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Conservation of tropical forest birds in countryside habitats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The pressing need to increase agricultural production often seems at odds with conserving biodiversity. We find that if managed properly, the tropical countryside may provide a substantial opportunity for tropical bird conservation. We detected 144 bird species from 29 families in agricultural areas outside of extensive native forest in southern Costa Rica. The majority of the species detected were observed foraging, often kilometres from extensive native forest. We estimate that 46% of those native to this region (excluding nocturnal species and waterfowl) are utilizing the countryside in some manner. Forecasts of biodiversity change under various land-use scenarios indicate that policies that affect habitat composition could greatly impact the persistence of these species in the countryside. In particular, if tall trees and edge habitats were removed from this landscape, we predict that bird richness in the countryside would decline by approximately 40%.  相似文献   

Clearance of tropical forest for agricultural purposes is generally assumed to seriously threaten the survival of forest species. In this study, we quantified the conservation value, for forest bird species, of three degraded habitat types in Peninsular Malaysia, namely rubber tree plantations, oil palm plantations, and open areas. We surveyed these degraded habitats using point counts to estimate their forest bird species richness and abundance. We assessed whether richness, abundance, and activities of different avian dietary groups (i.e. insectivores and frugivores) varied among the habitats. We identified the critical habitat elements that accounted for the distribution of forest avifauna in these degraded habitats. Our results showed that these habitats harboured a moderate fraction of forest avifauna (approximately 46–76 species) and their functions were complementary (i.e. rubber tree plantations for moving; open habitats for perching; shrubs in oil palm plantations for foraging). In terms of species richness and abundance, rubber tree plantations were more important than oil palm plantations and open habitats. The relatively high species richness of this agricultural landscape was partly due to the contiguity of our study areas with extensive forest areas. Forecasts of forest-species presence under various canopy cover scenarios suggest that leaving isolated trees among non-arboreal crops could greatly attract relatively tolerant species that require tree canopy. The conservation value of degraded habitats in agricultural landscapes seems to depend on factors such as the type of crops planted and distance to primary forest remnants.  相似文献   

Question: Do case studies from silvicultural and restoration studies and applied conservation management in second‐growth Pinus palustris stands provide unique insights for conservation models? Methods: A review of management paradigms that conserve the high biological diversity and rare species, drawn from characteristics in both second‐growth and old‐growth stands, is presented for fire‐maintained Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) forests. Results: A common assumption that old‐growth stands provide the primary information for the development of conservation management strategies de‐emphasizes lessons learned from second‐growth and restoration studies. Primary conservation management goals for the Pinus palustris ecosystem include the perpetual regeneration of the fire‐maintained forest and conservation of the characteristically high biological diversity and rare species. Several attributes, such as a sustained population of Picoides borealis (red‐cockaded woodpecker), Aristida stricta (wiregrass)‐dominated ground cover, and undisturbed upland‐wetland ecotones, can predict a diverse and ecologically functional ecosystem. Such indicators are linked to critical structural and functional features of the system and reflect previous land management histories that suggest sustainable approaches. Conclusions: A traditional definition of ‘old‐growth’ relying on overstorey may be limited in describing important features of healthy, diverse Pinus palustris ecosystems. Some characteristics are significantly more important for maintenance of diversity than age of the trees and these features may be present in old‐ or second‐growth forests. We advocate that the management history, structural characteristics and landscape context of stands that harbour desirable conservation attributes (red‐cockaded woodpeckers, wiregrass, gopher tortoises and undisturbed upland‐wetland ecotones) can be used as indicators to identify important conservation and forest management principles.  相似文献   

Facultative, partially migratory animals provide a contemporary window into the evolution of migration, offering rare opportunities to examine the life-history trade-offs associated with migration. For the first time, to our knowledge, we describe the nature of these trade-offs, using a lek-breeding tropical bird, the white-ruffed manakin (Corapipo altera). Previous evidence indicated that weather drives post-breeding migration to lower elevations bringing condition-related benefits. Using elevation-sensitive stable isotope measurements and more than 1200 h of behavioural observations, we show that male manakins which migrate incur costs of diminished social status and matings with females the following breeding season. Because migratory tendency depends on inter-annual variation in weather, physical costs of displays and breeding prospects the following year, migratory decisions are subject to both natural and sexual selection, with the outcome of such decisions linked to changing climatic regimes.  相似文献   

Tropical climates and the biodiversity associated with them have long interested natural historians. Alexander von Humboldt inspired a generation of scientists, such as Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, to observe and study tropical ecosystems. More recently, the mid‐20th century saw Theodosius Dobzhansky and Daniel Janzen lay the foundations for studying adaptation to tropical climates. Now in the 21st century, we are beginning to realize the threats posed by current and future climate change to tropical populations which, despite relatively low levels of projected warming for low‐latitude regions, face potentially significant detrimental impacts. Building on the insights of researchers in decades and centuries past, improved understanding of tropical ecology, evolution and biogeography will help us to conceive how future global change will impact on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification resulted in substantial loss of farmland biodiversity. Semi-natural habitats may be viewed as potential buffers of these adverse impacts, but a rigorous assessment of their capacity for supporting farmland biodiversity is lacking. In this study, we explored conservation potential of two different types of semi-natural habitats for birds in intensively-used agricultural landscapes – farmland hedges (i.e., linear strips of shrubby and tree vegetation) and open scrubland (i.e., scattered shrubs and abandoned orchards). Specifically, we tested whether the abundance and species richness of birds differ between these habitats considering various species traits, such as habitat affinity (i.e., forest, farmland and urban species), diet specialization (i.e., animal eaters, plant eaters, and omnivores) and conservation status (Species of European Conservation Concern). We found that open scrubland hosted on average 37.9 bird species and 122.6 individuals per 1 km2 of the transect, whereas farmland hedges hosted only 19 species and 61.8 individuals per 1 km2 of the transect. However, results have substantially changed if we considered the area of suitable habitat into account. More specifically, open scrubland hosted more bird species and individuals when we considered open habitat species and the area of open habitats, whereas farmland hedges had higher species diversity and individuals of woodland bird species when we considered the area of woodland habitats. Similarly, analyses of habitat affiliations of individual species corresponded to the whole-community patterns; and revealed that several woodland bird species were mainly associated with farmland hedges (e.g., Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos and Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla), whereas the open scrubland was preferred by open habitat bird species (e.g., Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra, Quail Coturnix coturnix and Skylark Alauda arvensis). These results demonstrate that semi-natural habitats, both open scrubland and farmland hedges, have large potential for promotion and conservation of bird communities within intensively used agricultural landscapes, as both may have represented suitable habitats for species with different ecological requirements. Therefore, management measures focused on the enlargement of the area of these habitats, in combination with suitable management (e.g., regulating the progress of natural succession in open scrubland; increasing structural diversity of existing farmland hedges), may substantially contribute to bird conservation within agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The power that the birds can use for flight (available power) and the power required for flight according to physical laws (requisite power) grow with an increase in body mass, the exponents of the corresponding functions being different. Small birds can follow different strategies, either improving the aerodynamic quality of the body (thereby saving the excess available power) or sacrifice aerodynamic quality in favor of morphological adaptation to factors other than the demands of flight proper, which provides the possibility of utilizing a wider range of ecological niches. A hypothesis is proposed that the high metabolic rate of passerine birds, compared to representatives of other bird orders, is an adaptation to maneuverable (i.e., relatively low-speed) flight necessary for successful colonization of forest habitats. The speed that birds of such size can develop according to the scaling theory is too high for nesting and foraging in tree crowns, and its reduction is possible in two ways: by increasing air drag or by changing the style of flight (by analogy with airplane vs. helicopter). The first way is feasible, but a high air drag due to morphological modifications (e.g., in the size of the tail or characteristics of the wing) interferes with the possibility of long-distance migration flight, as energy expenditures for it will exceed the energy potential of the bird. This is why migratory nonpasserine birds, which have used this strategy, are practically absent in forests of the temperate zone. Therefore, more promising is the second way involving transition to a new flight style and, in a certain sense, to a new morphophysiological organization. Passerines have achieved this by changing their flight style so that the wing actively generates forces (lift and thrust) only in downstroke. Such a flight requires more energy, and, to provide it in sufficient amounts, passerine birds have increased their basal metabolic rate (BMR). Thus, both their flight energy expenditures and BMR are higher than in nonpasserines. Remarkably, among approximately 8660 extant bird species known today, more than half (about 5100 species) belong to the order Passeriformes. Such a ratio, unknown in any other vertebrate class, is evidence that passerines have gained a considerable biological advantage over all other birds due to their increased BMR.  相似文献   

Species extinctions caused by the destruction and degradation of tropical primary forest may be at least partially mitigated by the expansion of regenerating secondary forest. However, the conservation value of secondary forest remains controversial, and potentially underestimated, since most previous studies have focused on young, single‐aged, or isolated stands. Here, we use point‐count surveys to compare tropical forest bird communities in 20–120‐year‐old secondary forest with primary forest stands in central Panama, with varying connectivity between secondary forest sites and extensive primary forest. We found that species richness and other metrics of ecological diversity, as well as the combined population density of all birds, reached a peak in younger (20‐year‐old) secondary forests and appeared to decline in older secondary forest stands. This counter‐intuitive result can be explained by the greater connectivity between younger secondary forests and extensive primary forests at our study site, compared with older secondary forests that are either (a) more isolated or (b) connected to primary forests that are themselves small and isolated. Our results suggest that connectivity with extensive primary forest is a more important determinant of avian species richness and community structure than forest age, and highlight the vital contribution secondary forests can make in conserving tropical bird diversity, so long as extensive primary habitats are adjacent and spatially connected.Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

A zein gene of maize is transcribed from two widely separated promoter regions   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
P Langridge  G Feix 《Cell》1983,34(3):1015-1022

Despite the importance of tropical birds in the development of life history theory, we lack information about demographic rates and drivers of population dynamics for most species. We used a 7‐year (2007–2013) capture‐mark‐recapture dataset from an exceptionally wet premontane forest at mid‐elevation in Costa Rica to estimate apparent survival for seven species of tropical passerines. For four of these species, we provide the first published demographic parameters. Recapture probabilities ranged from 0.21 to 0.53, and annual estimates of apparent survival varied from 0.23 to 1.00. We also assessed the consequences of inter‐annual variation in rainfall on demographic rates. Our results are consistent with inter‐annual rainfall increasing estimates of apparent survival for two species and decreasing estimates for three species. For the three species where we could compare our estimates of apparent survival to estimates from drier regions, our estimates were not consistently higher or lower than those published previously. The temporal and spatial variability in demographic rates we document within and among species highlights the difficulties of generalizing life history characteristics across broad biogeographic gradients. Most importantly, this work emphasizes the context‐specific role of precipitation in shaping tropical avian demographic rates and underscores the need for mechanistic studies of environmental drivers of tropical life histories.  相似文献   

Stephen Elliott 《Biotropica》2016,48(6):825-833
Assisted (or accelerated) natural regeneration (ANR) will play an important role in meeting the UN target to restore forest to 350 million hectares of degraded land, by 2030. However, since most accessible land is already used for agriculture, most of the sites, available for ANR, are far from roads and/or on difficult terrain, where implementing ANR with human labour is not practical. Therefore, this paper explores the potential of emerging technologies, such as low‐cost UAVs (drones) and new imaging devices, to automate ANR tasks, including site monitoring (to assess site potential for natural regeneration, plan interventions and assess progress), maintenance of natural regeneration (particularly weeding) and species enrichment through aerial seeding. The usefulness of existing technologies is reviewed and future innovations needed, to provide practicable support for ANR, are discussed. Intensive collaboration, among technologists and forest ecologists, will be essential to ensure that technological innovations are based firmly on sound restoration science.  相似文献   

Carnivores are umbrella species with a key role in ecosystems. In the Mediterranean, they face with several conservation problems, mainly habitat loss or transformation. In this region, scrubland habitats are considered of minor conservation relevance as compared to mature forest formations. Conservation of scrublands in Mediterranean ecosystems is also difficult because to control fires, they are removed over large areas. For carnivores, scrublands may be essential to guarantee shelter and food. Here, we analyzed the importance of scrublands and other habitat variables in determining the richness of medium-sized carnivores in a typical Mediterranean area of central Spain (Monfragüe Natural Park). The Park was divided into plots of 2 × 2 km (n = 30). In each plot, a 2 km-length survey route was walked searching for carnivore scats. We recorded the number of species of carnivores and we related this value to several habitat variables. Habitat variables were summarized by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Habitat models were developed by, using multiple regression models, including PCA factors and the habitat type as predictors. The only variable included in the final model was the first PCA factor. Carnivore richness was positively associated with large tree, shrub, and rock cover areas, which is the typical habitat structure of scrublands. This habitat offers the best available area for shelter and may be considered as a key element for carnivore conservation in the Mediterranean region. To reconciliate carnivore conservation and forestry management, we proposed small-scale clearances as a management alternative to typical large scrubland removals.  相似文献   

Multi-taxon surveys were conducted in species-rich, lowland palaeotropical and neotropical forested landscapes in Sumatra, Indonesia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. Gradient-directed transects (gradsects) were sampled across a range of forested land use mosaics, using a uniform protocol to simultaneously record vegetation (vascular plant species, plant functional types (PFTs) and vegetation structure), vertebrates (birds, mammals) and invertebrates (termites), in addition to measuring site and soil properties, including carbon stocks. At both sites similar correlations were detected between major components of structure (mean canopy height, woody basal area and litter depth) and the diversities of plant species and PFTs. A plant species to PFT ratio [spp.:PFTs] was the best overall predictor of animal diversity, especially termite species richness in Sumatra. To a notable extent vegetation structure also correlated with animal diversity. These surrogates demonstrate generic links between habitat structural elements, carbon stocks and biodiversity. They may also offer practical low-cost indicators for rapid assessment in tropical forest landscapes.  相似文献   

Ecological disturbance is an important factor that influences the abundance and distribution of species. Treefalls are a prominent source of disturbance in tropical forests, but robust characterization of community change after treefalls requires baseline data that are often not available. We capitalized on 25 yr of avian mark–recapture data from a lowland moist forest in central Panama to investigate the timescale of colonization and persistence of birds in a newly formed treefall gap. We compared bird species assemblages pre- and post-treefall to explore how the disturbance affected specific foraging guilds and overall assemblage structure (abundance and alpha diversity). We documented rapid colonization (i.e., within five months post-treefall) of the treefall gap by birds. Abundance and alpha diversity increased following the treefall, but both remained relatively constant in a nearby control plot. At the guild level, frugivores spiked in abundance and nectarivores (i.e., hummingbirds) increased in alpha diversity following the treefall. These results are in agreement with those of previous spatial studies of gap dynamics and suggest that certain tropical frugivores and nectarivores have a remarkable ability to rapidly find and exploit preferred resources and microhabitats embedded in a landscape matrix. Assemblage abundance and alpha diversity decreased back to pre-treefall levels within 1 and 4 yr of the treefall, respectively. Thus, even large gaps may provide only ephemeral benefits, highlighting the importance of periodic disturbance for landscape-level persistence of species that use gaps.  相似文献   

We characterize the bird assemblage of an isolated relict temperaterainforest (Santa Inés) in terms of its structure, composition anddynamics. The relict character and long-term isolation of this forest remnant,immersed in a matrix of semiarid scrub, provide a natural experiment to assessthe consequences of long-term isolation and forest area reduction for temperatebird species. Bird surveys were conducted in a forest fragment and thesurrounding scrub matrix between April 1999 (austral autumn) and October 2000(austral spring) on a seasonal basis. Within the forest fragment wedistinguished two microhabitat types: creeks and areas far from creeks (i.e.slopes). A total of 36 species were recorded in the study site, of which 21were inside the relict forest. Highest bird abundance and richness wererecorded during winter and spring, and these were always higher in creek plotsrather than slope plots. Comparisons between this assemblage and thosedistributed in the continuous temperate forest (located more than 900km southwards) indicate that this bird assemblage shares moresimilarities, with regard to bird species composition, to southern temperateforest localities and to other relict forests, than to nearer scrub habitats.However, there are eight species, endemic to temperate forests in southern SouthAmerica, missing from our system. In this regard, our analyses indicate thatthese eight endemic species should be of great conservation concern and willlikely be the ones that will go extinct first if the fragmentation of thetemperate forest continues.  相似文献   

1. Birds are considered to be the primary selective agents for warning colouration in butterflies, and select for aposematic mimicry by learning to avoid brightly coloured prey after unpleasant experiences. It has long been thought that bright colouration plays an important role in promoting the avoidance of distasteful prey by birds. 2. The hypothesis that warning colouration facilitates memorability and promotes predator avoidance was tested by means of a field experiment using distasteful model butterflies. Artificial butterflies with a Heliconius colour pattern unknown to local birds were generated using bird vision models, either coloured or achromatic, and hung in tree branches in a tropical forest. Two sequential trials were conducted at each site to test avoidance by naïve and experienced predators. 3. There was a significant reduction in predation in the second trial. Also, coloured models were attacked less than achromatic models. Specifically, coloured butterflies were attacked significantly less in the second trial, but there was no significant decrease in predation on achromatic models. 4. The present results imply an important role for colour in enhancing aversion of aposematic butterflies. It has also been demonstrated that previous experience of distasteful prey can lead to enhanced avoidance in subsequent trials, supporting mimicry theory.  相似文献   

Comparisons of bird community composition in burned and unburned areas of a lowland tropical rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia indicated the following during the first 5 years after burning: (1) original burn severity strongly affected bird community composition at both the genus and family levels; (2) bird community composition continued to change progressively away from immediate post-burn composition in medium and severely burned forest as well as adjacent unburned forest; and (3) the degree of impact was both taxon and guild specific, with understory insectivores most detrimentally affected. Although species richness may temporarily increase in burned areas, this study suggests that multiple wildfires will lead to a decline in diversity over a large scale as birds of open fields replace interior forest specialists.  相似文献   

Leaf and stem functional traits related to plant water relations were studied for six congeneric species pairs, each composed of one tree species typical of savanna habitats and another typical of adjacent forest habitats, to determine whether there were intrinsic differences in plant hydraulics between these two functional types. Only individuals growing in savanna habitats were studied. Most stem traits, including wood density, the xylem water potential at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity, sapwood area specific conductivity, and leaf area specific conductivity did not differ significantly between savanna and forest species. However, maximum leaf hydraulic conductance (K leaf) and leaf capacitance tended to be higher in savanna species. Predawn leaf water potential and leaf mass per area were also higher in savanna species in all congeneric pairs. Hydraulic vulnerability curves of stems and leaves indicated that leaves were more vulnerable to drought-induced cavitation than terminal branches regardless of genus. The midday K leaf values estimated from leaf vulnerability curves were very low implying that daily embolism repair may occur in leaves. An electric circuit analog model predicted that, compared to forest species, savanna species took longer for their leaf water potentials to drop from predawn values to values corresponding to 50% loss of K leaf or to the turgor loss points, suggesting that savanna species were more buffered from changes in leaf water potential. The results of this study suggest that the relative success of savanna over forest species in savanna is related in part to their ability to cope with drought, which is determined more by leaf than by stem hydraulic traits. Variation among genera accounted for a large proportion of the total variance in most traits, which indicates that, despite different selective pressures in savanna and forest habitats, phylogeny has a stronger effect than habitat in determining most hydraulic traits.  相似文献   

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