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The diet composition was quantified of year‐0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeons during sampling years (2004–2008) from the Middle Mississippi River to evaluate trends in diet. River stage height varied among years and seasons. Water temperature differed among seasons but did not differ among years. The presence of empty stomachs was evident across years, seasons, and size classes of sturgeon. The overall Multivariate Analysis of Variance for frequency of occurrence was significant, suggesting that macroinvertebrate taxa (e.g. Ephemeroptera, Diptera pupae, Chironomidae, ‘Other’) differed among size classes of sturgeon, but not seasons or years. Furthermore, Tukey's pairwise comparisons indicated Ephemeroptera frequency of occurrence differed between medium and large size classes; Diptera pupae differed between small and medium size classes and small and large size classes; Chironomidae differed between small and large size classes and medium and large size classes; the macroinvertebrate taxa category ‘Other’ differed between small and large size classes. Ultimately, because of the link between diet and growth of year‐0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon, the early life history may affect eventual recruitment to adult stages.  相似文献   

Recently, peach trees showing leaf rolling, little leaf, rosetting, yellowing, bronzing of foliage and tattered and shot‐holed leaves symptoms were observed in peach growing areas in the central and north‐western regions of Iran. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested PCR using phytoplasma universal primer pairs P1/Tint, R16F2/R2, PA2F/R and NPA2F/R were employed to detect phytoplasmas. The nested PCR assays detected phytoplasma infections in 51% of symptomatic peach trees in the major peach production areas in East Azerbaijan, Isfahan, ChaharMahal‐O‐Bakhtiari and Tehran provinces. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of 485 bp fragments amplified using primer pair NPA2F/R in nested PCR revealed that the phytoplasmas associated with infected peaches were genetically different and they were distinct from phytoplasmas that have been associated with peach and almond witches’‐broom diseases in the south of Iran. Sequence analyses of partial 16S rDNA and 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions demonstrated that ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’, ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ and ‘Ca. Phytoplasma trifolii’ are prevalent in peach growing areas in the central and north‐western regions of Iran.  相似文献   

Questions: How do population structure and recruitment characteristics of Betula saplings beyond the treeline vary among climatic regions, and what is the potential for development into tree‐sized individuals with interacting grazing pressure? Location: Scandes Mountains. Methods: Sapling characteristics of Betula pubescens subsp. tortuosa, their topographic position above the treeline, growth habitat and evidence of recent grazing was investigated in three areas with a long continuous grazing history, along a latitudinal gradient (62‐69°N). Results: Saplings were common up to 100 m above the treeline in all areas. The northern areas were characterised by small (<30 cm) and young (mean 14 years old) saplings in exposed micro‐topographic locations unfavourable to long‐term survival. In the southern area, broad height (2‐183 cm) and age (4‐95 years; mean 32 years) distributions were found in sheltered locations. Age declined with altitude in all areas. Sapling growth rate varied within and between areas, and the age × height interaction was significant only in the southern area. Growth rates decreased from south to north and indicated a considerable time required to reach tree size under prevailing conditions. Conclusions: Regional differences can be attributed to climatic differences, however, interacting biotic and abiotic factors such as micro‐topography, climate and herbivory, mutually affect the characteristics of birch saplings. In view of the long time needed to reach tree size, the generally expected evident and fast treeline advance in response to climate warming may not be a likely short‐term scenario. The sapling pool in the southern region possesses strongest potential for treeline advance.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the distribution and persistence of species have been driven by Pleistocene cyclical climate changes and, more recently, by human modification of the environment. In eastern Australia, Pleistocene cyclical patterns in temperature and aridity led to the expansion and retraction of rainforest and likely affected the distribution of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus, family Phascolarctidae), a species preferring dry or open woodland. More recently, anthropogenic landscape modification has led to a large‐scale change in distribution of the koala following the destruction of approx. 75 000 ha of subtropical rainforest in north‐east New South Wales termed the ‘Big Scrub’. Sharing of the control region haplotypes to the north and south of this region indicate historical connectivity of coastal koala populations. However, the majority (110/115) of sampled koalas from this region shared a single mitochondrial control region haplotype, suggesting that koalas did not persist in multiple refugial pockets within a heterogenous rainforest but expanded into the region following deforestation. Bayesian cluster analysis of microsatellite data consistently identified two clusters of koalas. One cluster, in the north of the area, had high microsatellite diversity (10 alleles per locus, He = 0.79) and clustered with koalas further to the north, thus suggesting a southerly expansion into the cleared area. To the south was a cluster with significantly lower diversity (six alleles per locus, He = 0.59, P < 0.001). It is possible there has been restricted or filtered movement of koalas between these clusters, which coincides with a cleared river valley and associated roads or immigration from populations both to the north and to the south. This study gives an insight into the timescale of changes in species distribution following rapid alterations to suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Aim Ecoregions represent biophysical zones where environmental factors enable the development of particular plant communities. Ecoregions are generally large but abrupt transitions occur in areas with rapid physical change. A particularly abrupt transitional sequence occurs in the Rocky Mountain region of south‐western Alberta where fescue prairie, aspen parkland and mountain ecoregions occur within 15 km. To investigate plant adaptation across ecoregions, our study investigated the influences of a natural disturbance (flooding) and an artificial disturbance (cattle grazing) on reproductive and population processes of black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa, Torr. & Gray), the dominant riparian tree. Location We studied cottonwoods throughout their elevational range along two free‐flowing, first‐order streams, Yarrow and Drywood creeks. Cottonwood was the only prominent tree in the prairie ecoregion, the dominant riparian tree in the parkland and extended upward through the montane ecoregion where it was a pioneer species for the mixed coniferous–deciduous woodland. Cottonwoods did not occur in the higher elevation sub‐alpine ecoregion. Methods Thirty‐six cross‐sectional sampling transects were located across the three ecoregions with cottonwoods, and in ungrazed and grazed areas of each ecoregion. Rectangular 100 m2 tree and 2 m2 seedling quadrats were positioned along the transects, and substrate and vegetation were assessed. Historic hydrological data were analysed relative to flood recurrences and seasonal flow patterns. Results Overall, the cottonwoods displayed a sawtooth shaped ‘punctuated progressive age structure’ with many young trees, progressively fewer older trees, and about four pulses of increased recruitment over the past century. This was considered to provide a healthy cottonwood population and recruitment pulses were apparently associated with flood events with appropriate peak timing and magnitude and a gradual post‐flood stage recession. However, analyses of tree, sapling and seedling data indicated that flood‐associated seedling recruitment was less important and clonal processes were more important for cottonwood recruitment in the montane ecoregion, the highest ecoregion with cottonwoods. The correlation between flood events and cottonwood recruitment was strongest in the mid‐elevation parkland ecoregion suggesting greater reliance on flood‐associated seedling recruitment. There was little correlation with flooding and limited recruitment in the fescue prairie ecoregion in recent decades and the disturbed age structure probably results from cattle impacts that have prevented recruitment and produced a decrepit cottonwood forest population. Main conclusions These analyses suggested that a healthy cottonwood population displayed a sawtooth shaped ‘punctuated progressive age structure’ and that cottonwood reproduction processes varied across ecoregions with increased clonality in the highest montane ecoregion. Cattle grazing impacts on reproduction were most severe in the lowest prairie ecoregion that is treeless except for the riparian zone. We conclude that appropriate strategies of instream flow regulation, land‐use policies and practices, and conservation and restoration efforts should be refined according to ecoregion to recognize the differences in cottonwood reproductive and population ecology.  相似文献   

To determine if there were consistent differences in growth, mortality, and recruitment on slopes and ridge crests in tropical montane forests, which could explain the (frequent but not universal) low stature of trees in the ridgetop forests, we analyzed data from long‐term plots in Jamaica (1990–1994; sixteen 200‐m2 plots, six on ridge crests and five each on north and south slopes). Mortality was higher on north slopes, while growth and recruitment rates were not significantly different among positions. Soil pH and effects of recent disturbance by Hurricane Gilbert were positively correlated with growth and recruitment, while slope angle and disturbance effects were the best predictors of mortality. The patterns we found in Jamaica, that growth and recruitment were not higher on ridge crests than slopes, are different than those found by Herwitz and Young in Australia where growth and turnover were greater on a ridge crest. Therefore, it is not possible at present to make simple generalizations about dynamics of ridge crest versus slope forests in the montane tropics.  相似文献   

This study assessed variability in the length and age compositions, longevity, length‐at‐age and rates of growth and mortality of the east Australian stout whiting Sillago robusta Stead, 1908 population harvested by demersal trawl fisheries. Sampling was done over 2 years and was spatially stratified across three depth strata between 11 and 90 m at two locations approximately 400 km apart. There were no consistent depth‐related differences in length and age compositions, but the mean and median length and age of the population was greater at the lower latitude location. Age classes 2 and 3 years dominated samples in the north, and 1 and 2 years in the south. Observed longevity was 10 years in the north, and 6 years in the south. Mean length‐at‐age was not consistently different between sexes, years or locations, nor did the von Bertalanffy growth function differ significantly between sexes, even though females had a greater estimated L (23.45 cm FL) compared to males (22.36 cm FL). Estimated natural mortality (M) ranged between 0.42 and 0.77, using age‐ and length‐based methods. Age‐based catch‐curve analyses identified the instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) to range between 1.48 and 2.70, with subsequent estimates of fishing mortality (F) ranging between 1.15 and 2.00, being greater than M. Exploitation rates (E) were greater than 0.7, indicating that S. robusta at the study locations was heavily fished. The data provided here can be used as a basis to evaluate future fishery‐ and climate‐related changes in the population demographics of east Australian S. robusta.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of day‐length and temperature on pre‐adult growth and induction of reproductive diapause are studied in Orius sauteri and Orius minutus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) from northern (43.0°N, 141.4°E) and central (36.1°N, 140.1°E) Japan. In the north, at 20 °C, pre‐adult growth is slower under an LD 14 : 10 h photoperiod than under shorter or longer photophases. At 24 and 28 °C, the longer photophases result in shorter pre‐adult periods. Acceleration of nymphal growth by short days in autumn appears to be adaptive. In the central region, this response is less pronounced, suggesting that timing of adult emergence is less critical than in the north. Day length also influences the thermal requirements for pre‐adult development. The slope of the regression line representing temperature dependence of pre‐adult development is significantly smaller and the lower development threshold (LDT) is significantly lower under an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod than under long‐day conditions. The weaker dependence of nymphal growth on temperature and the lower LDT in autumn might be adaptive. In the north, increased temperature shifts the critical day length of diapause induction and suppresses the photoperiodic response in O. sauteri but not in O. minutus. Further south, the incidence of diapause in both species is low even under short‐day conditions but the same interspecific difference is observed (i.e. increase of temperature affects the response in O. sauteri but not in O. minutus). This suggests seasonally earlier diapause induction with weaker temperature dependence in O. minutus than in O. sauteri.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate whether natural larval transport and behaviour alone can explain the pattern of invasion and establishment of the non‐indigenous Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum ( Adams & Reeve, 1850 ), and its spread beyond the point of introduction in the UK. Location The study is focused on Poole Harbour, south England, the point of introduction of the Manila clam in the UK. Methods We use fine‐resolution hydrodynamic models coupled with a water salinity model and an individual behaviour model of Manila clam larvae. The model was informed by experimental studies on the vertical response of larvae to salinity and field studies of the species in its natural and new environments. Results Variations in the behavioural response of larvae to salinity in the model considerably affected the retention of clam larvae within the harbour. High levels of predicted larval retention occurred in two of five zones in the harbour when the salinity target was set at 17 practical salinity units. Persistently high densities of adult clams and recruits are accurately predicted in these regions. Main conclusions Even within a relatively small region such as Poole Harbour, there is both localized retention of larvae or ‘closed’ areas and areas that are considerably more ‘open’ and potentially connected. The behavioural response of larvae to salinity significantly affected the degree of retention and ‘openness’ of the harbour to this species. Although, through natural transport, larvae could theoretically reach the next available habitat within the duration of their pelagic stage our study indicates that areas of sufficiently reduced salinity may be necessary for sufficient retention, recruitment and establishment of new adult populations in estuaries. High resolution hydrodynamic models, coupled with larval behaviour, can accurately simulate and predict biological invasion along complex coastlines and contribute to risk assessment of the introduction of non‐indigenous species for aquaculture and spatial management of marine protection.  相似文献   

Aim To infer future changes in the distribution of isolated relict tree populations at the limit of a species’ geographical range, a deep understanding of the regeneration niche and the spatial pattern of tree recruitment is needed. Location A relict Pinus uncinata population located at the south‐western limit of distribution of the species in the Iberian System of north‐eastern Spain. Methods Pinus uncinata individuals were mapped within a 50 × 40‐m plot, and their size, age and reproductive status were estimated. Data on seed dispersal were obtained from a seed‐release experiment. The regeneration niche of the species was assessed based on the associations of seedling density with substrate and understorey cover. The spatial pattern of seedlings was described using point‐pattern (Ripley's K) and surface‐pattern (correlograms, Moran's I) analyses. Statistical and inverse modelling were used to characterize seedling clustering. Results Pine seedlings appeared aggregated in 6‐m patches. Inverse modelling estimated a longer mean dispersal distance (27 m), which corresponded to the size of a large cluster along the north to north‐eastward direction paralleled by an eastward trend of increasing seedling age. The two spatial scales of recruitment were related to two dispersal processes. The small‐scale clustering of seedlings was due to local seed dispersal in open areas near the edge of Calluna vulgaris mats: the regeneration niche. The long‐range expansion might be caused by less frequent medium‐distance dispersal events due to the dominant north‐westerly winds. Main conclusions To understand future range shifts of marginal tree populations, data on seed dispersal, regeneration niche and spatial pattern of recruitment at local scales should be obtained. The monitoring of understorey communities should be a priority in order to predict correctly shifts in tree species range in response to global warming.  相似文献   

Aim Climate variability may be an important mediating agent of ecosystem dynamics in cold, arid regions such as the central Tianshan Mountains, north‐western China. Tree‐ring chronologies and the age structure of a Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana) forest were developed to examine treeline dynamics in recent decades in relation to climatic variability. Of particular interest was whether tree‐ring growth and population recruitment patterns responded similarly to climate warming. Location The study was conducted in eight stands that ranged from 2500 m to 2750 m a.s.l. near the treeline in the Tianchi Nature Reserve (43°45′?43°59′ N, 88°00′?88°20′ E) in the central Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. Methods Tree‐ring cores were collected and used to develop tree‐ring chronologies. The age of sampled trees was determined from basal cores sampled as close as possible to the ground. Population age structure and recruitment information were obtained using an age–d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) regression from the sampled cores and the d.b.h. measured on all trees in the plots. Ring‐width chronologies and tree age structure were both used to investigate the relationship between treeline dynamics and climate change. Results Comparisons with the climatic records showed that both the radial growth of trees and tree recruitment were influenced positively by temperature and precipitation in the cold high treeline zone, but the patterns of their responses differed. The annual variation in tree rings could be explained largely by the average monthly minimum temperatures during February and August of the current year and by the monthly precipitation of the previous August and January, which had a significant and positive effect on tree radial growth. P. schrenkiana recruitment was influenced mainly by consecutive years of high minimum summer temperatures and high precipitation during spring. Over the last several decades, the treeline did not show an obvious upward shift and new recruitment was rare. Some trees had established at the treeline at least 200 years ago. Recruitment increased until the early 20th century (1910s) but then decreased with poor recruitment over the past several decades (1950–2000). Main conclusions There were strong associations between climatic change and ring‐width patterns, and with recruitments in Schrenk spruce. Average minimum temperatures in February and August, and total precipitation in the previous August and January, had a positive effect on tree‐ring width, and several consecutive years of high minimum summer temperature and spring precipitation was a main factor favouring the establishment of P. schrenkiana following germination within the treeline ecotone. Both dendroclimatology and recruitment analysis were useful and compatible to understand and reconstruct treeline dynamics in the central Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Global climate changes during the Cenozoic (65.5–0 Ma) caused major biological range shifts and extinctions. In northern Europe, for example, a pattern of few endemics and the dominance of wide‐ranging species is thought to have been determined by the Pleistocene (2.59–0.01 Ma) glaciations. This study, in contrast, reveals an ancient subsurface fauna endemic to Britain and Ireland. Using a Bayesian phylogenetic approach, we found that two species of stygobitic invertebrates (genus Niphargus) have not only survived the entire Pleistocene in refugia but have persisted for at least 19.5 million years. Other Niphargus species form distinct cryptic taxa that diverged from their nearest continental relative between 5.6 and 1.0 Ma. The study also reveals an unusual biogeographical pattern in the Niphargus genus. It originated in north‐west Europe approximately 87 Ma and underwent a gradual range expansion. Phylogenetic diversity and species age are highest in north‐west Europe, suggesting resilience to extreme climate change and strongly contrasting the patterns seen in surface fauna. However, species diversity is highest in south‐east Europe, indicating that once the genus spread to these areas (approximately 25 Ma), geomorphological and climatic conditions enabled much higher diversification. Our study highlights that groundwater ecosystems provide an important contribution to biodiversity and offers insight into the interactions between biological and climatic processes.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate whether Iberian green frog tadpoles Pelophylax perezi (formerly Rana perezi) are able of using the geomagnetic field for y‐axis orientation (i.e. orientation toward and away from shore). Tadpoles were trained outdoor for 5 d, in two different training configurations: (i) a training tank aligned along the magnetic north–south axis, with shore facing south, and (ii) a training tank aligned along the magnetic east–west axis, with shore located east, and similar to the shore–deep water axis (‘y‐axis’) found in their home stream, which flows from south to north. After training, tadpoles were individually tested for magnetic orientation in a water‐filled circular outdoor arena surrounded by a pair of orthogonally aligned cube‐surface‐coils used to alter the alignment of the earth's magnetic field. Tadpoles held in the east–west training tank oriented towards shore, indicating that they were able to distinguish between the shoreward and waterward direction along the y‐axis. Tadpoles trained in the tank that was aligned along the north–south axis showed bimodal magnetic compass orientation along the shore–deep water magnetic axis. These findings provide evidence for the use of magnetic compass cues for y‐axis orientation by P. perezi tadpoles.  相似文献   

Abstract Ecological specialization, such as major dependence upon a single‐prey species, can render a predator taxon vulnerable to extinction. In such cases, understanding the population dynamics of that prey type is important for conserving the predator that relies upon it. In eastern Australia, the endangered broad‐headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides feeds largely on velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii). We studied growth, longevity and reproduction in a population of velvet geckos in Morton National Park in south‐eastern Australia. We marked 458 individual geckos over a 3‐year period (1992–1995) and made yearly visits to field sites from 1995–2006 to recapture marked individuals. Female geckos grew larger than males, and produced their first clutch at age 4 years. Males can mature at 2 years, but male–male combat for females probably forces males to delay reproduction until age 3 years. Females lay a single clutch of two eggs in communal nests in November, and up to 22 females deposited eggs in a single nest. Egg hatching success was high (100%), and juveniles had high survival (76%) during their first 6 months of life. Velvet geckos are long‐lived, and the mean age of marked animals recaptured after 1995 was 6.1 years (males) and 8.4 years (females). Older females (7.5–9.5 years) were all gravid when last recaptured. Like other temperate‐climate gekkonids, O. lesueurii has a ‘slow’ life history, and population viability could be threatened by any factors that increase egg or adult mortality. Two such factors – the removal of ‘bush rocks’ for urban gardens, and the overgrowth of rock outcrops by vegetation – could render small gecko populations vulnerable to extinction. In turn, the reliance of predatory broad‐headed snakes on this slow‐growing lizard species may increase its vulnerability to extinction.  相似文献   

Abstract Theory predicts that compared with active searchers, ambush foragers should have lower rates of energy intake, slower growth, and higher survival rates. We tested these predictions with data on two species of sympatric, saurophagous, small‐bodied, viviparous elapid snakes: the broad‐headed snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides, and the small‐eyed snake, Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens. Demographic parameters and growth curves for both species were estimated from a long‐term (9 years) mark‐recapture study in Morton National Park, south‐eastern Australia. The ambush predator (H. bungaroides) displayed slower juvenile growth and later maturation (5 years for males, 6 years for females) than did the active forager (R. nigrescens, 3 years). Litter sizes were similar in both species, but reproductive frequency was higher in R. nigrescens (90–100%) than in H. bungaroides (50%). Juvenile survival was lower in the active searcher (31%) than in the ambush forager (55%), but adult survivorship was similar (74% vs 82%). Our results support the hypothesis that ambush foragers display ‘slow’ life history traits, but additional phylogenetically independent comparisons are needed to evaluate the generality of this pattern.  相似文献   

In common with human speech, song is culturally inherited in oscine passerine birds (‘songbirds’). Intraspecific divergence in birdsong, such as development of local dialects, might be an important early step in the speciation process. It is therefore vital to understand how songs diverge, especially in founding populations. The northward expansion of the Light‐vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis (J. F. Gmelin, 1789) into north China in the last 30 years provides an excellent opportunity to study birdsong evolution. We compared ~4400 songs from newly established northern populations with ~2900 songs from southern populations to evaluate song divergence after recent expansion. The total pool of syllables and especially song types was considerably smaller in the north than in the south, indicating ‘founder effects’ in the new population. The ancestral pattern of mosaic song dialects changed into a pattern of wide geographical sharing of a few song types and syllables, likely the result of fewer geographical barriers to ‘meme flow’, and the recent spread across a large area in the north. Our results suggest that song evolution and vocal trait shifts can arise rapidly after range expansion, and that in the Light‐vented Bulbul ‘founder effects’, geographical isolation, and recent rapid expansions played important roles in the evolution of song dialects.  相似文献   

Conventional and electronic tags were used to investigate social segregation, distribution, movements and migrations of salmon sharks Lamna ditropis in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Sixteen salmon sharks were tagged with satellite transmitters and 246 with conventional tags following capture, and were then released in Prince William Sound during summer 1999 to 2001. Most salmon sharks sexed during the study were female (95%), suggesting a high degree of sexual segregation in the region. Salmon sharks congregated at adult Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. migration routes and in bays near Pacific salmon spawning grounds in Prince William Sound during July and August. Adult Pacific salmon were the principal prey in 51 salmon shark stomachs collected during summer months in Prince William Sound, but the fish appeared to be opportunistic predators and consumed sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria, gadids, Pacific herring Clupea pallasi, rockfish Sebastes spp. and squid (Teuthoidea) even when adult Pacific salmon were locally abundant. As Pacific salmon migrations declined in late summer, the salmon sharks dispersed; some continued to forage in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska into autumn and winter months, while others rapidly moved south‐east thousands of kilometres toward the west coasts of Canada and the U.S. Three movement modes are proposed to explain the movement patterns observed in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern North Pacific Ocean: ‘focal foraging’ movements, ‘foraging dispersals’ and ‘direct migrations’. Patterns of salmon shark movement are possibly explained by spatio‐temporal changes in prey quality and density, an energetic trade‐off between prey availability and water temperature, intra‐specific competition for food and reproductive success. Transmissions from the electronic tags also provided data on depth and water temperatures experienced by the salmon sharks. The fish ranged from the surface to a depth of 668 m, encountered water temperatures from 4·0 to 16·8° C and generally spent the most time above 40 m depth and between 6 and 14° C (60 and 73%, respectively).  相似文献   

The Point Conception, California, USA region (hereafter PC) is one of the most important biogeographic and oceanographic discontinuities on the US west coast. Here we address how mesoscale oceanographic and environmental variability in the region around PC, CA may influence the distribution, abundance and size of the mussel Mytilus californianus, a competitively dominant species in rocky intertidal assemblages along the northeast Pacific. Strong upwelling and high wave exposure dominate the California coast north of PC, and weak, seasonal upwelling and warmer water temperatures are characteristic of the region south/east of PC. We hypothesized that the gradient in temperature, upwelling, and wave exposure around PC would greatly influence patterns of recruitment and abundance of mussels, potentially underlying large-scale differences in community structure. We evaluated these predictions by surveying intertidal community structure, mussel distribution, size, abundance and recruitment at a range of intertidal sites around PC. We found that intertidal communities north of PC were dominated mainly by macrophytes, while mussels and barnacles were relatively scarce. Intertidal communities south of PC were dominated by mussels and barnacles, with a low abundance of macrophytes. Mussels were larger and mussel beds were more expansive and extended lower in elevation at sites ranging from north to south around PC. At northern sites, high abundances of sea star predators and elevated wave exposure effectively displaced the entire mussel zone upwards. We found no differences in the numbers of mussel recruits to sites around PC, suggesting that spatial patterns of mussel abundance were not driven by differential recruitment. These results suggest that unlike other well-studied systems, supply of benthic larvae does not underly the large-scale gradient in community structure around PC. We suggest that environmental conditions favorable to macroalgal growth north of PC, and conditions favorable to filter-feeder growth south of PC may underly mesoscale patterns of intertidal community structure in this region.  相似文献   

Growth rate, like any other trait, should be under balancing selection in natural populations, with selection adjusting mean growth rate in a population in relation to its site‐specific costs and benefits. In the present study, we tested for differences in thermal growth optima between a northern and a southern region of Rana temporaria by rearing tadpoles in three different temperatures in the laboratory (10, 15 and 20 °C). Because of the rapid increase in post‐melt temperature at high latitudes, spawn and tadpoles from the northern region experience significantly higher minimum, mean and maximum temperature throughout the period of pre‐metamorph development. Frogs up north also enjoys a shorter breeding season and activity season overall. This suggests that growth and development should be maximized at a relatively higher temperature in the north as a result of directional selection. In accordance with this prediction we found that tadpoles from the northern region grew faster at relatively higher temperature than frogs in the south, whereas the opposite was true at relatively lower temperatures. North tadpoles also had a higher mortality and poorer physiological performance than south tadpoles at low temperatures. In summary, our results conclusively support the hypothesis that frogs in the north are adapted to relatively warmer developmental conditions than frogs in the south.  相似文献   

Understanding responses of forests to increasing CO2 and temperature is an important challenge, but no easy task. Tree rings are increasingly used to study such responses. In a recent study, van der Sleen et al. (2014) Nature Geoscience, 8, 4 used tree rings from 12 tropical tree species and find that despite increases in intrinsic water use efficiency, no growth stimulation is observed. This challenges the idea that increasing CO2 would stimulate growth. Unfortunately, tree ring analysis can be plagued by biases, resulting in spurious growth trends. While their study evaluated several biases, it does not account for all. In particular, one bias may have seriously affected their results. Several of the species have recruitment patterns, which are not uniform, but clustered around one specific year. This results in spurious negative growth trends if growth rates are calculated in fixed size classes, as ‘fast‐growing’ trees reach the sampling diameter earlier compared to slow growers and thus fast growth rates tend to have earlier calendar dates. We assessed the effect of this ‘nonuniform age bias’ on observed growth trends and find that van der Sleen's conclusions of a lack of growth stimulation do not hold. Growth trends are – at least partially – driven by underlying recruitment or age distributions. Species with more clustered age distributions show more negative growth trends, and simulations to estimate the effect of species’ age distributions show growth trends close to those observed. Re‐evaluation of the growth data and correction for the bias result in significant positive growth trends of 1–2% per decade for the full period, and 3–7% since 1950. These observations, however, should be taken cautiously as multiple biases affect these trend estimates. In all, our results highlight that tree ring studies of long‐term growth trends can be strongly influenced by biases if demographic processes are not carefully accounted for.  相似文献   

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