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The movements and behavior of many taxa of seabirds during the non‐breeding season remain poorly known. For example, although studies conducted in the Pacific and Indian oceans suggest that White‐tailed Tropicbirds (Phaethon lepturus) seldom fly more than a few thousand kilometers from nest colonies after breeding, little is known about the post‐breeding movements and behavior of a subspecies of White‐tailed Tropicbirds (P. l. catesbyi) that breeds on islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. Our objective, therefore, was to use light‐based geolocators to identify the ranges and pelagic activities of White‐tailed Tropicbirds from Bermuda during the non‐breeding periods in 2014–2015 (= 25) and 2015–2016 (= 16). Locations were estimated based on changes in light intensity across time, and pelagic activities were determined based on whether geolocators attached to leg bands were wet (i.e., birds resting on the water's surface) or dry (i.e., birds in flight). In 2014, birds spent late summer (July–September) near Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands; by mid‐September, most (= 17; 68%) birds took a direct easterly route to the Sargasso Sea. In 2015, most post‐breeders (= 15; 94%) flew east from Bermuda and to the Sargasso before the end of late summer. For both years combined, fall and winter (October–February) ranges extended as far west as North Carolina and as far east as the mid‐Atlantic Ridge. In both years, all birds were located between Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands during the spring (April–May). All birds then flew north to Bermuda in both years, with variations in timing, during April and May. We also found extensive overlap in the ranges of males and females during the non‐breeding season in both years. During the non‐breeding season, White‐tailed Tropicbirds spent 5% of night periods and 41% of day periods in flight in 2014; in 2015, birds spent 8% and 42% of night and day periods, respectively, in flight. Tropicbirds spent more time flying during the day because they hunt by day, detecting prey on the wing by sight. Overall, our results suggest that White‐tailed Tropicbirds that breed in Bermuda are diurnal, nomadic wanderers that range over an extensive area of the Atlantic Ocean during the non‐breeding season.  相似文献   

Generalist seabirds forage on a variety of prey items providing the opportunity to monitor diverse aquatic fauna simultaneously. For example, the coupling of prey consumption rates and movement patterns of generalist seabirds might be used to create three‐dimensional prey distribution maps (‘preyscapes’) for multiple prey species in the same region. However, the complex interaction between generalist seabird foraging behaviour and the various prey types clouds the interpretation of such preyscapes, and the mechanisms underlying prey selection need to be understood before such an application can be realized. Central place foraging theory provides a theoretical model for understanding such selectivity by predicting that larger prey items should be 1) selected farther from the colony and 2) for chick‐feeding compared with self‐feeding, but these predictions remain untested on most seabird species. Furthermore, rarely do we know how foraging features such as handling time, capture methods or choice of foraging location varies among prey types. We used three types of animal‐borne biologgers (camera loggers, GPS and depth‐loggers) to examine how a generalist Arctic seabird, the thick‐billed murre Uria lomvia, selects and captures their prey throughout the breeding season. Murres captured small prey at all phases of a dive, including while descending and ascending, but captured large fish mostly while ascending, with considerably longer handling times. Birds captured larger prey and dove deeper during chick‐rearing. As central place foraging theory predicted, birds travelling further also brought bigger prey items for their chick. The location of a dive (distance from colony and distance to shore) best explained which prey type was the most likely to get caught in a dive, and we created a preyscape surrounding our study colony. We discuss how these findings might aid the use of generalist seabirds as bioindicators.  相似文献   

Calls are functionally diverse signals that mediate behavior in a wide variety of contexts in both passerines and non‐passerines. However, the call‐based acoustic communication systems of non‐passerines have received less attention from investigators than those of passerines. We examined the vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis (Crotophaga ani), cooperatively breeding cuckoos that live in groups with multiple breeding pairs. We recorded calls from 22 groups over two breeding seasons at the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Rico. We identified 11 call types and one group vocalization, and used an automated sound measurement program to quantify their acoustic features. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) correctly classified 74.2% of calls based on these features. The vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis is larger than that reported for the three other species in the subfamily Crotophaginae. Smooth‐billed Anis have at least two alarm calls, two nest‐specific calls, and one nest defense call. We also identified one possible signal of aggressive intent, one possible appeasement signal, and two calls that may communicate identity. The relatively large vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis and association of distinct call types with different functions and contexts supports the main prediction of the social complexity hypothesis, i.e., species with more complex social systems will have more complex communication systems.  相似文献   

Reports of female song, once considered a rarity, have recently increased across a variety of avian taxa. Females of many species can be induced to produce male‐like song with exogenous testosterone, but observations of female song in free‐living birds remain limited by incomplete sampling of females. Here, we report three independent observations of female dark‐eyed juncos Junco hyemalis producing male‐like song early in the breeding season (i.e. post‐territory establishment, pre‐nesting) in a recently established non‐migratory, urban population. To elicit song, we presented 17 free‐living junco pairs with a live, caged female conspecific. Three unique females responded to our trials by diving at the intruding female, chasing their (male) mate, fanning their tail feathers, and singing a trilled song similar in structure to male long‐range (broadcast) song. We compared male and female songs quantitatively and found that the two sexes were statistically similar in many spectral and temporal characteristics, but female songs had significantly lower minimum and peak frequencies than males. This result is particularly surprising, as males in this urban population are known to sing at a significantly higher minimum frequency than males in a nearby montane population. Both the seasonal and social context in which these songs were observed suggest a potential function for female song in mate guarding and polygyny prevention, but more data are needed to test this hypothesis. Whether female song is common in all dark‐eyed juncos during the early breeding season or if it is restricted to this particular urban and non‐migratory population remains an important question for future research.  相似文献   

Migratory shorebirds have some of the highest fat loads among birds, especially species which migrate long distances. The upland sandpiper Bartramia longicauda makes long‐distance migrations twice a year, but variation in body condition or timing of feather molt during the non‐breeding season has not been studied. Molt is an important part of the annual cycle of migratory birds because feather condition determines flight performance during migration, and long‐distance movements are energetically costly. However, variation in body condition during molt has been poorly studied. The objective of our field study was to examine the timing and patterns of feather molt of a long distance migratory shorebird during the non‐breeding season and test for relationships with body size, fat depots, mass, and sex. Field work was conducted at four ranches in the Northern Campos of Uruguay (Paysandú and Salto Departments). We captured and marked 62 sandpipers in a 2‐month period (Nov–Jan) during four non‐breeding seasons (2008–2012). Sex was determined by genetic analyses of blood samples taken at capture. Molt was measured in captured birds using rank scores based on published standards. Body mass and tarsus length measurements showed female‐biased sexual size dimorphism with males smaller than females. Size‐corrected body mass (body condition) showed a U‐shaped relationship with the day of the season, indicating that birds arrived at non‐breeding grounds in relatively good condition. Arriving in good body condition at non‐breeding grounds is probably important because of the energetic demands due to physiological adjustments after migration and the costs of feather molt.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry on tooth‐billed bowerbird court attendance and decoration was assessed for 32 courts located on the southern Atherton Tablelands. Numbers of active courts and the number of leaves on courts were compared with the two previous court attendance seasons. Compared with the 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons, when court attendance was well established by mid‐September, tooth‐billed bowerbirds commenced court attendance late in the 2006/2007 season that followed Cyclone Larry. There were no courts active in mid‐September, and few were active in the first week of October. Twenty‐five percent fewer courts were active over the course of the 2006/2007 season than in the 2005/2006 season. For most of the 2006/2007 season, the average number of leaves on courts was significantly lower than in the previous two seasons. The 2006/2007 tooth‐billed bowerbird court attendance season appears to have been affected by direct disturbance to court sites and by the fruit shortage that followed the cyclone.  相似文献   

The present study reports the discovery of the hitherto unknown breeding grounds of the large‐billed reed warbler Acrocephalus orinus in the Badakhshan region of Tajikistan. A total of eight adult individuals were caught at three riverine woodland sites and breeding was confirmed at one locality. The identity of the birds was confirmed on the basis of partial sequences of the cytochrome b gene. Even among individuals sampled at the same locality, genetic diversity was surprisingly high. This was interpreted as the result of secondary contact between previously isolated or fragmented populations. The breeding range of the large‐billed reed warbler is likely small and the species’ habitat is under intense pressure from the collection of firewood and fodder. Consequently, the large‐billed reed warbler remains of considerable conservation concern.  相似文献   

Insectivorous birds may adjust their foraging strategies to exploit changes in resource distributions. Arthropod prey strongly influence habitat‐specific persistence of long‐distance migrant passerines in their wintering areas, and arthropods are strongly affected by rainfall. However, the effect of drought on the dynamics of avian foraging ecology as resources shift is not well understood. We captured female American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) and studied their foraging behavior in high‐quality (evergreen black mangrove) and low‐quality (deciduous scrub) habitat in Jamaica during the winter of 1995–1996. As is typical in southwestern Jamaica, conditions became drier as spring approached and many trees in scrub lost most of their leaves; mangrove trees maintained most of their leaf cover. Birds in scrub lost more mass than those in mangrove, and scrub birds shifted to using more aerial (and fewer near‐perch) maneuvers. In scrub, but not in mangrove, the proportion of wing‐powered movements and aerial foraging maneuvers was positively correlated with mass corrected by body size. In both habitats, attack rate was negatively correlated with body condition. Therefore, redstarts in scrub that maintained body condition were likely better able to use energetically expensive aerial maneuvers and wing‐powered search movements to exploit large, calorie‐rich flying arthropods. As the scrub dried over the course of the winter, the shift in foraging tactic may have allowed some birds to forage more efficiently (i.e., lower attack rate), likely facilitating maintenance of good body condition.  相似文献   

To be successful, marine predators must alter their foraging behavior in response to changes in their environment. To understand the impact and severity of environmental change on a population it is necessary to first describe typical foraging patterns and identify the underlying variability that exists in foraging behavior. Therefore, we characterized the at‐sea behavior of adult female California sea lions (n = 32) over three years (2003, 2004, and 2005) using satellite transmitters and time‐depth recorders and examined how foraging behavior varied among years. In all years, sea lions traveled on average 84.7 ± 11.1 km from the rookery during foraging trips that were 3.2 ± 0.3 d. Sea lions spent 42.7% ± 1.9% of their time at sea diving and displayed short (2.2 ± 0.2 min), shallow dives (58.5 ± 8.5 m). Among individuals, there was significant variation in both dive behavior and movement patterns, which was found in all years. Among years, differences were found in trip durations, distances traveled, and some dive variables (e.g., dive duration and bottom time) as sea lions faced moderate variability in their foraging habitat (increased sea‐surface temperatures, decreased upwelling, and potential decreased prey abundance). The flexibility we found in the foraging behavior of California sea lions may be a mechanism to cope with environmental variability among years and could be linked to the continuing growth of sea lion populations.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, the Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus Schreber) Western Alaska stock (WS) suffered steep population decline while the Eastern Alaska stock (ES) steadily increased. One bottom-up forcing hypothesis explaining this decline predicted lactating adult female foraging behavior would be different between stocks. To investigate this effect, we monitored 11 ES females at two breeding rookeries using satellite dive recorders (SDR) during the early breeding seasons of 1992–1993, examined their behavior with respect to prey, physiological limitations, and habitat, and made limited comparisons to observations of WS female behavior reported in the literature. ES females were not operating at the extremes of ability, with most diving within the limits of aerobic metabolism, less than one-quarter of possible foraging time during trips spent submerged and most foraging trips requiring less than one-half the lipid store fasting ability of dependent pups. Thus, females may have some capacity to alter behavior to accommodate future changes in foraging conditions, but the extent of this plasticity is unknown. Because recent work suggests WS recovery is impeded by low natality, future studies should test differences between reproductive and non-reproductive mature females in order to properly assess the contribution of foraging ecology to SSL population dynamics.  相似文献   

We re‐evaluate the characteristics of the little‐known Large‐billed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus orinus based on plumage and biometrical comparisons of 10 newly discovered specimens of A. orinus with a large sample of Blyth’s Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum, the species most closely resembling A. orinus. Using specimens whose identity was verified by DNA analyses, we found that the most important criteria for identifying orinus are its long and comparatively broad bill, with typically uniformly dark upper mandible, and on average longer tarsi and claws with a thin and pointed hind claw. In contrast, previously suggested differences in wing formula, plumage colour and shape of flight‐feathers are very minor, variable and seem of limited use for identification of orinus. Graphical analysis of hind claw length against bill to skull length should assist researchers in locating museum or live specimens of orinus that otherwise might be overlooked as dumetorum, and multivariate analysis unambiguously separates the two species based on our present dataset. A review of the scattered literature and specimen records suggests that the breeding distribution of orinus lies between southeastern Kazakhstan and northeastern Afghanistan, within the breeding range of dumetorum, but that orinus may well winter predominantly east of the main wintering range of dumetorum. Further evidence to support this assessment of the species' breeding range was obtained in June 2009, with the discovery of a population in the Pamir Mountains of Afghanistan.  相似文献   

The structural features of the epididymis and the number and distribution of spermatozoa along the duct, during the breeding season, were examined in two semelparous and three iteroparous dasyurid marsupials. Total numbers of epididymal spermatozoa were extremely low in all of these species when compared with epididymal sperm numbers in most other marsupials and eutherian mammals. Although semelparous dasyurids had significantly more epididymal spermatozoa than itcroparous species, very few spermatozoa were seen in the distal cauda epididymidis of any of the species examined. This coincided with distinct changes in duct shape and the surface area of the lumen in caudal regions which resulted in a reduced sperm storage capacity in the cauda epididymidis of these species. The data suggest that, like Antechinus stuartii (Taggart & Temple-Smith, 1990a), sperm content of the ejaculates in these species will be extremely low, and that sperm motility and/or transport in the female tract is highly efficient. The functional and evolutionary significance of the reproductive strategies of semelparous and iteroparous dasyurid marsupials is still obscure and further study is needed to determine if the length of sperm storage in the female and sperm competition for storage sites is related to sperm distribution in the male and mating activities. This study does, however, clearly indicate that large numbers of spermatozoa are not required to ensure successful fertilization in either semelparous or iteroparous members of the family Dasyuridae.  相似文献   

Female reproductive performance can be strongly affected by male care, so that breeding time, a trait expressed only by females, can be seen as one trait determined by both male and female genotypes. Animal model analyses of a 46‐year study of red‐billed gulls (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus) revealed that laying date was not heritable in females (h2 = 0.001 ± 0.030), but significantly so in males (h2 = 0.134 ± 0.029). Heritability of breeding time in males probably reflects genetic variability in some other trait such as courtship feeding ability. In line with predictions of evolutionary models incorporating indirect genetic effects, the strong and consistent directional selection for advanced breeding time has not resulted in detectable selection response in males. Our results demonstrate that a female trait is largely determined by genetic characteristics of its mate, and hence, any evolutionary change in red‐billed gull breeding time depends critically on genetic variation in males.  相似文献   

Detailed information about space use during the breeding season is limited for most Nearctic‐Neotropical migratory species of songbirds because of their small size and often cryptic behaviors. We monitored male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea), a species of conservation concern, using radio‐telemetry during the 2006–2008 breeding seasons in northern Alabama to better understand their space use and habitat selection. We estimated diurnal home range and core areas using information theoretic criteria, located nocturnal roost sites, and related day and evening locations to surrounding landscape habitat, including features representative of canopy disturbances. Mean home range size was 6.7 ha (= 10), and home ranges included an average of at least 2 core areas encompassing 0.7 ha. We located 53 nocturnal roost sites that were an average 159.0 m from the center of the nearest core area. More than one‐third (36.6%) of roost sites were located outside the diurnal home ranges of male Cerulean Warblers; only 13.6% were located in core areas. Males in our study moved much farther than reported in previous studies, with some singing in areas > 300 m from previously used song perches, a behavior suggesting pursuit of extra‐pair copulations. Cerulean Warblers in our study preferentially selected a heavily forested landscape composed of mesic, floodplain bottomlands with little man‐made disturbance. Within their home ranges, diurnal locations of males in core areas were located significantly closer to a creek than locations outside of core areas. Our results suggest that male Cerulean Warblers require much larger areas than previously reported and underscore the importance of a predominately forested landscape in their habitat selection process. Although edge habitats appeared to influence space use by male Cerulean Warblers in our study, the extent to which this is an essential requirement is unclear. Our results and those of previous studies suggest that specific habitat requirements of this species can vary at the local scale throughout its breeding range.  相似文献   

To investigate the endocrine factors in Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) responsible for the suppression of the estrous cycle during the first reproductive season after delivery (150–360 days postpartum), peripheral blood was taken to measure plasma concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone, estradiol‐17β, immunoreactive (ir)‐inhibin, and cortisol. The results demonstrated that during the breeding season of lactating Japanese monkeys, circulating concentrations of FSH (1.7–2.7 ng/ml), LH (308.5–461.0 pg/ml), estradiol‐17β (<62.6 pg/ml), and progesterone (145.0–453.0 pg/ml) remained low and were similar to the nadir levels observed during both the normal menstrual cycles and the nonbreeding season. Concentrations of ir‐inhibin, which is secreted from both follicles and corpus luteum in female Japanese monkeys, were also low (300.5–585.0 pg/ml). This strongly suggests that no follicular development occurs during lactation. Serum concentrations of cortisol (261.0–519 ng/ml) were higher during lactation than during the nonbreeding season. Since babies were often seen suckling their mothers during the study, the results indicate that the increased cortisol levels were associated with suckling‐induced secretion of corticotrophin‐releasing hormone (CRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The results of this study indicate that a long period of postpartum infertility in lactating Japanese monkeys, with apparent inhibition of follicle growth and anovulation, is due to weak gonadotropin stimulation, which may occur as the result of a suckling stimulus. Zoo Biol 22:65–76, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Long‐term demographic studies have recently shown that global climate change together with increasing direct impacts of human activities, such as fisheries, are affecting the population dynamics of marine top predators. However, the effects of these factors on species distribution and abundance at sea are still poorly understood, particularly in marine ecosystems of the southern hemisphere. Using a unique long‐term data set of at‐sea observations, we tested for interdecadal (1980s vs. 2000s) changes in summer abundance and distribution of 12 species of Albatrosses and Petrels along a 30° latitudinal gradient between tropical and Antarctic waters of the southern Indian Ocean. There were contrasting effects of climate change on subantarctic seabird distribution and abundance at sea. While subtropical waters showed the highest rate of warming, the species that visited this water mass showed the greatest changes in distribution and abundance. The abundance of Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans), White‐chinned Petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) and Giant Petrels (Macronectes sp.) declined markedly, whereas the other species showed contrasting trends or did not change. With the exception of the White‐chinned Petrel, these decreases were at least partly related to regional increase in sea surface temperature. The southward shift of Wandering Albatross and Prions (Pachyptila spp.) distributions could be ascribed to species redistribution or decrease in abundance due to warming of the subtropical waters. Surprisingly, White‐chinned Petrel distribution shifted northward, suggesting more complex mechanisms. This study is the first to document a shift in species range in the Southern Ocean related to climate change and contrasting abundance changes. It suggests that some species might experience more severe impacts from climate change depending on the water masses they visit. As climate changes are predicted to continue in the next decades, understanding species responses to climate change is crucial for conservation management, especially when their conservation status is critical or unknown.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA sequences were isolated and characterized from a Puerto Rican population of communally nesting smooth‐billed anis for use in a parentage/kinship study. Lambda Zap Express (Stratagene) was used to construct a library of 350 000 independent recombinant phage and screened with TG and AAT probes. In total, 85 positive clones (73 TG and 12 AAT) were isolated. Primer pairs were designed for 17 sequences and five polymorphic loci were found (three TG and two AAT). The five loci were characterized with between four and nine alleles and heterozygosity values ranged from 0.538 to 0.840. The combined total parental exclusionary power (with neither parent known) of the five loci was 0.8869.  相似文献   

Habitat use has important consequences for avian reproductive success and survival. In coastal areas with recreational activity, human disturbance may limit use of otherwise suitable habitat. Snowy plovers Charadrius nivosus have a patchy breeding distribution along the coastal areas on the Florida Panhandle, USA. Our goal was to determine the relative effects of seasonal human disturbance and habitat requirements on snowy plover habitat use. We surveyed 303 sites for snowy plovers, human disturbance, and habitat features between January and July 2009 and 2010. We made multiple visits during three different sampling periods that corresponded to snowy plover breeding: pre‐breeding, incubation, and brood‐rearing and used multi‐season occupancy models to examine whether human disturbance, habitat features, or both influenced site occupancy, colonization (probability of transition from an unoccupied site to an occupied site), and extinction (probability of transition from an occupied site to an unoccupied site). Snowy plover site occupancy and colonization was negatively associated with human disturbance and site extinction was positively associated with human disturbance. Interdune vegetation had a negative effect on occupancy and colonization, indicating that plovers were less likely to use areas with uniform, dense vegetation among dunes. Also, dune shape, beach debris, and access to low‐energy foraging areas influenced site occupancy, colonization, and extinction. Plovers used habitat based on beach characteristics that provided stage‐specific resource needs; however, human disturbance was the strongest predictor of site occupancy. In addition, vegetation plantings used to enhance dune rehabilitation may negatively impact plover site occupancy. Management actions that decrease human disturbance, such as symbolic fencing and signage, may increase the amount of breeding habitat available to snowy plovers on the Florida Panhandle and in other areas with high human activity. The specific areas that require this protection may vary across snowy plover life history stages.  相似文献   

For migrant birds, which habitats are suitable during the non‐breeding season influences habitat availability, population resilience to habitat loss, and ultimately survival. Consequently, habitat preferences during winter and whether habitat segregation according to age and sex occurs directly influences migration ecology, survival and breeding success. We tested the fine‐scale habitat preferences of a declining Palearctic migrant, the whinchat Saxicola rubetra, on its wintering grounds in west Africa. We explored the influence of habitat at the territory‐scale and whether dominance‐based habitat occupancy occurs by describing the variation in habitat characteristics across wintering territories, the degree of habitat change within territories held throughout winter, and whether habitat characteristics influenced territory size and space‐use within territories or differed with age and sex. Habitat characteristics varied substantially across territories and birds maintained the same territories even though habitat changed significantly throughout winter. We found no evidence of dominance‐based habitat occupancy; instead, territories were smaller if they contained more perching shrubs or maize crops, and areas with more perching shrubs were used more often within territories, likely because perches are important for foraging and territory defence. Our findings suggest that whinchats have non‐specialised habitat requirements within their wintering habitat of open savannah and farmland, and respond to habitat variation by adjusting territory size and space‐use within their territories instead of competing with conspecifics. Whinchats show a tolerance for human‐modified habitats and results support previous findings that some crop types may provide high‐quality wintering habitat by increasing perch density and foraging opportunities. By having non‐specialised requirements within broad winter habitat types, migrants are likely to be flexible to changing wintering conditions in Africa, both within and across winters, so possibly engendering some resilience to the rapid anthropogenic habitat degradation occurring throughout their wintering range.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of foraging grey herons during the breeding season seemed to be determined by a trade-off between costs and benefits of area sampling versus site fidelity. Breeding birds with little experience of the area spent more time exploring than birds with more experience in the early stages of reproduction. Non-breeding herons and first-year breeders showed little site fidelity. Time budgets appeared to be affected mainly by daily changes in food availability and, for breeding birds, by demands of the brood.  相似文献   

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