreading of suspension-feeding biota, coralline algae, and the larger benthic foraminifer Planostegina. During this stage, rapidly consolidated pyroclastic deposits acted as hard grounds for attached-living bivalves. The fact that the facies below and above the studied ashbeds are almost identical suggests that volcaniclastic events had no long-lasting effects on the structure of the carbonate-producing benthic communities. Although Miocene shallow-water carbonate systems of the circum-Mediterranean region are well known and situated in one of the geodynamically most active regions worldwide, this study is the first that exams the impact of volcanic sedimentation events on shallow marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Refugia have been suggested as priority sites for conservation under climate change because of their ability to facilitate survival of biota under adverse conditions. Here, we review the likely role of refugial habitats in conserving freshwater biota in arid Australian aquatic systems where the major long‐term climatic influence has been aridification. We introduce a conceptual model that characterizes evolutionary refugia and ecological refuges based on our review of the attributes of aquatic habitats and freshwater taxa (fishes and aquatic invertebrates) in arid Australia. We also identify methods of recognizing likely future refugia and approaches to assessing the vulnerability of arid‐adapted freshwater biota to a warming and drying climate. Evolutionary refugia in arid areas are characterized as permanent, groundwater‐dependent habitats (subterranean aquifers and springs) supporting vicariant relicts and short‐range endemics. Ecological refuges can vary across space and time, depending on the dispersal abilities of aquatic taxa and the geographical proximity and hydrological connectivity of aquatic habitats. The most important are the perennial waterbodies (both groundwater and surface water fed) that support obligate aquatic organisms. These species will persist where suitable habitats are available and dispersal pathways are maintained. For very mobile species (invertebrates with an aerial dispersal phase) evolutionary refugia may also act as ecological refuges. Evolutionary refugia are likely future refugia because their water source (groundwater) is decoupled from local precipitation. However, their biota is extremely vulnerable to changes in local conditions because population extinction risks cannot be abated by the dispersal of individuals from other sites. Conservation planning must incorporate a high level of protection for aquifers that support refugial sites. Ecological refuges are vulnerable to changes in regional climate because they have little thermal or hydrological buffering. Accordingly, conservation planning must focus on maintaining meta‐population processes, especially through dynamic connectivity between aquatic habitats at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Current rates of climate change are unprecedented, and biological responses to these changes have also been rapid at the levels of ecosystems, communities, and species. Most research on climate change effects on biodiversity has concentrated on the terrestrial realm, and considerable changes in terrestrial biodiversity and species’ distributions have already been detected in response to climate change. The studies that have considered organisms in the freshwater realm have also shown that freshwater biodiversity is highly vulnerable to climate change, with extinction rates and extirpations of freshwater species matching or exceeding those suggested for better‐known terrestrial taxa. There is some evidence that freshwater species have exhibited range shifts in response to climate change in the last millennia, centuries, and decades. However, the effects are typically species‐specific, with cold‐water organisms being generally negatively affected and warm‐water organisms positively affected. However, detected range shifts are based on findings from a relatively low number of taxonomic groups, samples from few freshwater ecosystems, and few regions. The lack of a wider knowledge hinders predictions of the responses of much of freshwater biodiversity to climate change and other major anthropogenic stressors. Due to the lack of detailed distributional information for most freshwater taxonomic groups and the absence of distribution‐climate models, future studies should aim at furthering our knowledge about these aspects of the ecology of freshwater organisms. Such information is not only important with regard to the basic ecological issue of predicting the responses of freshwater species to climate variables, but also when assessing the applied issue of the capacity of protected areas to accommodate future changes in the distributions of freshwater species. This is a huge challenge, because most current protected areas have not been delineated based on the requirements of freshwater organisms. Thus, the requirements of freshwater organisms should be taken into account in the future delineation of protected areas and in the estimation of the degree to which protected areas accommodate freshwater biodiversity in the changing climate and associated environmental changes.  相似文献   

The concept of limiting nutrients is a cornerstone of theories concerning the control of production, structure and dynamics of freshwater and marine plankton. The current dogma is that nitrogen is limiting in most marine environments while freshwater ecosystems are mostly phosphorus-limited, although evidence of phytoplankton limitation by either N or P has been found in both environments.However, the same considerations apply to the availability of phosphorus in freshwater as to nitrogen in oceans. In resource-limited environments the plankton dynamics depend mostly on the internal mechanisms which act to recycle the limiting nutrient many times over within the surface waters. As the overall productivity increases, this dependence on nutrient regeneration decreases.The relationship between the stock of limiting nutrient, rates of supply and plankton dynamics must therefore be seen in the light of the processes operating within the entire food chain over quite different time scales. There is strong evidence that process-rates are mostly size-dependent and that food web interactions at the microbial level (picophytoplankton, bacteria, microheterotrophs) strongly effect the production of carbon and the regeneration of nutrients in the pelagic zone.  相似文献   

The interaction of soil biota and soil structure under global change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structural framework of soil mediates all soil processes, at all relevant scales. The spatio-temporal heterogeneity prevalent in most soils underpins the majority of biological diversity in soil, providing refuge sites for prey against predator, flow paths for biota to move, or be moved, and localized pools of substrate for biota to multiply. Just as importantly, soil biota play a crucial role in mediating soil structure: bacteria and fungi aggregate and stabilize structure at small scales (μm–cm) and earthworms and termites stabilize and create larger-scale structures (mm–m). The stability of this two-way interaction of structure and biota relations is crucial to the sustainability of the ecosystem. Soil is constantly reacting to changes in microclimates, and many of the soil–plant–microbe processes rely on the functioning of subtle chemical and physical gradients. The effect of global change on soil structure–biota interactions may be significant, through alterations in precipitation, temperature events, or land-use. Nonetheless, because of the complexity and the ubiquitous heterogeneity of these interactions, it is difficult to extrapolate from general qualitative predictions of the effects of perturbations to specific reactions. This paper reviews some of the main soil structure–biota interactions, particularly focusing on soil stability, and the role of biota mediating soil structures. The effect of alterations in climate and land-use on these interactions is investigated. Several case studies of the effect of land-use change are presented.  相似文献   

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