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Reproductive characteristics are important for defining taxonomic groups of filamentous Zygnematophyceae, but they have not been fully observed in the genus Zygogonium. Specimens of Z. ericetorum previously studied and used to clarify the generic concept lacked fertile material, which was obtained recently. This study illustrates for the first time, using color light microscopic and fluorescence images, a consequent conjugation stage in Z. ericetorum, including completely developed zygospores and purple cytoplasmic residue content left outside the zygospores, similar to aplanospore formation. Structures confirmed earlier reports and provided new observation informative regarding phylogenetically relevant reproductive characters of Z. ericetorum.  相似文献   

Black spot leads to great marigold losses worldwide. The disease is characterized by black spots on leaves and stems in its early stages, and the whole plant has black rot at the advanced stage. In this report, 6 of 217 Alternaria strains isolated from lesions of marigold plants in Beijing were randomly selected. The morphological characteristics and a pathogenic tree based on two protein‐coding genes (gpd and alt a 1) indicated that Alternaria tagetica is the causal agent of marigold black spot in Beijing. All six Alternaria strains could successfully re‐infect marigold, but they could not infect carrot or zinnia by either spore spray in a greenhouse or planting experiments in the epidemic area. This is the first report of the A. tagetica pathogen being isolated from marigold in Beijing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Cosmarium reniforme (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) is a green alga that is commonly found in biofilms of wetlands of the Adirondack region, NY (USA). Two distinctive characteristics that are critical to this alga's survival in a benthic biofilm are its elaborate cell morphology and extracellular matrix (ECM). In this study, ultrastructural, immunocytochemical, and experimental methodologies were employed in order to elucidate the cellular characteristics that are critical for survival in a biofilm. The ECM consists of a thick, outwardly lobed cell wall (CW), which contains a patterned network of structurally complex pores. Each pore consists of a narrow channel, terminating internally at a bulb that invaginates localized regions of the plasma membrane. The outer region of the pore contains arabinogalactan protein-like and extensin epitopes that are likely involved in adhesion mechanisms of the cell. External to the CW is the extracellular polymeric substance that is employed in ensheathment of the cell to the substrate and in gliding motility. The architectural design/biochemical make-up of the CW and a secretory system that encompasses the coordinated activities of the endomembrane and cytomotile/cytoskeletal systems provide the organism with effective mechanisms to support life within the biofilm complex.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (Mab) 8B7 was shown in a previous study to inhibit protein translation in lysates of Sf21 cells. The antibody was thought to be specific for a 60-kDa form of elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1alpha), primarily because the antigen immunoprecipitated by Mab 8B7 cross-reacted with Mab CBP-KK1, an antibody generated to EF-1alpha from Trypanosoma brucei. The purpose of the current study was to investigate further the antigenic specificity of Mab 8B7. The concentration of the 60-kDa antigen relative to total cellular protein proved insufficient for its definitive identification. However, subcellular fractionation of Sf21 cells yielded an additional protein of 37 kDa in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions that was reactive with Mab 8B7. The 37-kDa protein could be easily visualized by colloidal Coomassie Blue G-250 staining as a series of pI 6.9-8.4 spots on two-dimensional gels. Excision of an abundant immunoreactive spot enabled identification of the protein as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) and protein database searching. Subsequent immunoblotting of purified rabbit skeletal muscle GAPDH with Mab 8B7 confirmed the antibody's specificity for GAPDH. Besides the pivotal role GAPDH plays in glycolysis, the enzyme has a number of noncanonical functions, including binding to mRNA and tRNA. The ability of Mab 8B7 to disrupt these lesser-known functions of GAPDH may account for the antibody's inhibitory effect on in vitro translation.  相似文献   

Zygogonium ericetorum, the type species of the genus, was studied from a natural population collected in Mt. Schönwieskopf, Tyrol, Austria. Generic concepts of Zygogonium and Zygnema were tested with atpB, psbC, and rbcL gene sequence analysis, which showed a sister relationship between Z. ericetorum and Mesotaenium, in an early branching clade sister to a grouping of Zygnema and several other filamentous and unicellular zygnematalean taxa. A variety of light, confocal, transmission electron microscopy, and cytochemical techniques provided new data on the variable chloroplast shape of Z. ericetorum, and its aplanospore structure and development, which has been previously considered taxonomically important but has been ambiguously interpreted. Zygogonium can be distinguished from other zygnematophytes (particularly Zygnema), based on the combination of two characters: (i) irregular, compressed plate‐like chloroplasts and (ii) residual cytoplasmic content left in sporangia outside of the fully developed aplanospores or zygospores. The presence of a sporangial wall that separates the spores from the parent cell should be excluded from the definition of Zygogonium, because it is also observed in Zygnema. Similarly, the ecological characterization of Zygogonium as acidophilic is not unique to the genus. The names of 18 species currently belonging to Zygogonium are here changed to Zygnema, because of incompatibility with this new proposed Zygogonium concept. In the species transferred to Zygnema, chloroplasts are typically stellate in three‐dimensions, and the entire content of fertile cells is transformed into the spore, so there is no cytoplasmic residue.  相似文献   

Polytomella is a genus of colorless green algae in the Reinhardtinia clade of the Chlamydomonadales, which has proven useful for a broad range of studies particularly those exploring the evolutionary loss of photosynthesis and mitochondrial genomics/biochemistry. Although 13 Polytomella strain accessions are currently available from public culture collections, the taxonomic status and redundancy of many of these strains is not clear because of possible mix‐ups, deficient historical records, and incomplete molecular data. This study therefore considers previously available and/or new cox1 and mitochondrial DNA telomere sequences from all 13 Polytomella strain accessions. Among four of these, namely P. parva SAG 63‐3, P. piriformis SAG 63‐10, P. capuana SAG 63‐5, and P. magna SAG 63‐9, cox1 and mitochondrial telomere regions are both highly divergent between strains. All of the remaining nine Polytomella strain accessions have cox1 sequences that are identical to that of P. parva SAG 63‐3 and although five of these have a mitochondrial telomere haplotype that is identical to that of P. parva SAG 63‐3, the remaining four have one of three different haplotypes. Among the 10 strains with identical cox1 sequences, we suggest that three of the telomere haplotypes are associated with distinct geographical isolates of Polytomella and the fourth evolved from one of these isolates during 50 years of active culture.  相似文献   

Study of charophycean green algae, including the Coleochaetales, may shed light on the evolutionary history of characters they share with their land plant relatives. We examined the tubulin cytoskeleton during mitosis, cytokinesis, and growth in members of the Coleochaetales with diverse morphologies to determine if phragmoplasts occurred throughout this order and to identify microtubular patterns associated with cell growth. Species representing three subgroups of Coleochaete and its sister genus Chaetosphaeridium were studied. Cytokinesis involving a phragmoplast was found in the four taxa examined. Differential interference contrast microscopy of living cells confirmed that polar cytokinesis like that described in the model flowering plant Arabidopsis occurred in all species when the forming cell plate traversed a vacuole. Calcofluor labeling of cell walls demonstrated directed growth from particular cell regions of all taxa. Electron microscopy confirmed directed growth in the unusual growth pattern of Chaetosphaeridium. All four species exhibited unordered microtubule patterns associated with diffuse growth in early cell expansion. In subsequent elongating cells, Coleochaete irregularis Pringsheim and Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Nordstedt) Klebahn exhibited tubulin cytoskeleton arrays corresponding to growth patterns associated with tip growth in plants, fungi, and other charophycean algae. Hoop‐shaped microtubules frequently associated with diffuse growth of elongating cells in plants were not observed in any of these species. Presence of phragmoplasts in the diverse species studied supports the hypothesis that cytokinesis involving a phragmoplast originated in a common ancestor of the Coleochaetales, and possibly in a common ancestor of Charales, Coleochaetales, Zygnematales, and plants.  相似文献   

The green microalga Apatococcus lobatus is widely distributed in terrestrial habitats throughout many climatic zones. It dominates green biofilms on natural and artificial substrata in temperate latitudes and is regarded as a key genus of obligate terrestrial consortia. Until now, its isolation, cultivation and application as a terrestrial model organism has been hampered by slow growth rates and low growth capacities. A mixotrophic culturing approach clearly enhanced the accumulation of biomass, thereby permitting the future application of A. lobatus in different types of bio‐assays necessary for material and biofilm research. The ability of A. lobatus to grow mixotrophically is assumed as a competitive advantage in terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic euglenoid genus Cryptoglena is differentiated from other euglenoid genera by having a longitudinal sulcus, one chloroplast, two large trough‐shaped paramylon plates positioned between the chloroplast and pellicle, and lack of metaboly. The genus contains only two species. To understand genetic diversity and taxonomy of Cryptoglena species, we analyzed molecular and morphological data from 25 strains. A combined data set of nuclear SSU and LSU and plastid SSU and LSU rRNA genes was analyzed using Bayesian, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and distance (neighbor joining) methods. Although morphological data of all strains showed no significant species‐specific pattern, molecular data segregated the taxa into five clades, two of which represented previously known species: C. skujae and C. pigra, and three of which were designated as the new species, C. soropigra, C. similis, and C. longisulca. Each species had unique molecular signatures that could be found in the plastid SSU rRNA Helix P23_1 and LSU rRNA H2 domain. The genetic similarity of intraspecies based on nr SSU rDNA ranged from 97.8% to 100% and interspecies ranged from 95.3% to 98.9%. Therefore, we propose three new species based on specific molecular signatures and gene divergence of the nr SSU rDNA sequences.  相似文献   

The presence of two glycolytic pathways working in parallel in plastids and cytosol has complicated the understanding of this essential process in plant cells, especially the integration of the plastidial pathway into the metabolism of heterotrophic and autotrophic organs. It is assumed that this integration is achieved by transport systems, which exchange glycolytic intermediates across plastidial membranes. However, it is unknown whether plastidial and cytosolic pools of 3‐phosphoglycerate (3‐PGA) can equilibrate in non‐photosynthetic tissues. To resolve this question, we employed Arabidopsis mutants of the plastidial glycolytic isoforms of glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPCp) that express the triose phosphate translocator (TPT) under the control of the 35S (35S:TPT) or the native GAPCp1 (GAPCp1:TPT) promoters. TPT expression under the control of both promoters complemented the vegetative developmental defects and metabolic disorders of the GAPCp double mutants (gapcp1gapcp2). However, as the 35S is poorly expressed in the tapetum, full vegetative and reproductive complementation of gapcp1gapcp2 was achieved only by transforming this mutant with the GAPCp1:TPT construct. Our results indicate that the main function of GAPCp is to supply 3‐PGA for anabolic pathways in plastids of heterotrophic cells and suggest that the plastidial glycolysis may contribute to fatty acid biosynthesis in seeds. They also suggest a 3‐PGA deficiency in the plastids of gapcp1gapcp2, and that 3‐PGA pools between cytosol and plastid do not equilibrate in heterotrophic cells.  相似文献   

Phylogeography of B atrachospermum viride‐brasiliense was investigated using two mitochondrial regions: the cox2‐3 spacer and the barcode region of cox1 gene. Eighty‐seven individuals were analyzed from nine stream segments throughout its distribution in Brazil. Ten cox2‐3 spacer and nine cox1 haplotypes were observed among the individuals studied (87 vs. 43, respectively). Divergences among haplotypes were relatively low (≤2.4% for cox2‐3 and ≤1.8% for cox1). Most locations have a single haplotype, whereas only two locations had two haplotypes for both markers. The haplotype network for cox2‐3 showed a phylogeographic trend from the south towards the southeast with haplotypes from the southeast more closely related. For cox1 a trend from the southeast spreading towards the south and north was revealed, with the southern haplotypes more closely associated. Results clearly indicated that B . viride‐brasiliense represents a single species and the phylogeographic pattern consisted of a closely connected group of haplotypes from southern and southeastern Brazil. Levels of intra‐ and inter‐population variation were similar for the two markers with slightly higher values for cox2‐3. The trend observed in this study is similar to that in other members of Batrachospermales with little variation within a stream segment (one or two haplotypes) and more distant haplotypes showing higher divergences. This pattern could be attributed to the fact that colonization of a site might be rare by a single event with subsequent proliferation of the population. The geographic distribution of B . viride‐brasiliense was interpreted according to the biogeographic models proposed for South America being limited to three morpho‐climatic domains or biogeographic provinces: tropical Atlantic rainforest, sub‐tropical rainforest and cerrado (Brazilian savannah).  相似文献   

In contrast to the many investigations on possible relationships between climate and geographical distributions in macroalgae, there are almost no similar studies regarding microalgae. In this study we consider the potential influence of temperature on patterns of distribution of six Cosmarium strains isolated from various climate zones that have been cultured long-term (> 15 years) in a relatively low temperature–low light regime. Growth and photosynthetic parameters, obtained from PAM fluorometry, were used to estimate the physiological characteristics of the strains during and after various temperature treatments. Acclimation to constant temperature and light conditions tended to affect photosynthetic parameters more than algal growth characteristics. However, all of the Cosmarium strains demonstrated physiological responses that were consistent with their source location under both low and high temperature conditions, confirming that such responses are genetically preserved. The Cosmarium strains displayed photosynthetic capacities and levels of the onset of saturation that repeatedly exceeded values recorded for other microalgae and seaweeds, indicating that these desmid strains are adapted to high light. This observation, as well as the relatively high growth temperature optima for all of the Cosmarium strains, provides some support for Coesel's hypothesis on the origin of desmids in the tropical zone. Interestingly, the Cosmarium strains used in this study demonstrated not only adaptive characteristics in accordance with the temperature prevailing at their sampling sites, but also with regard to their evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial DNA D‐loop sequences of 1105 individuals were used to assess the diversity of maternal lineages of cattle populations in China. In total, 250 taurine and 88 zebu haplotypes were identified. Five main haplogroups—T1a, T2, T3, T4 and T5—were identified in Bos taurus, whereas Bos indicus harbored two haplogroups—I1 and I2. Our results suggest that the distribution of T1a in Asia was concentrated mainly in the northeast region (northeast China, Korea and Japan); haplogroups T2, T3 and T4 were predominant in Chinese cattle; and T5 was sporadically detected in Mongolian and Pingwu cattle. In contrast to the widespread presence of I1, I2 was distributed only in southwestern China (Yunnan‐Guizhou Plateau and the Tibet Autonomous Region) and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is the first time that all five taurine haplogroups and two zebu haplogroups have been found in Mongolian cattle. In addition, eight individuals in Tibetan cattle carried the Bos grunniens mtDNA type. The high mtDNA diversity (= 0.904 ± 0.008) and the weak genetic structure among the 57 Chinese cattle breeds/populations are consistent with their complex historical background, migration route and ecological environment.  相似文献   

The Parachlorella clade was put forward as a group within the family Chlorellaceae in 2004. Recent molecular analyses have revealed that Dictyosphaerium morphotype algae form several independent lineages within the Parachlorella clade, and new genera and species have been established. In this study, we focus on the diversity of Dictyosphaerium morphotype algae within the Parachlorella clade, based on 42 strains from China. We used combined analyses of morphology and molecular data based on SSU and internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) rDNA sequences to characterize these algae. In addition, the secondary structure of ITS2 was compared to delineate new lineages. Our results revealed high phylogenic diversity of Dictyosphaerium morphotype algae, and we describe five distinct lineages. We examined the morphological features of these five lineages, and morphological differences are difficult to find compared with other Dictyosphaerium morphotype algae. The five distinct lineages were not described as new genera currently. We lastly discuss the taxonomic problems regarding the Dictyosphaerium morphotype within the Parachlorella clade, and possible solutions are considered.  相似文献   

Gynostemma pentaphyllum, a member of family Cucurbitaceae, is a perennial creeping herb used as a traditional medicinal plant in China. In this study, six polymorphic nSSR and four EST‐SSR primers were used to genotype 1,020 individuals in 72 wild populations of G. pentaphyllum. The genetic diversity and population structure were investigated, and ecological niche modeling was performed to reveal the evolution and demographic history of its natural populations. The results show that G. pentaphyllum has a low level of genetic diversity and high level of variation among populations because of pervasive asexual propagation, genetic drift, and long‐term habitat isolation. Results of the Mantel test demonstrate that the genetic distance and geographic distance are significantly correlated among G. pentaphyllum natural populations. The populations can be divided into two clusters on the basis of genetic structure. Asymmetrical patterns of historical gene flow were observed among the clusters. For the contemporary, almost all the bidirectional gene flow of the related pairs was symmetrical with slight differences. Recent bottlenecks were experienced by 34.72% of the studied populations. The geographic range of G. pentaphyllum continues to expand northward and eastward from Hengduan Mountains. The present distribution of G. pentaphyllum is a consequence of its complex evolution. Polyploidy in G. pentaphyllum is inferred to be polygenetic. Finally, G. pentaphyllum is a species in need of protection, so in situ and ex situ measures should be considered in the future.  相似文献   

The ecosystem and Pleistocene glaciations play important roles in population demography. The freshwater gudgeon, Gobiobotia filifer, is an endemic benthic fish in the Yangtze River and is a good model for ecological and evolutionary studies. This study aimed to decode the population structure of G. filifer in the Yangtze River and reveal whether divergence occurred before or after population radiation. A total of 292 specimens from eight locations in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River were collected from 2014 to 2016 and analyzed via mitochondrial DNA Cyt b gene sequencing. A moderately high level of genetic diversity was found without structures among the population. However, phylogenetic and network topology showed two distinct haplotype groups, and each group contained a similar proportion of individuals from all sampled sites. This suggested the existence of two genetically divergent source populations in G. filifer. We deduced that a secondary contact of distinct glacial refugia was the main factor creating sympatric populations of G. filifer, and climate improvement promoted population expansion and colonization.  相似文献   

A total of 132 mtDNA sequences from 10 Balkan donkey populations were analysed to ascertain their regional genetic structure and to contribute to the knowledge of the spreading of the species after domestication. The Balkan donkey sequences were compared with those from 40 Burkina Faso donkeys as an African outgroup to account for possible local Balkan scenarios. The 172 sequences gave 62 different haplotypes (55 in Balkan donkey). Virtually all the analysed populations had haplotypes assigned to either Clade 1 or Clade 2 even though the relative proportion of Clade 1 or 2 haplotypes differed across populations. Geographical maps constructed using factors computed via principal component analysis showed that the Balkan donkey populations are not spatially structured. AMOVA confirmed a lack of genetic structure in Balkan donkey mtDNA. Balkan populations were poorly differentiated (ΦST = 0.071). Differentiation between the Balkan donkey and the African outgroup also was low. The lack of correspondence between geographical areas and maternal genetic structure is consistent with the hypothesis suggesting a very quick spread of the species after domestication. The current research illustrates the difficulties to trace routes of expansion in donkey, as the species has no geographical structure.  相似文献   

Three partial genomic libraries were constructed from genomic DNA of the tropical abalone (Haliotis asinina) that was digested with AluI, vortexed/sonicated, and digested with mixed enzyme (AluI, HincII, and RsaI). The libraries yielded 0.02%, 0.42%, and 1.46% positive microsatellite-containing clones, respectively. Eleven clones each of perfect, imperfect, and compound microsatellites were isolated. Ten primer pairs (CUHas1CUHas10) were analyzed to evaluate their polymorphic level. The numbers of alleles per locus, observed heterozygosity (H0), and expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 3 to 26 alleles, and varied between 0.27 and 0.85 and between 0.24 and 0.93, respectively. Three microsatellite loci (CUHas2, CUHas3, and CUHas8) were further used for examination of genetic diversity and differentiation of natural H. asinina in coastal waters of Thailand. Genetic variabilities in terms of the effective number of alleles (ne), H0, and He were higher in 2 samples from the Gulf of Thailand (ne = 9.37, 7.66; H0 = 0.62, 0.78; and He = 0.87, 0.86) than those of one sample (ne = 6.04; H0 = 0.58; and He = 0.62) derived from the Andaman Sea. Assessment of genetic heterogeneity, including allele frequency comparison and pairwise FST analysis, indicated interpopulational differentiation, between natural H. asinina from the Gulf of Thailand and that from the Andaman Sea (P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

Plant invasions are recognized as major drivers of ecosystem change, yet the precise cause of these invasions remains unknown for many species. Frequency and modes of introductions during the first, transport and colonization, stages of the invasion process as well as phenotypic changes due to plasticity or changing genetic diversity and adaptation during later establishment and expansion stages can all influence the “success” of invasion. Here, we examine some of these factors in, and the origin of, a very successful weed, Cichorium intybus (chicory) which was introduced to North America in the 18th century and which now can be found in all 48 continental U.S. states and much of Canada. We genotyped a Eurasian collection of 11 chicory cultivars, nine native populations and a North American collection of 20 introduced wild populations which span the species range (592 individuals in total). To detect the geographic sources of North American chicory populations and to assess the genetic diversity among cultivars, native, and introduced populations, we used both a sequenced cpDNA region and 12 nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR), microsatellite loci. Four cpDNA haplotypes were identified and revealed clear geographic subdivisions in the chicory native range and an interspecific hybrid origin of Radicchio group. Nuclear data suggested that domesticated lines deliberately introduced to North America were major contributors to extant weedy populations, although unintended sources such as seed contaminants likely also played important roles. The high private allelic richness and novel genetic groups were detected in some introduced populations, suggesting the potential for local adaptation in natural sites such as deserts and nature reserves. Our findings suggest that the current populations of weedy U.S. chicory have evolved primarily from several sources of domesticated and weedy ancestors and subsequent admixture among escaped lineages.  相似文献   

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