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Plant DNA helicases: the long unwinding road   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Escherichia coli DNA helicases: mechanisms of DNA unwinding   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
DNA helicases are ubiquitous enzymes that catalyse the unwinding of duplex DNA during replication, recombination and repair. These enzymes have been studied extensively; however, the specific details of how any helicase unwinds duplex DNA are unknown. Although it is clear that not all helicases unwind duplex DNA in an identical way, many helicases possess similar properties, which are thus likely to be of general importance to their mechanism of action. For example, since helicases appear generally to be oligomeric enzymes, the hypothesis is presented in this review that the functionally active forms of DNA helicases are oligomeric. The oligomeric nature of helicases provides them with multiple DNA-binding sites, allowing the transient formation of ternary structures, such that at an unwinding fork, the helicase can bind either single-stranded and duplex DNA simultaneously or two strands of single-stranded DNA. Modulation of the relative affinities of these binding sites for single-stranded versus duplex DNA through ATP binding and hydrolysis would then provide the basis for a cycling mechanism for processive unwinding of DNA by helicases. The properties of the Escherichia coli DNA helicases are reviewed and possible mechanisms by which helicases might unwind duplex DNA are discussed in view of their oligomeric structures, with emphasis on the E. coli Rep, RecBCD and phage T7 gene 4 helicases.  相似文献   

The long unwinding road of RNA helicases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
RNA helicases comprise a large family of enzymes that are thought to utilize the energy of NTP binding and hydrolysis to remodel RNA or RNA-protein complexes, resulting in RNA duplex strand separation, displacement of proteins from RNA molecules, or both. These functions of RNA helicases are required for all aspects of cellular RNA metabolism, from bacteria to humans. We provide a brief overview of the functions of RNA helicases and highlight some of the recent key advances that have contributed to our current understanding of their biological function and mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Ping Xie 《Proteins》2016,84(11):1590-1605
Helicases are a class of enzymes that use the chemical energy of NTP hydrolysis to drive mechanical processes such as translocation and nucleic acid (NA) strand separation. Besides the NA unwinding speed, another important factor for the helicase activity is the NA unwinding processivity. Here, we study the NA unwinding processivity with an analytical model that captures the phenomenology of the NA unwinding process. First, we study the processivity of the non‐hexameric helicase that can unwind NA efficiently in the form of a monomer and the processivity of the hexameric helicase that can unwind DNA effectively, providing quantitative explanations of the available single‐molecule experimental data. Then, we study the processivity of the non‐hexameric helicases, in particular UvrD, in the form of a dimer and compare with that in the form of a monomer. The available single‐molecule and some biochemical data showing that while UvrD monomer is a highly processive single‐stranded DNA translocase it is inactive in DNA unwinding, whereas other biochemical data showing that UvrD is active in both single‐stranded DNA translocation and DNA unwinding in the form of a monomer can be explained quantitatively and consistently. In addition, the recent single‐molecule data are also explained quantitatively showing that constraining the 2B subdomain in closed conformation by intramolecular cross‐linking can convert Rep monomer with a very poor DNA unwinding activity into a superhelicase that can unwind more than thousands of DNA base pairs processively, even against a large opposing force. Proteins 2016; 84:1590–1605. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA helicases are motor proteins that catalyze the unwinding of double-stranded DNA into single-stranded DNA using the free energy from ATP hydrolysis. Single molecule approaches enable us to address detailed mechanistic questions about how such enzymes move processively along DNA. Here, an optical method has been developed to follow the unwinding of multiple DNA molecules simultaneously in real time. This was achieved by measuring the accumulation of fluorescent single-stranded DNA-binding protein on the single-stranded DNA product of the helicase, using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. By immobilizing either the DNA or helicase, localized increase in fluorescence provides information about the rate of unwinding and the processivity of individual enzymes. In addition, it reveals details of the unwinding process, such as pauses and bursts of activity. The generic and versatile nature of the assay makes it applicable to a variety of DNA helicases and DNA templates. The method is an important addition to the single-molecule toolbox available for studying DNA processing enzymes.  相似文献   

Three helicase structures have been determined recently: that of the DNA helicase PcrA, that of the hepatitis C virus RNA helicase, and that of the Escherichia coli DNA helicase Rep. PcrA and Rep belong to the same super-family of helicases (SF1) and are structurally very similar. In contrast, the HCV helicase belongs to a different super-family of helicases, SF2, and shows little sequence homology with the PcrA/Rep helicases. Yet, the HCV helicase is structurally similar to Rep/PcrA, suggesting preservation of structural scaffolds and relationships between helicase motifs across these two super-families. The comparison study presented here also reveals the existence of a new helicase motif in the SF1 family of helicases.  相似文献   

Crystal structures have recently been solved of the monomeric DNA helicase PcrA bound to forked DNA, and of the hexameric helicase domain of the bacteriophage T7 gene 4 protein, a replication fork DNA helicase/primase. These structures have led to the elaboration of the first molecular models to describe DNA helicase action.  相似文献   

Bizebard T  Ferlenghi I  Iost I  Dreyfus M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(24):7857-7866
DEAD-box proteins participate in various aspects of RNA metabolism in all organisms. These RNA-dependent ATPases are usually regarded as double-stranded RNA unwinding enzymes, though in vitro this activity has only been demonstrated for a subset of them. Given their high biological specificity, their equivocal unwinding activity may reflect the noncognate character of the substrates used in vitro. Here, we pinpoint other reasons for this elusiveness. We have compared the ATPase and helicase activities of three E. coli DEAD-box proteins, CsdA, RhlE and SrmB. Whereas the ATPase activity of all proteins is stimulated (albeit to various degree) by long RNAs, only RhlE is stimulated by short oligoribonucleotides. Consistently, all three proteins can unwind RNA duplexes with long single-stranded extensions, but only RhlE is effective when extensions are short or absent. Another critical constraint concerns the length of the duplex region: in the case of RhlE, the ratio (duplex unwound)/(ATP hydrolyzed) drops 1000-fold upon going from 11 to 14 base pairs, indicating a low processivity. Remarkably, allowing for these constraints, all three proteins can unwind substrates with either 5' or 3' extensions (or no extension in the case of RhlE). This behavior, which contrasts with that of well studied SF1 DNA helicases, is discussed in the light of available structural and biochemical data.  相似文献   

A partial duplex DNA substrate containing the Lac repressor binding site, within the duplex region, was constructed to examine the effect of bound Lac repressor on the unwinding reaction catalyzed by several DNA helicases. The substrate contained 90 base pairs of double-stranded DNA and, in the absence of Lac repressor, was effectively unwound by each of the seven helicases tested. The unwinding reactions catalyzed by Escherichia coli Rep protein, bacteriophage T4 Dda protein and E. coli DNA helicase I were not inhibited by the presence of bound Lac repressor. Both SV40 T antigen and E. coli helicase II were partially inhibited by bound repressor at the highest repressor concentrations tested. The helicase reactions catalyzed by E. coli DnaB protein and helicase IV were substantially inhibited by the presence of bound protein. When the length of the duplex region was increased to 323 base pairs the inhibition spectrum caused by bound Lac repressor on the unwinding reactions catalyzed by DnaB protein, helicase I and helicase II was essentially the same as that observed using the shorter partial duplex molecule. Inhibition of the unwinding reaction was due to the presence of bound Lac repressor as evidenced by the substantially weaker inhibition of helicase IV by Lac repressor in the presence of IPTG. In addition, we have shown that Rep protein displaces the bound repressor protein during the course of an unwinding reaction.  相似文献   

Bloom (BLM) and Werner (WRN) syndrome proteins are members of the RecQ family of SF2 DNA helicases. In this paper, we show that restricting the rotational DNA backbone flexibility, by introducing vinylphosphonate internucleotide linkages in the translocating DNA strand, inhibits efficient duplex unwinding by these enzymes. The human single-stranded DNA binding protein replication protein A (RPA) fully restores the unwinding activity of BLM and WRN on vinylphosphonate-containing substrates while the heterologous single-stranded DNA binding protein from Escherichia coli (SSB) restores the activity only partially. Both RPA and SSB fail to restore the unwinding activity of the SF1 PcrA helicase on modified substrates, implying specific interactions of RPA with the BLM and WRN helicases. Our data highlight subtle differences between SF1 and SF2 helicases and suggest that although RecQ helicases belong to the SF2 family, they are mechanistically more similar to the SF1 PcrA helicase than to other SF2 helicases that are not affected by vinylphosphonate modifications.  相似文献   

Pugh RA  Wu CG  Spies M 《The EMBO journal》2012,31(2):503-514
Structurally similar superfamily I (SF1) and II (SF2) helicases translocate on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with defined polarity either in the 5'-3' or in the 3'-5' direction. Both 5'-3' and 3'-5' translocating helicases contain the same motor core comprising two RecA-like folds. SF1 helicases of opposite polarity bind ssDNA with the same orientation, and translocate in opposite directions by employing a reverse sequence of the conformational changes within the motor domains. Here, using proteolytic DNA and mutational analysis, we have determined that SF2B helicases bind ssDNA with the same orientation as their 3'-5' counterparts. Further, 5'-3' translocation polarity requires conserved residues in HD1 and the FeS cluster containing domain. Finally, we propose the FeS cluster-containing domain also provides a wedge-like feature that is the point of duplex separation during unwinding.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecQ DNA helicase participates in a pathway of DNA repair that operates in parallel to the recombination pathway driven by the multisubunit helicase-nuclease machine RecBCD. The model mycobacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis executes homologous recombination in the absence of its helicase-nuclease machine AdnAB, though it lacks a homolog of E. coli RecQ. Here, we identify and characterize M. smegmatis RqlH, a RecQ-like helicase with a distinctive domain structure. The 691-amino acid RqlH polypeptide consists of a RecQ-like ATPase domain (amino acids 1-346) and tetracysteine zinc-binding domain (amino acids 435-499), separated by an RqlH-specific linker. RqlH lacks the C-terminal HRDC domain found in E. coli RecQ. Rather, the RqlH C-domain resembles bacterial ComF proteins and includes a phosphoribosyltransferase-like module. We show that RqlH is a DNA-dependent ATPase/dATPase that translocates 3'-5' on single-stranded DNA and has 3'-5' helicase activity. These functions inhere to RqlH-(1-505), a monomeric motor unit comprising the ATPase, linker and zinc-binding domains. RqlH homologs are distributed widely among bacterial taxa. The mycobacteria that encode RqlH lack a classical RecQ, though many other Actinobacteria have both RqlH and RecQ. Whereas E. coli K12 encodes RecQ but lacks a homolog of RqlH, other strains of E. coli have both RqlH and RecQ.  相似文献   

Helicases are motor enzymes that convert the chemical energy of NTP hydrolysis into mechanical force for motion and nucleic acid strand separation. Within the cell, helicases process a range of nucleic acid sequences. It is not known whether this composite rate of moving and opening the strands of nucleic acids depends on the base sequence. Our presteady state kinetic studies of helicases from two classes, the ring-shaped T7 helicase and two forms of non-ring-shaped hepatitis C virus (HCV) helicase, show that both the unwinding rate and processivity depend on the sequence and decrease as the nucleic acid stability increases. The DNA unwinding activity of T7 helicase and the RNA unwinding activity of HCV helicases decrease steeply with increasing base pair stability. On the other hand, the DNA unwinding activity of HCV helicases is less sensitive to base pair stability. These results predict that helicases will fall into a spectrum of modest to high sensitivity to base pair stability depending on their biological role in the cell. Modeling of the dependence provided the degree of the active involvement of helicase in base pair destabilization during the unwinding process and distinguished between passive and active mechanisms of unwinding.  相似文献   

Binding of the Escherichia coli Tus protein to its cognate nonpalindromic binding site on duplex DNA (a Ter sequence) is sufficient to arrest the progression of replication forks in a Ter orientation-dependent manner in vivo and in vitro. In order to probe the molecular mechanism of this inhibition, we have used a strand displacement assay to investigate the effect of Tus on the DNA helicase activities of DnaB, PriA, UvrD (helicase II), and the phi X-type primosome. When the substrate was a short oligomer hybridized to a circular single-stranded DNA, strand displacement by DnaB, PriA, and the primosome (in both directions), but not UvrD, was blocked by Tus in a polar fashion. However, no inhibition of either DnaB or UvrD was observed when the substrate carried an elongated duplex region. With this elongated substrate, PriA helicase activity was only inhibited partially (by 50%). On the other hand, both the 5'----3' and 3'----5' helicase activities of the primosome were inhibited almost completely by Tus with the elongated substrate. These results suggest that while Tus can inhibit the translocation of some proteins along single-stranded DNA in a polar fashion, this generalized effect is insufficient for the inhibition of bona fide DNA helicase activity.  相似文献   

The RNA helicase/protease NS3 plays a central role in the RNA replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV), a cytoplasmic RNA virus that represents a major worldwide health problem. NS3 is, therefore, an important drug target in the effort to combat HCV. Most work has focused on the protease, rather than the helicase, activities of the enzyme. In order to further characterize NS3 helicase activity, we evaluated individual stages of duplex unwinding by NS3 alone and in complex with cofactor NS4A. Despite a putative replicative role in RNA unwinding, we found that NS3 alone is a surprisingly poor helicase on RNA, but that RNA activity is promoted by cofactor NS4A. In contrast, NS3 alone is a highly processive helicase on DNA. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this robust DNA helicase activity is not vestigial and may have specifically evolved in HCV. Given that HCV has no replicative DNA intermediate, these findings suggest that NS3 may have the capacity to affect host DNA.  相似文献   

A topoisomerase I DNA unwinding assay has been used to determine the relative DNA-binding affinities of a model pair of homologous naphthalene diimides. Binding affinity data were corroborated using calorimetric (ITC) and spectrophotometric (titration and T(m)) studies, with substituent size playing a significant role in binding. The assay was also used to investigate the mode of binding adopted by several known DNA-binding agents, including SYBR Green and PicoGreen. Some of the compounds exhibited unexpected binding modes.  相似文献   

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