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The aim of this study is to provide information on the fishing pattern of Parapenaeus longirostris in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean), in order to improve the management of the resource in the area. Data were obtained from commercial fishery, covering the period 1991–2002. Catch rates revealed notable inter-annual fluctuation of the P. longirostris landing, probably due to the life cycle of the species. The highest yields (kg per hour of trawl) of the commercial fishery were obtained at depths ranging between 180 and 300 m, the lower ones at depths between 100 and 180 m, where small specimens are more abundant. Commercial catches were characterised by a very low presence of specimens smaller than 20 mm carapace length (CL), mainly due to the deeper localisation of the fishing grounds when compared to the recruitment areas of the species. The size at which 50% of the specimens were discarded by the fishermen was 15 mm CL, while the estimated size at first capture of the individuals caught by the commercial net was 12.4 mm CL.  相似文献   

The identification of species and population boundaries is important in both evolutionary and conservation biology. In recent years, new population genetic and computational methods for estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses in a quantitative manner have emerged. Using a Bayesian framework and a quantitative model‐testing approach, we evaluated the species status and genetic connectedness of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.) populations off remote northwestern Australia, with a focus on pelagic ‘offshore’ dolphins subject to incidental capture in a trawl fishery. We analysed 71 dolphin samples from three sites beyond the 50 m depth contour (the inshore boundary of the fishery) and up to 170 km offshore, including incidentally caught and free‐ranging individuals associating with trawl vessels, and 273 dolphins sampled at 12 coastal sites inshore of the 50 m depth contour and within 10 km of the coast. Results from 19 nuclear microsatellite markers showed significant population structure between dolphins from within the fishery and coastal sites, but also among dolphins from coastal sites, identifying three coastal populations. Moreover, we found no current or historic gene flow into the offshore population in the region of the fishery, indicating a complete lack of recruitment from coastal sites. Mitochondrial DNA corroborated our findings of genetic isolation between dolphins from the offshore population and coastal sites. Most offshore individuals formed a monophyletic clade with common bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), while all 273 individuals sampled coastally formed a well‐supported clade of Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus). By including a quantitative modelling approach, our study explicitly took evolutionary processes into account for informing the conservation and management of protected species. As such, it may serve as a template for other, similarly inaccessible study populations.  相似文献   

The life history and feeding habits of Pontoporeia affinis Lindström were studied in mesotrophic Lake Erken during 1982 to 1983. The greatest densities and biomasses of P. affinis occurred at 12 m (662 ind./m2 and 118.2 mg dw/m2, respectively) with values decreasing at the shallower and deeper regions. The life cycle of Pontoporeia was one year, with recruitment occurring in April, at which time the majority of the population consisted of individuals <2 mm. Overall the gut content of Pontoporeia was predominantly composed of detritus (97.6%) with algae accounting for 2.3%. Annual production was highest at 12 m (386.2 mg dw/m2) and lowest at 16 m (8.1). The highest production occurred during September, coinciding with the autumn Bacillariophyceae bloom.  相似文献   

We compiled historical reports of megamouth sharks Megachasma pelagios (mostly fishery by-catch and strandings) from 1976 to 2018 (n = 117) and found that they are distributed globally (highest latitude, 36°) with three hotspots: Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. Despite possible biases due to variability in fishing effort, more individuals were reported at higher latitudes in the summer, suggesting seasonal, latitudinal migrations. Sex ratios were female-biased in Japan, but more even in Taiwan and the Philippines, suggesting some sexual segregation. Females (total length, LT = 3.41–7.10 m) were larger than males (LT = 1.77–5.39 m) and matured at a larger LT (5.17 m) than males (4.26 m). Also, we reviewed the systematics, feeding ecology and swimming behaviour of Megachasma pelagios based on the literature. Our review shows that, compared with their morphology, anatomy and genetics, behavioural ecology of this species remains largely unknown and electronic tagging studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Crustaceans of the genus Metanephrops are of great commercial value in some tropical and subtropical regions. With the potential development of a new deep lobster fishery in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, the objective of this work is to describe for first time the patterns of spatial and bathymetric distribution, and diel migratory periodicity of the Caribbean lobster (M. binghami). Data were collected by trawling in depths between 200 and 550 m (100 m strata intervals) in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. Higher biomass and size of these crustaceans were found between 250 and 350 m, with a maximum at about 300 m. The study offers diel patterns of M. binghami, which suggests nocturnal activity and burrowing during daylight hours.  相似文献   

Based on data sampled in 1992–2002, the occurrence, spatial distribution, bathymetry, bottom temperatures preferences, size composition, feeding, and some features of reproductive biology of mud skate Rhinoraja taranetzi in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are considered. Throughout the year, the mud skate was most abundant in the central part of the study area, from the coast of Onekotan Island to the southern tip of Kamchatka peninsula. The proportion of this species in bottom trawl catches in different seasons has changed slightly. However, maximum catch occurred in September–December. In April–May mud skates occupied shallower depths (mean 230–270 m), moving deeper in the summer period (mean 340–390 m). In December–March the skate occurred at lower bottom temperatures (mean 0.8–1.6°C) whereas the rest of the year it inhabited warmer waters with mean bottom temperatures of 2.5–3.1°C. Throughout the year decreasing body weight with depth was observed, indicating that adult and juvenile mud skates inhabit different depths. Total length of mud skates in catches ranged from 17 to 70 cm with a mean of 51.71 cm. Relation between total length (TL, cm) and body weight (W, g) was: W = 0.0029TL3.1614 (r2 = 0.978). Males were more abundant among small skates (<30 cm) only, whereas females predominated among larger skates (>30 cm) comprising about 70% in 60–70 cm length class. Female mud skates were longer and heavier than males (mean length 56.9 vs 51.2 cm and mean weight 1206 vs 807 g, respectively). This species is considered to be benthophagous, consuming mostly amphipods (34.9% by weight), polychaete worms (27.6%), decapod crustaceans (12.7%), and fishery discards (13.9%). Small skates (20–40 cm) fed mostly on amphipods (85.4%); medium‐sized (40–60 cm) ate amphipods (40.2%), polychaetes (29.1%) and decapods (19.3%); the largest individuals (>60 cm) consumed fishery offal (27.9%) and less amphipods (26.6%) and polychaetes (27.7%). Preliminary data on the maturation of the species in the western Bering Sea showed that males and females become mature at lengths above 61 cm TL.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the catch rates, species composition and reproductive biology of flotsam‐associated fishes targeted by ring nets off the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. Catch and number of multiday boats operating with ring nets were collected at Beruwala fishery harbor on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, March to October 2013, by making fortnightly field visits. Fish samples were collected randomly from the unloaded ring net catches to analyze reproductive biology. Twelve fish species belonging to four major families: Scombridae, Carangidae, Coryphaenidae and Balistidae were identified in the ring net catches and five species, Decapterus russelli, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares, Elagatis bipinnulata and Canthidermis maculatus were predominant. An average of 25 ± 12% multiday boats landing at the Beruwala fishery harbor operated with ring nets each month, with an average monthly catch rate fluctuating from 730 ± 101 to 3924 ± 1094 kg per boat per trip. Catch rates of tunas and carangids were significantly higher than the other fish groups (anova ; d.f. = 3, P < 0.05). Total fish landed by ring nets at the Beruwala fishery harbor during the study period was 1456 tonnes. Species belonging to the family carangidae had the highest percentage contribution (46.6%) to the ring net landings followed by tuna (34%). Similar‐size individuals ranging from 24 to 31 cm were landed by ring nets, with all landed individuals belonging to K. pelamis, T. albacares and E. bipinnulata having immature gonads. The findings of this study will be useful locally as well as regionally to manage the ring net fishery and to aid in implementing measures to manage the highly migratory tuna species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Tropical forests have exceptional woodpecker diversity, but little is known about the abundance and diversity of woodpeckers in the Indian subcontinent, particularly for the Shorea robusta‐dominated moist deciduous forests of northern India. Our objective was to compare the number of woodpecker species and number of individuals detected using playback surveys and visual/aural transect surveys at five sites. Each site was surveyed 5–6 times along a 2000‐m transect, with woodpeckers detected using two methods: (1) visual and aural cues, and (2) playing back calls of 13 species at 400‐m intervals. Both methods involved similar effort per survey (100–110 min). During surveys, we detected 11 species of woodpeckers. More species and more than twice as many individuals were detected during playback surveys than during visual/aural surveys. In addition, species accumulation curves showed that we detected the species known to be present based on previous work faster with playback surveys than with visual/aural surveys at four of the five sites. During field trials, 97% of targeted individuals (N= 269) of 12 species responded to playback, and 83% of the responses occurred within 1 min of broadcast. The number of species of woodpeckers in our study area (11 species) was typical for a structurally diverse, tropical/subtropical moist broad‐leaved forest. Our results demonstrate that playback surveys are more efficient and accurate than visual/aural surveys, and that playback surveys can be useful for assessing and monitoring woodpecker diversity in tropical forests.  相似文献   

A post‐hoc analysis on the decline of the European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) population in the Elbe River was performed for the end of the 19th century. A modeling approach was applied to determine the role of various factors potentially impacting the population. Using an age‐structured population model developed for European sturgeon, the estimates of fishing efficiency in the Elbe were verified. Catches reported from 1850 to 1920 were used as a basis to identify the population size, dynamics of the decline and the impacts contributing to the population decline. According to results of the model, the historic population size of the European sturgeon in the Elbe River exceeded 450 000 individuals. The population revealed a significant response in abundance of adults towards the fishery directed at spawning migrants, even at low fishery effort. Unsustainable fishery was the initial cause of the population decline, while increasing pollution and habitat degradation revealed significant impacts after 1860. The results represent a good example for the fisheries ‘hyperstability’ phenomenon. In the case of the Elbe fishery, an increasing fishery effort was masking the actual population decline while temporarily maintaining the overall yield. The results indicate that, for sturgeons and other species with similar life history patterns, the use of fishery data for the assessment of population dynamics and fishery sustainability has to be applied with due caution, as it might produce false images of the population size and dynamics.  相似文献   

Among the South Shetland Islands, the potential competition for krill (Euphausia superba) between the Japanese fishery and krill-eating breeding penguins was assessed. A low level of competition was apparent due to several factors. Spatial overlap between the main fishing and foraging areas was insignificant. Firstly, the large colonies of the dominant penguin (chinstrap penguins,Pygoscelis antarctica) occurred where sea ice disappears early in spring, and not necessarily where krill are abundant in summer, i.e. the area of krill fishery. Secondly, overlap between trawling depth and foraging dive depth of penguins was marginal, with the latter depth being shallower. Moreover, overlap in the size-frequency of krill caught by trawlers and those captured by penguins was not complete; the penguins took larger krill on average. Finally, the present small fishery is unlikely to impact upon local krill biomass in the region. Krill biomass was estimated to be 250–1500 × 103 tonnes within the preferred fishing areas during summer. The present catch rate by the fishery (≤13 × 103 tonnes/half-month period) is smaller by an order of magnitude, and the fishing area does not include the main foraging areas of breeding penguins.  相似文献   

Fisheries are recognised as a major threat to sea turtles worldwide. Oceanic driftnets are considered the main cause of the steep decline in Pacific Ocean populations of the leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea. The world’s largest leatherback population nests in West Africa and migrates across the Atlantic Ocean to feed off the South American coast. There, the turtles encounter a range of fisheries, including the Brazilian driftnet fishery targeting hammerhead sharks. From 2002 to 2008, 351 sea turtles were incidentally caught in 41 fishing trips and 371 sets. Leatherbacks accounted for 77.3% of the take (n = 252 turtles, capture rate = 0.1405 turtles/km of net), followed by loggerheads Caretta caretta (47 individuals, capture rate = 0.0262 turtles/km of net), green turtles Chelonia mydas (27 individuals, capture rate = 0.0151 turtles/km of net) and unidentified hard-shelled turtles (25 individual, capture rate = 0.0139 turtles/km of net) that fell off the net during hauling. Immediate mortality (i.e., turtles that were dead upon reaching the vessel, excluding post-release mortality) was similar among the species and accounted for 22.2 to 29.4% of turtles hauled onboard. The annual catch by this fishery ranged from 1,212 to 6,160 leatherback turtles, as estimated based on bootstrap procedures under different fishing effort scenarios in the 1990s. The present inertia in law and enforcement regarding gillnet regulations in Brazil could result in the reestablishment of the driftnet fishery, driving rates of leatherback mortality to levels similar to those observed in previous decades. This development could potentially lead to the collapse of the South Atlantic leatherback population, mirroring the decline of the species in the Pacific. In light of these potential impacts and similar threats to other pelagic mega fauna, we recommend banning this type of fishery in the region.  相似文献   

The greyfin croaker Pennahia anea is one of the most common croakers currently on retail sale in Hong Kong, but there are no regional studies on its biology or fishery. The reproductive biology of the species, based on 464 individuals obtained from local wet markets, was studied over 16 months (January 2008–April 2009) using gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology. Sizes used in this study ranged from 8.0 to 19.0 cm in standard length (SL). Both the larger and smaller size classes were missing from samples, implying that they are infrequently caught in the fishery. Based on GSI data, the approximate minimum sizes for male and female maturation were 12 cm SL. The size at 50% maturity for females was 14.3 cm SL, while all males in the samples were mature. Both GSI and gonad histology suggest that spawning activity occurred from March–April to June, with a peak in May. Since large croakers are declining in the local and regional fisheries, small species such as P. anea are becoming important, although they are mostly taken as bycatch. In view of unmanaged fishing pressure, and given the decline in large croakers and sizes of P. anea presently caught, proper management of the species is suggested.  相似文献   

Growth zones in dorsal spines of grey triggerfish Balistes capriscus from the northern Gulf of Mexico were utilized to estimate growth and examine factors that may affect estimates of size at age. Age was estimated from dorsal‐spine sections of 4687 individuals sampled from U.S. waters during 2003–2013, including both fishery‐independent (n = 1312) and fishery‐dependent (n = 3375) samples. Ninety‐six per cent (n = 4498) of these sections were deemed suitable for ageing; average per cent error between two independent readers was 10·8%. Fork length (LF) ranged from 65 to 697 mm and age estimates from 0 to 14 years. Both sex and sample source (fishery‐independent v. recreational) significantly affected estimated size at age for 2–6 year‐old fish. Data were pooled between sources to fit sex‐specific von Bertalanffy growth functions. Results for the female model were L = 387 mm LF, k = 0·52 year?1 and t0 = 0·01 year, while for males L = 405 mm LF, k = 0·55 year?1 and t0 = 0·02 year. These results were significantly different between sexes and indicate clear sexual dimorphism. Thus, growth should be modelled separately by sex when examining population parameters or conducting stock assessment modelling. The positive bias in estimates of size at age computed for recreational v. fishery‐independent samples also has clear implications for stock assessment as growth functions computed with fishery‐dependent samples would tend to overestimate stock productivity.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the blue jack mackerel, Trachurus picturatus, had not been described for the Canary Islands. Between March 2005 and March 2006 monthly samples of T. picturatus were collected randomly at the central fishery wharf from the commercial catches of purse‐seiners in Tenerife Island waters (Canary Islands). Some 2472 specimens were analysed, with total lengths from 10.4 to 31.9 cm. Although females outnumbered males in summer, males were more abundant in the sex ratio (1.36 : 1). Based on the monthly evolution of the gonado‐somatic index and the proportion of mature individuals, the spawning season occurred between January and April, peaking in February. Lengths at first maturity (LFM) were calculated from the maturity ogives by the Gompertz model for all specimens (22.79 cm), for males (21.20 cm) and for females (23.05 cm). In this area the minimum legal size for T. picturatus is actually smaller than the length at first maturity and should be revised to avoid depletion of the stock.  相似文献   

This study presents age‐based life‐history information for the red lip parrotfish Scarus rubroviolaceus based on a 5 year sampling programme from the commercial fishery of American Samoa. Females reached sexual maturity at 31·9 cm fork length (LF) and 2·6 years and sex change occurred at 42·3 cm LF, although not all females change sex through their ontogeny. The maximum observed age was 14 years and c. 65% of the fishery harvest was above the median LF at sex change.  相似文献   

Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the western Arctic stock winter in ice‐covered continental shelf regions of the Bering Sea, where pot fisheries for crabs (Paralithodes and Chionoecetes spp.) and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) pose a risk of entanglement. In the winter of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 the spatial distribution of 21 satellite tagged bowhead whales partially overlapped areas in which pot fisheries for cod and blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus) occurred. However, these fisheries ended before whales entered the fishing areas, thus avoiding temporal overlap. A fishery for snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) typically runs from January to May and provides the greatest potential for bowhead whales to encounter active pot gear. Tagged whales did not enter the area of the snow crab fishery during this study and generally remained in areas with >90% sea ice concentration, which is too concentrated for crab boats to penetrate. Pack ice sometimes overruns active fishing areas, resulting in lost gear, which is the most likely source of entanglement. The western Arctic stock of bowhead whales was increasing as of 2004; as such, incidental mortality from commercial pot fisheries is probably negligible at this time. Regardless, entanglement may increase over time and should be monitored.  相似文献   

Entanglement of whales in fishing gear occurs globally and where populations are recovering from past exploitation, entanglement frequency is likely to increase. The Western Australian population of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) is growing rapidly, yet from 1990 to 2010 the number of whales reported entangled in gear from the pot-based western rock lobster fishery was relatively stable at around one per year. However, from 2010, reported entanglements increased, reaching a maximum of 17 in 2013. This increase occurred immediately after a shift to a year-round quota-based fishery that eliminated the annual 4½-month closure that coincided with the whale migration. Gear modifications that eliminated surface rope, shortened rope lengths, and reduced float numbers were implemented in June 2014 to reduce whale entanglements. The effectiveness of these modifications was evaluated using a Bayesian model that incorporated changes in humpback whale population size, entanglement reporting probability, fishing effort, and whale migration timing. Our analyses indicate that gear modifications reduced entanglement in fishing gear from the rock lobster fishery by at least 25% (with 95% probability), with a median reduction of 64%. The model also showed that the greatest entanglement risk occurs on the northward migration and in water depths of 55–73 m.  相似文献   

The juveniles of many reef fishes behave cryptically during critical juvenile stages in their life history and thus the microhabitats they often occupy are not well known. Comprehensive surveys of reef fishes on the temperate mid-west coast of Australia identified that juveniles of the unrelated Epinephelides armatus (Epinephelidae) and Bodianus frenchii (Labridae) < 100 mm total length both exhibit cryptic behaviour by exclusively swimming upside down under cave roofs and ledges. These individuals swam among the sponges and small algae in this microhabitat which would provide refuge from predation and also supply the dietary requirements of these two carnivores. Occupying this microhabitat would also reduce intra-specific competition, as individuals > 150 mm were only observed swimming ventrally oriented to the substrate in caves, under ledges or on open reef. Identifying the nursery habitats of fishery species, such as E. armatus and B. frenchii, is critical for understanding their life histories, but would also inform survey designs aimed at determining recruitment strength or variation.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated chlorophyll-a concentrations of surface seawater were measured for pico-, nano-, and micro-size fractions (<2 μm, 2–10 μm, and >10 μm respectively) during commercial krill fishery operations in the waters north of the South Shetland Islands. The proportion of green krill (individuals discoloured due to active feeding on phytoplankton) had significant regressions with chlorophyll-a concentrations in micro- and nano-size fractions. Between these two fractions, chlorophyll-a concentration in the micro-size fraction showed the higher partial regression coefficient. This result shows the importance of phytoplankton larger than nano-phytoplankton, especially micro-phytoplankton, in terms of a phytoplanktonic food source for Antarctic krill in the natural environment. Accepted: 6 February 1999  相似文献   

Chronic by-catch of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) pots is a concern for terrapin conservation along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Despite the availability of by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) for crab pots, adoption of BRDs has not been mandated and by-catch of terrapins continues. We conducted experimental fishing studies in North Carolina's year-round blue crab fishery from 2000 to 2004 to evaluate the ability of various BRDs to reduce terrapin by-catch without a concomitant reduction in the catch of blue crabs. In 4,822 crab pot days fished, we recorded only 21 terrapin captures. Estimated capture rates were 0.003 terrapins/pot per day in hard crab experimental fishing and 0.008 terrapins/pot per day in peeler experimental fishing. All terrapin captures occurred from April to mid-May within 321.4 m of the shoreline. Longer soak times produced more dead terrapins, with 4 live and 4 dead during hard crab experimental fishing and 11 live and 2 dead during peeler experimental fishing. The 4.0-cm BRDs in fall and 4.5-cm and 5.0-cm BRDs in spring reduced the catch of legal-sized male hard crabs by 26.6%, 21.2%, and 5.7%, respectively. Only the 5.0-cm BRDs did not significantly affect the catch of legal-sized hard male crabs. However, BRDs had no measurable effect on catch of target crabs in the peeler crab fishery. Our results identify 3 complementary and economically feasible tools for blue crab fishery managers to exclude terrapins from commercially fished crab pots in North Carolina: 1) gear modifications (e.g., BRDs); 2) distance-to-shore restrictions; and 3) time-of-year regulations. These measures combined could provide a reduction in terrapin by-catch of up to 95% without a significant reduction in target crab catch. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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