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乙烯在切花衰老中的作用(综述)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
切花衰老是基因表达激活和蛋白质合成受到高度调控的过程。切花衰老所伴随的生理生化变化包括水解酶活性上升、大分子物质降解、呼吸作用增强和类似呼吸跃变的乙烯合成剧增等。乙烯的生成及其作用是切花衰老研究中十分重要的内容。本文综述乙烯在切花衰老过程中调控作用的研究现状。  相似文献   

乙烯受体是乙烯信号转导网络的第一个转导元件,通过调控受体基因的表达,可以调节植物对乙烯的敏感性,以调控果实的成熟及花衰老进程的响应。随着人们对乙烯受体研究的深入,乙烯受体突变体及受体抑制剂在采后果实和切花保鲜上的应用已受到广泛关注。就近年来关于乙烯受体的相关研究进展进行综述,重点介绍了乙烯受体的分子调控机制及乙烯受体在果实成熟和花衰老中的应用,并对今后乙烯受体的研究方向作了展望,以期为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为探索乙烯是否参与蜡梅花朵开放衰老进程的调控,利用气相色谱法测定分析不同发育阶段花朵的乙烯释放情况,同时分析乙烯、1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)处理对切花开放衰老进程和乙烯受体基因表达的影响。结果表明:蜡梅花朵开放衰老过程中有微量乙烯的产生,在盛开期出现峰值;外源乙烯显著加快了花朵开放衰老进程,缩短切花瓶插寿命1.9 d,而1-MCP处理则延长瓶插寿命2.4 d;存在受乙烯和1-MCP影响其在蜡梅花朵中表达的乙烯受体基因成员CpETR-1、CpETR-2、CpETR-3,且3个基因的转录水平变化与开放衰老进程关联较为紧密。说明蜡梅乙烯释放量虽然很低,但乙烯参与了蜡梅花朵开放和衰老的调控,影响其进程和相关乙烯受体基因的表达。  相似文献   

生长素与乙烯对兰花授粉后花发育的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以朵丽蝶兰为材料,对乙烯和生长素调节的授粉后花的发育进行了研究。实验结果显示,切花和植株上的花授粉后,乙烯的产生和发育无明显差异;花瓣的衰老,子房发育,花粉萌发和花粉管的伸长受乙烯调节;与切花相比,植株上花的子房内无ACC合酶和ACC氧化酶mRNA的积累。  相似文献   

以朵丽蝶兰为材料,对乙烯和生长素调节的授粉后花的发育进行了研究。实验结果显示,切花和植株上的花授粉后,乙烯的产生和花的发育无明显差异;花瓣的衰老、子房发育、花粉萌发和花粉管的伸长受乙烯调节;与切花相比,植株上花的子房内无ACC合酶和ACC 氧化酶mRNA 的积累。用生长素运输抑制剂2 [(1naphthalenylamino)carbonyl] benzoicacid(NPA) 处理柱头,授粉诱导的子房发育在很大程度上受到抑制, 表明授粉后子房的发育需要转运来的生长素。  相似文献   

乙烯为植物重要内源激素,参与植物多项生命活动,在花发育及衰老进程中起重要调节作用。在花卉中,研究者可通过调控其乙烯生物合成及信号转导途径相关基因影响内源乙烯生成,继而影响其发育与衰老进程。目前,通过调控内源乙烯延长花期的研究主要应用于观赏花卉,对于药用等其他花类应用尚少。对乙烯生物合成和信号转导途径模型及其相关基因的互作模式、近年来乙烯反应中介导花发育与衰老相关基因克隆及调控的相关研究进行综述,以期将通过调控内源乙烯途径相关基因来延缓植物花期的研究应用于其他花期短的观赏切花、花类药材等,为从基因水平调控内源乙烯以获得花期延长的观赏、药用花类等优良育种提供参考。  相似文献   

切花保鲜探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对唐菖蒲等切花进行了处理,测定其内源植物激素的变化,结果表明:通过抑制乙烯生成保鲜效果差,相反,通过促进内源乙释放的途径,可以延缓中寿花唐菖蒲、玫瑰、月季、和短寿花昙花,令箭荷花的衰老;对蜀葵、黄花等中、短寿花、可以通过促进水分吸收的途径来延缓衰老。并再次证明长寿花的内源乙烯生成能力与CTK/ABA比值均比短寿花高。  相似文献   

番茄突变体Epinastics的乙烯反应表现型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对番茄(Lycopersicoin esculentum Mil1.)突变体Epinastics(Epi)及其野生亲本VFN幼苗、成长植株和果实生长发育与成熟特性进行了系统研究和比较分析.Epi突变体从幼苗到果实都有乙烯过量合成,在黄化幼苗部分三重反应、成长植株叶柄严重上位生长、器官脱落和果实加速成熟等多方面表现出明显增强的乙烯反应,与已知的乙烯反应模式相符.强烈的顶端优势、紧凑的植株形态提示乙烯在植物的顶端优势调节中可能起着重要的作用.Epi突变体黄化幼苗项勾缩小、叶片和花瓣衰老延迟,与传统的乙烯反应不符,提示植物不同的生长发育特性由不同的乙烯信号转导途径调控.  相似文献   

乙烯调控植物耐盐性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙烯具有复杂的生物学功能,它调节着植物生长发育和许多的生理生化过程。乙烯也被认为是一种胁迫应答激素,直到近几年关于乙烯生物合成及信号转导途径与植物盐胁迫的关系才逐渐被挖掘出来。乙烯在不同水平、层次参与盐胁迫反应,包括乙烯合成关键酶(ACS)和乙烯受体,细胞质中CTR1和EIN2以及细胞核中EIN3传导、响应盐信号。但是乙烯合成和信号转导途径在植物盐胁迫响应过程中仍然存在许多未解决的问题。主要介绍乙烯合成及信号转导途径的各组分与盐胁迫关系的最新研究进展,并讨论其存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

香石竹花瓣对乙烯的敏感性与蛋白质合成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基因转录抑制剂α-amanitin和蛋白质合成抑制剂cycloheximide完全抑制了香石竹(Dianthuscaryophyllus L.cvs.White Sim and Sandrosa)花瓣对乙烯反应的症状,包括花瓣卷曲和细胞膜离子渗漏增加。观察到花中蛋白质合成能力随着花的衰老而降低,花对乙烯的敏感性随花的衰老而增加。但是用乙烯合成抑制剂aminooxyacetic acid(AOA)预处理切花,则改变了花对乙烯敏感性的变化趋势。常用的香石竹品种D.caryophyllus L.cv.White Sim花经AOA处理后,对乙烯的敏感性随着花的衰老而下降。这些结果揭示花对乙烯的敏感性可能受蛋白质合成能力影响。  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana etr1-1 allele, capable of conferring ethylene insensitivity in a heterologous host, was introduced into transgenic carnation plants. This gene was expressed under control of either its own promoter, the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter or the flower-specific petunia FBP1 promoter. In about half of the transgenic plants obtained flower senescence was delayed by at least 6 days relative to control flowers, with a maximum delay of 16 days, a 3-fold increase in vase life. These flowers did not show the petal inrolling phenotype typical of ethylene-dependent carnation flower senescence. Instead, petals remained firm and finally started to rot and decolorize.In transgenic plants with delayed flower senescence, expression of the Arabidopsis etr1-1 gene was detectable and the expression pattern followed the activity of the upstream promoter. In these flowers expression of the ACO1 gene, encoding the final enzyme in the ethylene biosynthesis pathway, ACC oxidase, was down-regulated. This indicates that the autocatalytic induction of ethylene biosynthesis, required to initiate and regulate the flower senescence process, is absent in etr1-1 transgenic plants due to dominant ethylene insensitivity.The delay in senescence observed in transgenic etr1-1 flowers was longer than in flowers pretreated with chemicals that inhibit either ethylene biosynthesis (amino-oxyacetic acid) or the ethylene response (silver thiosulfate). This may have important implications for post-harvest management of carnation flowers.  相似文献   

The roles of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and ethylene in interorgan signaling during senescence in orchid (Cymbidium) flowers were investigated. Following application of radiolabeled ACC to the stigma or the rostellum (modified lobe of the stigma), radiolabeled ethylene is produced by all flower parts. In intact flowers as well as in excised central columns, stigma- or rostellum-applied ACC or [alpha]-aminoisobutyric acid were largely immobile. Local treatment of the central column of previously aminoethoxyvinylglycine-treated flowers with either ethylene or 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon) rapidly induced emission of ethylene from the petals, showing that ethylene is readily translocated within the flower. Creation of alternative outlets (incisions) in the labellum or the central column significantly delayed the occurrence of senescence symptoms in ACC-treated flowers. The results do not confirm the presumed role of ACC as a signal in interorgan communication during flower senescence. In these flowers, ethylene produced in the stigmatic region following pollination or emasculation serves as a mobile factor responsible for senescence symptoms observed in other flower parts.  相似文献   

The past two decades have been rewarding in terms of deciphering the ethylene signal transduction and functional validation of the ethylene receptor and downstream genes involved in the cascade. Our knowledge of ethylene receptors and its signal transduction pathway provides us a robust platform where we can think of manipulating and regulating ethylene sensitivity by the use of genetic engineering and making transgenic. This review focuses on ethylene perception, receptor mediated regulation of ethylene biosynthesis, role of ethylene receptors in flower senescence, fruit ripening and other effects induced by ethylene. The expression behavior of the receptor and downstream molecules in climacteric and non climacteric crops is also elaborated upon. Possible strategies and recent advances in altering the ethylene sensitivity of plants using ethylene receptor genes in an attempt to modulate the regulation and sensitivity to ethylene have also been discussed. Not only will these transgenic plants be a boon to post-harvest physiology and crop improvement but, it will also help us in discovering the mechanism of regulation of ethylene sensitivity.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of ethylene regulation of gene transcription   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The plant hormone ethylene regulates many aspects of growth, development and responses to the environment. The Arabidopsis ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3) protein is a nuclear-localized component of the ethylene signal-transduction pathway with DNA-binding activity. Loss-of-function mutations in this protein result in ethylene insensitivity in Arabidopsis. To gain a better understanding of the ethylene signal-transduction pathway in tomato, we have identified three homologs of the Arabidopsis EIN3 gene (LeEILs). Each of these genes complemented the ein3-1 mutation in transgenic Arabidopsis, indicating that all are involved in ethylene signal transduction. Transgenic tomato plants with reduced expression of a single LeEIL gene did not exhibit significant changes in ethylene response; reduced expression of multiple tomato LeEIL genes was necessary to reduce ethylene sensitivity significantly. Reduced LeEIL expression affected all ethylene responses examined, including leaf epinasty, flower abscission, flower senescence and fruit ripening. Our results indicate that the LeEILs are functionally redundant and positive regulators of multiple ethylene responses throughout plant development.  相似文献   

D. Orzáez  R. Blay  A. Granell 《Planta》1999,208(2):220-226
The role of ethylene in the control of senescence of both petals and unpollinated carpels of pea was investigated. An increase in ethylene production accompanied senescence, and the inhibitors of ethylene action were effective in delaying senescence symptoms in different flower verticils. Pollination did not seem to trigger the senescence syndrome in the corolla as deduced from the observation that petals from pollinated and unpollinated flowers and from flowers whose carpels had been removed senesced at the same time. A cDNA clone encoding a putative ethylene-response sensor (psERS) was isolated from pea flowers, and the pattern of expression of its mRNA was studied during development and senescence of different flower tissues. The levels of psERS mRNA paralleled ethylene production (and also levels of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase (ACO) mRNA) in both petals and styles. Silver thiosulfate treatments were efficient at preventing ACO and psERS mRNA induction in petals. However, the same inhibitor showed no ability to modify expression patterns in pea carpels around the anthesis stage, suggesting different controls for ethylene synthesis and sensitivity in different flower organs. Received: 18 June 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

The ectopic expression of a MADS box gene FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER (FYF) caused a significant delay of senescence and a deficiency of abscission in flowers of transgenic Arabidopsis. The defect in floral abscission was found to be due to a deficiency in the timing of cell separation of the abscission zone cells. Down-regulation of INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA) may contribute to the delay of the floral abscission in 35S:FYF flowers. FYF was found to be highly expressed in young flowers prior to pollination and was significantly decreased after pollination, a pattern that correlated with its function. Ethylene insensitivity in senescence/abscission and the down-regulation of ETHYLENE RESPONSE DNA-BINDING FACTOR 1 (EDF1) and EDF2, downstream genes in the ethylene response, in 35S:FYF Arabidopsis suggested a role for FYF in regulating senescence/abscission by suppressing the ethylene response. This role was further supported by the fact that 35S:FYF enhanced the delay of flower senescence/abscission in ethylene response 1 (etr1), ethylene-insensitive 2 (ein2) and constitutive triple response 1 (ctr1) mutants, which have defects in upstream genes of the ethylene signaling pathway. The presence of a repressor domain in the C-terminus of FYF and the enhancement of the delay of senescence/abscission in FYF+SRDX (containing a suppression motif) transgenic plants suggested that FYF acts as a repressor. Indeed, in FYF-DR+VP16 transgenic dominant-negative mutant plants, in which FYF was converted to a potent activator by fusion to a VP16-AD motif, the senescence/abscission of the flower organs was significantly promoted, and the expression of BOP2, IDA and EDF1/2 was up-regulated. Our data suggest a role for FYF in controlling floral senescence/abscission by repressing ethylene responses and regulating the expression of BOP2 and IDA in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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