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The frugivorous “true” fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Queensland fruit fly), is presumed to have a nonresourced‐based lek mating system. This is largely untested, and contrary data exists to suggest Bactrocera tryoni may have a resource‐based mating system focused on fruiting host plants. We tested the mating system of Bactrocera tryoni, and its close sibling Bactrocera neohumeralis, in large field cages using laboratory reared flies. We used observational experiments that allowed us to determine if: (i) mating pairs were aggregated or nonaggregated; (ii) mating system was resource or nonresource based; (iii) flies utilized possible landmarks (tall trees over short) as mate‐rendezvous sites; and (iv) males called females from male‐dominated leks. We recorded nearly 250 Bactrocera tryoni mating pairs across all experiments, revealing that: (i) mating pairs were aggregated; (ii) mating nearly always occurred in tall trees over short; (iii) mating was nonresource based; and (iv) that males and females arrived at the mate‐rendezvous site together with no evidence that males preceded females. Bactrocera neohumeralis copulations were much more infrequent (only 30 mating pairs in total), but for those pairs there was a similar preference for tall trees and no evidence of a resource‐based mating system. Some aspects of Bactrocera tryoni mating behavior align with theoretical expectations of a lekking system, but others do not. Until evidence for unequivocal female choice can be provided (as predicted under a true lek), the mating system of Bactrocera tryoni is best described as a nonresource based, aggregation system for which we also have evidence that land‐marking may be involved.  相似文献   

The phytophagous insects of the Tephritidae family offer different case histories of successful invasions. An example is Bactrocera dorsalis sensu stricto, the oriental fruit fly which has been recognized as a key pest of Asia and the Pacific. It is known to have the potential to establish adventive populations in various tropical and subtropical areas. Despite the economic risk associated with a putative stable presence of this fly, the genetic aspects of its invasion process have remained relatively unexplored. Using microsatellite markers we have investigated the population structure and genetic variability in 14 geographical populations across the four areas of the actual species range: Far East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Area. Results of clustering and admixture, associated with phylogenetic and migration analyses, were used to evaluate the changes in population genetic structure that this species underwent during its invasion process and establishment in the different areas. The colonization process of this fly is associated with a relatively stable population demographic structure, especially in an unfragmented habitat, rich in intensive cultivation such as in Southeast Asia. In this area, the results suggest a lively demographic history, characterized by evolutionary recent demographic expansions and no recent bottlenecks. Cases of genetic isolation attributable to geographical factors, fragmented habitats and/or fruit trade restrictions were observed in Bangladesh, Myanmar and Hawaii. Regarding the pattern of invasion, the overall genetic profile of the considered populations suggests a western orientated migration route from China to the West.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects of the genus Bactrocera are among the most economically important invasive fruit fly pests. In 2003, an unknown Bactrocera species was found in Kenya. First identified as an ‘aberrant form’ of the Asian B. dorsalis complex, it was later recognized as a new species, Bactrocera invadens. Within 2 years of its discovery, the species was recorded in several African countries, becoming an important quarantine pest. As this invasive fly was discovered only recently, no data are available on its invasion pattern in Africa. This pilot study attempts to infer from genetic data the dynamic aspects of the African invasion of this pest. Using microsatellite markers, we evaluated the level of genetic diversity and the extent of common ancestry among several African populations collected across the invaded areas. A sample from the Asian Sri Lankan population was analysed to confirm the Asian origin of this pest. Genetic data cast no doubt that Sri Lanka belongs to the native range, but only a small percentage of its genotypes can be found in Africa. African populations display relatively high levels of genetic diversity associated with limited geographical structure and no genetic footprints of bottlenecks. These features are indicative of processes of rapid population growth and expansion with possible multiple introductions. In the span of relatively few years, the African invasion registered the presence of at least two uncorrelated outbreaks, both starting from the East. The results of the analyses support that invasion started in East Africa, where B. invadens was initially isolated.  相似文献   

Control of mobile pests frequently requires area‐wide management (AWM) that spans commercial and non‐commercial habitats. Spatial modelling of habitat suitability can guide investment and implementation of AWM, but current approaches rarely capture population drivers, including local foraging, at an appropriate spatial resolution. To support the development of AWM for the fruit fly pest, Bactrocera tryoni (Tephritidae), we developed a habitat suitability model for the three premier fruit‐growing regions in south‐eastern Australia (~34,780 km2). Expert elicitation and published literature was used to develop a Bayesian network to model the drivers of B. tryoni habitat suitability, as determined by the ability of populations to persist and increase. The effect of uncertainty was tested through sensitivity analysis. The model was then linked with spatially explicit data (at 10 m resolution) to generate risk maps, using moving windows to capture local foraging movement. Habitat suitability was most strongly influenced by host availability within a distance of 200 m. Climate stress, and soil moisture for pupation, was also limiting. Experts were uncertain regarding the relative importance of drivers of host availability (host preference, host density, fruit seasonality), but this did not greatly affect model outputs. Independent trapping data supported model predictions, but their value was limited as traps were placed almost exclusively in optimal or suitable habitat. Amenability to AWM, when assessed as the ratio of suitable or optimal habitat that was under non‐horticultural versus horticultural land‐uses, differed by region (0.15–1.17). However, risk‐mapping did identify where ratios were locally most favourable (lowest). Also, predominantly local dispersal by B. tryoni suggests AWM for pest suppression could be applied at a landscape‐scale. Results show that a relatively simple model could capture the multi‐scale drivers of population dynamics and the complexity of landscapes sufficiently to guide AWM of a mobile pest.  相似文献   

Dispersion theory is applied to the distribution of two kinds of sterile insect, Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and Queensland fruit fly (Qfly), Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Dispersion theories are an essential basis of sampling theory and sampling plans, but this paper looks at them from another direction and uses data from arrays of sterile insect technique (SIT) monitoring traps to compare the utility of different measures such as coefficient of variation (CV), the exponent b of Taylor's power law, and exponent k of the negative binomial distribution and also derives predictions pertaining to the density (and hence release rate) of sterile insects that would be required to achieve effective coverage of the target area. This is far more useful than reliance on just the mean values of trap catches because such reliance takes no account of the fact that sterile flies distribute themselves unevenly with many patches inadequately covered despite the impression given by the mean. Data were used from recapture rates following either ‘roving releases’ of Medfly or releases from fixed points of Qfly. The relation of recapture rate to CV indicated that a doubling of release rate in order to double average recapture rate from 150 per trap per week to a value of 300 would have very little effect in terms of reducing CV and that there appears to be no practical prospect of reducing CV to below unity with the current methods of release without incurring a manifold increase in cost. Similarly, models derived from the negative binomial equation indicated that a law of diminishing returns applies in terms of the increase in the amount of adequate coverage (such as the percentage of traps catching >50 flies per week) that can be obtained by increasing release rates.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effects of domestication and irradiation on the mating behaviour of males of Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were investigated by caging wild, laboratory-domesticated and sterile (laboratory-domesticated, gamma-irradiated) males with wild females. Mating behaviour of mass-reared males was different from that of wild males, although behaviour of wild and sterile males was similar. Mass-reared males engaged in mounting of other males much more frequently than wild and sterile males, and began calling significantly earlier before darkness. Unnatural selection pressures imposed in mass-rearing conditions may explain these changes in mass-reared male behaviour. Male calling did not appear to be associated with female choice of mating partners, although this does not exclude the possibility that calling is a cue used by females to discriminate among mating partners. Despite differences in behaviour, frequency of successful copulations and mating success were similar among wild, mass-reared and sterile males.  相似文献   

桔小实蝇线粒体基因组全序列及其分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis线粒体基因组全序列对研究实蝇分子系统进化具有重要意义。本研究通过DNA测序和克隆技术,对桔小实蝇mtDNA全序列进行了测定和分析。结果表明:桔小实蝇线粒体基因组全长15 915 bp(GenBank序列号: DQ845759)。基因组碱基组成为39.3%A,16.2%C,10.2%G,34.3%T,由13个蛋白编码基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因以及一个非编码的控制区域(A+T-rich区)组成。7个蛋白编码基因和13个tRNA基因从J链编码,其余6个蛋白编码基因和9个tRNA基因从N链编码。位于J链上的蛋白编码基因具有近似的A、T含量,而位于N链上的蛋白编码基因的A的含量明显高于T的含量。以mtDNA COⅠ基因为例,比较了桔小实蝇与其他14种实蝇的亲缘关系,结果显示其与同亚属(果实蝇亚属Bactrocera)内的其他近缘种相互间的同源性很高。  相似文献   

Abstract  In Queensland, three tomato ( Lycopersicon lycopersicum ) cultivars, Grosse Lisse, Roma and Cherry, are infested by Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt). In this study, we examined if there was a correlation between oviposition preference and offspring performance of B. tryoni among the three tomato cultivars. We also investigated host plant traits that may explain any variation in preference and performance. Choice and no-choice experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions. A positive correlation between oviposition preference and offspring performance of B. tryoni was observed in the three tomato cultivars. Grosse Lisse and Roma cultivars were highly preferred by B. tryoni over Cherry cultivar. Performance (measured as proportion of eggs developing to the pupal stage) was significantly higher in Grosse Lisse and Roma cultivars than in Cherry cultivar. The pericarp toughness of Cherry cultivar appears responsible for its low rate of infestation, while the presence of 2-butanol and 1,4-butanediamine in Roma and Grosse Lisse, respectively, may partly be responsible for the high oviposition preference shown by B. tryoni towards these cultivars.  相似文献   

The olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae is responsible for worldwide economic damage. In this report, we describe the first B. oleae lines transinfected with the Wolbachia strain wCer2, an endosymbiont of the cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi. Immunostaining followed by confocal microscopy, detects high numbers of Wolbachia in embryos as well as in ovarioles and sperm from individuals of both transinfected lines. wCer2 was uniformly distributed in B. oleae egg chambers and the cortex of preblastoderm embryos. Wolbachia is known to manipulate host reproduction with several strategies, one of which is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), resulting in embryonic mortality in incompatible crosses. Wolbachia was found to induce complete CI in the novel host, suggesting that symbiont‐based approaches can be used as novel environmentally friendly tools for the control of natural olive fruit fly populations.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (‘Q‐flies’) were released as sexually immature adults from a point within an orchard. Marked male Q‐flies were recaptured in the trap furthest from the release point (1087 m) by 2 weeks after release, although 98.25 ± 1.04% of recaptured males were trapped <500 m from the release point. Comparison of gamma‐irradiated (sterile), laboratory‐adapted and wild male Q‐flies indicated that dispersal distance was not significantly affected by fly type. There was no significant correlation between temperature and mean dispersal distance, but total recaptures were significantly negatively correlated with increasing daily maximum, minimum and average temperature.  相似文献   

Mortality data for non-acclimated and acclimated 3rd instar larvae and mid-term eggs of Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were obtained after immersing in hot water at 46 °C. Acclimation consisted of holding the larvae and eggs at 35 °C for 20 and 11 h respectively just prior to heat-treatment. The median lethal time (LT50) for acclimated larvae was found to be 6.9 min compared to 2.5 min for non-acclimated larvae. LT99.999 for acclimated larvae was 20.9 min compared to 8.7 min for non-acclimated larvae. LT50 for acclimated eggs was 5.0 min compared to 2.4 min for non-acclimated eggs. LT99.999 for acclimated eggs was 26.0 min compared to 6.6 min for non-acclimated eggs. For 3rd instar larvae, most acclimation effect on mortality had occurred by 8 h. A notable residual response was present 20 h after acclimation had occurred, reducing mortality at 46 °C for 4.5 min by roughly 25%. Mortality data at 46 °C were also obtained for non-acclimated and acclimated late instar larvae of Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). With this species, LT50 for acclimated larvae was 2.5 min compared to 1.1 min for non-acclimated larvae. LT99.999 for acclimated larvae was 9.5 min compared to 4.6 min for non-acclimated larvae.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni; Q‐fly) pupae are routinely irradiated to induce reproductive sterility in adults released in a sterile insect technique programme. Although there have been some studies of how total dose influences fly quality, dose rate has not been considered. In the present study, pupae were irradiated at a target dose range of 70–75 Gy at dose rates of approximately 5, 7, 26, 57 and 80 Gy/min and were then subjected to routine IAEA/FAO/USDA quality control tests including emergence, flight ability, mortality under stress and sterility induction. No significant effects of dose rate were found on emergence or flight ability. Sterility induction was also found to be independent of dose rate, a result conforming to a ‘one‐hit’ ionizing event hypothesis. Flies irradiated at higher dose rates suffered increased mortality under stress. This appears to stem from an increased tendency to over‐shoot the target dose when irradiating at high dose rates. We recommend that, to reduce potential error in total target dose, the lowest practical dose rate be used when irradiating Q‐fly pupae for use in the sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

  • 1 Diachasmimorpha krausii is a braconid parasitoid of larval tephritid fruit flies, which feed cryptically within host fruit. At the ovipositor probing stage, the wasp cannot discriminate between hosts that are physiologically suitable or unsuitable for offspring development and must use other cues to locate suitable hosts.
  • 2 To identify the cues used by the parasitoid to find suitable hosts, we offered, to free flying wasps, different combinations of three fruit fly species (Bactrocera tryoni, Bactrocera cacuminata, Bactrocera cucumis), different life stages of those flies (adults and larvae) and different host plants (Solanum lycopersicon, Solanum mauritianum, Cucurbita pepo). In the laboratory, the wasp will readily oviposit into larvae of all three flies but successfully develops only in B. tryoni. Bactrocera tryoni commonly infests S. lycopersicon (tomato), rarely S. mauritianum (wild tobacco) but never C. pepo (zucchini). The latter two plant species are common hosts for B. cacuminata and B. cucumis, respectively.
  • 3 The parasitoid showed little or no response to uninfested plants of any of the test species. The presence of adult B. tryoni, however, increased parasitoid residency time on uninfested tomato.
  • 4 When the three fruit types were all infested with larvae, parasitoid response was strongest to tomato, regardless of whether the larvae were physiologically suitable or unsuitable for offspring development. By contrast, zucchini was rarely visited by the wasp, even when infested with B. tryoni larvae.
  • 5 Wild tobacco was infrequently visited when infested with B. cacuminata larvae but was more frequently visited, with greater parasitoid residency time and probing, when adult flies (either B. cacuminata or B. tryoni) were also present.
  • 6 We conclude that herbivore‐induced, nonspecific host fruit wound volatiles were the major cue used by foraging D. krausii. Although positive orientation to infested host plants is well known from previous studies on opiine braconids, the failure of the wasp to orientate to some plants even when infested with physiologically suitable larvae, and the secondary role played by adult fruit flies in wasp host searching, are newly‐identified mechanisms that may aid parasitoid host location in environments where both physiologically suitable and unsuitable hosts occur.

Around the world, several pest tephritids are extending their ranges from warm tropical or Mediterranean climates into cooler temperate regions. The ability to tolerate climatic diversity is uncommon among insects, and understanding the population phenology drivers of such species across different parts of their range will be critical for their management. Here, we determined the role of temperature versus fruit availability on the population phenology of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni. Using a field site located at the subtropical/temperate interface, with host fruits continuously available, we monitored the development times and abundance of B. tryoni, a species which has invaded temperate Australia from the tropics. From fruit samples held at ambient and controlled conditions, the abundance of emerging flies was highly variable among collection dates, but the variance did not reflect the observed changes in temperature. For most samples, the survival rate of flies in a field site was lower than predicted by a day‐degree population model fitted with mean daily field temperatures. The development time of the immature stage in the field was prolonged, presumably due to cooler ambient conditions, but the fitted day‐degree population model consistently over‐predicted estimated development times. Our results indicate that at the subtropical/temperate interface, the decline in B. tryoni populations during winter is only partly driven by temperature and host availability. We classify B. tryoni as a climate generalist, which likely employs physiological as well as behavioural mechanisms to achieve broad climatic tolerance ranges.  相似文献   

Pupae of the Queensland fruit fly or Q‐fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) are irradiated routinely to induce reproductive sterility in adults for use in sterile insect technique programmes. Previous studies suggest that adult sexual performance and survival under nutritional and crowding stress are compromised by the current target dose of radiation for sterilization (70–75 Gy), and that improved mating propensity and survival under stress by irradiated males may be achieved by reducing the target sterilization dose without reducing the level of induced sterility. This raises the question of the amount by which the irradiation dose can be reduced before residual fertility becomes unacceptable. The present study measures the levels of residual fertility in male and female irradiated Q‐flies at different irradiation doses (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Gy), and investigates the possibility that fecundity and fertility increase between 10–15 and 30–35 days post emergence. Male flies require a higher dose than females to induce sterility, with no residual fertility found in females irradiated at doses of 50 Gy or above, and no residual fertility found in males irradiated at doses of 60 Gy or above. Irradiated females are more fecund at 30–35 days post emergence than at 10–15 days. However, fertility does not increase between 10 and 15 days post emergence and 30–35 days, even at doses below 50 Gy. The present study shows that there is scope to reduce the target sterilization dose for Q‐flies below that of the current dose range (70–75 Gy) at the same time as retaining an adequate safety margin above radiation doses at which residual fertility can be expected.  相似文献   

橘小实蝇的发生特点与综合防治技术   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
橘小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis)在福建省寄主范围很广,并严重为害寄主。它的主要为害期是每年的4-11月。生产实践中采用综合治理与农业防治技术有效地控制其为害。  相似文献   

One antibacterial activity fraction from an immunized dipteran insect, Bactrocera dorsalis, was isolated and purified by prepurification, ion‐exchange chromatography, gel filtration chromatography and reverse‐phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The final purified fraction was checked on the Smart system HPLC and was judged as a pure fraction. The results of physical and biological analysis revealed that this fraction is heat stable and showed strong activities against Gram‐positive bacterial growth. It possesses antibicrobial peptide properties and is worth further investigation.  相似文献   

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