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1. Body size and exaggerated traits can show high phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental variation. Trait size can vary among generations but also fluctuate within a breeding season in response to resource availability. 2. This study documents patterns of temporal variation in body and weapon size, and in weapon allometry over 3 years for a wild population of New Zealand giraffe weevils [Lasiorhynchus barbicornis (Fabricius)], the males of which display an extremely elongated rostrum used as a weapon during contests for females. 3. It was predicted that body size and rostrum allometry would decrease during a breeding season, but in spite of significant annual and seasonal variation there was little evidence to support these predictions. Weapon allometry in males was more variable between years and over the breeding season than females, suggesting that male rostrum size may be more susceptible to environmental change than female rostrum size.  相似文献   

1. In most birds and mammals, larger individuals of the same species tend to be found at higher latitudes, but in insects, body size–latitude relationships are highly variable. 2. Recent studies have shown that larger‐bodied insect species are more likely to decrease in size when reared at increased temperature, compared with smaller‐sized species. These findings have led to the prediction that a positive relationship between body size and latitude should be more prevalent in larger‐bodied insect species. 3. This study measured the body size of > 4000 beetle specimens (12 species) collected throughout North America. Some beetle species increased in size with latitude, while others decreased. Importantly, mean species body size explained c. 30% of the interspecific variation in the size–latitude response. 4. As predicted, larger‐bodied beetle species were more likely to show a positive relationship between body size and latitude (Bergmann's rule), and smaller‐bodied species were more likely to show a negative body size–latitude relationship (inverse Bergmann's rule). 5. These body size–latitude patterns suggest that size‐specific responses to temperature may underlie global latitudinal distributions of body size in Coleoptera, as well as other insects.  相似文献   

When an individual's reproductive success relies on winning fights to secure mating opportunities, bearing larger weapons is advantageous. However, sexual selection can be extremely complex, and over an animal's life the opportunity to mate is influenced by numerous factors. We studied a wild population of giraffe weevils (Lasiorhynchus barbicornis) that exhibit enormous intra and intersexual size variation. Males bear an elongated rostrum used as a weapon in fights for mating opportunities. However, small males also employ sneaking behavior as an alternative reproductive tactic. We investigated sexual selection on size by tracking individual males and females daily over two 30‐day periods to measure long‐term mating success. We also assessed how survival and recapture probabilities vary with sex and size to determine whether there might be a survival cost associated with size. We found evidence for directional selection on size through higher mating success, but no apparent survival trade‐off. Instead, larger individuals mate more often and have a higher survival probability, suggesting an accumulation of benefits to bigger individuals. Furthermore, we found evidence of size assortative mating where males appear to selectively mate with bigger females. Larger and more competitive males secure matings with larger females more frequently than smaller males, which may further increase their fitness.  相似文献   

1. Bergmann's rule states that organisms inhabiting colder environments show an increase in body size or mass in comparison to their conspecifics living in warmer climates. Although originally proposed for homoeothermic vertebrates, this rule was later extended to ectotherms. In social insects, only a few studies have tested this rule and the results were ambiguous. Here, ‘body size’ can be considered at two different levels (the size of the individual workers or the size of the colony). 2. In this study, data from 53 nests collected along altitudinal gradients in the Alps were used to test the hypotheses that the worker body size and colony size of the ant Leptothorax acervorum increase with increasing altitude and therefore follow Bergmann's rule. 3. The results show that the body size of workers but not the colony size increases with altitude. Whether this pattern is driven by starvation resistance or other mechanisms remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

In 1950, Rensch first described that in groups of related species, sexual size dimorphism is more pronounced in larger species. This widespread and fundamental allometric relationship is now commonly referred to as 'Rensch's rule'. However, despite numerous recent studies, we still do not have a general explanation for this allometry. Here we report that patterns of allometry in over 5300 bird species demonstrate that Rensch's rule is driven by a correlated evolutionary change in females to directional sexual selection on males. First, in detailed multivariate analysis, the strength of sexual selection was, by far, the strongest predictor of allometry. This was found to be the case even after controlling for numerous potential confounding factors, such as overall size, degree of ornamentation, phylogenetic history and the range and degree of size dimorphism. Second, in groups where sexual selection is stronger in females, allometry consistently goes in the opposite direction to Rensch's rule. Taken together, these results provide the first clear solution to the long-standing evolutionary problem of allometry for sexual size dimorphism: sexual selection causes size dimorphism to correlate with species size.  相似文献   

Patterns of geographic variation in body size are predicted to evolve as adaptations to local environmental gradients. However, many of these clinal patterns in body size, such as Bergmann's rule, are controversial and require further investigation into ectotherms such as reptiles on a regional scale. To examine the environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, topography and primary productivity) that shaped patterns of geographic variation in body size in the reptile Calotes versicolor, we sampled 180 adult specimens (91 males and 89 females) at 40 locations across the species range in China. The MANOVA results suggest significant sexual size dimorphism in C. versicolor (F23,124 = 11.32, p < .001). Our results showed that C. versicolor failed to fit the Bergmann's rule. We found that the most important predictors of variation in body size of C. versicolor differed for males and females, but mechanisms related to heat balance and water availability hypotheses were involved in both sexes. Temperature seasonality, precipitation of the driest month, precipitation seasonality, and precipitation of the driest quarter were the most important predictors of variation in body size in males, whereas mean precipitation of the warmest quarter, mean temperature of the wettest quarter, precipitation seasonality, and precipitation of the wettest month were most important for body size variation in females. The discrepancy between patterns of association between the sexes suggested that different selection pressures may be acting in males and females.  相似文献   



So far, latitudinal body size clines have been discussed primarily in the context of thermoregulation, sensu Bergmann. However, body size patterns are ambiguous in ectotherms, and this heterogeneity remains poorly understood. We tested whether Bergmann's rule and the resource availability rule, which states that energetic requirements determine species body size, apply to damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata). Furthermore, we hypothesized that the contrasting effects of thermoregulation and resource availability (e.g., productivity) can obscure the overall gradient in body size variation.



Time period


Major taxa studied



Using data for 43% of all odonate species described so far, we tested our hypotheses in phylogenetically and spatially comparative analyses at assemblage and species levels. For the distribution data, we integrated expert range maps and ecoregional ranges based on all available occurrence records. To distinguish between long-term and evolutionarily recent responses of environmental drivers in body size, we constructed a phylogenetically informed classification of all odonate species and decomposed the body size into its phylogenetic and specific components for our subset of species.


We documented a weak positive relationship between body length and latitude but found strong and contrasting effects for temperature between dragonflies and damselflies and consistent positive effects for productivity that explained 35–57% of body size variation. Moreover, we showed a strong phylogenetic signal in sized-based thermoregulation that shaped the distribution of dragonflies, but not of damselflies.

Main conclusions

We concluded that temperature, productivity and conservatism in size-based thermoregulation synergistically determine the distribution of ectotherms, while the taxon-specific importance of these factors can lead to contrasting and weak latitude–size relationships. Our results reinforce the importance of body size as a determinant of species distributions and responses to climate change.  相似文献   

A new model for estimating human body surface area and body volume/mass from standard skeletal metrics is presented. This model is then tested against both 1) “independently estimated” body surface areas and “independently estimated” body volume/mass (both derived from anthropometric data) and 2) the cylindrical model of Ruff. The model is found to be more accurate in estimating both body surface area and body volume/mass than the cylindrical model, but it is more accurate in estimating body surface area than it is for estimating body volume/mass (as reflected by the standard error of the estimate when “independently estimated” surface area or volume/mass is regressed on estimates derived from the present model). Two practical applications of the model are tested. In the first test, the relative contribution of the limbs versus the trunk to the body's volume and surface area is compared between “heat-adapted” and “cold-adapted” populations. As expected, the “cold-adapted” group has significantly more of its body surface area and volume in its trunk than does the “heat-adapted” group. In the second test, we evaluate the effect of variation in bi-iliac breadth, elongated or foreshortened limbs, and differences in crural index on the body's surface area to volume ratio (SA:V). Results indicate that the effects of bi-iliac breadth on SA:V are substantial, while those of limb lengths and (especially) the crural index are minor, which suggests that factors other than surface area relative to volume are driving morphological variation and ecogeographical patterning in limb prorportions. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:614–624, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Eye stalks and their scaling relationship with body size are important features in the mating system of many diopsid species, and sexual selection is a critical force influencing the evolution of this exaggerated morphology. Interspecific variation in eye span suggests there has been significant evolutionary change in this trait, but a robust phylogenetic hypothesis is required to determine its rate and direction of change. In this study, the pattern of morphological evolution of eye span is assessed in a phylogenetic framework with respect to its function in the sexual system of these flies. Specifically, we examine within the family Diopsidae the pattern of increase and decrease in sexual dimorphism, the morphological coevolution of eye span between males and females, and the evolutionary flexibility of eye-span allometry. Based on several different methods for reconstructing morphological change, results suggest a general pattern of evolutionary flexibility, particularly for eye-span allometry. Sexual dimorphism in eye span has evolved independently at least four times in the family and this trait also has undergone several reductions within the genus Diasemopsis. Despite most species being dimorphic, there is a strong phylogenetic correlation between males and females for mean eye span. The coevolution between the sexes for eye-span allometry, however, is significantly weaker. Overall, eye-span allometry exhibits significantly more change on the phylogeny than the other morphological traits. The evolutionary pattern in eye-span allometry is caused primarily by changes in eye-span variance. Therefore, this pattern is consistent with recent models that predict a strong relationship between sexual selection and the variance of ornamental traits and highlights the significance of eye-span allometry in intersexual and intrasexual signaling.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long been fascinated by both the ways in which species respond to ecological conditions at the edges of their geographic ranges and the way that species'' body sizes evolve across their ranges. Surprisingly, though, the relationship between these two phenomena is rarely studied. Here, we examine whether carnivore body size changes from the interior of their geographic range towards the range edges. We find that within species, body size often varies strongly with distance from the range edge. However, there is no general tendency across species for size to be either larger or smaller towards the edge. There is some evidence that the smallest guild members increase in size towards their range edges, but results for the largest guild members are equivocal. Whether individuals vary in relation to the distance from the range edges often depends on the way edge and interior are defined. Neither geographic range size nor absolute body size influences the tendency of size to vary with distance from the range edge. Therefore, we suggest that the frequent significant association between body size and the position of individuals along the edge-core continuum reflects the prevalence of geographic size variation and that the distance to range edge per se does not influence size evolution in a consistent way.  相似文献   

In 1950, Rensch noted that in clades where males are the larger sex, sexual size dimorphism (SSD) tends to be more pronounced in larger species. This fundamental allometric relationship is now known as ‘Rensch''s rule’. While most researchers attribute Rensch''s rule to sexual selection for male size, experimental evidence is lacking. Here, we suggest that ultimate hypotheses for Rensch''s rule should also apply to groups of individuals and that individual trait plasticity can be used to test those hypotheses experimentally. Specifically, we show that in the sex-changing fish Parapercis cylindrica, larger males have larger harems with larger females, and that SSD increases with harem size. Thus, sexual selection for male body size is the ultimate cause of sexual size allometry. In addition, we experimentally illustrate a positive relationship between polygyny potential and individual growth rate during sex change from female to male. Thus, sexual selection is the ultimate cause of variation in growth rate, and variation in growth rate is the proximate cause of sexual size allometry. Taken together, our results provide compelling evidence in support of the sexual selection hypothesis for Rensch''s rule and highlight the potential importance of individual growth modification in the shaping of morphological patterns in Nature.  相似文献   

This study examines latitudinal and insular variation in the expression of sexual dimorphism in cranial length in three geographical groupings of Macaca fascicularis. In addition, the relationship between cranial length dimorphism (CLD) and sex‐specific size is examined. The results of the study identified a significant relationship between CLD and latitude for only one of the three geographic groupings. Sex‐specific relationships between cranial length and CLD were detected. The pattern of these relationships varied by geographic grouping. This study is important because it demonstrates that despite very similar levels of CLD in a single primate species, there exists important geographic variability in the correlates of that dimorphism. I suggest that geographically varying ecological factors may influence sex‐specific natural selection and the intensity of CLD in M. fascicularis. Gaining a better understanding of this geographical variability will require that future research examines morphological variation, including CLD, within its corresponding ecological and social contexts. Such research should be comparative, and incorporate multiple geographically separated populations with disparate environmental settings. Am. J. Primatol. 72:152–160, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Progressive body‐size dwarfing of animal populations is predicted under chronic mortality stress, such as that inflicted by human harvesting. However, empirical support for such declines in body size due to elevated mortality is lacking. In fact, the size of three macropodid species ─ the two grey kangaroo species, Macropus fuliginosus and M. giganteus, and the Red‐necked Wallaby, M. rufogriseus ─ appears to have increased since European settlement in Australia, despite these species being subjected to size‐selective harvesting over this period. To test whether this unexpected trend also characterises other species, we sought evidence of human‐induced body‐size changes in the two most widely distributed kangaroo species, the Euro Macropus robustus and Red Kangaroo M. rufus, from the late 19th Century onwards. Spatial autoregressive models controlling for age, sex and island effects were first used to identify environmental predictors of body size and to evaluate multi‐causal explanations for spatial body‐size patterns. Primary productivity emerged as the key driver of body size in both species, while heat conservation was supported as a further mechanism explaining the large body size of M. robustus in cold climatic regions. After controlling for these environmental factors, we find that the size of M. rufus has been stable over time and limited support for a small increase in the size of M. robustus. Hence, there is no empirical evidence that contemporary size‐selective harvesting has reduced body size in these species. Rather, the latter result supports the possibility that pasture improvement and/or dingo control (and associated reduction in predation pressure) facilitated body‐size increases following European settlement in Australia.  相似文献   

The validity of Bergmann's rule, perhaps the best known ecogeographical rule, has been questioned for ectothermic species. Here, we explore the interspecific version of the rule documenting body size gradients for anurans across the whole New World and evaluating which environmental variables best explain the observed patterns. We assembled a dataset of body sizes for 2761 anuran species of the Western Hemisphere and conducted assemblage‐based and cross‐species analyses that consider the spatial and phylogenetic structure in the data. In accordance with heat and water‐related explanations for body size clines, we found a consistent association of median body size and potential evapotranspiration across the New World. A relevant role of water availability also emerges, suggesting the joint importance of body size for thermoregulation and hydroregulation in anurans. Anurans do not follow a simple Bergmannian pattern of increasing size towards high latitudes. Consistent with previous regional findings, our Hemisphere‐wide analyses detect that the geographic variation in anuran body sizes is highly dependent on a trade‐off between heat and water balance. The observed size‐climate relationships possibly emerge from the interplay between thermoregulatory abilities and the benefits inherent to reduced surface‐to‐volume ratios in larger species, which decrease the rates of evaporative water loss and favour heat retention. Our results also show how temperature becomes important for species that are directly in contact with the substrate and water, like burrowing and terrestrial anurans, while arboreal species exhibit a body size cline linked with potential evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

While ecogeographic variation in adult human body proportions has been extensively explored, relatively less attention has been paid to the effect of Bergmann's and Allen's rules on human body shape during growth. The relationship between climate and immature body form is particularly important, as immature mortality is high, mechanisms of thermoregulation differ between young and mature humans, and immature body proportions fluctuate due to basic parameters of growth. This study explores changes in immature ecogeographic body proportions via analyses of anthropometric data from children included in Eveleth and Tanner's (1976) Worldwide Variation in Human Growth, as well as limb proportion measurements in eight different skeletal samples. Moderate to strong correlations exist between climatic data and immature stature, weight, BMI, and bi-iliac breadth; these relationships are as strong, if not stronger, in immature individuals as they are in adults. Correlations between climate and trunk height relative to stature are weak or nonexistent. Altitude also has significant effects on immature body form, with children from higher altitudes displaying smaller statures and lower body weights. Brachial and crural indices remain constant over the course of growth and display consistent, moderate correlations with latitude across ontogeny that are just as high as those detected in adults. The results of this study suggest that while some features of immature body form, such as bi-iliac breadth and intralimb indices, are strongly dictated by ecogeographic principles, other characteristics of immature body proportions are influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as nutrition and basic constraints of growth.  相似文献   

Body size of many animals increases with increasing latitude, a phenomenon known as Bergmann's rule (Bergmann clines). Latitudinal gradients in mean temperature are frequently assumed to be the underlying cause of this pattern because temperature covaries systematically with latitude, but whether and how temperature mediates selection on body size is unclear. To test the hypothesis that the "relative" advantage of being larger is greatest at cooler temperatures we compare the fitness of replicate lines of the seed beetle, Stator limbatus, for which body size was manipulated via artificial selection ("Large,"Control," and "Small" lines), when raised at low (22 degrees C) and high (34 degrees C) temperatures. Large-bodied beetles (Large lines) took the longest to develop but had the highest lifetime fecundity, and highest fitness (r(C)), at both low and high temperatures. However, the relative difference between the Large and Small lines did not change with temperature (replicate 2) or was greatest at high temperature (replicate 1), contrary to the prediction that the fitness advantage of being large relative to being small will decline with increasing temperature. Our results are consistent with two previous studies of this seed beetle, but inconsistent with prior studies that suggest that temperature-mediated selection on body size is a major contributor to the production of Bergmann clines. We conclude that other environmental and ecological variables that covary with latitude are more likely to produce the gradient in natural selection responsible for generating Bergmann clines.  相似文献   

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