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MOTIVATION: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that cause mRNA degradation and translational inhibition. They are important regulators of development and cellular homeostasis through their control of diverse processes. Recently, great efforts have been made to elucidate their regulatory mechanism, but the functions of most miRNAs and their precise regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. With more and more matched expression profiles of miRNAs and mRNAs having been made available, it is of great interest to utilize both expression profiles to discover the functional regulatory networks of miRNAs and their target mRNAs for potential biological processes that they may participate in. RESULTS: We present a probabilistic graphical model to discover functional miRNA regulatory modules at potential biological levels by integrating heterogeneous datasets, including expression profiles of miRNAs and mRNAs, with or without the prior target binding information. We applied this model to a mouse mammary dataset. It effectively captured several biological process specific modules involving miRNAs and their target mRNAs. Furthermore, without using prior target binding information, the identified miRNAs and mRNAs in each module show a large proportion of overlap with predicted miRNA target relationships, suggesting that expression profiles are crucial for both target identification and discovery of regulatory modules.  相似文献   

张凡  林爱华  林美华  丁元林  饶绍奇 《遗传》2013,35(3):333-342
基因多效性是癌症遗传机制中的普遍现象, 但罕见系统性的分析。文章提出采用双聚类挖掘基因功能模块的新思路探索癌症的共享分子机制和不同癌症间的关系。获取20种癌症的基因表达数据, 应用改良t检验和倍数法筛选出至少在两种癌症中差异表达的基因, 得到10417×20的数据矩阵; 采用双聚类方法获得22个癌症共享的基因簇; 进一步富集分析得到17个基因功能模块(Bonferroni校正后P<0.05), 主要参与有丝分裂染色单体分离的调控、细胞分化、免疫和炎症反应、胶原纤维组织等生物过程; 主要执行ATP结合和微管活动、MHCⅡ类受体活性、肽链内切酶抑制活性等分子功能; 活动区域主要在细胞骨架、染色体、MHCⅡ蛋白质复合体、中间丝蛋白、胶原纤维等。基于模块构建癌症相关网络, 显示胃癌、卵巢腺癌、宫颈鳞癌和间皮瘤等之间相关程度较高, 而两种血液系统癌症(急性髓细胞性白血病与多发性骨髓瘤)分子机制与其他癌症存在较大差异。可见癌症共享的基因功能模块与多种生物机制有关, 癌症之间相似性可能与组织起源、共同的致癌机制等有关。文章提出的基因多效性分析方法有助于解释人类复杂性疾病的共享分子机制。  相似文献   



It is widely accepted that genetic regulatory systems are 'modular', in that the whole system is made up of smaller 'subsystems' corresponding to specific biological functions. Most attempts to identify modules in genetic regulatory systems have relied on the topology of the underlying network. However, it is the temporal activity (dynamics) of genes and proteins that corresponds to biological functions, and hence it is dynamics that we focus on here for identifying subsystems.  相似文献   

Identifying protein–protein interfaces is crucial for structural biology. Because of the constraints in wet experiments, many computational methods have been proposed. Without knowing any information about the partner chains, a new method of predicting protein–protein interaction interface residues purely based on evolutionary information in heterocomplexes is proposed here. Unlike traditional approaches using multiple sequence alignment profiles to represent the conservation level for each residue, we make predictions based on the concept of residue conservation scores so that the dimension of the feature vector for each residue can be drastically reduced, at least 20 times less than conventional methods. Based on the representation approach, a simple linear discriminant function is used to make predictions, so the computational complexity of the whole prediction procedure can also be greatly decreased. By testing our approach on 69 heterocomplex chains, experimental results demonstrate the performance of our approach is indeed superior to current existing methods.  相似文献   

microRNAs (miRNAs) are 21-22-nucleotide noncoding RNAs that are widely believed to regulate complementary mRNA targets. However, due to the modest amount of pairing involved, only a few out of the hundreds of known animal miRNAs have thus far been connected to mRNA targets. Here, we considered the possibility that miRNAs might regulate non-mRNA targets, namely other miRNAs. To do so, we conducted a systematic assessment of the nearly complete catalogs of animal miRNAs for potential miRNA:miRNA complements. Our analysis uncovered several compelling examples that strongly suggest a function for miRNA duplexes, thus adding a potential layer of regulatory sophistication to the small RNA world. Interestingly, the most striking examples involve miRNAs complementary to members of the K-box family and Brd-box family, two classes of miRNAs previously implicated in regulation of Notch target genes. We emphasize that patterns of nucleotide constraint indicate that miRNA complementarity is not a simple consequence of miRNA:miRNA* complementarity; however, our findings do suggest that the potential regulatory consequences of the latter also deserve investigation.  相似文献   

Identifying cooperating modules of driver alterations can provide insights into cancer etiology and advance the development of effective personalized treatments. We present Cancer Rule Set Optimization (CRSO) for inferring the combinations of alterations that cooperate to drive tumor formation in individual patients. Application to 19 TCGA cancer types revealed a mean of 11 core driver combinations per cancer, comprising 2–6 alterations per combination and accounting for a mean of 70% of samples per cancer type. CRSO is distinct from methods based on statistical co‐occurrence, which we demonstrate is a suboptimal criterion for investigating driver cooperation. CRSO identified well‐studied driver combinations that were not detected by other approaches and nominated novel combinations that correlate with clinical outcomes in multiple cancer types. Novel synergies were identified in NRAS‐mutant melanomas that may be therapeutically relevant. Core driver combinations involving NFE2L2 mutations were identified in four cancer types, supporting the therapeutic potential of NRF2 pathway inhibition. CRSO is available at https://github.com/mikekleinsgit/CRSO/.  相似文献   

In order to understand the behavior of a gene regulatory network, it is essential to know the genes that belong to it. Identifying the correct members (e.g., in order to build a model) is a difficult task even for small subnetworks. Usually only few members of a network are known and one needs to guess the missing members based on experience or informed speculation. It is beneficial if one can additionally rely on experimental data to support this guess. In this work we present a new method based on formal concept analysis to detect unknown members of a gene regulatory network from gene expression time series data. We show that formal concept analysis is able to find a list of candidate genes for inclusion into a partially known basic network. This list can then be reduced by a statistical analysis so that the resulting genes interact strongly with the basic network and therefore should be included when modeling the network. The method has been applied to the DNA repair system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this application, our method produces comparable results to an already existing method of component selection while it is applicable to a broader range of problems.  相似文献   

The driver genetic aberrations collectively regulate core cellular processes underlying cancer development. However, identifying the modules of driver genetic alterations and characterizing their functional mechanisms are still major challenges for cancer studies. Here, we developed an integrative multi-omics method CMDD to identify the driver modules and their affecting dysregulated genes through characterizing genetic alteration-induced dysregulated networks. Applied to glioblastoma (GBM), the CMDD identified a core gene module of 17 genes, including seven known GBM drivers, and their dysregulated genes. The module showed significant association with shorter survival of GBM. When classifying driver genes in the module into two gene sets according to their genetic alteration patterns, we found that one gene set directly participated in the glioma pathway, while the other indirectly regulated the glioma pathway, mostly, via their dysregulated genes. Both of the two gene sets were significant contributors to survival and helpful for classifying GBM subtypes, suggesting their critical roles in GBM pathogenesis. Also, by applying the CMDD to other six cancers, we identified some novel core modules associated with overall survival of patients. Together, these results demonstrate integrative multi-omics data can identify driver modules and uncover their dysregulated genes, which is useful for interpreting cancer genome.  相似文献   



The learning of global genetic regulatory networks from expression data is a severely under-constrained problem that is aided by reducing the dimensionality of the search space by means of clustering genes into putatively co-regulated groups, as opposed to those that are simply co-expressed. Be cause genes may be co-regulated only across a subset of all observed experimental conditions, biclustering (clustering of genes and conditions) is more appropriate than standard clustering. Co-regulated genes are also often functionally (physically, spatially, genetically, and/or evolutionarily) associated, and such a priori known or pre-computed associations can provide support for appropriately grouping genes. One important association is the presence of one or more common cis-regulatory motifs. In organisms where these motifs are not known, their de novo detection, integrated into the clustering algorithm, can help to guide the process towards more biologically parsimonious solutions.  相似文献   

Proteins interact with each other within a cell, and those interactions give rise to the biological function and dynamical behavior of cellular systems. Generally, the protein interactions are temporal, spatial, or condition dependent in a specific cell, where only a small part of interactions usually take place under certain conditions. Recently, although a large amount of protein interaction data have been collected by high-throughput technologies, the interactions are recorded or summarized under various or different conditions and therefore cannot be directly used to identify signaling pathways or active networks, which are believed to work in specific cells under specific conditions. However, protein interactions activated under specific conditions may give hints to the biological process underlying corresponding phenotypes. In particular, responsive functional modules consist of protein interactions activated under specific conditions can provide insight into the mechanism underlying biological systems, e.g. protein interaction subnetworks found for certain diseases rather than normal conditions may help to discover potential biomarkers. From computational viewpoint, identifying responsive functional modules can be formulated as an optimization problem. Therefore, efficient computational methods for extracting responsive functional modules are strongly demanded due to the NP-hard nature of such a combinatorial problem. In this review, we first report recent advances in development of computational methods for extracting responsive functional modules or active pathways from protein interaction network and microarray data. Then from computational aspect, we discuss remaining obstacles and perspectives for this attractive and challenging topic in the area of systems biology.  相似文献   

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