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Telocytes (TCs)/CD34+ stromal cells have recently emerged as peculiar interstitial cells detectable in a variety of organs throughout the human body. TCs are typically arranged in networks establishing unique spatial relationships with neighbour cells and likely contributing to the maintenance of tissue homeostasis by both cell-to-cell contacts and releasing extracellular vesicles. Hence, TC defects are being increasingly reported in different pathologies, such as chronic inflammatory and fibrotic conditions. In this regard, TCs/CD34+ stromal cells have been shown to constitute an intricate interstitial network in the subintimal area of the normal human synovial membrane, but whether they are altered in chronic synovitis has yet to be explored. We therefore undertook a morphologic study to compare the distribution of TCs/CD34+ stromal cells between normal synovium and chronically inflamed synovium from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by using CD34 immunohistochemistry and CD31/CD34 double immunofluorescence. CD34 immunostaining revealed that, at variance with normal synovium, the inflamed and hyperplastic RA synovial tissue was nearly or even completely devoid of TCs/CD34+ stromal cells. Double immunofluorescence confirmed that almost all CD34+ tissue components detectable in RA synovium were blood vessels coexpressing CD31, while a widespread network of CD31/CD34+ TCs was clearly evident in the whole sublining layer of normal synovium. In the context of the emerging diverse roles of TCs/CD34+ stromal cells in the regulation of tissue homeostasis and structure, the remarkable impairment in their networks herein uncovered in RA synovium may suggest important pathophysiologic implications that will be worth investigating further.  相似文献   

Despite the evidence accumulated over the past decade that telocytes (TCs) are a distinctive, though long neglected, cell entity of the stromal microenvironment of several organs of the human body, to date their localization in the endocrine glands remains almost unexplored. This study was therefore undertaken to examine the presence and characteristics of TCs in normal human thyroid stromal tissue through an integrated morphologic approach featuring light microscopy and ultrastructural analysis. TCs were first identified by immunohistochemistry that revealed the existence of an intricate network of CD34+ stromal cells spread throughout the thyroid interfollicular connective tissue. Double immunofluorescence allowed to clearly differentiate CD34+ stromal cells lacking CD31 immunoreactivity from neighbour CD31+ microvascular structures, and the evidence that these stromal cells coexpressed CD34 and platelet‐derived growth factor receptor α further strengthened their identification as TCs. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the presence of stromal cells ultrastructurally identifiable as TCs projecting their characteristic cytoplasmic processes (i.e., telopodes) into the narrow interstitium between thyroid follicles and blood microvessels, where telopodes intimately surrounded the basement membrane of thyrocytes. Collectively, these morphologic findings provide the first comprehensive demonstration that TCs are main constituents of the human thyroid stroma and lay the necessary groundwork for further in‐depth studies aimed at clarifying their putative implications in glandular homeostasis and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of gene transfected marrow stromal cell on expansion of human cord blood CD34+ cells, a culture system was established in which FL and TPO genes were transfected into human stromal cell line HFCL. To establish gene transfected stromal cells co-culture system, cord blood CD34+ cells were purified by using a magnetic beads sorting system. The number of all cells and the number of CD34+ cells and CFC (CFU-GM and BFU-E) were counted in different culture systems. The results showed that in all 8 culture systems, SCF+IL-3+HFT manifested the most potent combination, with the number of total nucleated cells increasing by (893.3±52.1)-fold, total progenitor cells (CFC) by (74.5±5.2)-fold and CD34+ cells by 15.7-fold. Maximal expansions of CFC and CD34+ cells were observed at the end of the second week of culture. Within 14 days of culture, (78.1±5.5)-fold and (57.0±19.7)-fold increases in CFU-GM and BFU-E were obtained. Moreover, generation of LTC-IC from amplified CD34+ cells within 2  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of gene transfected marrow stromal cell on expansion of human cord blood CD34+ cells, a culture system was established in which FL and TPO genes were transfected into human stromal cell line HFCL. To establish gene transfected stromal cells co-culture system, cord blood CD34+ cells were purified by using a magnetic beads sorting system. The number of all cells and the number of CD34+ cells and CFC (CFU-GM and BFU-E) were counted in different culture systems. The results showed that in all 8 culture systems, SCF+IL-3+HFT manifested the most potent combination, with the number of total nucleated cells increasing by (893.3±52.1)-fold, total progenitor cells (CFC) by (74.5±5.2)-fold and CD34+ cells by 15.7-fold.Maximal expansions of CFC and CD34+ cells were observed at the end of the second week of culture. Within 14 days of culture, (78.1 ± 5.5)-fold and (57.0 ± 19.7)-fold increases in CFU-GM and BFU-E were obtained. Moreover, generation of LTC-IC from amplified CD34+ cells within 28 days was found only in two combinations, I.e. SCF+IL-3+FL+TPO and SCF+IL-3+HFT, and there was no significant difference between these two groups statistically. These results suggest that human umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells can be extensively expanded ex vivo by using gene transfected stromal cells along with cytokines.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer is a useful technology in studying the biology of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) as well as in developing gene therapy products for a variety of human diseases. One of the most important factors determining the success of these studies is the number of HSCs receiving the gene of interest. METHODS: We tested various parameters for their influences on gene transfer efficiency to CD34+ cells derived from bone marrow. Based on a literature survey, three medium formulations of CD34+ cells have been compared for their effects on gene delivery efficiency and differentiation of them. We also tested whether FBS, used in the medium formulation, could be replaced with human serum or synthetic material. RESULTS: Formulation A, consisting of stem cell factor, Flt-3 ligand, thrombopoietin, and IL-3, provided optimum results in that it maintained the highest percentage of CD34+ cells during the culture as well as produced the highest gene delivery efficiency. It was found that the synthetic serum substitute containing bovine serum albumin, insulin and human transferrin could replace the fetal bovine serum present in the original formulation A without compromising gene transfer efficiency. When the transduction procedure was repeated three times, the gene could be delivered in up to 60% of the cell population. Gene delivery efficiency was comparable between CD34+ cells derived from bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood. CONCLUSIONS: Our data could be useful in designing a procedure for stem cell gene therapy and providing a basis for further improving the conditions for gene transfer to various HSCs.  相似文献   

CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) are vasculogenic and hypoxia is a strong stimulus for the vasoreparative functions of these cells. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)/angiotensin-(1–7)/Mas receptor (MasR) pathway stimulates vasoprotective functions of CD34+ cells. This study tested if ACE2 and MasR are involved in the hypoxic stimulation of CD34+ cells. Cells were isolated from circulating mononuclear cells derived from healthy subjects (n = 46) and were exposed to normoxia (20% O2) or hypoxia (1% O2). Luciferase reporter assays were carried out in cells transduced with lentivirus carrying ACE2- or MasR- or a scramble-3′-untranslated region gene with a firefly luciferase reporter. Expressions or activities of ACE, angiotensin receptor Type 1 (AT1R), ACE2, and MasR were determined. In vitro observations were verified in HSPCs derived from mice undergoing hindlimb ischemia (HLI). In vitro exposure to hypoxia-increased proliferation and migration of CD34+ cells in basal conditions or in response to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or stromal-derived factor 1α (SDF) compared with normoxia. Expression of ACE2 or MasR was increased relative to normoxia while ACE or AT1R expressions were unaltered. Luciferase activity was increased by hypoxia in cells transfected with the luciferase reporter plasmids coding for the ACE2- or MasR promoters relatively to the control. The effects of hypoxia were mimicked by VEGF or SDF under normoxia. Hypoxia-induced ADAM17-dependent shedding of functional ACE2 fragments. In mice undergoing HLI, increased expression/activity of ACE2 and MasR were observed in the circulating HSPCs. This study provides compelling evidence for the hypoxic upregulation of ACE2 and MasR in CD34+ cells, which likely contributes to vascular repair.  相似文献   

In order to develop a convenient small-animal model that can support the differentiation of human bone-marrow-derived CD34+ cells, we transplanted SCID mice with an immortalized human stromal cell line, Lof(11–10). The Lof(11–10) cell line has been characterized to produce human cytokines capable of supporting primitive human hematopoietic cell proliferation in vitro. Intraperitoneal injection of Lof(11–10) cells into irradiated SCID mice by itself resulted in a dose-dependent survival of the mice from lethal irradiation. The radioprotective survival was reflected by an increase in the growth and number of mouse bone-marrow-derived committed hematopoietic progenitors. The Lof(11–10) cells localized to the spleen, but not to the bone marrow of these animals and resulted in detectable levels of circulating human IL-6 in their plasma. Secondary intravenous injections of either human or simian CD34+ cells into the Lof(11–10)-transplanted SCID mice resulted in engraftment of injected cells within the bone marrow of these mice. The utility of this small-animal model that allows the growth and differentiation of human CD34+ cells and its potential use in clinical gene therapy protocols are discussed.  相似文献   

Human umbilical CD34+ immature haematopoietic cells were rapidly and efficiently obtained from light density MNC (mononuclear cells) by MACS (magnetic cell sorting). An ex vivo expanded population of CD34+ was cultured in serum‐free medium supplemented with cytokines FL (flt3 ligand), SCF (stem cell factor) and TPO (thrombopoietin) in order to obtain a sufficient number of CD34+ cells. CD34+ cells expanded from cord blood for 7 days were demonstrated to increase in the absolute number of CD34+ cells by 5.12±2.47‐fold (mean±S.D., n=3). Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that the percentage of CD34 antigen expression after expansion of the culture was 97.81±1.07%, whereas it was 69.39±10.37% in none‐expanded CD34+ cells (mean±S.D., n=3), thus defining a system that allowed extensive amplification accompanied by no maturation. MTs (metallothioneins), low molecular weight, cysteine‐rich metal‐binding proteins, exhibit various functions, including metal detoxification and homoeostasis. We here examined the expression pattern of functional members of the MT gene family in immature CD34+ cells and compared it with more mature CD34? cells in order to strengthen the proposed function of MT in differentiation. Cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium, with or without different zinc supplements for 24 h. Relative quantitative expression of MT isogenes in the mature CD34? cells was higher than in the immature CD34+ cells. IHC (immunohistochemical staining) revealed an increased MT protein biosynthesis in CD34? cells, greater than in CD34+ cells. Therefore, the role of MT in differentiation of human haematopoietic progenitor cells from human cord blood is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of gene transfected marrow stromal cell on expansion of human cord blood CD34+ cells, a culture system was established in which FL and TPO genes were transfected into human stromal cell line HFCL. To establish gene transfected stromal cells co-culture system, cord blood CD34+ cells were purified by using a magnetic beads sorting system. The number of all cells and the number of CD34+ cells and CFC (CFU-GM and BFU-E) were counted in different culture systems. The results showed that in all 8 culture systems, SCF+IL-3+HFT manifested the most potent combination, with the number of total nucleated cells increasing by (893.3 ±52.1)-fold, total progenitor cells (CFC) by (74.5 ±5.2)-fold and CD34+ cells by 15.7-fold. Maximal expansions of CFC and CD34+ cells were observed at the end of the second week of culture. Within 14 days of culture, (78.1 ± 5.5)-fold and (57.0 ± 19.7)-fold increases in CFU-GM and BFU-E were obtained. Moreover, generation of LTC-IC from amplified CD34+ cells within 28 days was found only in two combinations, i.e. SCF+IL-3+FL+TPO and SCF+IL-3+HFT, and there was no significant difference between these two groups statistically. These results suggest that human umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells can be extensively expandedex vivo by using gene transfected stromal cells along with cytokines.  相似文献   

Haematologic abnormalities accompany the majority of HIV-1 infections. At present it is unclear whether this is due directly to HIV infection of hematopoietic progenitor cells, or whether this results from an indirect mechanism secondary to HIV infection. Here we provide evidence for an indirect mechanism, whereby hematopoietic progenitor cells undergo HIV gp120-induced apoptosis (programmed cell death) even in the absence of HIV infection. Freshly isolated, purified human hematopoietic progenitor CD34+ cells, derived from both umbilical cord blood and bone marrow, co-expressed the CD4 marker at low density on their surface. Although these CD34+CD4+ cells theoretically should be capable of productive infection by HIV, we found that HIV-IIIB could not establish productive infection in these cells. Nonetheless, gp120 from IIIB could bind the cells. Thus, binding of gp120 did not correlate with infectivity. Furthermore, binding of gp120 was a specific event, leading to apoptosis upon crosslinking with anti-gp120 through a fas-dependent mechanism. If apoptosis is also observed in vivo even in uninfected hematopoietic cells, this could contribute significantly to the impairment in hematopoietic cell number and function. Our data suggest a novel indirect mechanism for depletion of CD34+ and CD34+-derived cells even in the absence of productive viral infection of these cells.  相似文献   

Dai B  He J  Chen S  Liu JH  Qin F  Zhu FM  Yan LX 《生理学报》2006,58(5):490-493
为了探讨一氧化氮供体S-亚硝基谷胱甘肽(S—nitrosoglutathione,GSNO)对脐带血CD34^+细胞分化来源的巨三核细胞产生血小板的可能作用,我们采用免疫磁珠法从8例健康产妇足月顺产的胎儿脐带血中分选CD34^+细胞,并在含血小板生成素(thrombopoietin,TPO,50ng/ml)、白细胞介素-3(IL-3,10ng/ml)、干细胞因子(stem cell factor,SCF,50ng/ml)和重组人粒-巨噬细胞刺激因子(rHu GM—CSF,20ng/ml)的无血清培养基中培养14d。随后,用免疫磁珠法分选CD61^+细胞。CD61^+细胞在含有(实验组)和缺乏(对照组)GSNO(20mg/ml)的无血清培养基[含TPO(50ng/ml)、IL-3(10ng/ml)、SCF(50ng/ml)]中培养不同时间(30min、2h)。采用流式细胞仪检测培养体系中的血小板数;电子显微镜观察巨核细胞的形态学;倒置显微镜和流式细胞仪观察凝血酶诱导的血小板凝集;ELISA方法检测巨核细胞中cGMP的含量。结果显示,与对照组比较,实验组血小板数量明显增加(P〈0.05);电子显微镜下可见巨核细胞有明显伪足形成和突出;凝血酶诱导后在倒置显微镜和流式细胞仪上均可观察到血小板凝集现象;GSNO作用后巨核细胞中的cGMP明显升高(P〈0.05)。这些结果提示,GSNO可以促进脐带血CD34^+细胞来源的巨核细胞产生具有一定功能的血小板,其产生的机制可能部分与cGMP途径有关。  相似文献   

目的:建立巯基乙醇(β-mercaptoethanol,β-ME)和丁羟回醚(butylated hydroxyanisole,BHA)体外诱导人胎肝(fetal liver,FL)干细胞向神经细胞分化模型.方法:采用MACS试剂盒分离人胚胎肝CD34 细胞,以DMEM 10%胎牛血清培养液培养;第五代细胞待细胞融合达80%后,用DMEM 10%胎牛血清 1mmol/L β-ME 0.2 mmol/L BHA诱导24 h,PBS洗涤.然后在无血清培养基中培养5 h~5 d.用免疫细胞化学方法分析诱导前后的细胞表型特点.结果:经β-ME BHA诱导处理后,细胞表现神经元样细胞形态,表达神经组织细胞特异蛋白,如neustin、NeuN、NF-M、TuJ-1和NSE.统计显示81%细胞NeuN染色阳性,75%细胞TuJ-1染色阳性,47%染色NF-M阳性,90%染色NSE阳性.结论:β-ME和BHA能够诱导体外培养的人FL CD34 细胞分化为具有神经细胞特异性抗原和成分的神经样细胞;胚胎肝细胞具有向神经组织分化的潜能.  相似文献   

利用非肥胖糖尿病型重症联合免疫缺陷型(NOD/SCID)小鼠模型, 比较了新鲜及培养后的CD34+和CD34-细胞在体内植入及重建造血能力。从新鲜脐血及培养后的单个核细胞(MNC)中分离出CD34+和CD34-细胞, 经尾静脉输注入经亚致死剂量照射的NOD/SCID小鼠体内, 6周后处死存活的小鼠, 取其骨髓、脾脏和外周血细胞, 分别进行细胞表型分析、造血集落形成单位和人特异性基因的检测。经检测, 输注CD34+细胞和混合细胞的小鼠, 其体内CD45+细胞及人源各系血细胞的含量相近, 两者均远远高于输注CD34-细胞的小鼠。输注培养后CD34-细胞的小鼠饲养6周后全部死亡,输注培养后CD34+细胞的小鼠存活率约为66.7%, 而输注培养后混合细胞的小鼠全部存活, 且在两组存活的小鼠体内均能检测到CD45+细胞及人源各系血细胞。结果表明: 无论是新鲜还是培养后的CD34+细胞均具有在NOD/SCID小鼠体内植入和重建造血能力, 而CD34-细胞不具有该能力, 但CD34-细胞与CD34+细胞同时输注有助于提高小鼠的存活率, 说明其对CD34+细胞在小鼠体内发挥植入和造血重建能力有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are a distinct type of interstitial cells, which are featured with a small cellular body and long and thin elongations called telopodes (Tps). TCs have been widely identified in lots of tissues and organs including heart. Double staining for CD34/PDGFR‐β (Platelet‐derived growth factor receptor β) or CD34/Vimentin is considered to be critical for TC phenotyping. It has recently been proposed that CD34/PDGFR‐α (Platelet‐derived growth factor receptor α) is actually a specific marker for TCs including cardiac TCs although the direct evidence is still lacking. Here, we showed that cardiac TCs were double positive for CD34/PDGFR‐α in primary culture. CD34/PDGFR‐α positive cells (putative cardiac TCs) also existed in mice ventricle and human cardiac valves including mitral valve, tricuspid valve and aortic valve. Over 87% of cells in a TC‐enriched culture of rat cardiac interstitial cells were positive for PDGFR‐α, while CD34/PDGFR‐α double positive cells accounted for 30.25% of the whole cell population. We show that cardiac TCs are double positive for CD34/PDGFR‐α. Better understanding of the immunocytochemical phenotypes of cardiac TCs might help using cardiac TCs as a novel source in cardiac repair.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene delivery in dendritic cells (DC) has raised considerable interest to modulate DC functions and induce therapeutic immunity or tolerance in an antigen-specific fashion. Among immature DC, Langerhans cells (LC) are attractive candidates for antigen delivery using lentiviral vectors (LV). METHODS: LC derived from monocytes (Mo-LC), or derived from CD34+ cells (CD34-LC) in the presence of cytokine cocktail, were transduced with LV expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (E-GFP) under the control of the ubiquitous phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoter at a multiplicity of infection of 18, at days 0 to 3 for Mo-LC, or at days 0 to 12 for CD34-LC. We assessed gene transfer levels from the percentage of E-GFP+ cells in the final cultures, and examined the morphology, immunophenotype, state of differentiation and function of transduced LC. RESULTS: Day 0 transduction of monocytes or CD34+ progenitors before cytokine pre-activation and LC differentiation resulted in stable gene expression in 7.8% of Mo-LC and 24% of CD34-LC. Monocyte-derived DC (Mo-DC) differentiated in serum-free medium were also efficiently transduced up to 13.2%. Interestingly, Mo-LC cells committed towards LC phenotype were permissive for transduction up to day 3. Transduction levels of CD34-LC peaked at day 6 to 44% and decreased thereafter. LV transduction did not perturb viability, phenotype and function of E-GFP-expressing LC. CONCLUSIONS: LC generated ex vivo can serve as vaccine vehicles in humans through efficient transduction by LV. These LC will be helpful to assess in vitro the immunogenicity of gene therapy vectors, from the characterization of their phenotypic and functional maturation.  相似文献   

 Progressive growth of metastatic Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC-LN7) tumors is associated with increased levels of bone-marrow-derived CD34+ cells having natural suppressor (NS) activity toward T cells. The present studies determined whether tumor-derived products are responsible for this induction of NS activity. Culturing normal bone marrow cells with LLC-LN7-conditioned medium (LLC-CM) or with recombinant granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) resulted in the appearance of NS activity. The development of NS activity coincided with a prominent increase in the levels of CD34+ cells. That the CD34+ cells were responsible for the NS activity of the bone marrow cultures containing LLC-CM was shown by the loss of NS activity when CD34+ cells were depleted. The stimulation of CD34+ NS cells by LLC-CM was attributed to tumor production of GM-CSF, since neutralization of GM-CSF within the LLC-CM reduced its capacity to increase CD34+ cell levels. Studies also showed that the induction of CD34+ NS cells by LLC-CM and GM-CSF could be overcome by including in the cultures an inducer of myeloid differentiation, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3]. These results demonstrate that the mechanism by which the LLC-LN7 tumors stimulate increased levels of CD34+ NS cells from normal bone marrow is by their production of GM-CSF and that this can be blocked with the myeloid differentiation inducer 1,25(OH)2D3. Received: 8 December 1997 / Accepted: 27 February 1998  相似文献   

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