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p21(Cip1/WAF1) (p21), a p53-inducible protein, is a critical regulator of cell cycle and cell survival. p21 binds to and inhibits both the DNA synthesis regulator proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cyclin A/E-CDK2 complexes. Recently, p21 has also been shown to be a positive regulator of cell cycle progression as p21 is necessary for the assembly and activation of cyclin D1-CDK4/6 complexes. Furthermore, elevated p21 protein levels have been observed in various aggressive tumors as well as linked to chemoresistance. Here we demonstrate that p21 is directly phosphorylated by AKT/PKB, a survival kinase that is hyperactivated in many late stage tumors. Two sites (Thr(145) and Ser(146)) in the carboxyl terminus of p21 are phosphorylated by AKT/PKB in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylation of Thr(145) inhibits PCNA binding, whereas phosphorylation of Ser(146) significantly increases p21 protein stability. Glioblastoma cell lines with activated AKT/PKB show enhanced p21 stability, and they are more resistant to taxol-mediated toxicity. Finally, AKT/PKB controls the assembly of cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes through modulation of p21 and cyclin D1 levels. These data imply that enhanced levels of p21 in tumors are due, in part, to phosphorylation by activated AKT/PKB. Furthermore, they suggest that one mechanism of AKT/PKB regulation of tumor cell survival and/or proliferation is to stabilize p21 protein.  相似文献   

Upregulation of the p16 tumor suppressor is a hallmark of senescence in human fibroblasts. In this study, we investigated potential protein modification of p16 in senescent human fibroblasts using 2D SDS-PAGE analysis. Three distinct p16 variants with isoelectric points of 5.2, 5.4, and 5.6, were consistently detected in normal human IMR90 fibroblasts that had undergone senescence due to forced expression of oncogenic H-ras or culture passage. Moreover, in contrast to short-term serum starvation, which induces quiescence, IMR90 fibroblasts cultured in low serum for a prolonged period exhibited senescent phenotypes and expression of the three p16 variants. All three p16 variants are unlikely phosphoproteins since they failed to react with antibodies against phospho-serine, and were resistant to the treatment with phosphatases. Functionally, co-immunoprecipitation assays using antibodies against cdk4 and/or cdk6 revealed that only the two most acidic p16 variants associated with cdk4/6. Moreover, senescence induced by the forced expression of p16 in early passage IMR90 fibroblasts or osteosarcoma U2OS cells was accompanied by expression of the two most acidic p16 variants, which also associated with cdk4/6. In summary, we report that prolonged serum starvation-induced senescence may provide an additional model for studying biochemical changes in senescence, including p16 regulation. Furthermore, induction of endogenous p16 in senescent human fibroblasts correlates with the expression of three distinct p16 variants independent of protein phosphorylation. Lastly, expression of the two cdk-bound variants is sufficient to induce senescence in human cells.  相似文献   

Functional wild-type p53 is required for human diploid fibroblasts (HDF) to enter an irreversible growth arrest known as replicative senescence. Experimentally, abrogation of p53 function by expression of human papillomavirus type 16 E6 or disruption of a key downstream effector p21 by homologous recombination both extended HDF life span. However, although sufficient to extend life span, p21 down-regulation is not necessary, because expression of a dominant-negative mutant p53 (143(ala)) extends life span without apparently decreasing p21 expression. Given the importance of p53 in cellular senescence and the general assumption that p21 may be the sole mediator of its action in this process, we have investigated how abrogation of p53 function can overcome senescence without lowering expression of p21. We have found up-regulated levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (cdk2) protein in HDF expressing 143(ala) mutant p53 as compared to senescent controls, together with an increase in p21-free cdk2 which, in conjunction with cyclin E, is able to form an active kinase which can phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein. However, forced overexpression of cdk2 in near-senescent HDF failed to restore cdk2-associated kinase activity. Our data suggest that p53-mediated senescence depends on factor(s) other than p21 which modulate formation of cyclin E-cdk2 complexes.  相似文献   

UV or g irradiation mediated DNA damage activates p53 and induces cell cycle arrest. Induction of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21WAF1 by p53 after DNA damage plays an important role in cell cycle arrest after gamma irradiation. The p53 mediated cell cycle arrest has been postulated to allow cells to repair the DNA damage. Repair of UV damaged DNA occurs primarily by the nucleotide excision pathway (NER). It is known that p21WAF1 binds PCNA and inhibits PCNA function in DNA replication. PCNA is also required for repair by NER but there have been conflicting reports on whether p21WAF1 can inhibit PCNA function in NER. It has therefore been difficult to integrate the UV induced cell cycle arrest by p21 in the context of repair of UV damaged DNA. A recent study reported that p21WAF1 protein is degraded after low but not high doses of UV irradiation, that cell cycle arrest after UV is p21 independent, and that at low dose UV irradiation p21WAF1 degradation is essential for optimal DNA repair. These findings shed new light on the role of p21 in the cellular response to UV and clarify some outstanding issues concerning p21WAF1 function.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is an irreversible growth phase characteristic of normal cells. We have found that human senescent fibroblasts can be induced to undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) by ceramide, TNF-alpha, or okadaic acid. The most profound effects were induced by TNF-alpha and okadaic acid treatment. In the present study, we also evaluated the contribution of lysosomal activation as a possible mechanism underlying the induction of apoptosis. Four lysosomal enzyme activities were measured: beta-galactosidase, alpha-galactosidase A, beta-glucoronidase, and acid phosphatase. Using an in situ assay, we have found that the activity of beta-galactosidase, which is also a biochemical marker of senescence, is induced in young proliferating fibroblasts following exposure to all three apoptotic inducing agents. The other enzymes were not significantly induced in young fibroblasts following exposure to agents that induce apoptosis. During replicative senescence, three of the four lysosomal enzymes tested (beta-galactosidase, alpha-galactosidase A, and beta-glucoronidase) are constitutively expressed at high levels. TNF-alpha was the only agent that induced lysosomal activity in senescent fibroblasts, of which only alpha-galactosidase A activity was induced. Our studies show that senescent fibroblasts can be induced to undergo apoptosis in a signal-dependent manner. However, the lysosomal enzymes examined do not appear to be correlated with apoptotic induction.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory showed that p21Cip1/WAF1 can be phosphorylated by Pim-1 kinase in vitro, implying that part of the function of Pim-1 might involve influencing the cell cycle. In the present study, site-directed mutagenesis and phosphorylated-specific antibodies were used as tools to identify the sites phosphorylated by Pim-1 and the consequences of this phosphorylation. What we found was that Pim-1 can efficiently phosphorylate p21 on Thr145 in vitro using recombinant protein and in vivo in intact cells. Unexpectedly, we found that Ser146 is a second site that is phosphorylated in vivo, but this phosphorylation event seems to be an indirect result of Pim-1 expression. More importantly, the consequences of phosphorylation of either Thr145 or Ser146 are distinct. When p21 is phosphorylated on Thr145, it localizes to the nucleus and results in the disruption of the association between proliferating cell nuclear antigen and p21. Furthermore, phosphorylation of Thr145 promotes stabilization of p21. On the other hand, when p21 is phosphorylated on Ser146, it localizes primarily in the cytoplasm and the effect of phosphorylation on stability is minimal. Cotransfection of wild-type Pim-1 with p21 increases the rate of proliferation compared with cotransfection of p21 with kinase-dead Pim-1. Knocking down Pim-1 expression greatly decreases the rate of proliferation of H1299 cells and their ability to grow in soft agar. These data suggest that Pim-1 overexpression may contribute to tumorigenesis in part by influencing the cellular localization and stability of p21 and by promoting cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Full length Mcl-1 is an anti-apoptotic protein consisting of two closely migrating 42/40kDa species. We now investigated the relationship of these isoforms to the expression of cell cycle stimulatory (cyclin A) and inhibitory (p21WAF1) proteins and to the induction of apoptosis in wt p53 MCF-7 and mutant p53 SKBR3 human breast carcinomas. The latter cells exhibited lower 42kDa Mcl-1, higher expression of cyclin A relative to that of p21WAF1, and apoptosis in response to okadaic acid, a phosphatase 1/2A inhibitor. The proteasome inhibitor MG-115 selectively increased expression of the 40kDa Mcl-1 isoform and induced p21WAF1, but also promoted preferential apoptosis in SKBR3 cells. Neither okadaic acid nor MG-115 caused comparable effects in MCF-7 cells. However, vanadate or acetyl furanonaphthoquinone induced the 40kDa Mcl-1 and greater Jun kinase (JNK) phosphorylation without apoptosis-associated PARP fragmentation in MCF-7 cells. Our data suggest that the higher susceptibility of SKBR3 cells to undergo apoptosis may be partly due to their greater proliferative potential (cyclin A), low expression of the anti-apoptotic 42kDa Mcl-1 isoform, and suboptimal JNK activation in response to stress.  相似文献   

The p70 ribosomal S6 kinase (S6K1) is rapidly activated following growth factor stimulation of quiescent fibroblasts and inhibition of this enzyme results in a G(1) arrest. Phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 protein by S6K1 regulates the translation of both ribosomal proteins and initiation factors, leading to an increase in protein synthesis. We have examined the activation of S6K1 in human fibroblasts following mitogen stimulation. In early passage fibroblasts S6K1 is activated following serum stimulation as evidenced by increased kinase activity and site-specific phosphorylation. In contrast, site-specific phosphorylation of S6K1 at Thr421/Ser424 is diminished in senescent fibroblast cultures. A second phosphorylation site within S6K1 (Ser411) is phosphorylated even in the absence of serum stimulation and the enzyme shows increased phosphorylation as judged by decreased electrophoretic mobility. Inhibitor studies indicate that this phosphorylation is dependent upon the mammalian target of rapamycin, PI 3-kinase, and the MAPK pathway. In order to understand the consequences of the altered phosphorylation of the S6K1, we examined the phosphorylation state of the ribosomal S6 protein. In early passage fibroblasts the ribosomal S6 protein is phosphorylated upon serum stimulation while the phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 protein is drastically reduced in senescent fibroblasts. These results suggest that the intracellular regulators of S6K1 are altered during replicative senescence leading to a deregulation of the enzyme and a loss of ribosomal S6 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

During myogenesis, proliferating myoblasts withdraw from the cell cycle and are either eliminated by programmed cell death or differentiate into mature myotubes. Previous studies indicate that mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity is significantly induced with the onset of terminal differentiation of C2 myoblasts. We have investigated the part played by the MAPK pathway in the differentiation of C2 myoblasts. Specific activation of MAPK by expression of an active Raf1-estrogen receptor chimera protein reduced significantly the number of myoblasts undergoing programmed cell death in the differentiation medium. Activation of Raf1 prevented the proteolytic activation of the proapoptotic caspase 9-protein during differentiation. The antiapoptotic function of Raf1 correlated with accumulation of the p21WAF1 protein resulting from its increased stability. Antisense expression of p21 was used to determine whether the p21WAF1 protein mediated the antiapoptotic activity of Raf1. Reduction of p21WAF1 protein in muscle cells abolished the antiapoptotic activity of the MAPK pathway. We conclude that MAPK contributes to muscle differentiation by preventing apoptotic cell death of differentiating myoblasts and that this activity is mediated by stabilization of the p21WAF1 protein.  相似文献   

Acrylonitrile (ACN) is a compound widely used in the synthesis of a variety of organic products. It has been found that ACN is carcinogenic in rats, and some epidemiological studies also suggest a possible carcinogenic effect of ACN in humans. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of ACN exposure on the expression of p53 and p21(WAF1) proteins in vitro as well as in vivo. In vitro ACN exposure of human lung fibroblasts resulted in the induction of both p53 and p21(WAF1) proteins. To evaluate the effect of ACN on the levels of p53 and p21(WAF1) proteins in the blood plasma of ACN-exposed workers, samples from 49 subjects (average age 44 years, 88% males, 12% females) exposed to ACN in the petrochemical industry (ACN concentration ranged from 0.05 to 0.3mg/m(3)) were analyzed. Subjects living in the same area (N=24, average age 43 years, 92% males, 8% females), but not working in the petrochemical industry were used as controls. No significant differences in either p53, or p21(WAF1) levels between the exposed and control groups were found. The expression of p53 was significantly higher in exposed non-smokers as compared with smokers (P=0.02). No effect of GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes on the expression of either protein was observed. Subjects with an EPHX high activity genotype had significantly higher p21(WAF1) expression as compared with genotypes with low or medium EPHX activity. We conclude that plasma levels of both proteins are not relevant biomarkers for occupational ACN exposure.  相似文献   

Alphavirus, a genus of arthropod-borne togavirus, is well-known for its pro-apoptotic capability. However, the underlying mechanism remains to be further clarified. Here, we have identified that M1, an alphavirus isolated in 1960s, targeted C6 malignant glioma cells for apoptosis. Flow cytometry analysis showed that more cells enter S-phase post M1 infection, and subsequently undergo a classic apoptosis. To elucidate the mechanism of S-phase arrest and its relationship to apoptosis, we tested the expression of several critical cell cycle regulatory proteins and found elevated phosphorylation of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), decreased expression of cyclin A and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Notably, the protein level of p21WAF1/CIP1 was downregulated earliest and most effectively among all tested changes of cell cycle regulators, though its mRNA level was strongly upregulated. To evaluate the role of p21WAF1/CIP1 in S-phase accumulation and subsequent apoptosis, we confirmed that exogenous p21WAF1/CIP1 overexpression or treatment with roscovitine (a selective chemical inhibitor of CDK2) efficiently protected against apoptosis with a reduced S-phase accumulation Thus, it is indicated that the downregulation of p21WAF1/CIP1 mediated C6 apoptosis via overactivation of CDK2. In addition, confocal microscopy showed that p21WAF1/CIP1 totally translocated to nucleolus during M1-induced C6 apoptosis. Altogether, downregulation and nucleolar translocation of the p21WAF1/CIP1 protein played an active role in M1-induced C6 apoptosis.  相似文献   

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