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The impact of gene flow and population size fluctuations in shaping genetic variation during adaptive radiation, at both the genome-wide and gene-specific levels, is very poorly understood. To examine how historical population size and gene flow patterns within and between loci have influenced lineage divergence in the Hawaiian silversword alliance, we have investigated the nucleotide sequence diversity and divergence patterns of four floral regulatory genes (ASAP1-A, ASAP1-B, ASAP3-A, ASAP3-B) and a structural gene (ASCAB9). Levels and patterns of molecular divergence across these five nuclear loci were estimated between two recently derived species (Dubautia ciliolata and Dubautia arborea) which are presumed to be sibling species. This multilocus analysis of genetic variation, haplotype divergence and historical demography indicates that population expansion and differential gene flow occurred subsequent to the divergence of these two lineages. Moreover, contrasting patterns of allele- sharing for regulatory loci vs. a structural locus between these two sibling species indicate alternative histories of genetic variation and partitioning among loci where alleles of the floral regulatory loci are shared primarily from D. arborea to D. ciliolata and alleles of the structural locus are shared in both directions. Taken together, these results suggest that adaptively radiating species can exhibit contrasting allele migration rates among loci such that allele movement at specific loci may supersede genetic divergence caused by drift and that lineage divergence during adaptive radiation can be associated with population expansion.  相似文献   

Here we report our characterization of a widespread, highly selfing Mimulus allotetraploid formed by interspecific hybridization between M. nasutus and M. guttatus. Nucleotide variation at two nuclear loci (mCYCA and mAP3) within and among tetraploid populations resolves two haplotype clusters for each locus: one shares near identity with sequences from M. nasutus and the other group shares substantial variation with M. guttatus. With respect to the two loci studied, each allotetraploid individual is a 'fixed heterozygote' carrying sequences from both clusters. Moreover, mCYCA variation is consistent with at least two evolutionary origins for the Mimulus allotetraploid. We show that the allotetraploid is strongly reproductively isolated from M. nasutus and M. guttatus; interploidy crosses produce almost no viable seeds. By extension, we infer strong triploid block and argue that Mimulus allotetraploid formation might proceed in one step via the union of unreduced gametes in an M. nasutus-M. guttatus F(1) hybrid. We also discuss the potential roles of mating system and flowering asynchrony in allotetraploid establishment.  相似文献   

Two vigorous transoceanic, bigeneric hybrids, Dubautia laevigata (n = 14) × Raillardiopsis muirii (n = 8) and [Dubautia knudsenii × laxa] (n = 14) × Madia bolanderi (n = 6), and one vigorous transoceanic trigeneric hybrid, Dubautia scabra (n = 14) × [M. bolanderi × R. muirii], between mainland tarweeds and Hawaiian silversword allies were artificially produced and subjected to cytogenetic analysis. In addition to univalents, ≈46–80% of the microsporocytes scored from these hybrids exhibited from one to four bivalents. However, some of the bivalents scored in the second bigeneric hybrid represented infragenomic association of Dubautia chromosomes. Stainable pollen of these hybrids ranged from 4.4 to 49%, mostly comprising large, tetracolporate, apparently diploid grains. The functionality of such grains was demonstrated in the primary hybrid M. bolanderi × R. muirii that was used to produce the trigeneric hybrid, and suggests the possible mode of origin of the Hawaiian genome via allopolyploidy. Illustrations of parents and F1s indicate that the hybrids produced in this study generally exhibit intermediate character states. However, the phenotypes of the “ray” flowers in hybrids between discoid and radiate species were noticeably unpredictable; in one case intermediacy appeared to be expressed largely in quantitative terms, while in two others intermediacy appeared to be expressed largely in qualitative terms.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae) is one the best examples of a plant adaptive radiation, exhibiting extensive morphological and ecological diversity. No research within this group has addressed the role of geographical isolation, independent of ecological adaptation, in contributing to taxonomic diversity. The aims of this study were to examine genetic differentiation among subspecies of Dubautia laxa (Asteraceae) to determine if allopatric or sympatric populations and subspecies form distinct genetic clusters to understand better the role of geography in diversification within the alliance.


Dubautia laxa is a widespread member of the Hawaiian silversword alliance, occurring on four of the five major islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, with four subspecies recognized on the basis of morphological, ecological and geographical variation. Nuclear microsatellites and plastid DNA sequence data were examined. Data were analysed using maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic methodologies to identify unique evolutionary lineages.

Key Results

Plastid DNA sequence data resolved two highly divergent lineages, recognized as the Laxa and Hirsuta groups, that are more similar to other members of the Hawaiian silversword alliance than they are to each other. The Laxa group is basal to the young island species of Dubautia, whereas the Hirsuta group forms a clade with the old island lineages of Dubautia and with Argyroxiphium. The divergence between the plastid groups is supported by Bayesian microsatellite clustering analyses, but the degree of nuclear differentiation is not as great. Clear genetic differentiation is only observed between allopatric populations, both within and among islands.


These results indicate that geographical separation has aided diversification in D. laxa, whereas ecologically associated morphological differences are not associated with neutral genetic differentiation. This suggests that, despite the stunning ecological adaptation observed, geography has also played an important role in the Hawaiian silversword alliance plant adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The polyploid Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae), a spectacular example of adaptive radiation in plants, was shown previously to have descended from North American tarweeds of the Madia/Raillardiopsis group, a primarily diploid assemblage. The origin of the polyploid condition in the silversword alliance was not resolved in earlier biosystematic, cytogenetic, and molecular studies, apart from the determination that polyploidy in modern species of Madia/Raillardiopsis arose independent of that of the Hawaiian group. We determined that two floral homeotic genes, ASAP3/TM6 and ASAP1, are found in duplicate copies within members of the Hawaiian silversword alliance and appear to have arisen as a result of interspecific hybridization between two North American tarweed species. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses of the ASAP3/TM6 loci suggest that the interspecific hybridization event in the ancestry of the Hawaiian silversword alliance involved members of lineages that include Raillardiopsis muirii (and perhaps Madia nutans) and Raillardiopsis scabrida. The ASAP1 analysis also indicates that the two species of Raillardiopsis are among the closest North American relatives of the Hawaiian silversword alliance. Previous biosystematic evidence demonstrates the potential for allopolyploid formation between members of the two North American tarweed lineages; a vigorous hybrid between R. muirii and R. scabrida has been produced that formed viable, mostly tetraporate (diploid) pollen, in keeping with observed meiotic failure. Various genetic consequences of allopolyploidy may help to explain the phenomenal evolutionary diversification of the silversword alliance.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli have evolved adaptive systems to resist strongly acidic habitats in part through the production of 2 biochemically identical isoforms of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), encoded by the gadA and gadB genes. These genes occur in E. coli and other members of the genospecies (e.g., Shigella spp.) and originated as part of a genomic fitness island acquired early in Escherichia evolution. The present duplicated gad loci are widely spaced on the E. coli chromosome, and the 2 genes are 97% similar in sequence. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the gadA and gadB in 16 strains of pathogenic E. coli revealed 3.8% and 5.0% polymorphism in the 2 genes, respectively. Alignment of the homologous genes identified a total of 120 variable sites, including 21 fixed nucleotide differences between the loci within the first 82 codons of the genes. Twenty-three phylogenetically informative sites were polymorphic for the same nucleotides in both genes suggesting recent gene conversions or intergenic recombination. Phylogenetic analysis based on the synonymous substitutions per synonymous site indicated 2 cases in which specific gadA and gadB alleles were more closely related to one another than to other alleles at the corresponding locus. The results indicate that at least 3 gene conversion events have occurred after the gad gene duplication in the evolution of E. coli. Despite multiple gene conversion events, the upstream regulatory regions and the 5' end of each gene remains distinct, suggesting that maintaining functionally different gad genes is important in this acid-resistance mechanism in pathogenic E. coli.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear rDNA transcribed spacers and cytogenetic studies of interspecific hybrids reported here uphold Carlquist's hypothesis (1965, Island Biology) that shrubby tarweeds (Deinandra) of Guadalupe Island, Mexico, are products of in situ radiation in the California Islands, where evidence of plant diversification has been equivocal. Based on the rDNA findings, the Guadalupe Island endemics (D. frutescens, D. greeneana subsp. greeneana, and D. palmeri) constitute a clade that arose since the late Pliocene, well after the origin of Guadalupe Island and diversification of annual, mainland Californian lineages of Deinandra. High interfertility and normal meiosis in F(1) hybrids between the three endemics contrast with reduced interfertility (to complete intersterility) and meiotic irregularities in F(1) hybrids between other, mostly mainland species of Deinandra. Cloned rDNA sequences provided no convincing evidence of introgression among the Guadalupe Island deinandras; morphological, phenological, and/or habitat differences among those taxa indicate ecological barriers to gene flow and a probable role for ecological divergence in diversification. Biosystematic and molecular phylogenetic data for shrubby tarweeds of Guadalupe Island and another secondarily woody, oceanic-island tarweed lineage, the Hawaiian silversword alliance, reveal strikingly similar evolutionary histories. Both groups violate Baker's Rule by stemming from self-incompatible ancestors in western North America, and each has undergone within-island diversification without evolution of strong sterility barriers among lineages. Evolutionary parallels between these Hawaiian and California Island lineages of Madiinae, first suggested by Carlquist, may reflect characteristics of tarweeds that facilitate insular colonization and adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Representative samples were collected from almost all known populations of the endemic Galapagos genus Lecocarpus. Multivariate statistical methods were applied to morphological characters to investigate differentiation among species and populations. In discriminant analysis no misclassifications were made among species. Populations of L. darwinii and L. lecocarpoides were better discriminated than populations of L. pinnatifidus . Principal Component Analysis (PCA) separated species well although intermediate populations occur between L. darwinii and L. lecocarpoides . Clear patterns of within-species differentiation were seen among populations of L. darwinii and L. lecocarpoides , but not among populations of L. pinnatifidus .
Populations of L. lecocarpoides at present grow on separate islands. All populations of L. darwinii are found on San Cristóbal, but this island might have been separated into more islands in the past. Lecocarpus pinnatifidus has probably always been growing on only one island. This suggests that the sea is the major barrier to dispersal of the three species. We find it likely that the degree of reproductive isolation caused by the sea is crucial to the differentiation among populations, and that genetic drift rather than adaptation has been responsible. The analyses cast new light on the identity of classic collections made by Darwin in 1835 and Stewart in 1906. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 523–544.  相似文献   

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Asteraceae) is a complex polymorphic shrub species widely distributed in western North America. In a study of 86 populations belonging to 15 subspecies, achene mass varied among populations over a sevenfold range. Achene mass was closely correlated with capitulum size at the subspecies level, varied little between wild-growing and common-garden-grown members of a population, and was under strong genetic control. Subspecies with the heaviest achenes are restricted to specialized edaphic environments (dunes and badlands) or late seral montane riparian communities, while subspecies that are widely distributed and that occur in early seral habitats have less heavy achenes. Selection on achene mass has apparently been a notable feature of the adaptive radiation of Chrysothamnus nauseosus into the wide array of habitats it currently occupies. Within a wild population, achene mass was greater for plants fruiting in midautumn than for plants fruiting early or late in the autumn, and this same trend was observed within individual plants in garden populations, indicating environmental control, perhaps through resource limitation. Highly significant between-plant differences in achene mass were found in both wild and garden populations, suggesting that within-population genetic variation is sufficient to permit continuing selection.  相似文献   

Aim To estimate the rate of adaptive radiation of endemic Hawaiian Bidens and to compare their diversification rates with those of other plants in Hawaii and elsewhere with rapid rates of radiation. Location Hawaii. Methods Fifty‐nine samples representing all 19 Hawaiian species, six Hawaiian subspecies, two Hawaiian hybrids and an additional two Central American and two African Bidens species had their DNA extracted, amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced for four chloroplast and two nuclear loci, resulting in a total of approximately 5400 base pairs per individual. Internal transcribed spacer sequences for additional outgroup taxa, including 13 non‐Hawaiian Bidens, were obtained from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships were assessed by maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. The age of the most recent common ancestor and diversification rates of Hawaiian Bidens were estimated using the methods of previously published studies to allow for direct comparison with other studies. Calculations were made on a per‐unit‐area basis. Results We estimate the age of the Hawaiian clade to be 1.3–3.1 million years old, with an estimated diversification rate of 0.3–2.3 species/million years and 4.8 × 10?5 to 1.3 × 10?4 species Myr?1 km?2. Bidens species are found in Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South America, but the Hawaiian species have greater diversity of growth form, floral morphology, dispersal mode and habitat type than observed in the rest of the genus world‐wide. Despite this diversity, we found little genetic differentiation among the Hawaiian species. This is similar to the results from other molecular studies on Hawaiian plant taxa, including others with great morphological variability (e.g. silverswords, lobeliads and mints). Main conclusions On a per‐unit‐area basis, Hawaiian Bidens have among the highest rates of speciation for plant radiations documented to date. The rapid diversification within such a small area was probably facilitated by the habitat diversity of the Hawaiian Islands and the adaptive loss of dispersal potential. Our findings point to the need to consider the spatial context of diversification – specifically, the relative scale of habitable area, environmental heterogeneity and dispersal ability – to understand the rate and extent of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Accelerated evolution of regulatory genes has been proposed as an explanation for decoupled rates of morphological and molecular evolution. The Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae-Madiinae) has evolved drastic differences in growth form, including rosette plants, cushion plants, shrubs, and trees, since its origin approximately 6 MYA. We have isolated genes in the DELLA subfamily of putative growth regulators from 13 taxa of Hawaiian and North American Madiinae. The Hawaiian taxa contain two copies of DaGAI that form separate clades within the Madiinae, consistent with an allotetraploid origin for the silversword alliance. DaGAI retains conserved features that have previously been identified in DELLA genes. Selective constraint in the Hawaiian DaGAI copies remains strong in spite of rapid growth form divergence in the silversword alliance, although the constraint was somewhat relaxed in the Hawaiian copies relative to the North American lineages. We failed to detect evidence for positive selection on individual codons. Notably, selective constraint remained especially strong in the gibberellin-responsive DELLA region for which the gene subfamily is named, which is truncated or deleted in all identified dwarf mutants in GAI homologues in different angiosperm species. In contrast with the coding region, however, approximately 900 bp of the upstream flanking region shows variable rates and patterns of evolution, which might reflect positive selection on regulatory regions.  相似文献   

The woodySonchus alliance consists of 19 species ofSonchus subg.Dendrosonchus, one species ofSonchus subg.Sonchus and species of five genera (i.e.Babcockia, Sventenia, Taeckholmia, Lactucosonchus, Prenanthes), and is restricted primarily to the archipelago of the Canaries in the Macaronesian phytogeographical region. An enzyme electrophoretic study, including 13 loci, was conducted to assess genetic diversity within and divergence among species of the alliance. Nei's genetic identities (distances) between genera and/or subgenera range from 0.490 (0.714) to 0.980 (0.013), and pairwise comparisons of all populations show relatively high genetic identities, with a mean of 0.804. The high identities further support the genetic cohesiveness of the alliance and its single origin on the Macaronesian islands. Species in the alliance also show about 50%; higher total genetic diversity (HT) than the mean for other oceanic endemics. There is greater divergence between endemics or species on older islands compared to those on younger islands, which suggests that time is a factor for divergence at allozyme loci. Furthermore, populations on older islands have higher total genetic diversities and lower identities than conspecific populations on younger islands. These results imply early colonization, radiation, and divergence of the woodySonchus alliance on older islands followed by subsequent colonization to younger islands. The taxonomic distribution of alleles in the alliance indicates lineage sorting also played a role in divergence among species. Lineage sorting may also produce nonconcordance with either taxonomic designation or the pattern of variation obtained from other molecular markers such as ITS sequences of nrDNA. Timing for the origin and radiation of the alliance agrees with the estimate based on ITS sequences, and suggests that the early divergence and rapid radiation took place during the Late Tertiary on either Gran Canaria or Tenerife.  相似文献   

We examined the functional relationships between floral display and two types of bumble bee response, the visitation rate per plant and the number of flowers visited on a plant, in an artificially arranged field population of Cirsium purpuratum. To reduce the variance in data, we collected data for each day separately and adopted a Latin square design in selecting the focal plants within a day. We then tested several types of regressions to each set of data to find the best-fitting line accounting for the observed relationship between pollinator response and display size. We found that the visitation rate of bumble bees per plant was a decelerating function of floral display, and that the number of flowering heads visited on a plant increased linearly with display size. Predicted from the above two functions, the visitation rate per head was independent of floral display and nearly constant within each day. Our results suggest that conventional methods in collecting and analyzing data on pollinator visitation may yield large variance in data derived from temporal and spatial heterogeneity and that improved methods employed here are effective in reducing the variance and estimating patterns of pollinator response to floral display more accurately.  相似文献   

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