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A new species, Hoya hanhiae V. T. Pham et Aver. discovered in central Vietnam is described, illustrated and compared with the related species H. macrophylla Bl. and H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don.  相似文献   

Verbascum eskisehirensis Karavel., Ocak & Ekici sp. nov. (sect. Bothrosperma Murb.) is described and illustrated from Turkey. This new species is confined to B3 Eskisehir in central Anatolia. A morphological comparison is made with the closely related species; V. oreophilum K. Koch and V. pyramidatum M. Bieb. In addition, a cluster analysis was conducted and a distribution map of the new species and the related species is also given.  相似文献   

Curcuma pambrosima (Zingiberaceae), a new species from central Vietnam, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The new species Armeria saviana, endemic to an isolated mountain chain of the Tyrrhenian Antiappennine system in south Tuscany, central Italy, is described and illustrated. The plant is diploid with 2n=18. It can be distinguished from the related species A. denticulata (Bertol.) DC and A. canescens (Host) Ebel, mainly by leaf characters, capitula, bracts and flowers. The systematic position of the controversial taxon A. majellensis Boiss. subsp. ausonia F. Bianchini, to which the new species has formerly been assigned by some authors, is discussed. A lectotype for A. denticulata is designated.  相似文献   

Alpinia newmanii, a new species from central Vietnam, is described and illustrated. A morphological comparison with the most closely related species and a key to the species of Alpinia subsection Catimbium in Vietnam are provided.  相似文献   

Maranta is a neotropical genus usually found in moist and shaded habitats in pluvial to semideciduous forests and Cerrado, with diversity center in central Brazil. A new species from Mato Grosso, M. rugosa J. M. A. Braga & S. Vieira, is described and illustrated. The new species is somewhat similar to M. parvifolia Petersen with which it is compared.  相似文献   

Myosotis wumengensis, a distinct new species endemic to Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species differs from all Myosotis species in China by having exserted anthers and a long corolla tube. Phylogenetic analysis confirms the generic position of the new species. In addition, the pollen morphology of the new species is described.  相似文献   

A new species, Hoya longipedunculata (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), discovered in Quang Nam Province in central Vietnam is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to H. fusca, but differs by having a weak and shorter stem, thin leaf blade, umbel‐like inflorescence, longer hairy peduncle and long pedicel, as well as broad, narrowly‐ovate to triangular sepals, and wider, white opalescent (sometime abaxially with purple tint) corolla with strongly reflexed segments.  相似文献   

A new species, Leucas pachmarhiensis (Lamiaceae), is described and illustrated from the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve, Hoshangabad district, Madhya Pradesh, India with conservation status assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’. This novelity is endemic to central India and belongs to Leucas sect. Plagiostoma. It differs from other species of this section by its height up to 120 cm, and inflorescence positioned at multiple nodes. Detailed notes on its conservation status and ecology are provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Primulaceae, Primula hunanensis G. Hao, C. M. Hu & X. L. Yu, from Hunan, China, is described and illustrated. Based on its general morphology it clearly belongs to P. sect. Carolinella, characterized by the calyptrate capsules, but can be distinguished by its adaxially glabrous leaves which are much longer than the petioles, blade base broadly cuneate to subrounded, umbellate inflorescence, and glabrous pedicels and calyx.  相似文献   

Carex sinosupina, a new species from Gansu, China is described and illustrated. This species is similar to C. aridula and C. ivanoviae, but differs by having broader leaves, 2.0–3.5 mm wide, perigynia 3–5‐veined abaxially and achenes concave at the middle of one lateral surface. Based on a field survey and SEM (scanning electron microscope) observation of the micromorphology of perigynia and achenes, the morphology and micromorphology of the new species, C. aridula and C. ivanoviae is compared.  相似文献   

Chassalia magnificens, a new species from the Albertine Rift in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, is described and illustrated. The species is recognised inter alia by its large stipules and montane habitat. Chassalia chrysoclada is a new combination for a widespread, but hitherto overlooked, central African species originally described in the genus Psychotria. Chassalia chrysoclada is related to C. pteropetala (K. Schum.) Cheek but lacks the bicostate twigs and dorsally winged corolla lobes of that species.  相似文献   

Ligularia dalaolingensis, a new species from Hubei and Hunan, China, is described and illustrated. It belongs to L. sect. Ligularia ser. Speciosae on the basis of its palmate leaf venation, racemose synflorescence and pappus which is slightly shorter than the tube of the tubular corolla. In the series, its closest relatives are assumed to be L. fischeri and L. stenocephala. From L. fischeri, L. dalaolingensis is readily distinguished by smaller basal leaves, shorter synflorescence, narrower involucres and fewer phyllaries and florets; from L. stenocephala, L. dalaolingensis differs by smaller basal leaves, shorter synflorescence as well as broader bracts. A diagnostic key to Chinese species of L. ser. Speciosae with broadly ovate, ovate or ovate‐lanceolate bracts is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Schiedeella Schltr. (Orchidaceae), S. jean-mulleri Szlach., Rutk. & Mytnik and S. esquintlensis Szlach., Rutk. & Mytnik, are described and illustrated. Their taxonomic position is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species, Rhus neoglutinosa M. Gilbert (Anacardiaceae) and Teclea borenensis M. Gilbert (Rutaceae) are described in preparation for the forthcoming Flora of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Diospyros korupensis Gosline is described as a new species endemic to the Korup National Park in Cameroon and neighbouring areas on the slopes of Mt Cameroon. Diospyros onanae Gosline is described as a new species from the South and Southwest Regions of Cameroon allied to the poorly known D. soyauxii Gürke & K. Schum. ex. Gürke.  相似文献   

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