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We used automated sperm morphology analysis to investigate rat sperm morphometry and morphology in Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats in three research centers to develop normal baseline values for sperm morphometry and to quantify the percentage of morphologically normal sperm in healthy rats. The participating centers were IRSN in Paris, France (Sprague-Dawley rats), University of the Western Cape, South Africa (Wistar rats) and Stellenbosch University (Wistar rats), South Africa. All three centers used identical sperm isolation techniques from the cauda epididymis, the same staining protocols, identical computer-aided sperm morphometry analysis (CASMA) software and microscopes with similar optics. With CASMA, fully automated analysis of the different parts of stained sperm, e.g., head, acrosome, mid-piece, can be performed, many sperm morphometric features can be measured accurately and eventually normal sperm morphology can be defined. We found that it is possible to distinguish sperm morphometric characteristics of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats. We also developed cut-off values for evaluating the percentage normal sperm in these two rat strains using the automatic analysis mode. Normal sperm morphology varied between 67 and 74% by contrast with previous findings of > 90%.  相似文献   

Relationships between spermatozoal design and swimming behaviour were investigated using the significant natural variance in sperm traits in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. In vitro motility and fertilization experiments were conducted with 86 Atlantic salmon to measure sperm form and function under natural fertilization conditions. Spermatozoal traits of Atlantic salmon showed narrow variance within individuals but differed extensively between samples: mean sperm length varied from 32·3 to 39·5 μm, mean velocity ranged from 18 to 127 μm s−1, and ejaculate longevity varied from 18 to 78 s. In addition to variation in sperm morphometry between fish, a negative relationship was also found between sperm head length and flagellum length. This natural variation in sperm form and function between males is counter-intuitive since measures are from a single Atlantic salmon population where all males are adapted to a common fertilization environment. No evidence was found that longer sperm, or sperm with longer flagella, achieved faster swimming velocities. Also no evidence was found for a trade-off between mean sperm velocity and ejaculate longevity. There were significant negative associations, however, between sperm total and flagellum length and ejaculate longevity, so that males with longer sperm had shorter-lived gametes. This finding has previously been reported in a study across fish species, supporting the theory that increased hydrostatic forces generated by longer flagella may trade against sperm cell longevity.  相似文献   

Transition metal ions, mainly iron, are involved in the generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, which are the most powerful inducers of oxidative damage to all biomolecules. The lipids in sperm membranes are highly susceptible to oxidation. Sperm lipid peroxidation (LPO) leads to decrease of motility and reduction of likelihood for sperm‐oocyte fusion. The excess radical production may affect also the spermatozoa morphology. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Desferal on the LPO, motility, and morphology of boar sperm subjected to oxidative stress. After collection, the ejaculates were equally separated and diluted in a commercial semen extender (experiment 1) or in physiological saline (experiment 2). The ejaculates of the 2 experiments were divided into aliquots, which were incubated with one of the following agents: FeSO4 (0.1mM), H2O2 (0.5mM), or FeSO4 + H2O2 (Fenton system), in the presence or absence of Desferal. The application of Desferal in the incubation medium had a protective effect against FeSO4 + H2O2‐induced sperm damage, namely, decrease of LPO; decrease the quantity of immotile spermatozoa and decrease the number of morphological abnormalities, regardless of the used medium. In experiment 2, the presence of FeSO4 in the incubation medium induced LPO in the same range as the combination FeSO4 + H2O2, in which the effect was reduced by Desferal. Thus, the supplement of Desferal to media used for sperm storage and processing could be a useful tool for diminishing oxidative injury and improving the quality of the semen.  相似文献   

Semen was collected repeatedly from captive haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and the effect of seasonality on various sperm parameters was investigated. No differences in sperm traits were observed for wild and cultured haddock. A highly significant positive relationship existed between spermatocrit and spermatozoa density. A significant increase in mean spermatocrit occurred throughout the spawning season but the amount of variability explained by collection date was low (35·1%) due to variability between males. Each of 10 males sampled repeatedly throughout the spawning season demonstrated an increase in spermatocrit. No relationship existed between spermatocrit and proportion of motile spermatozoa when spermatocrit was ≤70%. Motility was reduced in semen samples with spermatocrits >70%. The proportion of spermatozoa that were motile decreased with time since activation. Some motility was still observed after 60 min in sea water (0·1–15·2%) for sperm collected at all times within the spawning season. Of those spermatozoa that were motile, the proportion that exhibited forward swimming motion decreased and the proportion that had only vibratory movement increased with time post‐activation. The speed of forward swimming spermatozoa showed no significant relationship with spermatocrit at any time between 0 and 60 min after activation. Swimming speed was negatively related to time since activation, decreasing from 174–240 μm s−1 at 0 min to 80–128 μm s−1 at 60 min after activation.  相似文献   

Computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) was used to characterize the motility of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax spermatozoa and to study the effect of several physicochemical variables and heavy metals on sperm swimming performance. Duration of sperm motility in sea bass was very short (<50 s). During the first 20 s all the motility variables measured remained approximately constant, the velocity and linearity of the movement being maximum during this period, while both variables decreased sharply later. While slight variations in pH did not significantly modify sperm swimming performance, changes in osmolality affected all the measured motility variables. Two of the heavy metals tested, Cu2+ and Pb2+, did not affect sperm motility when the activating media contained up to 100 ppm of the metal salts. In contrast, Hg2+ modified the morphology of post-swimming spermatozoa at 0·4–1 ppm (sperm dilution rate 1:39) and completely arrested sperm motility at concentrations as low as 0·1 ppm (sperm dilution rate 1:2500). Assuming a covalent binding to sperm cells, this revealed a finite number of c. 10 million Hg2+ binding sites per spermatozoon. Complementary results using demembranated spermatozoa suggested that the main target of HgCl2 would be located in the plasma membrane and that HgCl2 would inhibit water channels, hence preventing sperm motility.  相似文献   

Both the study and the relationship between sperm design and sperm function have been a target of several researchers. In our study we have evaluated the relationship between the morphometry of sperm head and midpiece as well as the relationship between morphometry of these two spermatic components and sperm motion characteristics in the boar. Analysis of regression (lineal and multiple) and principal components analysis were used for the study of these relationships. Semen samples from five Iberian boars were taken for analysis. Analysis of morphometry was assessed by CASMA system and motility by CASA system. Sperm midpiece showed a significant relationship (positive or negative, depending on the morphometric parameter evaluated) with sperm head. VSL, LIN, STR, BCF and VAP showed a significant relationship with several head and midpiece morphometric parameters. Finally, through the analysis of multiple lineal regression we obtained several statistical models that predict STR, LIN, VCL, ALH, BCF, PC1 and PC2 (the last two variables have been obtained from a principal components analysis) as a function of one, two or three morphometric parameters. Our results suggest a co-evolution of sperm head and midpiece and in addition that sperm motion characteristics of porcine spermatozoa are influenced by morphometry of head and midpiece.  相似文献   

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) interacts with its cognate receptor (R) on Sertoli cells within the testis and plays an important role in the maintenance of spermatogenesis. Male FSH-R knockout (FORKO) mice show fewer Sertoli cells and many that are structurally abnormal and as a consequence fewer germ cells. Lower levels of serum testosterone (T) and androgen binding protein (ABP) also occur, along with reduced fertility. To assess the effects of FSH-R depletion as an outcome of testicular abnormalities, sperm from the cauda epididymidis were counted and examined ultrastructurally. As reduced fertility may also reflect changes to the epididymis, the secondary responses of the epididymis to lower T and ABP levels were also examined by comparing differences in sizes of epididymal tubules in various regions of FORKO and wild type (WT) mice. Sperm motility was evaluated in FORKO mice and compared to that of WT mice by computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Quantitatively, the data revealed that epithelial areas of the caput and corpus epididymidis were significantly smaller in FORKO mice compared to WT mice. Cauda epididymal sperm counts in FORKO mice were also much lower than in WT mice. This resulted in changes to 9 out of 14 sperm motility parameters, related mostly to velocity measures, which were significantly lower in the FORKO mice. The greatest change was observed relative to the percent static sperm, which was elevated by 20% in FORKO mice compared to controls. EM analyses revealed major changes to the structure of the heads and tails of cauda luminal sperm in FORKO mice. Taken together these data suggest a key role for the FSH receptor in maintaining Sertoli cells to sustain normal sperm numbers and proper shapes of their heads and tails. In addition, the shrinkage in epididymal epithelial areas observed in FORKO mice likely reflect direct and/or indirect changes in the functions of these cells and their role in promoting sperm motility, which is noticeably altered in FORKO mice.  相似文献   

Synopsis Aspects of the life history of Barbus anoplus were studied in Lake le Roux, a turbid man-made lake on the Orange River, South Africa. This minnow underwent a population explosion and successfully colonized the shoreline of the newly-formed lake during the early phases of reservoir filling. Male and female B. anoplus reach sexual maturity in one year at about 40 mm fork length. They have a multiple spawning habit with the first spawning in November–January and the second in February–March. The growth of the two resulting cohorts is discussed. It is proposed that the offspring from the second spawning not only acts as a ‘back-up’ but is capable of prolonging the life of that year-class into an additional reproductive season. Most of the minnows die after their second summer, but more offspring from the second spawning, especially females, live into a third summer. Females attain a larger maximum size (73 mm FL) and age (3–4 years) than males (60 mm FL, 2–3 years). B. anoplus is small and short-lived with a high seasonal reproductive potential, which is in contrast to the larger Barbus species in the Orange River system. These life-history traits enable the species to colonize and successfully inhabit unstable environments and probably account for its widespread distribution.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species, sperm morphometry and sperm velocity are under strong sexual selection. Although several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the role of sperm competition in sperm trait variation, this aspect is still poorly understood. It has been suggested that an increase in sperm competition pressure could reduce sperm size variation or produce a diversity of sperm to maximize male fertilization success. We aim at elucidating the variability of sperm morphometric traits and velocity in two Tupinambis lizards in the context of sperm competition risk. Sperm traits showed substantial variation at all levels examined: between species, among males within species, and within the ejaculate of individual males. Sperm velocity was found to be positively correlated with flagellum: midpiece ratio, with relatively longer flagella associated with faster sperm. Our results document high variability in sperm form and function in lizards.  相似文献   

A fine adjustment of sperm head size and shape occurs during maturation and storage within the male excurrent duct of the rabbit. This remodelling, as judged by morphometric values of area, perimeter, length, width, and shape factors, takes place mostly in passage from the seminiferous tubules of the testis to the distal caput of the epididymis. The dimensions of sperm heads from the distal corpus of the epididymis break the general tendency toward a reduction in size and more elliptical shapes. A period of transport and storage within the epididymal cauda and vas deferens follows in which there are no further changes in sperm head morphometry. It can be concluded that the period immediately following sperm release from the testis is crucial to the final morphological maturation of spermatozoa. Moreover, the fact that changes are detected in the appearance of sperm heads at successive stages of sperm maturation suggests that the dimensions of a particular epididymal spermatozoon may be taken as an approximate indication of its relative maturity. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:203–209, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of excessive zinc intake on the testes and on sperm count and motility in mice. Thirty Balb c mice were divided randomly into 3 groups of 10 animals in each. Group I acted as controls; group II was supplied with drinking water containing 1.5 g/100 mL Zn, and group III was supplied with drinking water containing 2.5 g/100 mL Zn. The animals were sacrificed after 3 wk supplementation and the epididymis and testis were quickly excised. A negative correlation between Zn dose and sperm count and motility was found. The sperm count in group III was significantly lower than in groups II and I (p<0.05). The sperm motility in group III was significantly lower than in the controls (p<0.05). Degenerative changes, including spermatic arrest, degeneration of seminiferous tubules, and fibrosis in interstitial tissue, were observed in group III animals. These results show that high doses of zinc significantly alter sperm motility.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin (EPO) gene therapy can be used for several purposes; however, its effects on reproductive performance are unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicological effects of non-viral (EPO) gene transfer on sperm motility, viability, morphology and concentration. Rabbit EPO cDNA was cloned into a pTarget mammalian expression vector. Rabbits were administered with: (1) pTarget/EPO vector, (2) recombinant human EPO (rHuEpo) and (3) saline (control). Both pTarget/EPO and rHuEpo significantly increased (P < 0.05) hematocrit levels 1 week after injection and they remained significantly higher than the control for up to 5 weeks (P < 0.05), showing that both EPO treatments were effective in stimulating the production of red blood cells in rabbits. The EPO gene transfer or rHuEPO administration had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on sperm motility, vigor, viability, concentration or morphology in the testis.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa exhibit considerable interspecific variability in size and shape. Our understanding of the adaptive significance of this diversity, however, remains limited. Determining how variation in sperm structure translates into variation in sperm performance will contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary diversification of sperm form. Here, using data from passerine birds, we test the hypothesis that longer sperm swim faster because they have more available energy. We found that sperm with longer midpieces have higher levels of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but that greater energy reserves do not translate into faster-swimming sperm. Additionally, we found that interspecific variation in sperm ATP concentration is not associated with the level of sperm competition faced by males. Finally, using Bayesian methods, we compared the evolutionary trajectories of sperm morphology and ATP content, and show that both traits have undergone directional evolutionary change. However, in contrast to recent suggestions in other taxa, we show that changes in ATP are unlikely to have preceded changes in morphology in passerine sperm. These results suggest that variable selective pressures are likely to have driven the evolution of sperm traits in different taxa, and highlight fundamental biological differences between taxa with internal and external fertilization, as well as those with and without sperm storage.  相似文献   

The objectives were to compare testicular physical characteristics and post-thaw sperm characteristics and their associations with fertility in Holstein bulls used for AI. Ten Holstein bulls (4-5 y old) were classified as either high-fertility (HF) or low-fertility (LF; n = 5 each), based on adjusted 56-d non-return rates [non-return rate (NRR); range (mean ± SD): 55.6 ± 4.6 to 71.8 ± 1.3%). Testicular physical characteristics were not significantly different between the two groups. Four ejaculates were collected from each bull and cryopreserved. Several indexes of sperm motion (based on computer-assisted sperm analysis) at post-thaw and post-swim-up were correlated with NRR. Sperm from HF bulls were in transition to a hyperactivated motility pattern, whereas those from LF bulls had only a forward progressive motility pattern. In HF vs LF bulls, there was a greater percentage of viable sperm after thawing (60.6 ± 9.7 vs 49.5 ± 8.0%, P < 0.05) and after swim-up (70.9 ± 11.0 vs 63.0 ± 8.8%, P < 0.01); these two end points were positively correlated with fertility (r = 0.45, P < 0.01 and r = 0.78; P < 0.01, respectively). Furthermore, in HF vs LF bulls, the ratio of sperm recovered after swim-up to viable sperm in post-thaw semen was higher (P < 0.001), and the proportion of moribund sperm expressed as a percentage of live sperm differed (12.6 ± 3.4 vs. 16.4 ± 3.1%, P < 0.001) and was negatively correlated (r = −0.33, P < 0.05) with fertility. In conclusion, fertility of Holstein bulls maintained in a commercial AI center was not predicted by testicular physical characteristics, but it was associated with differences in moribund sperm in the inseminate, as well as characteristics of sperm post-thaw and after swim-up.  相似文献   

Epididymis provides a safe environment in which stored-spermatozoa could survive for days before ejaculation. In vitro studies suggested that epididymal proteins seem to be implicated in sperm survival during coincubation with cultured epididymal cells. This study was basically designed to confirm if secretory proteins from bovine epididymal cell cultures provide sperm protection against rapid loss of sperm motility in vitro. Bovine spermatozoa were incubated in conditioned media (CM), which were prepared from cultured cauda epididymal cell (CEC). Motion parameters were recorded using a computer-assisted sperm analyzer. Sperm-free protein extracts from CM were fractionated by ultrafiltration through a 10-kDa cut off membrane. A significantly positive effect on sperm motility was observed when spermatozoa were incubated in CM (54 +/- 4%) and CM > 10 kDa (57 +/- 4%) compared to CM < 10-kDa fraction (30 +/- 3%) or fresh media (34 +/- 3%), after a 6-hr incubation period. This beneficial effect on sperm motility was abolished when the CM > 10-kDa fraction was heat-treated at 100 degrees C for 10 min. The CM > 10 kDa fraction provides factors that remained active even though spermatozoa were washed twice after a 2-hr preincubation period. To identify potential beneficial factors, bovine spermatozoa were incubated with radiolabeled proteins obtained using (35)S-methionine in culture medium. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins extracted from CM-preincubated spermatozoa revealed the presence of a 42-kDa protein strongly associated to the sperm surface. This 42-kDa spot was trypsin-digested and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) as a protein homologue to a 35-kDa bovine estrogen-sulfotransferase. This protein can play a role in epididymal biology and sperm function. Taken together, these results suggest that specific epididymal proteins can be implicated in the sperm protection in vitro, and can be characterized in our cell culture system.  相似文献   

An important predictor of male fitness is the fertilizing efficiency of their ejaculates. Ejaculates are costly to produce and males are predicted to devote greater resources to copulations with reproductively superior females. It is well established that males allocate different numbers of sperm to ejaculates. However, less is known about how males adjust their sperm quality, which has important implications for our understanding of fertilization and the evolution of sexual strategies. Here we test in the fowl, Gallus gallus, whether males adjust their sperm velocity by differentially allocating seminal fluid to copulations with attractive and unattractive females. To disentangle the contributions of sperm and seminal fluid to sperm velocity, we separated and remixed sperm and seminal fluid from ejaculates allocated to females of different attractiveness. We show that dominant males increase the velocity of the sperm they invest in more attractive females by allocating larger ejaculates that contain seminal fluid that increases sperm velocity. Furthermore, we find weak evidence that males also allocate sperm with higher velocity, irrespective of seminal fluid, to more attractive females.  相似文献   

Effects of selenium (Se) and diazinon (DZN) on sperm motility parameters in rats were investigated. Male rats received a separate dose of Se (2 mg kg−1 b.w., intraperitoneally, 5 mg L−1, per os in drinking water), diazinon (20 mg kg−1 b.w., intraperitoneally, 40 mg L−1, per os in drinking water), and in combination (Se + DZN) with the same dosage as in the separate administration. 36 h an intraperitoneal (i.p.) and after 90 days of per oral (p.o.) exposure, thirteen parameters of sperm motility were evaluated using a Computer Assisted Sperm Analyzer (CASA). Almost all the evaluated sperm motility parameters significantly decreased in Se p.o. exposed groups. In the Se i.p. group decrease was noted only in beat cross frequency (BCF) and progressive motility. Significant decline in the sperm motility, progressive motility, BCF and increase in amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) were recorded after DZN i.p. administration. In DZN p.o. group, significant increase in ALH, velocity average path (VAP) and curvilinear velocity (VCL) but decrease in progressive motility and BCF was detected. Se + DZN i.p. administration caused a significant decrease in motility, progressive motility and BCF. Per oral administration of Se + DZN decreased all motility parameters except LIN, WOB and ALH. Sperm abnormalities increased in all experimental conditions. Se and DZN negatively affected sperm structure and function in separate doses or in combination. No protective effect of Se was observed.  相似文献   

Levels of DNA, cholesterol, and phospholipids of mouse caudal epididymal and vas deferens sperm that were processed through simple washing and Percoll gradient centrifugation were measured. The DNA and cholesterol contents of washed sperm and Percoll gradient centrifuged (PGC) sperm (DNA = 3.6 ± 0.3 pg/sperm and 3.4 ± 0.3 pg/sperm, respectively; cholesterol = 0.219 ± 0.057 nmole/μg DNA and 0.224 ± 0.030 nmole/μg DNA, respectively, for washed and PGC sperm) were not significantly different from each other; however, the phospholipid level of PGC sperm was only one half of that of washed sperm (0.315 ± 0.071 nmole/μg DNA versus 0.720 ± 0.075 nmole/μg DNA, respectively). The presence of 0.3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the culture medium used in sperm washing did not change the cholesterol and phospholipid contents of washed sperm. Similarly, the cholesterol and phospholipid levels of washed sperm and PGC sperm that were further incubated in BSA-containing medium for 30 min remained the same. Interestingly, substantial amounts of lipids, as determined by the cholesterol and phospholipid levels, were released into the supernatants of the sperm washes, and sperm needed to be washed at least twice to ensure their stable levels of cholesterol and phospholipids. The lipid mixture in the first sperm wash supernatant was shown to have inhibitory effects on PGC sperm motility. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective was to establish a protocol for the collection and evaluation of epididymal sperm in agoutis. Eight males (1-2 y old) underwent left orchidectomy and epididymal sperma were collected by retrograde flush. Average values were flush volume 32 μL, pH 6.9, sperm concentration 748 x 106 sperm/mL, with motility 86.5% and vigor 4.6. Viable sperm were present in all flush samples; 66% of sperm were alive, and 41.9% of sperm responded positively to the hypoosmotic test (using distilled water). There were 21.1% morphologically abnormal sperm, of which 2.0 and 19.1% were primary and secondary defects, respectively. The acrosome was intact in 99.5% of sperm. The sperm head was 4.89 ± 0.41 μm long and 3.13 ± 0.35 μm wide, with an area of 13.01 ± 2.01 μm2. Midpieces were 5.33 ±0.44 μm long and 0.98 ± 0.13 wide, sperm tails were 29.91 ± 2.29 μm, and overall sperm length was 40.12 ± 2.44 μm. In conclusion, epididymal sperm collection from agoutis was satisfactory; the collected sperm has the potential to be stored, facilitating development of other reproductive biotechnologies for this species.  相似文献   

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