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Paradiplogrammus corallinus (Gilbert) has been represented by only two female specimens collected from the Hawaiian Islands. The species is redescribed on the basis of male and female specimens from the Hawaiian Islands and Hachijo-jima, Izu Islands, Japan. This species is unique amongParadiplogrammus in having a pair of supraorbital cirri.  相似文献   

Scaptomyza is a highly diversified genus in the family Drosophilidae, having undergone an explosive radiation, along with the Hawaiian‐endemic genus Idiomyia in the Hawaiian Islands: about 60% of 269 Scaptomyza species so far described are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Two hypotheses have been proposed for the origin and diversification of Hawaiian drosophilids. One is the “single Hawaiian origin” hypothesis: Scaptomyza and Idiomyia diverged from a single common ancestor that had once colonized the Hawaiian Islands, and then non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza migrated back to continents. The other is the “multiple origins” hypothesis: Hawaiian Scaptomyza and Idiomyia derived from different ancestors that independently colonized the Hawaiian Islands. A key issue for testing these two hypotheses is to clarify the phylogenetic relationships between Hawaiian and non‐Hawaiian species in Scaptomyza. Toward this goal, we sampled additional non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza species, particularly in the Old World, and determined the nucleotide sequences of four mitochondrial and seven nuclear genes for these species. Combining these sequence data with published data for 79 species, we reconstructed the phylogeny and estimated ancestral distributions and divergence times. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza species were interspersed in two Hawaiian clades. From a reconstruction of ancestral biogeography, we inferred that Idiomyia and Scaptomyza diverged outside the Hawaiian Islands and then independently colonized the Hawaiian Islands, twice in Scaptomyza, thus supporting the “multiple origins” hypothesis.  相似文献   

A new muraenid,Gymnothorax ypsilon, is described from seven specimens from Japan and four from the Hawaiian Islands. It has about 30 narrow dark bars on the body, some of which are Y-shaped on most specimens, a uniformly colored head, an anal fin with a white margin, and 141–153 vertebrae. It differs fromG. pikei, its most similar species, by a white margin of the anal fin.  相似文献   

The liparid fish Liparis marmoratus is redescribed based on examination of two syntypes and two additional specimens. Liparis marmoratus is distinguished from other Sea of Okhotsk and Bering Sea Liparis by having a wide head, small mouth, short blunt snout, closely set chin pores, small gill opening, a firm body with slightly developed subcutaneous gelatinous tissue, a nearly horizontal dorsal body profile, and unique body markings and coloration. Liparis marmoratus was previously known only from the Sea of Okhotsk. A Liparis specimen collected near St. Lawrence Island in the northern Bering Sea was compared to the type series and determined to be L. marmoratus. Received: April 4, 2000 / Revised: November 2, 2000 / Accepted: January 11, 2001  相似文献   

As part of the Hawaiian Biological Survey, this study reports on the distribution of nine species of sessile foraminifera collected by dredge, grab, and around the Hawaiian Archipelago. The distributional survey includes data from the frontslopes of coral reefs to depths of 600 m and extends from the island of Hawaii and north to Pearl and Hermes Atoll in the North West Hawaiian Island chain. Species reported for the first time from Hawaii include Calcituba polymorpha, Discanomalina semipunctata, Halyphysema tumanowiczii, agenina divaricans, and Sageninafrondescens. Other sessile forams collected were-Ammolagena clavata, Biarritzina proteiformis, Carpenteria monticularis, and Miniacina miniacea.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers to investigate population structure of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, around the main Hawaiian Islands. Though broadly distributed throughout the world's oceans, bottlenose dolphins are known to form small populations in coastal waters. Recent photo‐identification data suggest the same is true in Hawaiian waters. We found genetic differentiation among (mtDNA ΦST= 0.014–0.141, microsatellite FST= 0.019–0.050) and low dispersal rates between (0.17–5.77 dispersers per generation) the main Hawaiian Island groups. Our results are consistent with movement rates estimated from photo‐identification data and suggest that each island group supports a demographically independent population. Inclusion in our analyses of samples collected near Palmyra Atoll provided evidence that the Hawaiian Islands are also occasionally visited by members of a genetically distinct, pelagic population. Two of our samples exhibited evidence of partial ancestry from Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus), a species not known to inhabit the Hawaiian Archipelago. Our findings have important implications for the management of Hawaiian bottlenose dolphins and raise concerns about the vulnerability to human impacts of pelagic species in island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new liparid fish, Paraliparis ruficometes sp. nov., is described from 28 specimens collected between 1,430–2,070 m depth in Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan. It...  相似文献   

A rarely collected shallow‐subtidal Hawaiian macroalga has been determined anatomically and molecularly to belong to an undescribed species of Tylotus J. Agardh, the most widely distributed genus of the small, mostly Australian‐endemic family Dicranemataceae. Thalli are repent and imbricate on calcareous boulders at the type locality on O‘ahu, and are anchored both basally and by haptera arising marginally and ventrally on the (sub‐)dichotomous, linear axes. Simple or forked terete haptera can be a means of perennation by the occasional direct issuing of adventitious blades. Fronds are multiaxial and consist of a broad pseudoparenchymatous medulla of thick‐walled cells surrounded on both sides by a two‐ or three‐layered small‐celled pigmented cortex in which numbers of ‘glandular’ hairs are embedded. Tetrasporangia are zonate, and gametophytes are monoecious. Carpogonial branches are three‐celled, directed to the thallus surface, and borne laterally on inner‐cortical supporting cells; cystocarps are prominently protuberant and scattered sparingly on dorsal frond surfaces, the carposporophytes directed outwardly beneath an ostiolate pericarp and connected to the parent gametophyte across a broad placental base in which the remnant auxiliary cell persists centrally. The inner surface of the pericarp is unusual in producing extensive patches or isolated islands of short gonimoblast filaments with terminal carposporangia as an apparent result of the implantation of gonimoblasts into the tissue of the lining. Anatomy indicates that the new species is more closely related to the East‐Asian Tylotus lichenoides Okamura than to the only other described member of the genus, the type species T. obtusatus (Sonder) J. Agardh from southern Australia. An rbcL phylogeny supports placement of sequences for Hawaiian specimens within the genus Tylotus but distinct from all previously recorded sequences of Tylotus. As is widely reported in other molecular‐phylogenetic analyses of the Gigartinales, we find that support for generic and familial relationships within the order is strong whereas that for between‐family relationships is low.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetic studies concerning island biogeography have been concentrated in a fraction of the numerous hot‐spot archipelagos contained within the Pacific Ocean. In this study we investigate relationships among island populations of the thomisid spider Misumenops rapaensis Berland, 1934 across the Austral Islands, a remote and rarely examined southern Pacific hot‐spot archipelago. We also assess the phylogenetic position of M. rapaensis in relation to thomisids distributed across multiple Polynesian archipelagos in order to evaluate the proposed hypothesis that thomisid spiders colonized Polynesia from multiple and opposing directions. The data allow an examination of genetic divergence and species accumulation in closely related lineages distributed across four Polynesian archipelagos. Location The study focused on four Polynesian hot‐spot archipelagos: the Austral, Hawaiian, Marquesan and Society islands. Methods Mitochondrial DNA sequences comprising c. 1400 bp (portions of cytochrome oxidase subunit I, ribosomal 16S and NADH dehydrogenase subunit I) were obtained from thomisid spiders (64 specimens, representing 33 species) collected in the Australs, the Hawaiian Islands, the Society Islands, the Marquesas, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand, New Caledonia and North and South America. Phylogenetic analyses using parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian approaches were employed to resolve relationships of M. rapaensis to other Polynesian Misumenops and across the Austral Islands. Results Rather than grouping with other Misumenops spp. from the archipelagos of the Society Islands, Marquesas and Hawaiian Islands, M. rapaensis appears more closely related to Diaea spp. from Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand and New Caledonia. Phylogenetic analyses strongly support M. rapaensis as monophyletic across the Austral Islands. Misumenops rapaensis sampled from the two older islands (Rurutu and Tubuai) form reciprocally monophyletic groups, while individuals from the younger islands (Raivavae and Rapa) are paraphyletic. Across the Austral Islands, M. rapaensis exhibits a surprising level of genetic divergence (maximally 11.3%), an amount nearly equivalent to that found across the 16 examined Hawaiian species (14.0%). Main conclusions Although described as a single morphologically recognized species, our results suggest that M. rapaensis comprises multiple genetically distinct lineages restricted to different Austral Islands. Phylogenetic relationships among the island populations are consistent with sequential colonization of this lineage down the Austral archipelago toward younger islands. Analyses support the hypothesis that thomisid spiders colonized the central Pacific multiple times and suggest that M. rapaensis arrived in the Austral Islands from a westward direction, while Misumenops found in neighbouring archipelagos appear to be more closely related to New World congeners to the east. Finally, our data detect asymmetrical rates of morphological evolution and species diversification following colonization of four different Polynesian archipelagos.  相似文献   

Two new species of brown algae (Phaeophyceae), Padina moffittiana Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov. and Cutleria irregularis Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov., are described from the Hawaiian Islands (between 19°04′N, 155°35′W and 28°25′N, 178°20′W). In addition, the new combination Cutleria canariensis is proposed for Aglaozonia canariensis. New observations are presented on Nereia intricata Yamada, a species described 67 years ago and known only from its type specimen. New records of a further 14 species are given for the Hawaiian Islands. These 17 taxa bring the total number of species of brown algae recorded for the Hawaiian Islands to 55, an increase of 28%. Of the 15 new records, two are recent ‘accidental’ introductions: Dictyota flabellata (Collins) Setchell et Gardner and Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt from California. Six records are notable because of their great distances from previously known collections: Nereia intricata Yamada from the Ryukyu Is., Japan; Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck, from the Adriatic, Mediterranean, warm Atlantic and southern Australia; Distromium flabellatum Womersley, Spatoglossum macrodontum J. Agardh, and Sporochnus moorei Harvey, from Australia; Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux from temperate and colder waters in the Pacific and Atlantic. A comparison with some Japanese species of Padina confirms that Padina japonica Yamada should be subsumed with Padina sanctae‐crucis Børgesen, as proposed earlier.  相似文献   

The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation calls for a preliminary assessment of the conservation status of all known plant species by the year 2010. To date insufficient progress has been made on meeting this target. New efforts to develop a preliminary list beyond using the full IUCN criteria in plant assessments are needed. Here we present an algorithm that provides a preliminary assessment of the conservation status of plant species using data from herbarium specimens. We use Hawaiian specimen data from the United States National Herbarium to calibrate the parameters of the algorithm and then use specimen data from the Arecaceae, Commelinaceae, Gesneriaceae and Heliconiaceae as examples of the application of the algorithm. The algorithm was calibrated to insure 95% accuracy in placing the Hawaiian plant species into previously and independently determined threatened categories. Our results indicate that 28% of the Hawaiian taxa, 27% of the species of Arecaceae, 45% of the species of Commelinaceae, 32% of the species of Gesneriaceae, and 35% of the species of Heliconiaceae are Not Threatened and will not need any further evaluation for the preliminary assessment. Species identified here as Potentially Extinct and Potentially Threatened can be further assessed by additional herbarium material and/or conservation specialists for final evaluation using other assessment strategies (e.g., regional and national lists, taxonomic expert assessment, etc.).  相似文献   

A new trypanorhynch cestode from Hawaiian waters is described based on specimens in the collection of the Meguro Parasitological Museum, Tokyo, and newly collected specimens. Nataliella marcelli n. g., n. sp. is characterised by its elongate, craspedote scolex with four small, ear-shaped bothria, an elongate pars vaginalis and long bulbs. The homeoacanthous homeomorphous metabasal armature is comprised of five or six slender, solid hooks per half spiral row. A distinctive basal armature is present, including a combination of six characteristically shaped macrohooks not previously described for trypanorhynchs. The surface ultrastructure consists of gladiate spiniform microtriches that cover the distal and proximal bothrial surface and filiform microtriches on the scolex peduncle. The adults are not known. Nataliella is assigned to the family Rhinoptericolidae Carvajal & Campbell, 1975 based on its possession of four bothria, prebulbar organs and no chainette or intercalary hooks. The family diagnosis is amended to accommodate the new genus. Rhinoptericola megacantha Carvajal & Campbell, 1975 is considered the most closely related species, a position that has been confirmed by molecular analyses of the SSU and LSU rDNA. Nataliella n. g. is intermediate in morphology between the homeoacanth family Tentaculariidae Poche, 1926 (superfamily Tentacularioidea) and the Rhinoptericolidae and other eutetrarhynchid genera (superfamily Eutetrarhynchoidea), sharing characters of both superfamilies.  相似文献   

发现并描述产自中国东北黑龙江的寄蝇科1新种,牡丹江新寄蝇Neoemdenia mudanjiangensis Hou et Zhang sp.nov.,给出了该属分种检索表。新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SYNU)。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with ostracods collected by H. Kunz during October and November 1979 on the Hawaiian Islands (Big Island, Maui and Kauai). 26 species were found, nine species are described, two were already known to science, 15 remain in open nomenclature. Although some of the new species are represented only by a single specimen, the morphologic characters permit to distinguish them from other species of the genus. The ostracods of the Hawaiian Islands are very imperfectly known.   相似文献   

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